Are there conspiracies? Conspiracy rules

Conspiracies: Fact or Fiction?

According to statistics, our compatriots annually spend fabulous amounts of money on psychics, fortune-tellers, soothsayers and the like. A large share of the profits received by representatives of this business belongs to those who offer to solve any problems with the help of such an ancient means as conspiracies. And sometimes women themselves, trying to save money on the services of traditional healers, arm themselves with appropriate brochures and try to achieve well-being by whispering ancient formulas.

Truly, faith in the power of the spoken word seems indestructible. But is she justified? To answer this question, you first need to explain in more detail what conspiracies are.

A conspiracy is a folk-poetic verbal formula-spell, which, according to popular beliefs, is attributed to magical power. Among the conspiracies, the most widespread are therapeutic (from toothache, from fever, from pain in the heart), usually combined with the performance of special rites. Also, love conspiracies (“prisushki”) and social conspiracies (for example, a conspiracy to find a job) stand out in separate groups. In general, if you wish, you can find conspiracies for almost any occasion.

Our distant pagan ancestors, uttering spells, turned to the forces of nature - the sun, month, wind, thunder, rain, or asked for help from the deities personifying these forces. With the advent of Christianity, such characters as the Mother of God, Jesus Christ, angels and saints appeared in verbal spelling formulations.

All conspiracies are divided into two groups, the first of which includes conspiracies with actions and rituals, and the second - conspiracies without them. At the same time, the actions and rituals that accompanied the pronunciation of spells were and remain very numerous and diverse. They slander water, salt, soap, wine, vinegar and much, much more. In recent years, as if paying tribute to the technological development of civilization, even conspiracies have appeared on a computer and a car.

However, despite the apparent diversity, all conspiracies have a common structure. When reading a conspiracy, the first thing to do is to pronounce "background", which in a certain way sets the reader to further pronounce the spell in order to enhance its effect. Then comes the “discovery” of the conspiracy, followed by the direct verbal expression of what is desired.

The next step is “likening a symbol” (comparing what is desired with one or another natural phenomenon) and turning to the elements (or divine forces) with a request to help fulfill the desire. Further, the conspiracy is fixed, for example, by saying that they close all previously spoken words to the key. Finally, conspiracies end with the word "amen" in the meaning of "so be it" or gratitude.

Conspiracies are usually pronounced in a whisper. During the ceremony, certain rules must be observed: conspiracies are read barefoot and bare-haired, in clean clothes, be sure to remove jewelry (with the exception of the pectoral cross). In winter (as well as in late autumn and early spring), the best time for reading is noon or late evening, in summer - an hour before sunrise or a period of time from noon to 2 pm.

So do conspiracies work? Do they really help you achieve your desires? Some scientists think so.

The basis for such an impact is the transmission of this or that information, which occurs on a subconscious level with the help of sounds and rhythm. All black conspiracies in their composition contain sound combinations that can have a negative psychological impact on a person, while light ones, on the contrary, carry positive energy and “program” the reader or listener for success, good luck and all kinds of well-being.

Other researchers attribute the effectiveness of conspiracies to the so-called "placebo effect" and, indeed, conspiracies usually work on those who fervently and sincerely believe in their real power. The reading of conspiracies is a kind of suggestion technique, comparable to those used in hypnosis for the purpose of psychotherapy.

For example, in the text of a conspiracy against drunkenness, it is necessarily said that the patient no longer wants to drink alcoholic beverages, that he is disgusted with them. So, if you want to receive such psychological support, then conspiracies for this can be a very suitable tool.

However, relying on the power of conspiracies alone is still not worth it. Remember that you yourself are responsible for your life, and no spells will help change it for the better if you do not take steps in the right direction on your own. And, finally, with special care should be treated with medical conspiracies. They can only become an additional psychological help in the process of curing a particular disease, but by no means a replacement for all the means that are available in the arsenal of modern medicine.

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Conspiracies are a type of magic spells(more Slavic), which should be slandered at something or someone.

To be more precise, these are such verbal formulas, the structure of construction and the meaning of which, when pronounced, are aimed at achieving some specific goals.

Simply put, it is just a phrase, or a series of phrases united by one meaning, like a poem or a prayer.

Most of these phrases have existed for a very long time, and unchanged. For this reason, over several tens and hundreds of years of uttering conspiracies by people, a certain energy potential has accumulated in these words that can influence people or the world around them.

This potential can be called an egregore - a kind of energy clot tuned to receive and give energy to those who pronounce those who created this egregor of the word.

These are always words in a strictly defined order and you cannot change them, otherwise the conspiracy will not work.

It should be understood that each conspiracy is initially created for some specific purpose. They select those words and their order that will be able to influence the mental or physical state of a person in the right way. Therefore, conspiracies cannot be pronounced simply for the sake of interest and fun.

According to the will of the ancient sorcerers and magicians, conspiracies are like monuments of a prophetic magical word that contains terrible power. This power should not be awakened unless absolutely necessary, so as not to bring disaster on oneself.

The same applies to any verbal rituals, including prayers: any prayer is said only when it is needed and only in order to achieve some goal (to ask God for something).

Therefore, resorting to the help of conspiracies, always remember that any conspiracy uttered incorrectly, or for the wrong purpose, can act against you. And in such cases, conspiracies always work against those who pronounce them.

Unnecessarily, do not wake up a dragon that can eat you. In order for the conspiracy to activate and work correctly, it is necessary to follow at least the basic rules common to all conspiracies. Let's take a look at them right now.

