How to determine pregnancy in the early stages before a delay: the first, early signs and symptoms of pregnancy before a delay. What test exists for pregnancy before a delay? How to determine pregnancy before a delay with iodine, soda, sensations? Which ones can

You are waiting for this more than a declaration of love, your own wedding or the last episode of your favorite series.

This worries you more than the dollar, the political situation in a neighboring country, or gossip about an evil boss. Pregnancy.

Two strips on tests have been appearing to you in a dream for a long time, and this time you again carefully listen to your body and wonder: did it happen or not?

Stop guessing, this article will tell you how to recognize pregnancy early, even before a delay.

In a young family, there was still no talk of children, or the girl is not yet married, but suddenly something happens that radically changes her life.

Exciting dreams

Even today, many women believe that if a girl caught a fish in a dream, it means she is expecting a baby. Where this sign came from is unknown, but from the point of view of psychology, there is some truth in it.

Fish in a dream - to a child!

Scientists have found that for many women it is the fish on a subconscious level that symbolizes evolution and procreation.

When a new life is born in the body, this can be evidenced by a dream about successful fishing, as a symbol that now this woman will also be able to continue her race.

smart kids

It often happens that a random kid or child of relatives reveals the truth about the interesting position of the “aunt”. The question "Do you have Lyalya in your tummy?" children literally unsettle a young girl, because she still does not suspect pregnancy.

And suddenly, the baby is right. Many argue that children intuitively feel pregnant, even if the period is still very short.

Experienced Grandmothers

Or grandfathers. About the same as with children. Sometimes it seems that older people can smell pregnant women a mile away. I wonder why? Does life experience play a role?

Or, over the years, intuition sharpens so much that an elderly man on the bus suddenly gives you his seat and says something like: “There are two of you under your coat!”.

Relying on these methods, of course, is not worth it. Perhaps they are talking not so much about pregnancy, but about your readiness to finally become a mother.

Just think about it and talk to your partner. And if the probability is high, the symptoms of pregnancy in the early stages before the delay will help determine your position.

sexual attraction
Hormonal restructuring of the body is also responsible for the sexual desire of a woman.
In the first weeks of pregnancy, it may decrease or, conversely, increase.
And if there are no medical contraindications to sexual activity, for example, the threat of miscarriage, then you should not deny yourself the joys of sex.

10 most likely signs

Let's talk about those signs of pregnancy that a woman herself can feel, sometimes long before the delay.


Everyone has heard about it, but not everyone can feel it.

If you are one of those “lucky ones” who are destined to experience the “joys” of toxicosis, get ready for the fact that not only morning sickness awaits you, but also other ailments.

Experts attribute the following types of ailment to toxicosis:

  • Salivation;
  • Odor aversion;
  • Change in taste;
  • Increased appetite;
  • Nausea at any time of the day.


In the morning you get up and realize that you have got a cold. You don't seem to have a runny nose or cough, but you get chills. The thermometer shows something around 37.2 and I don’t feel like going to work at all.

You make tea and cover yourself with a warm blanket, but after a while everything suddenly passes. Such a drop in body temperature may indicate that soon someone will have to run to the pharmacy for tests.

But on what day after conception will the test show pregnancy before the delay? AND ?

A hormonal surge provokes the body to various kinds of impulses, including temperature jumps.

Basal temperature

If you've been carefully tracking your ovulation with a basal temperature chart, you'll easily be able to tell if you're pregnant. The line on your drawing will not go down, as it happens by the end of the cycle, but will stably stay at marks above 37.

If you have never measured your basal temperature, don't start. There are many other, more pleasant ways.

Strange discharge

There may be several explanations for the strange discharge in the second half of the cycle.

  1. Implant retraction. A few days after conception, a tiny clump of cells attaches to the wall of the uterus for further growth and development in the mother's body.
    The attachment process may be accompanied by the release of a small amount of blood, so the lower abdomen hurts - the first signs of pregnancy before the delay.
  2. imaginary menstruation. There are cases when, for several months after conception, a woman has discharge on ordinary days of the cycle, as during menstruation, although they are not physiological menstruation.
    This is due to hormonal changes, lack of progesterone and weakness of the cervix.

