How beautiful to decorate a group in kindergarten. How to decorate a group room in an original way for the New Year, or create a fairy tale for children

Olga Latifova

Group design in kindergarten is part of the pedagogical process. decorating group by season, we introduce children to the seasons, enrich knowledge about the environment, develop an aesthetic perception of the surrounding space, which affects the comprehensive development of the child. Beautiful group design the room has a favorable psycho-physiological state of children. After all, kindergarten is the place where children spend a lot of time.

Spectacular group decoration for winter, should reflect the seasonal changes in the nature of this period, attract attention and be liked by children. And smart and beautifully decorated group, sets up the child for the most anticipated event in the life of children - this is the New Year holidays. Kids enter the world of magic and fairy tales.

We tried very hard to make the celebration memorable for a long time, and the upcoming holiday was a success.

Put on your mask soon!

Run into a fairy tale!

In our fairy tale

In our fairy tale

In the middle of a happy dance

Painted, magical snow

Falls on everyone!

General form groups:

decorative feeder with birds:

central wall:

Herself Beauty Winter:

Corner of sensory and shallow motility:

and other walls groups:

Thanks for watching, creative success.

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Here comes winter again. Again, it's time to design a group on a winter theme. There are not so many places and we use all the free space.

Early twilight and cold are nothing to the children, who are looking forward to the most important holiday. After all, everyone knows that magical transformations happen at night!

All parents can feel like magicians if they order an original design for a kindergarten for the New Year. By choosing your favorite models from our catalog, you will create a really festive mood for the guys. And our aero designers will demonstrate all the wonders they are capable of:

  • Build light and durable decorations necessary for children's performances (thematic, fairy tales);
  • Literally from air and foil, latex to create your favorite characters of fairy tales, cartoons (Luntik, Fixies, Masha, Bear), films;
  • Create wonderful decorations from paper and quilt (pompoms, flowers, forfeits, lanterns) that will transform the ceiling and walls beyond recognition.

For all its incredible beauty and splendor, such a New Year's decoration for a group in a kindergarten has a very reasonable cost that will satisfy absolutely all parents.

Creating a fairy tale is our mission! The territory of the playground, illuminated with garlands and wicker figures of Grandfather Frost, Snowman, cute Snow Maiden placed at the entrance, will delight children and adults. Even the sleepiest toddlers, who usually go to their preschool without pleasure, will want to pass through the colorful arches. And wreaths of dried twigs, bunches of mountain ash, cones and shiny beads, ribbons fixed on the doors will create the feeling of a fabulous house. To make the design of the group for the new year look appropriate, you can use an unusual decor for windows and walls. Snowflakes cut out of paper, felt, suspended on a fishing line from the ceiling will sway from the breath of air. Older pupils always enjoy carving and crafting them.

These traditional, but everyone's favorite jewelry can "argue" in popularity with vytynankas. Snow-white story pictures, which only adults can do, look on the glass like frosty paintings.
Many people like the Western tradition of creating an advent calendar. Each boy and girl will look forward to their turn to open a window or a box with a cherished number counting down the days until the holiday date.

Christmas socks are another New Year's decoration in kindergarten, borrowed from Europe. Attach them to the lockers for clothes so that the kids can put postcards there, small toys for their friends.
Sewn in checkered fabric or knitted, shiny or decorated with fur - gift stockings are a great idea to implement.

Creating a festive entourage for the kids, you can use a variety of materials. Favorite balloons, crafts made of cardboard, colored paper, fabrics. And it doesn’t matter if they are made by hand or purchased in a store, the main thing is that they give joy. To create it, we offer balloons for the New Year:

At the end of the year, all preschool institutions are preparing the most grandiose matinee. Therefore, the design of the music hall for the New Year is kept secret from everyone. It should amaze not only the invited parents and grandparents, but also the young artists themselves. Our ideas and the work of aero design masters convincingly prove that we can create a unique decor for children.

New Year in kindergarten is a bright event for children, because at this age they believe in miracles like no one else and are waiting for Santa Claus with gifts. Educators and parents should work together to create an appropriate festive atmosphere and think in advance how to decorate the group for the new year in kindergarten.

Group decoration for the New Year in kindergarten

The first thing to take care of is, of course, the most important attribute of the New Year - the Christmas tree. There are a lot of options for decorating it. But the requirements for the decorative elements that will be on it are also enough.

