How to make a man feel good. Circle "skillful hands": make him feel good with your hands

No matter how boring, but everywhere there are rules, they should be followed. If it comes to the moral side, then only upbringing plays a role, and to a greater extent, a person sets limits, norms, boundaries for himself. There is no single ideal model of actions, but there are things that absolutely cannot be violated, especially when it comes to behavior in bed.

Every woman dreams of conquering, being passionate with her lover, knowing how to please, how to surprise, alas, not everyone manages to step over this line of selfishness and follow the call of nature. Where is the egoism? - The fact is that girls are more romantic, for them, the main thing is to seduce, while guys categorically do not tolerate various types of conditions, ultimatums, manipulations or the desire to get something in return for an intimate relationship, they may become offended by this.

Sometimes, you can use a similar method, but you need to know the measure, and not turn regular sex into an ultimatum or blackmail. By postponing lovemaking to other days, you not only reject, ignore wishes, thereby forgetting that there are many beautiful girls, among them there are probably those who are physically attracted to your chosen one; they don’t come up with excuses, but simply clearly know what to do, how to drive their lover crazy. There are a lot of similar nuances, we will concretize with examples:

  1. You can’t behave like a turtle, you need to please your lover, only then, he will become attached to you, he will be bored, thirsty for new meetings. The more time is spent on persuasion, begging, the dimmer, the more boring erotic fantasies become.
  2. It is not enough to know how to behave with a lover, how to surprise, or how to satisfy, in addition to this, active actions are needed! Show yourself as a persistent, elegant, charming, graceful cat that confidently follows, achieves its goals. We are talking about behavior, not outfits, at the birth of a novel, on the contrary - you do not need to experiment with bright, defiant things, especially if you have not yet gained sufficient self-confidence, are not used to it, and have not been able to completely liberate yourself in front of your lover. Faking an orgasm is a bad idea!
  3. Understand that you are not an actress of a great theater, you should not play the role of a debauchee, when in fact you are full of embarrassment, it looks extremely funny and ridiculous, behave naturally, give in to feelings, try to open up to your partner as much as possible, have fun. Overacting will bring discomfort not only to you, but will also put the young man in an awkward position.
  4. Believe me, if a man is interested in sexual contact with you, then he certainly does not notice any small, minor flaws, defects, imperfections. Forget about everything superfluous, including complexes. We ourselves invent flaws for ourselves, suffering from them, calm down, the rest may not even notice asymmetrical eyebrows, an imperfect upper lip, a mole near the ear, and to someone, in general, this will seem like a very nice, amusing, attractive feature. Don't be shy, be bolder and more relaxed!
  5. Immediately get rid of excess hair, the skin should be smooth, tender.
  6. Say what you feel, admire, admire, but do not focus on some nonsense, do not invent anything, do without nonsense like advantages, disadvantages; not the time for summing up and analysis, but compliments, caresses, tender words - that's it.

Right Instructions

Romance is, of course, good, but everything should be in moderation, you should not endure long, tiring conversations, be distracted by extraneous, unnecessary things, get angry because the partner is behaving hastily, this is excellent, he is interested. You cause him, desire, excitement. As a rule, it is difficult for ladies to resist candles, romance, but a gentleman takes such steps only for one thing - to drag him into bed.

Romantic evenings are not always satisfied with great love, everything is much simpler and more primitive, if only she gets rid of it and doesn’t throw tantrums again: you don’t love me, you don’t like me, you only need one thing! You always need to show your need for a boyfriend, he will definitely appreciate it, in the end, both get pleasure, but if not, have the courage to say goodbye, this is not your “product”.

The best option to get through, to find a compromise is to please your loved one, show the strength of feelings, passion, do everything as he loves, meet him, immediately rushing with a warm hug so that it does not look like another favor. Without screams, tantrums, scandals, delays, claims to show yourself in all its glory, do you think that after this, you will want to carry you in your arms, listen and idolize?

How to avoid failure?

