The use of information and communication technologies in environmental education of primary schoolchildren. The use of ICT in environmental education of preschool children


Russia, Lyskovo

e-mail: *****@***ru


The article discusses the issues of effective and safe use of information and communication technologies in children of senior preschool age.

Take care of your planet -

because there is no other one like it!

Ecology, environmental situation, environmental crisis... These words are heard almost every day today. According to the results, the term “ecology” is one of the most common and frequently used on our planet. And this is no coincidence. The currently existing norms of interaction with nature inevitably lead to environmental disaster, to a threat to all forms of life on Earth. Consumer attitude towards nature is one of the global problems of our time, and one of the most pressing issues of modern society is the problem of forming an individual’s ecological culture.

Preschool environmental education should rightfully be considered the initial link in a continuous system of environmental education. After all, preschool age is an important stage in the development of an individual’s ecological culture. At this age, the child begins to distinguish himself from the environment, an emotional and value-based attitude towards the environment develops, and the foundations of the moral and ecological positions of the individual are formed. As psychological and pedagogical research shows, at this age it is possible to form not only a system of knowledge, skills and abilities to interact with the surrounding reality, but also a system of value orientations, positive behavior and activities. That is why it is so important, already at this age stage, to cultivate a correct understanding of nature, a valuable, careful, caring attitude towards its objects, and to develop the need for cognitive communication with the natural environment.

The effectiveness of environmental education for preschoolers is largely determined by the external conditions in which the child finds himself. One of such means, rightfully, can be (ICT). Modern pedagogical technologies, including ICT, are aimed at implementing the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education. Information and communication technologies are penetrating the preschool education system and are widely used to improve and update the forms and methods of working with children. Today it is no longer possible to imagine a modern kindergarten without the use of information and communication technologies, be it a simply prepared POWER POINT presentation, a computer training program, or downloaded materials from the Internet. In our kindergarten there is the possibility of widespread use of ICT in various forms. The use of information and communication tools not only expands the possibilities of providing information, but also actively engages children in the process of cognition, ensuring the implementation of an individual-oriented approach to learning, greatly expands the range of methods of action used, and provides flexibility in managing the cognitive process. The use of information and communication technologies also makes it possible to quickly and objectively check the level of environmental ideas of preschoolers, which is very important in the learning process.

Modern research in the field of preschool pedagogy indicates the possibility of children aged 5–7 years mastering a computer. As is known, this period coincides with the moment of intensive development of the child’s thinking, preparing the transition from visual-figurative to abstract-logical thinking. The computer, having enormous potential for gaming and learning opportunities, has a significant impact on the child, but, like any technology, it is not valuable in itself, and only through appropriately organized interaction between the teacher, the child and the computer can a positive result be achieved. But it is important to make the information environment as safe as possible for children. Information inevitably has an impact on a person, which means it must be filtered, be reliable, complete, and consistent. If an adult copes with this task (and not always and not everyone), then a child does not yet know how to do this. This means that he needs the protection of his information environment from adults. In kindergarten, of course, from the teachers. Solving the problems of environmental education of preschool children using ICT is carried out with the direct and obligatory participation of the teacher. It is he who should help students make the right choice, ensure the transmission of the values ​​of ecological culture, and lay the foundations for a caring attitude towards nature at this age. Actively used information and communication technologies are expanding the educational space for environmental education of children of senior preschool age. The use of ICT allows us to make the environmental educational process more attractive, emotional, vibrant, rich in a large amount of illustrative material, using sound improvisations, and truly modern.

Environmental education of children is based on an activity approach. Interactive environmental games, travel games, riddle games, puzzles, crosswords, quizzes, physical education minutes, finger games, looking at illustrations, reproductions of paintings, posters are included both in the content of organized educational activities and in other routine moments. Our experience shows that periodic use of ICT, namely dosed use by the teacher, contributes to the development of volitional qualities in children and accustoms them to “useful” games. Children familiar with educational games prefer them to shooters and adventure games. It is dangerous for a child to become obsessed with a computer game. Collective participation in the game helps to avoid this dependence. Children get used to jointly assessing the situation without being completely immersed in the virtual world alone with the computer.

