How to dress beautifully. Tips from stylists: how to choose and buy clothes correctly

IN modern society, where a person is primarily judged based on his appearance, the question of how to dress correctly becomes increasingly relevant. It is worth looking at the busy streets of the city to understand that many people simply do not know how to dress, that is, choose the right color, model, style of clothing that will emphasize individuality and hide figure flaws. Like in that movie: “The main thing is that the suit fits.” Yes, dressing properly is a skill. It’s not for nothing that visits to stylists and image makers are becoming increasingly popular among people. However, not everyone can afford this, so many master the science of fashion and style through experience. Perhaps this article will be the answer to the question “How to learn to dress correctly?”

Combine and conquer

I think many of us have been in a situation where the closet is filled to capacity with clothes, but every time the question arises: “What to wear?” Many of us don't think about creating a wardrobe in which all the items are mixed and matched with each other. Most often, we choose a new thing based on the “like it or don’t like it” principle, without thinking that, for example, a new blouse will match only one trouser out of all the clothes in the closet. Stylists advise that in order to avoid such a problem, you need to decide on the style that is closest to a person: classic, sporty, youth, etc. But how to dress correctly if you like a little of everything? In this case, you can make room in your closet for three main styles. A business one is suitable for work, a sports one is suitable for training, and for a holiday you need to prepare evening dresses and sparkling outfits. The main thing is to always dress according to your age, time and place.

“Traffic light” and “rainbow” are inappropriate in clothing

Clothing should create an image and emphasize a person’s strengths. However, it happens that, first of all, the clothes are visible, and the person gets lost against its background. Stylists recommend using no more than three colors in clothes at the same time, and learning how to combine warm colors with warm ones, and cold ones with cold ones. The only exceptions are black and white, which can be matched with any of the colors. It must be taken into account that each person belongs to a certain autumn, winter, spring, summer. Each season has its own palette of colors that you need to adhere to when putting together your wardrobe.

Get slimmer without dieting

Many people know that clothes can hide a few extra pounds, visually reduce or increase height, and emphasize the waist and chest. But few people know how to highlight the advantageous aspects of a figure and hide flaws.

If you are bothered overweight, choose clothes dark colors, but not black. Let it be deep blue, khaki. Clothing should be strictly in size, no more, no less; vertical stripes are welcome, which will visually elongate and narrow the silhouette. Wear heels and long beads.

If, on the contrary, you dream of getting better, give preference bright colors, lace at the waist and wide sleeves.

How to dress correctly to adjust your height? If you dream of “growing” a couple of centimeters, wear classic plain trousers with arrows, skirts and To become shorter, purchase large accessories and a bag, wear frilly skirts, and let your trousers be tight and low-waisted. You shouldn’t give up heels, but preference should be given to the “glass” heel.

You can use clothing to adjust your breast size. Suitable for busty women bouffant skirts and they will make the top and bottom more proportional. You should not try to hide your breasts behind ruffles and frills, they will only give it additional volume.

For women who want to make their breasts larger, fitted jackets, light, flowing blouses, and clothes with thin straps are suitable. In the same way, you can hide your waist, shoulders, protruding tummy, etc. Listen to the advice of stylists from the TV screen, pay attention to friends who have good taste, experiment in fitting rooms. Then you will find yours own style and you will always be on top.

With the advent of the new year, and even more so the new season, every representative of the fair sex observes change fashion trends . Fashion is fickle, changeable, but also cyclical. There is something that is beyond any fashion trends - it is a classic.

Classic elegant style has remained unchanged for a century. Elegance is always alive - there can be no variations “on a theme”. Elegance is a very multidimensional concept, including the cut of clothing, wardrobe style, and demeanor. It is also a special state of mind.

How to dress beautifully

Elegance is charming. She always attracts attention and is admired and admired. She is always remembered!

Every woman who wants to always be on top should have the ability to create such a perfect elegant image. That's why the editors "So simple!" prepared for you 11 ideas fashionable wardrobe , which will make even stylists' pulse quicken.

  1. Remember the main rule: feminine, elegant style does not accept kitsch, crazy colors and prints, baggyness and excessive exposure! This style is similar in almost everything to strict style clothes, but still has some differences.
  2. One of essential attributes elegant style - the right coat.

    The right coat must be of medium length, fitted cut and must be made of natural material, because nothing makes your clothes cheaper than synthetic fabrics.