When a relationship is just emerging, it is quite logical: the partners carefully look at each other. The following are subject to exception:

  • Talking about ex-lovers, the duration of relationships and similar nonsense, why spoil only your time, place, atmosphere with unnecessary information, past “flights” or disappointments?
  • Stiffness suggests that something is wrong. Pull yourself together, the development of the situation depends only on you.
  • If it was not possible to direct the perfect marathon - do not focus on this, do not try to hide, hide, this will attract even more attention, whatever it may be, be sure of your irresistibility, young men love confident young ladies.
  • Do not rush from one extreme to another, a difficult question: is it worse to be constrained or too energetic? Be yourself, fight shyness, but don't make yourself a wild fury.
  • Why shouldn't you fake an orgasm? - Probably because all subsequent times, you will have to pay for this with a new and new imitation. There is no need to deprive yourself of pleasure and mislead your partner, because he will think that he is on the right track, but in reality he is far from the truth.


Most of all, the male half of humanity does not like when they begin to command. He must feel like a hero, that he is delighted with him. The main task of a lady is to be feminine, to participate in the process, and not to take the reins of control, she must be able to be assertive and obey in turn, not be afraid of new positions, experiments, pay great attention to the erogenous zones of the chosen one.

It is a huge mistake to be distracted by some details, to mentally be in a different place, to think about the troubles that have piled up. Command, criticize, point out mistakes, shortcomings - the last thing; of course, if you don’t care about how further relationships will develop, then you can safely humiliate your lover’s pride, and he will certainly soon find one that will accept him with all the perfections and vices.

Do not forget about the blowjob and role-playing games, this will bring not only novelty, but also a bright range of impressions, emotions, pleasure. Forget about stereotypes forever, throw decency out of your head, do what you want. It is important to listen to each other, to be interested in what a person wants specifically here and now, seduce, drive crazy, come up with something new, do not stop at the achieved result.

Hello our dear readers! Today we will talk about how to make a man feel good! Let's talk about how to behave at home and in bed to make him happy! And also how to maintain a relationship with a loved one!

42% of marriages break up because a man does not receive care and attention from his wife! A family psychologist, especially for our article, told how to make a man feel good!

Make a man happy: psychology

Every woman dreams of being the best and the only one in the eyes of her chosen one. For him, she will become a goddess if she can find the right approach to him. Therefore, every woman needs to subtly feel her man. Know what he likes and what can push him away from you. Even strong love will cool down if a woman does not support her every day, and even more so in difficult moments.

A man likes to be cared for

Every man likes to be taken care of. A neatly ironed shirt, a deliciously cooked dinner - he will certainly appreciate your efforts. He will be extremely pleased to see the comfort and cleanliness of the house. Fill the room with the scent of flowers, aromatherapy relaxes and relieves stress. Just do not forget to gently remind him sometimes that the comfort of home is the work of your hands. So that he does not think that order appears by itself.

Don't forget about his habits. If he does not like this particular chair or this particular seasoning, throw them out. For you, it may not matter what to sit on, but for him it may be fundamentally important.

In caring, it is important not to overdo it. Do not turn yourself into a slave, and him into furniture from which you need to shake off the dust. Get him interested in household chores. You can not let a man relax, otherwise he may feel completely unnecessary to you. There is another pitfall here. A man very quickly gets used to increased care, and over time he will take your efforts for granted. And stop appreciating them as much as before. Everything is good in moderation.

A man likes respect

Even if something does not suit you in your chosen one, do not insult him in front of others. Men are very sensitive to criticism. Especially do not do it in front of your friends. Any man will fall out of love with a girl who publicly humiliates him. If you want to discuss that he is wrong, do it face to face. Or discuss it with a friend who definitely won't tell anyone.

Conversely, praise him for achievements, even if they are not significant. And his interest in you will grow many times over. Flirt a little with him in front of others, this is useful for maintaining relationships. Don't leave your loved one unattended. Try to make time for him personally. So that he does not seek attention somewhere else.

