The main procedures of autumn: recommended by a beautician. The main procedures of autumn

Autumn is the best time to restore the beauty of the face after the summer heat, exposure to the sun, sea water. And this is also the period when you can carry out caring procedures that are undesirable in the summer season. Let's talk about what procedures cosmetologists recommend to carry out in the fall. We will reveal all the secrets of beauty and well-groomed skin in the autumn period!

In autumn, the beauty of the face really requires special attention. Despite the fact that the cold begins only in mid-late autumn, you can notice skin problems already at the beginning of the season. They are mainly due to the fact that the beauty of the face has experienced a serious load due to the active effects of the sun, sea water, dust, high temperatures, dry air-conditioned air. Because of this, the epidermis becomes especially sensitive, age spots and freckles may appear.

The skin begins to react more strongly to the change of seasons and environmental influences. So, with the advent of cold weather, she can react with irritation even to a slight gust of cold wind.

Thus, after the past summer, the epidermis needs restoration and special care. It is necessary to pay attention to strengthening its protective properties, as well as moisturizing, nourishing and exfoliating procedures.

After a summer vacation, you may notice that the skin of the face has become very sensitive, it reacts to any external environment with irritation, signs of dehydration have appeared. Therefore, cleansing for the beauty of the face in the autumn requires the choice of the most delicate products, even for oily skin.

For example, it can be a light gel or cream cleanser, milk or mousse - these delicate textures gently cleanse without causing discomfort. The secret to the beauty of thin skin is the use of micellar water, which very gently cleanses even the most sensitive epidermis.

If in the summer it is better to use light textures to moisturize the skin, then in the fall you can choose a denser cream that will protect the epidermis from the onset of cold weather. One of the secrets of beauty: pay attention to creams with vitamins, which are not enough in the cold season, and also look for elastin or collagen, hyaluronic acid in the composition. Owners of the oily type of the epidermis should pay attention to creams with antioxidants: for example, green tea extract, vitamin A, C. They regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands, and also increase the protective functions of the skin.

Ladies with a dry type of epidermis should protect their skin from autumn bad weather: look for avocado or wheat germ oil in creams. These are oils for health and well-groomed appearance of the skin, which are easily absorbed, while creating a protective film that prevents moisture from evaporating.

The beauty of the skin needs protection from the sun even in autumn. Since the sun is not as active this season as it is in the summer, you may want to lower your protection and opt for a sunscreen with an SPF of 10-15.

Autumn is considered the best period for carrying out such rather aggressive procedures as peeling, skin whitening, laser resurfacing, since with high solar activity these procedures can provoke the appearance of pigmentation and even sunburn.

For example, in the fall you can do a chemical peel - a procedure for exfoliating the upper stratum corneum of the skin. As a result, the upper layer of the epidermis is leveled, the skin is renewed. Chemical peeling is carried out using salicylic, retinoic and fruit acids. That is, in fact, this is a chemical burn of the epidermis, but its depth is controlled by a cosmetologist.

The most popular peels are fruit acids (ANA), especially glycolic, lactic, and mandelic. Superficial chemical peeling for facial beauty can be done at home. Almost all cosmetic brands have peels with fruit acids in their line of exfoliating products that can be used on their own. If the concentration of acids with which cosmetologists work is from 30 to 70% (depending on the depth of peeling), then the concentration of acids in products for home use is 5-7%, so they are absolutely safe.

Another type of peeling that can be done in the fall is enzyme peeling. These are gentle exfoliating procedures for the beauty of the skin, the active component of which is enzymes (enzymes), for example, enzymes from pineapple or papaya fruits. Enzymes dissolve horny scales, gently and gently cleansing the epidermis. Enzymatic peeling for beauty is considered one of the most delicate, therefore it is suitable for sensitive skin, as well as prone to rosacea.

Due to excessive exposure to the open sun, age spots may appear on the face. So that your beauty pleases you, and does not upset you because of the presence of these spots, in the fall you can carry out whitening procedures.

To combat age spots, the following beauty secrets will help you. First of all, use sunscreen with an SPF factor, otherwise the effect of any whitening procedures will be negated. For skin whitening in the autumn, exfoliating procedures are also effective, which we wrote about above: peelings with fruit acids, as well as with enzymes. These can be professional procedures by a cosmetologist, as well as peelings for home use.