    And here's another life hack. When choosing a coat, exclude everything to which the word “very” can be applied: very short, very long, bright, and so on.

  3. A sense of style, restraint and sophistication - this is the motto of a real lady!

  4. A closed dress, well tailored to the figure, is beautiful, elegant clothing.

    What should a real “Miss Elegance” dress look like? It fits well, he has average length and lack of any decor.

  5. For creating exquisite style, you need to choose clothes from plain fabrics in soft pastel colors, avoiding sharp contrasts.

  6. Inexpensive clothes cannot be elegant. This does not mean that drawing up elegant wardrobe you need to spend a fortune. But clothes shouldn't look cheap.

    Natural materials, good cut and thoughtful details - this is what you need to consider when choosing elegant clothes. Many brands produce very quality clothes at reasonable prices, and if you can’t buy things in expensive boutiques or use the services of a personal tailor, pay attention to them.

  7. The less unnecessary details and pretentiousness there are in clothes, the easier it is to look sophisticated. This also applies to accessories. One of the rules of elegance says: “Before leaving the house, put on as much jewelry as you think is necessary, then look at yourself in the mirror and take off one of them.”

    There are almost never too few accessories, but often too many!

  8. Elegant style This is a perfect cut, the absence of any frills, impeccable quality, restraint and a clear silhouette.

    It doesn't matter what price tag is on your dress, it should look expensive. You should look like you could be invited to tea with the Queen of England at any moment.

  9. Elegance is not compatible with vulgarity. Refined woman will never seek cheap popularity by flaunting her body. Forget the super mini deep neckline, shocking cuts and transparent dresses. Aggressive sexuality has a right to exist, but it has nothing to do with elegance.

  10. One more important attribute is quality shoes. Elegant style means, first of all, good shoes!

    A sophisticated lady needs heels, at least small ones. However, remember that high heels, and even in combination with the platform, do not contribute to the creation of the desired image.

  11. No woman who claims to be a sophisticated lady will leave the house in wrinkled, dirty or washed-out clothes, no matter how expensive they are. Therefore, remember that accuracy is required attribute when creating an image, both elegant and any other.

I also suggest you read 15 useful ones from Evelina Khromchenko. Having mastered a few secrets from a fashion professional, you will be able to choose the right budget items for yourself and look your best. These tips will definitely help you improve your style!

And to understand whether you succeeded in creating the desired image, before going out, look in the mirror and ask yourself: “What would you think about this choice? British Queen? If Her Majesty would approve of your choice, then you did everything right!

Tell us about this creation formula elegant look to your girlfriends. I wonder what they think about this?

Nastya does yoga and loves traveling. Fashion, architecture and everything beautiful - that’s what a girl’s heart strives for! Anastasia is an interior designer and also makes unique floral-themed jewelry. She dreams of living in France, is learning the language and is keenly interested in the culture of this country. He believes that a person needs to learn something new all his life. Anastasia's favorite book is “Eat, Pray, Love” by Elizabeth Gilbert.

Everyone has their own understanding of the expression “dress well.” Most men don't give a damn. Indeed, I put on whatever came to hand, slipped into flip-flops - and off to the promenade to cultural places. For such people, the word “style” is a companion to the word “metrosexual.” Although they don't really know the meaning last word. And there are others who want to dress stylishly. Not “rooster style”, but stylish. These are two big differences. This article is for such people. There may be nothing new in it, but it won’t be useless either. And it will only be useful if you follow these tips.

1. Start from scratch

If you want to start dressing stylishly, start with the sacred basics.
This does not mean that you should immediately, at one moment, give up all your clothes. Keep in mind that for appearing naked, your body, no matter how athletic it may be, will be treated with batons. And they will be right.

It won't be easy for you to say goodbye to your wardrobe favorites, but know that there will be no progress with those terrible tights and checkered breeches that reach your shins. In the end, new favorites will appear, and they will be many times better, and most importantly, they will make you look like a person, and not like an extra from the “New Turbo Guys.”

2. Forget everything you know

You will need to understand and accept the sad fact that the concepts of “fashion” and “style” did not exist in your life. In any case, it is called differently - the Chisinau fine fashion circle. You can argue as much as you like, but it’s as difficult for stylish people as it is for moralists to watch Svetlana Baskova’s films.
It is also important to take into account that all those things and accessories that you may have considered insignificant in your image, most often play an important role.

