Long hair on the pubic part. The first hair in girls: sexual development

There is an ambiguous attitude towards hair in some parts of the human body. On the one hand, Europeans for the most part consider pubic hair as an atavism and do their best to get rid of them. On the other hand, Asian countries are currently experiencing the peak of the popularity of operations, during which the hair from the client's head is transplanted onto him. The fact is that the vegetation in the genital area of ​​Asians is extremely sparse, and they are sure that they will become more sexually attractive and prolific after such a transplant.

Why does hair grow in intimate places of the human body?

There is still no consensus on why, in the course of evolution, not all hair on the human body became short and thin. There is a hypothesis that the hair in the groin and are antennas created by nature itself, through which people transmit and receive special information. Another hypothesis says that the hair is not designed to draw the attention of a potential partner to the fact that this individual has reached biological maturity and is ready to mate and bear offspring. Finally, the third most common hypothesis is most likely to be true: hair retains and enhances the spread of odors, which, again, attract the attention of the most suitable partner of the opposite sex.

So do you need hair in intimate places?

There is no single right answer to the question of whether to remove hair in the groin and armpits. From the point of view of hygiene, it is highly desirable to do this precisely in order to prevent the appearance of the smell of sweat or secretions. Even if from the point of view of a caveman these smells were appropriate and attractive, but a modern person, “fragrant” with old sweat, society in any case will perceive negatively.
On the other hand, there are many people who defend their right to naturalness in everything. This also applies to body hair as well. At the same time, such people are no less developed, educated and clean than those who prefer to remove vegetation on the body. This is their opinion, which, in any case, is worthy of respect.
Nevertheless, the fashion for smooth skin of the whole body persists, and thousands of people go to beauty salons every day. They want one thing - to remove hair from places on their bodies, and to do it as efficiently as possible. The modern beauty industry offers dozens of ways to do this, each of which has its pros and cons.


What is the purpose of pubic hair and should it be removed?

October 20, 2016

Any young girl at least once thought about the question: why do we need hair on the pubic part? To remove them or not is everyone's business and is purely personal. However, before doing this, it is better to ask your partner how he feels about such an intimate haircut.

The nature of pubic hair

It's no secret that humans evolved from monkeys. Initially, the females of these animals had a bare vulva, so the male could immediately assess the degree of excitation of his partner. In women, this part of the body is covered with hair on the pubic part. This means that the existing vegetation is designed to facilitate the search for a partner and excite him. This opinion has persisted for a long time. At the same time, pubic hair in men perform a completely different function. They regulate the release of pheromones, which are also released in the armpits. It is thanks to the hair that women from afar can feel the sexual energy of the stronger sex.

Pubic hair: what are they?

Regardless of the gender of a person, the hair on the pubic part is different. They can be thinner or thicker, and their structure differs in density. Also, the hair on the pubic part can be curly or straight. Their appearance is very dependent on the race of the person and the color of the vegetation itself. The darker the shade of pubic hair, the more curly it is.

Interestingly, when pubic hair first begins to grow, it is light, and darkens a little over time. It is impossible to compare the vegetation on this part of the body in shade with the curls on the head of a person. The color of the hair on the intimate parts of the body is very similar to the natural tone of the eyebrows. Due to the difference in hormonal levels in men and women, the area of ​​hair on the pubic part is different. Intimate places in girls are much less covered with hair than in boys. Moreover, pubic hair in men often extends its borders to the abdomen and thighs.

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Function of pubic hair

In addition to being involved in the production of pheromones in men and making a woman more attractive, they have other functions. Why do you need pubic hair? It's simple: they are actively involved in the thermoregulatory process of the inguinal region. The vegetation creates an air cushion between the underwear and the pubis, thereby protecting intimate places, including nearby lymph nodes, from sudden changes in temperature. Also, the hair on the intimate part of the body helps to absorb the sweat that forms during intercourse.

Hair is also very important for the female body. The fact is that their presence is able to protect the microflora of the vulva from the effects of bacteria. Many doctors are convinced that a completely shaved pubic part adversely affects the condition of the reproductive organs of the young lady and her reproductive system as a whole. Despite the fact that hair has an important function in the human body, many women and girls try to completely get rid of them. They wrongly believe that their presence can prevent them from actively searching for a partner. Young ladies do not even suspect that many men like them and even excite them.

Shaving or intimate haircut?

Of course, knowing why you need pubic hair, you can easily decide which is better: a full shave or an intimate haircut. The positive side of the first scenario is the complete removal of vegetation from the bikini area. In some countries, only such an intimate haircut is considered beautiful and sexy. However, not all men agree with this.

