Where and how to meet a man for a serious relationship? The best places to meet a man: where to go for a successful hunt.

Moscow is the center of concentration of the richest and most successful men. That is why the capital attracts girls from different parts of the country to find an eligible groom.

Psychologists have long established that the most important thing in making a dream come true is the correct formulation of your goal. By sending your thoughts into the universe about the desire to meet a rich prince, you increase your chances of turning them into reality. However, it is not enough to rely only on luck. To achieve the goal, you must also make your own efforts. If you do not want a poor simpleton as your wife, but a respectable and wealthy handsome man, then it is important to look for your happiness in the right places. Where can you meet a rich man in Moscow?

11 “fishy” places to find a rich groom in the capital

When you start hunting for millionaires, be prepared for the fact that you will have to spend a lot of time, effort and money. Remember that even lottery tickets are not free. And to find a noble groom, you will have to spend a decent amount on your own appearance, self-education and visiting prestigious places in order to enter the social circle of the social elite.

If you want to find a rich boyfriend, then first of all it is important to understand the lifestyle of eligible bachelors and visit the places where representatives of the capital's elite most often spend their free time.

To increase your chances of success, follow a number of rules:

  • try to settle in one of the elite areas of the capital, Moscow region or Moscow region (Ostozhenka, Patriarch's Ponds, Arbat, Tverskaya, Rublyovka, Barvikha) or take walks in these places more often with your girlfriends;
  • visit expensive restaurants;
  • at lunchtime, stop by the cafes located next to the State Duma;
  • visit the lobby bars of prestigious hotels;
  • sign up for an elite fitness club;
  • try to get a job at the Moscow City business center;
  • stroll through expensive boutiques located in the center of the capital, including those designed for respectable men;
  • use the services of elite marriage agencies;
  • place your portfolio in the VIP matchmaker database;
  • start a new hobby that wealthy people choose (golf, tennis, collecting rare things, sailing);
  • take part in charity events.

5 tips on where to meet a wealthy man in Moscow

5 tips will help you move on to an active search for a worthy man and increase your chances of a successful acquaintance.

  1. Girlfriends' experience. Ask your friends who are already in relationships with rich gentlemen how they managed to catch the “goldfish”. Try to find out information about where such men often go and how you can meet them. Ask your wealthy girlfriends to introduce you to promising bachelors from their social circle and don’t forget to invite you to private parties.
  2. Study gossip columns to understand the interests of modern rich people and the places where they like to relax. These could be thematic exhibitions, restaurants, private clubs. No one has canceled meeting people at parties, but you have a much better chance of meeting successfully at extreme driving courses, quests in Moscow, and board game clubs.
  3. Useful acquaintances. Wealthy male friends can become your guide to closed events, where eligible bachelors most often live. You can always ask for a private party or an interesting exhibition.
  4. Business centers. Remember that rich men devote most of their time to work or business. Most often, such wealthy grooms “settle” in business centers. That is why you should visit such places as often as possible.
  5. Trainings and courses for personal growth. There is a direct relationship between a man’s financial condition and the development of his intelligence. Rich men constantly improve themselves and gain new knowledge. Business training is a great opportunity to understand how rich people think and to be a little closer to them.

It's no secret that on planet Earth there are many more women than men, and even fewer real men. The female sex suffers from such injustice and constantly asks the question - where to meet a worthy man and how to conquer him? In the article we will reveal some “secret” gathering places of such “knights” and talk about how a woman should behave when she finds that same man, so as not to miss him.

Repeatedly, every woman has heard that all normal men have already been taken apart, the rest are either abnormal or gay. However, this is just an unreasonable stereotype.

In fact, it will really be difficult for a woman to meet a worthy and real man if she:

  • sits at home and doesn't go out anywhere
  • doesn't take care of his appearance
  • unsociable
  • looking for men exclusively in nightclubs
  • rushes at everyone

No one claims that you cannot meet the love of your life in a club or just on the street; today we will talk about the theory of probability, about which places there is a high probability of meeting the one that every woman dreams of.

