Integrated lesson "Easter - Holy Sunday of Christ. Abstract of the lesson on the theme "Easter" in kindergarten

State budgetary educational institution school No. 555 with in-depth study of the English language "Belogorye" of the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg

Compiled by: Tsygvintseva Olga Anatolyevna teacher GBOU school No. 555 "Belogorye" St. Petersburg 2013
Purpose: To enrich the social experience of children, to introduce children to the customs, traditions, celebration of Christian Easter.
To introduce children to the traditions of celebrating Easter in other countries of the world.

Integration of educational areas:
form ideas about universal values;
to instill interest in old family traditions, to convey to children the beauty, spirituality of folk traditions.
Easter celebrations among Christians.
How is Easter celebrated in other countries?

Conversation: "What is Easter?"
Conversation: “How did people prepare for the Easter holiday in the old days?”.
Conversation on the topic "Why do we color eggs?"
Compilation of stories "How do we celebrate Easter at home?"
Easter games "Egg rolling", "Who will find more eggs?", "Relay race with eggs", "Clinking eggs".
Physical Culture
Ability to organize Easter games, Russian folk games, based on existing knowledge.
Dramatization "We bake Easter cakes."
Round dance games "Sun-bucket", "You go around in a circle, find yourself a friend."
Reading fiction
Reading the Easter fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood" in processing, poems about the Easter holiday.
Folklore works.
Song for Easter "Christ is Risen";
Easter song (words by I. Rutenin);
Round dance game: "The sun is red ...".
Artistic creativity
Coloring with paints of a plaster blank on the theme “Decorating Easter eggs”.
Clay modeling "Eggs for the holiday".
Exhibition of drawings and crafts of children "How we celebrate Easter".
Formation of the basics of safe behavior on the street and indoors during competitions, games, relay races; as well as compliance with the rules of outdoor games.
- audio recording of folk songs;
- an exhibition of children's creative works;
- pictures of the icon of Jesus Christ, Easter fire, Easter cake, Easter, Easter egg;
- a quiz for parents about Easter traditions;
-presentation: "How Easter is celebrated in other countries of the world"
– equipment for Easter games (Easter eggs, slide with obstacles, smooth slide, scarf);
- paints, water, brushes, plaster blanks of Easter eggs.
Preliminary work: homework with parents: “How my family spends Easter”, a series of conversations: “What is Easter?”, “How did people prepare for Easter in the old days?”, “Why do we paint eggs?”, learning poems , round dance games and songs about Easter, Easter egg modeling, an exhibition of Easter works.
Lesson progress:
Presenter: Hello, good fellows! Hello red girls! The first spring games and round dances begin from Holy Easter week. The holiday is rich in rituals, they danced round dances, and sang incantations.
1 child:
The sun rolled in the west
The red rolled over the dark.
The moon shone in the east,
It shines, does not fade ...
The night has passed, the darkness has gone.
The cricket fell silent, the cockerel sang.
Lie down a little
Opened the window:
Hello, sunflower!

2nd child:
Burn, sun, brighter,
Summer will be hotter
And winter is warmer
And spring is sweeter!
Mushrooms grow in the forest
Beans in the garden
In the field - rye and barley,
Hops are green in the garden.

3rd child:
Spring, red spring!
Come, spring, with joy,
With joy, with joy
With great mercy:
With tall flax,
With a deep root
With abundant bread!
And what did they call, what do you think? Spring.
And now I offer you a folk game.
The game "The sun burn red - burn brightly ..."
Song for Easter "Christ is Risen"
Everywhere the blessing is buzzing;
Of all the churches, the people bring down;
The dawn is already looking from heaven ...

