How does the classic marriage registration proceed? We go to the registry office according to all the rules. How to register a marriage without a ceremony

Thoughts about the solemn registration of marriage do not cause delight, because initially you planned to have a wedding for two? Or maybe you know the template phrases of the wedding registrar by heart, but you want originality? The portal advises that you choose a non-ceremonial registration of your marriage, then you definitely won’t have to spend a lot of time at the registry office and nerves on preparation.

How marriage registration takes place at the registry office: about standards

Despite the fact that every couple dreams of a special marriage registration, there is a standard algorithm of actions that is hardly possible to adjust to the specific desires of the newlyweds. What is solemn registration of marriage? It turns out that it doesn’t matter at all what your financial capabilities are, whether you plan to organize a small wedding or a large one, if you decide to formalize the relationship at the registry office, the following actions await you:

  1. Future newlyweds come to the Wedding Palace in advance to sign the account book before the ceremony.
  2. At the appointed time, the newlyweds and their guests gather in the hall.
  3. Solemn music sounds and the young people, leading their relatives and friends, enter the hall.
  4. The wedding registrar reads out the festive speech, after which he asks the main question to the newlyweds: do they agree to enter into an alliance?
  5. After consent, wedding rings are exchanged, the first kiss as husband and wife takes place, a marriage certificate is presented, and information about the surname of the new official family is announced.
  6. The completion of marriage registration is accompanied by congratulations from family and friends.

Important: An application for marriage is usually submitted a month before the desired date, but sometimes, due to the workload of the registry office, it is submitted two months before. It is important to know here that whoever comes first will choose the most convenient time for painting. Conversely, the latter will have to choose from what is left. Therefore, three-hour queues outside the Wedding Palace in order to apply for a certain time are common.

If you dream of an on-site marriage registration in nature, where everything will happen only according to your rules, non-ceremonial marriage registration will allow your relationship to become official in a matter of minutes.

How does non-celebratory marriage registration take place at the registry office?

Marriage registration without a formal part is ideal for those couples who have refused a large wedding celebration or, on the contrary, have ordered an outdoor ceremony, which, despite all its originality, is most often not official. Are you wondering how to apply for a non-celebratory marriage registration? Nothing complicated, this procedure can be done five weeks before the planned wedding date. As a result, the marriage process becomes much simpler:

  1. At the appointed time, the couple comes to a special department of the registry office, where they sign as a sign of consent to create a marriage union.
  2. After a short period of time, the newlyweds can receive a marriage certificate.

Advantages of non-celebratory marriage registration

  • Save time- the process takes no more than 15 minutes.
  • Savings - Registration is free, young people only pay a state fee. At that time, the ceremony requires, at a minimum, payment for musical accompaniment and the services of a photographer. It is customary to accept congratulations from guests after the registry office with champagne and sweets, and this leads to additional expenses.
  • Does not require wedding suits and rings - which is quite convenient for those couples who refused to celebrate their wedding. And a wedding dress for 15 minutes is an unaffordable luxury.
  • You can do without witnesses - again, newlyweds who are not celebrating a wedding will not have to look for suitable candidates. The painting will take place either in a narrow circle of relatives, or only with the newlyweds.

Dress for marriage registration

If there are often no issues with the groom’s outfit, since the suit will save you in any situation, then for a suitable image of the bride, a wide range of dresses for marriage registration is offered. It is not at all necessary to choose a wedding model. Agree, it is a little strange to see a bride in a magnificent dress who comes to sign the registry office and pick up a marriage certificate. On the other hand, getting married without a celebration in a tracksuit is not exactly a wedding option. The portal invites brides to pay attention to the following outfits for a non-formal registration, so that the problem called “what to wear” no longer arises.

Ekaterina Kozhevnikova

Reading time: 2 minutes

Everyone is accustomed to the fact that a wedding is always a celebration. Even its official part, the actual registration at the registry office, is usually accompanied by various ceremonies: champagne, photography, solemn speeches, Mendelssohn’s march... However, from a purely legal point of view, this is all just the desire of citizens, “to make it beautiful,” but by no means a requirement of the law. Let's see how the non-official registration of marriage takes place - and what is mandatory in it?

