Perfect eyebrows. How to give eyebrows a beautiful shape and the desired shade

Beautiful eyebrows are transformative. And this is without exaggeration. The correct form can change beyond recognition, of course, for the better. But the matter is not limited to beauty. There is a fashion for thickness and shape.

Remember how in the famous old film the heroine talks about how the eyebrow should be thin and raised in surprise? This trend continued for quite some time. Women practiced plucking almost until the hairs completely disappeared. Today everything has changed. Naturalness is trending. But this does not mean that eyebrow care is not needed. We'll tell you how to make them beautiful yourself.

How to choose the right shape

It's actually not difficult to do. Just look carefully at your reflection in the mirror. Usually natural eyebrow shape is a good tip. You just have to highlight it using a pencil or tweezers. But if you are not satisfied with your “native” eyebrows, then you need to select a shape in accordance with the oval of your face:

  • Round. A “house-like” eyebrow, slightly pointed, is suitable. But don't raise them too high. This will give the look eternal surprise and even comedy.
  • Triangular. Rounded, but not too much, close to a straight line.
  • Oval. Arched with a soft bend.
  • Square. Long, slightly rounded towards the end. The middle is slightly raised.
  • For elongated Faces with straight eyebrows are suitable.

Remember that the break point—the place where the eyebrow is most raised—affects the perception of facial width. Visually, it will be wider if the break point is closer to the temples. And vice versa, the closer it is to the center, the narrower the face appears.

Before you shape your eyebrows at home and paint them with pencil or eye shadow, be sure to decide which one will be the most beautiful and simply right for your face type, this photo of all possible types will help you:

You can learn how to use castor oil to strengthen and give natural thickness to eyelashes from important recommendations.

Step by step we perform the ideal correction

Simple objects will help you find out where the edge “breaks”. Take advantage pencil or brush. Look in the mirror, remember your geometry lessons and do the following manipulations:

  • Place the pencil on your face so that it touches the wing of your nose and the inner corner of your eye.
  • The point where the pencil intersects the eyebrow is its beginning.
  • Place the pencil on the side of your nose and the outer corner of your eye. This way we will find where our eyebrow should end.
  • The last starting point is again the wing of the nose. We apply a pencil so that the line passes through the outer edge of the pupil and continues to the hairs. The intersection point is the ideal break line.

And now smoothly connect the dots by drawing a line with a pencil. Do you like the reflection in the mirror? Let's move on to the next stage.

How to choose and make a beautiful eyebrow shape and draw them beautifully yourself with a pencil or shadows at home, watch the video:

We will need:

  • eyebrow brush;
  • cosmetic tweezers;
  • a cotton swab or sponge treated with a disinfectant.

Using tweezers remove excess vegetation, behind which our ideal form is hidden:

  • We stretch the skin around the eyebrow towards the temple.
  • Using tweezers, grab one hair at a time at the base and pull it out in the direction of its growth.

How to give a beautiful and neat shape to your eyebrows, pluck them correctly, correct them with scissors yourself and decorate them beautifully with makeup at home, watch the video:

If you don't like the color of your hair after dyeing,

The shape of the eyebrows emphasizes the expressiveness of a woman’s gaze. Neat and well-groomed eyebrows look elegant and sophisticated. Therefore, their condition needs to be monitored and corrections made from time to time.

note! Many people think that only a specialist can create the ideal eyebrow shape. But this is a misconception.

Every girl can properly shape herself at home. The main thing is to adhere to several rules and arm yourself with the necessary tools and patience.

Table: necessary tools and items

Tool Description
Mirror You will need a table mirror with adjustable angle.
Tweezers It is better to choose tweezers with pointed ends. It grips hairs better
Eyebrow brush Give preference to brushes with stiff bristles
Manicure scissors They will be needed to trim stray hairs.
Cooling gel This product slightly freezes the skin. The gel acts as an analgesic. You can purchase such a product in specialized cosmetic stores or pharmacy kiosks.
Pencil The pencil should be hard and sharpened
Desk lamp Needed for better lighting
Disinfectant Needed to disinfect the skin before the procedure

Before plucking your eyebrows, choose a shape. Selection scheme step by step:

  1. You will need a pencil, designed for drawing eyebrows.
  2. Initially, the pencil is applied vertically from the sinus. The line formed at the top of the nasal septum is the beginning of the eyebrows. These points are marked with a pencil.

