As a girl I have to be soft. Femininity through the eyes of guys, or a view from the outside

Do you really want to become a real woman? Then you need to study the rules of behavior, the ethics of interpersonal relationships. Accept the worldview of a lady, develop a behavior appropriate to this status, and develop the potential abilities inherent in nature. By consistently following the suggested steps, you will understand how to learn to be feminine.

Method 1. Look feminine

Choose clothes that are in harmony with your facial features and figure. Wear skirts if they suit you, wear jeans if they make you look more attractive.

Neat, neat appearance― the first sign of a real lady. Get rid of awkward sweatshirts, baggy pants, loose T-shirts that do not flatter your figure.

Any clothing should look well-groomed, ironed, and tailored to your shape.

Don't need cosmetics or wear makeup? Lightly moisturize your lips with balm and take care of your facial skin.

  • a silk scarf that matches the texture and color of the outfit;
  • pearl earrings;
  • headband;
  • hairpins;
  • brooch in several versions;
  • several bracelet options;
  • thin aesthetic rings.

Pay attention to your appearance without getting hung up on the little things. Feel comfortable. Know how to show off your strengths and highlight your natural beauty.

Engage in physical activity, do not limit yourself in exercise. Help your body become perfect, like a lady's, use elements of yoga, start dancing or sign up for swimming.

Don't do anything in a hurry. Your appearance will be unkempt. Do not wear makeup or do your hair in front of colleagues or friends. Do this before they arrive. Your beauty should remain a secret.

Method 2: Act like a lady

The gait should be graceful. A lot depends on the shoes. Legs and gait look great in high heels. You need to wear them skillfully. If you bought new high-heeled shoes, before going out in them, practice at home, walk in front of a mirror so as not to look funny in unusual shoes.

When dancing, you should feel harmony with your body. Enjoy the movements, enjoy the music, feel comfortable, even without being a professional.

Flirting does not spoil a woman. This is natural behavior, given by nature, emphasizing the superiority of female nature.

Watch your posture. It will add confidence. Adopt gestures from people you consider confident. Look straight, don't look at the floor, smile more often.

Avoid arrogance. Don't stand out, don't try to show superiority. When talking, don't brag about your achievements. Consider people, they will feel your confidence.

It is not necessary to become a permanent caregiver for everyone in need. You need to show your readiness to come to the rescue at any moment.

  • Do not reach across the table for the dish, ask for it to be passed so as not to violate the personal space of the people sitting next to you.
  • If you do not like the behavior of the people sitting next to you, do not express your indignation in a rude manner. Don't demand immediate silence. Ask to speak a little more quietly.
  • An occasional burp is no good for anyone. But at a certain age this can happen involuntarily. If this happens, ask for forgiveness, apologize, but don’t focus on it, don’t explain yourself, don’t try to make it a joke.
  • If you don’t like the person you’re talking to, you don’t want to discuss a certain topic with him, don’t react with grimaces, rolling your eyes or pursing your lips. Don't stoop to rudeness.

Method 3: Use the right words

It is not necessary to change the topic of conversation; you can change the phrase to reflect your attitude to the problem in your speech.

Convey your good mood, give a compliment so that it reflects your friendly attitude towards your interlocutor.

Behave femininely, do not ask for a compliment. If you are worthy of it, you will definitely be pleased with it.

Selecting a theme - an important part of polite conversation. Do not bring up unpleasant, vulgar topics that are inappropriate in a given situation or company. Don't quarrel, solve all problems peacefully.

When you console, choose convincing words, hug. When expressing sympathy, use gestures so that the person believes in your sincerity in your willingness to help.


Each of us has feminine and masculine traits. Depending on the situation, femininity is sometimes more clearly manifested: the use of makeup, manicure, passion for women's TV series, attention to appearance. There are also masculine traits when we play sports or watch sports programs. But some features prevail.

Femininity - this is power! It combines the best qualities of the beautiful half of humanity. You can be feminine and have a strong character.

Be proud of your hair to highlight your femininity. They are beautiful when worn loose or tied up in an intricate hairstyle.


