How to clean patent leather shoes. A patent leather jacket is a self-sufficient thing

Patent leather shoes look solemn and elegant. They go perfectly with both women's and men's suits. Every businessman must have a pair of patent leather shoes, and the presence of patent leather high-heeled shoes in a woman’s wardrobe speaks of her refined taste and high status. Constant attention and neatness will preserve your patent leather shoes for many years.

Shoe surface

To create such shoes they use synthetic varnish, linseed oil or nitrocellulose. One of these components is applied to the surface of the shoe, which creates a mirror effect. The ideal surface should be smooth and mirror-like, without any blisters, scratches, stains or general abrasion. Such shoes are considered unsuitable for further wearing. If the defects cannot be corrected, then the varnish product is disposed of.

Cleaning, polishing the surface, drying and storing - features of caring for patent leather shoes at home.

Wearing rules

Patent leather shoes require special attention. There are some rules on how to care for patent leather shoes that differ from the rest.

By following these simple rules, you can preserve the varnish product for a long time. But even with careful treatment, careful shoe care cannot be avoided. There are many secrets and tricks that can give already worn items a fresh look.

First of all, you should choose the right cream. The one you are using is not suitable for varnished surfaces. Dust and dirt are removed with a damp cloth. Do not use a brush with rough bristles. Once every three weeks, wipe the surface with vegetable oil and wipe it thoroughly so that there is no thick, sticky layer left for dust to stick to. To remove dullness and add shine, the surface is wiped with a fresh onion, cut in half.

As a rule, patent leather shoes are not cleaned before going outside, but rather after walking. This way, you can get rid of dirt and at the same time protect the delicate surface from damage.

Cleaning rules

It should be noted that regular shoe polishes are not suitable for varnished surfaces. Almost all of them contain alcohol, gasoline, aerosols and acetone. As a result, you risk getting matte stains and forever losing the glossy shine of your boots.

In case of severe contamination, it is possible to wash shoes in a soapy solution, and it is best to get rid of small stains using a damp cloth or flannel cloth soaked in water. You can often find recommendations to use warm milk instead of water.

Can be used for cleaning both professional and folk remedies. Many familiar products can perfectly clean a glossy surface without damaging it.

Don't forget also about professional care products for patent leather shoes at home:

  • Spray for wet surfaces.
  • Polish for varnish products.
  • You can restore the shine of leather shoes using special wax.
  • Milk against dirt and dust.

Do not press or rub your shoes, otherwise hard dirt particles or sand will scratch the surface of your shoes. The cleaned shoes are dried. To prevent the shape of boots or shoes from becoming deformed, folded newspaper or paper is placed inside.

Drying and storage

Dry varnish products It is possible both under the battery and using electrical appliances. Try to make sure that the boots do not come into contact with other objects, otherwise they may crack. Wet patent leather shoes are very sensitive and any careless movement can damage them.

It is equally important to ensure proper storage. For each product you will need a separate case or just a sheet of paper, as well as a convenient box where they will lie freely without pressing each other. This way you will avoid creases and other damage. Do not use plastic bags, otherwise the surface will lose its gloss and become dull and matte. Shoes with decorations are additionally lined with soft paper or cotton wool.

Manufacturers often write product care instructions on the boxes. Listen to the recommendations, and your shoes will last for a long time.

How to disguise defects

No matter how hard you try, small scratches and abrasions cannot be avoided.

To hide scratches use the following means:

It is recommended to wear shoes with a varnish surface no more than twice a month, since these shoes are not for daily wear. Buying boots inspect them, there should be no cracks, scratches, or unevenness on the surface. The color of the shoes should be uniform. Bend the shoes and look at their reaction; a quality product should not wrinkle or crack.

Don't be afraid to buy and wear patent leather shoes. This is a real highlight of any wardrobe. Thanks to complex care, you will become more collected, responsible and neat.

Attention, TODAY only!