Seek immediate medical attention!
If spotting is accompanied by a sharp pain in one part of the abdomen, immediately contact the nearest emergency room!
Your pregnancy may be ectopic!

Breast changes

The chest is the place that can most quickly tell a woman that she is pregnant.

Of the most frequent and likely first signs of pregnancy before a delay in menstruation in the early stages, including in the first week, there are:

  • Swelling of the mammary glands;
  • soreness of the chest;
  • Isolation of colostrum;
  • Darkening of the areola.

your belly

First of all, with the onset of pregnancy, the intestines will make themselves felt. Pregnancy hormones contribute to the fact that he begins to be lazy, work slowly and reluctantly. Hence the gas and bloating.

In addition, you may be concerned about:

  • Feeling of fullness or heaviness in the lower abdomen. The uterus begins to grow, so this feeling is your companion for the next nine months.
  • Slight pulling pains and numbness in the area of ​​the uterus. At times like this, it's best to lie down and calm down.
  • Frequent urination. They are provoked by both hormones and the uterus pressing on the bladder.
  • Edema. The hormonal boom causes the kidneys to work a little differently, so you may notice some swelling in your fingers and face by the end of the day.

What happens at night

Your dreams will also change. There are two options: either they will become brighter and will resemble Hollywood films, or they will leave you completely, and you will suffer from insomnia.

Don't worry, everything will be back to normal soon.

The growth of the hCG hormone
Special tests or analyzes determine the increase in the level of hCG, which indicates the presence of pregnancy and its normal course.
It is important that this indicator grows even before the delay of menstruation:

  • 1-2 weeks - 25-156 mU / ml;
  • 2-3 weeks - 101-4870 mU / ml;
  • 3-4 weeks - 1110-31500 mU / ml;
  • 4-5 weeks - 2560-82300 mU / ml;
  • 5-6 weeks - 23100-151000 mU / ml.

Your other half

With the onset of pregnancy, peppercorns will also be added to relations with the second half. In the very early stages, when you are not yet aware of the baby, hormones are doing their job and your mood jumps from the “minus one hundred” mark to the “plus one thousand” mark in a fraction of a second.

Perhaps it is your spouse who will tell you, "Honey, why don't you take a pregnancy test?"

In addition to mood, your attraction to a partner may also fall. This is easily explained: nature protects the tiny creature inside you, and extra shakes during this period can harm it.

Your long-suffering back

If this child is not the first, your lower back will surely give you a sign of pregnancy.

Even in the last pregnancy, she was slightly bent by lordosis, so the next time it is she who will warn you with aching pains that you will soon become a mother again.

If the pregnancy is the first, it is possible that pain in the growing uterus will be given to the lower back. In any case, beware if your back gets tired and whining faster in the evening.


A frequent companion of pregnant women is headaches. It's all about the hormones again.

By the way, in the near future, it is hormones that you can explain everything that is happening to you.

Loss of consciousness

Remember how it usually happens in TV shows? The heroine, unaware of her pregnancy, suddenly faints, and, recovering herself, hears from the doctor: “You are pregnant!”. There is some truth in this scene.

Against the background of hormonal changes, the pressure in a woman's body decreases, and therefore dizziness and fainting can occur, especially in stuffy, smoky and hot rooms.

The first signs of pregnancy that may appear at the earliest possible date - what are they? In human society, the birth of life is the main event for both the expectant mother and the family in which the baby will appear. That is why there is a set of signs that have been tested for centuries, indicating the onset of pregnancy. The last century, marked by the rapid development of science and technology, has significantly replenished the piggy bank with medical observations of the onset of pregnancy. What omens to believe?

Frequent symptoms

The main, very first sign indicating the onset of pregnancy is a delay in menstruation. Can a woman find out about the onset of pregnancy earlier? Of course, it is impossible to give a 100% guarantee. Sometimes the ultrasound gives erroneous results, especially if done very early, in the first week of the delay, while ovulation occurred later than the 20th day of the cycle. But the earliest signs of pregnancy that a woman can find in herself will help you navigate. You just need to take into account that they sometimes appear during the so-called false pregnancy, when conception did not occur, but the woman wants a child so much that she has symptoms typical of expectant mothers.