Simple procedure

Is it possible to sign at the registry office without a celebration? Of course you can. In its formal essence, registration of marriage is a very simple procedure:

  • The bride and groom pay the fee and submit applications to any registry office in Russia.
  • They are assigned a day when the painting will take place.
  • At the right time, they appear at the registry office, confirm their will personally, sign the necessary documents and receive certificates and stamps in their passport.

From the point of view of the law, that’s all, nothing more is needed. Therefore, registering a marriage without a ceremony is, in fact, the main procedure. All the marches and speeches are no longer a necessary addition.


What are the advantages of non-celebratory marriage registration? You can do without a wedding ceremony for a variety of reasons. As a rule, people are guided by the following advantages:

For all newlyweds, the process of registering a marriage is one of the most memorable events, a touching moment of uniting two loving hearts into a single whole. But if one couple prefers to spend these moments quite modestly, without unnecessary pathos, then the other dreams of a luxurious hall and a wedding orchestra. How is the solemn registration of marriage different from the usual one? Let's try to clarify this point.


Solemn registration of marriage- a procedure for painting the walls of an elegant hall, with solemn music and beautiful speeches addressed to the newlyweds.

Regular marriage registration– the procedure for concluding a marriage in a small office by affixing signatures and stamps on documents.


As a rule, the usual marriage registration takes place on weekdays within the walls of a small office and implies the presence of only the newlyweds (if desired, a photographer). The newlyweds sign the deed and give their passports for stamping. This procedure takes place without solemn speeches, exchange of rings and questions “do you agree...”. Young people can be dressed in casual clothes; a white dress in this case will become somewhat inappropriate. Guests congratulate the newlyweds outside the office; the scenario for the further celebration is at the discretion of the couple.

Solemn registration of marriage

The ceremonial registration of marriage is organized in the registry offices only on Fridays and Saturdays (in the Wedding Palaces - on any day). It takes place in a beautiful hall in the presence of guests, accompanied by musical accompaniment or even the sounds of an orchestra. Of course, you cannot do without solemn speeches, the procedure for exchanging rings and the first kiss as newlyweds. A professional photographer and cameraman are also often present at the ceremony. Immediately before the start of registration, an employee of the registry office or the Wedding Palace conducts a detailed consultation for the newlyweds, explaining to them the sequence of actions and the rules for conducting the marriage ritual. Upon completion of the process, a group photo session is arranged in the registry office.

The ceremonial registration of marriage differs from the usual one in the larger scale of the holiday. Chic wedding dresses, a bride's bouquet, boutonnieres, mountains of flowers - all this is an integral part of this procedure. Upon completion, the newlyweds go for a drive around the city in decorated cars, and then arrive at a restaurant or banquet hall, where numerous guests and a professional host are already waiting for them.

Conclusions website

  1. Ceremonial registration at the registry office takes place on Fridays and Saturdays, and regular registration on weekdays.
  2. The formal ceremony is held in a beautiful hall, while the usual ceremony is held in a small office.
  3. The ceremonial registration implies the presence of guests, as well as a photographer and cameraman. Mostly only newlyweds come to the usual procedure.
  4. The ceremony requires celebratory speeches, the exchange of rings and the first kiss as newlyweds. Regular registration is a formal procedure, the basis of which is the affixing of signatures and stamps on documents.
  5. The ceremonial registration of marriage differs from the usual one in the larger scale of the holiday: beautiful wedding dresses, the bride’s bouquet, boutonnieres, mountains of flowers.

A couple who decides to officially become husband and wife must legalize their relationship and obtain the appropriate document from the registry office. Opponents of magnificent ceremonies can simply sign modestly, but most choose a solemn registration of marriage, because the day of starting a family is a special moment, and you want it to be remembered forever. A detailed description of the procedure, its cost, rules and prohibitions is in our review.