Some representatives of the stronger sex are convinced that a neat haircut looks much more beautiful than a completely shaved pubic area. This is partly true. The fact is that inept shaving of the pubic vegetation, which is very tough, injures the delicate skin in intimate places. As a result, bruising and ingrown hairs appear there. By the way, Marilyn Monroe was the first to make it fashionable to dye pubic hair. At that time, she actively bleached it, wanting to be blonde from head to toe. Since then, the dyed intimate haircut has not ceased to be fashionable. Shades of hair can be chosen in a variety of ways. But the stronger sex prefers naturalness.

Doctors about pubic hair removal

If you turn to doctors with a question why hair is needed on the pubic part, then they will answer unequivocally: nature would not create something unnecessary. Many scientific medical staff have investigated the issue of removing intimate vegetation. Workers at Harvard University found that this process, for example, leads to obesity.

In addition, it has been proven that women who regularly have intimate haircuts or completely shave their pubic part are more likely to experience menstrual irregularities, infertility, and menopause catches them much earlier. The absence of pubic hair also negatively affects the hormonal background of the girl. As a result, her skin becomes more flabby, and masculinity also appears. Of course, these effects are not always very pronounced. And people just can not notice them. However, doctors say that shaving the hair on the pubic part is necessary as little as possible.

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We can easily talk about hair on the head. But we're not always so open about pubic hair.

Pubic hair has been a thorny thing for a long time (no, it's not because you shave). The media, our friends, and our romantic partners sometimes tell us mixed things about what we should do with them.

Given whether we should shave our pubic hair or not, it's no surprise that some myths have taken root in the culture.

But what does science say about this?

1. Most people tend to their intimate garden.

A recent study that polled many American women found that more than 80 percent shaved their pubes regularly. About 5 percent of women do it daily, but a monthly regimen is more common. About 75 percent of women stick to front and bikini hair removal. More than 60 percent remove hair completely.

According to a recent study, men also groom their groin area, with about 50 percent doing it regularly. Of these, almost 90 percent remove hair that is front and center, and more than half remove hair on the scrotum.

More than 25 percent of pubic caregivers are injured, a 2017 study found, and women are slightly more likely than men to be injured.

The good news for girls is that waxing can reduce the chances of injury.

3. Older guys should be more careful with the scrotum

A scratch in your genitals can lead to a life-threatening, tissue-destroying infection called Fournier's gangrene. It affects only 1 in 7,500 people but is more common in older men and can destroy the scrotum. (Although rare, women can also get an infection in the outer vaginal folds as a result of certain surgical procedures.)

Certain conditions, such as diabetes, lupus, Crohn's disease, leukemia, or HIV, can increase your risk of developing Fournier's gangrene. If you have any of these conditions or a weakened immune system, talk to your doctor about the safest pubic hair care practices. If you cut your scrotum, clean the cut thoroughly with soap and water and rubbing alcohol. Call your doctor if you experience severe pain, discoloration of the skin at the site of the cut, or a high fever.

4. The menstrual cycle can determine how painful waxing can feel.

First, let's get one thing straight: you can wax while on your period. But it is better to wait until they are finished. Research shows that during Aunt Flow's visit and in the days leading up to it, hormonal fluctuations can cause an increased perception of pain.

5. 73 percent of guys and 55.6 percent of girls prefer hair removal before sex

A recent study shows that more than half of women remove their hair before intercourse. In a separate study, nearly three-quarters of men (ages 25 to 34) were found to shave their pubes for the same reason.

6. Those who have pubic hair removed are more likely to do or receive oral sex.

Both men and women prefer to prepare their pubes for oral sex; there is no gender gap. Studies in both men and women show that oral sex, which has become more popular in recent years, is associated with shaving pubic hair.

7. Removing your pubic hair will not magically increase your sexual pleasure.

Shaving or not shaving pubic hair is a matter of personal preference. And your choice will not have a direct impact on your orgasm or pleasure in the process.

Keep in mind that pubic hair acts as a small barrier against too many hits if that's a problem. “During sexual activity, skin-to-skin contact creates friction,” explains Katie Burris, a dermatologist at ColumbiaDoctors and assistant professor of dermatology at Columbia University Medical Center. "Without pubic hair, there may be a higher chance of abrasion and injury to the skin."

8. Girls remove their pubic hair to please their partners.

More than 20 percent of women say they remove their pubic hair because their partner wants it, a recent survey says. And while a recent study shows that more men (60 percent) than women (24 percent) prefer a hairless sexual partner, there's no reason to go hairless if you don't want to.

