What to think of for your anniversary. How to celebrate your first wedding anniversary? A voyage with witnesses of the creation of your family is a great way to celebrate your wedding anniversary

For loving people, a wedding day is the main event in life; the memory keeps touching and romantic memories associated with this day for a lifetime. Girls attach great importance to formalizing relationships. If for a man a wedding ring is not just a piece of jewelry, then he also takes every wedding anniversary seriously.

Marriage day is the birth of a new happy family, the union of two loving people. And the newlyweds want to celebrate this important day in an unusual and special way. How to celebrate a wedding anniversary, how to please friends and loved ones? We'll tell you.

Classic wedding anniversary

The most common way to gather all your friends on your wedding anniversary is to invite everyone to a restaurant. It will save the spouses from unnecessary troubles and allow them to spend this day accepting congratulations and pleasant words. You can pre-book a banquet hall or a table in a restaurant, depending on the guest list. Discuss the menu for your holiday with the administrator and make an advance payment. This way you can significantly save your budget, because the banquet menu includes discounts on food and drinks. If you are not limited in funds, then give the right of choice to invited guests. They will decide on the menu themselves, you will only have to pay the bill at the end of the evening. Be prepared for the fact that in this case the cost of orders may be higher than you planned.

You can show your imagination and arrange an interesting holiday for yourself. Hire a professional photographer, rent evening gowns and have a studio photo shoot in the style of James Bond. Even if you know how to use a camera and have the latest brand of camera, you yourself will not create high-quality and professional photographs. The operator will give detailed instructions, guide and help create the right mood for the photo shoot. Couple photos are what you need for your wedding anniversary.

Do you want to create a special atmosphere at your event? Choose a restaurant with live music. Find out in advance the repertoire that will be performed during the banquet so as not to ruin your mood.

Avoid fuss on your anniversary day. Prepare costumes in advance and warn guests not to be late. The person whom everyone gathered at the table is waiting for doesn’t look very nice.

If you want to relive your wedding day, book a beautiful limo to take you to the restaurant. Thus, you will feel again like those young people in love who have just joined in the desired union. If you have been married for more than 10 years, then a limousine will help you feel new pleasant emotions. After all, the fashion for luxury limousines appeared not so long ago.

Decide for yourself the question of the presence of children at the special event. If there are a lot of guests, a small child will feel uncomfortable in such company. Let the baby spend this evening with his grandparents. And it will be useful and interesting for an older child to attend your anniversary. He will see how many people love and respect his parents, he will understand what tender and touching feelings connect his mom and dad.

Romantic anniversary for two

Have an evening of romance and love. For young people who have retained tender feelings for each other, such an anniversary will be the best option. To enjoy each other's company, you don't need a restaurant, guests, or evening dresses. An intimate evening at home for two by candlelight and gentle music is the most romantic wedding anniversary.

On this day, warn everyone that you will be busy, put everything aside. Go for a walk through memorable places, visit a park, walk along familiar streets, stroll along the embankment. After a walk together, a delicious light dinner will be very helpful. The evening will end with an unforgettable and passionate night.

You need to carefully prepare for the evening with the continuation. Buy seductive lingerie and a shirt, a translucent robe and stilettos. Involve your husband in choosing a piquant outfit, who will help you choose the look in which he dreams of seeing his beloved wife.

Creative wedding anniversary

If you don’t want to be banal and repeat the scenario of hundreds of couples celebrating their wedding anniversary, arrange an unusual holiday for yourself.
Organize a beautiful ceremony that looks like a real wedding day. There is already a name for such a wedding - a second wedding. Civil registry office workers meet the loving spouses halfway and arrange a second wedding for them. The bride and groom, dressed in wedding suits, stand in front of the registrar and repeat the words of the oath of love and fidelity. The guests shout “Bitter” and congratulate the newlyweds. A small buffet with champagne, a souvenir photo and a ceremony of launching white doves will bring the spouses back to their family’s birthday and allow them to re-immerse themselves in the exciting and happy atmosphere.