1. It is necessary to pronounce magic words in the morning or evening dawn. Usually, in each particular conspiracy, if it is correct, this is stipulated. That is, it is done either at sunrise or at sunset. Universal conspiracies, so that they can be done this way and that, do not exist.

2. Any conspiracy, if it is morning, is read on an empty stomach, in a ventilated room, becoming, as a rule, facing east. All rituals are usually done on an empty stomach. Remember the requirements before confession in the church, or even medical prescriptions: all tests are taken on an empty stomach in order to get a clean result. Not eating before the rituals is one of the most important conditions. Absorbed food usually tends to sleep, mental strength and energy weaken. These are the biological characteristics of man, so do not try to argue with nature.

3. The main thing when voicing conspiracies is the mental representation of those actions and pictures that are mentioned in the conspiracy. It happens that a lot is presented allegorically, through allegories. Then you still need to imagine allegorical images, but at the same time decipher them for yourself, understand the meaning. Visualization of the process is almost the main condition in any magical rituals. It allows you to tune in to what you need to receive, direct all energy in one direction.

4. When reading conspiracies, they take a calm breath and the same calm exhalation. On the remnants of air, they pronounce words in such a way that with the last word (Amen) they push out all the remnants of air in the lungs. This is an energy trick - this is how you put more energy into your words and thereby enhance their influence. But you can pump up the energy of the word and consciously, thinking at the same time about the meaning of the spoken words and that you inhale the maximum of your strength into each word.

Thinking about the meaning and purpose of the words, you send your energy and conspiracy powers to the destination, to the goal. Having reached the goal, the words will begin to work. After uttering the last word, hold your breath for a couple of seconds. It happens that the conspiracies are very long and there is not enough breathing. In this case, you need to breathe in and out again and continue the conspiracy. This is done until the very end.

By and large, the meaning of rituals with the utterance of magic words is to control all processes. In this matter, breath control is needed not least, as well as thought control. To control the power of a conspiracy, you must understand and control the entire magical process, every thought and action.

5. Despite the need to breathe energy into every word and animate the meaning of the conspiracy, it is very important to remain cool and, as it were, a little detached from the process. Excessive emotions can knock down the mood, and hence the direction of energy. A conspiracy without invested energy is a dead conspiracy and zero results.

Excessive desire for some result is just as destructive. The latter can cause the action of the balancing forces of nature, which will either bring all your efforts to naught, or else remove the irritant: they will give a violator of balance and peace on the forehead. The latter is easier and less energy-consuming for them than dissolving your energy splashes.

6. You need complete confidence in yourself and your abilities, confidence in the correctness and effectiveness of your efforts. Remember the hypnotists: with outward apparent calm, what power each of their words carries, what a strong and confident voice! Conspiracies somewhere even akin to hypnosis and self-hypnosis.

You have to believe implicitly that your words will work. You need to feel your strength, believe in them, feel like a magician. Faith is needed for adjustment, plus it increases self-esteem without any tangible arguments that the other person always needs to get and see first. And you work with the invisible. Faith helps to gather strength "into a fist."

7. Reading aloud is more effective than whispering.. Again, for energy reasons. All this does not apply to experienced witches. The magician must be strong so that his whisper has no less power than the word spoken, voiced by a pure voice of thought. Experienced Witch Grandmothers are called whisperers for a reason; old people are usually witches with experience in slander.

If you do not know how to mentally pump words with energy, read aloud, confidently and loudly, try to give all the energy of your voice to the spoken word. Ideally, after the plot, you should feel a little tired. This means that you have put enough effort into the plot. The concept of sufficiency in such a matter is, of course, relative, because you are only able to do what you can at a given level of development, as far as you are skillful and strong today. But the more effort you put in and the more responsible you approach the matter, the more tangible the result will be in the end.

8. The conspiracy must be pronounced while standing, the back is straight, the head is slightly lowered forward. The condition to do everything while standing calls to show will and strength. The expressions “steadfast will”, “show steadfastness” exist for a reason. But the main meaning of this condition is in the direct current of energy passing through the chakras. The main energy centers in the human biofield are located just vertically, on one straight line.

If you pronounce conspiracies while sitting, their effect will be much lower, because the current of energy is refracted. Plus, in a sitting position, many muscle groups are in a relaxed state, which also weakens the overall energy background.

However, excessive tension is also harmful, and unaccustomed discomfort can knock down the setting completely. In order to tune in to something, you need to at least relax a little. Therefore, in order to avoid such troubles, follow your feelings and try to stick to some golden mean. A harmonious state of both internal (spiritual) and external (physical) sensations is the key to the success of any magical ritual.

9. To enhance the effect of the conspiracy, you can read “Our Father” three times before pronouncing it. In this case, you simply connect third-party forces. Egregor of the main Lord's prayer will provide you with energy replenishment.

10. If you are reading a plot not for yourself, but for someone (for example, to help), approach the person in need with pure thoughts, with a sincere desire to help. And not in order to show their strength or prove their skills. You don't have to play with magic unnecessarily. Well, except if you are a powerful seventh generation sorcerer with a wealth of experience and a wealth of knowledge. But, as a rule, even experienced magicians never waste their precious powers for fun.

11. In cases where a conspiracy is pronounced on water, it must be drunk in small sips. Ideally, three sips with stops for five minutes. To get the full benefit from the action of the slandered water, after every third sip, pour a little liquid on the right hand and wipe the face, neck, hair of the patient, or your own.

