How to be less tired at work and at home? My secrets. How to deal with fatigue at work I get very tired at work, what should I do?

Chronic fatigue syndrome does not only affect workaholics. And in general, this phenomenon has nothing to do with ordinary fatigue.

Expert – Doctor of Psychology Vera Loseva.

Doctors are looking for immunological, infectious, neurological causes of chronic fatigue syndrome - and find nothing. Meanwhile, psychologists offer their own theory: the peculiarities of the response to stress of people living in a space overcrowded with information are to blame for this disease.

TIRED OF Idleness?

A condition similar to chronic fatigue syndrome occurs when the body becomes imbalanced between the stimuli sent by the external environment and our response to them. Why are signs of chronic fatigue often felt by housewives or people with monotonous, monotonous work, and simply slackers who are ready to lie on the couch for days without anything to do? Because their nervous system stimulation is insufficient.

Stress in moderation is good for health - it allows the body to mobilize, gather together internal forces in order to be ready to correctly respond to the “message” from the outside world and provide protection.

When these incentives are few, the settings begin to “go astray.” A similar thing happens when stimulation is too active. Examples of overstimulation are everywhere and literally cultivated by society. Thus, chronic fatigue syndrome becomes a programmed disease.


The first path to illness is the desire for perfection, which is fueled in every possible way by advertising, the film industry, and popular literature. It is argued that literally everyone can and should achieve wealth, fame, be successful from the point of view of society, and arouse the admiration of others. Moreover, each of us already has all this, and whether we show these wonderful qualities or not depends only on us. A person, trying to overcome high barriers, often sets himself impossible tasks. For example, he may be a successful manager or a successful actor, but at the same time he is forced to sacrifice something, for example, his personal life, old friends, or raising children. And first of all - spiritual harmony, because no one has ever managed to be at the “top” all the time. Even the greatest have experienced periods of decline. The very position that everything needs to be done to the maximum or not at all leads to a nervous breakdown.

ANTIDOTE. It is very important to forgive yourself in difficult moments, allow small weaknesses, and not continue to rush to the finish line at full speed. Love yourself, not your imaginary image - do not forget that you are real and unique as a person, and are not at all a figment of someone’s imagination.


This feeling often leads to a colossal loss of energy. After all, envy is a destructive feeling, a real generator of complexes and ill will.

ANTIDOTE. Envy is practically untreatable. If you suffer from it seriously, things are bad. Try to switch to more positive feelings - admiration for nature, a loved one, art. Remember that even the most successful person has reason to envy those who are higher than him.


Another way to waste energy is to always focus on the opinions of others about you. At the same time, the lion's share of activity is spent reacting to facial expressions, words, supposed thoughts and feelings of colleagues, friends, and relatives. This complex is based on self-doubt and a constant desire for approval.

ANTIDOTE. Understand that people are usually not that interested in your successes and failures. They are focused on themselves, and your activity usually takes place on the edge of their consciousness. Usually they easily forget what they once said about you, and you are ready to think about a carelessly thrown word for weeks. So is it worth wasting energy so mediocrely?

PROBLEM 4: REluctance to be satisfied with little

Sometimes even such a noble feeling as the desire for self-realization can lead to a leak of energy. Nowadays, it has become fashionable to say that the possibilities of every person are limitless. This is wrong. Only some people succeed in “jumping over their heads,” and even then at the expense of a colossal waste of mental strength and the loss of the good that was achieved at the previous “stage.”

ANTIDOTE. Learn to be happy with what you have. Remember that in every victory there is a share of defeat, and in every defeat there is a positive life experience. A person who has not risen through the ranks can enjoy freedom more, take a break from the stress of responsibility, and have a better chance of maintaining health. As Dale Carnegie said, his farmer grandfather, who never traveled beyond his home state, was much happier than many bosses with eaten away livers and habitual nightmares whom the great popularizer of psychology met along the way.


