What's the best way to make a robot costume? DIY Star Wars robot costume How to make a paper robot costume


Nomination: "Carnival creative"

3rd group. (children from 6 years to 10 years 11 months)

In the photo: Igor Goncharov (6 years 11 months), Izhevsk, Costume designer: Svetlana Dubinina

Headgear: a box covered with foil. The antennas are made from a narrow strip of thick paper rolled into a roll and extended like a real antenna, with a foil knob at the end. There is an indicator on the front panel. On the sides are headphones with painted lanterns.

The robot's body is a box covered with foil, with robot logos and a high voltage warning on the front and back. The front panel opens - there are disks and instruments, a flashing light is glued under the panel, which turns on when pressed. The body is attached to elastic straps with buckles.

The legs are made of shiny galoshes, the tops are made of foil, glued to the fabric for practicality (attached with ties).

Additional elements: sleeves made of foil, glued to the fabric for practicality (attached with ties). Flashlights from flashing magic wands are attached to the wrists under the armlets with elastic bands. On the armbands are devices invented and drawn by the robot himself (pre-radar, laser blade and meteorite locator!). There are rings on the fingers made of holographic foil (in the original version they were wide and on each phalanx, but this turned out to be inconvenient, so they made them narrow)

Accessories: pistol or blaster, preferably silver

Comments: the child is simply raving about robots. He came up with the costume himself, described it in detail, and I just had to follow his requirements exactly. The name of the robot IJ-88 is also his fantasy. All devices were drawn by him. The main thing in this suit is the choice of convenient boxes. The head box should sit tightly on the head and not move over the eyes. The body box must be flat and cut at waist level, otherwise movements will be difficult; a semicircle under the arms must also be cut out under the armpits. You need to attach it to rubber straps, make slits on both sides of the box and simply fasten it with buckles (like buttons).

The front panel was made from a candy box with thick walls and a hinged lid. For us, this box exactly matched the size of the chest and gave the complete illusion that these were the insides of a robot. When our robot came to the garden, the effect was amazing. The robot was a success with both boys and girls. Everyone tried to open the front panel and pull the antennas. And when he turned on the flashing lights on his arms and chest.

Advice: it is better to use holographic foil, although we only have this on our hands. The suit turned out to be very comfortable and, most importantly, strong, he wore it around the house until spring, all the boy guests stood in line to try it on.

Reason for choosing the costume: the child’s desire

Costume idea: your own imagination

Making a costume according to the author’s own assessment: quite simple, only a little experience is needed.

This costume was made by a sewing enthusiast with extensive experience (more than 10 years).

How to make a New Year's Robot costume for the New Year?

The abundance of fantastic cartoons and films dictates the fashion for carnival costumes for boys. Robots and transformers are increasingly seen at matinees. Of course, most often the Robot costume is made from boxes of different sizes. They are covered with foil or decorated with silver paint. A great addition to this outfit would be some unwanted CDs.

The outfit of a robot like this looks more gentle and stylish. For me, he filled the image of the kind lyricist robot Werther.

DIY New Year's costumes for boys

See also New Year's costumes FOR GIRLS with your own hands

1. New Year's costumes for children. New Year's robot costume

From cardboard boxes of different sizes and aluminum corrugation, you can quickly and easily make a New Year's robot costume for a boy. Cover the tops of the boxes with silver paper or paint them with spray paint. Decorate the costume with colored buttons, bottle caps, LEDs, computer circuit boards, etc.

2. New Year's costumes for boys. Children's New Year's costumes: airplane, car and train

All the boys are crazy about transport. Therefore, it will certainly be interesting for any boy to take part in making a New Year’s costume on the theme of transport. You can make a car, airplane or train from ordinary cardboard boxes and waste material. You will understand how to make most New Year's costumes from scrap materials with your own hands by carefully examining the photographs below. We will only give here a link to a detailed master class on making a New Year's train costume, because... the greatest difficulties may arise with him. See link.

