How to make lip balm from wax. Therapeutic lip balm

Lipstick, as well as lip balm, are usually made from wax, paraffin, etc. But it is better to take natural beeswax to prepare a balm according to one of the popular recipes.

Wax lip balms

Paraffin and wax are very similar substances, but they differ in origin. Paraffin is made from petroleum products, and wax is melted from honeycombs. The basis for protective lipsticks, which are offered in a pharmacy, can be both wax and paraffin. However, in the absence of hay fever, that is, allergies to pollen, it is recommended to use only wax. The problem is that the manufacturer can be deceiving by printing the incomprehensible word Wax on the package. However, no one forbids making a lip balm with your own hands - with beeswax, or rather with its purchase, there are no problems now.

Natural wax: types and varieties

If the honeycombs are newly formed, the wax will look perfectly white. Honey is stored in cells made of such wax.

Cells with honey and perga

After 5-6 seasons, the wax darkens at the bottom of the frame. This happens because the bees grow brood in the combs. And then the wax becomes almost black, and then it is not even used for brood. Perga is usually stored in "black honeycombs".

The top layer on the cells is always formed from fresh wax. In addition, it is mixed with propolis. This product is called zabrus - when heated, up to 15% of propolis is obtained from it.

At T = 50-55°C, the cells will begin to break down. But stable melting can be obtained at a temperature of 63-68 ° C. The spread is caused by two factors:

  • Pressure dependent;
  • The type of wax raw material is also important.

Only white and yellow wax can be used to make a food additive, designated as E901. The product with the designation E902 is already candle wax, and in cooking it is used to process certain fruits. Carnauba wax is called E903 and is obtained from the leaves of a South American palm tree.

E903 is a food product, but its origin is 100% vegetable.

The easiest recipe

It is impossible to do without scarce components. In this case, it will be coconut oil.

wax heating

Wax is better to take the one that was in the honeycombs, or buy E901 ingots. At the first step, the bee product is melted in a water bath.

Cooking method:

  1. To one weight part of the wax add the same amount of coconut oil;
  2. Without removing the mixture from the water bath, add one part of cocoa butter;
  3. 1/2 part castor oil is the third component.

The mixture must be poured into jars until it has cooled. The palm wax recipe looks exactly the same. The result is a balm that protects lips from harmful temperature changes.

A little trick: before melting, the wax is ground on a grater.

Recipes with many ingredients

Bee products cannot be heated even to 61°C. But this does not apply to propolis, and also to wax. But it is better not to heat honey higher than up to 50 ° C, so that essential oils do not evaporate. They are part of honey, as well as carbohydrates, pollen and other important components. Therefore, honey is added to the mixture, cooled to 45-50 degrees.

With honey

The scarce component here will be almond oil.

Mixing oil and wax

It is added to melted wax. Recipe:

  1. It is necessary to melt the wax (1 part);
  2. Add almond oil (5 parts);
  3. The two mixed components are cooled to +50°C to add honey (1 part);
  4. Sweet orange essential oil is the fourth ingredient. It is added to taste.

It is desirable that honey be liquid, that is, not candied. The variety can be anything, but only flower - not honeydew!

Even if the honey is candied, at 50°C it will change its consistency, but not immediately. There is another secret: honey should not be touched with iron.

Vitamin E

You can buy vitamin E in liquid form. It is packaged in ampoules or gelatin capsules.

Vitamins in liquid form

Gelatin is not needed - only liquid is needed. And the recipe is simple:

  1. For 5 parts of melted wax, take 3 parts of cocoa butter and 5 parts of shea butter;
  2. The components are mixed at 63-68°C;
  3. You need to add 5-6 parts of liquid almond oil, as well as 3 parts of vitamin E.

Tea tree essential oil can be the finishing touch.

Any essential oil is dosed in drops.

Avocado, lemon and honey

In order not to walk with chapped lips in winter, you need to buy avocado oil. Honey is also needed, but in smaller quantities.

Avocado pulp product

The number of components is four:

  1. In melted wax (5 parts) pour 3 parts of liquid oil;
  2. When the mixture is ready, it is cooled to 50 ° C to add one part of honey. Here it should not be candied!
  3. The last step is to add lemon essential oil.

The last component can be excluded.

If the balm turned out to be thick or too liquid, the oil-wax ratio can be changed. But you can’t reheat the mixture - it contains honey.