The constant desire to protect oneself has a detrimental effect on health. For some, this is expressed in an endless desire for a higher material level, for others - in a passion for various “systems”. As a rule, neither one nor the other provides a guarantee of safety, but it drains strength very quickly.

ANTIDOTE. Remember that it is impossible to foresee everything in life - the world always develops according to its own laws, and not according to our wishes, and His Majesty chance can nullify all the measures you have taken. So is it worth it?


It destroys internal protection and this is a common feeling. We are talking about people who constantly expect to be deceived and try to calculate what they can gain from this or that enterprise. Such a person is forced to constantly restrain himself, save his strength in order to “sell” it at a higher price.

ANTIDOTE. The rationality of such behavior is apparent. We will never be able to calculate how much and what will be “returned” to us in response to our efforts. It has been noticed that the more a person gives, the more he receives - at least in the form of gratitude, good attitude from others, which is a powerful feed for his internal “reservoirs”.


Oddly enough, energy leakage is also caused by extremely economical spending of this very energy. Each activity has five components: goal - plan - execution - control - internal assessment. If a person masters only some of these components, for example, does not set goals for himself (others do this for him) or delegates the assessment to his superiors or relatives, he eventually accumulates mental stress, which leads to chronic fatigue. Those who have ways to hold all the components in their hands usually do not get tired: they receive energy from their activity.

ANTIDOTE. During your vacation, try doing activities that are completely different from those in which you might get high grades. Allow yourself to be a C student in something. The main thing is to step back from your usual activities, check “your course” with your state of mind, and look for the main guidelines in it. And the sources of energy that the world around you is so rich in will replenish your reserves and help you forget about chronic fatigue syndrome.

I titled the article “How to be less tired at work and at home,” but I’ll start from afar - with my main secret ;-). In my life I have moved a lot, even a lot - I have changed at least a dozen rented apartments. Student years, studying in different cities, looking for an apartment after graduating from university... And the further, the worse - each new move was worse than the previous one, it seemed simply unrealistic to be less tired while transporting things. No, no one, of course, argues - moving is tiring (with age, things become more and more, and these are not just boxes with books and clothes, but also equipment, furniture), but since I was tired and exhausted!.. In general, not I recommend!))

So here it is. During my last move, I thought: how can I be less tired and why, in fact, do I get SO tired? Not just SO, but SOOOO, that after I bring things into the apartment, I just collapse from fatigue and walk around like a zombie for several days? The answer that I found seemed quite convincing: before the move, already a few days ago, I began to stress myself out - like how hard it would be, how many bruises I would have again from all these boxes and suitcases, how I would carry them, they were so heavy , and how to pack it into the car, and how to worry: have you forgotten anything?

The solution that I found was also simple: in order to be less tired, I simply forbade myself from thinking about the move in detail and imagining HOW difficult it would be. As soon as such thoughts came, I immediately told myself: “Stop! There’s no escape anyway, the move will still happen – there’s no point in stressing yourself out.

My worries and thinking about the situation in detail will not change anything - except that I will spoil my nerves and get tired IN ADVANCE.” No, of course, I was packing my things - but more detached than usual: not imagining all the upcoming difficulties while packing, but listening to pleasant music or turning on my favorite movie. As a result, the next move was much easier, and lo and behold! – easier both physically and psychologically! My conclusion: I was more tired not from the move itself, but from my preparatory thoughts and worries.

After this story, I thought about other situations: perhaps, in them, I can be less tired if I simply think less about them, and not frighten myself with all sorts of sad incidents from the lives of acquaintances and acquaintances? I decided to apply this principle in other areas of life: don’t stress yourself out in advance; if you need to think about it, then think about the facts, and not my irrational fears and worries. This helped me get tired less - both at work and at home. Isn't it really that simple?