The objective first signs of pregnancy in the first days after conception are changes that, with a high degree of probability, supported by medical data, indicate a restructuring of the hormonal sphere and preparation for labor:

  • an increase in the size of the nipples and mammary glands;
  • pain that occurs when you touch your chest, wearing a familiar bra;
  • frequent urge to urinate, including at night;
  • a change in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, perceived as a disorder, but in fact this is the beginning of toxicosis;
  • a change in the structure, size, shape of the uterus (it is clear that only a gynecologist can diagnose this);
  • increase in basal temperature;
  • detection in the blood of a special "pregnancy hormone" - hCG.

There is a big difference between how a young girl who has never given birth and a woman who has already carried a child feels her pregnancy. It is a nulliparous woman who can feel new sensations for her especially clearly. So, the tender breast reacts most strongly to the rush of hormones - swelling, an increase in the size of the nipple, pain when touched, intentionally or accidentally, a feeling of fullness can be very acute.

Intestinal upset, manifested by constipation, flatulence, vomiting, is caused by hormonal imbalance. The female hormone progesterone reduces the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, so the vast majority of pregnant women have problems of this kind.

Basal body temperature is a fairly accurate indicator of fertilization. It should be measured upon awakening in the morning, usually in the rectum, although vaginal measurements are also acceptable. Stably elevated temperature (37 and slightly higher) is also a consequence of the work of progesterone. Usually the difference between normal BBT and the temperature at the onset of pregnancy is half a degree.

The hCG hormone is almost one hundred percent proof of an “interesting situation”, as it is produced by the fetal body. Another thing is that many inexpensive home test strips are not very sensitive and can only recognize pregnancy after a delay. In this sense, laboratory blood testing is more reliable and can be applied much earlier. Already 8-10 days after unprotected intercourse.

Are there subjective very first signs of pregnancy before the delay, what are they? A classic example of the subjective perception of pregnancy - "salty pulled." Many women have a change in taste, olfactory preferences. Some smells begin to irritate wildly - literally to the point of tantrums. Some, on the contrary, I like. A pregnant woman may enjoy a strange combination of sweet, salty, bitter, sour foods. A lady who has always been contemptuous of, for example, instant noodles may greedily pounce on her. By the way, precisely because the additives to it contain a lot of salt, monosodium glutamate.

Other signs include morning or afternoon vomiting, severe irritability, tearfulness, exacerbation of thrush, manifestations of cystitis, "smearing" discharge, reminiscent of premature or delayed periods, fatigue, drowsiness, increased appetite, dizziness and headache.

You need to understand that all these sensations and the first signs of pregnancy in the first weeks may be the result of an exacerbation of chronic ailments or acute diseases. If, against the background of a deterioration in well-being, spotting, headache, a woman feels a sharp pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the anus, you need to urgently consult a doctor - there is a high probability of a pathological ectopic pregnancy.

What do people say

What about our grandmothers? What were they guided by when diagnosing an interesting situation in themselves? There are folk signs about the very first signs of pregnancy before the delay in menstruation, and believing them or not is a personal matter.

Folk wisdom considers the appearance of a previously uncharacteristic taste of metal in the mouth to be one of the manifestations. This is a rather striking example, since the constant obsessive feeling of iron on the tongue is hard to miss.

Pay attention to the condition of the skin. The manifestation of a blue venous mesh on the chest and legs is considered one of the signs of fertilization, as well as a sharp change in behavior. If an active girl suddenly lies down on the sofa with a book and spends it day after day, wait for the baby!

But the most important folk sign is a magical transformation. If an unremarkable girl, a kind of "gray mouse", suddenly turns into an incredible beauty, she is pregnant. And most likely, what is waiting for the boy. What works here - female hormones that make the expectant mother charming, or just happiness - it doesn’t matter. The essence is in the great mystery of the origin of life.

All the first signs of pregnancy can be divided into doubtful, probable and reliable.

Reliable and probable signs of pregnancy before a delay

Pregnancy can be reliably determined at a fairly late date after a delay. Among them are fetal movements, the possibility of palpation, the presence of a heartbeat.

The first of the likely signs of pregnancy can be called cyanosis and swelling of the uterus when examined by an obstetrician-gynecologist and the detection of a fetal egg in the uterus during an ultrasound examination. However, it is unlikely that it will be possible to find out about an interesting situation in this way before the delay of the next menstruation, since the fetal egg is still too small, and the changes taking place in the woman's body are not so significant as to be seen with the naked eye.