In order to calculate in which places certain men are located, it is necessary to analyze them:

  • occupation
  • hobbies
  • hobby
  1. Unfocused and lazy men spend time in:
  • pubs
  • at home on the computer or TV
  • in the garage
  • in the country
  1. Men who want to develop and strive for something more will prefer:
  • seminars
  • various types of trainings
  • conferences
  1. Already accomplished men visit:
  • industrial and automotive exhibitions
  • auctions
  1. Business men can be found in:
  • airport
  • airplane
  • near large business centers

The principle of searching for men is, we hope, clear.

A woman always paints an ideal picture in her head, in which she is next to a rich, handsome, successful and loving man. No one can stop dreaming, but women should also learn to look at things more realistically.

First of all, a woman must understand:

  • what level is she at?
  • is she worthy of a successful and rich man?
  • will she be able to attract the attention of such
  • what to do to make worthy men turn their gaze in her direction

A place, as you already understood, where you can meet a successful man is not so difficult to find - it is more difficult to fit into this “picture”, look natural and feel “at ease”.

Women who are not very confident in themselves and are modest girls can try their luck on dating sites. I would like to warn you right away that very rich and promising individuals are unlikely to visit such sites.

Before looking for a place where to meet a successful man, sensibly assess your chances and have a good understanding of the “rules of the game”, because a successful man will not build a relationship with a simple, “gray” and too naive girl.

Where to meet a rich man?

This question has been relevant at all times and for all women, even if they did not say it out loud. Everyone is chasing wealth, but not everyone manages to achieve their goal, but many, even if they don’t succeed, do not stop, and spend their entire lives in search of a rich and respectable man.

I would like to note right away that in order to meet a respectable man with a lot of money, you need to spend a lot of time surrounded by wealthy people:

  • expensive clubs
  • restaurants
  • private parties
  • Exhibitions
  • casinos, etc.

Even if you end up in one of these places, it is not a fact that they will notice you and want to get to know you, so coming to a place where there are a lot of rich men does not mean that a woman will leave arm in arm with one of them.

No one is trying to say by this that meeting and having a serious relationship with a rich man is unrealistic for an ordinary woman; you just need to sensibly assess your chances of winning.

The rich vacation at expensive resorts, and this is another place where you can meet a wealthy man. By the way, on vacation it is easier to meet and attract the attention of such a man, because it is on vacation that everyone:

  • as relaxed as possible
  • don't think about work
  • want something romantic and intimate

One more detail - women should understand that there are not so many young and rich people, because, according to statistics, men can earn their fortune already in middle age, so finding a rich twenty-year-old millionaire is much more difficult than a respectable guy who is over 55 years old .

Where and how to meet a man for a serious relationship?

Meeting a rich man is one thing, but building a serious relationship with him is completely different. Even if a rich man has paid attention to you, this does not mean at all that he is considering you as a woman for a serious relationship, so every girl should remember that getting acquainted and starting a relationship are not the same thing.

So, some practical tips for finding and winning a rich man:

  1. In order to find a promising and wealthy man as a partner, it is not enough to be beautiful and young; here a woman will need to have important information about how and where to “hunt” for rich individuals.
  2. If you have a friend who has successfully married or is in a serious relationship with a rich man, you need to conduct a thorough interrogation about:
  • where she met him
  • under what circumstances
  • how you behaved
  1. Decide on a place where respectable men go. It’s stupid to think that you can find them in a park or in a bar, here the level is higher:
  • thematic exhibitions
  • restaurants
  • private clubs
  • charity evenings, in general, where the local elite gathers
  1. If you have a respectable man or a promising guy among your friends, this will play into your hands. Ask him about where he likes to spend his evenings, and, if possible, ask him to attend some private reception or an interesting contemporary exhibition with him. If a friend agrees to introduce you to interesting and respectable people, this will be an ideal situation.