In addition to them, at home you can use whitening creams and serums. Look for kojic acid, arbutin, bearberry extracts, kelp extracts, etc.

Another rather aggressive procedure that is recommended to be done exclusively during the “cloudy season” is laser resurfacing. The laser beam penetrates into the middle and upper layers of the epidermis, removes the surface layer, evens out the relief, stimulates the synthesis of young cells, eliminating acne and spots from them, scars, pigmentation. The procedure has a rejuvenating effect, eliminates serious skin defects. However, it should be borne in mind that it is quite painful, and after laser resurfacing, a recovery period is required.

Autumn is a favorable time for salon procedures: the sun is not as active as in summer, but there are no frosts yet. The beauty secrets that we shared with you will help you keep your skin in good condition. If you plan to conduct a course of salon procedures, then it is also recommended to start it in the fall, without postponing it for later, since you have only a few months left before the onset of cold weather.

It got colder, and there was no trace left of the past summer. And our skin needs different care than on hot summer days. About how to properly care for the skin of the face in the fall, so that the winter cold does not become fatal for it, we were told by our consultant, cosmetologist of the "Youth Studio" Alexandra Chernyavskaya,

Autumn skin care can be divided into two parts: September and the first half of October and the second half of October with November.

The beginning of autumn - recovery after summer. As a rule, in early autumn it is still quite warm. And during this period, it is important to properly restore the skin after the summer, because the skin in the summer heat loses many vitamins through the sweat glands. Not to mention the effects of ultraviolet radiation, from which collagen and hyaluronic acid suffer. Good for skin rejuvenation non-injection mesotherapy– a procedure by which hyaluronic acid-based serums, specially designed meso-cocktails, complexes for cell nutrition are introduced into skin cells. Non-injection mesotherapy is also the introduction of oxygen into the cells, with the help of which the skin begins to "breathe" better and better tolerate the effects of summer.

End of autumn - preparation for the winter cold. In the second period of autumn, when the skin has already been restored after summer, peelings. It's best to do it first superficial-medial peels based on fruit acids. Vitamin C, contained in fruit acids, increases the immunity of the skin, and this is very useful, given the sharp cooling. brighten and even out the skin, get rid of pigmentation due to the abuse of ultraviolet light, prepare the skin for the coming cold weather. Such peelings take place in courses. However, it is important to keep in mind that fruit acid peels are not suitable for people allergic to vitamin C. Other peels can be selected for such clients.

After superficial-median peels, we smoothly move on to medium peels, exfoliating the epidermal layer. These can be peelings with a high degree of acidity (60% or more), as well as herbal and algae-based phytopeelings. Phytopillings can be done even for people allergic to vitamin C.

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Completes the preparation for the winter cold course massage. Massage can be done in early December, at the very beginning of winter. This procedure tones the muscles, stimulates the production of collagen, deeply moisturizes the skin. Massage also eliminates the problem of skin flaking, which most often occurs with cold weather, because in addition to massage, the skin is fortified through the introduction of ampoule concentrates and deep nourishing masks. Effectively combine massage with thermolifting, as this procedure also stimulates the production of collagen. Well moisturizes and nourishes the skin with a paraffin mask. It is also good in the cold season because it is warm.

Features of autumn care

The pressure drop characteristic of autumn negatively affects the vessels, so it is important to use programs that strengthen the vessels. It can be thermolifting, which is very effective for couperose meshes. This procedure, with the help of radio frequencies and infrared light, strengthens blood vessels, stimulates their normal functioning. There are also masks with ampoule concentrates that soothe blood vessels, and special anti-couperose masks that are used during massages.

In autumn, there is a lack of heat, so thermal warming procedures are used. The peculiarity of the autumn period is that the skin seems to be unable to orient whether it is dry or oily. On the one hand, after the summer, it lost moisture, on the other hand, it suddenly became cold, and the skin, like a protective shell, has to adapt to the cold. These procedures can maintain the level of warmth on the surface layer of the skin.

It is interesting that autumn weather, when it is very light drizzling rain, is very beneficial for the skin, in such weather the skin is moisturized.

Home care in autumn

If there is no reaction to vitamin C, creams containing vitamin C can be used. It is important to use fatty and nourishing creams, and apply serum under the cream. There are serums with vitamin C to support immunity. Masks should be thicker. If in the warm season, home peels, which are done once a week, should be done in the first half of the day, then in the fall - only in the evening, so that the skin has time to recover.