  1. And if you also want to be less tired, this is my advice No. 1. What else? No multitasking
  2. : one period of time is one thing Be sure to go out into the fresh air at lunchtime
  3. . Social networks and news all behind the same computer monitor - this is not relaxation! Will allow you to be less tired at work making to-do lists
  4. . It’s great if you master it - it can be used to plan any tasks in general: both at work and at home. Less intrigue
  5. . Stay away from people who are ready to constantly discuss colleagues and savor other people's mistakes. Extra intrigue means extra stress. Extra stress means more fatigue. Ask to work remotely
  6. . Remote work is applicable to many professions today: programmer, accountant, journalist, designer, and even secretary. Perhaps, within the walls of your own home, you will be less tired of the same work. Weekends are sacred!

On weekends you need to rest, no work! Without proper rest, you will be very tired even at your favorite job.

  1. And yes, don’t forget: our body is very smart and gives many clues to its owner. Perhaps, if you are very tired at work, this is a signal that it’s time to change it? Let each family member know what he must do and understand that no one else will do it for him.
  2. Be sure to keep lists of household chores— you can download templates in the section (it's free!).
  3. Master non-standard time management methods: for example, every day, clean a certain area for only 15 minutes or do household chores for 25 minutes, and then rest for 5 minutes (and so on several times). So you won’t even have time to get tired of everyday life) Read more about techniques for.
  4. Look for ways to make your life easier. For example, putting things in order with music, original gadgets for maintaining cleanliness, and aromatherapy will make household chores more enjoyable. In the blog I already told you which ones I use and how I use them. All these methods help me get less tired of everyday life.

What if you have your own ways to help you get less tired at work or less tired at home?

I think many people are familiar with the situation when at the end of the working day we feel like a squeezed lemon.

It seems that we don’t do heavy physical labor; we work in an office where there is no great physical stress on the body. But at the same time, by the end of the day it feels like I unloaded two wagons of potatoes.

You can find out what causes our increased fatigue and how not to get tired at work by reading this article.

Office workers, regardless of their type of activity, often suffer, first of all, from a lack of physical activity and the need to sit in the same position for a long time.

In addition to sedentary work, periodic stressful situations are added: the report was not submitted on time, the client did not repay the loan, or the counterparties failed. The eyes also add to fatigue - the need to look at a monitor or look at papers throughout the day also tires the body.

Why do we get tired at work?

In our age of career wars, the need to do everything possible to hold on to a job, especially if the work also brings wealth and material well-being to the family, leads to constant overtime.

Few people can get up and go home if the work is not finished, and even if the deadline for completing the work is already running out. No, we will sit until the last minute, not paying attention to fatigue, growing irritation, in the hope of finishing the work on time, and as a result, receiving our bonuses.

Our body is already tired, but we hardly notice it, we tell ourselves “I’ll finish it, and then I’ll rest.” And so on day after day.

The fatigue that accumulates over days and weeks does not go away; we carry this burden with us every day, getting more and more tired. And even when we wake up in the morning, after what seems like a long sleep, we realize that we haven’t gotten enough sleep again and that we need to go to work again.

What happens to the body at this time?

The cardiovascular system

The more we sit in a certain position, the less activity our heart shows, and accordingly, the less oxygen our muscle mass receives.

A decrease in the activity of muscle mass leads to a general decrease in human activity. In fact, a vicious circle is formed: we move little, the heart works less, the heart works less, there is no flow of oxygen, which means we get tired faster.

Poor blood supply to body tissues can also lead to serious diseases, such as diabetes or atherosclerosis...

Brain activity

Mental activity directly depends on how the brain cells are supplied with blood. The better the blood circulation, the better the brain function.

What kind of normal blood circulation can we talk about if we are in the same position from morning to evening?

The need to think hard leads the body to an even more tired state.

Let me give you a simple example: if you used to do the same work much faster than now, and you have to think about how to do it, or it’s increasingly difficult for you to maintain your attention, this is the first sign of insufficient oxygen saturation of the brain and indicates a deterioration in blood circulation .