With added chocolate

You need to buy dark chocolate, which will be as bitter as possible. Cooking will take a couple of minutes:

  1. One slice of chocolate bar is added to 2 tsp. heated wax. It is desirable that the chocolate be crushed.
  2. Then 1 tsp is mixed in. coconut oil and the same amount of almond oil. It is made from peach or apricot kernels.
  3. You can also add 200 mg of vitamin E in liquid form.

Chocolate beeswax lip balm

Chocolate balm will smell like almonds. The color will be more beige, but not black.

In theory, chocolate irritates the lip receptors, which will increase volume. This effect is maximized in another recipe.

Skin smoothing effect

Nerve endings, that is, receptors, are well irritated by cinnamon. But it is better to use essential oil.

ground cinnamon

The proposed recipe contains 7 components:

  1. It is necessary to melt 1 part of the wax;
  2. Add 4 parts cocoa butter;
  3. Mix in 5 parts shea butter;
  4. It is necessary to add 4 parts of almond oil;
  5. An important component is 2 parts squalane or camellia oil, hemp or rice oil;
  6. For shine, 1 part castor oil is added;
  7. 1/5 of cinnamon essential oil is the last component added at T = 45-50°C.

It is clear that in the last step the mixture must be slightly cooled.

Tricks and subtleties

The desired shade can be given to any of the six balms. For this are used:

  • Sea buckthorn oil, added in the amount of 1-2 drops per 1 tsp. balm;
  • In one of the oils, if it is liquid, it is enough to hold raspberries, strawberries or cranberries at T = 99 ° C.

From the addition of sea buckthorn oil, the color turns carrot. Two drops per 1 tsp. it will be enough to make the shade bright.

You can change the consistency of the balm like this:

  1. The cooled mixture is heated to 63-68 ° C;
  2. Add a thickener (wax) or liquid oils;
  3. If an essential oil is present in the recipe, it will evaporate at 60°C. Therefore, the mixture is cooled to +50° and the desired component is added again.

This method, of course, is not suitable for recipes with honey. Any honey product cannot be heated even to 61°C!

Pasteurization of honey

During pasteurization, for example, the temperature is kept within + 59 ° - + 60 °. And milk is pasteurized at + 80 °.

It is advisable to store ready-made mixtures in the refrigerator. However, this applies to all components. There are no chemical reactions during cooking - the usual mixing takes place.

List of contraindications

Pollen in bee products

Both of these products, however, contain pollen. And a contraindication to their use will be hay fever. Cinnamon, and hence the essential oil, can also cause allergies.

Product E901 with hay fever can be replaced by E903.

VarietyLindenSainfoinwhite locustSunflowerBuckwheatsweet cloverHeatherred clover
D. h., min.1.1 6.2 2.3 8.3 7.8 15.2 21.5 5.3
D.h., max.31.8 30.7 10.5 37.7 44.4 31.9 34.2 12

Nothing is said about the use of paraffin in folk recipes. It is harmless, but it is prepared from oil. By the way, the English word Wax can mean paraffin, while Bee Wax is wax.

All essential oils cause a burn. But an allergic reaction is different from a burn.

Cooking and bottling technology

Let's say the mixture is ready. It hasn't been chilled yet, and the temperature is 65°C. Using a plastic lipstick container, you can fill it with the mixture. The operation consists of the following steps:

  1. Take a glass pipette, which is gradually immersed in boiling water;
  2. Then pipette the mixture and squeeze it into the container;
  3. "Step 2" is repeated 2 or 3 times. The entire container does not need to be filled - you need to take 90%.

In "step 2" the glass must not be allowed to cool down.

The balm cools down right in the container. In this case, the mixture increases in volume. Further, if you keep it warm, it can soften. Need a refrigerator.

Ready mix

By the way, castor oil can be removed from the “simple recipe”. The balm turns out matte, but it perfectly protects the skin!

Cocoa powder, dried beetroot powder, and bentonite clay are sometimes used as a dye to give a haze.

A bit of history

Lip balm, as well as cosmetic lipstick, always consists of three components: wax, oil, dye. BC, one recipe was used, which is not recommended to be repeated:

  1. Mineral wax (ceresin) was melted;
  2. Melted interior fat was mixed in;
  3. The dye was mercury sulfide.

The mixture was placed in a flat container. But in the 7th century, the balsam began to be made thicker to give it a tubular shape.