Attach two straps to the finished carnival costume so that the child, having climbed inside the box, can put the structure on his shoulders. A pilot's helmet or a fireman's helmet, for example, will complement the image.

Which costume will be the most original and interesting? Made with your own hands, of course. If you involve a child in joint creativity #8212, the process will turn out not only instructive, but also very fun.

You need to decide who your baby will be. If there is no specific idea associated with a particular fairy-tale character whose role the child will play, you should start from his interests.

Girls, always sweet and bright, want to be princesses or fairies. Of course, they won't refuse an angel costume. To create it, you will need materials that are always at hand. Scotch tape, cardboard, a little wire and your girl turns into a bright angel. All you need to do is wings and a halo, and choose a white dress.

It is possible that your young fashionista will want to go to Paris, become a real Frenchwoman, or even the Eiffel Tower itself. The famous French style in a suit is easily embodied - from the baby’s wardrobe: a striped T-shirt and a beret. And the tower can be cut out into individual pieces from cardboard, glued with tape and covered with foil.

This funny weightless cloud will delight everyone with its softness and beauty. In this costume, the child can dance or play freely. To create it, you need to stock up on padding polyester and a little patience. - We glue or sew pieces of padding polyester onto the old dress. And voila! The cloud costume is ready.

A wonderful idea - a house on its back and horns - it turned out to be a cute snail. It's not difficult to make. - Let's roll up a voluminous house in the shape of a spiral from wrapping (kraft) paper, and fasten it like a backpack on the back. We also make funny horns from paper, crumpled it, and bright balls - we attach them to a hair hoop.

Just look at what a charming pig you can dress up your child as. All you have to do is put a little patience and imagination into the costume and a wonderful look is ready. Don't be afraid to experiment.

Turn your little one into a real beautiful swan or a funny and fluffy chicken for the evening. Using a glue gun, you can stick feathers on a dress and make wings. You can create a swan costume with your own hands and without much difficulty.

As for boys, they always want to be heroes or real strongmen. We put tights on the baby, glue a mustache and draw tattoos.

We glue together the costume of a brave pilot in an airplane from cardboard. Add a helmet and glasses, and into the sky!

Small surroundings and accessories that can be easily found at home will create a unique image.

The boys' passionate love for technology and technical toys prompted the idea to create a robot costume. Become a real robot, what could be more exciting for a child? You will need foil, cardboard boxes, wire and leftover pieces of ventilation pipe from repairs. And the miracle of technology is ready!

What holiday would be complete without a clown? This is the brightest, funniest and most exciting character at any carnival or masquerade. You can easily make a wonderful clown costume with your own hands. A voluminous collar and cuffs can be made from a ready-made paper garland, a cap and a round nose will complete the look.

Dinosaurs, monsters - all this is exciting and interesting. And it’s perfect for a Halloween masquerade. A dinosaur costume can be made from cardboard boxes. It will be light, original and will help your child collect the maximum amount of candy.

You can create an unforgettable image for your child with your own hands.

Thanks to Jordan for these great costume ideas.

DIY Star Wars robot costume

DIY Star Wars robot costume

A great idea for Cosmonautics Day would be to make your own robot costumes from the well-known science fiction saga “Star Wars”. C-3PO and R2-D2 are perhaps the most famous robots on the planet. Kids will be happy to take part in the production of such a children's fancy dress costume.

R2-D2 can be made in several ways, depending on desire and the availability of basic materials.

If you have plenty of large sheets of paper (whatman paper or the back of wallpaper left after renovation), then this method is suitable. Make the helmet using the papier-mâché system (by sticking strips on a balloon and then piercing it), and make the body in the form of chain mail. Don't forget to add pads to your legs (like knee pads)

Another way: an Ikea toy basket (white or painted), cut holes for the arms and cut out the bottom. Decorate the basket and glue decorative elements. Make the helmet using the papier mache technique. Clothes must be white.

Making C-3PO is a more complex process. The entire structure must be made of whatman paper or cardboard. Selecting the right paint is important. Old sneakers should also be painted gold. Make the helmet using papier mache technique.

