How often can you dye your hair - how to avoid harm and be on trend. Optimal frequency of hair dyeing

Often, women, trying to keep up with fashion trends, dye their hair several times, changing one tone to another. Then it is necessary to constantly tint the regrown roots to avoid uneven color. How often can you dye your hair, how to avoid harm, look neat and be in trend?

What happens if you dye your hair often?

If you dye your strands too often, coloring pigments will accumulate in the hairs, and this will lead to a loss of elasticity. Such hair is said to be hard to the touch, like straw, unruly and reminiscent of wire. The loss of essential microelements often leads to hair stopping growing normally, weakening, falling out, and split ends.

How often can coloring be done?

When coloring your hair, the main thing is to adhere to certain rules that will help maintain the structure and not cause serious damage. The frequency depends on the type of dye used, the purpose for which it is used and how quickly your hair grows.

Types of paints

All colors can be separated by type of penetration of the dye, type of paint, how long it lasts, how deeply it penetrates into the structure of the strands:

  1. The most stable- 3rd class, permanent - does not wash off, penetrates strongly into the structure and completely colors gray hair.
  2. Average level- washes off after 29 shampoos, penetrates the cuticle, partially removes gray hair.
  3. Level 1 coloring- washes off after 7–9 uses, partially penetrates the cuticle, and practically does not stain gray hair.
  4. Lightening- does not wash off, penetrates deeply into the structure, completely discoloring the pigment, and does not stain gray hair.

Permanent dyes contain high percentages of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide (up to 9%), so frequent use is harmful to the strands. But if you use it only for regrown roots, and do not use each color for the entire length, then you can avoid negative consequences: overdried or split ends.

Level 2 paints, also called semi-permanent, do not contain ammonia, and peroxide has a small percentage (up to 4.5%), which means they have a more gentle effect, and the composition usually includes oils that help soften the effect of the oxidizing agent.

The next type is tonics that do not contain substances harmful to hair, and is great for those who like to experiment with color. The tonic will be washed off after several shampooing procedures, without causing any harm at all.

How often can you dye your hair with henna or basma?

Henna and basma belong to the category of natural dyes, so they not only do not spoil the hair, but also take care of it. The color always turns out bright and rich.

Who is suitable for using these dyes:

  • for those with split ends- it is recommended to use paint for health improvement once a month;
  • for those with oily hair- can be used up to 2 times a month;
  • for damaged and brittle strands- do not use more than once a month;
  • if you need to add shine to dull hair- use once every 3-4 weeks.

Attention! When using these dyes, the coloring pigment accumulates - therefore it is impossible to remove this color, and painting with a different color can bring an unpredictable result. Lightening is also not recommended.

How to use toners and tinted shampoos

Because the Tinted shampoos cannot change the color dramatically, then to obtain the required shade, you should carefully study all the tones that the manufacturer offers and choose one that is close to the natural color. If the product is chosen correctly, the tonic will give light hair a beautiful sunny shade, and give dark hair a charming shine.

Advantages of using tint dyes:

  • fast - coloring will not take much time;
  • not harmful - the light texture of the tonic only slightly envelops the hair without penetrating into the structure;
  • brilliant result - thanks to the presence of care oils and a complex of vitamins, the hair acquires a natural shine, which makes it manageable and easy to style;
  • washes off quickly - if the tone was chosen incorrectly, you can wash it off several times.

You can use tinted shampoos quite often - once every two weeks, this is enough to maintain the result and refresh the color.

Dyeing bleached hair

Choosing the right dye for bleached hair is necessary after carefully studying the shade that was obtained as a result of bleaching. The shade can be yellow, pink and even bluish, it depends on the original hair color and the product used.

Dyeing bleached hair should not be done immediately after bleaching, as this can cause severe damage. Only after completing health procedures should you start coloring.

You need to use the most gentle paint, for example, without ammonia, but you need to be prepared for the fact that you won’t get a uniform color the first time. Because the pigment was etched away during bleaching, the paint will not apply smoothly. Only after several stains can you achieve the desired result.

Details on hair coloring after bleaching can be found on our website.