That is, the more we sit at work and at home, the less we move, the faster we get tired at work!

Are you tired of working at the same company? Or engage in the same activity? Read the article How to understand that it’s time to change your job, and perhaps you will decide to change your job to a more interesting one...

Having understood why we get tired at work, we can come up with a recipe for “how not to get tired at work”

Firstly While at your workplace, use every free minute to move around.
For example, are you talking on the phone? Spin on the chair: put your legs straight, lean back on the chair, and spin on it to the right - to the left. We finished the conversation and hung up: put your hands on the table, raise your legs and twist left and right. This exercise will take 5 – 10 seconds, and the body has already warmed up a little.

Secondly, take periodic breaks. It is best to take breaks every 30 to 40 minutes. You definitely need to get up and at least walk to the window or to the closet, or better yet, leave the office. Don’t miss the opportunity to take documents to the next office, or even better, to the next floor, on foot.

Third, try to ventilate the room more often. Ventilation in the morning and during lunch should be a must. Even if it is very cold outside, you need to open the window for a couple of minutes. Especially if you use electric radiators to heat your office, they burn oxygen instantly.

Fourthly, if possible, go outside during lunch. Even if you are forced to have lunch at your workplace. An influx of fresh air and, albeit small, physical activity, will allow you to restore your strength a little.

Fifthly, exclude baked goods and sweet foods from your diet. Excess weight, which immediately results from a sedentary lifestyle, is also a source of increased fatigue. The body already suffers from low activity, and now you have to carry extra pounds on yourself.

At sixth, try to get proper rest. And rest should not be lying on the couch watching TV, but active and healthy. Trying to get enough sleep on the weekend for the whole week will not lead to anything good. Oversleeping will only result in a feeling of fatigue and dissatisfaction from the past weekend.

Seventh, under no circumstances use any tonics or energy drinks to raise your tone. They will not lead to anything good, but they can even weaken the nervous system. You can take vitamins, but as practice shows, expensive imported “super” vitamins can be easily replaced with regular fish oil. Personally, I prefer to drink it in “capsules”, cheap and cheerful.

Simple recipes like these allow me to be less tired at work and save energy for evening walks with the dog and playing with the children. Because physical fatigue is the best cure for sedentary work. As they say, the best rest is a change of activity.

This article is for those who work in an office and want to know how to be less tired at work. In this article, I will share principles that help me feel less tired after a day of work.

Office work, in principle, is a rather tedious thing. Although this may sound strange to some. How can a person who sits in one place all day get tired? In fact, fatigue accumulates due to constant looking at the monitor, eye strain, monotony, abundance of incoming information, noise and stress. All these factors are components.

Fatigue after sedentary work is more like nervous fatigue than physical fatigue, in the original meaning of the word. Symptoms of fatigue are heaviness in the head, irritability, bad mood, etc. This is not like the (hopefully) pleasant tiredness everyone is familiar with after physical activity.

It is not possible to completely eliminate this fatigue. Working for many years, 9 hours a day, 5 days a week, plus commuting to the office, can tire even the strongest body. But this fatigue can be minimized. Next I will tell you how.

Principle 1 - Rest more - work less

If you have the opportunity to take a break from work, then use every such opportunity to regain strength and move your gaze from the monitor to something else. When I say “take a break,” I don’t mean quit work and start checking what you’ve been told or surfing the Internet. Step away from the monitor, walk down the street, breathe. Or just move away from the computer and try to relax, free your head from thoughts.

Working in front of a monitor tires you out, no matter what you're doing: reading work documents or studying a blog post. Let's take a break from this.

Go outside at least once every two hours for 5 to 10 minutes.

You can also use lunch time for walks. If you have an hour allotted for lunch? and you manage to finish your meal before this time expires, then do not rush to return to your workplace. Take a walk and stretch your body. You can hang on the horizontal bars. Exercise is great for relieving tension. It is only advisable to do this before lunch or a few hours after it.