Parents and teachers may be interested in:

Study of children's creative activity (based on creative tasks)

Materials for the development of artistic creativity:

— Pencils, crayons, markers, gouache, tempera, watercolor, brushes;

— Paper (different formats and colors);

— Items for tinting paper and creating stains (gouache, foam sponges, toothbrushes, straws, foam and fur rollers, etc.);

— To obtain an unusual layer: gauze, paper, materials of various textures, polyethylene, etc.;

— Printing materials (prints from vegetables, plot objects, textured fabrics, cotton swabs)

— Materials for drawing on transparent surfaces (plexiglass, stained glass paints)

— Drawing with bulk materials (sand, small grains, sea salt)

— Wax graphics (candles, paints).

Modeling and sculpting:

— Natural, residual material as elements of volumetric modeling (textured fabric, matting, beads, seeds, etc.).

Paper sculpture, applique and collage:

— Paper of different colors, sizes and textures;

— Clippings from magazines and newspapers;

— Colored self-adhesive film, cardboard disposable tableware;

— Foil, decorative elements.

— Creation and modeling of specific images from templates of various shapes;

— Finishing the details of images, creating your own plot;

— Production and depiction of a composition, plot (collective) according to plan.

Shuttle made from cardboard paper towel tubes

DIY UFO and spaceship


Caraponder - creative kids 2017. All rights reserved.

You can't stop sewing beautifully!

You can't stop sewing beautifully!

Learn to sew online with Elena Krasovskaya

All December on my blog “You can’t stop sewing beautifully!” A New Year's costume competition was held. Almost every day brought us a new story and the most beautiful children's costumes!

I am grateful to all participants, to the tireless and creative mothers and grandmothers, aunts and sisters who are in our lives, when the store shelves are full of different New Year's offers and invite us to buy either a “Spider-Man” costume or “Winx Dolls”, prefer to create carnival costumes for children with their own hands!

How many original, beautiful, interesting costumes we saw (I admit that I admire them from time to time)))!

But, during this pre-holiday, competition bustle, I did not have time to talk about our carnival costumes. I sewed them for my son and niece.

I'll tell you about the costume soon “Snow Maidens” for my niece, so if you are interested, subscribe to blog updates HERE so you don't miss the article.

And today a story about a suit for my son - Robot alien “Ultimo”.

The history of the creation of this costume is as follows:

One of the participants in our competition, Ekaterina (House with Children), told us that the idea for their “Op-Op Clown” costume was suggested to her by her son Sema. He drew a sketch, and Katya, after editing it, sewed a wonderful costume. In the collective blog Friends of the Butterfly Yanochka, Katya invited other mothers to join and create their own carnival costume.

Why not? I started asking my Vanyushka who he wants to be for the New Year. After some thought, he gave me this option - Ultimo!!

I, like many of you, without even knowing who we were talking about, invited him to draw a character. The drawing did not bring clarity, then, having found out where the “legs grow” from (a cartoon about Iron Man), she suggested watching the cartoon together.

Of course, I was not at all impressed by the image of this Alien Robot, sent from the ancient world with a special mission (as it says in the cartoon), he is somehow evil and huge! But Vanya begged me so much, saying that he would be a kind Robot, that I had to give up.

Having sketched out a sketch of the future suit and thought through the details, we began to prepare for sewing.

The fabric chose gray! (a must for my son) colors - inexpensive raincoat fabric. Easy to sew, low maintenance and economical. It took two meters of raincoat fabric and 200 rubles to do everything.

First, the overalls were sewn and immediately tried on, and then the rest of the details. By the way, I made the hat using a pattern from a recently sewn earflap hat. A few changes and the earflap hat turned into a helmet. this is how good the Ultimo Robot turned out to be

My son really liked the suit, he ran around in it all evening, pretending to be a Robot.

To make it more similar, we also made glasses for the Robot, but since the son could not wear glasses for more than five minutes, all the holidays were celebrated without them.