You can invite those guests to your repeat wedding who, for some reason, were unable to attend many years ago. Arranging an unusual entertainment program or an interesting walk around the city is all in your hands.

Women are delighted with this idea, but men do not want to repeat the wedding ceremony. If you really want to live this exciting day again, persuade your husband to take this step. If he stands his ground, you should not go against it; a happy wedding will not work without his consent.

A story of all-consuming love

If you want to leave a lasting memory of your anniversary, capture this day on film. To create a film about love, look for a cinematographer with experience in creating similar family films. Talk to him, tell your story. He will help you, advise on the storyline and choose locations for filming. Remember your favorite places and cafes where you had your first date.

For the film you won’t need to play roles, you will just be yourself, if you behave as in life, it will be better than any acting. Offer your family archival footage. With their help, the videographer will edit a great movie about love that you can watch with your friends on your anniversary. It will be even more interesting to watch a love picture 20 or 30 years later.

Role-playing wedding anniversary

Want to have a little fun with your guests? Then a themed anniversary party is for you. You can dress up in costumes of a certain style: disco, cowboys, pirates, Ancient Greece, mafia, the Middle Ages. Such style parties have been gaining popularity in recent years. Spouses can dress up as Zeus and Hera, while guests can dress up in ancient Greek costumes and portray other gods. Or you can hand out bright wigs and huge colored glasses to everyone at the entrance. Adults will have fun like children by wearing disco-style costumes. Not only costumes will help support the idea of ​​the holiday, but also the right music and entertainment will make your anniversary enchanting and unforgettable.

Divine union of spouses

There are married couples who, having lived together for many years, decide to get married in a church marriage at the turn of the year. This step must be taken thoughtfully, and such a decision must be reached mutually. Visit the church where you are planning your wedding in advance and talk to the priest. After a conversation with the Holy Father, you will definitely understand the seriousness of the wedding and make the right decision. In addition, you need to carefully prepare for the wedding, go through communion and confess.

Wedding Anniversary Meanings

If you're at a loss for ideas or don't know how to celebrate your family's birthday, start with the meaning of the anniversary. This method is as old as the world, but it always works flawlessly.