A man likes to feel like a leader

How to make a man pleasant without further ado? Through behavior! Even if you have the most modest, quietest, kind and affectionate man, you need to make him feel like a real man next to you. Play along with him a little. Be a little weak in his arms. If he offers something, and you don’t quite like it, don’t start a scandal. Ask him, tell him that only he can do what you ask.

How to make a man feel good: keep the relationship

Every day you need to think about how to make a man feel good. Winning the man of your dreams is half the battle - it is important to keep him. And this is the hardest work that falls to the lot of the weaker sex. What will help you keep the relationship?

Tasty food

A rare man does not like delicious food. And the food prepared by your caring hands is sacred to him. Even if you do not know how to cook, but try, he will be happy.

home comfort

The house needs cleanliness and order. Everything is ironed, cleaned and tidy. If you do not have time to do something, do not forget to tell him that you are tired. He needs to know that you are working hard for him.

Individual space

A man needs to know that there is a place in the house where he can be alone. He will feel confident and comfortable if you do not encroach on his personal space. Leave a corner just for him. And if you also put his favorite newspaper there, you will conquer him forever.


Men really like well-groomed women who take care of themselves. Get yourself in order. But try not to see most of your beauty procedures. The admiring glances of passers-by directed at you will warm up his interest in you even more.

In life, it is not always possible to look perfect, but it is necessary to strive for this. He saw you from all sides, but he likes the side where you are irresistible.

How to make a man pleasant at night

When analyzing the topic of how to make a man pleasant at night, you should first say that you need to be yourself. You attract him for who you are, so don't be shy about intimacy and don't hold back. Be relaxed and open. Even if there are stretch marks after childbirth, or cellulite on the thighs. Beloved will not notice this behind the veil of your charm. Here are some tips for passionate stormy nights.

love games

Before you make love, play a little with your man. Start with flirtatious erotic touches and vulgar words. For relaxation, apply erotic massage and sweet kisses.


Men like active and self-confident women. Passionate impulsive lovers drive them crazy. Don't be shy about your desires. Do not be afraid to look in his eyes as something wrong. If you like it, he will appreciate your initiative. Therefore, do not be afraid to offer something new and unknown. Experiment and get to know each other.


All men, without exception, like uninhibited women. When making love, don't turn off the lights or close the curtains. Show him all of yourself. He will not pay attention to your imperfections if you yourself do not point them out. If you are too embarrassed by the wrinkles on your stomach, put on a sexy robe.

Additional details

Do not neglect additional tools for arousal. Put on lace underwear, wind your hair. Change your image to bold and eccentric. Surprise him with a change in appearance.

Everything needs a golden mean. And to find it, often ask your loved one what he would like, and bring these ideas to life. If you do not have enough imagination, you can search for a video on how to make a man feel good.

How to make a man pleasant: conclusion

In our article, we got acquainted with how to make a man pleased. What tools to use in everyday life. How to create a cozy and warm atmosphere. What to do in bed to be the best lover for him. All this will help you not only maintain relationships, but also add zest to them. As much as a man is pleased, your relationship is so strong!

Be happy and see you soon!

How to get a man right and quickly? How to make a man want a woman? Ways.

Relations between two opposite "poles" have never been considered simple. Rather, on the contrary, because for some it is sometimes similar to communicating with a Martian. Many articles and various publications have been written on this topic. But, despite this, people continue to "break their foreheads" against the wall of misunderstanding.

What do men want in bed? What and how to do it right so that a man wants?

The most annoying thing is that the inability to hear your partner often leads to the fact that good and eligible unions are literally shattered. According to statistics, the famous phrase “they didn’t get along” very often means precisely the fact that the partner’s sexual desires remained misunderstood. It cannot be unequivocally stated that sex is simply less important for a woman than for a man. It's just that people often do not deign to waste time asking the nuances of each other's sexual needs and the peculiarities of the perception of a partner. Although for many it is far from a secret that a harmoniously adjusted sexual life significantly adds to life expectancy. So maybe it's still worth a little strain and sort out yourself and the interests of your loved one? Find out what men and women want in bed? Then it will become clear how to get a loved one or a loved one. In fact, everything is not so confusing as it seems at first glance.