  1. Rich people spend most of their time at work, especially men, so women need to conquer various business centers and skyscrapers.
  2. In order to match a respectable man, a woman must be educated, intelligent and cunning. Going to various trainings on personal growth, as well as business trainings, will help a woman develop, and also increase the chances of meeting a respectable and enviable groom.
  3. Today, the correct lifestyle is relevant and popular. Serious businessmen try to keep up with fashion, and therefore women should visit nutrition stores, where they can meet a worthy man who is trying to lead a healthy lifestyle.
  1. Don’t forget about sports sections and fitness rooms, which are so fashionable to visit regularly today. Be sure that there is a high probability of meeting a rich chosen one, and, among other things, getting your body in order. You should not spare money on this activity, because it is good for both your health and your personal life.

  1. Never be intrusive, because even if a man “falls for” this, your relationship will not be very long-term and can fit into one night, so act like a smart and prudent woman.

Be that as it may, rich men are a fastidious people, so you need to meet their requirements so that they pay attention to you and you need to try even harder so that they want to build a serious relationship with you.

It is worth noting that rich men can look different, and they cannot always be recognized among the crowd. On top of that, there are two types of rich men, and the places they visit will depend on this. So:

  1. Men who became rich and achieved respectable status without making any effort. This could be receiving an inheritance, or the son of a rich father stole from someone, or was involved in fraud. These are the rich men who go out of their way to show how rich they are:
  • drive the most expensive and exclusive cars
  • visit nightclubs, various parties
  • are constantly surrounded by many women
  • everyone wears gold and other jewelry

  1. Men who achieved everything in their lives on their own, without anyone’s help, who went from an average person to a rich one (and this path was not easy). Such men are categorically different from the first type of men:
  • for them, a car is just a means of transportation (that’s why they choose a quality car rather than a fashionable one)
  • they dress stylishly and without any frills
  • they are constantly at work
  • attend business exhibitions, charity evenings, etc.
  • they look like ordinary men

What type of men you would like to win and with whom to build a serious relationship is entirely up to you, but choosing in this case is not as difficult as turning your plan to win a rich man into reality.

If you don’t have the opportunity to visit too expensive establishments and social events, then you can try your luck in car dealerships, where everyone is allowed, and supermarkets, where all mortals buy their groceries (unless we are talking about some unreal oligarch).

Where can you meet a man in adulthood?

You shouldn’t think that women only want to see a young man next to them. In fact, many women dream of a mature partner, they are attracted to:

  • seriousness
  • solidity
  • life experience
  • representativeness

It should also be noted that rich grooms visit different places, depending also on their age. Let's look at this in more detail.

Where to meet a serious man after 30?

For a man, 30 years old is quite a bit. After the third decade, men are just beginning to “mature” and become real men. At this age, they try to look more respectable and representative, but at the same time remain very young. Therefore, there are quite a lot of places that they visit, and these are a wide variety of places:

  • nightclubs and exhibitions
  • charity events and casinos
  • restaurants and bars

A rich man of 35 years old can be found everywhere - both at a social event and at a youth party.

Where to meet a serious man after 40?

Those rich men who have “passed” 40 no longer pretend to be serious people, because they already are. Of course, some people even after 40 can attend some parties, but most often, rich men of 45 years old can be found:

  • at auctions and trades
  • in operas, theaters and museums
  • at various kinds of events

Such men, more often than not, have already had a good time and are now enjoying a mature life. It is not so easy to meet rich single men at this age, because, in most cases, by this age they find their chosen one, because they are already quite mature for family life and are thinking about offspring. So those who want to see a millionaire around 43-45 years old, hurry up before the milestones are sorted out.

Where to meet a man after 50?

If we can say that men over 40 are quite calm, balanced and logical in their actions, then this is quite difficult to say about 50-year-olds. At this age, all men, especially rich ones, begin their “second youth” (so they think).

Have you noticed that many famous and rich people divorce their spouses at this age?

Rich men after 50 years want to live a full life and enjoy it, and for this they often choose a young beauty as their companion (so here youth and beauty are a woman’s main trump card). It is impossible to say for sure that an elderly rich man will marry a modest and beautiful girl, but the fact that he will spend some time with her is certain.