  • The tips presented are typical for European culture. There are countries where other gender options are recognized.
  • Feminine and masculine traits are interpreted differently in different parts of the world. There are cultures that have three genders.

Give preference to women's clothing: dresses, skirts, sundresses. You shouldn’t wear trousers and jeans all the time; it’s generally better to leave them for special occasions: a picnic, a trip to the forest to pick mushrooms, or a long trip. For everyday life, choose comfortable and beautiful dresses and skirts, wear them even to the nearest store. This way you will quickly get used to the new style.

Use all kinds of accessories for your look: beads, bracelets, sunglasses, scarves, belts and bags.

Stiletto heels are ideal for skirts and dresses. In addition, they give a sexy gait. If you're not ready for high heels, start with classic low-heeled pumps.

You should look feminine even at home, where only your family can see you. Throw away oversized tunics, old robes and stretched tracksuits. Buy a cute lounge suit, a comfortable sundress or a cozy dress. A girl dressed this way will feel attractive and beautiful.


Watch your appearance carefully. Regularly visit a hairdresser, beauty salon, or manicure salon. Lead a sporty lifestyle: run, go to the pool, gym, fitness center.

Sport is good not only for a beautiful appearance, but also for health.

Thanks to physical exercises, your body will be toned and your figure will be slim. Of course, you can be feminine with cellulite and drooping sides, but if you can get rid of these troubles, why not try it? Then the girl will feel more confident, and soon she will begin to catch interested glances from men.


The manners of the fair sex also play an important role. It is unlikely that anyone would call a grumpy and unfriendly person feminine. Be kinder and softer, then people will be drawn to you. Smile at the children playing in the yard, the grandmother on the bench, and even the yard dog - this will make life more joyful.

Love yourself, then they will start loving you too. Never talk “down”, don’t try to seem smarter, just be yourself. Do not burden your interlocutor with your problems, but rather listen to him and give practical advice.

Don't bear the brunt of household chores. Ask your husband to help with housework. It's hard to maintain charm when every day you have to wash a mountain of dishes, carry heavy bags from the supermarket and take out bags of garbage. Your man will cope with these tasks perfectly. You just need to hint at it tactfully and carefully.

Talking about femininity is about as difficult as describing music or painting - it is perceived by us at the level of sensations and emotions, but at the same time it is difficult to define. It is not so easy to explain in a nutshell how exactly a feminine girl differs from an unfeminine one - this mysterious parameter has little in common with the length of legs, hair color and shade of lipstick, as well as with erudition or intelligence quotient. Men, when asked to decipher the concept of femininity, also give out various characteristics: softness, tenderness, harmony, attractiveness, charm, calmness. The elusive combination of all these qualities creates an aura around a woman, a special energy field, which is called femininity.

Oscar de la Renta dress, earrings, bracelets, everything - RL Jewel

Let's be honest: femininity is not very encouraged by the laws of the modern world. Quite the contrary: in order to build a successful career, survive in a huge city, and become successful in our profession, we sometimes have to compete with men on an equal basis and show far from feminine acumen, willpower and perseverance. How to maintain balance in such conditions and not turn into an “iron lady”? It turns out that everything is not so complicated: femininity is a quality that can be “remembered” rather than developed. Initially inherent in us by nature, it only requires the opportunity to open up. Try to make at least some of the suggested methods a habit, and perhaps very soon you will feel how your mood changes and how much more harmonious your life becomes.

Ask men for help

This advice is especially useful for independent ladies who are accustomed to “putting out fires” with their bare hands and “stopping anything at a gallop,” without resorting to male help. Set a daily request rule for yourself: every day, ask a man you know (or don’t know) to help you - even if you think that you are quite capable of handling it yourself. Ask to sort out a frozen computer, carry a heavy box to a nearby office, pump up a tire, unload bags of groceries from the trunk and bring them to the apartment - there are a lot of options. Pay attention to your own emotions and the mood of the man who agreed to help you: you will be surprised to find that even strangers will, as a rule, be happy to be knights for you, even for five minutes - and you, in turn, will probably enjoy feeling like a fragile princess who is not shy and not afraid to ask for help and does not strive to put everything on her shoulders.