Balm in a container

It turns out that almost nothing has changed in 1300 years ...

Interior fat must be melted. Only then can they be used. The same applies to coconut oil:

  1. The product is melted in a water bath;
  2. The liquid is poured into a flat dish;
  3. Waiting for cooling.

Oil processed in this way must melt at +22°C.

On the subject of consistency:

  1. Shea butter (shea butter) - usually it is solid, but it can also be liquid;
  2. Jojoba, olive, hemp, and avocado oils are thin, but can be thick. And then you need to try to melt them.

If the plant product does not smell like anything, then it has been refined. There will be little benefit from it, and the question is how to correct the recipe in order to get the balm of the required consistency. Folk recipes for refined oils are not designed.

If we talk about palm wax, it is better if it is edible. This wax melts at T = 83-91°C.

Product E903, Germany

By the way, the E903 additive is sometimes used to make polishes. And in English names it is not surprising to get confused:

  1. Brazil wax, Carnauba wax - palm wax;
  2. Beeswax, Bee wax, Cera alba - beeswax;
  3. Cinnamon - cinnamon;
  4. Shea butter - shea butter;
  5. Coconut oil - coconut oil.

Do-it-yourself lip balm is not difficult to make, especially with a selection of the best recipes. The delicate skin of the lips needs special care. Decorative lipstick does not have a sufficient content of nutritional components, so you cannot do without special balms. You can buy them at a pharmacy or in a store, but most often they are not made on the basis of oils, but with the addition of paraffin or petroleum jelly.

Despite the simplicity of preparing the balm, do not rush and immediately get to work. There are some guidelines that you should definitely follow. First, you need to do an allergy test. To do this, before mixing the components, you need to apply them to the bend of the elbow. If there is a risk of an allergic reaction, itching or redness will definitely appear after a couple of hours. The same should be repeated with a ready-made balm, because the ingredients used react with each other.

Secondly, it is necessary to comply with sanitary and hygienic standards during the preparation of home cosmetics. Before you start preparing lip balm, you should disinfect all items used for this.

Of great importance is the container in which the balm will be stored. Ideally, if the jar is new and sterile. If not, then it will need to be thoroughly washed and poured over with boiling water.


The methods for making lip balm at home are similar, only the components differ. First you need to melt the wax. To do this, put it in a deep bowl and put it in a water bath.

Many online resources and women's magazines advise reducing the cooking time and using a microwave to melt the wax. But with this method, some of the useful substances that make up its composition are killed.

As soon as the wax becomes liquid, you can add the remaining solid components to it, bring the mixture, stirring until smooth, remove from heat. Essential oils and other liquid additives are introduced into the future balm at the very end.


In addition to a very pleasant taste and a wonderful invigorating aroma, this balm perfectly heals wounds, restores damaged delicate skin. For cooking, you need to take in equal proportions shea butter, cocoa butter, wax and any liquid oil (it is best to use almond oil).

Melt the wax, add all the other ingredients to it, mix thoroughly and pour into the prepared jar. When the mass thickens, you can use chocolate balm.

Too much cooking is not worth it. A spoonful of each ingredient is more than enough for one serving.

With vitamins

To prepare this homemade lip balm, you need to take a spoonful of cocoa butter, ½ spoonful of sea buckthorn oil, shea butter and any other oil. Introduce them into melted wax (1-1.5 tablespoons are enough). When the mixture is ready, supplement it with pharmacy vitamins. The most commonly used are A and E, but others can be chosen.

While the balm is liquid, it must be poured into a jar and refrigerate until it hardens.

It is better to use a wooden stick to mix the ingredients.

With coconut oil

Coconut oil is a proven moisturizer. In DIY lip balm recipes, it is also used quite often. The easiest way is to mix a teaspoon of coconut oil, cocoa butter and wax, add 1.5 tsp. castor or almond oil.

If there is no way to purchase coconut oil, you can buy the fruit and make it yourself. To do this, grind the pulp on a grater, pour boiling water over it, let it cool and put it in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, oil will appear on the surface, which can be used for this lip balm recipe.

The benefits of the product are in the amazing smell and unique healing properties.

With mint

Making mint lip balm is very easy. You need to melt a spoonful of wax in a water bath, add the same amount of almond oil, a couple of tablespoons of honey to it and mix well. At the very end, add a few drops of mint essential oil to the resulting mass, pour into a pre-prepared jar.

with cranberries

Crush 10 fresh or frozen cranberries, mix with a teaspoon of honey and any liquid oil, heat in a water bath, strain. Melt a spoonful of wax, add cranberry mixture and 2 drops of vitamin E to it.