12. During the ritual with the pronunciation of a conspiracy, it is advisable to drive the right hand along the patient's body without touching the surface. At the same time, mentally try to send him warmth, kindness and love. Remember how psychics do it. It's not just that they wave their hands. The hand in this case is a directed conductor of your energy. This energy will just then be “healing” if you think about good, wish the patient to recover and set yourself up for love and positive.

13. The plot is repeated 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 times (obligatory odd number). This is already the magic of numbers and is not included in the topic of this article. It is only worth noting that the energy structure of odd numbers is stronger than even numbers, so the alternation of odd and even numbers embodies the rhythm of activity and decline.

This is what the overall picture looks like. These were only the most basic and necessary conditions and requirements for conducting rituals with conspiracies.

For each individual conspiracy, something may change. It all depends on the situation and the specific task. And this is already known with experience. Therefore, always study and learn new things. This is a guarantee of your well-being, magical literacy and competence in dealing with ancient forces.

Try it, but be vigilant and careful to use what you don't understand. Good luck!

If you have a question that requires an immediate solution, then conspiracies that act instantly will be the best solution. They are the best option in those situations when it is necessary to solve this or that situation very urgently. Most often, conspiracies are used that are aimed at improving health or obtaining a large amount of money. Oddly enough, but it is precisely these questions that people most often solve with the help of magic.

Is there an alternative?

Of course, you can solve the current situation in standard ways. For example, borrow money, and improve health with the help of medicine. But sometimes such a decision is not able to materialize. The bank takes a long time to make a decision on repaying the loan, and at some point it may completely refuse to pay. Medicine is not always able to cure the necessary disease. Unfortunately, even modern medicines are not able to cure some diseases. Not to mention ancient times. In the old days, all issues were resolved, exclusively in a magical way. People believed more in sorcerers and healers than in other traditional ways of solving a problem.

Instant conspiracies must be read only on the growing moon. It is believed that the growth of the moon only enhances the magical abilities of the rites. Thursday is considered to be the most suitable day for resorting to the help of magic. With their help, it is easy to even get rid of damage or the evil eye. Despite the fact that the rituals are quite simple and quick, the preparation for them is quite thorough. The result will make itself felt in the shortest periods of time.

Gunpowder to the rescue

If you are one of those people who are faced with health problems, then this rite is exactly what you need. Incredible pain in the abdomen or tooth, at least once, but happened in the life of every person. Some experts compare this rite with an ambulance, because its action occurs almost instantly. Many people do not use magic, but go to the doctor. In principle, they are right, because the conspiracy can only temporarily stop the pain, but does not cure the disease.

As soon as relief comes, it is urgent to seek help from a doctor. After exposure to magic, you do not have to overcome your pain and go to the hospital. In order for strong instant conspiracies to work, you need to prepare a matchbox. Take out of the box all the matches that need to be cleaned of gunpowder. The collected gunpowder must be placed in glass or metal dishes. Such materials have increased safety, and do not lead to fire. Gunpowder needs to create the shape of a cross.

Set fire to the formed cross, and read the plot, which sounds like this:

“I, the servant of God (name), felt pain of incredible strength. I can not restrain my emotions, and endure unpleasant sensations. I can’t turn to doctors for help yet, so I ask for help from higher powers. On my knees, I ask for help in getting rid of the ailment that has settled in my body. I wish to get rid of it soon, or at least for a short period of time to reduce this pain. There is no strength to endure, and pretend that everything is fine. All my relatives are worried about me. Please save me from my illness. Amen".

A conspiracy will help bring good luck

If you need to instantly attract good luck, then this rite is just what you need. This method is considered the most versatile in order for good luck to accompany you, even when playing the lottery. Let's consider the most common situations in more detail.

  1. Buying a lottery ticket. Quite often, people buy a lottery and wish it was a winning one. It is not necessary to hit the jackpot in the lottery. Even a small win is enough for the mood to noticeably improve. Lottery conspiracies are simple, but very effective. This is nowhere to go.
  2. student session. This conspiracy is addressed by students who want to successfully pass a session or any particular exam. For example, in order to get the ticket for which the student knows the correct answer one hundred percent.

In order for the ritual to take effect, you must create a charm. It is the amulet that will act as a conductor of good luck. Making an amulet is quite simple and does not require special knowledge in the field of esotericism. You must prepare a paper sheet. On a piece of paper, write the following spell:

“May my Angel always be with me. I really need his protection and help. My angel, I ask you for help. Help me to attract good luck even for a short period of time. I so want luck to constantly pursue me in difficult situations. My request is quite simple and not intricate (indicate the reason for the request). Amen".

Make a tube with this paper. You can glue its edges with tape or glue so that the edges cannot unwind. Take a small pin and fasten the amulet to the inside of the garment. It is necessary to do this so that no one can notice the amulet on your clothes. Otherwise, you will have to explain the reason for a long time, which few people can understand. In those moments when you need help, just take the amulet in your hand and ask the Angel to help you. The action of the conspiracy will happen pretty quickly.

“I wish that all negative situations from my life disappear. I ask you to save me, the servant of God (name), from the magical negativity that the enemies sent to me. Oak will help improve my health. May holy water protect me from the evil eye, so that I never feel the evil eye on me. All bad things must disappear and never appear. Amen".