This year there were plenty of “Christmas Trees” where you could show off your costume and transform yourself – four performances! And there was not a single one where we were not asked the question - Who is Vanya?

There were the following assumptions - an astronaut, a super hero and even a fireman!

And Vanyushka simply played his role and enjoyed the holidays...

The child was happy, participated in all competitions, dances and round dances, and this is the most important thing for the mother!

The process of sewing such a suit Robot - alien “Ultimo””, a jumpsuit that can be used as the basis for another suit or for wearing in everyday life, I will show in the following issues.

P.S. I found a fragment of the cartoon, though only in English, but it’s immediately clear who Ultimo is here.

Of course, I don’t really like such cartoons, after all, in my opinion, there is a lot of aggression in them, but for some reason all the boys (even those who are 30-40 years old) love action films and similar horror stories. I wonder why?

With wishes of good luck, Elena Krasovskaya http://shjem-krasivo.ru/

Robot-alien costume “Ultimo”: 12 comments

It turned out to be a wonderful costume. Your robot is very nice and kind.

Natalya, thank you very much! I tried really hard to make this character look kinder)))

Interesting costume! But I hope that I won’t see cruel cartoons - I have two daughters :)

Lyudmila, I also think that such cartoons do not threaten you)). Still, this is another difference between boys and girls - different worldviews. boys, on a subconscious level, are heroes and breadwinners, and girls are future keepers of the hearth) Thanks for the comment!

Elena, I really liked your costume. I immediately remembered the robot Werther (from Guest from the Future). I am also in favor of asking older children what they want to be at New Year's Eve.

Zhenya, thank you! And I keep thinking, well, who does our costume remind me of - of course, Robot Werther! He was also in a similar gray suit))) Probably, it was my memories from childhood (on a subconscious level) that helped me with the implementation of the suit. That's how it happens))) Thank you, Zhenechka!

Lena, tell me, did you receive the book? I sent you two weeks ago.

Marina, we have received a notification.) As soon as we pick it up from the post office, I will immediately write about it! Thank you very much for the gift! My son is already excited. After school we'll go to the post office))

Phew, otherwise I was already worried :) Well, now I’m calm that it’s come to pass :)

Marinochka, everything is fine, we received the book! Our thanks are here http://shjem-krasivo.ru/novoe/spasibo.html

Isn’t it a little hot for a child in a raincoat in the room, she’s not breathing, even though she’s thin.

Alena, we checked this particular material. It is lightweight and surprisingly breathable. But, in each case, you need to look at the fabric, taking into account the sensitivity of the child. When in doubt, it is better to use natural materials.

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I’m glad to meet you, my name is Elena Krasovskaya - I teach sewing and share my experience on the pages of the project “You can’t forbid sewing beautifully!” I also love to inspire others to see beauty in any process.

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Use of the text in its entirety is possible only with the written consent of the author!

Partial use of the text (in the form of an announcement) is possible only with the obligatory indication of an active link to the blog address: You can’t stop sewing beautifully!

All December on my blog “You can’t stop sewing beautifully!” passed . Almost every day brought us a new story and the most beautiful children's costumes!

I am grateful to all participants, to the tireless and creative mothers and grandmothers, aunts and sisters who are in our lives, when the store shelves are full of different New Year's offers and invite us to buy either a “Spider-Man” costume or “Winx Dolls”, prefer to create carnival costumes for children

How many original, beautiful, interesting costumes we saw (I admit that I admire them from time to time)))!

But, during this pre-holiday, competition bustle, I did not have time to talk about our carnival costumes. I sewed them for my son and niece.

I'll tell you about the costume soon “Snow Maidens” for my niece, so if you are interested, subscribe to blog updates so as not to miss the article.

And today a story about a suit for my son - Robot alien “Ultimo”.

The history of the creation of this costume is as follows:

One of the participants in our competition, Ekaterina (House with Children), told us that the idea for their “Op-Op Clown” costume was suggested to her by her son Sema. He drew a sketch, and Katya, after editing it, sewed a wonderful costume.