Firstly, there should be no breakable toys on a children's Christmas tree. Children can start playing at any time, and the tree or toys from it can fall and break, which is fraught with cuts. Secondly, the garlands on the green beauty must also comply with safety regulations. It is best if they are paper, for example. But you can also use LED options - the main thing is that the cord is securely hidden so that the children cannot plug it into the outlet on their own.

Today, there are many options for safe Christmas tree toys, such as metal ones. They look impressive and festive and do not fight.

If you, as a parent, are thinking about how to decorate a group in kindergarten for the new year with your own hands, you can make toys yourself or suggest an idea for creating them to a teacher. During creative moments, it will be interesting for kids to create New Year's toys, for example, from pasta. To do this, it is enough to glue raw pasta together in various variations, paint it in a beautiful color - silver, white or even colorful, then pierce and tie a string with which the finished toys will be hung on the Christmas tree.

How to decorate a group in a kindergarten with your own hands in a New Year's way: photo

If you have already decided on the decorations for the Christmas tree, take care of the design of the group. If the parents of each child bring at least one decorative decoration, the room will already look festive and solemn. Alternatively, you can inflate a lot of balloons and hang them around the group. In addition, flowers, dogs and even Christmas trees can be twisted from long balls.

Volumetric letters for decorating a room for the New Year

An excellent decoration for the group will be voluminous numbers indicating the coming year, or letters from which you can add the phrase "New Year". They are created very simply. You just need to stock up on crepe paper and glue.

The creation of three-dimensional letters consists of the following steps:

  1. We make the base. This will be a mount - a silhouette of a figure, on which multi-colored paper is glued.
  2. Then we cut the crepe paper into small pieces, the edges of which should not be even. Create wavy flowers or circles. To do this, each piece of paper is folded in half and glued to each other.
  3. We place the finished flowers in the basis of the numbers, for their maximum fixation we use glue.

In addition to voluminous letters and numbers, it is worth cutting out as many snowflakes as possible. The more beautiful the pattern of snowflakes, the better they will look pasted throughout the group - on walls, windows, children's lockers.

Moreover, beautiful voluminous garlands can be made from crepe paper. To do this, it is enough to create a lot of multi-colored circles and string them on a string. You can hang such garlands under the ceiling and on the Christmas tree. The main advantages of this jewelry are beauty and safety.

Beautiful Christmas trees are made from thick cardboard. They are quick and easy to make and look great. Cardboard is better to immediately buy in green. But you can also in white, and then just paint it with paints or pencils. The cardboard is folded into a triangle using the accordion method. An incision is made in the top corner. When the tree is ready, the top in the form of a star will show off in this place. The Christmas tree itself can be decorated with multi-colored rhinestones planted on glue.

Decorating a group for the new year in kindergarten with your own hands is a pleasant and mischievous process. Parents love to watch the enthusiastic looks of their kids when they see all these snowflakes, garlands and a Christmas tree. For the sake of happy children, I want to move mountains and do something more beautiful. Imagine - and your jewelry will be unique and bright!

Do you want to make an interesting design for a kindergarten group? Look for ideas in the article.

For preschool children, kindergarten is a second home. Here they eat, study, arrange games, and rest.

  • Therefore, all areas in the room where the crumbs are located should not only be cozy and beautiful, but also attractive to the child, as this forms the mental and physiological state of the crumbs.
  • The development of the child, as a person, in aesthetic and artistic terms, also depends on the interior design.
  • Decorating zones in a group in kindergarten is an important component of pedagogical work. Every teacher should remember this.
  • In this article you will find ideas for the correct and beautiful design of walls, cabinets and other blocks of the room where the children are. It is also important that with the change of seasons, the design of the group also changes. We will show you photos and templates that will help make the group beautiful, depending on the age of the little ones.

Beautiful group design in kindergarten: design rules, recommendations

Each teacher knows the characteristics of children at a certain age. This should be taken into account when decorating different blocks and corners in the room. Here are the rules and a few recommendations for a beautiful and proper decoration of a group in kindergarten:

  • When designing, consider not only the age of the children, but also the size of the room, its features and the inventory that you have available. The room should be bright, spacious and cozy, and this can be achieved by creating a bright and colorful interior.
  • Use ready-made stands for decoration. You can make them yourself according to the templates that you will find below. It is convenient to work with the stands, you can hang the menu, the daily routine of the children, the list of the group and other useful information on them.
  • There should be little furniture, more play space for children. But at the same time, you need to create a study area with tables and chairs.
  • Create an interior in a group in a single thematic focus. For example, it can be a marine, space, fairy-tale or forest theme. But a combination of different options is also allowed. It will depend on the imagination and materials that are available.
  • Fairy tales and cartoons are suitable for decorating the room.. It is important to pay attention not only to the aesthetics of decoration, but also to modern educational goals.
  • Create an area where kids can show off their creative achievements: crafts and drawings. He should be in the field of view of mothers and fathers who come for children so that they can admire the achievements of their child and praise him.