After reading the plot, wash your face with sacred water, and dry yourself with the inside of your clothes. Drink water in small sips, and read the prayers that you know. This ritual not only quickly gets rid of the evil eye and damage, and puts protection on you, so the negative impact of black magic will never appear on you.

Today I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will present not only black rites, but also white conspiracies to get money. Working on the personal strength of the performer and with an appeal to the Forces of the Christian egregor - simple conspiracies of white magic to attract money. Although, I will not hide, there will be a black ritual for a large amount of money.

In effective business magic, there are simple household rituals, there are also very strong conspiracies for money, which must be used carefully. With the stipulated ones, in general, all magical rites for money related to black magic should be done, because work in this tradition of witchcraft is carried out with Forces that are by no means always loyal to a person.

Magic conspiracies to attract big money - the meaning of financial spells

If you have never worked with black magic to attract good luck before, and feel a lack of knowledge, try daily spells for earned money, the so-called whispers. Do not underestimate such monetary rituals; with constant practice, you will feel their positive impact. And immediately an example of a simple free conspiracy to make money. Having received cash in hand, for example, a salary or a repaid debt, read the words of a simple money conspiracy to yourself:

“I go with money, I hold it with my hands. Not for the hands of strangers, but for their own hands. Amen".

What do free conspiracies give to attract money into your life?

Gradual filling of the money channel. That's it, no more, no less. The money that you are ready to accept into your life today will definitely come. New financial sources will open up, and the money you have will stop slipping away like sand through your fingers. Even if your income level remains the same, the circumstances are so that you can start investing. As you know, even small investments protected by money magic are the first step to wealth.

Practicing money magic, not immediately, but inevitably, you will come to the conclusion about the need for strong conspiracies for quick money. This is normal practice. When magic becomes a way of your life, you will know how to protect yourself and loved ones from the results of improperly conducted rituals to attract good luck in money matters- kickbacks and reverses, how to choose and carry out a ceremony, how to work competently in a complex, how to hide yourself and put locks on your work. And much more, without which a conjuring person cannot take place as a magician.

There are in the rituals of black magic very ancient spells for money which in the old days were used every day. Whoever was not afraid to know the devil was lucky in life. There were times when it took a lot of courage to be a witch or sorcerer. It is worth recalling the infamous witch hunt, which in Rus' under Christian oppression began much earlier than in Western Europe, although it did not take on such a scale as in Europe.

If the bonfires blazed there at the end of the 15th century, then on Russian soil the most severe persecution of people suspected of witchcraft, under the leadership of the church, began as early as the 11th century. Sorcerers, sorcerers and sorcerers were ordered to "beat, rob and expel", and witches "dashing women" everywhere in the squares with a large crowd of people burned in log cabins.

A proven conspiracy for money - how best to conduct a ceremony and get a result

If the money conspiracy has indeed been repeatedly tested by you, and there have been good results, you know how to carry out such an impact, and do not make mistakes. I remind you, learn to keep your mouth shut, do not tell anyone about your magical successes. Especially when a witchcraft rite for quickly attracting money has been done recently and it is being promoted. With your intemperance, you can interrupt all witchcraft work. And it also happens that proven magic conspiracies to attract big money simply stop working when the operator talks about his successes.

What can be done to quickly receive money if such a need suddenly arises?

You can independently read a conspiracy to get money quickly.

Such effective conspiracies can be of a different nature, for example, an easy quick thief of money luck. If you see someone has a lot of good or money, put a fig in your pocket and say the words of the spell to yourself:

“You don’t give a damn, but I’m full of boxes, and I’m full of bins and barns, a house of good, wallets with money, gold and silver. I am a prince and a merchant, I have a crown of happiness. Amen".

There is a very simple kradnik conspiracy that can be used at least every day, paying for purchases. I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will note that this is an effective conspiracy for money when buying, since it works very well. Having received change in the store, take the money with your left hand and say the text of the conspiracy to yourself:

“Your money is in our pocket, your treasury is my treasury. Let it be so".

Instant conspiracy for money - a ritual of black magic

Or here is such a money ritual - a conspiracy at the crossroads. This is not a thief, but a conspiracy to receive long-awaited money, or a good profit from trading. Take a handful of wheat and, after midnight, go to the crossroads on foot. Standing facing west, read the words aloud black magic conspiracy for money for their immediate arrival:

“Fly, birds, to my wheat, carry money with you, but give everything to me. As birds flock to grain, so money would fly into my wallet. Amen".

Throw a grain over your shoulder at a crossroads. And then ransoming an odd number of coins. Before a free magical rite, you can read the call of the Forces. Practicing magicians do not always do this, often there is simply no need for this. And it is advisable for a beginner to read out the call, since you are already going to a crossroads.

Simple white magic conspiracies to attract money

Make a talisman for yourself, a magical decoy that will attract money, filling and increasing cash flow. For self-production of a money talisman, you need:

  • small bag made of natural fabric
  • coins of various denominations
  • Eucalyptus oil
  • peppermint oil

Eucalyptus oil increases concentration, clears the mind, removes negativity, weakens the power of evil. Peppermint oil attracts money. Put the coins in a bag, after lubricating each with oil, and hide the money talisman in the northern part of your house. Self-conspiracy to quickly receive a large amount of money, is not needed, but visualization of the result that you expect and expect to get is necessary.