The ceremonial registration of a marriage differs from the usual painting. The ceremony involves the presence of guests, music and certain outfits. Beautiful words of wishes are read to the newlyweds.

State registration of marriage is carried out by any civil registry office at the choice of the bride and groom on the basis of their joint marriage.


To register a marriage in a solemn format, you need:

  • passports of the parties;
  • application for young people - it can be filled out either directly at the registry office or online;
  • receipt of payment of state duty - one of the future spouses can pay for the services;
  • pregnancy certificate - if necessary, legalize the relationship in a short time;
  • consent of parents or guardianship authorities - if one or both newlyweds have not reached the legal age for marriage;
  • divorce certificate – if we are talking about second and subsequent marriages.

Russian legislation sets the minimum age for marriage at 18 years, but provisions are made, for example, the pregnancy of the bride allows for a reduction in the return qualification of future spouses.

The couple appears at the registry office to receive a certificate, but not earlier than 30 days from the date of submission of the relevant documents. For valid reasons, which include pregnancy, the birth of a child, the presence of a threat to the life or health of those entering into marriage, or conscription for military service, the process can be accelerated.

In each case, additional documents will be required, for example, in case of pregnancy - a certificate from a doctor, in case of conscription - a summons from the military registration and enlistment office.


It is impossible to say unambiguously what amount to prepare for the ceremonial registration. It depends on the wishes of the newlyweds regarding the specifics of the ceremony and on the region.

Only the cost of the state fee is known, which is paid when submitting the application. It is 350 rubles per couple, and it does not matter who pays - the bride or groom. Important!

Some categories of citizens, for example, disabled people, are exempt from paying state duty.

Employees of a state institution, which is the registry office, do not have the right to charge a fee for holding a ceremony, but companies involved in the professional organization of celebrations often offer their services at wedding palaces. Their help often turns out to be indispensable, because an independent manager will meet guests and organize their placement in the hall, supervise photo and video shooting, hire musicians and serve the buffet.

At the same time, the couple has the opportunity to take all the worries upon themselves and invite their own photographer and operator, as a result of which they can save a lot. On average, the solemn registration of marriage will cost young people from 500 to 3000 rubles.

Some registry offices offer ceremonial registration of marriage in European style when the father brings the bride into the wedding hall. This ceremony is often accompanied by live music. For obvious reasons, the price of such registration exceeds 2000 rubles.

Separately, we should mention such a service as on-site marriage registration. In this case, the ceremony is held outside the registry office. Employees of the government agency go to the specified place where the newlyweds decided to sign. The cost of such a ceremony starts from 3,000 rubles.

How is it going?

Guests and heroes of the occasion must appear at the registry office no later than 20 minutes before the start of the celebration. The couple gives their passports to complete the necessary documents.

Before the ceremony, the newlyweds, together with their witnesses, go to special waiting rooms - the groom's room and the bride's room. Those who came to congratulate the newlyweds are accommodated in the guest room. The organizer clarifies the details of the event for the newlyweds and all those present.

The ceremonial painting in the registry office involves several stages.

Accommodation of guests

Depending on the registry office, two options are possible. In the first case, the organizer lets the guests into the hall, and then the newlyweds enter the ceremony room accompanied by Mendelssohn's march.

In the second scenario, the couple enters the registration hall along with the guests. In this case, those present line up in a column: first the young people, then the witnesses, parents and close relatives, and then the rest of the guests.

The room for the ceremonial registration of marriage is, as a rule, a decorated hall in the Baroque style with a luxurious interior. There may be benches for those present, but more often guests stand during the ceremony.

Exit of the young

The young people, together with the witnesses, approach the manager’s table to the accompaniment of Mendelssohn’s march. This is one of the most exciting stages of the event.

It is important to know:

  • the bride should stand to the left of the future spouse;
  • the witness is located near the groom, and the witness is located near the bride;
  • the newlyweds stop one and a half to two meters from the table for painting and listen to the speech of the registry office employee, answering the questions posed.