Many people love patent leather shoes. Which is not surprising - it is she who is distinguished by grace and sophistication. Proper care of patent leather shoes helps to maintain their visual appeal for a long time. The varnish is perfect for a business suit, both men's and women's. Therefore, not only classic men's shoes with a varnish coating are in equal demand, but also women's high-heeled ones. On the one hand, patent leather shoes make their owner stand out from the crowd of regular and gray shoes. On the other hand, it is not a challenge to society, which businessmen and other serious people in their circles do not tolerate. Therefore, many people who have to frequently contact partners and clients have at least one pair of such shoes in their wardrobe on a special shelf. But in order for it to be beautiful and elegant not for two weeks after purchase, but for many years, it is worth knowing some little things and tricks about caring for it, as well as simply handling it with care.

When should you not use it?

It’s worth starting with the fact that patent-leather shoes should not be worn too often. Due to the layer of varnish, the skin cannot breathe. Of course, this leads to increased sweating, as a result of which many men prefer to take off their shoes at the end of the working day, almost wearing a gas mask. In some cases, the feet even swell, making it difficult to remove shoes. Therefore, if you do not want to risk your health and the health of your skin, you should not wear patent leather shoes more often than circumstances require.

Don’t forget about the “health” of your shoes. Still, the varnished surface withstands both low and high temperatures equally poorly. So, if the temperature outside drops to -10, it is better not to wear these shoes. The varnish film can become so brittle and brittle that it breaks after just a few steps. If the temperature rises to +25 degrees Celsius, it would also be better to leave patent leather boots at home and wear something more modest. In the heat, the film melts and becomes too soft, loses its shape and eventually cracks. And repairing such shoes is very difficult, and in some cases simply impossible.

If the weather outside is bad, it’s raining and the sidewalks are covered with puddles and mud, varnish will again not be the best choice. Street dirt and dampness negatively affect the varnish surface - it becomes dull so that even expensive care products do not help, and then becomes covered with a network of small cracks, losing all its elegance.

How to care for shoes with varnish coating?

But even if you treat your shoes with the utmost care, you still shouldn’t forget about caring for patent leather shoes. There are also many tricks here that you should definitely know about.

First of all, it’s worth saying that regular shoe polish is completely unsuitable for varnished surfaces. A few brushes will be enough for the black cream to completely hide the layer of varnish, turning sophisticated shoes into standard shoes.

In general, if you wish, you can purchase a specialized cream suitable specifically for such shoes. But this is not always possible. Therefore, many people prefer to use improvised means that preserve the appearance and condition of their shoes no worse than mixtures developed by professionals.

After every trip outside, inspect your shoes. If the surface is covered with dust and dirt, carefully remove it with a soft, damp cloth. Forget about brushes altogether - hard bristles scratch the varnished surface. Only soft, preferably cotton, fabrics. Once every few weeks or at least months, you can carefully apply Vaseline or castor oil to the surface of your shoes using a tampon. As a last resort, you can use vegetable oil, which is available in every kitchen. After 15-20 minutes, take a soft cloth and carefully wipe off any grease from your shoes. Otherwise, it will be thickly covered with dust before you reach your car parked near the entrance.

If the varnish has faded and the shoes have lost their elegance over time, they can be revived. The varnish can be rubbed onto the cut of the onion or covered with a layer of egg white. Of course, a few minutes after the procedure, the shoes should be wiped with a cloth. With this care, your shoes will always be elegant and attractive.

Varnish coating is a fairly durable, wear-resistant material. However, if you do not care for it correctly, the shoes can quickly lose their presentable appearance. How can you make your shoes, shoes or boots look neat and retain their original glossy shine? Let's figure it out.

Operating rules you need to know

If you have acquired patent leather shoes, pay attention to the following important points:

Heat and frost are the enemies of your shoes

The varnish coating is very sensitive to temperature conditions. It does not tolerate heat, so stop wearing shoes if the thermometer rises above +24°C. In this case, the film begins to melt, stretch, and becomes dull.