Instead of cranberries, you can use any other berries.


An excellent composition of lip balm, which not only moisturizes and heals, but also uplifts your mood thanks to your favorite aromas. For cooking, take a teaspoon of wax, calendula oil, apricot and orange. Balm is ready. It is only necessary to melt the solid components, mix them with liquid ones, pour into a jar and wait for solidification.

How to make extra flavor?

Lip balm recipes contain a solid base, which is most often beeswax, liquid oil, and additives. Their task is not only to supplement the nutritional composition of the finished product. Aroma matters a lot. You can give it with:

  • citrus oils. These scents are refreshing, invigorating, uplifting, and in addition, help boost immunity. For example, inhaling the smell of lemon or orange, it turns out to increase the body's defenses and overcome a cold;
  • mint oil. It is refreshing, so it is especially relevant in the hot season;
  • oils of cinnamon, ginger, cloves. These esters warm well, give spicy aromas;
  • lavender or vanilla oils. The balm has a pleasant sweetish aroma and taste.

How to add color?

It is best to use natural dyes to give shade, for example, cranberries, raspberries, strawberries, which give red shades. Sea buckthorn oil will color hygienic lipstick orange.

If you decide to use sea buckthorn oil, add a minimal amount so that the balm does not become a crazy carrot color.

For coloring with berries, you must first squeeze the juice out of them and add it to the lipstick at the thickening stage.

You can also use food coloring, but they should also be very small. Homemade lip balm is a hygienic product, not decorative cosmetics, it should not stain. It is only allowed to give a little shade to the lips.

Hi Hi! Crazy time continues when you want to do everything at the same time and be able to relax. In December, the topic of finding a balance is more relevant than ever: what you still want to do, but not at any cost, and what is better to leave (either for later, or in the past year).

Finally, the New Year will come! So I offer you two recipes in order to complement the snack table. Fish snacks are always on point, right?

My unequivocal top of what I always leave (for later or in the past year - it’s how the mood will be here) is general cleaning. Honestly, I never do spring cleaning! The traditional top time for this “joy” is either before the New Year or before Easter. The risk, as they say, is maximum! But it was not in vain that I put the word “joy” in quotation marks, since I don’t like to devote some long time to putting things in order, even if everything you need to do little by little for some time. So the “hostess” (one of my least favorite words, by the way!) is so-so from me, and I try to maintain cleanliness with the usual routine cleaning. But here's something rare at this time of the year, I still decide. For example, this year I washed the curtains.

You can blame me for this approach to housekeeping or not - in this matter, as in food, everything can be expressed in just one word: TASTE. Someone loves sparkling cleanliness and is ready to induce it, devoting time to this throughout the week. Someone polar ready to live in complete chaos. Someone wants to do everything on their own, but for someone it is better to entrust the care of cleanliness to a professional. The main thing, in my subjective opinion, is the sanitary measures necessary for a normal life, peace of mind and a satisfied state in the end. I believe that if the plafonds are not washed, but the brain does not let go, you either need to accept the reality and calm down, or wash the plafonds. About ceiling lamps, the example is not accidental - I just plan to accept them as they are.

Cleaning cleaning, and the New Year will come, as I already said at the very beginning. The two recipes that I share today are from my book (there these recipes are presented in a step-by-step version).

homemade sprats

I'll start with them. This recipe was terrible for me: when I cooked them, I could not believe that the capelin, from which they are prepared in this case, can really taste exactly the same as sprats from a can! And you can call sprats the last century, “you need to move forward, not backward”, but in my head a black bread sandwich with sprats and pickled cucumber is something amazing!

800 g freshly frozen capelin
2 tbsp. l. black tea (medium or small leaf is best)
2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
2 tbsp. l. soy sauce
1 tsp natural liquid smoke
1 tsp mustard seeds
1 tsp salt
0.5 tsp Sahara
5 black peppercorns
3 allspice peas
2 cloves
1 bay leaf

Defrost the fish, remove the heads and entrails.