Oscar de la Renta dress, earrings, ring, everything - RL Jewel

PHOTO Olga Tuponogova-Volkova

Show healthy selfishness

If you have ladies around you who radiate femininity, then you have probably noticed how they have an amazing ability to put their interests as a priority. Neither family nor work pressures prevent them from regularly finding time for fitness and going to the cosmetologist; they are constantly passionate about something - a new book, an interesting hobby, a theater premiere - and they fantastically find time and energy for these hobbies. At the same time, they cannot be called narcissistic egoists - oddly enough, neither family nor career suffers from the lack of their care; rather, on the contrary: only by charging herself with pleasant impressions, devoting sufficient time to her desires, a woman is ready to give attention to her family and be fully realized in her life. work. Conclusion: learn to please yourself and pay attention only to yourself, at least for a short time, every day. Make a list of what gives you pleasure - it could be listening to your favorite music, walking around the evening city, taking a fragrant bath or reading an exciting book. Even if this “me time” lasts only 30-40 minutes a day, one thing should become your mandatory ritual.

Watch your speech

Get creative

Creativity, even the most “useless” one, is an emotional “battery” for a woman, helping her maintain femininity and be in harmony with herself. Take the time to find the time and choose the type of creativity that is close to you - there are a huge number of options: it could be handicrafts, creating websites, drawing, singing, sculpting, scrapbooking, making bouquets or origami... A separate item worth highlighting is pair dancing ( remember the film with JLo, Susan Sarandon and Richard Gere “Let's Dance”): in addition to smooth movements and grace, they teach you to trust your partner, give him the role of the leader - which means that each dance lesson can safely be considered a mini-training on the topic of femininity.

Oscar de la Renta dress, Aquazzura sandals, earrings, ring, everything - RL Jewel

PHOTO Olga Tuponogova-Volkova

Feminine appearance does not necessarily mean pastel colors, floor-length dresses, ruffles and bows. Rather, it is the ability to look not boring and constantly find new shades of the image. If you've been faithful to the same style for years, try experimenting with silhouettes, colors, accessories, and hairstyles. Ideally, of course, a consultation with a professional stylist would not hurt, but you can completely limit yourself to the advice of friends whose taste you trust. Well, in fairness, dresses and skirts should be given special attention - they really add femininity to the image.


Maintaining femininity in the frantic rhythm of a big city is very difficult: traffic jams, deadlines, constant rush and chronic lack of sleep successfully instill in us self-discipline and multitasking, but not femininity. To avoid emotional breakdowns, not to become “hardened” and not to turn into a “man in a skirt”, find at least five minutes a day for simple meditation - even such a minimal “feeding” will help you relax and maintain spiritual harmony, despite stress and force majeure.

Production, style: @rljewel

Makeup, hair: Lena Yasenkova

Models: Gulsina, Nastya Tarasava

Proud posture, graceful gait and radiant smile are the privileges not only of Hollywood divas and fashion models, but of all elegant women with impeccable taste and unique charm. True elegance is the mastery of hand-made art, the peculiarity of which lies in subtle sophistication and grace. Not everyone has the good fortune in life to be naturally elegant, but this quality is born from the dream of becoming more desirable and beautiful, of asserting oneself in one’s perfection.
How to become elegant? Find the answer here!

How to become elegant and harmonious in your soul
Elegant, stylish, dressed with impeccable taste - such a woman is always the center of attention, surrounded by admiring glances and pleasant compliments. How to become elegant and achieve inner harmony? There is a main answer to this question - you need to know yourself well, study the features of your figure, learn to hide flaws and emphasize advantages, as they say, be able to “turn a defect into an effect.”

A young lady who knows her character, temperament and knows how to choose the right wardrobe can always count on success and recognition in society.
Before you understand the very essence of how to become elegant, you need to understand that the main role in this case belongs to education and manners.
Elegance is not only the ability to choose the right clothes, but also communication skills, politeness, a developed sense of taste and etiquette, the ability to control oneself in any life situations and, of course, a friendly attitude towards people.