Doesn't like varnish surfaces or frost. Already at -10 °C it can crack and become covered with a network of wrinkles. It is recommended to put on patent leather boots 10 minutes before going outside during the cold season. This way, the skin will warm up, become warmer, and fit on the leg, which will significantly reduce the likelihood of cracking.

Humidity is bad

Patent leather products do not react well to dampness. When in contact with water, the material deforms and stretches, so in rain or snow, give preference to a different type of shoe.

Wear daily? Forget it

Glossy boots and shoes are considered festive shoes. They are not suitable for everyday use - with frequent wear they become dull, become covered with wrinkles and cracks, and lose their charm and luster.

Cleaning patent leather shoes correctly

Before you start cleaning your patent leather product, remember that:

  • For varnished surfaces, the use of ordinary brushes for cleaning shoes is unacceptable. They leave scratches, which then develop into deeper and wider cracks.
  • Creams for normal leather are not suitable for caring for material made from varnish film. Under their influence, the varnish is destroyed, becomes dull, and unsightly stains appear on the surface of the shoes.
  • Glossy shoes are cleaned with special products that contain lanolin or glycerin. Sometimes you can use castor oil or glycerin from the pharmacy instead.

A little advice: dust on a glossy surface is immediately noticeable and spoils the whole look. Therefore, when leaving the house, take with you a piece of soft fabric, such as flannel. It is very easy for them to wipe patent leather shoes and add shine.

You should clean your shoes as soon as you return home. To do this you need to follow simple steps:

  1. Use a soft sponge, cotton swab or piece of cloth to remove any adhered dirt and dust, not forgetting the heels.
  2. If the dirt has hardened and dried out, you can use a slightly damp cloth. At the same time, try not to press too hard or rub the surface, as even the smallest solid particles can scratch it.
  3. Wipe your shoes dry with a clean, soft cloth.
  4. Treat already clean shoes and boots with a cream for caring for patent leather items. You can use it to polish the surface and restore shine.
  5. After 10–15 minutes, remove any remaining product with a paper napkin.

Note: treating the inner surface of shoes, as well as insoles, with hydrogen peroxide will help remove the unpleasant odor. Soak a cotton swab in this liquid and simply wipe the inside of the shoes.

Patent leather items should be dried in natural conditions, away from heating appliances. You should not leave your shoes in a place where the sun's rays will fall on them.

Restoring appearance

You can restore the shine of patent leather shoes using folk methods, simple means will help with this:


Wipe patent leather shoes with a cotton swab dipped in fat milk. Use a piece of flannel to polish the surface.


Cut the onion into 2 parts and apply the cut to glossy shoes.
There is another option using onions. Squeeze the juice from half the onion and rub it into the patent leather. Leave the substance to dry, and during this time prepare a 3% vinegar solution. They will need to polish their boots.


You will need fresh egg white, which you need to beat until foamy. Using a sponge, apply it to the surface of the shoes, then polish with velvet cloth.

The following tips will tell you how to make small scratches and cracks on patent leather items invisible to the eye. You will need the usual things:

Eye makeup pencil

Fill in minor creases and cracks with a pencil and blend it. This, of course, will not eliminate the defect, but it will disguise it well.

Nail polish

Varnish will help remove snags and scratches. Choose a shade that matches the color of your shoes. And it’s important - the varnish should be glossy. Apply it to the wrong side of the hook, press gently to achieve a gluing effect.

Removing stains

It is prohibited to use any solvents or alcohol to clean the varnish surface. They cause the stain to spread wider and become even more firmly embedded in the material.

A method that will not only clean the surface, but also prevent patent leather shoes from getting wet and dirty is as follows:

  1. Take 1 tbsp. lie sugar and grind into powder.
  2. Add 1 egg white to the powdered sugar.
  3. Mix the ingredients well.
  4. Apply the resulting mixture to clean shoes and polish using a piece of wool.

Thanks to this treatment, the protein will fill the slightest cracks and create a protective film.