How to avoid frequent dyeing

For those who want to have healthy and well-groomed hair after dyeing, and also maintain the result without resorting to frequent dyeing procedures, You should listen to the following tips:

  1. It is worth choosing high-quality dyes that contain oils that help retain moisture.
  2. Usually, red and ginger shades are most susceptible to fading, so they will have to be restored more often.
  3. You should not wash your hair every day, but if necessary, you should use special shampoos for colored hair.
  4. It is necessary to use a high-quality air conditioner.

Advice. No need to use anti-dandruff shampoo, it quickly washes off the color.

Features of care after coloring

How they will look depends on proper care of the strands, so Immediately after lightening or dyeing with permanent dyes, you should not use a curling iron or straightening iron. High temperatures will greatly damage already damaged hair. You should refrain from using these devices for at least 1–2 weeks.

Do not rub your hair with a towel after washing your hair, this will lead to split ends. When combing, it is better to use a comb with sparse teeth or natural bristles, this will help avoid damage.

By following simple care rules and taking into account all the nuances when choosing a dye, you can change the color without harm, while maintaining the health and well-groomed appearance of your hair.

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How to dye your hair at home?

Should you dye your hair?

Many women strive so much to be beautiful and well-groomed that very often this desire leads to sad results. For example, in two weeks, dyed hair becomes a little thinner, and some ladies are already in a hurry to paint over this imperfection, without thinking about the fact that they can harm their hair. Let's find out together how often you can dye your hair without harming your health and what methods of dyeing there are with minimal harmful effects.

How often can you dye your hair?

Each hair dye has its own characteristics, which determine the frequency of dyeing, one of the main ones is the presence of aggressive components in the composition(ammonia and hydrogen peroxide). The fewer of these components, the faster the dye will be washed out of the hair.

How often can you dye your hair with basma and henna?

Basma and are natural dyes that are completely do not have any harmful effects on the hair. On the contrary, these dyes strengthen the hair roots, restore their structure and give a beautiful shine. You can use them as often as the regrown roots require.

How often can you dye your hair with Loreal ammonia-free hair dye?

Ammonia-free paints, such as Loreal (Loreal), do not contain aggressive components, therefore, they have a gentle effect on hair when dyeing. This affects the color fastness, so after a month, maximum one and a half, there is a need for re-coloring.

How often can you dye your hair with tonic, tinted shampoo or conditioner?

Tinted shampoos, balms and tonics, although they contain a minimal amount of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide, still have a slight harmful effect on hair. With moderate use, once every 10 days, this harm can be minimized.

How often can you dye gray hair?

For dyeing, you need very durable dyes that penetrate deep into the hair. Only durable ammonia paints have this effect, which disrupt the hair structure and can lead to hair loss. To increase the time gap between dyeing to two months, you can use natural dyes. They will give only a short-term effect, but will help restore hair and strengthen it.

How often can you dye your hair with Garnier dye?

Permanent paints, such as Garnier (Garnier), due to the presence of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide as the main ingredients, provide durable long-term coloring for up to two months, but significantly damage hair. After dyeing, they require long-term recovery and nutrition.

How to beautifully dye your hair in two colors

Using two complementary shades, you can achieve vertical hair coloring.

A very fashionable and popular trend among young people is dyeing hair with two colors, which allows you to be so different at the same time.

It looks very impressive and has been at the top of its popularity for several years. Only the ends of the hair are dyed, and this allows for correction once every three or four months.

Two-color screen dyeing for a bob haircut

An extravagant and very effective ombre look using two colors for coloring. As your hair grows back, you only need to touch up the roots.

Two-tone contrast coloring for short hair

A bright and effective way to highlight the structure of a short haircut. When hair grows back It will be enough to just tint the roots in a light tone, which will delay complete staining for at least another month.

Two-tone bright hair coloring for a short haircut

With this method of coloring, frequent corrections cannot be avoided. The roots that have grown in a month will stand out very much against the background of bright colors. An alternative would be to dye short hair with henna. This will hide the roots and strengthen the hair. The roots of long hair will have to be tinted at least once every month and a half.

Two-tone dyeing of short hair with strands

Accent strands allow you to emphasize the shape of the haircut, add zest and individuality to the image, while at the same time they do not require correction at all and do not harm the hair.