Whether you want such a relationship or are counting on a long-term one is up to you, but for a rich man to want something serious with you, you need to be perfect everywhere and in everything, especially when your chosen one is well over 40.

As for their gathering places, history repeats itself here as with 30-year-olds - they can be found everywhere:

  • they continue to visit places with a concentration of business and important people, but after such meetings they go to nightclubs and casinos to take a break from this hustle and bustle;
  • They spend a lot of time at work, but at the same time, they do not forget to pay attention to entertainment and other pleasant things, so you can find a respectable man of 50 years old both in the office and in the casino, in company with beautiful young ladies.

These are just statistics, and you shouldn’t think that finding both a good and a rich man is impossible. Everything is in the hands of the woman, and it depends only on her what kind of man she will be with.

Don't forget about the principles:

  • one is looking for a worthy
  • the other is rich
  • someone strives to be close to their loved one
  • someone with success

In the article we talked about where you can meet rich men and what kind of women they like. Every woman deserves happiness, but for each, happiness includes different concepts. Whether you will be next to a rich man or not is a matter of time. Whether you will be happy with him is a question for you personally.

Video: “Where can a woman meet a man?”

It is an undeniable fact that no one wants to be lonely. But in principle, no one is immune from this. It happens that even very attractive girls are left alone for various reasons: lack of communication, low self-esteem, inflated demands on members of the opposite sex. And, undoubtedly, all this makes it difficult to find a life partner.

Where can a woman meet a man for a serious relationship - tips

First of all, let's exclude those places that are categorically not recommended. You'll look suspicious if you start running around hardware stores looking for a guy who can fix your house's plumbing.

You shouldn't hunt in strip clubs, unless, of course, you like to dance in what your mother gave birth to. If you are not the coolest badass, then, most likely, there will be no benefit from going to local biker clubs and drinking glasses, because you will not be able to fit into the atmosphere there, and everyone will understand why you showed up there.

Instead, find out what places your male friends, relatives and acquaintances like to go to, and then go to those types of establishments.

The concept is extremely simple: men themselves always tell you where they would like to meet a woman (as a rule, these are the places where they feel most comfortable and safe). You just need to understand this, keep your eyes open and notice tips on where to meet a man for a serious relationship.

Your brother plays baseball with his classmates and constantly talks about how much they miss the girls on the field. Accordingly, if you don't mind swinging a bat, you can sign up for a local baseball league.

As a rule, this environment is characterized by a healthy team spirit and a high ratio of men per female soul. In addition, you get the opportunity to join a circle of new people, who will probably organize some social events after the games where you can meet.

One of your friends in Vegas is seriously interested in poker, plays in local clubs, participates in tournaments and has invited you to be his partner more than once. You have always dismissed him, believing that poker is a purely male activity, ignoring the fact that poker is rapidly turning into a sport that attracts players of both sexes.

It has ceased to be associated with the smoky back rooms of bars, where regulars of these establishments, perhaps even related to mafia circles, gather around the card table, as well as with paintings for which dogs in suits act as models.

Now poker is played by quite respectable people who may be really interested in getting to know you. Most card clubs attract customers with free lessons and tournaments without cash bets, so you can start small and then start playing big.

A colleague started taking kung fu classes and spends the entire lunch break pestering you with stories about how great it is to learn martial arts. Think about this considering that, firstly, knowing a certain set of self-defense techniques will never hurt, and secondly, you can meet a man there for a serious relationship.

And if that doesn't happen, at least you'll get some exercise and be able to take out your romantic frustrations on any sparring partner that bears any resemblance to your last boyfriend.

I'm sure that your male friends, family and acquaintances have a million different hobbies that you haven't even thought about, so just pay attention to them.

Don't take on something you have no interest in. If you don't like animals, don't volunteer at your local animal shelter. Lack of interest is always very noticeable, and if you pick up a decent guy, you run the risk of seeming like a dummy and a hypocrite to him.