It is important to eat right, be sure to eat enough fruits and vegetables. Ginger is very useful in the autumn period.

By doing procedures corresponding to the autumn period, we not only solve current problems, but also prepare the skin for winter. Thus, skin care is an ongoing process. If this process goes in stages and harmoniously, then the skin will not suffer from weather conditions.

Tatyana Koryakina

It is in autumn that the skin has to experience the effects that occur at this time of the year: cold wind, frequent temperature changes, the beginning of the heating season, the first frosts. In order to preserve their health and beauty, you should begin to carry out a number of cosmetic procedures that are recommended by leading cosmetologists in the autumn period.

In this article, we will look at some of the most popular salon techniques that can solve many problems with facial skin. This information will be useful to you, and you will be able to create for yourself a program for the "resuscitation" of the skin that has undergone seasonal exposure.

Carbon peeling with laser

The result of carbon laser peeling is an even skin color, its smoothness, optimal lipid balance.

It is after the summer and the onset of the first cold weather that the skin on the face undergoes many changes:

  • appear due to increased insolation;
  • temperature changes lead to peeling and excessive;
  • the pores expand due to the increased separation of sebum in the summer;
  • there are signs caused by excessive secretion of sebum in the summer heat;
  • fine wrinkles appear due to age-related aging or excessive dryness of the air.

All of the above manifestations can be eliminated with the help of carbon peeling, and positive results can be obtained after the first procedure. Such effectiveness of this salon technique was the reason for the fact that it was called "Hollywood cleansing".

Laser carbon peeling is carried out on the basis of the principle of photorejuvenation of the skin using a laser beam acting on a specially applied mask of carbon dioxide nanoparticles. Such a carbon gel can penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, adsorb sebum and other components harmful to the skin. After exposure to laser temperatures, dead cells are removed and the production of elastin and collagen begins. Thanks to these actions, skin color improves and its relief is evened out. In addition, there is a normalization of lipid balance.

The procedure for carbon laser peeling is performed in the following sequence:

  1. Consultation with a cosmetologist and the exclusion of possible contraindications to performing a Hollywood cleansing.
  2. Carbon gel tolerance test to exclude possible.
  3. Cleansing the skin from external impurities and makeup.
  4. Application of a carbon gel consisting of particles of finely dispersed coal and oils of mineral origin.
  5. Exposure of the skin to a neodymium laser beam (or laser photothermolysis), which causes the destruction of carbon gel particles and accelerates the separation of dead epidermal cells.

The whole procedure of carbon peeling is painless and does not cause discomfort. Some clients of salons note only a slight tingling, which is eliminated after a few days. After the peeling is completed, no rehabilitation is required and the client does not need to change his lifestyle. The process of skin treatment can be carried out in any weather, without waiting for any changes on her part.

In some patients, slight peeling may appear immediately after the procedure. This side effect is especially common in clients with sensitive skin. Even less often, inflammatory changes appear, which resolve themselves after a deeper cleansing of the pores. Such a side effect on the part of the skin should not frighten the client, since this reaction is completely physiological.

After carbon laser peeling, it is recommended to follow the following simple rules:

  1. Refuse to wash with cold water until the morning of the next day.
  2. Avoid applying cosmetics to the skin during the first day after the procedure.
  3. Wash your face with chlorhexidine.
  4. Do not use alcohol-based tonics and lotions for rubbing the face.
  5. Refuse to tan for the first 2 weeks after the procedure.

To obtain the desired result, the client may be recommended a different number of procedures. For some, 3-5 sessions of carbon peeling are enough, and for others - about 7-8.


Facial massage courses should be carried out periodically throughout the year. Such treatment is especially relevant in the fall, because after the summer heat, dry wind and overdried air conditioning, the skin loses a lot of nutrients and moisture and their appearance deteriorates significantly.

The course of massage procedures should include at least 10 sessions. They are performed according to a technique that provides sufficient blood flow to the tissues and has a lymphatic drainage effect.

  • Salon clients note that even after 3 sessions, the skin becomes more elastic and smooth. The appearance of such signs indicates that the procedures helped her restore lost moisture.
  • After 6 procedures, the skin returns to normal.
  • By the end of the course, all signs of dehydration are completely eliminated.