    It is advisable to mark two points: the highest and the lowest. This indicates the width of the future edge.

  3. Then the pencil is applied parallel to the cheekbone so that the edge of the object passes through the outer corner of the eye. This point symbolizes the end of the eyebrow.
  4. After this, the object is applied to the eye so that it passes through the middle of the pupil. The upper point of the eyebrow (the point of inclination of the eyebrow) is marked with a pencil.
  5. Then the points are connected by drawing with a pencil. The upper and lower boundaries are drawn.

    After drawing one eyebrow, the second one is drawn using the same method. It is important to compare both options for symmetry.

Step-by-step instructions on how to make beautiful eyebrows:

  1. Initially, it is worth lubricating the skin above the eyelids with a cooling gel.. He will numb the procedure. Wait until the gel is absorbed.
  2. Then you should comb the hairs in the direction from the bridge of the nose to the temples. Sticking hairs are trimmed with nail scissors.
  3. Then draw the desired shape. Sharp corners need to be rounded.
  4. Treat tweezers with disinfectant. Using tweezers, remove hairs that extend beyond the boundaries drawn in pencil.

    You need to pluck in the direction of hair growth. That is, if a hair grows towards the temple, then it should be removed with a tool in the same direction.

    If this rule is neglected, the hairs will begin to grow towards the nasal septum.

  5. Pull out the bottom row first, and then the top one. so that the bend can be corrected.
  6. After removal, the eyebrow is combed again with a brush.. Sticking hairs are removed.
  7. The skin is then treated with an antibacterial agent. If you don’t have a special product at hand, use alcohol instead.

To reduce the pain threshold, steam your face before the procedure. or wipe it with a piece of ice. Do not use cream to soften.

Under the influence of the cream, the skin will become oily, and plucking hairs will not be possible due to them slipping out of the tool.

Correction with makeup

You can change the shape of your eyebrows at home using makeup.

Step by step instructions:

  • Draw the desired shape with a pencil by outlining your own eyebrows according to the diagram.
  • Choose shadows to match your hair color.
  • Use a brush to comb the hairs against their growth.
  • Then, using a thin shadow brush, apply the shadows onto the skin in a precise manner, without going beyond the boundaries.
  • Comb the hairs back and draw in the ends with a brush.

Important! Matte shadows are selected for drawing. Cosmetics with shimmering particles look unnatural.

If you apply such shadows, your eyebrows will shimmer in the light.

To hide hairs outside the borders, use a white pencil. Draw a thin line along the bottom base. This will visually raise the eyebrow and make the look more expressive.

What eyebrow shape is considered classic and correct?

The classic shape is arched. She does not change her appearance and suits most women on the planet.

The correct one is the one made according to the scheme of three points:

  • At the base of the bridge of the nose.
  • At the top point of the eyebrow (in the middle).
  • Parallel to the outer corner of the eye.

When choosing a form, the main thing to consider is the fact so that it fits your face. Eyebrows should not stand out, but complement the external image and look natural.

How to determine which eyebrow shape suits your face type?

When choosing a shape, pay attention to the eyes. Thin, even eyebrows help to visually enlarge small eyes. For girls with a Mongoloid eye shape, an arched shape is suitable.

For women with a high forehead, it is better to have wide, even eyebrows that focus attention on the eyes and lower part of the face.

note! The shape is selected according to the type of face.

Table: which eyebrows are suitable for different face types:

Face type Suitable shape
Triangular Those with a triangular face type should consider rounded options that can smooth out and visually correct a sharp chin
Square For a square face, you should choose variations that can soften a sharp chin and cheekbones. Give preference to a “house” shape that visually “stretches” the upper part of the face
oblong If a girl has an oblong face shape, then wide, even eyebrows that emphasize the eyes will suit her.

But it is worth remembering that with a high forehead it is better to give preference to eyebrows with a slightly rounded end

Round For those with a round face, it is more difficult to choose the right shape. It is better to opt for wide, angular and slightly pointed variations.

Straight, thin eyebrows indicate imperfections and add extra volume. It is also not recommended to make rounded eyebrows. They draw attention to the cheekbones

Oval Owners of an oval face can create different shapes for their eyebrows. But it’s worth remembering a few rules: optimal height and not drooping tip.