At the end of the solemn speech, the registrar asks each of the newlyweds whether they agree to be husband and wife. After an affirmative answer, the bride and groom come to the table and sign in the civil register.

Only the cost of the state fee is known, which is paid when submitting the application. It is 350 rubles per couple, and it does not matter who pays - the bride or groom. After the young people, witnesses also leave paintings.

The law does not provide for the mandatory presence of witnesses even at the marriage registration ceremony.

Exchange of rings and stamps in passports

The young people return to their place and exchange, which the manager brings. The registrar declares the heroes of the occasion husband and wife and specifies what surname the newly-made spouses will bear.

The newlyweds seal their union with a kiss and accept congratulations from the guests. According to tradition, the parents are the first to approach the young spouses, and then the rest of those present.

Newlyweds' first dance After congratulations, the guests and newlyweds will have their first dance.

The musical accompaniment is usually chosen by the manager. It could be a waltz or another slow melody. If desired, the young people can agree and dance to a previously ordered composition.

Some couples take this stage so seriously that they rehearse the first dance in advance and even hire a professional choreographer to help them master the basic steps.


The buffet awaits guests outside the marriage registration hall: in a room specially designated for this purpose or outdoors. You can skip this part of the celebration if immediately after the registry office everyone goes to the banquet hall of the selected restaurant. If there is a long period of time between painting and dinner, guests should be pampered with modest snacks.


For an outdoor buffet, don't forget to take trash bags. Even on a holiday, you cannot remember the cleanliness of your hometown. There is no need to bring expensive dishes. Disposable cups and plates are fine.

After the buffet reception, the newlyweds go on a festive walk around the city.

Photo session and video shooting

Throughout the ceremony and before it begins, a photographer and videographer capture the most memorable moments.

After the painting, the newlyweds become participants in a photo shoot, while the operator continues to film in order to ultimately create a wedding video as a keepsake of the special day.

Some registry offices have specially equipped rooms for photo sessions. Couples can use this service for an additional fee. Then the newlyweds and guests take photographs outside the registry office building. The shooting format depends on the preferences of the heroes of the occasion. It is recommended to think in advance about the route of the walk and the places where the shots will be taken.

If during the cold season the marriage registration is planned for the afternoon, it is better to organize photography before the ceremony, while it is light outside.

There are many options for organizing a photo shoot. Thematic shoots are popular, for which a professional photographer will select the necessary surroundings.

Useful video

And finally, what the bride and groom had dreamed of for so long, what they had been preparing for for so long, came true. A magnificent wedding cortege took them to the walls of the registry office. How does the celebration take place at the registry office? The video will demonstrate this:


Solemn registration of marriage is an important moment in the life of every couple. In order for it to be remembered only on the good side by the heroes of the occasion and guests, it is important to think through the details of the ceremony in advance and find out all the nuances from the registry office employees, as well as consult with close relatives or friends whose wedding previously took place in the chosen registry office.

Nata Karlin May 5, 2018 Marriage is an important and exciting moment in life for every person. But some people want to celebrate it on a grand scale, while others just need to come and sign at the registry office and live happily ever after. Today many couples refuse lavish celebrations

with limousines, suits, bouquets, boutonnieres and banquets. A private wedding is much less expensive and takes place with a minimum number of guests.

Photo in the registry office

How does it work and how much does it cost to register a marriage without a ceremony?

  1. To begin with, it must be said that there may be a lot of reasons prompting people to refuse formal registration, but the main ones are the following:
  2. Girl's pregnancy.
  3. The young couple decided to make do with a simple painting at the registry office in order to save the girl from unnecessary worries.
  4. Saving money. Let’s say that with the money donated by their parents, the bride and groom go on a trip or buy something needed for the house.
  5. Reluctance to organize a mass celebration when you just want to chat with loved ones and friends in the silence of a family evening.