Advice: Involve parents in organizing the group. This will help to create creative ideas and decorate the interior in a unique, bright and beautiful way.

Parents who can paint real landscapes, take unique photographs or work with computer programs should help educators decorate the kindergarten group.

Ideas for a beautiful spring design, junior, nursery, middle and senior groups: photos, templates

In the spring, after a long and cold winter, you want to create a festive mood and therefore the interior of the children's room should be made in warm colors. Here are the ideas of spring beautiful design, junior, nursery, middle and senior groups, with photos and templates:

Spring mood is created by hanging garlands of green paper leaves and a fabric girl in the role of spring. Great design for a group of children of different ages.

This design can be done on any wall. Flowers made of bright fabric and swallows made of paper - everything is simple and fast.

Original wall decoration for March 8. Look for paper flower templates below. The number 8 is covered with fabric, on which beads and rhinestones are sewn. Flowers are attached to the wall with double-sided tape.

The idea of ​​\u200b\u200bspring beautiful design, junior, nursery, middle and senior groups by March 8

"Spring is red." With this design, you can arrange a spring festival. The creepers attached to the ceiling are strips cut in a circle, and on the wall there are flowers and butterflies drawn and carved by children.

So you can decorate the group for Easter. Children will be happy to help you draw and cut out small details: flowers, Easter eggs. Great decoration for toddlers: large objects that you can touch with your hands and a fabulous chicken - she brought Easter eggs.

The idea of ​​\u200b\u200bspring beautiful design, junior, nursery group for Easter

Here are the decoration patterns:

Ideas for a beautiful summer design, junior, nursery, middle and senior groups: photos, templates

For the summer decoration of the group, any plots of cartoons and fairy tales are suitable. Insert palm trees, green grass and bright sunny colors into the landscape - here you have summer - warm and carefree. Photos and templates with beautiful summer design ideas for junior, toddler, middle and senior groups:

This design of the walls is suitable for children of nursery and younger groups. Ask creative parents to draw animals, and just sit them next to each other. Here is the plot of your favorite cartoon. On the left in the picture is a whole life that “boils” in a big fairy-tale city.

Ordinary indoor flowers act as palm trees on the wall. Butterfly templates are below, and the turtle template is below. Simple design, but very creative and original.

Marine theme is summer, sun, fish and sea. In such an interior, the child seems to be in the middle of the ocean with its inhabitants and fauna.

Cartoon design of a nursery group. Summer theme, fairy-tale characters, cartoon plot - all this will appeal to any kid from 1.5 years old. Naturally, either the educators themselves or creative parents can paint the walls in this way.

Creative design of the educational corner for kids. Multi-colored sun and frames with pictures - simple, but how attracts attention.

Here is a turtle template for the second interior design option. She will perfectly settle down on a hill, between palm trees, and will delight with her cheerful appearance. Just print it on a color printer on paper of the desired size and stick it on the wall.

Ideas for beautiful autumn design, junior, nursery, middle and senior groups: photos, templates

Autumn pleases with its bright colors. This can be used in interior design. Below are photos, templates with ideas for beautiful autumn design, junior, nursery, middle and senior groups:

Such crafts can be done with the children of the older group, and then decorate the room with them. Ordinary yogurt glasses, leaves cut out of colored cardboard and decorated with beads and satin bows. Draw a smile on the leaves and they will delight you with their cheerful mood.

Crafts again, but children of the middle or younger group can already make them. With such leaves and birch trunks, you can decorate a wall in a group.

Autumn in the form of a girl is symbolic and great for decorating a kindergarten. Such a “picture” can decorate a wall or a separate corner in a group.

The umbrella on the ceiling does not at all remind of rainy weather. It complements the leaf decorations. The only thing is that you need to securely attach it to the ceiling so that it does not fall.

In this design, a whole autumn story unfolds - bright, colorful, with forest inhabitants. Decorate any corner in the group like this: play, study or in the entrance group.