The height of the edge refers to its top point. It should not be made too high, otherwise the face will acquire the effect of surprise.

The tip is slightly curved. If you overdo it, your face will look sad

Fashion trends

Today, the fashion trend for eyebrows is width and thickness.

The main fashion trends of 2017:

  • Thickness.
  • Volume.
  • Straightness with smooth bends in the far third.
  • Upper contour liner.

Important! Today, not every woman has bushy eyebrows.

Therefore, the only way to create chic eyebrows is skillful makeup, microblading or tattooing. The last two procedures involve injecting paint under the skin.

Useful video

Rarely does nature endow someone with exceptionally smooth eyebrows without hairs protruding beyond them. By and large, there are no straight eyebrows. For each of us, they approach a certain shape: rounded, straight, broken or curved. But this shape can be made obvious or completely changed only with the help of a procedure such as eyebrow plucking.

During this procedure, sometimes only a few hairs are removed, and sometimes you need to work hard to give the eyebrows the desired shape. How to pluck eyebrows correctly, how to find a middle ground so that in the end you don’t end up without eyebrows at all, but also remove all unnecessary vegetation - this will be discussed further. In addition, we invite you to compare the advantages and disadvantages of methods by which you can give your eyebrows the desired color. Simply put, it will answer questions that concern all women: how to pluck eyebrows without pain and achieve the desired effect, and how to draw eyebrows that are ideal in shape and color.

How to pluck eyebrows

Some women do not bother answering this question and turn to specialists for eyebrow correction. This is really not a bad idea. A specialist will help you choose the eyebrow shape that suits you and quickly bring all your ideas to life. But when turning to a specialist for eyebrow correction, you need to take into account the following nuances:

1. In our area there are still masters who give the eyebrows the desired shape using a razor blade. The only advantage of this method is that it is very fast. But all the beauty of the imperfections can be appreciated after the eyebrows begin to grow. After just one such procedure, they will become much rougher and darker. If the master offers you this method of eyebrow correction, then you do not need to tell him how pluck eyebrows correctly. It is better to inquire about the possibility of using alternative methods.

2. Remember that periodic eyebrow correction is a procedure as inevitable as the correction of extended nails, eyelashes or hair. Even though the hairs on the eyebrows are not as noticeable as the capsules from regrown hair extensions, they immediately give the face an unkempt appearance. Therefore, be prepared to visit the salon with a fairly high frequency or learn how to do it yourself. how to pluck eyebrows correctly. In general, the ideal option is to periodically come to a specialist for eyebrow correction, and then maintain the shape of the eyebrows yourself.

You can also give your eyebrows the perfect shape at home. And for this you do not need to have the appropriate education. Knowledge of how to pluck eyebrows correctly, as well as experience gained over time, are often sufficient conditions for a successful eyebrow correction procedure.

First of all, remember that when correcting your eyebrows, you must adhere to the “nothing too much” rule. This is especially true for women who naturally have thick and wide eyebrows. If nature wanted you to have wide eyebrows, then string eyebrows are unlikely to be suitable for you. And imagine how much work you will have to do almost every day to maintain this shape.

Also make sure that the eyebrows are the same. Fortunately, the procedure for plucking your own eyebrows differs from doing a manicure yourself, and almost everyone can pluck both eyebrows equally, which cannot be said about applying varnish to the nails of both hands.

Start the eyebrow plucking procedure by shaping their outer edge. To do this, place a pencil on the tip of your nose and use it to draw an imaginary line through the outer corner of your eye. Where the pencil intersects with the eyebrow is the outer edge of your eyebrow. Gently remove any hairs that remain outside the outer edge. There is no need to make your eyebrows shorter - it will look unnatural. And longer eyebrows, as a rule, do not look neat and well-groomed.

Now start shaping. Several questions arise here: how to pluck eyebrows correctly and how to pluck eyebrows without pain.

If you are asking the first question, then, first of all, remember: you do not need to pluck the hairs from the upper edge of the eyebrow. They may seem superfluous to you, but their absence will only visually lower the eyebrow and can completely change the facial expression. In addition, you should not get too carried away with plucking the hairs at the outer edge of the eyebrow, and leave the inner edge completely untreated. Too uneven eyebrows are also unsightly.