Two-tone coloring for short blonde hair

Two-tone dyeing in this case means completely dyeing the hair using two colors, but with the dark shade matching the natural hair color It will be possible to tint your hair roots less often. This will smooth out the harmful effects of lightening dyes and allow the hair to recover during this period.

Two-tone hair coloring for medium length hair

A dark top and a light bottom (or vice versa) allows you to make a correction of only one color once every month and a half.

What rules should be followed in order not to harm the body?

Women change the color of their hair for various reasons, but every time making their choice in favor of dyeing, you need to know how often you can dye your hair and what consequences this entails.

Hiding gray hair or simply maintaining a rich color requires touching up once every 3-4 weeks. This is a standard period without taking into account individual characteristics. And they, of course, require you to follow some rules. First, you should decide on general tips for each hair type.

We dye our hair without harming it, taking into account the structure

Rare hair

For girls whose hair is falling out and whose hair itself is very sparse, it is not advisable to dye their hair. Because one of the reasons for hair loss may be a scalp disease. Any harmful effects can be fraught. However, if a woman has already decided, then it is better to use durable paints that do not contain ammonia and large amounts of hydrogen peroxide.

Greasy hair

Oily hair can be dyed as soon as the roots have grown 1-2 cm. Sometimes this happens after 2 weeks, and sometimes after a month. There is a special painting technique: a permanent dye is applied to the roots, and a tint is applied to the rest of the length. This method is considered gentle and can be used quite often.

Gray hair

In this case, partial staining is an option. But before you start dyeing your hair frequently, you need to take into account the woman’s age. Some say that up to the age of 40, you can use tinted products every 10 days without fear of consequences.

Unfortunately, we must refute this statement. Harm from tint dyes – delayed action. Harmful substances in paint still exist, and the principle of color change is still the same, it’s just not as aggressive. And frequent use of shades leads to the accumulation of harmful substances in the blood vessels.

Women over 50 should also be careful. According to statistics, by this age women begin to experience serious health problems. And if taking medications is indicated in this regard, then you should find out from a trichologist whether to dye or not. It should be taken into account that some medications also accumulate in the hair, and this leads to hair loss.

How often can you dye your hair with permanent dye?

Having compared the instructions for different dyes, the average painting frequency for everyone without exception is once a month. However, this “value” only applies if certain rules are followed: you should buy paint only from well-known brands and in official cosmetic stores. Along with it, you should immediately buy a tinted shampoo of the same brand. It contains a small amount of dye and will not fade your tone. Also immediately buy a restorative complex of the same brand. Cosmetics from the same line are designed to complement each other and maintain a brilliant effect.

How often can you dye your hair with henna?

Henna is one of the most popular methods of hair coloring, which is primarily attractive, unlike ammonia dyes, with its natural composition. But this method of changing hair color has both its advantages and disadvantages. So, let's take a closer look at all the nuances.


Advantages. The natural components of henna make the hair more shiny, and its color becomes quite rich, because... the molecules of this dye are pigmented with a red-orange hue.

Flaws. Henna mixtures contain various additives that do not always benefit the hair. That is why it is worth buying products from trusted manufacturers who have proven themselves to be the best (the best are Iranian, Sudanese and Indian).


Advantages. Henna will give you the opportunity to become the owner of fiery red hair. At the same time, your curls will not be damaged.

Flaws. You cannot predict the final outcome with certainty. That is why the resulting color may be radically different from the one you saw on the product packaging.


Advantages. Your hair will become stronger, more manageable and soft if you dye it with henna.

Flaws. You will get a rather unexpected result if you have previously used chemical dyes. Your locks may turn orange, green or blue. It is worth trying henna on a small strand of hair first. If you like the result, then you can safely use the product.

The dyeing process takes a lot of time and effort. In some cases, you will have to keep henna on your hair for up to two hours. To speed up the painting process, you can use cling film, which prevents the paint from evaporating.


Advantages. The product does not fade even when exposed to direct sunlight. This is why you will retain the desired color for a long time.

Flaws. If you practice this kind of coloring, you will need to come to terms with a limited color palette, because... switching to chemical dyes is undesirable and leads to defects that are difficult to correct. Because of this, in the future you will have to continue to use only henna, and not regular paint.