The cover of snow has already been removed from the fields,
And the rivers are torn from the shackles,
And the nearby forest turns green ...
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
The earth is waking up
And the fields are dressing ...
Spring is coming full of wonders!
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
I invite you to look at the work of children, looking at crafts, drawings, Easter eggs.
I am very glad that you and your parents drew and described how this holiday is held in your family, (looking at the drawings) children comment on their drawings.
And now I invite you to remember what traditions exist during the celebration of Easter?
Tasks on the easel.
1 picture: Icon of Jesus Christ, what do you think it means? The icon symbolizes the resurrection of Jesus from the dead.
2 picture: Easter fire, what does it mean? On this day, people go to church and light a candle, then they bring it into the house and light the hearth, this symbolizes the cleansing of the house from the disease.
Picture 3: Kulich, what does it mean? It symbolizes how Jesus Christ ate bread with the disciples so that they would believe that he had risen. In ancient times, it was believed that a piece of consecrated Easter cake was considered healing.
Birds settled in nests
The snow melted like a candle.
The air smells sweet,
Golden cake.
Sunny rain dripped
On this day of holy miracles,
And kiss me, mom
He says: "Christ is risen!"
Truly risen!
Picture 4: Cottage cheese Easter, what does it symbolize? The symbol of the Holy Sepulcher, the shape of the pyramid and on the sides the cross and the inscriptions I. Kh. (Jesus Christ).
Picture 5: Easter eggs, why are they the symbol of Easter? In the egg outside, like a dead stone, life is beating inside. The egg is a symbol of new life, pure, bright, a symbol of hope.
There are rules for painting eggs, which had its own meaning.
A pine on a Easter egg is a symbol of health.
Black is the color of sorrow. A bright pattern was necessarily applied to black testicles, thereby showing the diversity of life.
The dove is a symbol of the soul.
The yellow grid is a symbol of the sun and the fate that is being built here.
Oak is a symbol of strength.
The dots are a symbol of fertility.
Hops are a symbol of fertility.
Any berry is a symbol of fertility; mother.
Pine - longevity and health.
Cockscomb - protection from evil spirits.
The sun is for the harvest.

And now I invite our parents to guess the meaning of some rites in preparation for the celebration of Easter.

1. Why was it considered necessary to do good deeds?

They helped to remove sin from the soul, for example, in Russia it was customary to collect money to redeem debtors from prison.

2. Before the holiday, all houses were carefully cleaned, new outfits were sewn.

It is customary to wear new clothes on Easter day everywhere, because it also symbolizes the end of bad weather and the onset of spring.

3. There is a long tradition according to which, when the bells are tolled, one should wash from the spring for what? To get health.

4. On this day, the old people combed their hair, with what wishes? So that they have as many grandchildren as there are hairs on their heads.

Host: We learned a lot about the celebration of Easter, but are you interested to know what traditions exist in other countries of the world?
I invite you to watch a presentation on how Easter is celebrated in other countries.

We have learned that many traditions are the same as ours, and now I suggest you play Easter games.
"Who is bigger?"
"Who's next?"
"Hot Egg"
"Bring it quickly."
Easter egg games
Often they arrange such a game on Easter: everyone who has gathered for the holiday writes letters to each other, but they sign them with dots (according to the number of letters in the name). The recipient must guess who sent him this letter and give the sender an egg.
egg rolling

Pour an oblong hill of sand with gentle slopes. They put a lot of obstacles, for example, through which an egg can roll. At the foot of the hill, make a wide shallow groove and put a painted Easter egg in it.
The first player rolls the egg down the hill, aiming accurately, because the egg must overcome all the obstacles and fall into the groove. If successful, the player may roll the second egg. If a player misses, he becomes at the end of the line. The player who managed to roll the most eggs into the groove becomes the winner and receives a prize.
Whose next
You will need a meadow on a hillside. At the bottom, mark the line with branches or stones. All players line up on the hill and roll one egg down the mountain. The winner is the one whose egg rolled farthest. The one whose egg does not reach the line is out of the game.
Whose egg will spin the longest
If it’s a pity to break the eggs, you can check whose egg will spin longer. Players at the command of the host must simultaneously spin the eggs on the surface. The player whose egg spins the longest wins. As a prize, he takes the opponent's dye.
hot egg
For this game you will need an Easter, chocolate or plastic egg. Have the children sit in a circle and turn on the music they like. While the melody sounds, you need to pass the egg in a circle. When the music stops, whoever has the egg leaves the circle. The game continues until the last player remains, who receives the winner's prize.
Presenter: Well done, I hope that you can play such games on your own with your family.