For those for whom the second question is relevant, we can advise you to correctly grab the hair that needs to be removed with tweezers. Before, how to pluck eyebrows, it should be grabbed not near the tip, but not directly on the skin. The best option would be to place the tweezers as close to the skin as possible, but without touching it. This way you will avoid the unpleasant pain associated with the tweezers grabbing the skin. In addition, the hair will not break off in the middle, but will be pulled out along with the root.

Now gently but quickly pull the hair strictly in the direction of its growth. Plucking eyebrows in the opposite direction not only creates unpleasant sensations, but can also provoke them to grow into the skin. Keep in mind that ideally a horizontal line can be drawn between the outer and inner edges of the eyebrow. If your line is slanted, reconsider your attitude towards the ideal eyebrow shape a little.

Drawing eyebrows

Eyebrow color correction is a procedure that is especially relevant for those with light eyebrows. But even those who do not suffer from a lack of dark pigment sometimes want to change the color of their eyebrows to make it more suitable for their hair color, skin tone or a particular makeup look.

There are three main methods for changing eyebrow color, and each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Eyebrow dyeing using special dyes in a salon or at home.
Pros: low cost, long-lasting effect;
Disadvantages: in inexpensive paints, the palette is usually limited to two or three tones; in addition, it is often difficult to color eyebrows without touching the skin, which also acquires the corresponding shade.

Daily tinting of eyebrows using pencil or shadows
Pros: rich palette, the ability to change the shade every day, the ability to get as close as possible to the natural effect when using shadows;
Cons: Having to fill in your eyebrows every day and then remove any leftover makeup every night can sometimes take up valuable time.

Pros: no need to constantly worry about how to draw eyebrows or that the man you love will see you “not on parade” in the morning;
Cons: pain that occurs during the procedure, the need for periodic adjustments.

Remember that it is the correct shape of the eyebrows and their ideal color that gives the face a well-groomed appearance.

Inna Dmitrieva
Women's magazine JustLady

One of the most important components of a beautiful manicure is the correct shape of the nails. It is also worth noting that work on it is one of the most time-consuming. In addition, she is also the most responsible - the slightest flaw in the configuration of the nails and the impression of the manicure is ruined. Many girls who practice nail polish at home even prefer to turn to professionals to give them the correct shape of their nails, and then maintain it themselves.

Photo from the site:

Especially to help beginners, “Ideal Manicure” will tell you in detail how to shape your nails at home, and reveal the basic techniques and secrets of the procedure. With a little practice, you'll have nails that look like you've been to a salon.

How to properly shape your nails? Basic Rules

On portals and blogs dedicated to manicure, you can find a lot of tips and recommendations on how to shape your nails. Perhaps the most common of them is taking into account, when choosing the configuration of the plates, the natural shape of the hands and nails. Allegedly, for short fingers with wide plates, only a round or rectangular shape is suitable, and, for example, “square”, etc., are strictly contraindicated for trapezoidal nails. In fact, all this is nothing more than a myth. Any nails and any hands will suit different shapes. After all, this very shape is set to make the nails beautiful, and a correctly selected design will help hide all the shortcomings of their structure. The main thing is to create optimal harmony of shape with the width and length of natural plates.

Photo from the site:

But there are unshakable rules that are necessary to create a spectacular manicure. So, how to properly shape your nails:

  • All nails should have the same shape. The exception is manicure, where the emphasis is on 2 - 3 nails that differ in shape.
  • Another important rule for nails is strictly the same length! Multi-format nail plates look funny.
  • The length of the nails should be determined by the size of the nail bed, starting from the lowest point of the cuticle and ending with the tip of the nail, and not by the size of the free edge, as some people mistakenly do.
  • First you need to choose a reference length for all nails. Generally, all fingernails have different nail bed lengths. The standard nail plate should be considered to be the one with the longest bed length. If you focus on a shorter nail, then there is a risk that all the other plates will have to be cut to fit the base, and they may still turn out to be longer than the rest.
  • Remember - 6 fingers (2 ring, 2 index and 2 middle) should have the same length from the cuticle plate to the end of the free edge. Little fingers may differ from the standard by 3 - 4 mm. to a lesser extent. Large ones - by 1 mm. more.
  • When determining the parallel for the tip of the nail, you should focus on the center of the plate, and not on the cuticle. The cuticle of the nails, as a rule, has a beveled direction and if you focus on it, the tips will turn out to be skewed.