Pour the tea leaves with 1 cup boiling water and leave for 10-15 minutes, then strain. Further, I will describe the process for a multicooker, but you can do the same thing just on the stove, or you can do it in the oven! So…

Pour the tea leaves into the multicooker bowl, add salt, sugar, soy sauce, liquid smoke, vegetable oil and all the remaining spices to it. Lay the capelin in the resulting marinade with the backs up, trying to arrange the fish tightly to each other.

Select the operating mode "Extinguishing", time - 1 hour. At the end of the program, switch the multicooker to the "Simmering" mode, if your model has one, and cook for another hour. If there is no such mode, select the heating mode for 1 hour. At the end of the multicooker, turn it off and leave the capelin under the closed lid until it cools completely, and only then can the fish be transferred to a convenient container.

For cooking on the stove simply simmer the capelin on the lowest possible heat for 2 hours and leave to cool under the lid.

For cooking in the oven send a container with fish there and cook at 150 ° for 1 hour under a lid or foil, and then turn off the oven and leave the capelin in it until it cools.

Mackerel Riyette

This is a wonderful and very easy snack to prepare! Try to replace the standard slightly salted or smoked mackerel on the festive table with it - it's much more interesting.

1 freshly frozen mackerel
1 bulb
150 g dry white wine
80 g smoked fish (I have salmon)
2 tbsp. l. fish sauce (if not available, substitute soy sauce)
1 st. l. vegetable oil
2 bay leaves
6 green onions
salt, pepper - to taste

Defrost the mackerel and cut off the head, carefully clean the insides and rinse the carcass. Cut the onion into rings and, together with the bay leaf, send it to the multicooker bowl. Lay the mackerel on top. Season with salt and pepper. Pour in the wine, close the multicooker lid and cook in the “Baking” mode for 15 minutes.

Cut the fish carcass with forks into small fiber pieces, removing the backbone and bones. Add smoked fish, cut into small cubes, to the mackerel. Chop the green onion and mix with the fish base. Season the rillette with salt, pepper, pour in the vegetable oil and add the fish sauce. Mix thoroughly.

Serve such a pate well on slices of toasted bread.

Let me remind you about my book with recipes for a slow cooker - this is a whole hundred of the most diverse recipes, among which you will find simple and quick recipes for every day, as well as recipes for special occasions. Everything from soups to pastries and drinks. You can buy it in the labyrinth (for residents of Russia), and residents of Ukraine I advise you to look at this address.
I am extremely happy when, after purchasing a book, you write to me about your impressions! So don't be shy - I'm grateful for any feedback from you. At the top of the page there are links to all my social networks (I respond most quickly on Facebook and Instagram). If you would like to purchase an autographed book, please contact me.

Step by step instructions on how to make your own lip balm ©

The season has come when you simply cannot do without moisturizing lipstick. Therefore, you need to worry about protective agents for the skin and lips in advance.

So, when choosing a lip balm, you can stop at expensive popular products that may not justify themselves, or you can show a little imagination and make your own lip balm. Do-it-yourself balm will be much more useful than purchased ones. And how to make lip balm at home, read our recipes.

When choosing components, be careful - you should not be allergic to them. If you are not sure, then put a little oil on the crook of your elbow - an allergic reaction will appear during the day.

Balm with cocoa butter, shea and almonds

You will need:

  • 25 g of wax;
  • 15 g of solid cocoa butter;
  • 25 g solid shea butter;
  • 30 g sweet almonds (liquid);
  • 15 g of vitamin E;
  • a drop of tea tree oil.

How to cook:

Melt the wax in a steam bath until soft. Add cocoa butter to the wax and stir until it dissolves. Add shea butter and do the same.

Continue to boil the wax on the steam bath until the solid oils are completely dissolved. After, pour in the liquid almond oil, stir and remove from the steam bath. Cool the mass and pour in vitamin E. Stir the mass until it cools completely. Add a drop of tea tree oil to the warm balm and stir.

Step by step instructions on how to make your own lip balm ©

Balm with honey and lemon

This balm is great for winter. And it is much simpler than the previous one.

You will need:

  • 25 g beeswax;
  • 15 g of avocado oil;
  • lemon essential oil;

How to cook:

Melt the wax in a steam bath and add liquid avocado oil there. Stir the mixture for several minutes. Remove the mixture from the steam bath and add natural honey - just a little bit. Add a drop of lemon oil and let the mixture cool.

Balm with chocolate and cinnamon

When using this balm, try not to eat your lips - it's delicious.

You will need:

  • petrolatum;
  • bitter chocolate;
  • cinnamon.