Frequency of staining

It also depends on the structure and quality of the curls.

  • Oily and normal hair can be dyed up to three times within a month.
  • Dry and brittle - no more than once a month.
  • Problematic (sensitive skin, prone to allergies) - once every two months.

Caring for colored hair

To ensure that dyed hair does not lose its beauty, it must be carefully and properly cared for after the procedure. Any good paint comes with a preliminary protective serum, which must be used without fail. Although it will not protect your hair 100% from the effects of chemicals, it can still partially help.

Immediately after painting, use a special balm or rinse. You can also use nourishing and restorative products so that your hair can maintain its structure. When choosing such products, it is best to give preference to those companies specified by paint manufacturers, preferably from the same series.

Do not immediately start combing your hair after dyeing. The effect of the dyes continues for some time, and during combing the process can be affected in a negative way, for example, there is a possibility of uneven distribution of the dye.

You should comb your hair after it is completely dry and before going to bed. This must be done slowly, carefully and for 10 minutes. The comb should be made exclusively of natural material and with sufficiently wide teeth.

Under no circumstances should you use regular shampoo to wash dyed hair, because... it tends to lift the hair scales, which causes the coloring pigment to wash out. It is better to use only special means.

Several times a week you need to make maintenance masks prepared at home from natural materials. A mask made from rye bread has excellent nutritional properties: pour hot water over the crumb and wait about 5-6 hours, or better yet, leave it to steep overnight. The resulting mixture should be filtered, and the pulp should be carefully and thoroughly rubbed into the hair. After 25 minutes, the mask should be washed off with just warm water.

To preserve the shade of dyed hair, you can use a cognac mask. For 100 grams of cognac, take 1 egg yolk and stir. Apply the mixture to your hair and leave for 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water. It is good to carry out a similar procedure every 5 days.

All of the above steps can help maintain the health of your hair after coloring. The main thing to remember is one rule: the number of times you dye your hair, the same number of times you make restorative masks. No matter how much advertising convinces you that the dye is safe and harmless, acquiring a new hair color does not happen without compromising your health.


How often can you dye your hair?

To keep your hair fresh and healthy, you need to know the rules and how often you can dye your hair. It all depends on what product you use and what coloring method you use (highlighting, lightening, changing the natural color by several tones).

Based on durability, paints are divided into the following types:

Persistent (ammonia)

They contain ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. Ammonia loosens the cuticles and the dye penetrates deep into the hair. The coloring result is permanent and lasts up to 4 months. It is recommended to dye your hair a maximum of once every 4 weeks.

Cons: ammonia increases fragility, destroys the hair structure, affects the formation of split ends, and can cause dermatitis. Peroxide is aggressive: it can cause scalp burns and cause hair loss.

Semi-resistant (ammonia-free)

Semi-permanent paints do not contain ammonia, but do contain peroxide and other harmful chemicals (parabens, methyltoluene). The “cocktail” turns out to be more gentle than in ammonia analogues. The coloring pigment creates a shell without penetrating deep into the hair.

Manufacturers often add plant extracts, oils and waxes to these products to retain moisture. You can update the color with these paints once every 4-5 weeks.

Cons: The color washes off after 3-5 weeks. You can lighten up to two tones.


The arsenal of tint products includes balms, shampoos, and tonics. They do not contain hydrogen peroxide or contain a minimal amount of it. The tone is washed off after 7-8 times. In addition to the coloring component, the bottle may contain conditioner.

Cons: if hydrogen peroxide is among the ingredients, then with frequent dyeing this component slowly accumulates, drying out the curls. After perming and bleaching, you should wait at least two weeks, otherwise the toner will not apply evenly.


Natural dyes include henna and basma - powders made from dried plants. The coloring effect of these products lasts 3-4 months.

These natural dyes have a healing effect (dandruff and inflammation of the scalp disappear). Despite such an organic “bouquet”, hair should not be dyed more than once every 4 weeks, as tannins can cause curls to become stiff and dull.

Cons: You can't correct a bad result using chemical dyes. In addition, synthetic substances can cause unexpected reactions, such as pink or green tints, so it is safer to return to ammonia and non-ammonia products once the natural pigments have washed out.