If patent leather shoes are heavily soiled, you can wash them. To do this, prepare a soap solution, soak a rag in it, wring it out and gently wipe the shoes. Wipe up any remaining soap with a clean, damp cloth. Repeat this procedure several times to prevent unsightly stains from appearing later. Dry your boots well.

Rules for storing patent leather shoes

  1. Store in a cardboard box. Paper creates an ideal microclimate for patent leather.
  2. Provide constant access to fresh air. To do this, make holes in the walls of the box.
  3. To store patent leather shoes, choose a cool place, away from heating devices. Monitor humidity; excessive dampness has a bad effect on the varnish.
  4. Try to store each pair of shoes in a separate box. Do not allow the products to touch, as the varnish will immediately fade in these places.
  5. Wrap your shoes in paper. It’s better not to take newspaper - the picture may be imprinted on the shoes. Canvas bags are good for storage. Nylon tights also cope well with this function. But polyethylene bags are prohibited; they create an environment unfavorable for the varnish material.
  6. Pack heels, heels, and all metal decorative elements in cotton wool.
  7. To maintain the shape of the shoes, place wooden blocks inside. Instead, you can use crumpled paper, crumpled into a tight, dense cylinder. In this way, you need to store shoes not only in the off-season, but also leave them overnight during everyday wear.


Appearing in the 40s of the last century, patent leather shoes immediately aroused admiration among fashionistas and fashionistas of that time. Stylish and bright, with a characteristic noble shine of the surface, today it is one of the symbols of prosperity and luxury. However, only shoes with a presentable appearance can become a status item in a wardrobe. And for this it is necessary to provide proper and high-quality care.

Features of the material

Lacquer products are made from a material based on natural or artificial leather, coated with a special composition consisting of polyurethane or polyvinyl chloride, nitrocellulose and linseed oil. Specially selected varnish components provide a mirror-smooth coating of the base, as a result of which the material acquires a beautiful glossy surface, which is undoubtedly an advantage. But it is the varnish film, being a very intricate part of the material, that creates difficulties in care and storage, and sometimes significantly reduces the service life of the product. Therefore, when caring for patent leather shoes, it is important to know what situations to avoid.

Patent leather shoes look very beautiful, but require careful care

What patent leather cannot tolerate

Factors that can ruin the patent leather coating of shoes:

  • negative air temperatures. When frost occurs, cracks form on the varnish surface and the product loses its attractive appearance;
  • the opposite problem is high temperatures and direct sunlight. Under the influence of these factors, the varnish melts and stretches. Do not dry patent leather shoes near heating devices or leave them on a hot area from the sun. The permissible temperature at which the varnish surface will not be damaged is from 0 to 25 ° C;
  • Moisture entering the structure of the material disrupts its properties. The leather layer may be deformed, the varnish surface may change color (lightened or darkened areas will appear on the product). Therefore, it is not recommended to wash shoes with water or store them in areas with high humidity;
  • abrasive products and materials will certainly damage the surface of the varnish coating, leaving scratches on it. Do not clean patent leather with brushes or hard sponges, or use powder or granular products;
  • aggressive chemicals such as acetone, gasoline, solvents will cause dull spots to appear on the surface and ruin the appearance.

Factors that can worsen the condition of patent leather should also be taken into account when wearing shoes.

Video: what are patent leather shoes

Stages of caring for patent leather shoes

In order for patent leather shoes to retain their attractive appearance for a long time, it is necessary to follow the mandatory rules for cleaning, drying and storing products.


Dust and dirt should be removed from varnish products as they become dirty during use, that is, every time after wear. You should not postpone the cleaning procedure until a later time. Dust settled on the surface of shoes may contain aggressive components and can enter into a chemical reaction with the varnish coating, as a result of which the latter will be damaged. This is especially true if you live in an environmentally unfavorable area. Therefore, it is better to clean your shoes as early as possible.