Non-injection oxygen mesotherapy - OXY-therapy

This form of facial skin treatment with oxygen is safer than injections of drugs into the skin, which are carried out using thin needles. The device used to carry out the non-injection technique generates a 98% flow of pure oxygen, which is delivered to the skin under a pressure of 2 atmospheres through a special mask. It is with this indication of pressure that the gas can be delivered to the deep layers of the skin and have a therapeutic effect.

With the help of OXY-mesotherapy it is possible to obtain the following therapeutic effects:

  • elimination of dryness and flabbiness of the skin;
  • tearing out the color of the skin under the eyes in the presence of bruises from fatigue and lack of sleep;
  • elimination of hyperpigmentation;
  • treatment of cellulite in the initial stages;
  • alignment, stretch marks and scars;
  • elimination of telangiectasias;
  • treatment of rosacea;
  • treatment and acne;
  • preparation for rehabilitation treatment after especially invasive cosmetic procedures and plastic surgeries.

For the procedure of non-injection oxygen mesotherapy, in addition to the mask, which acts as an oxygen "needle", mesococktails are used, which are applied to the treated area of ​​the skin and contain therapeutic serums. As a result of such exposure, the skin is saturated not only with oxygen, but also with other active ingredients that improve its appearance.

There is only one drawback of OXY-therapy - a decrease in the effectiveness of the procedure compared to traditional mesotherapy. This means that for the desired effect of rejuvenation, the patient should undergo a greater number of sessions.

The technique for performing each session is as follows:

  1. Cleansing the area of ​​correction of imperfections from pollution and cosmetics.
  2. Applying a prepared serum cocktail to problem areas.
  3. The impact of the device on the skin area.
  4. Application of the finishing compositions necessary in a particular clinical case to consolidate the effect of the procedure being performed.

The advantages of the oxygen mesotherapy technique include:

  • fast first result;
  • complete absence of discomfort and pain;
  • high level of security;
  • no contraindications;
  • saturation of the skin with oxygen, which is impossible with the usual application of cosmetic creams to the skin;
  • no need for a recovery period.

After OXY-therapy, the following results are achieved:

  • high-quality skin cleansing;
  • saturation of the skin with nutrients and moisture;
  • obtaining the effect of muscle relaxation;
  • increase skin elasticity;
  • improvement of facial contours;
  • alignment of skin color;
  • complete or partial elimination of telangiectasias.

Removal of pigmentation with a laser

With laser skin resurfacing, the effect is carried out only on the area of ​​age spots, without affecting healthy areas of the skin.

It is in the fall that many people notice that a lot of age spots have appeared on the skin of the face, which appear after the summer, which differs from all other seasons of the year by a higher level of insolation. In many cases, there are not enough whitening creams and other cosmetic products (gels, serums, etc.) to remove them, and the solution to the existing problem can only be carried out by such a hardware technique as laser skin resurfacing. When it is performed, laser exposure is carried out only in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe spot that has appeared, and healthy skin areas are not affected.

Before performing the procedure, the client is always examined by a cosmetologist who evaluates the nature of hyperpigmentation and determines the possibility of its removal. In addition, possible contraindications for grinding are necessarily identified:

  • malignant tumors in the area of ​​influence;
  • the appearance or inflammatory-purulent rashes in the zone of pigmentation.

The laser spot removal procedure itself is performed after, and that is why clients do not feel any discomfort or pain. If there is still some excitement before the session, the doctor may recommend taking a light sedative.

The procedure for resurfacing to remove stains is the same as for conventional laser peeling. After it is carried out, the pigmentation brightens and becomes less noticeable with each session. The number of such procedures may be different, since the number of sessions required depends on the type and depth of the melanin in the thickness of the epidermis.

After the procedure, the client does not need to follow any special and complex rules for faster skin recovery. To do this, it will be enough just to follow the same recommendations as after laser peeling.

Manual peeling

Manual peeling is a mechanical cleansing of the face, which is carried out for superficial-median, median or median-deep cleansing of the skin from dead epidermal cells. Such procedures help to brighten and even out complexion, narrow pores and get rid of acne, their consequences in the form of purulent acne and fine wrinkles. Such cleaning is especially relevant for severe acne, since clogged pores are most prone to inflammation and scarring.