Now, having recognized yourself as a layman and a novice, begin to learn the basics of elegant images from the very beginning. You can even send us to hell and listen to people who are not ours wise advice, and his girlfriend, mother, presenter " Fashionable sentence" The latter, with its god-like grace, evokes psychedelic patterns in the eyes. Listen to anyone. But to take the path of correction, clear your mind. If George Clooney, having forgotten about his glorious acting career at one time, and did not admit that he was a complete ignoramus in directing, he would not have been able to make such films that hit the enthusiastic snot.

3. Focus on the basics

Surely you already want to say: “Sedin, what kind of boring creature are you! When normal advice will they begin?!” Peace of mind, my friend. Without this tediousness, similar to the psalms of the sectarians of the “Eighth Appearance of the Sixth Coming of Sid Vicious,” all further advice is meaningless.

So, where does any educational program begin? From the basics Mastering the basics (sorry for the phonetic bastard) is already half the battle. If not half, then a quarter for sure. But be careful: misuse or interpreting the basis is the same as poking a known place into the hole of a working meat grinder. I'm talking about fingers, of course.

4. Foundation for a solid wardrobe

So, with an elegant ladle of taste and style, we dig out the foundation for your most fashionable wardrobe within the limits of adequacy. Well, a foundation is needed everywhere. Even migrant workers don’t forget about him.

This foundation will serve universal clothing: white shirts, dark blue jeans, gray sweaters and other elegant, classic and unpretentious attire.
These wardrobe items are like driving around the city in a driving school: when you learn to wear it, when you get used to it, then you can add more interesting things.

5. Simplicity is the key to style

Remembering the god-like host of “Fashionable Sentence”, you are finally convinced that extravagance is the lot of the chosen few, because no one takes these chosen ones seriously. However, if this is what you want...
Leonardo da Vinci once said: “Simplicity is the end of complexity.” Keep this in mind when choosing clothes. The simplicity of the outfit is the brightest highlight for a man.

6. The main thing is that the suit fits

If a lady cheats on you, then she is not yours, if you are not comfortable driving a car, then she is not yours. If the clothes don't fit you, then they're not yours. It would seem that everyone knows about this. Then why does everyone wear clothes that don’t fit their size, in completely crazy colors? This was forgivable in the 90s, but now it seems like a different time. Come on, if a shirt hangs off your skinny body like a scarecrow, you don't wear it. should be fitted and emphasize your proportions, no matter how disgusting they may seem to you. It is beautiful. This is not the 16th century, and wide shirts with puffy sleeves are out of fashion. Such a shirt can only be worn if, among other things, you are wearing boots, a hat, a horse is waiting for you next to you, and you are fighting with swords for your honor. In other cases it is inappropriate.

7. Wardrobe trimming

If your wardrobe has a little more clothes than on Philip Kirkorov over the years of his career, then I have bad news for you. Firstly, you most likely don’t know about technological progress and the fact that clothes can be washed. Secondly, you spend too much money on your wardrobe (and probably don't wear half of its contents).
Even our beloved presenter “” (we even watched the program) admits that it is not the quantity of clothing that is important, but its quality. Or maybe he didn't say that. We simply don’t know a more fashionable and authoritative person.

So, your wardrobe arsenal should not be bursting with a variety of styles. If you start wearing the clothes we recommend, you will be surprised how little you need: just a few shirts, trousers and shoes. Let the ladies accompany each of their appearances with a new dress, you have somewhere to spend your money (you will buy these same dresses for your lady). And when the clothes are worn out, get rid of them, and assign a new wardrobe recruit to the vacant place. No, no, you don’t have to wear the same sweater for a month. But there’s no need to fill your closet with a dozen oddities and ridiculous knitted items.
So give your wardrobe a chance to breathe. Everything that is not worn, everything that is blurry, goes to grandma in the village, to the homeless in a landfill or to a Second Hand store.

8. Combine correctly

Combine the clothes left in your wardrobe correctly. Experiment, but don't go too far. Remember that cute guys marching down the catwalk in thongs and with bags on their heads are not role models. If your outfit makes you look like a cartoon character or a traffic light, then you probably threw away the wrong things after the previous point. Or put known body parts on the 4th point.

9. In the furnace of trends!

Many men think that in order to become more stylish, they must be in the know. latest trends. Close friend BroDude Valery Leontyev: “Why . Create your own style! And stop calling me!”
There really is no point in torturing yourself. Moreover, trends are not always adequate. The best thing is to create your own style in which you will feel comfortable. But without extremes!