In the collective blog Friends of the Butterfly Yanochka, Katya invited other mothers to join and create their own carnival costume.

Why not? I started asking my Vanyushka who he wants to be for the New Year. After some thought, he gave me this option - Ultimo!!

I, like many of you, without even knowing who we were talking about, invited him to draw a character. The drawing did not bring clarity, then, having found out where the “legs grow” from (a cartoon about Iron Man), she suggested watching the cartoon together.

Of course, I was not at all impressed by the image of this Alien Robot, sent from the ancient world with a special mission (as it says in the cartoon), he is somehow evil and huge!

But Vanya begged me so much, saying that he would be a kind Robot, that I had to give up.

Having sketched out a sketch of the future suit and thought through the details, we began to prepare for sewing.

The fabric chose gray! (a must for my son) colors - inexpensive raincoat fabric. Easy to sew, low maintenance and economical. It took two meters of raincoat fabric and 200 rubles to do everything.

First, the overalls were sewn and immediately tried on, and then the rest of the details.

By the way, I made the hat using a pattern from a recently sewn one. A few changes and the earflap hat turned into a helmet. we got such a good Robot “Ultimo”

My son really liked the suit, he ran around in it all evening, pretending to be a Robot.

To make it more similar, we also made glasses for the Robot, but since the son could not wear glasses for more than five minutes, all the holidays were celebrated without them.

This year there were plenty of “Christmas trees” where you could show off your costume and transform yourself – four performances! And there was not one where we were not asked the question: “Who is Vanya?”

There were the following assumptions - an astronaut, a super hero and even a fireman!

And Vanyushka simply played his role and enjoyed the holidays...

We spent many hours thinking and designing to make the robot head from the LMFAO video. And, you won’t believe it, we did it! Try to make such a costume yourself to definitely stand out in the crowd for Halloween or New Year.

What we need are the correct dance moves, the cardboard box itself from which the head will be made, and a few small things that will be quite

Not hard to find.

Full list of required items:
- Cardboard box 14" x 15" x 19"
- Something like a small mosquito net
- Bicycle lights with flashing lamps, such as can be found in a sports store
- Aluminum pie dish, preferably painted gold
- Can of gold paint
- Adhesive tape
- Bicycle helmet according to head size
- Thick rope
- Scissors and utility knife
- Suitable music for practicing movements

A large plastic gold chain that you might find at a junk store.

And, the most important attribute, custom-made gold swimming trunks

Step 1. The box itself

It’s good to find a box that is narrower than your shoulders, about 10 centimeters from the shoulder. We bought the box at the store and, as you can see in the photo, it is a little wider than necessary. If you look closely at the LMFAO clip, you will notice that the front side is narrower than the sides, and, obviously, the box should be taller than it is wide. At first we were looking for a square box, but after studying the video carefully, we realized that we needed something else. And so, an old box was found in the warehouse, the cost is free! Now you can start making your own unique costume, which you can then wear not only for Halloween, but also for the New Year!

Actions with the box:
1. Take your recessed eyes (pie tins with bicycle lights) and make a hole slightly smaller than the tins themselves.
2. Draw a square mouth
3. Cut out the eyes and mouth
4. Cut a hole for the head in the bottom of the box, convenient for you
5. It may be better to paint the box first, we did not do this, covering the inserted eyes with paper while painting

6. Using glue or adhesive tape, glue the eyes into the holes you made.

7. Cut pieces of mesh to the shape of the mouth (we used three layers to darken it and still be able to see properly in the dark)

The eyes themselves are made perfectly from aluminum molds and flashing bicycle lights. A small hole is made in the forms, the lantern mount is inserted into it and glued on the back side.

Step 2. Helmet

The helmet was secured with ropes.