Try to work less. Don't try to do as much work as possible in one day. If you have the opportunity to work less without sacrificing your salary, work less. This will save you some of your health and nerves. Work is not the most important thing in life.

Principle 2 - No multitasking!

I've noticed that if I don't try to multitask at work, I feel much less tired in the evening. But if I spend the whole day jumping from one task to another: answering emails and comments, then writing a couple of paragraphs of an article, then sending a Skype message to a friend, then by the end of such a day I usually feel quite tired.

The brain gets very tired from multitasking. In addition, if you try to deal with several tasks at once, the effectiveness of completing each of them will be less, the greater the number of these tasks. When I'm constantly distracted, I get much less done on each task than if I were doing them separately from each other.

Therefore, try not to be distracted by extraneous matters whenever possible. Turn off ICQ and Skype, deal with work tasks sequentially, there is no need to strive to satisfy requests from other employees as they arrive (unless, of course, they require urgent attention), finish your current affairs first.

And, of course, take rest breaks.

Principle 3 - Follow a Routine

A work routine will help you use your strengths effectively. Do the most difficult and time-consuming work in the morning, when you have the most energy. (I also wrote about this in the article) If you put off completing tasks until later and are lazy, then you may have to complete them at a time when there will be less strength and the work will be harder, and you will be tired.

If you need to do work by tomorrow, don't put it off until evening. In the evening you will want to relax a little. Therefore, do everything as early as possible. Don’t waste your morning on all sorts of nonsense, try to get everything done as quickly as possible, and only then, rest.

Principle 4 - Work remotely

Why not try asking your boss to transfer you to remote work? If your work activity does not require constant presence in the office, then transferring you to remote employment will only save your company money! There will be no need to pay for your workplace, rent extra office space, carry out cleaning and other maintenance, etc. Why not?

Remote work will allow you to save a lot of effort, time and money that you spend on travel. At home, you will be much less tired, even if you do the same amount of work as in the office! Why? Because at home you can always lie down, relax, pet the cat or take a refreshing shower. If you have completely finished work, say, at 16-00 and you have nothing to do for that day, then you do not need to pretend to be busy and wait until 18-00 to leave your workplace, as if you were working in an office.

In addition, a regular office is a public place. Employees scurrying back and forth, endless phone conversations of others, extraneous sounds - all this creates an unpleasant distracting background that affects you with fatigue. Add to this the road to work and the restrictive business style of clothing. The average office worker sits on pins and needles at work, spending days on end in a public place with a bunch of strangers, surrounded by constant bustle. It is very difficult to relax in such an environment!

Someone will answer me that they cannot work at home because of laziness and lack of discipline, while in the office there is a boss who is watching you and, if anything happens, will urge you on with an imaginary stick. There is nothing good about not being able to organize your work on your own, in the absence of bosses and colleagues. People drive themselves into office walls thanks to their lack of independence: “We need a leader, a guy with a stick! We cannot work on our own!” It's time to learn to be independent and organized. . Create a daily routine and follow it. Learn to work without a supervisor or driver.

Why not ask your boss about the possibility of remote work? Just ask, they won’t do anything to you for it!

Bosses know that most office workers are as undisciplined as children. They must always be encouraged, praised and scolded, monitored and kept under constant tension so that they do their job. For this, they are ready to pay the costs of your workplace and bear other costs. Prove to your boss that you are different and can work independently! Then you have a better chance of getting remote employment.

Did not work out? Well. This is not your last work. You can always find a place where you will be allowed to work remotely. Does your profession not allow it? Change it. Learn new skills that will enable you to telecommute. If you set such a goal for yourself, follow it, and not just complain about the circumstances, then you will definitely get what you want.

Imagine how good it will be when you don’t have to stand in traffic jams, travel on public transport, listen to colleagues’ conversations and sit in the office from bell to bell.