I invite you and your children to color the eggs and stick them to our Easter tree.

Thank you for your participation. Christ is risen. Resurrected in truth.

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... classes in kindergarten, classes in fine arts ... on the topic "Easter, bright Easter" Lesson in ...

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March 20, 2012 ... The upbringing and development of the child » Classes in kindergarten ... Spring: At Easter, Rus' always had fun children's games, let's ...

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Prototype development in Lesson Notes section and published on 16th August, 2015
You are at:

Position: teacher of the first qualification category
Place of work: MDOU No. 4 "Pinocchio"
Location: Yaroslavl region, city of Tutaev



Systematize children's ideas about Easter holiday;

Continue, call u

children's desire to learn even more about the celebration of Easter;

Introduction to children's vocabulary with an explanation of lexical meaning

the words "Kulich", "Easter";

  • educate its traditions, the ability to honor and


Interactive board;

Basket with Easter treats (Kulich, Krashenki);

Illustrations on the theme "Easter"

  1. Organizational and motivational stage

Children enter the group, the teacher invites them to come together in the center on the carpet.


You already greeted each other this morning, you said hello. Let's greet each other again before class, but in a different way. How do you propose? (Christ is Risen - Truly Risen)

Why exactly these words? (Easter week is coming, after Easter 40 days you can greet each other like this)


Easter week brings us a lot of joy and pleasant surprises.

- Did you notice anything new in the group? (A beautiful basket appeared on the surprise table).

What do you want to do? (see what's in it)

I'm also very curious about what's in it.

(children take out objects, naming them)

Can all these items be called in one word? (Easter)

  1. main stage

How do you know these are Easter items? (children's statements)

What is Easter? (children's statements)


Easter is the most important holiday of the church year, the day of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, when people are freed from all evil. This is a holiday of hope for the future, the victory of Good over Evil. This is the time when everyone should think about their actions: good and bad, should understand what they did wrong and correct it. God loved people so much that He came into the world to save them. He taught people to be. But the evil people did not want Christ to save the people. They seized Him and killed Him, crucifying Him on a cross. But Christ conquered death, he rose from the dead, so all people rejoice on this day and congratulate each other with the words: “Christ is Risen!” And they answer “Truly Risen!”. Many non-believers also celebrate Easter, because it is the beginning of spring and the awakening of nature, they observe the traditions of their people on Easter: they paint eggs, bake Easter cakes, and make Easter.


How did your family celebrate Easter? (children's stories)


On Easter, the whole family gathered at a common table, gave gifts to each other. And there were definitely Easter treats on the table. These treats were illuminated the day before in the temple. It is customary on Easter to kiss each other at a meeting three times - to christen.

(viewing illustrations on a large easel)


And on Easter, people carefully watched the weather.

On Easter, a cloudy or snowy night means that the year will be fruitful.

On Easter rain with thunder - to a rich harvest.

Clear weather for Easter - to a dry summer.

And if the weather was gloomy, then people called the sun with special nicknames.

Article title: Easter holiday in kindergarten. Summary of GCD for the preparatory group.

Physical education minute

Sun-bucket, (hands up, stretch)

Look out the window! (hands folded in front of you)

Sunshine, dress up! (show dress)

Red, show yourself! (turn around)

Sunshine, sun, (we stretch)

Look out the window (Look out)

Shine a little, (flashlights)

I'll give you peas!


Guys, who among you knows why it is customary to give a red-colored egg for Easter? Why should there be Easter on the Easter table? Why kulich?

Do you want to know? (children's answers)

I don't know the answer to these questions, I need help. Can you help me explain?

Where can we find the answer to our question?

Let's turn to the Internet, ask a question that interests us, and see what information the Internet will give us.

(viewing an episode from the film "Easter" 1 TV channel 2011)


Why an egg? Why red?

Why Easter?

What interesting things do you remember about Easter cake?


Who do you think could have left this basket of Easter treats for us? (children's options)

Or maybe just a passer-by? Why? (on Easter it is customary to treat with painted eggs and Easter cakes)

But is it only necessary to give gifts to people on Easter, to share with those who have nothing?