How to shape your nails. Deciding on an option

Photo from the site:

There is a wide variety of nail shapes, both natural and artificial - pipe, age, almond, etc. But they all, at their core, often have the same source. So manicurists distinguish three main forms:

  • "Square";
  • "Triangle";
  • "Oval".

All other forms known to us are formed as a result of variations or combinations of basic forms. Thus, all shapes that have a rounded tip contain an “oval” at their base or in combination (“almond”, “age”, round shape, etc.). The shapes with gradually tapering side edges borrowed the outlines of the “triangle” (“ballerina”, “stilettos” and the same “almond”). The straight tip parallel to the base refers to the “square” shape (“soft square”, “rectangle” and again “ballerina”).

When creating a form, you should take into account the directions of the lines of the side faces and the end. Knowing their basics will help you decide on the correct direction of sawing.

In this review, we will not separately consider how to make a beautiful nail shape for each variation, but will only introduce the general rules and techniques for creating it using individual examples. You can find information on creating the shape that specifically interests you in separate reviews of the “Ideal Manicure”.

How to shape your nails at home

You can create a beautiful nail shape at home. You just need to stock up on the necessary tools and time. Ask, where is the relationship between how to make the correct shape of nails and tools? The most direct one. It is the presence of the latter that determines how well the form will be made.

So, to create the perfect manicure you will need:

  • Three files of varying degrees of grit: coarse (about 100 - 150 grit), sanding (about 200 - 250 grit) and soft polishing buffer (from 280 grit and above).
  • Brush for removing note dust generated during work.
  • Dark varnish without gloss or glitter (you will find out why it is needed to create the shape of your nails below).

On a note

Grit is the degree of grain of the file; the higher its number, the softer it is. Thus, files with the lowest value are very coarse and are suitable for filing large areas of the plate; they are also convenient for processing artificial nails. Files with a medium degree of abrasiveness (grinding) are necessary to shape the ends and edges. Polishing buffs have the most delicate surface and the highest grit index. They are necessary for polishing natural surfaces and smoothing out unevenness.

Now let’s look at how to give a beautiful shape to your nails using a “soft square” as an example. There are several options; for example, we took two options - standard (for nails without coating) and lightweight (creating a shape on nails with coating).

Option 1: Shaping bare nails

Initially, you need to set the desired length to all nails using a coarse abrasive file. You should act carefully so as not to cut off anything unnecessary. You can also use nail scissors or nail clippers. With them the work will be completed faster, but there is a risk of damaging the plate. The file acts more delicately and prevents nails from splitting and breaking.

You should start removing the length from one of the 6 nails (middle, ring or index) which has the longest bed. Then, adapting to it, you should treat the remaining nails one by one.

Photo from the site:

File your nails from side to side using gentle pressing movements. The nails should be strictly perpendicular to the file. Don’t be afraid to make multidirectional movements; at the stage of removing the length, this method of filing does not harm the plate. Remember that the main reference point should be the middle of the nail, not the cuticle!

Photo from the site:

After the length has been taken from 6 nails (middle, index and ring), their tips should be placed on a file or other flat surface to make sure they are the same length. If there is any difference in size, it should be equalized.

Photo from the site:

After the length has been taken from all the nails of both hands, they should be placed next to each other to check their size again.

Photo from the site:

While working, do not forget to remove nail dust with a brush. If you simply blow off the dust, you will not remove it cleanly enough, and the slightest distortion will affect the result of the work. If the dust is not removed at all, then the direction of work will not be visible.

When the length on both arms is removed, you should inspect your hands again, alternately stretching your arms in front of you. This is the best way to see whether any area remains higher or more sloped than the rest.

Photo from the site:

After removing the length, work begins on shaping it. Depending on the chosen option, the side edges of the nail are filed down. For triangular-shaped nails, make a slight bevel towards the center; for square nails, leave the edges straight. We will consider just the option with straight edges necessary to form a “soft square”.

In this case, it is necessary to work with a medium-grain file, and if the nails are very thin and weak, then with a file with a very soft coating. The movements are performed strictly in one direction - from bottom to top. Here, unidirectional movement of the nail file is important to avoid peeling. Lateral detachments of the plate are especially offensive, because they can completely deprive the length of the nails.