10. Lightness

If you spend an hour twirling in front of the mirror and choosing an outfit, it means one of two things: either you are one of those people who, looking back, are looking for the singer Azis, or you simply assembled your wardrobe incorrectly. Main Feature men's wardrobe(as opposed to female) – confidence. Confidence in your clothes. It should look like you're not putting any effort into looking good. Know your wardrobe and know how to combine clothes. Knowing what goes together and what doesn’t, what is appropriate for a bachelor party and what is appropriate for a funeral, you will stop wasting time. Again, don't fill it with unnecessary junk. This rule is based on all the previous ones. If you get dressed quickly and end up looking like Shia LaBeouf (stretched tank top and acidic leggings), then you made a mistake somewhere.

11. Try new things

When you develop your sense of style, you open up your wardrobe to new types of clothing. There must be things there that you would never have called “mine” before. It may seem strange that after the previous points calling for elegant asceticism, we are talking about some new clothes. However, things are different. We're not talking about crimson pants and leopard-print moccasins. The great Freddie Mercury once also tried something new, and it ended for him. There are other things that are more adequate. As we said, we will have to introduce things that are brighter and more diverse. Remember the main rule - do not slip into extravagance. This is not so much a rule as advice. Many look great without any innovations.

12. Learn to love colors

You have to figure out what colors work for you and The best way do it - try it for yourself. So don't shy away from pink shirts and red sweaters. If they don't suit your dad, that doesn't mean they won't suit you.

13. Wear colors sparingly

BUT! (returning to the previous point)
You need to be very careful with flowers. Don't overdo it. Remember we talked about the cartoon character and the traffic light? Same thing. You run the risk of wearing incompatible colors. This is a big science, in fact, few people know how to combine different color combinations. I never even learned.

Wear only one item at first, leaving the rest of your clothes in neutral colors. After that, you can try adding interesting lighting solutions. And if on the streets they don’t look at you like you’re an idiot, then everything is fine. If they do, go back a step and try again.

14. Friends are comedians

By the way, friends are guaranteed to make jokes about this. from God, everyone has Viktor Koklyushkin’s school of humor behind them. Never mind what your mom used to say: “They’re just jealous.” Sooner or later this will all stop. Moreover, this is just a joke. We will not advise you how to calm them down, these are your friends. And our methods are automatically equated with propaganda of violence, which is prohibited in any media.
But if on the streets it’s not ladies with admiration frozen on their faces who point their fingers at you, but gopniks with an angry expression on their faces... you know what to do.

Listen to the people who surround you, because from the outside you always know better. It’s better, of course, to listen to advice from people who know how to dress, and not from your homeless friends who consider sandals and socks the height of elegance. And listen to the ladies, most often they understand fashion better than you. They also love to give advice on outfits. Of course, some advice will be unfortunate, inappropriate and said as a joke.

16. Be honest with yourself

If you feel uncomfortable in all your clothes, then it is better to refuse them. You can become stylish only when your appearance is in harmony with internal state. If you're an introvert, wearing extremely loud outfits will seem strange. If you are a simple, laid-back guy, then life in classic suit obviously not for you. If this whole encyclical about style is not for you, just add a few touches to your image to look adequate. At least adequately.

17. This will last a long time

You will have to spend a lot of time to learn all these basics. Not as long as waiting for Liverpool to win the championship, but not as short as waiting for the dollar to rise again. All these tests and experiments take a lot of time. But for the rest of your life you will be touched by how stylish and fashionable you are. And the girls will love it.

18. Mistake after mistake

It won't be without mistakes either. Just don’t freak out if after the hundredth attempt you look like a Romanian show business star. Everyone dresses badly, even the stars. Look at Madonna or Shia. You never know how many of them there are.

Let's be honest with each other: can you, soberly assessing your appearance, to say that your clothing style is impeccable? Most likely the answer will be no. This is not surprising, because most of us have the habit of buying things on a whim, without thinking too much about how harmoniously they fit together. This is how deposits of “mineral resources” appear in our closets, which are a pity to throw away and there is no way to wear them.

Or here's another typical one women's problem: we don’t fully feel our own style, we don’t take into account the features of our figure and color type when choosing new clothes - that’s why we don’t know what suits us and what doesn’t.