In connection with the introduction of information technology into the educational process, the approach to excursions as the main techniques in environmental education has changed significantly. New types of excursions have emerged - virtual (similar, indistinguishable), interactive.

A virtual tour gives you the opportunity to visit inaccessible places, offering a unique journey. A virtual tour, of course, will not replace a personal presence, but it will allow you to get a fairly complete impression of the new place. For example, the older group of children and I conducted virtual excursions: “Excursion to the protected areas of our native land” (Olenya Mountain, Volga meadows), “Kerzhensky State Nature Reserve”, “Ice drift on the Volga”. When preparing for a virtual excursion, the teacher needs to select an object, find out its educational significance, become familiar with it, determine the content, goals and objectives of the excursion, and determine the accompanying text. The role of virtual excursions is great, since the child can be an active participant in the events of this excursion.

In educational activities on ecology, interactive, multimedia excursions developed by the teacher himself can come to the rescue. Children take interactive excursions “Travel with a Rook”, “Adventures on”, “In the Kingdom of Mushrooms” with great pleasure; during exciting play situations with children, the rules of safe behavior in nature were reinforced. The components of these excursions are video, sound files, animation (animation is a method of creating a series of photographs, drawings, colored spots, dolls or silhouettes in separate phases of movement, with the help of which, when they are shown on the screen, the impression of the movement of a creature or object is created), as well as reproductions of paintings, images of nature, portraits, photographs. In the materials of such excursions we included literary words and scientific definitions and historical facts that are understandable to a preschooler.

Any excursion ends with a final conversation, during which the teacher, together with preschoolers, generalizes, systematizes what he saw and heard, highlights the most significant, and identifies impressions; outlines creative tasks for them: draw what they saw, creating an image or plot in the drawing, adds motor activity - outdoor games. Any excursion requires appropriate preparation and planning. For such excursions you need the Internet and the desire of a teacher.

We must also remember that the teacher’s task is to make the computer his assistant, but at the same time not to harm the health of the children. It is important for adults to know that children 5-7 years old can “communicate” with a computer for no more than 10 minutes a day, 3-4 times a week. Leading world experts identify a number of requirements that developmental programs for children must meet:

● research nature,

● ease for a child to study independently,

● development of a wide range of skills and understandings,

● high technical level,

● age appropriate,

● entertaining.

We cannot thoughtlessly follow the lead of rapidly developing progress, sacrificing the health of the future generation, but at the same time we must not forget that computers are our future. But only with mandatory observance of the norms and rules of work with use will the “golden mean” be achieved.

Thus, the competent use of ICT in the environmental education of older preschoolers improves children’s environmental ideas, forms a humane attitude towards natural objects and develops the child’s interaction skills with nature, creates favorable conditions for the formation of the pupils’ personality and meets the needs of modern society.


1. Kalinina preschool educational institution. "New information technologies in preschool childhood." M, Sphere, 2008

2. Korkina’s psychological assessment of computer games and educational computer programs [Text] // Psychological Science and Education, 2008, No. 3, pp. 19-24.

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5. Theory and methods of environmental education for preschool children: a textbook for students. institutions of higher education prof. education / . — 5th ed., rev. and additional - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2013. - 224 p.

6. Smirnova at the screen: the dangers of the shackles of teleslavery // Preschool education. 2002, no. 7, pp. 4-11.

7. Management of innovation processes in preschool educational institutions. – M., Sfera, 2008

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ICT in environmental education of older preschoolers.

“An educated person is one who knows where to find what he doesn’t know.”

Georg Simmel

The education system makes new demands on the upbringing and education of the younger generation, the introduction of new approaches that should contribute not to replacing traditional methods, but to expanding their capabilities. Innovative technologies significantly expand the capabilities of teachers.