Which house is making a conspiracy for big money

But what can be done with the first large bill that came from trade or one-time. Take a bill and bend the corner on the right side. Then, in the same way, bend the corner on the other side of the bill. You will get an isosceles triangle. Bend the bill along the vertical axis of the short side. Take any corner with your left hand, and read the words of a magical conspiracy to attract big money:

“As a strong river attracts streams, and the sea attracts strong rivers, as a woman attracts a man, and a man attracts a woman, as the night attracts the day, and the day attracts the night, so would you attract your own kind. It will be as I said. Amen".

Put the charmed banknote in your wallet. This money magnet must be there for at least 3 months. Next to it, you can put pieces of paper of the same denomination. And you need to do this in order to set in motion the principle - money attracts money.

This white conspiracy for the first money can attract quite large sums into your life. But, even if some money comes, this is also a result. Whatever amount of money comes to you, accept it with gratitude, because thanks to magic, your money channel is being filled.

How to make a conspiracy to attract money - for prosperity in the house for coins

The rite is simple. For him you will need:

  • 30 coins
  • wax candle

Coins must be of the same denomination. Put them in even rows on the table, put them next to each other and light a candle. A candle is needed ordinary from wax, it is advisable to make it yourself for a proven rite to attract good luck in business.

For each coin, say the words of a conspiracy to attract money:

“Thirty ravens flew to me, (name), from heaven, and brought thirty gold coins. I'll put them around the house so that they never run out. The word is a stone, you can't turn it. Amen".

Do not extinguish the candle, let it burn to the end. If something remains, the cinder should be buried under a young tree. Arrange the coins in different ones so that none of the inhabitants of the house can see them. You can repeat the magic ritual to attract money to your home once a year, a little more often, for the same coins.

An old conspiracy for a large amount of money - for pine resin

This money spell is done in the forest. On the growing moon, go to the forest, find a pine tree, on the bark of which there are abundant streaks of resin. This resin must be collected, rolled into a ball, while reading a strong conspiracy for a large amount of money. Carry a resin ball with you.

“The pine girl was crying, strong, sculpting her tear. As resin is attached to the bark, so let the money cling to me. Let them cry, money, silver, gold, and thousands cry for me. As long as I (name) live, money will love me passionately. My word is castle. Amen".

Independent white conspiracy on Sunday for money

On Sundays on the growing moon, waking up, read such a conspiracy for monetary prosperity and great wealth:

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately correctly adjust it to yourself in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally well suited for people of any religion

“I’ll get up early, go, blessed, go to the church of God, go in, cross myself, pray to the Lord God and all His angels and the Archangels. O holy Heavenly Beginnings, implore our Lord Jesus Christ to make us worthy to lay a good beginning! I pray to the Great Archangel Varahiel: Holy Archangel Varahiel, who brings blessings from the Lord to us, bless me to lay a good start, correct the negligent, and please the Lord my Savior in everything forever and ever. Amen. Holy Varaahiel, if it be the will of God, make sure that gold flows into my bins, flows, does not dry out. Be non-contracts and negotiations, be all my words in full, and do not attack my words neither on land, nor on the sea, nor on dark forests, nor on violent winds, but attack my words on a golden husband, on a golden sword, on a golden tree. Just as a fish cannot live without water and a child without a mother, so the gold from that tree cannot exist without my bins. To all my words in the sea there is a key, in the mouth there is a lock - I lock it, I lock it forever and ever. Amen".

How to read a conspiracy for bread - how to attract money with a word

To make your income grow, use a white safe conspiracy for good luck in business. Read on a slice of rye bread, after which the bread should be eaten.

Read the conspiracy to raise money for bread three times:

“The grain fell into the ground, grew up as a sprout, turned golden as a spikelet, dropped bread. As I have plenty of bread in the field, so I have money to the sky. As bread grows, ears of corn grow, so does wealth grow and increase. Amen".

Free conspiracy to rain for money - attract wealth to the house

And at the end of the article, I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, offer you another simple white magic conspiracy to attract money. An effective plot to get rid of poverty should be read while looking at the rain. Once the rainy weather is over, magic. It is not necessary to go outside in the midst of bad weather, it is enough just to stand at the window, look at the pouring rain and read in a whisper the words of the conspiracy to urgently raise money:

“There are three sisters, three forces, three waters, heavenly rain water, surface sea water, underground spring water. And there is also the water of God, holy. The rain collects all the waters together, gives me (name) gold, silver, and money to run to me, and wealth to me as a collateral. My word is stronger than flint. Amen".

Do you urgently need help with an issue? No time to wait? Read conspiracies that act instantly. Instant conspiracies act very quickly and are designed to solve important life problems. All instant conspiracies are best read on the growing moon, on days when lunar energy increases. Thursday is considered the most favorable day for a conspiracy. By reading such a plot, you can relieve severe pain, make a person call you, and even attract good luck. With the help of such conspiracies, the evil eye is removed. Although these conspiracies are instantaneous, they require preliminary preparation. The effect will not keep you waiting.

When you don't feel like waiting: instant conspiracies that work effectively in the shortest possible time.

The instant action of the conspiracy is a reality!

Most often, such conspiracies of instant action are used by people who are faced with a health problem. Every person has experienced severe toothache or abdominal pain at least once. This conspiracy, like an ambulance, will help to quickly relieve pain. Many people resort to medicines, call a doctor. This conspiracy will help relieve pain for a while. When you feel relieved, you can safely turn to a specialist without taking drastic measures. For an instant plot to relieve pain, you need a box of matches. Remove all matches from the box, collect gunpowder from them, scraping it from each match. Sprinkle gunpowder on a metal or glass surface to be safe. Scatter the gunpowder in the shape of a cross. Now you need to set fire to this cross and have time to cast a spell

“Where there is smoke, there is pain.
Where there is smoke, there is pain.