Basic rules for cleaning patent leather shoes:

  • just polish new shoes with a flannel cloth - that will be enough;
  • The same should be done if shoes are slightly soiled after use: use a soft cloth to carefully clean the surface of dust, and then use polishing movements to make it shiny;
  • for severe contamination, you can use a soap solution: about 1 tsp per 0.5 liter of water. shampoo or the same amount of laundry soap shavings. Stir the mixture well to form foam (this is what is needed for cleaning). Then use a foam sponge to grab the foam from the surface of the solution, being careful not to touch the water, and apply it to the varnish coating. Remove dirt with gentle movements and wipe the shoes dry with a cloth;
  • If there is dried dirt on the varnish surface, do not try to remove it - you may damage the surface. Apply a sponge or cloth soaked in foam to the problem area and leave for 5-10 minutes. The dirt will soften and be easily cleaned;
  • After cleaning procedures, do not immediately put your shoes in the closet; let them dry naturally for 20–30 minutes.

Professional cleaning products

You can effectively clean stains on patent leather using special products, which are available in a large assortment in the related product departments of shoe stores, retail outlets and household websites. The following brands are recognized as the best of their kind:

  • Salamander Prof Lack Care,
  • Saphir Leather Rife,
  • Silver,
  • Famaco Huile Vernis,
  • Collonil Classic Lack Mousse.

Salton professional product provides care and is suitable for patent leather shoes of all colors

Rules for using professional products for cleaning patent leather:

Video: Tricks for caring for patent leather

Traditional methods

To care for patent leather shoes, you can use available products that are found in almost every kitchen. In terms of efficiency, they are not inferior to professional ones.

Preserving the appearance of patent leather with milk:

How to Shine Shoes Using Onions and Vinegar:

You can add softness and shine to patent leather shoes using eggs and turpentine.

Features of caring for shoes of different colors

When choosing professional products for the care of patent leather shoes, you should pay attention to the recommended color of the product (usually this information is indicated on the product packaging). Popular brands often offer consumers products that are universal in color, that is, suitable for patent leather shoes of any color. But among folk recipes there are those that provide for differences.

Dark shoes

To clean black or dark-colored shoes, you can use tea or natural coffee.

In addition to cleansing and shine, this method will give the shoes a noble golden hue.

Light shoes

For light-colored shoes, a solution with ammonia is suitable.

Cleaning difficult stains

Stains and stubborn dirt are a difficult task for any material. But in the case of patent leather, the problem is only aggravated by the characteristics of the material and the requirements for its careful cleaning. Stains on light-colored items are especially difficult. Unlike dark models, they are clearly visible, catch the eye and spoil the presentable appearance of the shoes.
Dark spots are especially noticeable on white shoes

For in-depth cleaning of light patent leather shoes, you can use a mixture of ammonia and glycerin.

Sometimes you can remove contamination with salt:

Adhered dirt and inorganics (for example: glue, sealants and other building materials) can be removed in the following way:

  1. Cut off the upper part of the frozen fragments very carefully with a sharp knife or blade. Try to draw the cut line as close to the surface as possible, but in no case touching it. The principle is this: the more you cut, the less you have to clean off.
  2. Wipe off any remaining dirt with a soft eraser (available at office supply stores). Don't overdo it, try to keep the movements light.

A problem many people face with light-colored shoes is dark stripes. The reasons for their appearance are very different: they scratched one foot against the other or caught something. As a result, unsightly marks appear on the shoes, which greatly spoil the appearance and do not want to be washed off at all. You can solve the problem using nail polish remover (from a perfume store). But please note that the product should not contain acetone.
Using nail polish remover you can get rid of unsightly dark stains on light-colored shoes.

Before cleaning off dirt, be sure to test the product on a less visible area of ​​the varnish surface.

  • for work, use cotton swabs soaked in the product;
  • try to apply the liquid only to the dark stripes, without touching the clean areas of the shoe.