At preschool age, the foundation of specific ideas and knowledge about nature is laid. In our work on environmental education, we use various forms of work. Such as:

Direct educational activities


Practical activities in nature

Environmental actions

Environmental projects

Conducting environmental Olympiads and quizzes

Production of environmental posters and newspapers by children and parents

Club "Young Ecologist"

Ecological trail.

One of the most effective forms of working with preschoolers is the use of computer technology and multimedia presentations. Often there is not enough information and visual material to conduct GCD on ecology. The computer comes to the rescue. The goal of this work is the use of information and computer technologies in the educational process, which helps to improve the quality and availability of information material and increase the effectiveness of education.

Tasks that face the teacher in the educational process are:

Ensure high quality educational work to familiarize children with nature through the use of innovative


Provide scientific, methodological, material and technical support for work on ecology in the activities of teachers;

Make parents active participants in environmental work in preschool educational institutions.

The experience of our pedagogical activities shows that in a kindergarten it is possible, necessary and advisable to use ICT in various types of educational activities with children.

With proper use of technical means and proper organization of the educational process, ICT for preschoolers can be widely used in practice without risk to children’s health.

Let's look at the benefits of using

interactive materials.

These materials:

    attract passive listeners to active activities;

    make educational activities more visual and intensive;

    activate cognitive interest, thought processes (analysis, synthesis, comparison, etc.)

    implement student-centered and differentiated approaches to learning;

    the use of multimedia presentations provides clarity, which contributes to the perception and better memorization of the material.

    the use of new methods of explanation and reinforcement, especially in a playful form, increases children’s involuntary attention.

    discipline the teacher himself and shape his interest in work.

    The development of technology with the inclusion of ICT is based on complex (integrated) activities (leisure). The technology is being developed in any educational field (music, fiction, cognition).

Direct educational activities in kindergarten have their own specifics. It should be emotional, bright, involving a large amount of illustrative material, using sound and video recordings. All this can be provided to us by computer technology with its multimedia capabilities.

To use computer technology in working with preschoolers, it is necessary to create an information database: independent search, exchange of experience, use of encyclopedias and educational didactic games. Multimedia presentations contain a figurative type of information that is understandable to preschoolers. By applying the principle of clarity, which helps to activate involuntary attention, it becomes possible to convey information in a form accessible to the child.

Requirements for a teacher

working with ICT

    master the basics of computer operation.

    have skills in working with multimedia programs.

    master the basics of working on the Internet.

    create your own educational resources.

Like any activity, classes with ICT require time, proper use, patience and attention from teachers.


Information technology is firmly entrenched in our lives, and preschool institutions are no exception. Increasingly, teachers are using ICT in classes in kindergartens, which makes it easier for children to learn the material.

Kanantsova Anastasia Alexandrovna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MBDOU No. 18
Locality: Leninsk-Kuznetsky
Name of material: Consultations for educators
Subject: Environmental education of children using ICT technologies (presentations)
Publication date: 29.05.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Consultations for educators

Environmental education of children using

ICT technologies (presentations).

Educator: Kanantsova A.A.

Knowledge of native nature is the source of first knowledge.

Introducing preschoolers to nature is a means of education in their

consciousness of realistic knowledge about the surrounding nature, based on

sensory experience and education of the correct attitude towards it.

In order for children to correctly perceive natural phenomena, it is necessary

guide the process of their perception of nature. Keep children away from

nature and its widespread use in educational

The work of a kindergarten cannot solve the problems of comprehensive development

preschoolers - mental, aesthetic, moral education.

Psychological and pedagogical research of recent decades by A.V.

Zaporozhets, N. N. Poddyakov, N. N. Nikolaeva, I. D. Zverev, I. T.

Suravegina allow us to define and specify the subject, content

This direction of pedagogy is to connect them with the original concepts of ecology.