  1. If your family is only one year old, then you are celebrating a calico wedding. On this day, chintz scarves or napkins can become attributes of the celebration. They usually give tablecloths, bed linen or towels on this day.
  2. A paper wedding is celebrated on the 2nd anniversary of the wedding. And the French consider it leather. On this day they wear a leather jacket or jacket, a belt or gloves, or you can simply hang a leather handbag on your shoulder.
  3. 3 years from the date of marriage - wheat wedding. The newlyweds dress up in light clothes and decorate themselves with straw accessories. Place small bouquets of golden ripe spikelets on the festive table.
  4. The fourth anniversary is a wax or linen wedding. A very romantic anniversary. The evening will be decorated with wax candles, the spouses put on linen outfits, and linen napkins and tablecloths are laid on the table. Guests can come to the anniversary wearing the same linen clothes.
  5. 5 years together - wooden anniversary. On this holiday, the relationship between husband and wife has already strengthened and become as strong as a tree. Wooden accessories, interior items and furniture are very appropriate as gifts. The table on this day can be simple in a rustic way; choose a restaurant for the holiday where natural wood is present in the interior.
  6. The sixth anniversary is a cast iron wedding. In other countries it is also called candy, and in Latvia rowan. Cast iron symbolizes both strength and fragility; it does not have the same strength properties as other metals. On this anniversary, they give everything made of cast iron: dishes, locks and grilles, vases, figurines, souvenirs and boxes.
  7. 7 years from the date of marriage - copper wedding. Marriage acquires value along with strength. It was also called woolen. The number seven has always been considered a symbol of happiness and good luck. Therefore, the seventh wedding anniversary was celebrated vigorously and cheerfully; a copper horseshoe was hung on the door. The couple exchanged copper coins on this day. And they gave nice things as gifts: a knitted sweater or socks for the husband, copper bracelets and a necklace for the wife.
  8. 8 years of marriage - a tin wedding. Now the young couple got to know each other well and became completely close. Relationships during this period can sparkle in a new way, like a polished tin. It is customary to give tin boxes, boxes and jars as gifts for this anniversary, choosing their design and purpose according to your taste.
  9. The ninth anniversary is a faience wedding. The family is now like a ceramic vessel that is filled with various happy events. Be prepared to receive a lot of ceramic figurines, earthenware sets and vases on this day.
  10. 10 years is the first anniversary of marriage. This is a tin or pink wedding. Tin signifies the strength and flexibility that the couple have learned to show to each other over ten years. Don't forget about your love and tenderness on your wedding anniversary. Let this holiday be decorated with roses and pink petals. Pewter items can be given as gifts: cutlery, cup holders, trays and mirrors.
  11. The eleventh anniversary is a steel one. This marriage is marked by pure and strong relationships. The storms between the newlyweds subsided and the passions subsided. Gifts are selected according to the significance of the anniversary: ​​steel jewelry or weapons. During this period, there is a tradition to make repairs or rearrangements in the house.
  12. 12 and 12.5 years - nickel wedding. It is also considered silk. On this day, it is customary for spouses to visit their favorite places that are related to their union. Walking along familiar alleys and parks, lovers indulge in memories and impressions of long ago. You can invite close friends for a walk and share this day with them.
  13. The 13th anniversary of the wedding is called lace. There is no need to indulge in superstitions and postpone the celebration of a lace wedding. It is also called lily of the valley. Marriage at this time is fragile and must be protected like delicate lace. The holiday should be bright and noisy. According to old traditions, on such a day, a husband and wife planted a birch tree and girded it with a lace belt. Decorate the table with bouquets of lilies of the valley.
  14. 14 years of marriage - agate wedding anniversary. Agate is a stone fraught with magic and mysticism. It symbolizes a period of new discoveries and knowledge of each other's secrets. Give agate jewelry and souvenirs on your 14th anniversary.
  15. The 15th anniversary is pure and transparent, like crystal. Don't forget about the fragility of crystal glass. Accept gifts of crystal glasses, vases and salad bowls. But it’s a good idea to think about a significant date and give more serious gifts: household appliances or furniture.

  16. The turquoise anniversary is celebrated 18 years from the date of marriage. This year is very significant for the spouses, because the family reaches adulthood. This can be a stressful and difficult time for families. Children who have matured by this time become more independent and parents have to come to terms with this fact. Celebrate the anniversary quietly, with your family, to get closer and smooth out corners.
  17. 20 years - porcelain wedding. A very exquisite and fragile material that accurately symbolizes the relationship in a couple. Set the table with porcelain dishes and accept porcelain gifts along with congratulations. Invite all your friends to the festive table and celebrate fun and carefree.
  18. The 25th wedding is silver. A quarter of a century behind us. Many registry offices hold a ceremony for a married couple on this day. Silver is a noble, strong metal that will become a symbol of this holiday. They give jewelry, dishes, and interior items for a silver wedding.
  19. The pearl wedding is celebrated on the 30th birthday of the family. This anniversary is marked by love, nobility and chastity. It is customary to celebrate this wedding anniversary with numerous children and grandchildren, so that a warm family atmosphere reigns at the celebration.
  20. 40th wedding anniversary - ruby ​​anniversary. The deep scarlet color of the ruby ​​symbolizes the strong love carried by the couple through many years. It has long been customary to give jewelry with this stone for a ruby ​​wedding; now preference is given to gifts useful in everyday life: a bright red multicooker or a scarlet vacuum cleaner, a chic ruby-colored rug or bedspread.
  21. 45 years of living together - a sapphire wedding. This anniversary is celebrated under the motto of fidelity and reliability of marriage. Newlyweds dress in blue on this day. Jewelry with sapphire is given as a gift.
  22. A golden wedding means that we have lived together for half a century. This anniversary is one of the most important in the life of a married couple. For a golden wedding, spouses give each other gold wedding rings with words of love, devotion and confidence in their half.
  23. 55 years together - emerald wedding. This anniversary, like all subsequent ones, is organized for elderly spouses by their children and grandchildren.
  24. 60th wedding anniversary - diamond anniversary. No wonder the diamond, the most valuable and strong stone, became a symbol of the 60th anniversary. Such a long life together is considered equally rare and valuable. Nothing can destroy this marriage.
  25. 70 years of marriage – a blessed wedding. Celebrated in the family - among relatives and friends.
  26. The 80th anniversary is oak. It is not for nothing that a long-lived tree is considered a symbol of a wedding; it can last a century. On this day, grandchildren plant a young oak as a sign of eternal love. It is customary to buy new wooden furniture for your home.