As a result, we wear what fashion dictates, completely forgetting that fashion unifies, while it is the style of clothing that allows us to show individuality.

In addition, do not forget that others (and especially strangers) perceive us precisely “by our clothes”. In order not to seem funny or tasteless, we simply have to decide how to dress correctly and stylishly.

Psychological aspect

It has already been proven that as soon as we put on this or that outfit, our behavior changes. If you put on strict clothes in the morning pantsuit, white blouse, pumps with stiletto heels and pin your hair high, and in the evening change into boyfriend jeans, a leather jacket and worn-out sneakers - then you will behave differently, and others will see you as completely different images. In the first case, she will undoubtedly be a serious businesswoman, and in the second, she will be a kind of tomboy.

But how to dress stylishly and look natural if you don’t want to stick to just one style of clothing, but would like to try on different looks? In this case, first decide on who you really want to be (except, of course, yourself). Glamorous socialite, reckless rocker or strict business woman? The direction that is closest to you should become the main one. Still, the rest can be tried on from time to time to brighten up the gray everyday life.

Stylish clothes: looking for the best option

To make it easier for you to decide on a style, we recommend that you first study the features of existing fashion trends - in this case, making a choice will be much easier. Naturally, we will not be able to cover all styles, so we will highlight the most popular ones.

  • . It is characterized by the main principle: nothing superfluous, everything is clearly weighed and in its place. A classic is just a classic, to be exemplary: if a skirt, then only fits perfectly, if trousers, then only from expensive high-quality material. Classic style does not tolerate vulgarity and flashy details.
  • . He is also an office worker. Often confused with classical, since business clothes and the shoes are in many ways similar to the classics. She also does not tolerate shocking and provocation, she must be of high quality and moderately sexy. It is allowed to use formal dresses, suits with a skirt or trousers, shirts or blouses, shoes that are not too high heels.

  • . Helps a woman feel fairy fairy or a princess. Flowing materials, smooth lines, pastel colors, ruffles, frills, lace, ribbons and other components romantic image make it possible to model the most feminine look.

  • . This style of clothing is a godsend for lovers of fashion from yesteryear who would not mind bringing it into modern times.

  • . Clothing styles that will appeal to the descendants of flower children. Non-triviality and the art of combining things that seem incompatible at first glance - that’s main principle formation of images in these styles.

  • . How to dress beautifully, but feel comfortable at the same time? It's simple: you need to select as the main casual style, that is, everyday. It includes basic wardrobe items such as jeans, comfortable sweaters, blazers, cardigans, moccasins and comfortable low-heeled pumps.

  • a bit similar to casual, since these two directions overlap in many ways. Their main principle is comfort and convenience, which are so important in the fast pace of modern life.

Good luck in developing your own style

Stylish clothing is the key to confident behavior, Have a good mood and active life position. Agree: if we are wearing something that we are truly comfortable in and that really suits us, then we can move mountains. And for this it is not at all necessary to buy half the store - you just need to find out which style suits you best, and, based on this, purchase things that will once again emphasize your advantages.

Many of you are scouring the depths of the Internet in search of stylist tips. There are few options: either this is advertising, or flimsy attempts at how to dress stylishly and beautifully. In fact, as a rule, they write very briefly and boringly, so much so that your jaw cramps.

First, you need to decide what your style is. How blindly are you ready to follow the letter of glossy fashion, and what is important to you in clothing. For some it is convenience, for others it is compliance with the dress code, for others it is self-expression. And the desire to learn how to dress beautifully sometimes hides behind all these templates.

Most girls and women want to dress beautifully, because this is the essence of women. Various fashion trends are aimed at developing the commercial fashion sector, especially now. The eyes run wide to try everything, and attempts to dress beautifully end in provoked failure.

First, you must forget about the word “it’s fashionable.” You can browse countless websites, read advice from stylists and image makers about what is “fashionable” and “worn” now, and feel like a complete loser - nothing is clear. And don’t let you be fascinated by subscriptions, visiting stylists and shopping accompaniment, revealing secrets known only to them - sweet and flattering words pouring honey into your ears, with grammatical errors should immediately test your vigilance.

This means how beautifully a woman should dress. Please remember that beauty is primarily feminine things, not borrowed from bikers and boyfriends.

You should always have basic wardrobe, consisting of things that fit you well.

Blouses and sweaters. As simple as possible (no ruffles, chains, bows), but beautiful. How simpler thing, the more universal it is. Blouses should preferably be fitted and worn loosely under sweaters.