It is the introduction of a scientific-ecological approach that allows

reorient children's familiarization with nature to environmental

education and, already at a young age, begin the formation of an ecological


In the process of environmental education of preschoolers, I actively use

various methods: practical, visual and verbal. It is known that

use in teaching practice of a variety of non-traditional

methods and techniques prevents children from becoming tired and supports them

cognitive activity, increases the effectiveness of teachers’ work in

in general. To increase children's motivation for environmental activities

We attract inexhaustible potential to kindergarten education

computer applications and presentations.

The methodological manual by Yu. Solonitsyn presents technologies

organizing work with preschool children using


The study of specialized literature convinced us that the use

multimedia gaming technologies when introducing children to animals,

plants, ecosystems inaccessible to their perception, gaming ICT

will increase children’s cognitive activity during educational sessions, since

audiovisual information is most effective for

perception and memory.

During the game, interest in educational activities begins to form and

gaming motivation is gradually shifting to educational motivation. Usage

educational multimedia games allows you to develop children's skills

independently master the material, as artistic design

environmental games using multimedia technologies have for

child is especially attractive and significantly increases cognitive

interest, facilitate understanding and memorization of information, since

computer presentation technologies connect not only the auditory,

visual, motor, but also emotional memory.

Thus, presentations, environmental games facilitate understanding and

memorization of information, as computer presentation technologies

connect not only visual, but also emotional memory.

Using game presentations allows you to organize an unconventional

approach to fostering environmental culture, enhancing creative and

cognitive activity of preschool children in the learning process, as well as

interest parents in participating in project activities for

environmental education using ICT.

The use of interactive equipment in environmental education of preschool children.

Vera Vladimirovna Miletskaya, teacher, MAOU Secondary School No. 30, Tomsk

“Nature for us is a pantry of the sun with great treasures...

And protecting nature means protecting the Motherland.”

(M.M. Prishvin)

Currently, instilling love and respect for the native land and nature is the most important component of moral education. Only knowledge of nature will help raise a good citizen who wants to protect and protect it. After all, it is the knowledge of native nature that is the source of the first knowledge. Our task is to guide the processperception environment so that children can properlyperceived natural phenomena . Environmental education of preschool children influences the comprehensive development of the individual and is the basis for the formation of a lifestyle.

We live in the era of information technology and the use of interactive equipment allows us to keep up with the times, gives us the opportunity to see the sacraments and phenomena of living and inanimate nature, virtual excursions give us the opportunity to visit inaccessible places on the planet, and allow us to get a fairly complete impression of the world as a whole. But we must not forget that the use of interactive tools requires careful organization and compliance with all requirements of SanPiN in accordance with the age of children.

Usage in pedagogical practice, a variety of non-traditional methods and techniques help prevent children from getting tired, support their cognitive activity, and increase the effectiveness of the teacher’s work as a whole. The visual method is the leading one inpreschool age Therefore, the need for engaging information and extensive visual material increases. Interactive table ActivTable is an interactive, multimedia device that supports simultaneous operation of up to six users in multitouch mode (12 simultaneous touches). A creative teacher has the opportunity to create his own original and interesting tasks, which can be demonstrated and used in educational activities, making it unforgettable for students.

The use of interactive tools during direct educational activitiesusingintegration of different sections of the program allows us to form in preschoolers a more complete understanding of the surrounding reality. Games on the interactive table are interesting for children, since children themselves are participants in the process, they can move pictures, cross them out, enlarge or reduce images. Children actively show their interest in knowledge, they willingly answer questions. Bright colorful images evoke a positive emotional response in children. Due to this, interest in the material being studied and the effectiveness of the entire learning process increases, attention and memory are trained, imagination and creative abilities are developed. Our preschool institution is equipped with modern interactive equipment: TV, stereo system, laptop, interactive table, projector, interactive whiteboard.