If you are married, then sooner or later the question arises about celebrating your wedding anniversary. You can use any advice, or you can create something unique and inimitable. If you are preparing a surprise for your spouses and organizing their anniversary, take into account their character traits, tastes and preferences.

The anniversary of a relationship is a small holiday for two lovers. Different couples celebrate the days they met, their first kiss, the beginning of their life together, and then their wedding date. These moments remain in the memory for a long time. I want to relive them again, remembering with pleasure pictures from the past. For many, especially young people for whom these are the first serious feelings, there is a special trepidation before the approaching anniversary. Both the girl and the young man want to do something nice for each other, so the lovers organize a celebration to mark the anniversary of their relationship.

No matter what celebration program you prepare, any anniversary of a joint relationship is not complete without a romantic dinner. After active events, you will definitely get hungry, and drinking a glass of champagne for the next common year is already a tradition.

Dinner at the restaurant. The only time it takes to prepare for dinner at a restaurant is to call to reserve a table. Choose a restaurant with a beautiful interior, pleasant music and an exquisite menu. You will take a break from worries and enjoy communication in a pleasant environment.

Dinner at home. Dinner in a homely atmosphere requires creating your own menu and setting the table. The male side undertakes the feat, the female side or the couple prepares their favorite dishes together. Don't know what to cook? Make do with one hot dish - baked meat or fish with simple seasonings, for which be sure to choose a sauce and make a vegetable salad. Plus a bottle of good white or red wine, fruit and dessert for those with a sweet tooth. But the main thing that distinguishes an ordinary dinner from a romantic one is the table setting. Cover it with a tablecloth, arrange candles, fresh flowers or rose petals. You also need beautiful dishes and polished cutlery.

Dinner in nature. It is better to spend a summer holiday evening outdoors. Pack a basket with pizza, fresh vegetables and fruits, cheese, your favorite drink and, taking a blanket and insect repellent, head to the river bank, where it is allowed to make a fire. A great reason to spend the sunset at least once a summer and see the first stars appear in the sky.

Romantic walks

Dedicate your anniversary day only to each other. Even if it’s a walk around the city, which is the simplest, but no less valuable way to be together. Diversify your usual route: go to your favorite place, go to the other end of the city to a park where you have not been before, on a walking tour or to an exhibition.

In winter, you can go sledding down the slides or to a more romantic skating rink. And in the summer you can enjoy cycling or horseback riding. In warm weather, feel free to go on a river cruise on a boat or yacht.

Shared spa treatments

Give your friend the gift of relaxation in body and soul for the holiday. Nowadays, couples spa treatments are popular: massage and body care for two. Spend the day at the thermal spa or have fun at the water park. And if we talk about celebrating at home, taking a fragrant bath with foam, where instead of bright light you light candles, will give you relaxation.

Young couples in love, especially in the first year of a relationship, behave with each other touchingly and with special trepidation. They are ready to celebrate anniversaries at least every month. Therefore, they react with joy to all sorts of pleasant surprises. Here are just a few ideas on how you can surprise your loved one.