After the application has been submitted and the day has been set, the bride and groom will be informed of what is needed for the non-solemn registration of the marriage. The bride and groom must take with them:

  1. Passports without covers.
  2. Wedding rings.

Photos of a wedding without a celebration

Gold ring with diamonds; gold ring, all SL (prices follow links)

Usually, the man and woman were given 1 month to think about their decision. The registration day was scheduled after this period. Sign at the registry office without celebration on the day of application possible in a number of cases:

  1. If the couple already has a child together or the woman’s pregnancy is confirmed by a gynecological certificate.
  2. The groom's documented call to military service.
  3. One of the partners is leaving on a long business trip.
  4. The life of one of the partners is at risk due to serious illness.

Many people wonder where painting takes place without a ceremony and how.

To begin with, when submitting an application, the registry office employee must be informed that there will be no ceremony

Registration lasts no more than half an hour and takes place, as a rule, on weekdays, because weekends are reserved for magnificent, solemn ceremonies. The procedure is simple:

  • young people are invited to the office of a registry office employee;
  • the employee examines the presented passports and makes appropriate entries in the registration books;

Photo of beautiful newlyweds in the registry office

  • recording makes a solemn speech, which is much shorter than in a traditional ceremony, but in meaning they are the same;
  • the bride and groom are asked a question about their voluntary consent to marriage; if both parties answer positively, stamps are placed in the passports of the couple;
  • then the newlyweds sign the corresponding columns in the registration book.

Only after this are the man and woman declared husband and wife. At the end of the procedure, they receive a marriage certificate

The cost of painting without a celebration is no different from the usual one. To do this, you need to pay the appropriate state registration fees. You can submit an application to the registry office in any city, regardless of your place of registration. The application form can be filled out at the registry office, download from the Internet, print and compile at home. However, it is signed only in the presence of an employee of the institution by both parties. In this case, a note must be made about what surname the couple will have after the wedding.

Photo of the bride and groom after the registry office

As mentioned above, after submitting an application to the registry office officially, you need to wait at least a month. For those who are planning a ceremony or want to hold marriage on a specific date, you will have to reserve a time. In this case, you will have to visit the registry office several times for approval. For those who do not care about time and date, a day is set in accordance with the legislative rules of the Russian Federation.

How much time to submit an application is up to everyone to decide. If we take the deadlines established by law - 30 days, then it is quite possible to calculate the approximate registration time.

Solemn registration of marriage: how does it differ from non-solemn registration?

The ceremonial registration of marriage, in contrast to the non-solemn one, takes place in a festive hall with music, a long opening speech for the newlyweds. In addition, wedding organizers should know what to take to the registry office for the wedding ceremony. In addition to the passports of the bride and groom and wedding rings, the list of necessary things is large:

  • wedding towel,
  • loaf,
  • glasses for newlyweds and guests,
  • champagne,
  • candies,
  • mineral and sparkling water,
  • light snacks.

Think through everything down to the smallest detail and make a list in advance of what you need to take with you

For the solemn ceremony, a different wedding scenario is implied:

  1. The bride and groom are invited to the reception hall to the sounds of Mendelssohn's waltz.
  2. Guests follow them.
  3. The young people stand in the center of the hall in front of the registry office employee.
  4. An employee of the institution makes a solemn speech, at the end of which he is interested in the consent of both parties regarding voluntary marriage.
  5. The bride and groom exchange rings.
  6. They are given a pen to sign and sign in the registration book.
  7. The registry office employee declares the newlyweds husband and wife.
  8. The groom kisses the bride.
  9. The newlyweds are given a marriage certificate.

Newlyweds are sprinkled with rose petals when leaving the registry office

Guests and relatives congratulate the newlyweds on their legal marriage.

