Deep topics for conversation. Five Great and Five Terrible Conversation Topics

Today we will talk about an interesting topic and analyze what you can talk about with a girl?


For example, you enjoy playing a musical instrument, rollerblading or playing video games. In this case, if the girl is also at least a little fond of this, then she can be invited to ride. Even if she does not know how to ride, in this case, you can offer to teach her. In addition, there is the opportunity to play video games together or play a musical instrument for her.

About leisure

One of the many topics of conversation is how you spend your free time. You can talk about what has been interesting in your life lately, where you went or what you plan to see in the future. These can be trips to the cinema, theater, exhibitions, field trips or various trips.

Cinema or other trips

You are always allowed to ask, “Did you go to the cinema to see a movie…?”. So you can find out what the girl likes to watch and invite to the movie.


If you enjoy playing a sport, then you should talk about it. If it will be some unusual or extreme sport, it will add some points to you. Many girls are interested in these topics and will be interested in listening to you.

Memorable places

Almost any city has interesting museums, theaters, exhibitions. You need to find out detailed information about them and invite a girl there.

Emotional themes

You can always talk about your childhood or your dreams. But know that when you talk about such topics, the girl must completely trust you. These are too personal topics and not worth discussing with everyone. First you need to talk about general topics, and then move on to personal ones.


From simple family dinners to favorite dishes, good cafes, exotic seafood. Invitations to your favorite cafe or picnic.


Ask if the girl likes cars. Can she drive or does she want to learn? Share your thoughts on what kind of car you would like to buy.


Talk to the girl about your and her favorite music, songs, bands. All girls like this theme and you can always share music with it if you have the same tastes.

Study and work

You can talk about funny situations that happened at school or work. Ask about relationships in the team: about bosses, teachers, etc.


Ask what kind of guy she wants to meet. What worries her: tediousness, betrayal, greed, etc. Give your opinion in response. Ask about your friends and tell about yours. Remember that in this conversation you do not need to remember former girlfriends.


Younger brothers and sisters, kids, nephews and just acquaintances. In such a topic, there will definitely be something to talk about: pranks, whims, funny statements.


Ask what her favorite holiday is, what she likes to receive or give. Also tell us about your favorite holiday and gifts.


Unbeatable theme! If a girl has various pets, then you can talk forever. Do not forget to tell about your pet and ask if she wants to have another pet in the future.


You can shock the girl and in the course of conversations tell about your sexual preferences. But for this you need to wait until your relationship is really close. In the meantime, you can always talk about famous star couples.

Topics for conversation with a girl on 5+

Topics for conversation with a girl they are very diverse and there are a lot of them ... Everything comes with experience, you can talk with girls on any topic, but at the same time you can’t talk about how her girlfriend can otherwise send her to the DOD or put a tick in front of your last name - a nice guy, but this is not included in pickup plans! What to talk about with a girl or with a woman, it doesn't matter, the main thing is that it should be the most natural and spontaneous.

Whole list


Do you often go to the cinema?
- What films do you like the most?
- What genre? For example, I like ...... (comedies) (then talk about the genre that she
like. Find out which films
- Do you often go alone or with friends?
- Have you ever gone to a night session? And on the night "non-stop"? (this is when you pay once, and
watch 3-4 movies all night)
- Have you ever noticed that when you go outside after a session, at first the surrounding
You perceive the world differently depending on the film. Have you ever had this? (If it was
then ask after what movie and how?)
Have you ever had a strong feeling after watching a movie? Which?

If you run out of topics to communicate with a girl- then this is something serious, or it's nerves and you need to understand that girls are the same creatures and even more insidious, or you just don't have contact - she just cuts off any opportunity you have to hook her. And in the latter case, it may also be her joint, she is simply insane or inadequate for you, but she may be quite adequate for another guy, in this case it is better to just remain friends or go off ecologically.

Many themes here are not suitable for many girls, so choose your own taste and just have fun)

ATTENTION: when talking with a girl, do not talk about too primitive things, some especially smart thugs want to see the intellectual abilities of a young guy. Yes, and some mokroschelki also read these posts and fire).