How to become elegant, beautiful and stylish
Elegance is not mindless adherence to the latest fashion, but a subtle perception of style. An elegant and feminine lady will never become a “fashion victim”; she simply knows how to take care of herself, and her clothes are always of good quality.
Sophistication is perfectly expressed in the simplicity and traditionality of outfits, and the most fashionable new items are often vulgarized by the general imitation of the crowd. However, you don’t need to beware of fashion trends, you just, first of all, need to focus on your taste and remember the main rule - “appropriateness of attire”, taking into account who you are and what your lifestyle is.

A woman who perfectly masters the skill of being faithful to her true image, corresponding to her character and individual characteristics, always evokes involuntary admiration, interest and respect.

Helpful hints
1. To always have an elegant look, be sure to pay attention to your hair and manicure, keep them in order, and also do not forget to visit beauty salons.
2. Train yourself to plan your own wardrobe for the whole week and try to put together your own individual “uniform” that does not require much thought about “what to wear,” especially in the morning.

3. Determine which outfits suit you and choose clothes that will highlight your figure.
4. Follow the rule - “only one catchy thing”, since only one component of an outfit can stand out too much. You should choose: either a miniskirt or a revealing neckline.
5. Paired and elegant accessories are very stylish. They will perfectly complement and decorate a modest outfit.

The question of how to become desired and feminine, arises, as a rule, among girls who feel the need to be weaker than their chosen one. Psychology Such a desire is to allow your partner to feel his strength, and sometimes awkwardness. On the background graceful a girl who looks like a defenseless, fragile and delicate pearl that needs to be protected, men feel like her protectors, look after her, protect and cherish her.

How to become feminine in character - what is femininity

If we started talking about how to become feminine in character, then the first step is to understand what this femininity is, what it is psychology and how it happens development? In our understanding, femininity is the external result of women being filled with those natural principles that have been present in them since birth. In other words, femininity is the original feminine nature.

Externally it is inherent in everyone woman the property is manifested in gait, gestures, voice, behavior, clothing style, tastes, feelings, etc. Inside, femininity leaves its mark on personal and life values, worldview, personal and life goals, etc. Men are always attracted to feminine woman. If we consider femininity and masculinity, then the first is a kind of “yin”, and the second is “yang”, i.e. opposition-unity of two fundamental aspects of the Universe.

But to be elegant And desired, for a woman, femininity and freedom alone are not enough. Here, her pure soul is also needed so that the manifestation of this principle is harmonious and adequate. And if a woman’s soul is pure, i.e. “not contaminated” by an ignorant worldview, false values, goals unnatural to female nature, critical misconceptions about not only oneself, but other people, life and the world as a whole, raw emotions, all kinds of distortions, etc. ... And if the feminine natural principle blossoms in a woman, filling her with its magic and is freely present in her... And if a girl is openly, freely, harmoniously, sincerely and adequately able to express herself as a woman... Then the totality of all these aspects makes a girl truly feminine A woman(with a capital letter)

You don't have to be incredibly beautiful to have all the charming qualities of femininity. May be woman with an ordinary appearance, like millions of others, or even have an imperfect figure and ugly facial features, but at the same time be feminine in the soul and thereby desired for true connoisseurs of female beauty. It should be noted that many owners of beautiful faces and figures, due to the rudeness of their manners and completely unfeminine behavior, cannot make the proper impression on men, and are very unhappy in relationships. If you will be graceful, elegant, gentle, cheerful and gentle, as well as develop V to myself other similar qualities, then no man will look for the presence of features of classical beauty in you. Regardless of your external data, for a man you will become a model of femininity, and this is much more important than ordinary external beauty.

If a woman is so plain that this fact simply cannot be ignored, then all the same, the development of all the above qualities will make a man see her as particularly attractive. Perhaps he will not consider her a beauty, but he will appreciate her charm, insight, liveliness, cheerfulness, pleasantness and sophistication, in general, everything that strongly attracts any man in a woman. As a rule, such women are especially charming and capable of becoming desired for sensible men, for whom without femininity, no beauty has any meaning. Because they know that it is precisely such women who often make wonderful life partners, next to whom any beauties look unattractively gray.