(you need to be generous, caring, attentive to those who are close to us, to the poor and disadvantaged)

Have you ever shared something with others?

Tell us about it (children's stories)

- How do you propose to dispose of the treats in the basket? (options for children, we choose one of all by voting - the minority obeys the majority)


At Easter, people had fun, played games with colored eggs.

What Easter games do you know? (children's answers and looking at illustrations on an easel)

And we will play the game "Transfer, do not drop"

(Children are divided into 2 teams, in turn, each in the team carries an egg on a spoon, runs around the rack, returns and passes the egg to the next player in the spoon. The team that runs faster and does not drop the egg wins.)


It is customary to give gifts on Easter, I also want to give you an unusual gift. Only those who know how to be friends, be attentive to their comrade, and work in a team can see it.

(children receive a puzzle picture for decorating "Kulich")


You can choose a piece of Easter cake with a friend, color it, and then we will assemble a common beautiful Easter cake.

  1. Evaluative-reflexive stage


What did you discover about yourself in class?

What surprised you? (it turned out not just a cake, but an adventure game, we can come up with a game ourselves)

When did you rejoice?

Maybe you were sad? Why were you sad?

What else would you like to do this festive Easter week?

(ring the bells, bake small cakes and treat them to friends, sing Easter songs, play Easter games)

In order to remember the planned tasks for the festive week, we will write them down on the board using pictures. (children choose and attach pictures with images to the magnetic board: Easter cake, bells, notes, painted eggs)


I want to thank you all for the session, but I'll start with...

(we collect all the children in a chain of applause)

Title: Easter holiday in kindergarten. Summary of GCD for the preparatory group.
Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, GCD, folk holidays, Educational games, Outdoor games, Preparatory group

Synopsis of the GCD in the preparatory group on the topic “We are preparing for Easter with a brush and paint”

Skorokhodova Elena Nikolaevna, teacher of the MBDOU kindergarten of the combined type No. 1 "Semitsvetik", the city of Tambov.
Material Description: I offer you a summary of direct educational activities for children of the preparatory group (6 - 7 years old) on the topic "Getting ready for Easter with a brush and paint." This material will be useful for teachers of the senior and preparatory groups. This is a synopsis of an integrated lesson in the areas of:
- artistic and productive development;
- cognitive and speech development.
- introduce people to the national ritual holiday - Easter, its customs, traditions, new words and their meaning;
- to acquaint preschoolers with the Orthodox tradition of the Easter egg as a symbol of the resurrection of Christ and other attributes of the holiday;
- to enrich the vocabulary of children;
- develop creative abilities; to cultivate respect for the traditions of the Russian people;
- to teach to see the beauty, originality and originality of folk art products.
Planned results: to develop interest in the folk ritual holiday of Easter, its customs and traditions; respect the traditions of the Russian people.
Dictionary: folk holiday, Great Easter, Easter cake, Krasnaya Gorka, Easter eggs, Easter eggs.
Material: illustrations, Easter cake, Easter, painted eggs, silhouette eggs (made of paper), spoons, slide, collection of Easter eggs.
Preparatory work: a conversation with children about folk holidays, looking at illustrations, a mini-exhibition of a collection of souvenir eggs.
Activity content:
- Hello, dear guests! Red guest - red place.
We have an unusual activity today.
And today I want to talk with you about how the Russian people are able to maintain the traditions and customs of their ancestors. Since ancient times, Russian people have been famous for their diligence, while not forgetting to maintain traditions.