Speak until all the gunpowder is burned. After this conspiracy, the pain should subside within a few minutes.

Instant spell for good luck

This plot is the most versatile tool when you want to get lucky. For example, you bought a lottery ticket and you want it to be a winning one. This conspiracy will help any student get the right ticket for the exam. For an instant plot for good luck, you need to make an amulet, which will be a guide to good luck. The amulet is very easy to make. You will need a very small piece of paper on which to write the following words

"My angel, be with me.
One luck goes, then another leads.

Roll a piece of paper into a tube, which must be sealed so that it does not unfold. Take an ordinary safety pin and fasten the straw to the clothes that you plan to wear during the day. As soon as you need luck, touch the amulet and ask the Angel of Good Luck to help you. The spell will take effect immediately.

Instant conspiracy from the evil eye

Simple and fast conspiracies

The conspiracy is read if you feel that you have been jinxed. There are people whose gaze or envy turns against other people. If you have felt a sudden malaise or bad luck has been haunting you lately, then you may have been jinxed. To remove such an evil eye, an instant conspiracy will help. Removing the evil eye symbolizes cleansing from bad energy. To do this, you will need an oak broom and holy water. It is better to go to the bath with this broom. If you do not have such an opportunity, then you can remove the evil eye with the help of a conspiracy on oak leaves at home. Take a new oak broom, sprinkle it with holy water and bang yourself with a broom for several minutes while reciting the following spell

Oak, oak, strengthen my health.
Holy water, take the eyes of bad people away from me.
With an oak broom I cut off all the bad.

After you have patted yourself with an oak broom, wash yourself with holy water and wipe your face with the hem of your dress or shirt. Take a few sips of holy water and read the Lord's Prayer. After such a ritual, the evil eye disappears instantly, and you will never be exposed to it again.

You can still do it, also a very effective way.

Instant conspiracies are performed with strong faith in the fulfillment of what is desired. The stronger your faith, the faster the conspiracy works. Sometimes a person wants so much to make his wish come true that one thought is enough and you can perform real magic without additional attributes.

Video: "Strong conspiracies from Vanga that act instantly"

Website visitor comments

    I liked the method from the evil eye. This conspiracy is a necessary thing in our time - precisely from the evil eye. Since there are many such people who are jealous of someone else's happiness, they do not build their own and interfere with others. We should try, probably, it won’t get worse anyway, we just sat down to expect the best =) I just have envious girlfriends, so I’ll put a conspiracy on them. It is necessary to try all your conspiracies in general, it is very interesting.

    By the way, a conspiracy for good luck! I used it all the time while I was in college! Not a bit sorry! And I will tell my children about it. I always hated cramming, so exams were hell for me, although I understood my specialty. All exams have always passed easily and without problems. At the same time, when I wanted a five, I got it, and if a four was enough for me in some subject, then she came out. The main thing here is not to be impudent and approach wisely!)

    I always make a conspiracy from the evil eye, before some holiday, when my child will be given a lot of attention. He is still small and everyone needs to cuddle, say what cute cheeks, eyes, etc. he has. I can't rage, but there's nothing to be done. And the child will get tired of all this and then not reassure. This is how I got used to it lately. I will quickly make a conspiracy and I am no longer afraid of any problems. I calmly have fun and relax without worrying about the child

    I was interested in an instant conspiracy from the evil eye, I want to try it. They need an oak whisk, well, I'll take it from my grandmother, where I saw it. And for holy water I go to church. It's just that lately I've noticed not good looks from my colleagues at work. Moreover, I often make presentations, and there are sidelong glances from partners. Here's someone who jinxed it. It would be necessary to put the protection of your conspiracy. I had heard something before, but somehow did not dare.

    I decided to try the plot for good luck and went to the movies with friends. At the exit, I found 5000 rubles in one bill, as if they were lying just for me, they were waiting straight) This is luck, so luck)

    In our harsh times of envious people and ill-wishers, a conspiracy from the evil eye is a real salvation! I use it regularly for myself and my family. So far, it has never failed and will not let you down, I'm sure! Thanks for the complete info!

    A very useful article. Now it is not easy not to meet a person who would treat you without envy, it is difficult to live without quarrels, and it is still difficult to live without good luck. It's good that there is a site with articles that describe conspiracies and talismans of various properties. For example, I always carry with me so that no ill-wishers jinx it. You never know who you will meet along the way. And I will definitely take the conspiracy "for gunpowder" into service))

    Let all bad weather and misfortunes go away ... I couldn’t remember where I had heard this before. And this is what my mother told me, so that if I suddenly doubt something, twist this phrase in my head. It turns out that I knew only part of the plot, but she also protected me perfectly. No troubles in childhood. No matter how much I got into trouble, they avoided me. Thanks to mom for the love and to this site for the reminder too. Now, before important things, I will again twist it in my head

    A conspiracy for good luck during a session for a student is happiness! The moment when all means are good .. A very useful article, everything was explained in detail, especially about paper twisting, such a simple and effective amulet. Now I will use it not only for exams.