Bedroom decoration. You invited your significant other to your place on a date. Prepare a surprise for her by decorating the bed: first, cover it with beautiful bed linen and a bedspread, lay out a heart with rose petals (a classic, this technique impresses everyone for the first time), put champagne in a bucket, 2 glasses and chocolates on the table. And yes, of course, candles! Roses may seem banal to some, so a more modern option: print out photos of you together and tie helium-filled balloons to them.

Love notes. In the current environment, paper letters have turned into electronic letters, and words of confession are sent via telephone and computers. Change the tradition on your anniversary and place it around the house and in your personal belongings, it will be a surprise to find a note or a small card where you would not expect to see it. Think about the text, it may contain, for example, the reasons why you are together, one on each note: it will be more interesting to unfold a new message.

Flowers delivery. A woman is always pleased to receive flowers as a gift, and flowers that are given unexpectedly will bring double the pleasure. Order a bouquet for her with delivery to her home or work, including a card with your signature and congratulations.

An anniversary is a reason to take professional photos and celebrate in an unusual way. Girls especially enjoy being photographed: preparation already creates the right mood and a lot of fun. You can walk around the city with a photographer or come to his studio, or you can come up with a theme for the photo shoot and get unusual photos. For example, in Russian folk style on a grain field, in retro style with appropriate accessories, or play in a fairy tale and become a prince and princess.

A change of scenery is perhaps the ideal option when you want to feel that you are alone in the world and belong only to each other. Traveling as a couple is a great way to spend more time together and refresh your senses. Moreover, you don’t have to buy an expensive tour and wait for a vacation from work. On the weekend closest to your anniversary, go to a neighboring city or outdoor recreation center.

Try not to forget about important dates in your relationship, this may be important for your lover. If you are not specifically celebrating an anniversary, still remember on this day an important stage in your personal life and go through happy moments in your memory, congratulate your other half and give a gift chosen with love.

When a married couple reaches their first anniversary - 1 year of marriage, the question immediately arises, where and how to celebrate their wedding anniversary? There are actually a lot of ideas and everything will depend on preferences, interests, character, customs. You can create your own tradition, which will be celebrated for 2, 3, 4, 5 years and so on, and then passed on to children, you can bring the most fantastic ideas to life, or you can decide on an exotic trip or an extreme parachute jump. The most important thing is to spend this holiday together and get the most wonderful emotions from it.

Holiday for two

Of course, this is a celebration of a young family that has gone through a rather difficult stage in life, learned more about its other half and now deserves a celebration. It doesn't have to be a party to which family and friends are invited. For many, this is exactly the event that allows them to once again relive those wonderful emotions that overwhelmed the newlyweds at the wedding. There are several most popular options for how to spend your anniversary.

Home comfort and romance

  • Don’t think that home is boring and uninteresting, because the couple creates the atmosphere and mood on their own.
  • This could be a prepared romantic dinner, a room decorated with candles, or photographs from a wedding. This environment can bring new emotions into the life of a married couple, they belong to each other and these are exactly the moments that you should strive for.
  • If you want to diversify the evening and change the atmosphere, and you don’t really want to cook dinner, you can dine at a restaurant. Then go for a walk around the city at night. Then return with your husband to a quiet, comfortable apartment, dream, make plans for the future and return to your wedding night.


  • This is a great reason to go on a romantic trip. This will not only bring a lot of unforgettable moments, but will also be remembered by the young couple for many years.
  • Such trips can become a real family tradition. When children arrive, such trips will bring pleasure to the whole family.
  • In addition, such a tradition will help the family get closer together, because every year they will have a pleasant and romantic vacation in a variety of places, and this obliges them to make common plans and discussions.

Theme party

  • For people who like to experiment, change images and try themselves in a new role, the best option is a themed party.
  • A young couple can become heroes of a famous film, be transported back to childhood and plunge into a fairy tale.
  • You can go out into nature and have a photo shoot with friends in different images.
  • Perhaps your husband loves football? Why not create a party with your own football team?
  • When choosing a topic, the most important thing is to listen to each other; it should be interesting to both, including the guests.