Tell me what holidays do you know?
(That's right: New Year, Christmas, Shrovetide, Easter, Trinity, these are holidays that people still remember, they try to follow some traditions. On New Year's they put up a Christmas tree, on Christmas they spend fortune-telling, on Trinity they honor, praise the birch, pancakes are always baked on Maslenitsa and they ask everyone for forgiveness, and of course, they burn an effigy of Maslenitsa, saying goodbye to winter.)
Listen to a Russian folk song - a call and say who we are calling.
- The spring call "Larks" sounds.
- What Russian folk holidays does spring bring with it?
(Annunciation, Palm Sunday, Easter).
- Today we will talk about the great holiday of spring - Easter.
- What do they do for Easter? (children's answers)
- The word "Easter" came to us from the Greek language and means deliverance. It is believed that on this day the son of God Jesus Christ rose from the dead. Easter is one of the main holidays in the folk calendar. It always falls on spring days. Spring has always been associated with bright expectations, hopes, because nature wakes up after a winter sleep, all living things are reborn, resurrected. This holiday symbolizes the victory of good over evil.
Tradition tells that the father sent Jesus Christ to the Earth to people - to teach them to live according to their conscience: to help those in need, to share everything they have with their neighbors, to be kind, hardworking. People listened to him, agreed with him. But not everyone liked the teaching of Christ. Evil, cruel people decided to kill Jesus Christ. They tormented him for a long time, demanding that he renounce his teaching, but Christ did not renounce his teaching - after all, he unlimitedly believed in what he preached to people.
Jesus Christ is risen.
Easter is the most important holiday for Orthodox Christians.
Easter was considered a "feast of holidays" and was always celebrated solemnly and cheerfully.
-During the whole Easter week in Rus', the bell ringing sounded. At Easter, everyone, especially children, was allowed to ring the bells. Anyone could climb the bell tower and strike the bell. When many bells are struck, the ringing is special, it is called a chime. It has long been noticed that the ringing of bells heals the soul, restores the strength of a person.
- Let's listen to beautiful music - the ringing of bells.
- What mood did you get after the sound of the bell ringing?
(Joyful, upbeat, festive, solemn)
On the Bright holiday of Easter in Rus', it has always been customary to give each other elegant painted Easter eggs with the words "Christ is Risen!". And to answer “Truly Risen!”, that is, to be christened.
This custom is very old. A living being comes out of the egg, a new life is born. It is so symbolic for this holiday. The egg occupies a central place in Easter rites. Painted or painted, it has become a sign, a symbol of the holiday. Eggs are exchanged. They are given to relatives, neighbors, everyone who comes to congratulate them on the holiday. Take it with you when you visit.
The following story is connected with painted eggs for Easter: the disciple of Jesus Christ, Saint Mary Magdalene, went from country to country and told everyone about how Christ rose from the dead and what he taught people. Once she came to the city of Rome to tell the Roman emperor Tiberius, holding out a simple egg to him, she loudly said: “Christ is risen!” However, Tiberius did not believe, saying: "How can you rise from the dead, it's hard to believe, just as hard as believing that this egg can turn red." And while he was saying this, the egg began to change color, turned pink, darkened and, finally, turned red - the color of the blood that Christ shed for the people. Since then, the custom has arisen to give each other colored eggs.
- Look how beautiful colored eggs can be.
The collection of Easter eggs is considered.
(They examine decorated eggs at an exhibition prepared by children and parents. They give explanations for the concepts of “pisanki”, “krashenka”).

Tell me, children, who knows what treats are prepared for the festive table?
How do people celebrate Easter? (On Easter they went to visit, organized festivities, swung on a swing, painted eggs, baked Easter cakes, made Easter from cottage cheese. All this was consecrated in the church and presented to each other as a token of love and friendship.)
- The hostesses prepared in advance and very carefully for this day. They cleaned the house, baked Easter cakes, dyed eggs, made Easter from cottage cheese, prepared delicious dishes, took festive clothes out of chests, received guests, someone came to visit. People feasted, had fun, rejoiced and said to each other: “Christ is risen!” - "Truly risen."
Magical properties were attributed to an egg consecrated in the church: saving a house from a fire, helping livestock from diseases, saving crops from hail.

Who knows how they decorated the eggs so that they were beautiful?
- Watch videos about dyeing eggs.

And before eating colored eggs, different games were played with them.
I suggest you play these old games.
Children's games.