Most likely, everything is fine with your femininity, because any woman is absolutely ideal to the extent that nature gave her. But, if you are still looking for an answer to the question: “ How to become feminine in character ?”, it means you don’t feel it in to myself fully. Psychology here is that, most likely, you lack a sense of inner harmony and love for to myself, which are the “fillers” of female charm. Disclosure these abilities in to myself It’s not a simple matter, because it’s necessary develop first of all, love yourself and learn to appreciate yourself exactly as you are, and only after that try to be feminine in relationships with your partner and others.

Today, to learn how to be feminine, you can take education in special centers, see video lessons on the Internet, etc. and so on. But let us remember again that develop this property is not as simple as one would like. For our part, we would like to invite you to familiarize yourself with some tips that will help you open And educate This is a characteristic of a woman's character.

How to become feminine in character - be a pleasant and cheerful person

Typically feminine girls more cheerful than others. They have many hobbies, interests and friends. Such girls are always happy when there is an opportunity to tell something interesting or laugh. Therefore, it is necessary to develop to myself cheerfulness, and also the ability to have fun and laugh, but not only at others, but also at oneself. A bad attitude towards other people and selfishness will not help you become a real lady.

If you want to become even more feminine, then try to smile as often as possible, and not be sullen. Don't be shy about smiling in a store, on the street, or in other places, but do it appropriately and elegantly. You will immediately notice that people will begin to distinguish you from the gray surrounding crowd. You will definitely receive a reciprocal response and will be able to feel these fascinating vibes.

also in relationships must be more attentive not only to those with whom you often communicate or are friends, but also to everyone else. Remember that everyone deserves a chance, so don't make exceptions. If we summarize all of the above, then feminine girls are modest, sweet, pleasant to talk to and they practically never have a bad mood; in extreme cases, they do not show it to others and do not convey negativity.

How to become feminine in character - learn to speak well and correctly

As you understand, rude speech and swearing are not at all feminine or attractive. Therefore, if you want to become feminine, and there are “strong” words in your vocabulary, then they should be included in to myself eradicate. To begin with, try to replace the curse words used with other less offensive words. Soon you will get rid of them completely.

Also try to exclude words such as “idiot”, “fool” and the like from your speech. Although such words are not abusive, they can still offend a person and ruin your image of a sweet and feminine girl. Development correct speech is a kind of art. But if she develop, then a correctly delivered speech will give you the opportunity to impress others as an educated and intelligent person.

Try to speak in an even voice - not too loud, but not too quiet. Of course, you should speak so that your opinion is heard, but not necessarily at a distance of 5 kilometers. There is also no need for everyone to listen and lean in to hear what is being said.

To expand your vocabulary, read books, magazines and newspapers. You can also watch interesting video, and then retell it to friends, trying to use the words of the main characters. Many people find it helpful to improve their vocabulary by reading romance novels written by women, such as Charlotte Bronte or Jane Austen. There are many options - choose the one that suits you best.

How to become feminine in character - be noble

A nobility or refined nature is one of the main signs of femininity and suggests that you are well brought up. Psychology here it is simple - a noble woman is not just feminine, she is courteous, tactful, attentive to others, diplomatic and understands what others feel. In addition, such women are highly moral, have generosity and good taste. Refined, noble women will never allow rudeness or offend. They are always polite and will not make a thoughtless remark.

If you want to be feminine and always desired , needs to be developed in to myself a sense of nobility and sophistication. To do this, never interrupt anyone, do not turn the conversation on yourself, trying to set the tone of the discussion, and do not start discussing topics that may not please those present or embarrass them.

A feminine, noble and charming woman will never speak disparagingly about others and express her point of view sharply and harshly, even if she is 100% sure that she is right. If you notice that the issue you raised puts the person in an awkward position, then try to be courteous and move away from discussing this topic as quickly as possible.

The question is how to become a feminine girl , desired for your beloved can be considered indefinitely. We want to advise you the most important thing - if you think that you are not feminine enough, then throw such thoughts out of your head and start thinking in a new way. Set yourself up for calm, nobility and joy. Fill your life with holidays and you will see how your femininity begins to bloom like a beautiful flower bud!

Be healthy!