By implementing a comprehensive thematic planning model, we try to create our own interactive resource for each topic. For example, when studying the topic “Deciduous Trees,” we developed the game “The Fourth Extra.” The essence of the game is that the child must find an extra picture on the interactive table and cross it out (maple, birch, oak, spruce). Didactic game “Which tree is the leaf from” (find which tree is the leaf from, connect it with a line to the tree). While studying the topic “Mushrooms”, we created the game “Edible - Inedible” (collect only edible mushrooms in the basket). These developments can be used both on an interactive table and on an interactive whiteboard. The use of interactive technical means is only an addition among the variety of forms and methods in the environmental education of preschool children.

The use of interactive equipment for the purpose of environmental education of preschool children allows us to increase the cognitive activity and curiosity of each child. It arouses in him an even greater interest in nature and the world around him and helps the teacher effectively organize educational activities with children.


Komarova I.I., Tulikov A.V. Information and communication technologies in preschool education.-M., 2013.

Solomennikova O.A.
Classes on the formation of elementary environmental concepts in the middle group of kindergarten. - M., 2013.

Prokhorova L.N. Environmental education of preschool children.-M., 2010.

Consumer attitude towards nature is one of the global problems of our time, and one of the most pressing issues of modern society is the problem of forming an individual’s ecological culture.

Take care of your planet -

because there is no other one like it!

In the process of environmental education of preschoolers, various methods are used:

Practical (games, puzzles, riddles, promotions);

Visual (excursions, illustrations, reproductions of paintings, posters);

Verbal (literary reading, conversations).

To carry out environmental education activities for preschoolers, exciting information and extensive visual material are needed. The computer comes to the rescue. Its possibilities are enormous and make it possible to interest children by applying the principle of visualization of environmental content.

In the formation of an ecological culture in preschoolers, specialized or adapted computer programs are used: educational, diagnostic and developmental.

Communication is the transmission and perception of information. Some of the most key features of the language include:

Communicative function (language as a means of transmitting information from one person to another);

Epistemic function (reliable, scientific);

Cognitive function (language as a means of storing and processing information).

In connection with the introduction of new information technologies in the educational process, the approach to excursions as the main techniques in the environmental education of preschool children has changed significantly.

New types of excursions have emerged - virtual (similar, indistinguishable), interactive.

A virtual tour gives you the opportunity to visit inaccessible places, offering a unique journey. A virtual tour, of course, will not replace a personal presence, but it will allow you to get a fairly complete impression of the new place.

In educational activities on ecology, interactive, multimedia excursions developed by the teacher himself can come to the rescue.

The components of this excursion can be video, sound files, animation (animation is a method of creating a series of photographs, drawings, colored spots, dolls or silhouettes in separate phases of movement, with the help of which, while showing them on the screen, the impression of the movement of a creature or object is created), and also reproductions of paintings, images of nature, portraits, photographs.

The materials of such excursions may include artistic expression and scientific definitions and historical facts that are understandable to a preschooler.

The excursion ends with a final conversation, during which the teacher, together with preschoolers, generalizes, systematizes what he saw and heard, highlights the most significant, reveals impressions; outlines creative tasks for them: draw what they saw, creating an image or plot in the drawing, adds motor activity - outdoor games.

Any excursion requires appropriate preparation and planning. When preparing for a virtual excursion, the teacher needs to select an object, find out its educational significance, become familiar with it, determine the content, goals and objectives of the excursion, and determine the accompanying text.

The role of virtual excursions is great, since the child can be an active participant in the events of this excursion.

For example: “Excursion to the forest zones of the Black Earth Region”, “Around Lake Baikal”, “Excursion to the protected areas of the native land”. "Excursion to the amazing world of nature." For such excursions you need the Internet and the desire of a teacher. And the children accept them with great pleasure.