I suggest you paint either boiled eggs, or carved from wood, or simply their paper silhouettes. Choose any for yourself.
- Guys, the work of painting eggs is done with clean thoughts, clean hands. While holding the egg in your hands, thoughts are all about who it is intended for, it absorbs the energy of good thoughts and wishes. Think about who you will be making your souvenir for. And creativity, fantasy and music will help you in your work.

Performance of work by children under the Russian folk melody.
What kind of Easter eggs did we get? (Pysanki.)
- In Rus', they knew how to amuse each other with cheerful conversations and exchange a well-aimed word, make them laugh.
Our guys know a lot of funny nursery rhymes.
- Nursery rhymes sound (Loaf - loaf)
- Practical work. Providing individual assistance in the design of the product.
- View your work (exhibition)
- What are your souvenirs?
What were you thinking about when you made them?
- With what feelings did you decorate Easter eggs?
- I think that your souvenirs are wonderful, marvelous, magical, beautiful.
Well done, you have worked very well, and the result of your work is your souvenirs that you will give to your family and friends with the best heartfelt wishes on Easter. THANK YOU FOR YOUR WORK. ALL THE BEST!
May joy, a bright mood remain in your hearts and good luck accompany you everywhere.

Natalya Nabokina
Synopsis of a comprehensive lesson in the preparatory school group "Easter Egg"

Synopsis of a comprehensive lesson in a group preparatory to school

Subject: « Easter Egg»

Program content:

To teach children to see the beauty of ordinary things around us, to develop imagination, to deepen knowledge of folk art.

Learn to see the beauty of human relationships.

To consolidate the ability to work with gouache with a thin brush.


Gouache mixed with PVA glue

thin brushes,

Hard-boiled chicken eggs (per child,

Musical accompaniment during the work of children (Mozart "Pastoral", "Watercolor")

preliminary work:

Reading fairy tales "Dawn, Evening and Midnight", "The Tale of the Gold, Silver and Copper Kingdoms", "Koschei the Deathless", "About Grief-goryanin Danil-nobleman"; "Encyclopedias about animals", conversations about family and religious holidays.

Lesson progress:

The teacher offers the children a didactic game "Who will be who?"(kitten, puppy, calf, baby, foal, chick, chick, egg)

The children answer, the teacher sums up. Indeed, a chicken, an ostrich, a penguin, a turtle, a crocodile, and even a dinosaur can hatch from an egg.

At all, an egg from our ancestors, the ancient Slavs, was considered a symbol of all living things, a symbol of rebirth.

True, wondering, we're holding in our hands egg is hard, does not move, does not breathe, does not grow - seems to be inanimate? In fact, it contains life.

Question: what is needed in order for this life to awaken, in what conditions should it fall egg for someone to get out of it?

The children answer.

The ancient Slavs believed in the miraculous power of the egg, endowed it with magical properties. Remember in which fairy tales it occurs egg And what miraculous power does it have?

The children answer.

Many of your grandmothers and mothers paint eggs in different colors for the holiday. Easter. So all the same, why are eggs painted on Easter? One explanation puts it this way. During the 40-day fast, the hens did not stop laying eggs, and the owners boiled the eggs so that they would not spoil. Boiled eggs were dyed - so they could be more easily distinguished from fresh ones.

Another, more poetic version. First Easter Egg presented by Mary Magdalene to Emperor Tiberius. After the miraculous resurrection of Jesus Christ, she came to the Roman emperor with words: "Christ is Risen!" In those days it was impossible to come empty-handed, so she brought him a testicle as a gift. However, Tiberius did not believe her words, arguing that no one can be resurrected, just like the white egg cannot turn red. As soon as the last word flew from his lips, as egg really took on a scarlet color.

Since then, there has been a tradition of dyeing eggs. Initially, the color was only red, symbolizing the blood of Christ, while the egg was a symbol of rebirth. However, later they began to be painted in other colors and to replace chicken eggs with wooden, chocolate or made of precious metals and stones.

The perfect shape and smooth surface of the egg is beautiful in itself. But it can be a great background for a picture.

Among the ancient Slavs, the drawings that covered the surface of the egg had a certain meaning, were symbols (the teacher hangs pictures on the board or easel):

Moth - a wish for an easy share,

flower - a wish for prosperity,

windmill (mill)- to prosperity

bean flower - for girls of marriageable age, so that they get married soon,

dove - peace of mind,

fish is a symbol of tenderness.