9. Lack of pubic hair can boost self-esteem

One study links the complete removal of pubic hair to a more positive self-perception of the genitals in women. And another study shows that groin care can lead to increased self-esteem in men. Of course, pubic hair is completely normal. But if the absence of hair in the intimate area makes you more confident - remove them.

10. We are less inclined to mow the grass as we get older.

Maybe we are more accepting of our bodies and their natural states when we get that which comes with age. Both men and women tend to mow their bushes less or not at all as they get older.

11. A visit to the doctor inspired 40% of women to shave their pubic hair.

A visit to the doctor is a motivating factor for women to clean up their garden. Studies confirm that 40 percent of women have had bikini enhancements before going to the gynecologist. About 20 percent of men report visiting medical facilities as an excuse to shave their lawn.

“Some women apologize for not shaving their hair there when they come to see me,” says Angela Jones, rector of sexual health. She says that both care and apology are unnecessary: ​​“It’s your choice.”

12. Your pubic hair won't grow forever to infinite length.

Some women are blessed with hair like Rapunzel, and some men are proud of their long and thick hair adorning their scalps, but pubic hair does not grow beyond a certain length. The fur on our pubes has a shorter growth cycle that lasts for several weeks.

13. Your intimate haircut doesn't really reflect your level of cleanliness.

Nearly 60 percent of women who love getting their intimate haircut cite hygiene as a reason. And roughly 60 percent of men report the same motivation. But the presence of pubic hair does not interfere with hygiene. Yes, more of your natural scent may cling to your hair, but it's actually a good thing. Those pheromones that our apocrine glands produce are part of the science of mate attraction.

14. Your pubic hair is not a reliable barrier to STIs, but it can help.

Research on this topic is still ongoing, but pubic hair may be a minor defense against sexually transmitted infections (STIs). This is because some removal methods pose a risk of bacterial growth through cuts or by affecting the hair follicle. However, condoms and other protection methods should not be ignored just because you have a righteous pubic rug.

15 We Have Pubic Lice Thanks To Gorillas

Researchers theorize that pubic lice appeared over 3 million years ago. At that time, people sometimes occupied empty gorilla sanctuaries. This gave the lice an opportunity to spread. Of course, with all of our obsessive grooming these days, we can also contribute to the disappearance of pubic lice.

16. Like scalp hair, your pubic hair can also fall out with age.

If you now have lush carpeting, many factors can thin it out or even cause baldness. For women, menopause is one of the causes. For men, this is a natural aging process and a decrease in testosterone levels. Keep in mind that anything that causes scalp hair loss, such as certain medications, conditions, or chemotherapy, can also cause body hair loss.

17. Regular waxing can inhibit hair growth.

If you're the type who wouldn't dare skip a monthly wax appointment, you may notice that your hair grows back more slowly. This is because repeated trauma to the hair follicle can kill it. REST IN PEACE!

18. Shaving won't make your hair grow back.

When we shave, we rip out the hair at the base, getting rid of its natural tapered soft ends. Some people believe that shaving stimulates hair growth. Science says it's not. What we do notice is that frequent shaving dulls the razor.

19. Itching is the biggest side effect of shaving.

More than 80% of those surveyed suffer from genital itching, says a 2015 study. That dreaded itchy perineum can be the result of shaving. To minimize irritation, always use a clean razor on clean, damp skin in the direction of hair growth and with lubricant. Use a skin moisturizer after shaving.

Itching can be a symptom of an STI, but it's not often the only symptom. See your doctor if you experience itching along with pain during sex or urination, bleeding, sores, or a rash.

20. And finally, no, the color of the carpet does not necessarily match the color of the curtains.

Hair on the head and on the pubis may differ in shade. This is because the amount of melanin in the outer layer of the hair determines its color, and we have different amounts of melanin in the hair on different parts of our bodies.

So now you know!
When it comes to pubic hair, the answer to the question “to shave or not to shave” is up to you. There is nothing wrong with leaving your lawn natural. Your hygiene and sexuality will not suffer from this.

If an intimate haircut boosts your confidence, go for it. Just be careful with your delicate details when cutting and don't neglect your garden.

Long before you had a selection of sexy selfies with your man, people were forced to make alternative souvenirs. For example, in Victorian England, lovers exchanged strands of hair (you guessed it, not out of my head). This hair was usually kept in beautiful boxes, but some men did not stop there and hid it in their hats. You won't believe why. Like talismans that increase their male power!

2. Pubic hair is used to make wigs.

In the distant 1600s, many prostitutes, due to the prevalence of pubic lice, were forced to shave their pubic hair. However, it was impossible to do without hair in the bikini area, then for some reason it was considered sexy, and women needed their replacement. They made pubic wigs usually from fur, cloth or even beaver skins. It's hard to imagine, but it turns out that such an unusual detail is still used in filming.