The newlyweds are sprinkled with rice, money, sweets, and rose petals when leaving the registry office. Sprinkle the bride and groom change and rice and at the entrance to the banquet hall, symbolizing prosperity, a sweet and comfortable life that those present wish for them. The first thing the bride and groom must do before the banquet is to dance the wedding waltz of the newlyweds. Only after this does the feast begin. The difference between a solemn and non-solemn wedding ceremony is significant. Firstly, the surroundings and scope, and secondly, the traditional wedding costumes of the newlyweds and a large number of guests, gifts, a motorcade, a banquet hall. However, the price in Russia for filing an application and registering both one and the other ceremony is the same - 350 rubles.

Photo of the outfit for a non-celebratory marriage registration

Photographer for registration at the registry office

At a wedding ceremony, the need for the presence of a professional photographer is not discussed. However, some people getting married in a non-celebratory setting doubt that the services of this specialist are mandatory. Therefore, you need to understand that in a few years the details of this happy moment will be erased from memory, and beautiful professional photographs will remind you of an unforgettable day.

A professional photographer will take high-quality photographs and, if desired, a wedding photo album. He always has a lot of ideas for photos in the registry office and when leaving it. In addition, you won’t have to ask someone you know to take photos of you, calling into question the quality of the resulting photos, and thereby your shared memories.

Photo idea in the registry office

What to wear to a painting without a celebration?

What do those who decide to celebrate a wedding without pretentious solemnity sign? The dress code can be any. The main thing is that things look neat and presentable. A white dress on the bride and a classic suit on the groom are welcome, but there are no restrictions.

Guests can dress as they see fit

Which side of the groom is the bride on?

During the wedding ceremony at the registry office, the bride must stand to the left of the groom. According to legend, a woman should always be on the left side of a man, so that with his right hand he can always protect his beloved from danger.

Until recently, registry office employees insisted that the groom stand on the left and the bride on the right. Only in case when the groom was a military man, the reverse position was allowed. Because the newlywed had to salute with his right hand.

Photo of non-official marriage registration

How should the bride and groom go to the registry office?

Every action and decision at a wedding celebration corresponds to a certain order, laws or ancient traditions. It just so happened that the bride and groom go to the registry office in different cars, and return back in one. This order can be explained by the fact that before the wedding ceremony they were separate from each other, and after it they were united together.

After all, when celebrating such events, a lot of signs and beliefs are taken into account, which is not necessary to do at a non-celebratory ceremony. In this case, the bride and groom can come to the wedding ceremony, even just the two of you, even by tram.

Do parents go to the registry office and can they attend the painting?

Returning to the topic of wedding superstitions and omens, we can answer the question of why parents cannot be present at the wedding of their children at the registry office. It would seem that on such a significant day all mothers and fathers want to be close to their children, support them and share their happiness. However, for those who honor traditions, this is undesirable for a number of reasons.

Parents do not go to the registry office, but greet the bride and groom with a loaf of bread

According to legend, parents do not go to the registry office, because this is what they should do godparents mom and dad of the bride and groom, who at one time assumed obligations for them before people and God. Natural parents do not go to the registry office because they must greet the newlyweds at the entrance to the house with bread and salt.

However, for the most part, this sign is not taken into account when organizing a wedding. If previously parents stayed at home to prepare everything you need for your guests' arrival, now banquets are held in cafes and restaurants, where competent organizers will do everything for the mother and father of the bride and groom.

Therefore, parents are among the first to congratulate the newlyweds on their legal marriage.

Then, when the cortege goes for a walk, the parents go home, where they greet the newlyweds with all honors.

What signature does the bride put?

In order to register a marriage, and it has entered into legal force, the bride and groom must put their signatures in the registration book. This is where the question arises for the bridegroom: which painting to sign - the old one or the new one based on the husband’s last name?

The bride signs her signature in the marriage registration book

At the time of registration at the registry office, the bride has an old passport in her hands, which is valid for another month after the wedding. Therefore, you need to sign with the same signature that appears in your old passport.

To draw an analogy and understand the difference between an informal and a magnificent wedding, it is worth watching a video of the ceremonial registration of the wedding ceremony at the registry office.