  • Do you want to jump with a parachute, but haven’t had the right opportunity? So an anniversary is the perfect time to make your dreams come true.
  • This could be ski resorts, surfing, diving, mountain hiking. The main thing on this day is for the two of you to do what brings happiness and joy.

With family and friends

  • A thematic idea can also be used here. It’s great to have a photo shoot on this day that everyone will remember for a long time.
  • You can use the idea of ​​memories. When the room is decorated with photographs of the newlyweds. The period of meetings, preparations for the wedding, the wedding itself, the first photographs of family life. Such ideas bring people very close and fill the couple with the most tender emotions.
  • It will be very interesting and beautiful if a couple creates something with their own hands together. This could be painting porcelain, drawing a picture, planting a flower or even a tree.
  • If a family is expecting the birth of a child, this must be recorded. And when the family is just planning this wonderful moment, you can create a photo with the child; over time, such photos will bring reverent and tender memories.


  • We must not forget that the young couple should congratulate each other on this wonderful holiday.
  • These may not be expensive gifts, but they must definitely carry meaning. A wife can embroider a scarf for her husband with his initials, knit a scarf or a warm jacket. Such things will speak of care and love.
  • The husband is unlikely to be able to knit or embroider, but it is absolutely possible to order an item according to individual parameters.
  • It will be wonderful to write letters to each other. Remember what was, how wonderful it is now and about your dreams. Here you can say the most tender and reverent words, thank each other. These letters must be kept.

On this day you need to try to please your soul mate, then you will definitely have an unforgettable and wonderful anniversary.

The first year of family life is always distinguished by a large number of events, troubles and impressions. At this time, the husband and wife get used to each other, creating the basis for many years of a happy marriage. Therefore, you should celebrate your first wedding anniversary (calico wedding) in such a way that you and your partner will remember this day for the rest of your life. You can arrange a holiday at home for two, go on a trip, or organize a celebration by inviting relatives and friends to it.

How to celebrate 1 year of wedding. Ideas

1. If you have the opportunity, take this day off and spend it just the two of you. Forget about your laptop, tablet, and other gadgets and devote time to each other.

2. Let your morning start with breakfast in bed, it’s so romantic!

3. Give each other gifts. According to tradition, for a chintz wedding they give bed linen, handkerchiefs and other chintz items, but if you know that such a gift will not please your soulmate, then you should pay attention to other options. But wedding anniversary gifts for friends can already be classic.

4. Write a love letter to your husband (wife). If you wrote, then such a gift will be very symbolic.

5. Exchange new rings. A very practical idea for those who do not wear wedding rings due to their high cost or inconvenience. You can buy simpler rings and wear them all the time.

6. Prepare something from what was on the holiday table. A great idea would be to have dinner at the same restaurant, or you can order your wedding dishes from there directly to your home. Or you can cook the first dish that your husband tried when you first got married.

7. Open the bottle of champagne you had at your wedding. According to tradition, two bottles of champagne are placed on the table of the bride and groom, which the newlyweds take home after the holiday. One bottle is opened for the first birth, and the second for the birth of a child. After taking a sip of champagne, be sure to make a wish!

8. Look at your wedding video and photo album.

9. Go for a walk or travel. In the summer, you can celebrate your first wedding anniversary outdoors: go on a picnic or even go on a hike. In winter, you can rent a house outside the city and have dinner for two in front of the fireplace.

10. Take a second honeymoon. You can return to the same place where you were on your first honeymoon, or you can go to another country. It will be a great tradition to celebrate each wedding anniversary in a new country.

11. Organize a second wedding. If you want to feel like a bride and groom once again, then symbolic marriage registration is what you need. This service can be ordered when traveling abroad. You will be united in marriage again, but according to the customs of the country to which you are going.

12. Organize a holiday with relatives and close friends. You should not invite all the guests who were at the event, especially if there were too many of them. Invite those who helped you the most during this difficult first year of marriage.