Children have eggs on the table in coasters, tassels lie, prepared paint.

The teacher invites the children to sit at the tables, carefully examine the pictures, think and draw on the egg a wish that they would like to give to their loved ones.

Children work independently, you can turn on calm music.

After finishing work, the teacher offers to arrange an exhibition, and then give eggs to their loved ones.

Related publications:

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Summary of the lesson in the preparatory group "Why do people celebrate Easter"

Program content:
1. Introduce children to the Bible.
2. With the legend of the life and death of Jesus.
3. What Jesus Christ preached.

Lesson progress:

1. Story and display of the Bible, photographs, illustrations about the life, birth, death of Christ.
2. The story of the legend about the birth and life of Jesus.

Jesus was born 2000 years ago. He was born to the Virgin Mary and Joseph. Joseph and Mary lived in the city of Nazareth. Maria was expecting a baby. At that time, a census was announced, and Mary, along with Joseph, had to go to the city of Bethlehem to write their name on a special list. They came to Bethlehem, but there were no empty rooms in the hotel. Only in the barn was there a place for Mary and Joseph. There they stopped for the night.

The time came for Mary to give birth, and that very night Jesus was born in the barn, Who became the Savior of the world. Mary and Joseph wrapped Him in swaddling clothes and put Him in a manger - a feeder for animals.
That night, several more miraculous things happened that were associated with the birth of Christ the Savior.
There were shepherds in the field. Suddenly, an angel of the Lord appeared before them and told them the joyful news - the Savior, Christ the Lord, was born!
And then many other angels joined the angel and sang and praised God. It was an amazing and grandiose spectacle.
The shepherds immediately hurried to Bethlehem to look at the newborn Christ and worship Him.
Far in the East lived sages. They were waiting for the birth of the King promised by God. And when an unusual, very bright star flared up and lit up in the sky, the wise men collected expensive gifts, equipped a caravan of camels and set off on a long journey. The star miraculously led them from the East to Bethlehem.
The star led the wise men to where Mary, Joseph and little Jesus lived. The wise men bowed to the newborn Jesus and offered Him expensive gifts.
When the Jewish king Herod heard from the Magi that the King of the world had been born, he began to fear that this Infant would eventually become King in Jerusalem. Herod asked the Magi to show him the place where they would find Jesus, assuring them that he himself would go to worship Him. In fact, he wanted to find the Baby Jesus in order to kill Him. When the Jewish king Herod heard from the Magi that the King of the world had been born, he began to fear that this Baby would eventually become the King in Jerusalem. Herod asked the Magi to show him the place where they would find Jesus, assuring them that he himself would go to worship Him. In fact, he wanted to find the Baby Jesus in order to kill Him. When the Jewish king Herod heard from the Magi that the King of the world had been born, he began to fear that this Baby would eventually become the King in Jerusalem. Herod asked the Magi to show him the place where they would find Jesus, assuring them that he himself would go to worship Him. In fact, he wanted to find the Baby Jesus in order to kill Him.
When Jesus grew up, he went around the villages and cities and told everyone: do not do evil, do good, do not steal, do not kill.
He had 12 disciples-APOSTLES. They helped Jesus, taught people to live in goodness. Jesus had a friend, Judas, who betrayed him and handed him over to Herod.
And then one evening the guards broke into Jesus, seized him and sentenced him to death - to drag a heavy oak cross up the mountain. There, on this mountain. Jesus was crucified on the cross, after 3 days he died. The disciples removed him from the cross, dressed in white clothes and put him in a coffin, and the coffin was taken to the cave, closing the entrance with a large stone. And in the morning, when they came to bury Jesus, it was not there. And there was a glow-revival of Jesus Christ, in a white robe, in the sky. He went to heaven to his father God.
Since then, this day has been called Christ's Sunday. On this day, they bake Easter, Easter cakes, paint eggs - as a symbol of life. And they say: "Christ is Risen - Truly Risen!"