As a rule, a delay in menstruation is a likely sign of an interesting situation; you can confirm your doubts by taking a pregnancy test. Most of them are able to show the exact result already on the first day of the absence of the next menstruation.

Many are wondering if the test can show two strips even before the delay. Considering that the average length of the menstrual cycle in women is 28 calendar days, ovulation occurs in two weeks, implantation - by the seventh day from fertilization, and the level of the hCG hormone increases daily by 2 times, starting from the day the fertilized egg is introduced into the uterus, then you can calculate that two days before menstruation, the level of the pregnancy hormone in the blood is 16Mme / ml. Sensitive tests, therefore, will already be able to show a pale second. However, the level of the hormone in the urine is still lower than in the blood, ovulation and implantation may be late, and therefore the test result, even with the onset of pregnancy, may be negative.

Signs of pregnancy on the chart of basal temperature

Pregnancy can occur if unprotected intercourse occurs no earlier than 48 hours before the release of the egg into the uterus (ovulation) and no later than 24 hours after it. If you measure your basal body temperature (oral or rectal resting temperature), then you can track the day the egg is released on the chart. It lies between the low and high temperature curves. Ovulation usually occurs 14 days before the next period.

After fertilization of the egg, implantation should occur on the 4-10th day - attachment of the fetal egg to the wall of the uterus. On this day, on the chart, you can see a sharp jump in temperature down, followed by an increase.

The so-called implantation retraction can be one of the very first signs of pregnancy even before the delay in menstruation. In the following days and during the first trimester of pregnancy, due to the action of hormones, the body temperature at rest is slightly overestimated.

However, basal temperature charts cannot give an accurate answer to the question of pregnancy, since a similar behavior of the drawn line can also indicate various hormonal disorders in a woman's body.

Doubtful signs of pregnancy before missed period

The first signs of pregnancy before a delay cannot unequivocally indicate that a woman is in an interesting position, however, if they are present, a woman should take care of herself because of the likelihood of developing a small organism in her uterus.

The hormone progesterone is the first to start working after fertilization. Its action can significantly affect appetite. You may want to eat something unusual, unusual, combine non-standard products.

Already in the first weeks of pregnancy, nausea, vomiting and dizziness may occur.

Literally after the implantation of the fetal egg, many pregnant women begin to feel weak, suffer from insomnia at night and feel sleepy during the day.

Any strong odors can be disgusting, as can certain types of food and drink.

In addition to a slightly elevated body temperature, arterial hypertension can be observed - low blood pressure.

The mood often changes dramatically throughout the day, sensitivity increases, irritability increases.

Salivation may increase and urination may become more frequent.

Not all women show these first signs of pregnancy before a missed period. They may start to bother the expectant mother later or not show themselves at all.

Is it possible to feel conception and implantation

Perhaps you can meet a lot of women who claim that they felt the conception of a child. They describe mild aching or drawing pains in the uterine region. Such sensations are hardly associated with the fertilization of the egg, but they can indicate the onset of ovulation, during which pregnancy occurs.

But the implantation of the fetal egg can really be felt. When a fertilized egg implants in the wall of the uterus, its top layer is destroyed. As a result, at rest, it is possible to feel slight tingling and sipping in the lower abdomen. On the day of implantation or a little later, drops of blood from the vagina may be released, that is, the occurrence of the so-called. These feelings can also be attributed to first signs of pregnancy before delay.

And among the majority of women planning to become mothers, the question is common and there have been many disputes among gynecologists - what are the first signs of pregnancy before a delay? What phenomena in our body can be attributed to those in the early stages?

The questions are quite important, because certain sensations prompt a woman to take a test, but it is better to contact a specialist to get a long-awaited answer.

How to determine in the first days whether you are pregnant or not?

Everything is very simple - you should pay attention to the signs that indicate the presence of an interesting situation even on the shortest terms.

Many happy mothers say that, allegedly, at the subconscious level, they were clearly sure that they were expecting a baby.

The feeling is similar to when we intuitively feel the approach of a thunderstorm through the frozen treetops. The situation is similar with pregnancy - early signs of a “beautiful position” can be recognized already in the first week.