13. Say your wedding vows or write new ones. Say these important words in front of your guests at the party.

17. If you want to celebrate your wedding anniversary in an interesting and original way, you can give each other an unusual gift-impression. For example: skydiving, martial arts class, archery, dog sledding, horse-drawn carriage ride, etc.

18. Order an original cake. If you have already had a child, then be sure to add a baby figurine to the husband and wife figures.

19. Launch an air lantern or balloons with your wishes into the sky.

20. After the holiday, play . The wife can put on her wedding corset, veil and white stockings - and the bride’s look is ready! If you don’t have any accessories from last year, buy an erotic bride’s costume. By the way, if you haven't already planned to have a child, it will be symbolic if you decide to conceive on your first wedding anniversary.

When choosing an idea for celebrating your first wedding anniversary, remember that this day is an excellent opportunity to make your most incredible dreams come true. After all, with the birth of children, you will undoubtedly begin to devote less time to each other, and you will no longer be able to spend as much money on entertainment as before. Therefore, organize this holiday so that it becomes unique, bright and memorable for your couple.

Perhaps every man at some point meets a woman with whom the relationship lasts not a couple of months, but a year, two, or even his whole life. You will live everyday life together, celebrate general holidays, and at the same time you will have your own special days - anniversaries. Women, as a rule, are more sentimental and remember the date of meeting, first kiss and wedding better than men. But if your chosen one is dear to you, then some important dates are still worth remembering (or writing down) and delighting her with a surprise.

A sign of attention on a special day will only strengthen your relationship. To quickly come up with an interesting gift, you can use any of these ideas.

Confession under the windows

This way of expressing your feelings is no longer original, however, if nothing else has been thought of, then you can take note of it. It is more suitable for very young people, but they are used to it. If you are in adulthood, then your other half will most likely be very surprised. Everything is very simple here: some kind of romantic confession is written with paints on the wall or on the road under the beloved’s window. The next morning she looks out the window, sees him and rejoices.

  • pros. Cheap, romantic and exciting. After all, the police can easily pick you up while you write your opus. Or your girlfriend’s neighbors will throw eggs from their windows. In general, if everything works out, know that you have accomplished a small feat.
  • Minuses: The walls of houses in our country are rarely painted, and the asphalt is renewed even less often. Therefore, most likely, your recognition will decorate the yard for many years. And perhaps a moment will come when it will become irrelevant. It won't be easy to get rid of him.

Flowers delivery

Probably all the girls have seen in American melodramas how the main character is brought a huge bouquet of flowers, and in it there is a small card with the name of the sender and beautiful words. In real life, this rarely happens, so this gift can be taken into account. In some flower shops, bouquets are delivered by cute couriers in suits. Such a presentation will only enhance the impression. The bouquet itself, of course, should also be a work of art, so look for a florist with good taste.

  • pros. Any woman will appreciate such a gift, and the non-trivial presentation will be a reason to remember it for a long time.
  • Minuses. A cute courier can become a hindrance to your relationship. So it's better to hire a scary girl. (Joke.)

Slavery game

Treat your beloved to a delicious breakfast right in the morning, and then tell her that today is the day of her wishes, which you will gladly fulfill. If your girlfriend is modest, then you will get off easy. But if she is imaginative, then brace yourself - there are only 24 hours in a day.

  • pros. Perhaps a miracle will happen and your wishes with your sweetheart will be the same. There is also a chance that you will be able to afford them. Well, if you are asked to perform women’s duties around the house all day, then don’t be upset either - finally, you will arrange everything in your own way.
  • Minuses. If you are very proud, then you are unlikely to like fulfilling women's whims all day. But once you’ve made up your mind, you’ll have to be patient.

City quest

Recently, various kinds of games have become fashionable, in which participants follow clues and complete simple tasks in search of some kind of “treasure”. On your anniversary, you can do something similar for your girlfriend. Figure out where you will hide the gift, and then develop a thorny and interesting route to get there. If your girlfriend loves puzzles, then she will definitely appreciate your work.