Cafes, bars, discos

Do you often go to discos? where is the last time and why?
- Do you know why some girls go to cafes with their friends so often?
- Do you like sweets? ... For pleasure or to the detriment of the diet? :)
- Have you tried to cook something yourself from what you tried in a cafe?
- You know, very often girls sit in cafes and get bored. Sometimes it lasts more than one hour. What are they waiting for?
- Have you ever dynamite a guy? Well, just be honest;) (regardless of the answer “What a great fellow you are!
:)") Tell..

There are many questions here, but if you constantly ask them, she will feel like she is being interrogated, of course, you can also make a kind of frame out of them, but unfortunately this is not a leader frame. Questions must be asked so you can direct conversation with a girl in the direction you need, but you should not replay:

Parks, street, places of rest

Do you like to walk?
- What is your favorite weather? And why?
- Where do you like to walk the most?
- Have you ever walked in the rain?
- Do you often hang out with your friends?
- Have you ever walked around the city all night?
- Have you been to the zoo for a long time?
- Which place do you remember the most? Why?
- Do you like swimming? Do you bathe often? Where?

By the way, a girl and a guy can also talk about these topics and they are interested in this no less than men.


Do you fall in love often?
- You are romantic? And what is the most?
- How do you feel about the fact that some people say that relationships can be bought with money?
Have you ever had an all night date?
What do you think is the toughest competition? Male or female? Why?
- Did you have competitors? Were they alive? :)
What do you like more, compliments or receiving them?
- And what do you consider worthy of a compliment in yourself? Well, except for a beautiful, intriguing look,

Someone may notice that there are many serious topics for conversation with women, maybe so, that is, you also need to apply intuition. If you choose a serious girl, then she will willingly talk to you not only on these topics, but if you have a woman who is too frivolous, then the man will use tricks and games that are rarely associated with seriousness.

Common topics

Are you afraid of thunderstorms? What are you most afraid of?
- Do you have any collection. Well, fish, for example, or someone else? :)
- Do you have pets? The name of? Are you feeding? :)
- Have you been to the sea? What are the feelings, what did you like the most?
- What kind of music do you like the most? Do you listen often?
- What was your brightest moment in your life?
- Can you cook? And what works best?
- Can you play anything? (for a long time? what do you like the most?) Do you like to listen?
- Do you like sunbathing? Topless? ;)
- Do you remember your first love? Kindergarten or elementary school? / think whether it is possible to ask such a question? the answer is of course not!
- Do you have Brother or sister? Would you like to? (To be alone)
- What is your favourite season of year? And what do you like the most about it?

Not sure what topics are considered interesting? - Any topics for conversation! If you behave correctly, there is a zest in any of the topics.



Interesting topic! With these people, something is bound to happen and “connect”. These eternal incidents and troubles make us think about what is better and safer to live in a private house, in a village or in an urban-type settlement.


Say it's more of a feminine theme? Actually, yes, but she will also be interested in men, if you approach her “smartly”.


What to spend on, what to collect, where to store, how to save .... There will be so many discussions around this topic that it will make your head spin with abundance.


They say that the topic “about work” is appropriate only within its “walls”. It's not exactly like that! And you can talk about work beautifully.

Sex and its features

The main thing in this topic is the observance of tact. Do not cross a decent line during communication!

Hobbies, hobbies...

This is perhaps the most trendy theme as it can go on forever.

Weather, weather conditions

Oh, how people are tired of this topic! Talking about the weather is boring. And this means that you do not need to touch it at all. Let the hydrometeorological center tell about the peculiarities of the weather.

Scientific research

This topic is of interest only in narrow circles. Do not "throw" this topic in wide circles! You yourself must understand and feel where reasoning related to science is appropriate, and where it is not at all.

Schedule and daily routine

If you start talking in detail about how your day went, the interlocutor will simply run away from you - simply.

Learn to respect the person with whom you communicate or will communicate in the future. See how interesting your conversation is! You won't have time to look back as the time flies by!