Perhaps you notice strange changes in the functioning of your body that cause you many questions. Or maybe this is the long-awaited one that every girl dreams of?

Is there a way to determine conception before the onset of a missed period, and what are the most common signs?

Below are 11 of the most common signs that magic is happening inside of you! Compare your condition and draw a conclusion.

How long to count

It will sound strange, but from a medical point of view, the 1st week of pregnancy comes before it appears. You are most likely surprised. An explanation will follow immediately.

Doctors consider a full-term pregnancy to be 40 weeks.

The reference point in obstetrics is the date of the first day of the last menstruation.

This period of menstruation is marked by the formation of eggs, which, in some way, are the prototype of the future baby. In the first week, the body will choose the best of two hundred thousand eggs in order to create a new life.

Based on everything that has been said above, it can be argued that there are no signs of an “interesting situation” in the 1st week, conception did not happen!

And the very first signs that cause some concern to women will appear from the 3-4th week after conception.

Primary Signals

So conception happened.

From that moment on, an active restructuring of functions and tasks began in your body: all forces are aimed at meeting the needs of the future baby growing in you.

Most of the signs are unpleasant for expectant mothers. The restructuring of the body for a new way of life cannot pass without a trace and painlessly.

The main thing is to treat such changes with understanding and calmness.

A new rhythm of your body’s work begins, which will have to provide not only you, but also the rapidly growing fetus.

So, the main signs of pregnancy before the delay of menstruation, which are observed in women (listed randomly, not in order of appearance):

  1. short-term bleeding;
  2. systematic malaise;
  3. increase in basal temperature;
  4. increased sensitivity of the mammary glands;
  5. feeling of "fullness" in the lower abdomen;
  6. drowsiness, distraction, fatigue;
  7. change in taste, aversion to smells, nausea;
  8. pain in the lumbar region, headaches;
  9. bloating, accompanied by intestinal upset;
  10. frequent urge to urinate;
  11. copious vaginal discharge.

What are the reasons for such changes? Each of the above points has a rational explanation. We'll deal with it in order.

Signs of pregnancy

  • No. 1. Short-term bleeding

In the early stages, discharge, reminiscent of the onset of menstruation, can somewhat puzzle you.

First thoughts - critical days start somehow wrong, and at the wrong time. It is a yellowish-brown, not abundant discharge.

Such bleeding is called "implantation" - perhaps the earliest sign of pregnancy. The manifestation of secretions is typical in the period of 8-12 days after conception: the period of planting and engraftment of the embryo on the wall of the uterus.

Bleeding can also occur after a delay, here you need to be more careful, because this period is dangerous with the threat of a miscarriage. In any case, you should notify the gynecologist about the presence of such secretions.

  • No. 2. Systematic malaise

Some girls who don't yet know they're pregnant may feel like they just caught a cold. And the explanation is simple: during the first trimester, a woman's body will be increased, and, as a result, fatigue will increase.

However, some, in fact, do not feel well: a runny nose appears, complaints of sore throats are not uncommon. The reason for this is a sharp decrease in the overall immunity of the body.

  • #3 Raise Your Basal Temperature

Perhaps the main role among the symptoms should be given to this symptom.

By measuring the temperature in her rectum (yes, that's right!) For several days, without getting out of bed, a woman is able to get an accurate answer to the question of whether she is in a position.

Doctors say: if the temperature on the thermometer is from 37 degrees and above, the answer is yes!

This is due to the following: conception is accompanied by an increase in the level of the hormone progesterone, which has a direct effect on the temperature increase.

Please note that the temperature will be elevated only until the full functioning of the placenta begins (the first few weeks after conception).

  • No. 4. Increasing the sensitivity of the mammary glands

Swelling of the breast, increased sensitivity is a fairly common sign of the 1-2nd week of being in an "interesting position". Most women complain of pain that occurs at the slightest touch to the chest.

More rare are cases when women, on the contrary, do not feel changes in their breasts and are surprised at such a strange absence.

The beginning of pregnancy may be indicated by a change in the pigmentation of the area around the nipples (darkening).

When pressed, colorless discharge from the nipples may appear. Thus, the body prepares the mammary glands for the most important period after the birth of a baby - breastfeeding.