Video: how to remove dark stripes on patent leather shoes


Patent leather shoes should be dried at room temperature and, as noted above, away from heating devices and sunlight. But natural drying is a slow process. If you get very wet (for example, if you happen to get caught in the rain), excess moisture can have a detrimental effect on the varnish coating. Therefore, you need to dry patent leather shoes as quickly as possible. And absorbent products will help with this:

  • activated carbon (can be purchased at pharmacies);
  • salt;
  • baking soda;
  • soft and clean paper.

Activated carbon perfectly absorbs moisture

How to speed up the drying process:

  1. If the insoles are not secured in your shoes, remove them and dry them separately. This will reduce the amount of moisture inside the shoes and reduce drying time.
  2. Place a napkin with several tablets of activated carbon or a bag of salt on the bottom of each product.

    You can make the bag yourself by folding the napkin three times in length and width, and pouring 1 tbsp on the middle section. l. salt.

  3. Leave your shoes to dry in a well-ventilated area. Periodically check the condition of the absorbents placed inside the shoes. If they get wet, replace them with new ones.

You can fill the inside of your shoes with crumpled clean paper, which absorbs excess moisture just as well as coal and salt. But contrary to some recommendations on the Internet, you should not use newspapers. They do absorb moisture, but can leave traces of printing ink on the inner surface, which will certainly ruin the appearance of the shoes.


  • glycerol;
  • petrolatum;
  • refined vegetable oils (castor, soybean, olive, sunflower).

Vaseline can be used to protect and soften patent leather shoes.

How to use:

  1. Apply the product to the sponge and spread evenly over the varnished surface.
  2. Leave your shoes for 20–30 minutes.
  3. Use a soft cloth to blot the surface to remove excess product.


Patent leather shoes are not intended for everyday wear. But during “rest periods” it is important to ensure proper storage. Otherwise, the next triumphant appearance in mirror-glossy shoes may not take place.
Improper storage can damage patent leather shoes

Rules for storing patent leather shoes:

Video: how to properly store shoes

Repairing damage

Being a fragile and vulnerable coating, the varnish film quite often undergoes various types of damage: scratches, chips, abrasions, etc. Any of these changes significantly affects the appearance, depriving the shoes of their spectacular stylish status. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to turn back time and restore the integrity of the varnish coating. But in most cases, defects can be skillfully disguised, which will undoubtedly have a positive effect on aesthetic characteristics and presentable appearance.

Nail polish is suitable for masking scratches and abrasions.

If the varnish film is damaged and part of it has moved away from the leather base, nail polish will also help correct the situation. In this case, you can use either a varnish that matches the tone of the shoes or a colorless one.

  1. Carefully move the damaged area of ​​the varnish film to the side.
  2. Apply nail polish to the damaged area of ​​the leather base and the back side of the peeled film.
  3. Press the varnish film onto the product. Use a dry cloth to press down.
  4. Wait for the varnish to dry.

Small cracks can be hidden using a matching eyeliner, soft colored pencil or felt-tip pen. To fix the problem you need to:

Video: how to restore the appearance of shoes with various damages

Now you know all the tricks of proper care for patent leather. This means that your shoes will look great even after a significant period of time after purchase and wear.

Patent leather shoes always remain in fashion, because they look quite stylish and emphasize the sophistication of the taste of their owner. It should not be worn daily. They wear it only on special occasions. In order for your shoes to look chic for a special occasion, they need to be constantly looked after and cleaned. We will describe different options for how to care for patent leather shoes.