1. Find a helmet that fits well and does not loosen or fly off during active movements.
2. Attach the helmet to the box with pieces of adhesive tape for additional fixation
3. Make two holes at a distance of 5 cm from each other with something sharp
4. Make 4 holes along the edges on the top edge of the box and on the walls at the base
5. You will have to spend about an hour perfecting the quality of fastening and hanging the helmet in relation to the box. It’s good if you have a friend who is ready to help you, it will be much easier to secure everything smoothly :)

A little tip: adjust the position of the helmet so that the box rests on your shoulders or hangs 1 cm above them.

After the helmet is installed in a comfortable position, and having put the entire structure on your head, you can see enough through the hole covered with mesh, you need to apply another layer of paint. By the way, don’t forget to cover the eyes and mouth you made earlier with paper or masking tape again.

Step 3. Comparison with the original

You probably did even better!

Have you decided to play a little and have chosen a game based on your favorite science fiction book? Or you are thoroughly preparing for your favorite holiday - in both cases, a robot suit will help you out.

Necessary materials

The most voluminous material at hand that we will need if we are making a robot costume with our own hands is two packaging boxes. So, we check our household supplies, and if necessary, buy more:

  • foil;
  • colored paper;
  • wire (piece);
  • glue (can be universal);
  • brush;
  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • awl.

You still can't do without tape.

Main stages of work

Our goal is to make a robot suit. First of all, we start making the head. We cut off those parts of a small cardboard box that will not be needed during the work. We should end up with a cube with one side missing.

Next, we determine which side will be the image of the face. We carefully draw a cutout on it. Moreover, its shape can be any: square, rectangular, round. You can limit yourself to cutting out holes for the eyes. The main thing is that they are not too small. Otherwise, the outfit will be uncomfortable. Then we cut out the resulting hole. We take foil and cover the part with it. Then think about how you can design the front part. You may decide to place buttons and levers on it. There is no need to worry about their symmetrical arrangement: after all, the robots do not have to be exactly like each other.

What's a robot without an antenna?

We continue to make a robot costume for a boy. This character has antennas on his head. To make them, we pierce a couple of holes with an awl. Be careful: this should be the top part of the head. The distance between the holes should be approximately three to four centimeters. We bend the wire so that the resulting antennas are the same size, and the gap between them is equal to the distance between the holes. After the wire is inserted, take the tape and attach the antenna to the inside of the head. Gray plasticine is suitable for filling holes on top.

Tips are attached to the whiskers of the part. To make them, you will need a foam sponge. They are cut to shape, coated with available glue and placed on a wire.

Making the body

Remember when you stocked up on two boxes? It’s the turn of the second of them, since next we are making the body. Just like when making the “head,” we cut off the unnecessary parts in the box. As a result, we should get a parallelepiped made of cardboard of decent height. It should have no bottom edge. Let's take care of the hole for the head. To do this, mark the boundaries in the upper part and cut out a round hole. The size of the circle must be made such that the head can pass freely, but at the same time the box should not fall off the shoulders either.

Examine the robot suit you make. Are you satisfied with everything? If yes, then you can continue the work and start cutting out the holes for the arms. They can be round in shape and located near the upper body. But there is another option: to cut wide enough slits that would start closer to the bottom of the side borders. Then you will need foil to cover the body.

When preparing a robot costume for a boy, the front side of the torso can be made using a candy box. The main thing is that it has thick walls and a hinged lid. It’s good if it matches the size of the child’s breast. Under the finished panel you can place disks, devices, and attach a light bulb that turns on by pressing. Then, when you open the box, you will get a complete illusion that the very real insides of a fantasy character appear before your eyes.

Let's improve the outfit

In general, the New Year's robot costume is ready. But nothing prevents your imagination from improving it and adding other details. For example, with your feet. Here you can't do without old sneakers, flip-flops or slip-on boots. That is, these should be shoes that you don’t have to worry about lacing or fastening. You will also need two narrow and long boxes. They are usually closed on the narrow and long side. It is glued, and both smaller sides are cut off. We cover the resulting part with foil. And we sew shoes to the bottom of our limb. That's it, let's go have fun from the heart.