How to make any conversation more interesting?

Rules - tips:

  • Always "remove" a pause if it leaks into conversations

It's easy to fill it out. Just do not touch on completely “hackneyed” topics for this (they are listed below).

  • Choose the “right” time and the “right” place

The flow of the conversation and its "promotion" will be cool combined in cozy and beautiful "tones".

  • Do not interrupt if the other person is talking or talking

Let the man finish! Even if everything boils inside to speak out.

  • Look directly into the eyes of the interlocutor

So he will be sure that you are interested in his society.

  • Don't swear at mom

The interlocutor is not shy about this and speaks obscenely? Do not repeat the bad! Be yourself.

  • Speak in plain language, not in scientific terms

It is not necessary to "trump" the level of your intelligence. And in simple language you can talk about smart things.

  • Don't tell people that it's unpleasant or painful for them to listen to.

Remember conscience and kindness.

  • Don't just talk about yourself and yourself...

In conversations, you are not the only one! There is a person next to you who also wants to talk.

  • Create a wonderful atmosphere

A cup of coffee or a cup of tea is enough, for example! Well, and sweets - goodies as an addition.

Develop a conversation in the most unexpected "angles", if the initiative does not come from the one who communicates with you.

Conversational embellishments for conversation

To make the topic of conversation flow smoothly and interestingly, do not forget about “conversational decorations”:


It happens that these cool "tricks" are not remembered or simply not remembered. Then a smartphone with an active Internet will come to the rescue. In virtual cobwebs, there is certainly a successful humorous line.

A funny story

Awesome! Any of them will cause pleasant nostalgia and return the decadent mood.

New cool or "fun-sounding" word or expression

You can, by the way, come up with them yourself (expressions and words), if the fantasy does not mind.


You have experienced many times how great it is to hear compliments.


It "gives birth" to the continuation of any topic. You need to learn to smile for real, without falsehood.


Such a quality, unfortunately, is a huge rarity in our time. However, it must be protected or developed, if it exists.

Positive emotions

But what about without them? When you are sad, then there is no conversation - it does not move forward ...

Not sure what topics of conversation will be interesting for your young man? Then try to listen more than speak out (at least at first). This "trick" will help you liberate yourself.

Do not miss. . .

Meeting new people is an integral part of our lives. Some easily get acquainted, communicate and find common topics, while others are overcome by shyness and the fear of not being liked or saying something stupid. To avoid embarrassing situations, you can think over a list of topics for conversation in advance.


To start fruitful communication with an unfamiliar person, you need a starting topic, which then turns into an interesting conversation.

There is a whole list of initial phrases:

  • How are you?
  • How was the day? What's new?
  • For what purpose are you here?
  • What are your plans for the future?

Continue the dialogue based on the answers of the interlocutor.

If you are in the company of unfamiliar people, to prevent awkward silence, you need to ensure that all group members are involved in communication. It is necessary to interest them in general topics for an interesting conversation, as well as jokes, compliments, smiles.

An important rule is a limited number of questions to avoid feeling interrogated. Such behavior does not allow others to express their opinion, to formulate a thought.

Being in a company or alone with an interlocutor, you can not slander in relation to a common friend, because. your words can be passed on to that person.


The topic for conversation should be chosen according to the level of acquaintance. It is more difficult to find interesting ideas for communication with a stranger.

Often, casual, neutral topics about the weather are chosen to start the dialogue. Such questions are unsuccessful and boring, so it is better to start the conversation with a sincere compliment. You should not talk about yourself if you didn’t ask, and even more so load the story with names and surnames, because. this makes it tedious and uninteresting.

An interesting topic for conversation is the discussion of the interior, the atmosphere of the place where you are. You can remember your favorite places, smoothly moving on to the topic of travel. Memories bring together, help create spiritual dialogues.

You can make friends with a person via the Internet, through the popular sites VK and Odnoklassniki or by phone. The main thing is to find interesting topics for conversation.

Important Rules

To be a good conversationalist, you just need to let your opponent talk about himself.