ICT is a general concept that describes various devices, mechanisms, methods, and algorithms for information processing. And most often, due to lack of funds, these innovations take root slowly and painfully in kindergartens. But firmly and thoroughly. And you shouldn’t even ask the question: does introducing children to complex technology so early give even the slightest positive result? The answer is clear. Yes.

However, let us pay attention to the words of one of the ancient ascetics, Maximus, a confessor, who said that there are no things that are bad by nature, but there are things that are bad by their use.

We cannot thoughtlessly follow the lead of rapidly developing progress, sacrificing the health of the future generation, but at the same time we must not forget that computers are our future. But only with mandatory compliance with the rules and regulations for working with computer technology will a “golden mean” be achieved.

The real formation of a humane personality and environmental education runs like a red thread through familiarizing preschool children with living nature and through introducing children to nature.

The capabilities of the computer make it possible to interest children by applying the principle of clarity, which helps to activate involuntary attention, through which educational information is memorized. The teacher’s task is to make the computer his assistant, but at the same time not harm the children’s health.

The assistance of ICT in the work of a modern teacher in environmental education of preschoolers is significant:

  • selection of illustrative material for educational activities and for the design of stands and corners in the environmental development group;
  • creating presentations on the issue of environmental education for preschool children;
  • selection of additional educational material, drawing up scenarios for holidays and other environmental events;
  • exchange of experience, acquaintance with the developments of other teachers in Russia and abroad:
  • the opportunity to expand the creative abilities of the teacher himself in environmental education, which has a positive impact on the upbringing, training and development of preschool children.

By communicating at forums with colleagues throughout Russia, you can announce yourself and your activities to the teaching community on the issue of developing an environmental culture among preschoolers.

Creating your own website will help you present your accumulated experience in environmental education of preschoolers to colleagues, parents and children.

The use of information technologies in education makes it possible to significantly enrich, qualitatively update the educational process in preschool educational institutions and increase its efficiency. It allows you not only to attract the attention of children in a fun way, but also to clearly show the relationships between animals and plants. Thereby improving the quality of knowledge and skills in environmental education.

ICT technical means used in educational activities in preschool educational institutions: computer, multimedia projector, interactive whiteboard, laptop, video recorder; TV, printer, scanner, tape recorder, camera, video camera.

Unfortunately, not all kindergartens can afford such equipment. And as a result, not all educators use them in their work, and often do not know how to use them. The modern world does not stand still. The changes currently taking place in education force the teacher, against his will, to study new technologies and introduce them into his practice. ICTs are beginning to occupy their niche in the educational educational space of preschool educational institutions, and, accordingly, in the environmental education of preschool children.

Today ICT allows:

  • show environmental information on the screen in a playful way, which arouses great interest in children, since the main activity of a preschooler is play;
  • in an accessible form, brightly, figuratively, present preschoolers with material on environmental education, which corresponds to the visual-figurative thinking of preschool children;
  • attract children's attention with movement, sound, animation, but do not overload the material with them;
  • promote the development of preschoolers' research abilities, cognitive activity, skills and talents.

In a kindergarten setting, it is possible, necessary and advisable to use ICT in various types of educational activities, including environmental activities. Educational activities in kindergarten have their own specifics: they should be aimed at emotionality, brightness, with the use of large illustrative material, using sound improvisations and video recordings. All this can be provided to us by computer technology with its multimedia capabilities.

The use of ICT makes it possible to make the educational process of an environmental orientation more attractive and truly modern, to solve cognitive and creative problems based on visibility.


  1. Information and communication technologies in preschool education Komarova T.S., Komarova I.I., Tulikov A.V., Mozaika-Sintez M., 2011.
  2. New information technologies in preschool education. Gorvits Yu.M., Chainova L.D., Poddyakov N.N., et al. M.: Linka-press, 1988.
  3. Raising a successful child in the computer age. Fomicheva O.S. M.: Gelios ARV, 2000.
  4. "Exercises for the health of children 6-7 years old." Karalashvili E., Preschool education.