Skirts and trousers. You yourself have to figure out which length suits you best. Under trousers different lengths shoes are selected.

Skirts: pencil, denim, plaid and fun detailing. How more skirts yours, so much the better.

Pants: classic, wide, flared and cargo. How simpler pants, those simpler secret success of your figure.

Jackets/Blazers/Jackets and Jeans. At your discretion, one condition - they must fit your figure, without being baggy.

The more original the cut of jackets and jeans, the fresher you will look. The rule of thumb for the back pockets of jeans is the lower the better. You should have one high-waisted pair of jeans for all occasions when you need to wear something short, hide an imperfect belly, and when the only clean thong left is the one that comes out of all your pants. You also have to find the jeans that are “yours” blue color. AND holey jeans depends on the mood.

Dresses. What do the image maker’s advice tell us in such cases? They tweet something about the seasons of autumn and small black dress? No, that's not it. We are talking about basic things, namely: we need beautiful dresses. This is the first step on how to dress beautifully for a woman, and it is very easy to accomplish on the first try. You may have a few dresses, but they should be such that you walked out, and the seams, everyone’s seams came apart with envy.

Jackets and coats. The same principle: let it be small, but beautiful. There is no need to wear black all the time in autumn and winter. Just look at the bus stops at this time: it’s as if everyone has died out, only black and brown colored coats. Simple tips stylists about bright spots will come in handy here: wear bright coats.

Don't wear jackets down to your navel in cold weather. Don't wear low-waisted jeans or trousers with butt cutters. Respect yourself - either jeans with a high belt or a long coat.

The most noble color V outerwear looks sandy beige. To choose beige coat or jackets, approach carefully: the shade should be clean, without any dirt.

A poncho is convenient to wear when you really don’t want to rack your brains over what to wear. A sweater under a poncho, and that’s it, you can run away for a walk.

Down coats are not very diverse, and you have to take what you have. Then dilute it with bright accessories.

Sleeveless vests are very comfortable to wear when it’s already cold, but not so cold as to put on down jackets.

And you should definitely have Jean jacket- a thing for all times.

Accessories. Hats, scarves and gloves. Basic Tips stylists in the selection of accessories are both faithful and dead. Add gunpowder to the stylist's advice, and you'll have it.

Hats are a headache for many. Scarves, shawls and stoles are much more noble in this regard, since their drapery allows you to bypass sharp corners inconvenience of hats. It is better to delve into the secrets of scarf draperies than to endure prickly and uncomfortable hats.

The more scarves and scarves, the better. If you give preference to multi-colored shawls, scarves, stoles, this will help you wear them with almost your entire wardrobe. And the problem bright accessories will be resolved.

Two pairs of signets, black and beige, will solve the problem of matching your wardrobe. Then use your imagination for combinations color solutions. Accessories can do a lot, unlike clothes.

Shoes for all occasions. Versatile sneakers that can be worn with almost anything. Ballet shoes. The more ballet shoes the better. Classic shoes with medium or high heels, maybe on a neat platform. Tight knee-length boots with or without heels. Sandals. Rubber boots.

Yes, for now everything is predominantly black.

Ankle boots are best worn with trousers. If you want it with skirts, then only short ones and matching the color of the tights.

Sunglasses and just glasses. With the help of glasses, it is very easy to change your appearance beyond recognition due to a non-standard frame, as well as to reveal that you are a tag hunter. The less the logo on the glasses screams, the better.

Two universal glasses frames that will suit everyone. In this case, the stylist's advice is useless - they don't understand anything. They can only rub glasses beautifully. What's the point? The money has been spent, and there’s a bad feeling in my soul: so I went, as they say, for a consultation on “how to be beautiful.”

Wide glasses and aviator glasses.

Start with Brown- it is universal, fits well into the skin tone (close in tone to the skin). The glass of the glasses softly merges with the face towards the bottom. Wide rectangular shape Frames with beveled corners suit many people.

Aviator frames are a little more complicated, but this a win-win. There are two main requirements: your eyebrows must always be visible; The frame of the glasses ends strictly along the line of the cheekbones in the front, where the eye sockets end.

For clear example four variations of clothing were compiled. And how many more can be created, no less interesting, from the same things. Unfortunately, the advice of a stylist is no longer useful here. They will be powerless here, just imagine - neither add nor subtract.