All the information collected in this way will help you make a list of places where you should look to meet an interesting man. This is where you need to be brave. Let’s say, at least once a week, go somewhere you’ve never been and where no one knows you.

Take, for example, and go in the company of your chosen companion to some new bar or nightclub. Yes, I remember that such an establishment may well turn out to be the most natural market for live goods, and under the thumping of disco bass you can hear auction participants making bids.

But not everyone present came to the nightclub in the hope of picking up a woman for the night, and you will recognize those who came precisely for this purpose a kilometer away and will be able to turn you off perfectly.

Or go to a local major or minor league baseball game, have a barbecue in the stadium parking lot, and then watch the game. Or, go to your local hardware store and take a home renovation class.

How to start a relationship and where to find a man

Loneliness eats us up in cities with over a million people and in the provinces, because sometimes we are simply afraid to start relationships. We are frightened by TV programs that tell us that there are a huge number of scammers on the Internet who are trying to profit from people looking for men online.

We see reports from police reports that talk about the growth of criminal schemes in which naive and gullible people are involved.

Trust, but verify - this slogan will help you protect yourself from unscrupulous people and at the same time not scare away the person when you decide to meet a man for a serious relationship.

The fear of being deceived, the fear of not finding our true love and mistaking a passing infatuation for it leads us to the fact that we begin to be pathologically afraid of building relationships and meeting new people.

We develop a lot of psychological and personal complexes, the basis of which is our lack of self-confidence and unsuccessful attempts to start relationships.

First, we conduct introspection and draw up a portrait of the desired man for a serious relationship, who should be next to us. We try to do without realizing our impossible fantasies.

You should not set yourself a goal, the end result of which will look like “becoming the president’s wife.” The main emphasis should not be on the profession of your future chosen one, but on his personal qualities and his attitude towards you.

Girls who believe that it is better to cry in a Bentley than laugh mischievously in the subway should not become an example for you. At sixty years old, their Bentley will not shake hands with them and will not look at you as devotedly as your husband, with whom you will live together for all these sixty years.

After all, no matter how beautiful technology is, it will never replace human warmth, attention, care, reverent attitude and love.

So don’t exclude from your social circle people who seem to you to be of low status. Many girls flatly refuse to date military personnel, waiters in restaurants and leaflet deliverers, not considering them men for serious relationships.

Can you imagine that sooner or later a military man will become a general, a waiter will save up money and open the most fashionable restaurant in the city, and a leaflet deliverer will organize his own business and earn a lot of money from advertising.

What to do before meeting a man

You need to constantly work on yourself in order to... The point is that there is no doubt about the fact that a worthy man needs an equally worthy woman.

If you want to meet a man for a serious relationship, constantly develop as a person and assert yourself. You need to ensure that you are an interesting interlocutor, so that it is easy and relaxed to communicate with you. Only in this case will it be precisely such men who will look at you.

You need to try to always look perfect. They say that appearance is not the main thing, but this is far from true. Be that as it may, men still first of all pay close attention to the grooming and individuality of a woman’s style.

You must create the exact image of the man you need for a serious relationship. You can even draw his portrait in your thoughts, imagine him as often as possible - all this will help tune your subconscious to the desired “wave”.

Try to be in such public places where the likelihood of meeting your beloved is greater. Examples of such places can be: car dealerships, fitness clubs, ski resorts, etc. If you also work in a place where there are quite a lot of young people, then your chances increase significantly.

It should be noted that one of the most common reasons for failures in relationships between a man and a woman is that women often limit their subconscious with some incomprehensible beliefs, such as “All men have only one thing on their mind,” “All good men have long been taken apart.” ”, which does not allow worthy men into their lives. All this slows down the realization of their cherished dream of a man for a serious relationship.

Another possible reason that you do not meet a worthy man on your life’s path is that, perhaps, your goal setting is incorrectly formulated or you do not want it so much.