  • Pros. Mystery is always exciting.
  • Minuses. Remember that tasks should be solvable, and the route should not be very long. Otherwise, your girlfriend will get tired, angry or upset. In general, when organizing such games, it is better to immediately give the participant a telephone number that they can call in case of difficulties.

Romantic picnic

Did your wedding take place in the warm season? Great, then you can celebrate it in a romantic setting in nature. In other words, have a picnic. Delicious food, fresh air and beautiful decoration will do their job - you will have a great rest. You can take a professional photographer with you for a couple of hours, who will capture your beautiful self.

  • Pros. Romantic, healthy and relatively cheap (if you don’t need a photographer).
  • Minuses. The weather can ruin your fun. Check the long-term forecast, but of course there is always a risk of sudden rain or wind.

Dinner at a restaurant

Find a good restaurant and invite your lover there. Let it be a place that you have never been to before, or it should be somehow connected with the occasion of the celebration. Give her something there, say beautiful words, and the anniversary will go with a bang.

  • Pros. In a good restaurant, the staff will do everything for you, all you have to do is pay for the fun.
  • Minuses. The restaurant may not live up to expectations.

Photo session with a professional photographer

Today we are very active in sharing our photos on social networks, our friends look at them and appreciate how we look and live. Therefore, it is not surprising that many girls dream of having their photographic portraits taken by a professional photographer. So a certificate for a photo shoot can be a great gift. By the way, you can find a suitable photographer in the “Catalog” section on our website.

  • Pros. You will have excellent portrait shots and photographs together, and the photo session itself, with the help of your imagination, can be turned into an exciting event.
  • Minuses. A professional photo shoot is not a cheap pleasure. And it is possible that before her, your girlfriend will want to buy some new clothes or go to the salon. It also happens that the result of a photo shoot is not satisfactory. To prevent this from happening, carefully choose a photographer, and then together with your beloved, decide what kind of photo session you want. After all, shooting in an interior photo studio is one thing, but outdoors is completely different.

Overnight at the hotel

One of the most interesting options to celebrate an anniversary. Firstly, the situation itself is conducive to a romantic mood - the two of you come to the hotel, rent a beautiful room, order drinks and food there, light candles. The situation is unfamiliar, there is no need to solve everyday issues. Secondly, you will know for sure that no one will disturb you. It is better to turn off mobile phones in advance.

  • Pros. Unusual, intimate atmosphere.
  • Minuses. The cost of such a holiday can be very high. But it all depends on the hotel, of course.

Big screen for two

Rent a cinema hall for one session. Order the movie you want. You can sit anywhere and be completely alone. A romantic atmosphere is guaranteed.

  • Pros. This will be a very unusual date.
  • Minuses. The girl may not like the film. Or vice versa - you will like it too much and she will forget that you are sitting next to her.

Secret party

Invite your best friends and throw a party. Of course, keep everything secret until the appointed day. In the morning, pretend that you forgot about the anniversary. And in the evening, bring her to where the holiday will take place. Bring your girlfriend into the hall with your eyes closed.

  • Pros. A holiday made in your honor, but without your participation in the preparation, is always pleasant.
  • Minuses. Take a responsible approach to compiling the list of invitees; one “wrong” person can ruin everything. And buy your girlfriend an outfit suitable for the holiday.

Romantic trip

This is the most exciting anniversary gift option. A walk through the streets of Prague or a kiss on the Eiffel Tower in Paris, or a ride on a Venetian gondola - everything is wonderful, choose what you like best. You'll have a great time.

  • Pros. Such a holiday will be remembered for a long time, unless, of course, you fly to Paris every weekend.
  • Minuses: Pleasure is not cheap.

Of course, not all ways to celebrate an anniversary are listed here. You yourself can come up with many more interesting things. By the way, some of the described options can be combined. Have a great holiday and happy anniversary!