To ensure that your shoes always look 100% perfect, you should constantly take care of your patent leather shoes. The following rules will help you do this correctly:

  1. Temperature. Lacquered shoes do not tolerate sudden changes in temperature. You should not wear them when the thermometer is -5 °C. Frost makes the varnish too brittle. Therefore, the surface of the product may crack. In winter, boots with varnish coating should not be worn. Also, these shoes do not tolerate very high temperatures (above 25 degrees). The heat causes shoes with a unique coating to stretch. It might even melt. In addition, patent leather products have worse air circulation than regular shoes made of genuine leather. This will not provide good air exchange and wearing comfort.
  2. Weather conditions. It is advisable not to wear your favorite shoes in bad weather. Dirt and dampness will only cause patent leather shoes to fade and their surface may crack.
  3. Cleaning from dust. You can prevent the destruction of the varnish coating by dirt and dust if you clean your shoes after each wear. For this purpose, you should use a sponge, a piece of cloth (soft), or a cotton swab. A cotton swab, which is pre-soaked in milk, will also help to wipe away dust and contamination.
  4. Fabric softening. It is worth softening patent leather shoes in a timely manner. It is recommended to use Vaseline and vegetable oil. Apply any of the above products to the surface, leave for 15 minutes, remove the residue with a cloth, preferably velvet.
  5. "Post". New shoes must be worn in. For stretching, it is advisable to use a professional stretcher. It is sold in specialized shoe stores.
  6. Choose special care products. Give preference to creams that contain lanolin, glycerin, and castor oil. These substances ensure durability of shine, guarantee color preservation, and high-quality care.
  7. Wear shoes according to the season.

For patent leather shoes, you should choose products based on glycerin or castor oil.

How not to care for patent leather shoes

To ensure that your favorite shoes always remain in perfect condition, you need not only to know the rules of care, but also to know what not to do with them. We will describe how you should not care for products with varnish:

  1. Don't wash them in a basin. They should be washed with shoes under running water.
  2. Forget about brushes . They should be excluded from daily use. Glossy shoes will not tolerate rough treatment. They need to be treated with special products that are produced specifically for shoes with patent leather. Brushes and sponges made of silicone can damage the surface and scratch it.
  3. Do not use acetone, gasoline, white spirit, or other substances that contain them. These components aggressively affect the varnish, corrode it, causing the appearance of dark matte spots on the products.
  4. Do not dry varnish products on or near radiators or other electrical appliances. They can cause cracks.

Daily care

It is advisable for the owner of patent leather boots or shoes to constantly carry a piece of flannel fabric with him. You need to wipe the surface of the product with it throughout the day so that dust and dirt do not deteriorate its appearance.

Every wear should be finished with cleaning. Shoes need to be washed, dried, and dried. To clean the surface, you should use felt, flannel, or velvet. Initially, wash off the dirt and dust with a cotton pad, or you can use a cloth.

Patent leather shoes should be washed in warm water and soap, then treated with coffee or tea solution

To remove heavy dirt, use a soap solution. The whole procedure has the following sequence:

  • take liquid soap (you can grate a hard bar) in a small amount;
  • dilute with water to form foam;
  • wet the cotton pad;
  • clean the surface;
  • wipe with a damp cloth (moisten it in clean water).

The soap solution is sometimes replaced with milk, which is produced specifically for cleaning patent leather shoes. After cleaning, wipe the coating with a damp cloth and wipe dry.

The oil creates a protective layer for the varnished surface and prevents cracking

Note: If the purchased boots or shoes squeak, it is better to return them to the seller. Creaking indicates that they are of poor quality.

Cleansing using folk remedies

Caring for patent leather shoes at home can be done using traditional methods. The following tools will help with this:

  • olive oil. It adds shine to the varnish surface and restores elasticity. It must be left on the shoes for 15 minutes. After this, wipe the surface with a flannel cloth;
  • onion. They rub the surface with it after it has been cleaned of dirt;
  • egg white. It should be thoroughly rubbed into the surface, which will ensure shine and maintain a pleasant appearance;
  • milk. It is used to remove dirt and dust;
  • felt, flannel. Used throughout the day to remove dust and dirt in a timely manner;
  • egg + powdered sugar. The gruel is prepared from one protein and powder (1 tsp). Apply it to clean surfaces, rub in with a woolen cloth for several minutes;
  • vinegar + onion. Rub the shoes with juice from the onion (0.5 pcs.). Then polish with vinegar solution (3 percent);
  • turpentine (2 tbsp.) + yolk + olive oil (1 tbsp.). You should periodically rub your favorite shoes with this mixture. The varnish will stop cracking, it will look like new for more than one season.