Frequency of staining

The timing of color correction depends on the dye and type of coloring. It is important to consider how aggressive the paint you are going to use is.


Regardless of whether you use supra or lightening dye, it is recommended to use them no more than once every 6-8 weeks. During this time, the roots will grow and after that it will be easier to update the color. Try not to treat previously lightened areas, as they are already damaged by the previous procedure.

Dyeing a lighter shade

Due to the aggressive effects of ammonia dyes, it is better to use them only on regrown roots, and apply ammonia-free formulations to previously dyed hair. Or use the same dye as for the roots, only apply it to the entire length 5 minutes before washing off the dye from the roots. The minimum interval between lightening procedures is once a month.


The dyeing interval is 2-3 months (depending on how close the natural hair color is to the dyed strands). This procedure is repeated so rarely because highlighting causes the hair to dry out.


Multi-tonal coloring can be refreshed after 6-8 weeks, so any means can be used for this (supra, permanent, semi-permanent, lightening paints). The interval is quite long due to the fact that the dye makes the hair hard and dry. In addition, the contrast between previously colored and growing strands becomes noticeable late during coloring.

Tone on tone

This coloring can be corrected within a month. To do this, you can use any of the above products of chemical and organic origin. But for long-term use, it is still better to stick to ammonia-free products or henna and basma. But natural dyes are not suitable when it comes to gray hair. Henna and basma will not paint it evenly.

Darker color

Within three weeks, regrown roots will begin to appear. This is especially noticeable if the hair is gray. Use permanent or semi-permanent paint after this period of time only on the roots. The entire length of the hair is dyed once every 2-3 months; more frequent procedures will weaken it.

Bright color . Tonics and special coloring shampoos can be used no more than once every 2-3 weeks. Permanent products once every 4 weeks, semi-permanent - every 3 weeks, henna and basma - every 4 weeks. This interval allows you to maintain an optimal gentle regime for your hair and refresh your appearance in time.

How to avoid frequent dyeing

Dyeing your hair with any existing means is harmful. To reduce the negative effect, it is enough to know how different products “work” and how often it is necessary to adjust the appearance with different painting methods. This will allow you to maintain the minimum required period of time during which the curls have time to recover.

Sorry, but dye manufacturers don’t know what kind of hair you have: fine, porous or hard and “glassy.” The result of dyeing depends not only on your natural color, but also on the condition of your hair, previous dyeing and other factors. Use the shade chart, which is usually on the back of the box, to get an idea of ​​what the color will look like on your hair. But don’t rely on it completely either!

Mistake #2: You don't do a color test

Yes, it’s a shame to spend money on a whole package, use only a few drops of paint, and throw away the rest. But the hair is a pity! If you paint everything at once and get a radical black color with a green tint instead of the promised golden walnut, the correction will obviously cost more. Choose a small curl from the side of the neck and check on it what the result will be.

Mistake #3: You don't do an allergy test

Without exception, all manufacturers ask you to first test the reaction to the paint on a small area of ​​skin. But of course you rely on luck. In vain! An allergy to dye can manifest itself in the forms of irritation, itching, inflammation and even hair loss! So, at the same time as testing on a small strand, check the skin’s reaction to the dye. The area should be chosen on the back of the neck or behind the ear: the skin there is sensitive and the place is inconspicuous.

Mistake #4: You're not protecting your skin

You dyed your hair, and then spend three days scrubbing paint stains from your neck and ears? Before coloring, apply greasy cream or Vaseline to exposed areas of skin that may be damaged. And no stains!


Mistake #5: You use hair conditioner before coloring.

The day before dyeing, it is better not to wash your hair at all. But if you really can’t go a day without washing your hair, don’t use conditioner: it closes small pores on the surface of the hair, and the dye will color the strands unevenly.

Mistake #6: You don’t wash off the styling

Yes, you shouldn’t wash your hair immediately before dyeing, but don’t take this too literally: if the day before you did complex styling using foam, mousse, hairspray and gel, be sure to wash it off! Otherwise, coloring is simply pointless.