Cosmetologists recommend performing a restorative effect on the skin in late October or early November. The procedure helps to prepare the skin for the onset of cold weather, as in the process of its implementation, the respiration of the dermis improves, metabolic processes intensify and all its physiological functions are restored.

In some salons, manual cleaning is complemented by such a hardware procedure as ultrasonic peeling, which provides a more complete cleansing of the deep layers of the skin. Subject to asepsis, mechanical cleaning is practically safe, since the risk of infection with proper skin care will be leveled.

The procedure is carried out in 3 stages:

  • cleansing the skin with detergents or belongings and masks;
  • vaporization to expand pores;
  • mechanical cleaning.

The procedure itself is carried out by the beautician's hands (finger pads) or with the help of a special spoon-loop made of medical metal. Blackheads should not be squeezed out with nails, as such a rough effect on the skin can cause deep pimples to form, leading to scarring.

The frequency of manual cleansing depends on the condition of the skin. With porous, they should be carried out 2 times a week, and with normal or dry 2-3 times a month.

Contraindications to performing manual cleaning are the following conditions:

  • inflammatory processes in the face;
  • rosacea;
  • purulent processes;

After the procedure, the face is cleaned with a warm antiseptic solution and a therapeutic cream or mask is applied based on antiseptic components that prevent the development of complications. Further, the client is given recommendations regarding skin care in the days following the cleansing.


Thermolifting is called a deeper lifting (lifting) of the skin, which is performed using a special apparatus. The addition of a thermal effect allows you to effectively complement the tightening procedure by stimulating collagen production. Even after the first procedure, the skin becomes toned and the contour of the face becomes clearer.

Activation of collagen production occurs due to exposure to infrared light and radio frequencies. The apparatus for performing the procedure is equipped with flat and slingshot maniples. The latter is designed to affect the forehead and eyes, while the flat one is used to act on other areas of the face.

Before the procedure, a gel with a cooling effect is applied to the skin, and the maniples radiate heat. The device works according to several programs that are selected according to the type of skin:

  • young skin,
  • mature skin,
  • anticouperosis,
  • drainage.

After the procedure, which lasts about an hour, is washed and cream is applied. The number of sessions is determined by the age and condition of the skin. On average, one course consists of 8-10 procedures. Sessions are performed 1-2 times a week. After that, one procedure is carried out every month, and the next course is recommended to be repeated in a year.

Did you trust the sun's rays and cosmetics from the garden to take care of your beauty in the summer? Then With urgently sign up to the doctor: autumn is the most favorable time for bringing the skin in order. R we figure out what cosmetic procedures are best done in the fall.

E If age spots, acne and new wrinkles did not upset you with their appearance this fall, it's still time to take care of the quality of the skin. What do cosmetologists recommend paying attention to this season? We are interested in Victoria Lysikova, dermatologist, cosmetologist, trainer in injection techniques, medical editor of K&Z.

Removal of neoplasms

Sunny summer leaves not only pleasant memories. Autumn is the best time to take an "inventory" of moles, warts, incomprehensible spots and other skin growths. Perhaps they are not as safe as they seem at first glance. About 700 cases of skin diseases are diagnosed in Moscow every year, and about 200 people subsequently die! Melanoma is an all too frequent intruder who unexpectedly visits the inhabitants of the metropolis. Got a new big mole? Have the outlines, shape, color or size of the old nevus changed? Mole began to interfere and disturb? So, do not delay a visit to a dermatologist, he will need a minimum of time and only one tool - a dermatoscope, to understand the nature of the origin and assess the degree of danger of the nevus. If you need to remove it, the doctor will offer you a choice of several quick and comfortable procedures - cryodestruction, radiosurgery or laser.

Hardware cosmetology

If you have not protected your skin from exposure to sunlight too carefully, then you should definitely undergo a course of hardware procedures to remove age spots, get rid of fine wrinkles and other defects. The technique of photorejuvenation, alexandrite or diode lasers will help you with this. Removal of rosacea, tattooing, excess hair on the face and body can also be trusted with laser technologies. Which type of laser to choose for this, the beautician will tell you. Try to have enough time to go through a sufficient number of sessions between the summer and winter holidays, if you intend to spend them in warm countries.

plastic surgery

Have you decided for a long time that you need a radical transformation, but under various pretexts are you postponing the moment of plastic surgery for later? There will definitely not be a better period for surgical correction than autumn in your calendar. The climatic conditions are now the most suitable for postoperative rehabilitation: it is no longer hot, which means that the risk of secondary infection is negligible, but also not so cold as to expose the injured skin to sudden temperature changes. Blepharoplasty, facelift, nose reshaping, any kind of body plastic surgery performed during this period will be completed with minimal complications, and the skin will recover faster than at other times of the year.

