How to understand what orientation you are. The Kinsey Scale: Secrets of Sexual Orientation

- Sveta Gogol

Knowledgeable people claim that you can learn quite a lot about a person’s personal life just by looking at him properly. No, you will not need a crystal ball and we do not guarantee that all information will be 100% accurate. No magic. Just science.

1. Want to know how she treats you? Look at her feet

Remember that girl you were crazy about in high school? You did not dare to confess - you were afraid to be refused. And remember how last week did you experience the same? Maybe asking a girl out on a date will be much easier if you know the answer before asking a question?

Psychologists will tell you that it's all about body language. Yes, you probably already know about it. The problem is that other people (and women in particular) have also read about it and have become adept at imitating indifference with amazing virtuosity. So don't jump to conclusions.

Look at her feet.

Usually, people try to control their body movements, especially if they want to hide something. But with their legs they do it the worst. So get your feet off more likely can give away the secrets of their masters.

Scientists at the University of Manchester conducted a study studying the movements of the feet different people V different situations. They found out, in particular, that if a woman, communicating with you, stands or sits with her legs apart, you have a great chance. But if she crossed them or closed them tightly - alas, most likely you are unpleasant to her.

2. The political views of a person can be determined by the eyes

In most cases about political views We get to know people from them. However, not everyone is constantly shouting slogans or sculpting bumper stickers, declaring their political allegiances.

Fortunately, with the help of science, you can easily determine whether you are a liberal or a conservative.

How is this possible? I'll explain now.

By look. Literally. Eye contact can give out the political beliefs of your interlocutor with his head.

Scientists have conducted a series of experiments and found that people who adhere to liberal views, when communicating, are likely to repeat the movements of your eyes. Suppose you are talking to someone, suddenly look away from the interlocutor and look at something to the right of him. Maybe they saw a friend or passed by beautiful woman. A liberal will certainly turn around to see what caught your attention, even if it has nothing to do with the subject of the conversation. If you look away one more time, they will repeat your movement again and again...

Conservatives usually don't care what you're staring at. They will look at you without being distracted. Scientists are inclined to conclude that adherents of conservative views do not avert their eyes, because they like to decide for themselves what to do.

3. A person's sexual orientation can be determined by their hands and hair (usually)

Suppose, for some reason, you desperately need to determine sexual orientation person. Sometimes it's not so easy. But probably.

How? I'll explain now.

Look at the hands and hair.

One of the indicators of possible homosexuality is the ratio of the length of the index and ring fingers. This ratio is determined before birth. IN mother's womb The development of the ring finger is promoted by the male sex hormone testosterone, and the development of the index finger by the female hormone estrogen. Therefore, the ratio of the length of these fingers in men and women is usually different.

The ring finger of the representatives of the stronger sex is longer than the index finger, in women they are about the same length. Deviation from this rule may indicate non-traditional sexual orientation.

In other words, if a guy's index and ring fingers are roughly the same length, it's possible that he's gay. Or if a woman's ring finger is much longer than her index finger, this can also mean that she belongs to sexual minorities.

Now pay attention to the hair. More precisely, on the direction in which they twist on his crown. The results of one of the studies revealed a mysterious relationship between the direction of hair growth and sexual orientation. It turned out that in 23% of gays, the vortices on the back of the head twist counterclockwise. While among all people in general, the hair on the top of the head is directed counterclockwise in only eight percent.

4. Eye color can tell how much alcohol a person can drink.

In the life of every man there may come a moment when he desperately needs to drink another to complete insanity. Maybe you're betting that you'll outdrink someone, or you want to prove how tough you are. Or maybe you are a mediocre hero romantic comedy, well, not much...

Suppose you have a bet and you need to choose your opponent. Of course, you will choose from the whole company a pathetic, slender creature with sky-blue eyes. And in an hour you will curse everything in the world. But all this could have been avoided if you knew how to choose an opponent easier.

How to do it? I'll explain now.

Picking the blue-eyed one was a big mistake. Eye color, it turns out, is a great indicator of how much alcohol a person has time to drink before they get drunk.

Scientists conducted a study involving thousands of white men. It turned out that the owners bright eyes(blue, green, gray) can drink much more than the owners of the dark ones. Experiments involving women gave approximately the same result.

What is even more interesting is that the results of these studies could be predicted in advance. Brown-eyed people are known to be more sensitive to medicines and other irritants. This sensitivity makes them stop in time. Blue-eyed people, on the other hand, need more alcohol to fill up, so they choke off drink after drink with ease. On top of that, the same studies found that blue-eyed people tend to be more prone to drunken brawls.