Principle 5 - Minimize stress at work

The less stress you get, the less tired you become - a proven fact. Stop participating in intrigues and gossiping behind your colleagues’ backs. Take a simpler approach to the work itself. Remember, at work you are just making money. You do your job and get paid for it. That's it, you don't owe anyone anything anymore.

Don’t worry about the fact that something isn’t working out for you, that your boss isn’t happy with you, that you’re letting someone down. The worst thing that can happen is that you will be fired, and if you are not on probation, then by law you will be required to pay compensation. Don’t think about anything else, put all personal relationships outside of work.

Management wants to keep employees on an emotional leash, so they try to instill in employees some kind of almost sacred attitude towards job functions and towards the company for which they work.

If you treat your job the way your boss wants you to treat it, it can cause you a lot of unnecessary worry and stress. You will think about work night and day, thinking only about making the company’s client happy, so that an error does not suddenly creep into your calculations, so that your boss does not scold you. This is all unnecessary. Treat work as a means of making money, and not as the meaning of life, a matter of your honor and your sacred duty.

This will help you experience less stress.

Principle 6 - Improve the quality of your holiday!

Many people forget that your level of fatigue is affected not only by what you do while working, but also by what you do outside of it. To be less tired at work, you must first of all rest better. Rest is perhaps one of the most important factors that determines your fatigue.

Spend time after work in a calm, homely environment. Read, lie in bed. Go for light walks, bike rides or jogs. This will help relieve fatigue and relax.

Avoid public places after work, after all, you've already spent the whole day in such a place! Take a break from people and noise. Take a break from information! All day long your brain was just processing data. Spare him this work, at least in the evening. No need to sit in front of the monitor and read the Internet all evening. This will only lead to more fatigue!

On weekends, try to devote at least one day to proper rest, and not to shopping or visiting relatives. If you have a dacha, great. Spend time in nature and in silence. Remember, noisy parties and large amounts of alcohol are not complete rest. Alcohol only drains the strength you need at work!

If you follow these tips, you will notice how much easier your work has become and how much better you feel at the end of the working day! Yesterday I spent the whole evening after work at home. Before going to bed, I lay in bed and listened to calm music and now, on Friday, I feel full of energy, despite the fact that the end of the work week is approaching and there is less energy left...

The same cannot be said about other days this week. I was getting ready for my vacation and went shopping after work, buying camping gear. This exhausted me greatly, which had a very bad effect on my tone the next day. It was much more difficult to work and write articles and I was very tired.

Principle 6 - Don't stay late at work!

This, I think, is obvious, but still, this point will not be superfluous. Remember, you have the right to a 9-hour working day (including lunch) and nothing can force you to work overtime, even for free! Free overtime is exploitation of employees by management who capitalize on the human sense of responsibility (I wrote about this in the article). Working 8 hours every day, except weekends, is not enough, not to mention working beyond this time.

Therefore, spare your health and get up and leave at the end of the working day. It is your right. If you don’t have time to do something, although you worked properly, then this is the problem of the company that hired few employees and gave them too much work, not yours.

Principle 7 - Drink less tea and coffee

As paradoxical as it may sound, the caffeine contained in tea and coffee increases fatigue and drains your strength. I wrote about this in more detail in the article. The more you drink coffee, the more tired you become and the more your work efficiency decreases.

The absence or small amount of caffeine at work helps to distribute energy evenly throughout the working day. But if you consume a lot of caffeine in various drinks, then after a surge of vigor, a period of fatigue quite naturally sets in. The tone you get from a cup of coffee doesn't come out of nowhere.

If you can't do anything without a cup of coffee, then this indicates addiction. If you get rid of it, you will no longer need caffeine at all.

Principle 8 - Strengthen the body

The more physically fit you are, the more energy and strength you have and the less tired you are. Play sports, quit bad habits, eat healthy food, get enough sleep, meditate. All this will help you always be in good shape and experience less stress.

This is the last tip, but one of the most important! Please take the time to take care of yourself and your health!