In the process of the story, your interest is needed, otherwise the dialogue will not work.

Need to follow the rules:

  • Do not interrupt;
  • Answer questions and ask them yourself so that there is a listener and a speaker in the dialogue, and it does not look like an interrogation;
  • Look the interlocutor in the eyes;
  • Do not use foul language, watch your tone of voice, gestures and facial expressions. Be yourself and don't adopt bad habits;
  • There are certain topics for an interesting conversation that you should not discuss with a stranger: politics, religion, as well as scientific research and too smart topics. Even without noticing, you can offend a person, proving your point of view and the presence of high intelligence;
  • If a person does not know what to talk about, take the initiative and eliminate the awkward pause in communication;
  • You can not tell people about what is unpleasant to hear;
  • You should not talk only about yourself and describe your daily routine in detail;
  • Neutral topics for conversation will not help if a person is not in the mood for communication or he has no time. In this case, it is better to leave him alone;
  • Often in the process of communication, we are overcome with excitement and therefore we think what to say next, without listening to the opponent's story. Sometimes questions on a completely different topic literally interrupt the conversation. It is better not to worry, but to try to relax and listen carefully. Topics for conversation will appear themselves.

List of successful topics

It has been proven that girls are easier to communicate than men, and therefore they think less about how to find topics for conversation. Even if it is difficult to start a dialogue, you can use the usual topics: ask about business, personal life, plans for the day, etc.

Usually there are pauses and awkward silences in the conversation, which can be prevented by the following topics:

  • Love;
  • Neighbours;
  • Purchases;
  • Money;
  • Job;
  • Sex (with tact);
  • Interests and hobbies.

In addition to the common topics presented, there are more than 100 unusual and interesting topics that can be divided into entire sections: serious topics (marriage, career, love, etc.), philosophical ones (about the universe, “who is good in Rus'”, about life and death, etc.), friendship, themes for couples, etc.

Often difficulties arise in communication with the opposite sex. Finding common interesting topics for a conversation with a girl or a guy is difficult.

Guys are inherently stronger and more confident, and therefore start a conversation with the opposite sex faster.

If you are a girl and you want to please a young man, you need to think over topics in advance and adhere to certain communication rules on a date:

  • To openly and honestly answer the questions of the interlocutor, this disposes the partner.
  • Look directly into the eyes during a conversation and do not hide facial expressions so that the interlocutor understands that they are really listening to him.
  • Give the guy the right to start a conversation, and during his story ask leading questions, then the conversation will start and there will be no problems with the selection of topics.
  • Learn as much as possible about the guy himself, about his interests, which will become the basis for subsequent topics at further meetings.
  • Long pauses should be avoided. You can ask questions, be interested in a person. You can talk about books, travel, movies, latest news, hobbies, sports.

These tips will help you get closer to a person and prepare the basis for future communication, but there are certain rules that you should not talk about with a guy at the first meeting:

  • About relatives.
  • About their illnesses, depressions.
  • About your former relationships, criticizing ex-boyfriends.
  • About failures.
  • About complaints about life.
  • If the guy is silent, you do not need to constantly ask what he is thinking about. Excessive obsession encourages him to lie.

A conversation with a young man is very different from a conversation with girlfriends, and what seems interesting and important with them may turn out to be empty chatter for a guy. Therefore, it is worth listening to him, then you will be able to win over.

The list of topics for an interesting conversation is not limited, but the main ones are those that directly relate to the interlocutor. Therefore, do not allow selfishness in communication, show respect and trust, and then you will not notice how you will chat for hours and become best friends!

I will not be original when I say that regardless of the purpose of your acquaintance - from a quick affair to creating a family with five children, a summer house in the suburbs and an unbalanced Labrador - you need to talk to a girl. There are few ways to spend time together that do not require communication (to get to the most enjoyable of them, again, you have to work on communication a little!). So let's outline the main topics for keeping a conversation with a girl!