Here are leaf and mushroom patterns for crafts:

Ideas for a beautiful winter design, junior, nursery, middle and senior groups: photos, templates

Winter is associated in children with snow and the New Year. This should be used in decorating the interior of the group. Photos, templates, ideas for a beautiful winter design, junior, nursery, middle and senior groups:

Any teacher can make such a tree. Bullfinch templates are below. All you have to do is print them, cut them out and give them to the children to color. Snowflakes will add a winter mood.

Beautiful winter decoration ideas for junior, toddler, middle and senior groups

Here is the original winter decoration of the entrance group of the children's room. Add a few drawings or applications made by children to the wall, and it will be clear that creative and well-rounded children grow up here.

Such decoration can be done in a nursery or younger group. The main thing is to draw a hare on a large sheet of paper and make a blue background. Children will make real snow using white paint themselves. The handprints of babies look like a real snowstorm in the forest.

“Even though we are kids, we decorate the group with all our heart!” - so you can sign the application, which was made by the teacher with the children. The snowman and the hare are glued together from paper blanks according to children's hands - in an original way, and you will never think right away that these are children's hands.

This decoration is a real winter made by a creative educator. Here you will need a little tulle and a thin white lining. Everything is simple, but how original.

How to beautifully decorate the walls in a kindergarten with your own hands?

Above, many ideas for decorating the walls of the group in different seasons have been posted. Choose any and create real masterpieces on your own or with your children. Below are a few more photos that will help you beautifully decorate the walls in kindergarten with your own hands:

Applications on the walls can be made with the children, and to create drawings, you will have to involve parents.

Beautiful design of the "Why" group in kindergarten: ideas, photos, templates

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A beautiful decoration for the "Why" group in kindergarten: ideas, photos

Beautiful decoration for the "Why" group in kindergarten: ideas

A beautiful decoration for the "Why" group in kindergarten

Beautiful decoration for the group "Why"

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Beautiful decoration for the group "Ryabinka" in kindergarten: ideas

A beautiful decoration for the group "Ryabinka" in kindergarten

Beautiful decoration for the group "Ryabinka"

Beautiful design of the Rainbow group in kindergarten: ideas, photos, templates

The "rainbow" group should be bright and beautiful. It should stand out from the background of other groups with a rich interior design. nice group design "Rainbow"
Beautiful decoration for the Rainbow group in kindergarten: ideas

Beautiful decoration for the group "Rainbow" in kindergarten

Beautiful decoration for the group "Rainbow"

Beautiful design of the Firefly group in kindergarten: ideas, photos, templates

Even if you got a unkempt group, don't be discouraged. name her "Firefly" and make an original interior decoration. Print the templates on a color printer and hang them on the walls. nice group design "Firefly" in kindergarten - ideas, photos, templates:

Beautiful decoration for the Firefly group in kindergarten: ideas, photos, templates

Beautiful decoration for the Firefly group in kindergarten: ideas, photos

Beautiful decoration for the Firefly group in kindergarten: ideas

Children are the most valuable wealth for every person. You should try and use as much of your creative resources and imagination as possible so that the kids in kindergarten feel comfortable.

Video: Kindergarten group design

Let's decorate our beloved house or garden to the beautiful! Fairy pendants, garlands, decorations for doors or windows! On the eve of a fabulous New Year's holiday, I want to bring magic to every corner of the apartment, the kindergarten group and the school office.

The process of creating a festive atmosphere helps to pass the agonizing wait and tune in to the right wave.

To make interior decoration more interesting, with your own hands, together with children, you can prepare simple but original decor elements. Even during their manufacture, you will experience a lot of pleasant moments and get a powerful charge of positive emotions.

We suggest trying to make such crafts to decorate the room for the New Year with your own hands, such as:

Christmas tree from a garland. It is enough to fix the garland on the wall in the form of a Christmas tree and hang a few Christmas balls from it.

Christmas tree made of snowflakes. She can decorate a window or a wall - just form a pyramid out of snowflakes.

As a decoration for a kindergarten for the New Year, you can make collages from photographs of children. For example, turn each photo into Santa Claus by gluing a cap and a cotton beard to it.

You can make Santa Clauses out of and fix them on the walls.

And when we decorate the house for the New Year, even an ordinary white door can be turned into a fairy-tale character - by correctly distributing strips and circles from black cardboard, gluing an orange carrot nose, you will get an original snowman. It is convenient to use self-adhesive for this purpose.

If the door is colored, it can also be decorated with a snowman and snowflakes made from white paper. This option is also useful for decorating a closet in a children's room or in the kitchen.

So, by turning on your fantasy and spending a little time, you can turn the space around you into a real one.