    Anastasia also used a plot for good luck when the time came for the exams, but most of all she liked the method from the evil eye. Nowadays, this is such a sore subject, when there is so much envy and hatred around, even from someone you don’t expect from. The truth didn’t reach the bathhouse, but I attached a pin))

    "My angel, be with me.
    One luck goes, then another leads"
    Only two lines, but so much help. I use this conspiracy before especially important moments in my life or when I am very worried. Of course, with an amulet.
    And, of course, she also advised relatives, told, showed the article.

    Hello everyone :) As they say, accidents are not accidental! Here's my case. Gathered with friends in the bath and then came across this article.
    You can immediately guess that we are talking about a conspiracy from the evil eye.
    After baptism, holy water was found at home. I did everything according to the instructions, read the spell.
    Tomorrow I'll go to the store for a pin, I couldn't find it at home))

    Good day! Yesterday I faced such a problem as an incredible toothache. It seems that she took the medicine, but nothing helped. I think let's see what else can be done on the Internet. Oh, 1000 and 1 article on how to get rid of a toothache, but I got to this site, read the article “gunpowder plot”. And you know it helped! True, I then had to explain to my husband what I was doing))

    I watched the comments, yes, I also read them, but the words are eerily familiar. Only in my case, this is a conspiracy "for gunpowder."
    “Where there is smoke, there is pain.
    Where there is smoke, there is pain.”
    Right before your eyes childhood, grandmother, village, the feeling of this smell of matches ...
    I will definitely practice on my children, although I really hope that I won’t need it!

    Good afternoon In previous comments, readers of the article highlighted their favorite plot, but I still use all three! And for quite some time now. A conspiracy for good luck (with a paper amulet) before an important occasion or event, a conspiracy from the evil eye when there is such a strange feeling, well, or when I go to the bathhouse .. "for gunpowder", of course, during illness
    The article is always in favorite bookmarks!
    I printed it out at home just in case.

    A conspiracy is such a thing .. if you don’t try, you won’t know! So I decided to try. From the evil eye and good luck .. time for exams)) In the future I plan to practice more!!! I will also tell my friends Russian.

    “Let all bad weather and misfortunes go away.
    Oak, oak, strengthen my health ... "
    The story of how to surprise your family in the bath)) At first they didn’t quite understand me, but then I showed them this article. Nobody remained indifferent
    True, I don’t know exactly what kind of broom it was, perhaps oak.

    5 minutes and it went away!

    Good night my dears! on nervous grounds, she earned herself an incredible headache. You can’t call it a migraine, but it’s not pleasant enough ... I think it wasn’t, all means are good not only in love. I started looking for conspiracies on the Internet. I came across an article that turned out to be the most sensible.
    5 minutes and it went away!

    At work, the time of cuts .. Mom advised me to look on the Internet for some conspiracies. I hope it helps, we sit, we make amulets, we learn words =)
    No fluff, as they say

    Good luck Julia tomorrow! Losing your job now, of course, is something you wouldn't wish on your enemy. I, too, looked at conspiracies for good luck, but not for myself, but for my daughter, the exam is tomorrow, we are terribly worried.
    She has a session, but I'm worried, and for two! Eh
    "My angel, be with me .."

    But I'm still for prevention
    I kept all three conspiracies, today we made an amulet for good luck with a work colleague, on the weekends we will go to the bathhouse to get rid of the evil eye.
    Useful stuff!!! No wonder our grandmothers said so many positive comments about conspiracies

    Good evening! I went to my son's room. At first I didn’t understand what he was doing, then he explained, I really laughed, but then he explained what and how, they say they practice with friends before exams and really helps!
    Well, I'll take note.

    That's right, everything in the article says "The stronger your faith, the faster the conspiracy works"
    Often people think that it is enough just to want, but no! It wasn't there.
    I myself have been walking with a pin for more than a year and I strengthen it with all my household!

    Good day! I'm afraid of the evil eye, like cats of water, well, really
    Recently I felt that something was wrong, I think it's time to act!
    Conspiracies are the best. The article is still so informative, everything is described point by point, what and how. I didn’t have to persuade my family to go to the bathhouse, just give my husband a reason ..

    But I have a different story. I decided to make a marriage proposal to the girl. I was so worried, I didn’t know what to do, valerian didn’t help, I even took 100g per soul ...
    Then a friend jokingly suggested a conspiracy, but I took it seriously.
    In any case, she said "YES!", and the amulet is always with me now!
    There will be something to tell the children

    Hi all! She sent her daughter to study in a big city. And there the evil eye is a common phenomenon. I, of course, sound the alarm, I read a lot of articles on the Internet, but this one I liked the most, the most understandable. We didn’t have time to go to the bathhouse, but of course I attached a pin. In a coat, jacket and bag, just in case

    Good evening
    Yes, Marya, she was also worried about her daughter, they only used the plot for good luck. The session was very hard.. went all out, as they say
    But the main thing is that the daughter really believed! As mentioned above, desire alone is not enough.

    A box of matches and the pain vanished! Who would have thought
    Recommended by a work colleague. At first, I didn’t really believe, I thought he was joking, but what ... when for 3 days with a headache I break down at everyone. It is one thing to suffer yourself, and another to those around you. Colleague a box of chocolates, and many thanks to the authors of the article for the information content!

    On which moon is the conspiracy for good luck read, but exams can also be during the waning period, or does it matter which moon in this conspiracy?