If a girl does not drive a car and does not express a particular desire to own such a vehicle, you should not load her with details such as the engine of your iron horse. But you can talk about the car of your dreams or remember which car was featured in the latest Bond movie.

Do not talk about your habit of smoking a pack of cigarettes a day, drinking two liters of beer with dinner, or biting your nails. Think of something sweeter that brings a smile to your face. About the habit of drawing funny faces on paper during a telephone conversation, for example.

How to earn them better and how to spend them more pleasantly. Attitude towards money among people of different countries. The main thing when discussing this topic is not to give the impression of a miser or a spender.

Sisters and brothers, nephews, funny toddlers walking nearby and mothers with strollers passing by. Children are a pretty sweet and enjoyable topic, if not abused. For example, you should not immediately announce your desire to have triplets and share pre-selected names, just as it is not recommended to talk about your categorical rejection of children.

You can start with the simplest - finding out whether she is a cat person or a dog lover, prefers colorful fish in an aquarium, or keeps a family of guinea pigs at home. Pet owners are happy to talk about their pets, show pictures of them and just as happy to hear about your iguana or talking parrot.

Even if a girl has lived in one place all her adult life, with a little preparation, you can easily blow her away with your knowledge of local attractions, tell a funny story about an old house or about what significant personalities lived on this street.

If you met not in line for a shawarma or a nutritious cheeseburger, you can speculate on the topic of a healthy lifestyle - the benefit of information on this topic is full in all media sources, so any Internet user can be considered an expert in nutrition and good habits.

Another win-win topic for conversation. Favorite films, directors, discussion of the latest film events. And if you also manage to show off a phrase from her favorite movie, going to the cinema is guaranteed!

Be original - admit that you read more than just the news when you open your email. Tell us about your favorite book and promise to give it to read. Ask what she reads and what writer she likes the most. Or maybe there was a film adaptation of her favorite book recently? An excuse to watch it together.

Compliments to her appearance and selection of clothes and accessories will never be superfluous. But here, the main thing is not to overdo it. Personally, I am wary of men who understand fashion trends better than me and know more than one designer.

How a girl spends her weekends, her favorite places to spend a long weekend and your recommendations on how to diversify a short vacation. Listen carefully and in no case criticize, even if she does not get up from the couch in front of the TV for two days. It is better to offer something more interesting and, most importantly, joint.

Talk about general topics - what she appreciates in her partner, what kind of relationship she strives for, and which couples are an example for her. You should not go into the details of an unpleasant breakup with your ex-girlfriend, and you should not ask about the volume of the ex-boyfriend's chest either.

Favorite holiday, what kind of gifts he likes to receive, whether he likes to give gifts and how he usually chooses them, the most memorable celebration in recent times. And many many others. This is truly a fun and inexhaustible topic for conversation.

Tell a funny story that happened to you or your friends while on vacation. Ask her where she prefers to relax and what type of vacation she likes best. Share useful information about the country she is going to or offer your services as a guide to places she would like to visit.

Who doesn't have a boss that makes them want to be discussed outside of work? And the stories from the last corporate party? Or some gossip about employees? Our work unites us and gives us a lot of common topics for conversation, even if the areas of your activity do not intersect.

Be careful not to hurt the feelings of a deeply religious person or irritate a frenzied fanatic of some dubious sect. No matter how slippery this topic is, it is better to find out right away who you are dealing with. But carefully and having the ability to quickly retreat in case of danger.

The topic of sex is like a minefield, where you can attract attention and intrigue with skillfully chosen stories and relevant jokes, or blow yourself up once and for all by immediately reporting in great detail about your sexual preferences using diagrams, pictures and illustrative examples.

Favorite sport or recent Olympic Games. Which is better - go to a belly dance or take yoga seriously. When is the best time to go for a run - in the morning or in the evening. There are many topics - choose any.

Invite the girl to teach her to roller skate, play curling, or invite her to see your collection, as was the case with the classics - lute music of the 16th century. Be sure to ask about her hobbies - listen carefully, without interrupting, with an interested face and ask clarifying questions, no matter how odd she is!