  • No. 5. Feeling of "fullness" in the lower abdomen

The period in the early stages is characterized by an increase in blood flow to the pelvic area. In addition, the uterus also increases in size. Often, future mothers say: the primary sign, even before the delay, was a clear feeling of the uterus.

The less pleasant side of this symptom is the manifestation of hemorrhoids. This symptom is typical during (due to an increase in the size of the fetus).

However, some future mothers who were lucky enough to feel the joy of motherhood complained about the manifestation of this symptom at the initial stage of pregnancy.

  • No. 6. Drowsiness, distraction, fatigue

The feeling of sudden drowsiness, helplessness and absent-mindedness, as well as rapid fatigue, all have the same reason: the active production of the hormone progesterone, on top of that, the global restructuring of the female body for bearing a baby.

In addition, progesterone is known for its properties to have a depressing effect on the psyche, causing drowsiness. Do not rush to fall into despair, this condition is typical only for the first few months of pregnancy.

After 10-12 weeks, the placenta begins to actively produce its hormones, which entails an increase in the level of estrogens, which have an exciting effect on the female psyche. And drowsiness as if by hand will remove!

  • No. 7. Change in taste, aversion to smells, nausea

Perhaps the most difficult to tolerate in the list of first signs before a delay is early toxicosis, which is also the most famous.

It is observed from the 2nd week of being “in position”, but the duration of this symptom is quite different: for some, it ends by the beginning of the second trimester, and some suffer from toxicosis for all 9 months. This phenomenon is explained by changes in the functional state of the central nervous system.

Changes in taste and aversion to certain smells are characteristic of most girls, and only a few lucky women bypass this problem.

Usually, vomiting is observed from 2 or even more times per day. Similarly, there is a decrease in appetite and profuse salivation.

  • No. 8. Pain in the lumbar region, headaches

Pain in the lower back is especially acute in the region of the sacrum and resembles "lumbago". The presence of such symptoms is quite possible in late pregnancy.

Headaches are the result of sharp jumps in the amount of hormones produced by a woman's body in the early days.

Folk methods for determining pregnancy were very often based precisely on "where it hurts." In most cases, with the completion of the hormone level returns to normal, the headaches disappear, and the pregnant woman gets only pleasure from being in this position.

  • No. 9. Bloating, accompanied by an upset bowel

In the early stages, the hormone progesterone is also "involved". It is well known: it has a relaxing effect on the smooth muscles of the internal organs - this is necessary in order to properly relax the uterus and avoid miscarriage.

Along with the relaxation of the uterus, the intestines also relax, making it an obstacle to the normal emptying of accumulated gases.

The main condition for eliminating this symptom is thoughtful.

  • No. 10. Frequent urge to urinate

The reason for frequent urination lies in the increased level of female sex hormones and the systematic flow of blood into the pelvic area. In addition, the kidneys begin to function in an altered mode.

Starting from the second trimester, this sign can be attributed to the main manifestations of a woman's pregnancy.

The frequency of urination is influenced by the growth of the fetus, and its pressure on the bladder of the expectant mother.

  • No. 11. Abundant vaginal discharge

As noted above, some signs before menstruation are due to the blood filling of the pelvic organs, directly affecting the increase in the amount of vaginal discharge.

Moreover, such secretions have a protective function: an increased content of hydrogen ions in the vaginal secretion creates a reliable protection for the mother's body from the penetration of microbes.

Do not forget: this environment is favorable for the reproduction of yeast-like fungi. Expectant mothers often complain about the appearance of thrush, which must be treated in order to avoid infection of the fetus.

These are the 11 initial signs of pregnancy.

If first the test, and then your gynecologist confirmed your "interesting position" - smile and tune in only to positive emotions.

Be sure to perceive every change that occurs in your body in a positive way!

Pregnancy from the very first week leaves its mark on the condition of a woman. After the fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus, hormonal changes begin in the woman's body.

They are manifested by certain symptoms by which pregnancy can be diagnosed at an early stage.

The most favorable time for conception is the period of ovulation, which occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle. Ovulation occurs when the follicle ruptures and the egg is ready for fertilization.

If for some reason the menstrual cycle has failed, the timing of ovulation may shift and conception may occur earlier or later than the middle of the cycle.