Final words

As I said at the beginning of the article, office work is tiresome, no matter what you do. In my opinion, the time allocated for weekends and vacations is not able to satisfy a person’s need for proper rest. And given the lifestyle that many people lead: they smoke, drink, lead a sedentary lifestyle, stay late at work and do not rest properly even during vacation, we can say that many people do not know proper rest at all.

Either way, you will be tired.

Remember, office work in front of a monitor, next to strangers until retirement is not the only life alternative. You can organize your life so that you can relax more, do less monotonous, meaningless and unloved work, spend more time at home, with your loved ones and children, instead of seeing them only on weekends.

As I like to say, everything is in your hands.

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So first the reasons.

-Taking work too seriously. We walk around the office with a stern look, we don’t joke, we sigh tiredly. Mike Vick, a prominent businessman who wrote the book “Fun is Good. How to stay happy at work,” considers this approach to be incorrect. “If the work makes you happy, then we like it. And then you cope with it better and don’t get tired,” Mike explains. “And seriousness is only needed to feel one’s own importance.”

- Tensions in the team. As the 14th Dalai Lama says in The Art of Being Happy at Work, all people subconsciously strive for happiness, friendship and harmonious relationships. And when micro-conflicts arise at work, a person feels discomfort and tries to eliminate it, which takes the lion’s share of time and effort.

- Lack of freedom of expression. This applies to both expressing ideas and expressing emotions. “If we don’t express our feelings and thoughts, our energy stagnates,” says Alexander Gusev, instructor of the “LIVE!” club. on kundalini yoga. “This ultimately leads to fatigue and depression.”

- Lack of movement. The Italian scientist Angelo Mosso proved back in the 19th century that with mental fatigue, muscle fatigue also accumulates. He asked people to lift weights before and after mental work. Thus, after intense reflection, people became noticeably weaker.

Dealing with the causes of office burnout is possible, but it requires some courage. It is courage - because often we are simply afraid to allow ourselves to laugh, express ourselves and relax while working. I'll share with you a few ideas on how to avoid fatigue.

- Make a list of the things that tire you most at work. Next to each point, write its opposite. For example: “I’m tired of sitting at a desk all day” - “I want to walk on the street or around the office.” This way you will understand what you really miss at work.

-Try not to take the job too seriously. When it seems to you that everything around you is collapsing, when your boss is yelling at you and you are on the verge of a breakdown, just stop and think: what is the worst thing that can happen? Will someone die or be seriously harmed by your actions? If you are not an emergency doctor or an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, most likely you can relax a little.

- Plan something nice for the evening. If after work you do what you love - invent a perpetual motion machine, master a new profession, make an old dream come true - you simply won’t want to get tired in the middle of the day.

-During lunch, try to take a break from office work., reboot, do something pleasant. For example, if you like to draw, you can make a couple of sketches, if you love listening to jazz, you can have lunch with headphones.

If you're annoyed because you're wasting your day worrying about nothing, analyze your life as a whole. Are you doing things that make you happy? If not, you need to think about changes.

If creative people have to do a lot of routine work, their creative powers gradually become depleted. Julia Cameron, author of The Artist's Way, recommends once a week arrange small “creative dates” for yourself. For example, go to the theater alone or go on a photo walk. With their help, you can replenish your creative strength and unusual ideas.

- “Try to understand the people who create a tense atmosphere in the team,— advises the 14th Dalai Lama in his book “The Art of Being Happy at Work.” “And then you will have compassion for them and the anger will disappear.” The Tibetan leader also advises openly discussing difficulties and experiences with your colleagues, thereby maintaining trusting relationships with them.

By the way, the word “work” already has some kind of pessimism, don’t you think? Maybe we should call our work a “favorite thing”? For example: “Honey, I went to do what I love, I’ll be back at seven.” Well, it’s better that work really is a pleasant activity that you can’t get tired of.

How do you cope with fatigue at work?