5. A rich person can be calculated by the manner of communication.

If you are one of those people who do not care about the socio-economic status of others, we are very happy for you. But for many of us, the ability to quickly determine the level of well-being of a stranger can help avoid embarrassment, and even trouble, followed by hospitalization in a pre-heart attack.

Do you want to know how to calculate the moneybags? Very simple. Look at the car he came in.

Kidding. The scientifically proven method that I want to offer you is even more stupid.

In 2009, two California universities held psychological research. The goal is to establish the relationship between the socio-economic status of a person and the non-verbal means of communication that he unconsciously uses when communicating.

Participants in the experiment, unfamiliar with each other, were divided into pairs. One person in each pair was significantly wealthier than the other. While they met and talked, scientists recorded all the conversations on film. The results were as follows: those who were richer behaved more aloofly. While the interlocutor was trying to capture their attention, they often changed their position, twirled a pencil in their hands, etc. Those that were poorer did not twitch, nodded, smiled, and in fact listened to their partners with interest.

The theory is that people with higher socioeconomic status are less dependent on others due to their wealth and education. Therefore, they are not too interested in communicating with other people.

However, if someone behaves with you In a similar way, and you know for sure that this person is broke, then, most likely, he simply does not like you.

Sometimes the simple answer is the best one.

Erotic attraction is divided into three types: heterosexual orientation, homosexual orientation and bisexual orientation. Each type is distinguished by the attraction, desire and behavior of a person to a particular sex or to both sexes at the same time.

The Conscious and Subconscious Nature of Sexual Desire

The modern one agrees that orientation is not only acquired, as, for example, in cases where a person has adopted family experience and the orientation of his parents, but also innate.

Research results gay prove that congenital orientation exists, and therefore is of a biological nature, in which human genes and hormones participate as carriers of orientation.

In a number of such cases, a person who is aware of his attraction to persons of his own sex tries to hide it by suppressing his desires. This behavior occurs due to various reasons, For example: strict upbringing, fear of public condemnation, moral foundations and principles, existing Family status and others.

In such a situation, it is not excluded that a man who has discovered his true desires becomes an ardent supporter of homophobic views. A latent homosexual, as a rule, hides his preferences, but on a subconscious level experiences sexual arousal to members of their own gender.

Methods for determining sexual orientation

To the most quick methods definitions of orientation include: psychological testing - a study of the orientation of the respondent through his answers to questions. At the same time, the disadvantage of such psychological tests is the possibility of a subconscious distortion by a person of the result, and therefore the inaccuracy and unreliability of determining the orientation as a whole.

In order to determine your own orientation, you should answer the following questions:
- Pay attention to which pictures attract you more: naked men or naked women?
- What emotions does a possible sexual contact with a partner of your gender cause in you?
- If you noticed an attraction to a representative of your own gender, what emotions did you experience?
- If you had an erotic experience with the opposite sex, would you like to experience it again?
- How do you feel about gay people?
- Do you have fantasies associated with the participation of persons of the same sex or both sexes at the same time?

If you are experiencing sexual interest same sex or both sexes at the same time, you should experience intimate relationships. In this way, you can compare your feelings for a particular gender, and then draw conclusions about your orientation.

If it is difficult for you to independently come to a conclusion about orientation, it is recommended to seek the advice of a sexologist. Based professional experience a specialist will help you sort out the problem.

It is worth noting that any preferences, including sexual ones, are a matter of personal concern to you and your partner. It is up to you to decide who to love - a man or a woman, and what kind of connections to create - long-term or one-time.

Each country, each culture has its own views on tradition. sexual relations, and each couple has its own view on intimacy. Someone allows himself looseness and experiments, while someone bashfully turns off the light. But in the world there are still some standards that divide what is happening into what is acceptable to the public and what is not.


traditional relationship name something that does not go beyond the accepted limits. Experiments of any nature are unconventional. But each couple decides for themselves what they can bring to life, and what they are not ready to decide on. And the comfort of the participants is important, and not the opinion of someone from outside. Uniformity quickly becomes boring, and people always start looking for something new.