Thus, the question: “Where to meet a man for a serious relationship?” The solution is quite simple, you just need to direct your thoughts and desires in the right direction, and everything will definitely work out! Don't even doubt it! And remember that each person creates his own reality!

Finding a wealthy, respectable and reliable man is not every woman’s dream? But creating your own happiness in Moscow is not so easy. A huge number of people around, lack of time, distances from a big city - because of them, finding a companion in real life turns into a lottery.

Online dating has long become a much more effective tool for those looking for their soul mate. There are dozens of sites and millions of profiles on the Internet; at first glance, there is plenty to choose from. Men who are looking for their own companion register on dating sites no less often than the fair sex.

But, unfortunately, meeting a 40-45 year old man in Moscow is not easy, even on the Internet. Will the person be interesting to you? Will there be common hobbies and topics of conversation? Is there a swindler hiding behind the beautiful cover?

The LinkYou service found answers to these questions and offered a new approach to dating!

What makes LinkYou unique?

We offer serious professional dating. This approach has a better chance of developing into at least friendship. And that's why:

  • With a colleague or person from a related industry, there is always something to talk about. There is no need to break barriers during the first communication, and it will be much easier to get to know each other
  • Colleagues, as a rule, have a similar knowledge base and view of the world. It’s not always easy for a philologist to communicate with a programmer, but with an editor they speak the same language
  • Guys and girls, men and women of similar professions can become each other not only a companion, but also a mentor and business partner. Friends in your industry are always helpful.

Features of LinkYou

  • Free online registration. We do not charge money for access to questionnaires and site functionality. To use LinkYou, you only need an email or social media account
  • Adequate community. We created for those who want to make friends or build truly strong relationships. Fraudsters of all stripes, bots and fakes are deleted. Each profile undergoes manual verification after registration
  • Automatic search by participant profiles. You just need to select the “Looking for a man” option and set the age range from 40 to 45 years - the system will select suitable candidates
  • Taking into account nationality and religion. Moscow is an international city. Look for a person with a similar view of the world on LinkYou

Back in 1962, the manual “Sex and the Unmarried Girl” was published. In it, the editor-in-chief of American Cosmo, who is rightfully considered the founder of the glamor style, Helen Gurley Brown, talked about where to catch sultry handsome men, wealthy businessmen and other good men. "So what? - you say. “It’s so old!” Not at all. Since then, the geography of Homo Sexual has not changed at all. And you can see this for yourself. For the first time in Russia, we are publishing the chapter “Where to find the one” from this legendary book. From it you will learn where to meet a man for a serious relationship.

Where to meet a serious man

Smoke of the Fatherland

The office is the most convenient place to meet real men. Don’t let it bother you that your dear colleague has already been fed Malaysian borscht and herbal soufflé by some gastro-conscious fifa. It is temporarily available between nine in the morning and six in the evening. And if you are an appetizing little thing, during the lunch break he is guaranteed not to pass by such a tasty morsel. Are there any men in your company? Quite quite? This means there is something wrong with your company!

Friends of friends

Risky option. There is a high probability that your friend will make a fatal mistake. You will sit in a restaurant with her second cousin, a traveling salesman, and wonder: is she really a cuckoo or just wanted to take revenge for a boyfriend she beat off at school. But refusing her services altogether is also not an option. It is possible that the next candidate she proposes will turn out to be a true diamond. And then, you can be sure that if the “find” is presented as a lonely architect, it means that your beau has built at least a couple of buildings and does not pay alimony to anyone.

Blind dates

According to an unspoken tradition, they take place near local attractions and are radically different from meetings of friendship. Here you need to keep your ears open. Every girl has a good hundred horror stories in stock. A predator devouring you with its eyes; a maniac who insists on changing his position from sitting to lying down; a cheapskate stealing sushi from your plate...