Important Additions

The size of the boxes must be the same. Their shape is not important, but a cube-shaped box is preferable for making the upper part of a robot suit. Foil is better suited for culinary purposes, in a roll. If you don’t find one, you can use a regular one with a paper base. The foil can be replaced with shiny gray fabric.

Fabric suit

For those craftswomen who are thinking about how to make a robot costume from fabric, here is a brief description of the work. You need to buy holographic silver fabric. For convenience, a silver zipper is sewn into the overalls; it is better to make the collar stand-up. There may be some unnecessary circuit board from old computer equipment glued to your chest pocket. The buttons in this outfit will be buttons that are pre-covered with fabric.

If you are worried about what it will be like for your child to spend a holiday with a cardboard box on his head, then you can replace the latter with a headband. To sew this part, the same fabric is used as for the overalls. A large shiny red-orange button is sewn into the center of the headband. Yes, and don’t forget to attach a pair of antennas to it, for the manufacture of which an elastic metal fishing line is taken.

You will need

  • 2 packing boxes
  • Foil
  • Colored paper
  • A piece of wire
  • Universal glue
  • Brush
  • Scissors
  • Pencil
  • Ruler
  • Scotch


Attach antennas to your head. Pierce 2 holes in the upper part of the head with an awl at a distance of 3-4 cm from each other. Bend the wire so that you get 2 identical antennas and a gap between them equal to the distance between the holes. Insert the wire. Attach it to the inside of the box with tape. The holes on top can be covered with gray plasticine. Attach foam tips to the antenna antennae. Cut them into shape, coat them with glue and place them on the wire.

Take the box intended for the torso. In the same way as on the “head”, trim off the excess parts. You should end up with a tall cardboard parallelepiped, also without a bottom edge. Mark and cut a round hole in the top edge. Find the center by drawing diagonals. The circle should be of such a size that the head can pass freely, but at the same time it rests on the shoulders.

Cut holes for the arms. They can be made round by placing them closer to the top edge. But you can also make quite wide slits, starting from the bottom of the side edges. Cover the body with foil. Decorate it with different buttons and levers.

Basically, the costume is ready. But you can improve it by making legs as well. To do this, you will need old sneakers, flip-flops or slip-on boots. You need shoes that you can easily put on and not have to worry about lacing or fastenings. Find two narrow and long boxes. How, such boxes close on a narrow and long edge. It needs to be sealed, and both small sides need to be cut off. Cover the box with foil. Sew the shoes to the bottom of the “leg”. And - forward to the carnival!


Select boxes according to size. The shape can be any, but for the head it is better to take a cubic box

It is better to take culinary foil, in a roll. But a regular paper-based one will also do.

Helpful advice

Instead of foil, you can use shiny gray fabric.

To decorate the front part of the head, you can use not only colored paper, but also foam sponges, the remains of a plastic mosaic, and pieces of bright PVC tiles.


  • How to Make a New Year's Robot Costume for the New Year 2013?

Theatrical and carnival costumes are needed not only for the New Year holidays. Very often, children need to find or make their own costume for some holiday where they participate in the production. If you can find the suit you need at one of your local stores, you're in luck. But what if there is no such costume on sale, but you need it for a holiday? There is only one way out - to make the costume yourself.

You will need

  • - large sheets of cardboard,
  • - Whatman paper,
  • - scissors,
  • - glue,
  • - scotch,
  • - paints and markers,
  • - latex gloves,
  • - small pieces of fabric.


From sheets of whatman paper, make and assemble eight rectangular prisms, one of which will be for the head, and, accordingly, it should be the largest. But remember, your head should not hang around in this prism. Four long prisms for the hands, which should cover the entire surface of the hands up to the hands, which will have rubber gloves on them. The remaining four are for the legs. One will be to the knee, and the second from the knee to the ankle. Make holes on opposite sides of the arm and leg prisms through which you can put your legs and arms. In the prism for the head, make holes on adjacent sides - for the neck and face, as well as small holes for the ears.