How to cook:

Melt a couple of tablespoons of vaseline in a water bath, grate chocolate on a fine grater and add to the melted vaseline. Add a pinch of cinnamon. After, remove from the steam bath and mix thoroughly. Remember, all balms should be poured into jars before they cool!

By the way, look tutorial video on how to make lip balm at home. Visual instructions are a great addition to our recipes.

Girls (well, boys with tender lips too), get ready! Now I will teach you how to handmade lip balm

This was my first experience with making any kind of homemade cosmetics, and I liked it so much that now the trouble is for anyone who tries to stop me! I plan to learn how to make soap, sculpt massage tiles and make body creams.

While I was sick and, a complete disaster happened to my lips. I don’t know if it’s a cold, or just autumn, vitamin deficiency and other decay, but my lips became dry, cracked and urgently needed help. Purchased balms did not help at all: some were sticky, others were greasy, and still others instantly evaporated from the lips.

As you know - who seeks, he will find.

We should ask the Universe some question, for example, "Where the fuck is my million bucks?""How to help dry lips" as we immediately get the answer. In my case, the answer came from a girlfriend in the form of a WhatsApp message - "I'm going to your place to buy something? By the way, let's make some lip balm!" At that moment I was enjoying Shabbat and watching the next episode of The Good Wife. I answered something like - "Well xs, let's think", without much interest. And then I thought - "Why not?", stopped the series, googled it and realized that it is much easier and more fun than it seems.

So, I'm telling. To prepare a nourishing lip balm we need:

  • Honey, 15 grams

  • Beeswax, 20 grams

  • Coconut oil (or any base oil), 40 grams

  • Essential oils (10 drops). I took lemon, mint, lavender and lemon balm.

  • Jars for balm (from under old balms, creams or special for home cosmetics)

All the ingredients are very simple and easy to find. Wax is sold in some pharmacies, shops with natural products or honey. Coconut oil can be bought in Ayurvedic, Indian shops or on the Internet (I ordered 100% organic coconut oil on iHerb and eBay). You can read everything about essential oils in my posts (and). If you don't have 100% essential oils, don't add pharmacy substitutes. Balm and so it will turn out tasty and healthy. Any honey can be added - it will be softer with linden, darker with buckwheat.

How to prepare the balm:

1. Melt the wax in a water bath. To do this, put a large saucepan of water on the stove, into it - a smaller saucepan, into which we place the beeswax.

2. When the wax is completely melted, add coconut oil.

It can be replaced with another base oil - cocoa, peach, grape seed, jojoba, avocado, shea, almond, wheat germ, or you can make a mixture of several oils. Next time I will try to take cocoa, shea and add dark chocolate. I'll tell you later what happens)

3. Reduce the heat to a minimum, add honey and mix thoroughly with a whisk until a homogeneous mass is obtained. As soon as we remove from the heat, the mixture will begin to solidify, so our jars should stand nearby and dutifully wait.

4. We drip essential oils. I added 3 drops of lavender (heals wounds, nourishes, cares), 3 drops of lemon (refreshes, softens, treats various sores like herpes), 2 drops of mint (this oil is included in many expensive lip balms, it has a positive effect on blood vessels, visually making lips fuller and brighter), 4 drops of lemon balm (if you don’t mind its specific smell (something between lemongrass and citronella), lemon balm is a real gift for lip skin care. Melissa oil heals small wounds, saves lips from wind and cold , restores the natural pigment and restores their brightness).

You can choose any other oils of your choice.

5. We pour into jars. We watch how the mixture quickly hardens, and after 5 minutes we try to apply the finished balm, rejoice and write Asa thanks.

The balm turns out to be a pleasant warm color, with the smell of honey, coconut and citrus. It mattifies lips, is non-greasy, non-sticky, long lasting, and has a sweet (but not cloying) taste. Lips are very good with him. I made a double volume, so that was enough for me and my girlfriend, and even my mother and sister left.

And with this balm you can smear dry elbows, knees and other parts of the carcass that need intensive care.

Now you know how to entertain yourself on cold winter evenings, and what to give girls you know for the holidays. And I, as a noble salesman, will open my own production of Asya & Katya * poo * color * lip * balm, and I will sell it at a price of 8 tanks apiece, like Burt's Bees with beeswax and honey. Its composition is poorer than ours, and the states love it.

These are the things) Tender lips and honey kisses to all!