3. Pubic hair absorbs odors

There are many theories as to why we have pubic hair, and one of them is that we need it to absorb odors. In particular, they can absorb pheromones, ensuring that your intimate area will smell as attractive as possible to potential partners.

4. There is a scale for measuring an intimate haircut

In fact, there is quite an official tool for measuring pubic hair. The Tanner scale, developed in 1969, describes the puberty of adolescents based on the observation of changes in primary and secondary sexual characteristics, in particular, pubic hair. Depending on the type and area of ​​\u200b\u200bhair distribution, the scale has five stages.

5. With age, they begin to fall out.

There are, frankly, very few positive things about getting older, but one of them is that as you age, your pubic hair gets thinner and may even fall out completely. This is due to various hormonal changes that occur with old age and occurs in about a third of women.

Removing pubic hair is something we have all tried. Many women regularly shave their pubic hair. And why not? Not only does the wonderfully smooth skin in the female pubic area feel fresh and youthful, it looks amazing to our partners who are filled with wild excitement!

In modern society, shaving the female pubis is a completely common and quite acceptable practice. Almost every second believes that it is hygienic, so you need to remove pubic hair almost forcibly!

An absolutely amazing delusion, but you still do not believe?

There is scientific evidence that explains why shaving pubic hair is dangerous enough! According to a study, 60% of women who shave their pubic hair suffer from several associated complications, such as ingrown hairs (1). According to another study, removing hair in the vaginal and pubic area increases the chances of STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) or, as they say, sexually transmitted diseases (2).

If that's not enough to convince you, here are additional reasons that perfectly show why that thick pubic hair should stay!

Hair grows all over your body (you can find it anywhere) and always helps regulate body temperature (3). Your pubic hair and follicles in this part of your body perform the same function of helping you sweat. Everything happens simply: under the hair follicle are the sebaceous glands, which naturally produce sebum. This oily substance is transported upward to the surface of the skin by the hair, where it gradually evaporates and thus keeps the skin cool.

2. Pubic hair in women protects the genitals.

The #2 reason not to shave pubic hair is that it acts as a protective shield between the genitals, disease-causing bacteria and other pathogens (4). Getting rid of pubic hair, you immediately begin to expose yourself to potential health problems, and this is not good.

The female reproductive organs are divided into internal and external. The female genital organs perform a reproductive function, and also take part in the formation of female sex hormones. The female reproductive organs include the ovaries and their appendages, the uterus and fallopian tubes, the vagina, the clitoris, and the female genital area. Woman's pubic hair are a natural protective barrier of the genital organs from various pathogens and external damage.

3. Women's pubic hair is a storehouse of pheromones.

While the vagina assists in the secretion of pheromones, women's pubic hair is responsible for maintaining hair so that pheromones can work their magic on potential mates (5), (6). If you shave off your pubic hair, you are actually depriving your body of that amazing storehouse of pheromones that make you more attractive, especially to those who care about smells. When the human body sweats, it increases the production of pheromones, which are captured and stored by the hairs in the pubic area. And if a woman wants to add unbridled passion to her man, this is an important reason not to remove pubic hair.

4. Pubic hair reduces the risk of genital warts

As the name implies, genital warts (genital warts) affect areas in the intimate parts of the body. They appear as growths or bumps on the skin. Genital warts can be quite uncomfortable and cause intense itching. Even though genital warts are caused by HPV or the human papillomavirus, your chances of getting them are significantly increased if you shave off your pubic hair - and this is confirmed by a real scientific study! (7).

As you have already learned, shaving your pubis can be more damaging than helpful. It also increases your chances of getting a type of viral infection known as molluscum contagiosum (8). I have already cited scientific facts that confirm that shaving your pubis makes you more susceptible to STDs and other rapidly spreading infections. Although molluscum contagiosum occurs without painful symptoms, it causes inflammation and redness of the skin.

6. Pubic hair relieves wounds and irritation

Remember those itching and burning sensations you feel when you get rid of your hair down there? Well, those microscopic wounds. Every time you wax or shave this area, the procedure causes skin irritation, and worse, abscesses, boils, and other similar skin infections that can be quite painful. So maybe it's time to take a break and stop removing pubic hair.

7. Pubic hair is especially important for overweight women.

No, this is not a crude allusion to the fact that all conceivable and unthinkable problems are associated with being overweight; this is actually a purely scientific fact. According to a study published in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, a medical journal, overweight women who shave their intimate hair are twice as likely to suffer from related complications because their skin is always in very close contact due to for wrinkling (9).