One of the differences between the sexes in terms of intimate relationships is already manifested in the very attitude to the word "sex". If men do not have any “troubles” with this, then for women the situation is somewhat different. They divide it into "making love" with a loved one and "just sex", as a way of discharge that has nothing to do with feelings. And if the first option is extolled, then the second one is deliberately, in most cases precisely because of upbringing, taken from the category of “bad girls” behavior and therefore, as a rule, is less attractive to the female half of humanity.

Many young girls complain about that in relation to them. Or maybe this is just the same response to their peculiar coldness. Scientists have long proven the fact that there is a certain discrepancy in terms of the growth of sexual desire and activity. For representatives of the stronger sex, the peak of desire, so to speak, falls precisely at an early age: 17-28 years old, and then gradually declines and may disappear altogether by the age of 50.

But with beautiful creatures, the situation is somewhat different. Developing faster in mental development from birth, they mature sexually much later, namely, their desire is gaining momentum only from about 30 years old. A man up to this age needs to have sex at least 2 times more often than a woman. At the same time, they are afraid to put pressure on their beloved and be branded as a “sexual maniac”. So we have to hush up quiet discontent, which only increases with time and eventually results in an open conflict or banal treason. A man wants, just like a woman, but only in a more uncomplicated form, to feel desired. This is a kind of nourishment for his ego, which is quite normal. After all, a woman also demands recognition from her half of her “most-most”. Although, compared to a woman, men often have requirements for bedding nuances that are not at all as great as the weaker sex might suggest.

How to get a man in bed right and quickly? How to make a man want? - Ways and means.

To understand them, you simply need to remember his centuries-old instincts that have not lost their relevance.

  1. The man was and remains to some extent an animal. And any animal, as you know, reacts to movement. Passively lying "food" is of little interest to him. Likewise, in bed they need a living active woman, and not a "log" (sorry). At the same time, it is not necessary to know all the tricks of the Kamasutra, it is simply enough even to respond to them - stroking, biting, etc. In addition, do not forget that at the same time, a man is also a conqueror, therefore, many are turned on by some inaccessibility of the desired object, which they want to see after some resistance to the conquered one's will. This element of "struggle" also excites men, the most important thing is not to overplay.
  2. By its natural essence, a man is polygamous, that is, he needs a variety of images, mind you, it is images, and not necessarily women, this may explain the passion of many men for games with dressing up. With the help of reincarnations, a woman alone can easily compete with a whole harem.
  3. Almost all representatives of the stronger sex prefer clarity in relationships, as well as in sex. Unlike women who love mystery and twilight, men want to see everything in a real light. The presence of light is mandatory, because in this way they receive additional visual stimulation. And, as you know, nothing can excite so much as the closeness of contemplating the naked body of a beloved woman. At the same time, some looseness is expected from a woman. Forget about insecurity about the beauty of your forms or cellulite, ladies. He already decided on the first date whether he wants you or not.
  4. It is wrong to believe that men are indifferent to beautiful underwear. It just the same and can serve as an additional stimulus to arousal. At the same time, dear ladies, try to make it really feminine, that is, with lace, bows, ruffles, stockings and garters are welcome. A little covered, but at the same time alluringly open body will not leave indifferent almost any "male".
  5. A man in bed can easily transfer the “reins of power” into weak female hands. The main thing is to know the right direction. To do this, you must know what your partner really wants at the moment. Moreover, it has been proven that sometimes a man finds it difficult to fully open up and tell about his secret desires, being afraid to be simply misunderstood. Women, you need all the ability to untie tongues and "rubbed" into confidence in order to find out this "military secret". If you understand what your man needs and can fulfill his desire, consider that you have tied him to you with an iron chain. Never laugh at his desires, but this does not mean that you should indulge him in everything. If something makes you uncomfortable, be tactful but candid about it, it may be possible to find some alternative.
  6. We used to think that only women love with their ears, but this is far from the case. A huge number of men directly tremble when erotic tales of Scheherazade are whispered into his ear. Maybe this is due precisely to the fact that initially not everyone has a well-developed fantasy, but under the inspired plot, like comics, pictures are already being drawn in the head, the result is amazing.
  7. In sex, men definitely want to see the return, that is, having brought a woman to orgasm, they feel like real "macho". If a woman lies silently or, even worse, makes grimaces, then this will discourage hunting, having worked like an ice shower. Moreover, voice guidance is welcome. Maybe this is due to an intuitive understanding at the level of instincts that "the goal has been achieved" and ejaculation can be carried out. Or maybe it's just the stereotype imposed by porn products.