Photo from the site:

When working with side edges, you should cut them parallel to each other. By the way, a little trick - if the plates are wide, you can narrow the side edges a little and thus the nails will be a little longer and visually narrower.

Once the desired blank is obtained, all that remains is to give the tip the desired shape using a soft buff. Proceed very carefully here, maintaining symmetry.

Photo from the site:

After the form is ready, you should buff the plate and ends of the nail to a light gloss. The plate should be polished moving from the cuticle to the tip. The tips are also smoothed from front to back. Thanks to this procedure, the nail is sealed and the nails will not break or peel.

Photo from the site:

Option 2: Shaping coated nails

Beginners should start working on shaping their nails using a coating. Full matte shades of varnish without glitter or glitter are best suited for this. This technique will not distract the free zone of the nail and the plate will be perceived holistically from the cuticle to the tip.

Photo from the site:

To work on the shape, choose quick-drying options in a regular color. One layer will be enough, but it is important to apply the coating as close to the cuticle as possible in order to perceive the nail as a whole.

On a note

To make any inaccuracies in the work more visible, it is best to do the work on a black background. And if with a coating, then on a light one.

The process of removing the length is no different from the previous method, only a file with greater abrasiveness (approximately 150 grit) should be used for the work. Options for working with artificial plates are also suitable. Do not be afraid of chipping and splitting - the varnish will protect the plates from the rough impact of the nail file.

Photo from the site:

At the end of the work, when the required length has been given, you should remove the coating; it is more convenient to work with the side edges and the tip of the nail without coating.

Photo from the site:

Working on the side edges of the nails and tips is no fundamentally different from the first method.

Photo from the site:

As you can see, the work of giving shape is not difficult at all. But it should be treated very carefully. Initially, the work will take more effort and time, but as you gain experience, the process will go much easier and more confidently. The main thing is to choose good tools and protect your nails from possible chips. Try it and you will succeed!

Beautiful and well-groomed nails are an integral part of the attractive image of every modern girl. Today, a large number of women prefer to do manicures at home, but not everyone knows: “How to give nails a certain shape?” In this article we will give some advice on this pressing issue. Now you won’t need to spend money and time visiting beauty salons and nail studios.

What tools are needed?

The choice directly depends on the condition of your nails. If they are quite fragile, then you should give preference to files (glass, plastic and others, but not metal, because they can contribute to the delamination of weak nails). Thanks to the right nail files, you can carefully shorten your nails. It should be noted that the entire process can be quite lengthy.
For tougher nails, special nail clippers or nail scissors are suitable. However, one thing to keep in mind here is that she will need to finish the edges after roughing.
If you want to get an excellent manicure always and for a long time, then you should maintain your manicure tools in perfect condition. They need to be sharpened thoroughly, and after the procedures, they need to be wiped with disinfectants.

How to give different shapes to your nails?

Let’s move on to the most interesting part, namely: “How to properly shape your nails?”
When choosing the shape of your nails, pay attention to the length of the nail plate and their appearance (as well as the shape of your hands and fingers).

It is worth noting that it is better not to give weak nails a rectangular shape with pronounced corners, because they will break (the same situation with overgrown, long plates), therefore, weakened nails, in order to prevent any difficulties from arising, are often given a more oval shape .

What shape should you give your nails? Let's look at some of the best options:

Would you like to opt for the standard oval shape? To achieve the desired result, you will need to file the nails in an egg shape, and this should be done at an angle. It should be noted that this shape will make the nails visually longer.
Round nails. Also a fairly common, popular option that is ideal for Unlike the previous one, in order to get the desired shape, you first need to file your nails along the top of the nail plate, and then at a slight angle, rounding the nails.
Square shape. Square shaped marigolds are obtained by cutting the marigolds to the required length and then filing them in one direction. After giving the correct shape, you should go through all the edges with a nail file so that there are no rough spots left.
Round-square version. Also quite a popular, sought-after shape: the result will be something between a square and an oval. To do this, we begin to process the nail with a convenient nail file, as is done when giving it an oval shape. And after that, you just need to trim the nail, as you would with a square shape. Finally, everything is filed in one direction.

There are other forms of nails, but the options presented above are more popular among the fair sex.

Giving a nail a certain shape is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. If you put all our tips into practice, you will be able to decorate your hands easily and without spending extra money.