Sports interest

Men like to compete with each other, and you adore men, which means you will have to love sports too. Let's take alpine skiing, for example. Austria, Switzerland, France - wherever you go, everywhere you will find snow-white slopes strewn with fit, handsome men in shiny glasses and bright suits. Even that handsome guy whom the orderlies carried past you a second ago will return here one day. As soon as the bones heal. If extreme sports are not for you, choose a safer activity: archery, ping-pong, badminton, roller skating, bowling, golf, fishing - guys are into all this and could later become interested in you.

At the bar counter

There are also unique people in nature who do not ski and do not drag catfish out of the water on weekends. However, regardless of their existing hobby (or complete lack thereof), all representatives of the stronger sex sometimes pop into the bar to have a glass or two. But the regulars are the same as the three-dollar merlot. You take this wine: it seems to look like ordinary wine, but it tastes... muggy. Bar visitors seem normal at first approach, but they behave somehow strangely. They treat you as if you are not you at all, but some kind of sex adventure seeker or stale product, ready to give them a discount. You can try to convince them, but it is better not to look for crazy meetings, but to make dates in advance. If you come to a bar in the company of a macho man, they look at you differently. You send him to the manager to negotiate a table by the window, and you flirt with those who come into view.

Private parties

Men go to them and walk in high spirits - this is a plus. And the downside: if nature has not gifted you with a pretty face and size 6 breasts, the chances of a serious acquaintance are zero. One day a couple of years ago, I got into conversation with a nice young man at a party. He worked as a sales assistant in a store. Ten days later I stood on the threshold of that boutique. Of course he recognized me. We even went out to lunch together. And this is what he told me at the end: “Listen, I had no idea that it could be so interesting with you!”

Group trainings

Frankly, I myself have not visited one, but my bosom friend talked about her good friend... She met her husband precisely at classes for the psychologically disadvantaged. She turned 43, she did not suffer from depression or other mental disorders, but, thank God, the doors of the center were open to everyone. And she really wanted to meet a well-known writer. For a whole year I sat next to him, listening to stories about creative pains, treacherous women and high utility bills. Disgusting? But it seems to me that a man will stick to the woman he met under such circumstances. At least out of an instinctive fear of being publicly exposed.

Somewhere in the West

Another friend of mine, Carol, has never had a problem with fans on vacation because she knows how to reach foreigners. In six weeks, she traveled half of Europe, having in her pocket as much money as exemplary fathers give to their toddlers for pocket money. She had no friends among the locals, but she developed her own system for finding them. Before the trip, she called her friends and girlfriends and asked: “Do you have anyone in Rome or Paris?” They happily shared the addresses of former classmates, colleagues and distant relatives. People are proud of their connections in the West and are always willing to emphasize that they have their own people there. Arriving in the city, Carol first sent out greeting letters to everyone (mail abroad works properly): “I’m Carol. Your contact was given to me by so-and-so. I’ll be glad to meet you in person.” The very next day, crowds of lonely men were already storming her room.

Business trips

I love business trips! You fly first class, stay in the best hotels in the city, eat in the most sophisticated restaurants, and the amount of money in your account only grows. In addition, even if you don’t come across a single worthy representative of the opposite sex, you still won’t die of boredom. You have a special mission here! But, from experience, you are unlikely to be able to maintain chaste loneliness. Girls who have something to do seem to be more attractive targets than those who wander the streets looking like, “Well, here I am. How can I entertain myself?”

On the halfway

Did you know that flight attendants do not have a single free line in their notebooks? And they usually get married first. Nobody forbids civilians from scurrying up and down the aisle and smiling charmingly at beautiful strangers. There is something damn sexy about sitting next to each other like this at an altitude of several thousand kilometers, listening to the roar of engines and the beating of your hearts. You both have nothing to do, and this is already a good excuse to start small talk.

On the staircase

Let's assume that a moderately attractive individual lives on your floor. You are not strangers to each other. You know what products are jumping into his cart at the store around the corner, how late he comes home and who he recently broke up with. If he is not yet tired of your vigilant eye in the door peephole, then he will not mind trying experimental cupcakes according to the original recipe. Or drink a glass of martini on the occasion of repainting the walls of your kitchen from pink to soft salmon.