The mature egg enters the fallopian tube, which contains the sperm. The most active of them penetrates the shell of the egg and fertilizes it. Then it begins to move towards the uterine cavity. Along the way, the egg divides and by the time it enters the uterus turns into a fetal egg, consisting of several hundred cells.

Implantation of the fetal egg occurs 7-10 days after ovulation.

After entering the uterus, the fetal egg does not immediately attach to its wall, but is in a “suspended” state for 2 days. During this time, it prepares the surface of the uterus for implantation by relaxing its tissues. This is necessary so that the walls of the uterus do not reject the foreign body.

Attachment to the back wall of the uterus occurs more often, since it is thicker, many vessels are concentrated in it and better conditions are created for the development of the embryo.

Implantation can fail for a number of reasons:

  • hormonal failure (change in the concentration of progesterone, estrogen, glucocorticosteroids, prolactin, etc.);
  • unpreparedness of the endometrium (uterine mucosa) for implantation. The thickness of the endometrium for the successful attachment of the fetal egg must be at least 7 mm;
  • fibroids (benign tumor) of the uterus.

If the fertilized egg fails to establish itself, menstruation will begin, and it will leave the uterus along with the menstrual flow.

Hormonal changes after implantation

After the attachment of the fetal egg, the active work of the body begins, aimed at the proper development of the child.

A woman is faced with hormonal changes that affect the functioning of all body systems.

In place of the bursting follicle, it appears - this is a temporary formation responsible for the production of progesterone.

Progesterone is a hormone necessary for the implantation of a fertilized egg and the normal development of pregnancy. Violation of the corpus luteum can lead to miscarriage or.

During the division of a fertilized egg, the rudiments of the future embryo and fetal membranes (chorion) appear. The chorion produces a special hormone - chorionic gonadotropin (hCG).

By the presence of this hormone in the blood, it is possible to assume the onset of pregnancy with a high degree of probability. In rare cases, it is not associated with pregnancy, but with certain diseases.

Subjective first signs before delay

The first signs of pregnancy before the delay are based on the feelings of the woman.

They are characteristic of pregnancy, but their severity may be different: in some women they appear more strongly, in others they are completely absent. And it doesn’t matter which pregnancy is the first, second or third, any woman can feel the early signs of pregnancy, regardless of age, nationality, social status, etc.

Even before a missed period, the first sign of pregnancy can be chest pain. They appear at 1-2 weeks of pregnancy.

The chest swells, becomes more sensitive, any touch causes pain.

The initial sign of pregnancy before the delay may be increased pigmentation of the nipples. This symptom does not always appear, in some cases women do not feel any discomfort in the chest.

Another, so to speak, a popular sign of pregnancy can be a slight spotting from the genital tract.

The process of attaching the egg to the wall of the uterus may be accompanied by implantation bleeding -.

A woman may mistake them for premenstrual flow. They can last from several hours to days.

The changed hormonal background becomes, which causes apathy, loss of strength and drowsiness.

Such early signs of pregnancy can accompany a woman throughout the first trimester of pregnancy. To them are added changes in the emotional state of the pregnant woman: tearfulness, irritability and anxiety appear.

Many women are worried about the malaise characteristic of colds: headache, feeling of weakness, discharge from the nose,.

These symptoms are caused by a temporary weakening of the immune system, which is characteristic of early pregnancy.

If a woman goes to a doctor about being unwell, she needs to inform him about a possible conception.

This will allow the doctor to choose drugs that are safe in early pregnancy.

Accelerated blood circulation in the pelvic organs and a change in the functioning of the kidneys cause frequent urination. If it is accompanied by pulling or cutting pain, you should immediately consult a doctor. In this case, frequent urination may be a sign of a urinary tract infection.

During pregnancy, blood flow to the pelvic organs increases, and the growth of the uterus begins.

An increase in the size of the uterus may be accompanied by a feeling of "fullness" in the abdomen, pain and tingling in the uterus.

Diarrhea may be the primary sign of pregnancy before a delay.

Diarrhea is non-infectious and resolves quickly. Thus, the body reacts to the stress caused by pregnancy.

Do not worry about this - after a while the chair will recover. According to statistics, local disorders of the gastrointestinal tract in 65% of cases are clear signs of pregnancy before the delay.