Treatment of varicose veins

Depending on the degree of varicose veins, the phlebologist will offer various methods of treatment. Laser or radiofrequency ablation, microphlebectomy or phlebectomy - all these techniques are minimally invasive, performed without large incisions and do not require a long rehabilitation period. But the obligatory recommendation of a doctor - wearing compression underwear - is easier to perform in the autumn-winter period.

Peels and polishing

Chemical peels will improve the quality and texture of your skin, even out its relief, increase turgor, help get rid of age spots, they are also effective in the treatment of acne.

Pay attention to TCA peeling - trichloroacetic acid not only perfectly cleanses the skin of dead cells of the stratum corneum and various impurities, but also actively stimulates skin regeneration. Do you think that your skin is too sensitive and chemical peeling is not suitable for it? Do not rush to conclusions, consult a trusted cosmetologist, for sure he will select a suitable type of peeling for such capricious skin, for example, retinoic. You should not limit yourself to one procedure - for a good result, you need a course of four to five. It is possible that the doctor will include different types of peelings in the course program, and in the middle of the cycle he will also prescribe a mechanical manual or hardware facial cleansing. When signing up for a peeling course, be prepared for some side effects - peeling, redness, and tightness of the skin are possible.

The doctor will tell you how to minimize them. The effect of deep cleansing of the skin can be achieved by various types of hardware resurfacing. In this case, the cells that have served their age are not dissolved by the chemical composition, but are evaporated by the laser beam. Sign up for dermabrasion with an erbium or CO 2 laser if you dream of an even complexion, want to get rid of post-acne marks, and are waiting for a pronounced lifting effect.

beauty injections

"Beauty injections" are still at the peak of popularity in Moscow clinics and it seems that they will not soon give up their well-deserved positions. What is their success? In a bright and instant effect, which even the most fastidious patients cannot fail to notice.

Injections of the botulinum toxin type A drug will temporarily relieve you of wrinkles and “teach” your face to behave so that new wrinkles do not appear for a longer time. Biorevitalization will literally revive the skin, fill its cells with the missing moisture, remind them how to recover, and give the face a radiant, well-groomed look.

Fillers based on hyaluronic acid or calcium hydroxyapatite will replenish volumes in those places where they began to disappear, fill deep creases and folds, and when introduced with a special technique, create a framework in the skin that will help keep it in good shape. Mesotherapy with a properly selected cocktail will satisfy the needs of your skin and deliver exactly the ingredients that it lacks right now.

Expert opinion

Lilia Gutsenko, leading dermatologist-cosmetologist of the clinic of aesthetic medicine, cosmetology and dermatology "A Clinic"

F fractional photothermolysis (fraxel) is the golden fund of hardware cosmetology: a procedure loved by patients and ideal for the autumn period, when solar activity is noticeably reduced. Fraxel is unique in that it allows you to achieve skin rejuvenation in any part of the face and body, including the eye area, without an aggressive effect on the body and a long rehabilitation period. We work on the latest generation apparatus, which is extremely gentle on the skin: it selects dead and dilapidated cells and destroys them. In their place, young and healthy skin cells are immediately formed. Laser radiation penetrates into the deep layers of the skin without damaging or injuring the epidermis. Fraxel shows excellent results for both dry and oily skin types, making it fresh, tight, toned. But in order to treat the largest possible surface of the skin, we recommend to our patients a combination therapy - fractional photothermolysis and plasma therapy. After such a combination, already on the second day, patients do not feel any discomfort.

E Katerina T ruhina , PhD, dermatologist, physiotherapist, Revival Youth Clinic

O In the shade, we are often visited by patients who have been exposed to intense solar insolation in the summer and, as a result, have received extensive pigment spots on their faces. In this case, we recommend them a combination of procedures - the modern FraxelDual laser and MesolineShine mesotherapy. FraxelDual is a fractional laser that has been called the gold standard for non-ablative skin resurfacing. The device forms microscopic treatment zones in the skin. With it, you can remove pigmentation, narrow pores, eliminate post-acne and significantly rejuvenate the skin. The procedure gives excellent results with a short rehabilitation period. To speed up the recovery processes in the skin, enhance the effect of the laser, give an additional whitening effect, we use injections of the Mesoline Shine cocktail. It contains a complex of natural acids and plant components. The cocktail has an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory effect, it starts the processes of producing youth in the skin.dogo collagen, which promotes rejuvenation.