Home remedies for patent leather shoe care

Ways to eliminate stripes and scratches

On light-colored shoes, such a nuisance as black stripes often appears. It is good that the product is subject to cosmetic restoration. Certain means will help remove them:

  • nail polish remover without acetone. Dip a cotton swab into this aggressive product and wipe off the dirt. The procedure is performed carefully, otherwise the varnish will be erased;
  • castor, vegetable oil. They will help in eliminating minor black stripes. In addition, these products return the varnish to its former shine;
  • stationery eraser. It is easy to use against streaks on the varnish surface.

Another problem is the appearance of scratches. They can occur due to damage, as well as due to improper storage. How to remove scratches on patent leather shoes? Here are popular ways to solve this problem:

  • eyeliner It will disguise small flaws;
  • colorless varnish, you can use special glue. These products will help remove creases and seal a chipped piece of varnish. If the shoes are black, you can use black polish. After gluing the broken piece, cover it with a soft cloth and leave it there for a couple of minutes;
  • finishing wax, paraffin, beeswax. These products will help with deep scratches. They should be warmed up initially, and then applied to the defect. After this, rub with a flannel cloth;
  • paint for patent leather. It helps remove scratches from patent leather shoes, stains that are practically impossible to wipe off, abrasions;
  • liquid skin. This expensive product will effectively eliminate even severe damage to a leather product.

Step-by-step instructions for removing scratches on patent leather shoes

You can remove abrasion using the following methods:

  • ammonia + soapy water. Wipe your shoes with the product;
  • weak coffee, tea. Dip a cotton pad into the cold liquid, squeeze out, and rub the surface.

Professional products

Special patent shoe care products will help restore and restore shine to patent leather boots and shoes. They are available in shoe stores. Cleaning is performed using water-based, silicone-based aerosols and creams.

Useful: Do not use special creams or impregnations for regular shoes. This can cause fading and loss of former shine. Products for buffed leather are also not suitable. It is better to purchase a product for combination skin (Lack-Polish).

Professional care products for patent leather shoes

If you have shoes with a pearlescent, metallic color, polish them with products from a special series:

  • Metallic-Perlato.
  • Combi-Color.

Popular brands are:

  • Collonil Lack Polish.
  • Salamander Lack Polish.
  • Saphir Vernis rife (spray polish).
  • Collonil Lack Mousse.
  • Solitaire.

Tarrago Penetrating Dye will help restore color. This paint also exhibits a dirt-repellent and moisture-repellent effect.

Rules for storing patent leather shoes

After cleaning your shoes, dry them in a cool place. The temperature for drying should be room temperature. Shoes should be placed away from radiators and heating devices.

After drying, they are rubbed with cream. It is best to use a spray or polish. They can be used for daily care. These products preserve the color and shine of patent leather.

Periodic coating of the varnish surface with balms intended for this type of material is allowed. They will reliably protect the surface from moisture and precipitation thanks to the water-repellent effect. Using products with such a protective effect will help preserve the original appearance of the shoes and ensure the strength of the material.

Storing patent leather shoes

Useful: Protective agents are applied for 10 – 15 minutes. After this time, the cream is rubbed onto the varnish and polished with a cloth. After the treatment has been completed, the product should be dried for another 6–10 hours. This time is enough for maximum absorption and the formation of a protective film.

You should store your favorite patent leather shoes in a shoe box with holes in it. This will provide the necessary ventilation. You can place a folded newspaper inside your shoes. This will help maintain shape. Boots should be placed flat in the box, not folded. Otherwise, they may burst at the fold.

Each shoe should be wrapped in paper. If you have a special shoe bag, use it. Then place the shoes in the box. This will prevent the varnish from fading in the contact areas. The box should be located far from a source of heat or dampness.