Homosexual sex is considered non-traditional today. Gays and lesbians exist, their presence cannot be denied, but in Russia their love is not considered common. They prefer to see people of the same gender in bed. Homosexuals do not often show their preferences in public, as this can cause the anger of others. They usually talk about their orientation in narrow circles where it comes as no surprise. Close to them are bisexuals who are turned on by all people, they do not choose them by gender. For them, intimate contacts with both men and women are acceptable.

Sex with objects can also be called unconventional. If people are already used to using food in sex, then whips are still considered something specific. There are fetishes when love game there are heels, latex suits, tights or any other things. Even at the sight of his object of admiration, a person can experience great pleasure, and this is also sex. And some get pleasure from causing someone pain or feeling this sensation.

Bondage is the binding of a person. Is sexual practice. Usually, the one who is wrapped in ropes or even ropes feels pleasure from the process. These emotions are very strong and deep. After the procedure or during, there may be ordinary sex, and some non-traditional. But not everyone can decide on such a thing, since the trust of a partner is necessary. This type of sex also includes suffocation, when at the time of intercourse a girl or a man is deprived of air for a while.

Sex with animals is also from the category of non-traditional sex. Few want to try it. Often grown for such sex big dogs. Less commonly, horses are involved in this action. There are clubs where everyone can experience it.

There is also sex with strangers, the exchange of partners, showing off your body and watching it - and all this can be called something unusual. But such facets of sexuality are present in the world, and thousands of people take part in these games.

Helpful advice

Don't pay attention to other people's opinions. Sex is an opportunity to express yourself, to discover sensuality, to have fun. And how this happens does not concern anyone but the participants.

Advice 3: Non-traditional orientation: congenital or acquired

Non-traditional orientation is a rather delicate issue both in the politics of the whole state and in the discussion of personal relationships. Some treat such people positively, others try to reason, others blame, and many researchers are still arguing what is the percentage of people in society with traditional orientation.


Studies show that for the appearance of a person with a non-traditional orientation, both the influence of hereditary traits or conditions for the development of the fetus in the womb, and the upbringing of a person in society are possible. That is, there is no uniquely only congenital or only acquired inheritance of sexual orientation.

It is known that in nature homosexuality manifests itself among many species of animals. Therefore, it can hardly be considered a mistake of nature or some kind of failure. In human society, the probability of having a child with a non-traditional orientation is 4-5%. That is, there are no more true homosexuals who were born with this quality on the entire planet than there are people. This symptom is quite rare, and, moreover, it does not manifest itself openly in all people. After all, upbringing, family traditions also matter. If a child born with a non-traditional orientation has a fairly strict family and a traditional environment, then most likely he will not even understand that he is gay and certainly will not openly show his feelings.

Only about 10% in the womb have the so-called "homosexual" gene. But at birth, it appears in about half of babies. Therefore, questions of heredity in homosexuality are not so critical. Parents with a traditional orientation may well have a gay son, and vice versa, a homosexual father has a high percentage of births. traditional child. The same law applies even in pairs. identical twins: if one of them was born with an unconventional orientation, it does not mean that the second will be the same.

However, this is not only about genes. If the embryo in the womb receives an increased share female hormones, they can affect its orientation in the future. Often this effect is due to stress or hormonal treatment of the mother. Then, at birth, the child receives the body of a man, but the thinking and behavior of the boy can be feminine. Most likely, such a child, having matured, is aware of his feminine essence and become a homosexual. The same thing happens with the female fetus. If a girl gets too much male hormones during pregnancy, they may show up in her later behavior.

Movies, TV shows, then young people have a natural curiosity. Why not try it if it's trendy? And the ban on this topic in traditional society is perceived as a kind of rebellion against the older generation, a desire to annoy parents. Therefore, in today's society, many see themselves as representatives of non-traditional orientation, in fact, they are not.

Hm, yoda_daro claims that this is a test to determine their sexual orientation.

Like, check yourself and your friends that you shake hands with every day.

Most likely a fake, like an old Finnish test ( fritzmorgen at one time, this topic was coolly untwisted):

If you do not see the number in only one circle, then you have and may develop one of the following deviations:

Circle 1. Increased aggressiveness, conflict. It is recommended to pay a lot of attention contrast soul and physical exercise.

Circle 2. Reduced mental capacity. When serving in the general branches of the military, additional measures are not required.

Circle 3. Gasterimargia (gluttony). Reinforced soldering, more exercise, contraindicated sedentary work and work in the kitchen.

Circle 5. Latent (hidden, repressed) homosexuality. Attacks of poorly controlled attraction to people of the same sex are possible. additional measures not required.