Mistake #7: You use hair dye on your eyebrows and eyelashes

Never paint your eyebrows or eyelashes with hair dye - your eyelashes may fall off! But this is not the worst thing: the paint can get into your eyes, which can have serious medical consequences for your vision. There are special professional paints for eyebrows and eyelashes, and coloring is recommended to be done in a salon.

Mistake #8: You leave the paint on longer than expected to make the color more intense

Under no circumstances should you leave the dye on your hair too long - this can seriously damage your hair. The dye, remaining on the hair longer than it should, damages the structure of the hair shaft to a greater or lesser extent, and the dye's action time is still limited: after 30 minutes (in some cases - 40, read the instructions) it simply stops working. You'll burn your hair, but the color won't get any better.

Mistake #9: You wash your colored hair with anti-dandruff shampoos

Special anti-dandruff shampoos have the strongest cleansing properties. And they will simply wash away the artificial pigments! If you have a problem with dandruff, use special products labeled “for colored hair.”

Mistake #10: You dye your hair more than two shades darker or lighter than your natural shade.

Your hair color should be in harmony with your natural color type. If you want radical changes, go to the salon and consult with a colorist: he will select the optimal range (warm or cool), create the right mix of shades so that the hair tone is in harmony with the color of your skin and eyes, and will carry out the procedure safely and professionally. Home dyeing is not the answer in this case.

Mistake #11: You lighten your hair with a powerful oxidizer

Often, when they lighten their hair at home, girls buy a professional 9-12 percent oxidizer and sit with the applied solution for up to an hour! This is very harmful. A skin burn can cause a severe allergic reaction - so that even more gentle dyes will cause allergies in the future. And the hair turns into tow. Moreover, the color always turns out yellow. And then... ash paint is applied on top!!! And it necessarily contains a blue pigment, which, in combination with yellow, produces a clear greenish tint. We hope all this is not about you.

Mistake #12: You don't paint your roots

Keep in mind: the ends of the hair are more porous, and the roots are denser, so if you immediately apply the dye to the entire length, you will get the effect of regrown hair, when the shade seems to be the same, but the roots look lighter.

Mistake #13: The ends of your hair are too dark

The opposite effect of the previous point: when hair color is applied to the entire head at once, not only do the roots turn out too bright, but the ends usually turn out darker than you intended. Moreover, this is a cumulative phenomenon: with each subsequent coloring, the ends will become darker and darker. Always apply the dye first to the roots over the entire surface of the head, and only then distribute it to the ends.

Mistake No. 14: You color your strands unevenly

Well, you don’t have eyes in the back of your head, no! If you don't have a boy's haircut, ask a friend to help you.

Mistake #15: You apply dye to wet hair

And some of the pigments immediately flow down onto your shoulders. Permanent dyes are applied only to dry strands, and, remember, unwashed for about a day.

Mistake #16: You wash your hair the day after coloring

After dyeing your hair, you should refrain from washing your hair for at least a day to allow the dye to set better. And also do not use hair styling products so that the aggressive components in their composition do not interfere with the absorption of paint pigments. Since the dye itself contains degreasing components, after dyeing your hair is clean and there is no problem waiting 24 hours.

Mistake #17: You leave the finished mixture to sit

After mixing the paint with the developer cream, you should immediately begin coloring. The fact is that chemical processes begin immediately after mixing the components, and if the prepared mixture is allowed to brew, the color may turn out dull.

Mistake #18: You dilute the dye with shampoo or conditioner

If, when dyeing your hair, it seems to you that there is not enough dye, do not dilute it with regular shampoo or conditioner! You will lose in quality. Try to use the mass sparingly, since you are sure that it will not be enough, and in the future, buy 2 packages instead of one. Life hack: with average hair thickness, you won’t be able to get by with just one bottle if your hair is longer than your shoulders.

Mistake #19: You use a metal comb

The metal oxidizes and reacts with the paint, affecting the paint result in unpredictable ways. Use neutral plastic, wooden or ceramic combs.

Mistake #20: You paint yourself blue (green, red, purple) for fun.

Scientists have found that radical hair coloring can lead to serious skin diseases. Crimson, violet, green, bright red and blue colors are especially dangerous: these paints contain the substance para-phenylenediamine, which causes inflammation of the skin.