    Loved the spell for good luck! Everything is simple and works! Helped me out. I thought I wouldn't.
    History is a difficult subject for me. I'm bad at remembering dates and places. I was tormented for a week, there was no sense.
    I already decided to fill up so I’ll fill up (((And then I came across the site.
    Happened! Thanks to the author

    Hello! It's no secret that there is a lot of negative energy around. They will stick the evil eye to themselves easier than a lung. Recently, my head began to hurt often. I am sure that this is the evil eye. I really needed protection!
    The most difficult thing was to find an oak broom ... That's just the whole problem. I solved it with the help of a friend, she brought me a broom from the village.
    The result, the head passed, the mood improved.
    I will try other conspiracies.

    Hello! I want to share my experience of removing the evil eye. I have a son, he is 8 months old, recently he began to cry and snort a lot. A friend recommended this one.
    Fortunately, there were no problems with the broom. The baby's condition has improved. He began to smile more and roam. Thanks for the article, it was very helpful!
    Will definitely recommend to moms I know!

    I never believed fortune-tellers and conspiracies! I did not believe, but in vain.
    It so happened that luck literally turned away from me. Went black streak at work and at home.
    Thanks to my grandmother, I thought it was the evil eye!
    I found this article and decided to give it a try. The result will not be long in coming.
    Life is slowly getting back to normal! Girls do not hesitate, try and life will shine again!

    Probably strange to see a response from a man on a similar topic. Still, I'll take the risk.
    It was a very difficult year for me: the car was stolen, they were laid off at work, problems started in the family.
    What I just didn’t do, no matter how I twisted, nothing.
    The conspiracy proved to be the last hope. And although I did not really believe that it would help, I decided to try it.
    Well friends…. seems to help, I tell you!
    Made a spell for good luck.

    Good evening! I came to the page on a tip from my sister. Luck turned away from me, problems piled up. I tried a plot for good luck, thanks to the article, everything is simply written.
    And although I made the conspiracy last spring, I decided to write only now, I like to write on the fact of the result.
    And there is a result! There is a loved one, there is a job, we are expecting a baby. Isn't that luck?)

    I was tormented by a toothache. Literally pissed off. It's funny to say - matches helped))
    Who would have said, would not have believed. And here I tried it myself and it works!
    Now I'll know where to run if I catch it)
    Thanks, the article was really helpful.

    Hello! Couldn't refuse. The gunpowder conspiracy helped me a lot. Not even for me, but for my mom. She is very sick with me, she suffers from pain, the pills do not help.
    I think the dike will try the conspiracy, it definitely won’t be worse.
    And then again .. and it became easier for her. Believe it or not, but it's true. Mommy cheered up, freshened up.
    Highly recommend.

    Hello! I will join the male half, I don’t watch it much here!
    I personally tried a conspiracy from Vanga to cleanse the house.
    I'll tell you how it was. I have a cat, he began to behave strangely, he sits, a scoundrel, in a corner and hisses .. Horror in one word. Good people suggested that they curled up to see the muck in the house. The human eye does not see, but the cat feels!
    I googled what to do, found your site, tried the conspiracy of old Vanga and the cat calmed down. And I'm so glad, there is no fear left at home.

    I tried on myself a conspiracy from Vanga for well-being and good luck. The spleen also got problems.
    The most difficult thing was to find a clear day))) In general, I was satisfied with the procedure.
    I really felt a surge of energy. The mood got better. Problems have faded into the background and turned out to be not so global. I am waiting for an improvement in well-being)

    Anton, as I understand you. Cats are guides to another world, they feel very dishonorable.
    So my Vasily began to behave strangely. I got on the Internet just to find what to do.
    And then happiness, I stumbled upon this site and even your comment!
    Thanks to the site, for the opportunity to correct the situation, and just for the opportunity to communicate!

    A conspiracy for good luck is really good luck!
    Helped me out more than once. I sincerely believe that he helped.
    Ours with us at the right time. It seems to me that you should not wear it all the time, you still need to use the powers of an angel wisely)
    Thanks for the interesting article

    O) I was impressed by the conspiracies from Vanga. I tried it myself a long time ago. Now I read here I think to resume practice.
    I need support now, but I expect only good things from Vanga. Her conspiracies work, time-tested!
    Do not hesitate people, try and everything will turn out!
    The main thing is to believe in good!

    According to Marina (her post above)
    Very infuriates too much attention to your child. I always try to protect my daughter from importunity and usi-pusi. I read about a conspiracy from the evil eye, I think to try it.
    My daughter is pretty, like an angel, blond curly with blue eyes, few people do not want to lisp with her.
    And then she gets sick
    Thanks to the author for the idea of ​​a wonderful page.

    For the sake of laughter, I decided to try a conspiracy for good luck. We went fishing with friends, but I rarely get lucky on it. Here's the conspiracy. Did everything right. And this time I was satisfied with the fishing. Returned home with a decent catch) That's what it is? LUCK)))

    Hello! I hasten to share my experience, suddenly someone will come in handy.
    My husband and I live in perfect harmony, of course there have always been envious people, but everything worked out.
    And then a new neighbor came to us. Here comes the blue stocking. I thought there were none.
    She greets through her teeth, and does not pronounce the word “hello” (she does not wish us health), but simply nods and looks at her feet.
    I began to notice that as soon as we met her, everything went out of hand, it fell, my husband became nervous, quarrels began.
    I made a conspiracy on oak brooms, the neighbor caught a trace and everything went smoothly in the house.

    I looked at the light on the advice of my older sister.
    The sister of the bad will not advise, for the umpteenth time she was convinced.
    I read the page avidly, I will definitely try it myself, I’ll just comprehend it once.