Looseness of the cervix, reduced turgor of the muscles of the vagina. This is due to the action of progesterone, which helps to relax muscle tissue.

Without waiting for an examination by a gynecologist, you can conduct a self-examination: insert a finger into the vagina and assess muscle tone. On palpation in the event of pregnancy, the muscles will appear "boiled".

Unusual signs of pregnancy include a change in taste preferences, excessive tearfulness, flatulence, heartburn, and decreased visual acuity.

Despite the abundance of signs that indirectly indicate pregnancy, you may not experience any signs at all other than a delay.

Personal experience

To begin with, I am a mother of 3 children and all 3 pregnancies were, therefore, from the very first days after conception, I listened to my body and carefully monitored all the changes that were taking place.

I would like to clarify that the early signs of pregnancy, which can occur 1-2 weeks after conception, are so subjective (even for one woman) that it is not worth trying on all the feelings of other people.

So, for the first time, the earliest sign indicating pregnancy was pain in the mammary glands. The chest swelled, became very sensitive and hurt so much that it was impossible to lie on the stomach. This was not the case before. The chest, of course, hurt, but not much. It was this fact that prompted me, and he gave.

The planning of the second pregnancy stretched for as much as six months. Health was all right. Before planning a pregnancy, my husband and I passed. But for some reason the test failed. I listened to my own body, and when my chest started to hurt, I ran for the test, but the results were negative. So during the next cycle after ovulation, I noticed that the chest does not hurt at all.

To be honest, I thought that this time the body decided to take a break and reward me with an anovulatory cycle. My chest never started to hurt. This time I didn't even take the test. However, this cycle ended with pregnancy. And I did the test after the delay, and it showed a red bright second strip.

Moreover, a few days after ovulation, I started having cystitis on the background. I successfully cured cystitis with Monural, and after 2 weeks I found out that I was pregnant. I don’t know if cystitis and a cold can be called early signs of pregnancy. But I'm glad that taking the antibiotic did not affect the child in any way.

The third time I got pregnant again the first time. Moreover, the pregnancy occurred immediately in the next cycle after the cancellation of OK "Regulon". This time the chest was normal. Slightly began to swell after ovulation. In principle, nothing foreshadowed pregnancy.

However, this time I set aside for myself the day when the embryo transfer was supposed to take place. On this day, the whole body was wadded, I wanted to lie down all the time and. By the way, this time the test did not show pregnancy before the delay. A weak second strip appeared the second time on the 2nd day of delay.

So, even for one woman, each new pregnancy manifests itself differently.

Xenia, 34.

Objective signs of pregnancy before delay

One of the reliable signs of pregnancy before the delay is considered to be an increase in basal temperature (temperature in the rectum) above 37 ˚С.

The obtained measurement results may be correct under certain conditions.

Basal temperature is measured in the morning, immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed. Prior to this, the woman should lie down for at least 6 hours.

You can not measure earlier than 2 hours after intercourse, as the results will be incorrect.

The onset of pregnancy can be judged by the level of the hCG hormone. At home, its level in the urine is determined using special tests.

In early pregnancy, a second faint strip may appear on the test. In this case, it is necessary to repeat the tests for several days and monitor the change in the brightness of the bands.

If the gestation period is short, home tests can be given, that is, implantation has already occurred, but the level of hCG is still insufficient to determine it in the urine.

For correct results in the early stages, it is better to use with a sensitivity of 10 mIU / ml.

A false negative result can be for other reasons:

  • the test was damaged or expired;
  • non-morning urine was used;
  • on the eve of the test, the woman drank a lot of liquid or took diuretics;
  • kidney disease;

If pregnancy is suspected but a home test is negative, a blood test is needed.

In it, hCG is determined earlier than in urine. Blood for analysis is taken from a vein, the analysis is taken in the morning on an empty stomach or 4-5 hours after eating at other times of the day.

To confirm the result, it is necessary to take hCG in dynamics. In the case of a normal uterine pregnancy, the level of the hCG hormone in the blood will constantly rise.

After the first signs of pregnancy appear, it is necessary to wait until the menstrual cycle is delayed and consult a doctor.

He will prescribe an ultrasound, which will unequivocally allow you to establish the fact of pregnancy and determine its development (uterine, developing or frozen).