These are procedures that can increase the sensitivity of the skin to UV rays and, consequently, cause pigmentation. Let's talk about what you can do from mid-October.

Photorejuvenation (phototherapy), despite its name, helps to cope not only with age-related skin changes (in particular, signs of photoaging), but also with age spots, vasodilation, redness, enlarged pores and acne at a younger age. Light energy, getting into the upper layers of the skin, causes the destruction (coagulation) of pathologically dilated vessels and pigment and indirectly stimulates cell renewal and collagen synthesis. The course consists, as a rule, of several procedures with an interval of 2-4 weeks. Photorejuvenation is contraindicated for tanned skin and is not recommended before traveling to sunny countries, it requires maximum protection from UV rays after the procedure, including in a solarium. In Minsk, facial rejuvenation costs an average of 120 to 170 rubles. This procedure, according to indications, is possible for the neck, décolleté and hands.

Peelings. If we talk about peelings, then this is not only a procedure for exfoliating the stratum corneum of the skin, but also much deeper and more diverse effects on it. Indications for peeling are very different: improvement of color, skin tone, treatment of photo-, chrono-aging, acne, post-acne, pigmentation, etc. All peels expose the skin somewhat, and most increase sensitivity to UV rays shortly after the procedure. That is why they are recommended for autumn and winter. Peels based on acids (ANA and BHA) are very popular: lactic, mandelic, salicylic and their combinations, trichloroacetic.

A separate niche is occupied by retinoic peeling. It is often referred to as "yellow peeling" because it has a more or less pronounced yellow tint after application. It is especially recommended for dull, thin, aging skin. 2-3 days after the procedure, the skin may peel off. For maximum effect, 2-4 procedures with an interval of 3-4 weeks are enough. The cost of one procedure in Minsk is about 140 - 190 rubles.

Laser resurfacing and laser peeling. These are identical terms meaning fractional photothermolysis in medical cosmetology. This is a modern, innovative, highly controlled procedure that allows you to solve many skin problems without long-term rehabilitation: age-related changes (flabbiness, wrinkles), cicatricial (including post-acne), age spots, enlarged pores and other violations of the skin relief. There is a laser with and without ablation. In the first case, the impact is more severe and requires a slightly longer rehabilitation (up to two weeks), in the second - in three days you can be in society. During the procedure, the patient feels a tingling sensation, and topical anesthesia may be used. The result is noticeable after the first session and grows over several months. But for a more pronounced effect, 2-4 procedures are recommended.

Laser and photoepilation. Relevant for the autumn season and the procedure of laser and photoepilation. A couple of weeks before the procedure, the skin should not be exposed to sunlight. This is the main reason for the seasonal restriction. The intervals between procedures, depending on the affected area, are from 2 to 8 weeks. Depending on individual genetic and hormonal characteristics, 4-8 procedures are necessary for a significant effect.

A very important recommendation after any seasonal procedure is to limit thermal effects and protect against UV rays (including in the solarium). It is necessary to use protective products with UVA and UVB 30 and above for at least a month.

Do not forget in the fall and those procedures that can be done all year round.

Gas-liquid peeling, or peeling on the JET PEEL device- a unique type of peeling that can be done regardless of the season. Unlike others, it is also suitable before trips to hot countries - the tan will be even more even and beautiful, and after trips it will help restore the resource and moisture of the skin after exposure to the sun and sea water. This is a mechanical exfoliation of the skin using an oxygen-liquid jet. The procedure is painless (even pleasant), without side effects, peeling and swelling. After the procedure, the tone and elasticity of the skin is increased, the color and relief are evened out, fine wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin is saturated with moisture. Possible course of 4 - 6 procedures 1 time in 1 - 2 weeks.

RF and infrared lifting are also off-season effective procedures. They are used to tighten the soft tissues of the face and body. They are well tolerated, proceed without rehabilitation, give a visual effect immediately after the procedure, which increases over several months after the course (4 - 6 - 8 procedures).