In general, every man wants to have an active, understanding, relaxed, seductive woman next to him in bed. Most importantly, learn to listen and hear each other, and then you will not ask yourself this question: “What do men want in bed?”.

You have a significant other. And that is great! Do not forget to do something nice for him, say something nice. The guy is a little man who needs caresses and tenderness, and not reproaches or stereotypes.

What and how will be very pleasant for a beloved man, guy:

A cup of "coffee - tea" in bed

First, the guy will be nice. After all, everyone is used to thinking that “carrying” coffee is a purely masculine duty…. Secondly, the guy will be very grateful to you for such a great start to the morning. Its continuation should be no less wonderful. Take care of it!

A picture or an anecdote on his page on social networks

Do you know how important positivity is? And it is important not only for women! Your loved one will be glad that you visit and decorate his pages!

Clothes knitted by you

It can be a sweater, and socks, and a scarf. Do not miscalculate with the size, otherwise your boyfriend will be upset. Men are capricious if something concerns them, if something is somehow connected with them.

Kiss on the top of your head

Unexpected, gentle. Your boyfriend has put the kettle on and is waiting for it to boil. And you, talking with him (with a guy, not a teapot, of course), come up and touch the top of your head with a kiss. Afterwards, continue the conversation. You will pretend that nothing happened. And for a guy, such an act means a lot.

nice compliment

What did you think? Mirrors are not a thing necessary for women and nothing more. A man is very pleased if a woman notices how he is dressed, how he smells, how he cut his hair. A compliment is the same praise. And praise, in turn, stimulates aspirations and efforts to be better.

Tasty dish

Better not in the singular and not in one "copy". Men mostly love meat, borscht and soups, meatballs. What is more satisfying and high-calorie. If you want your cooking to bring pleasure every day - do not forget about its variety! All is well until she "gets bored". If you cook the same dishes often, they will no longer please the guy (man). That is…. They will become ordinary, everyday. There are many weekdays without it: as many as five. Weekends are only two. Do you understand the difference? The taste of food must be unique! Follow this.

Nice and sexy outfit

It is this outfit that you put on to please the eyes of your loved one. The fact that men love revealing clothes on women is normal, not perverted! We remind you. That perversion is pathology. And where do you see pathology in love for the beautiful? Do not look for hidden meanings in the obvious.

tender message

Where it comes from - see for yourself. It "knows how" to fly online or by mobile phone. Whatever you think, send it. Leave all your tenderness in it, since the message has decided to be gentle.

An unexpected date

Ask him out on a date. And don't get hung up on time! It doesn't matter how long you've been together. A date can be arranged even after ten years of family life! People lack romantic fantasy, so they keep quiet about dating. And what to say to them if the banality is tired?

Opportunity to speak frankly

Saying is a holiday for men, which comes infrequently. Either the girls are not eager to listen to their dear ones, or the young people are modest, and keep everything sore deep in themselves. Let him speak. You - listen. When the guy speaks out completely - keep the conversation with him with all sorts of questions and comments.
