How to draw up and execute a settlement agreement in a divorce? Sample consent to divorce in writing.

Often happens in a judicial proceeding, and often quite problematic.

The surest option to decide the future life of minor dependents is to draw up a voluntary agreement on a bilateral basis. The document will provide an opportunity to grant additional rights to the father and mother, to make the period of family breakdown minimally difficult for minors. It is most correct to take into account first of all the interests of children, then adults. Spouses with common children under the age of eighteen who intend to terminate the marital relationship must legally apply to the judicial authorities. Based on the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation (Articles 23 and 24), a civil case on the dissolution of marriage, containing a dispute about the place of residence, the rights of minors, is considered by jurisdiction in the district instances. Appeal to the magistrate takes place without dispute. But if parents cannot resolve this issue, then what documents are needed to divorce a child?

Significance of the Children's Agreement

This document has legal force, the basis is the Family Code of the Russian Federation. In the process of dissolution of marriage, the contract is concluded when the parents have found a compromise regarding the future life of the children. Divorce child agreement(sample 2018) is a written document regulating further relationships, obligations regarding a daughter or son. In a large family, the contract must contain information on each of the minors.

Information contained in such an act

This act is drawn up independently, without the participation of a notary. But if the contract contains information about the payment of alimony, the notary must certify it. Only such a document is authentic, on its basis one of the parents will make monthly payments. Have doubts about your knowledge of family law? You can resort to the help of specialized institutions - law firms. By applying to the judiciary, the spouses can make a joint decision to conclude a contract orally. The law of the Russian Federation stipulates that a mother and father have the same right to raise a dependent in the event of a family breakdown. An agreement on children in a divorce must:

  • solve the problem of residence of a minor;
  • determine the order of communication with the children of a parent living separately;
  • regulate the provision of upbringing, educational activities, development of children during divorce;
  • allow financial security;
  • describe other important points, based on the opinions of the father and mother.

When spouses divorce, an agreement on children may include several documents at the same time: an agreement on upbringing, an agreement on the place of residence, an agreement on the maintenance of a child.

Consider an example of a typical settlement agreement that includes the following information:

  • document's name;
  • date, place of compilation;
  • surname, name, patronymic, date, place of birth, passport details, addresses of spouses (mother and father);
  • data of minor children, their address, where they will live after the divorce;
  • links to legislation;
  • clarification of the rights of a parent living separately, ways of communication, upbringing, education;
  • responsibilities of a parent living with children;
  • the ability to take minors abroad;
  • payment of alimony;
  • additional expenses of mother and father;
  • dispute resolution: negotiations or court;
  • duration of the agreement;
  • other conditions;
  • mother's and father's signatures.

How to change or terminate the agreement?

The document changes the content or is terminated solely on the basis of the consent of both parents. Any party has the right to demand that the clauses of the contract be changed when the legislative norms, family, material status of the father and mother change. It is worth remembering: the psyche of minors gives out a strong reaction due to radical changes, which can negatively affect well-being. The content of the act is challenged by an appeal to the judicial authorities. This is possible when one parent refuses to amend the contract in amicable ways.

There are cases when the conditions specified in the contract are not fulfilled. The act is subject to unilateral termination.

Having such an agreement, spouses can make the process of dissolution of marriage faster. The conclusion of such an agreement requires a special scrupulous approach, the signing of this document is directly dependent on the future of minors and their relationship with relatives.

By the way, find out how to apply, and is it possible to return the maiden name after changing the surname after marriage?

The divorce procedure by mutual agreement is carried out through the registry office or, in the presence of minor children, through the courts. This article will raise questions such as: how much does a divorce cost, what is a written consent, how to divorce a child, and more. If your situation is not typical and you need to get additional advice, please contact the specialists of our portal. Legal assistance is provided free of charge and around the clock.

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Divorce with the consent of both parties is the will of the spouses, expressed in the joint signing of the application. The request is sent to the following authorities:

  1. to the registry office;
  2. to the judicial authority, if there are joint children.

Of course, with consent to divorce, the process is faster, and nerves are spent less. There is also no litigation in court and mutual reproaches. Ideally, this is how the termination of relations between civilized and conscious people should occur. However, Russian statistics give different data, namely, that in most cases, it is psychologically difficult to go through a divorce, and mutual claims harm not only spouses, but also those around them.

As for the legislation, it is the IC of Russia that regulates relations between citizens who have entered into marriage. Accordingly, the divorce must also take place legally correctly. For those readers who wish to obtain more information about the legal side, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with Ch. No. 3 of the current code. It contains information about the conditions and procedure for marriage. Chapter 4 discusses the factors on the basis of which it is necessary to terminate the union.


Divorce by mutual agreement has a peculiarity when applying for the termination of marital relations. Citizens are not required to indicate the real reason for the divorce. A standard wording is enough - “they didn’t agree on the characters.” However, this is allowed if both parties can consciously express their will, i.e. both are capable and not under guardianship.

If the divorce occurs through the courts, then it is impossible for the spouses to obtain reconciliation from a legal point of view. But if one of the parties changes its decision, the judge has the right to adjourn the meeting for a period of one to three months. This is regulated by the IC of Russia in Article No. 22. During the specified period, the husband and wife can establish relations or resolve a conflict situation. By mutual agreement of the spouses, the application may be withdrawn and the case closed. Otherwise, the divorce proceedings will be carried out if at least one party will stand on the primary decision.

divorce procedure

In order for the dissolution of the marriage to proceed correctly, it is necessary to follow the instructions:

  1. Preparation;
  2. meeting;
  3. finish line.

Let's consider each stage in more detail.

Preparatory procedure

Divorce by mutual agreement without children involves the collection of documents, the formation of an agreement in the presence of property disputes, payment of the state fee and sending an application to the judicial authority.

If a divorce is expected if the spouses have joint children under 18 years of age, then a written agreement on further upbringing and maintenance should be drawn up and certified by a notary.


A joint decision to divorce involves finding out the reason at the first meeting and determining the procedure for the residence of minor children and the amount of assistance for their maintenance. With proper preparation, when an agreement is drawn up about this, the procedure will be simpler, and the decision will be made without delay.


After the court has made a decision, the parties are given ten days to appeal against it. In the absence of such a petition, each of the spouses must come again to the court and pick up the extract. After that, you need to contact the registry office to obtain a certificate.

List of required documentation

The list of documents for applying for a divorce through the registry office is as follows:

  • application in form No. 8, signed by both parties;
  • original identity documents;
  • check for payment of state duty;
  • marriage registration document.

When filing a lawsuit in court, the list of documents is not much more. Add to the above list:

  • claim drawn up in 3 copies;
  • if one of the parties cannot be in court, then consent certified by a notary;
  • documents on the birth of joint children;
  • certificates from the address of residence;
  • in case of alimony dispute - a certificate of income in the form of 2NDFL.

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Nuances of divorce in court

How to get a divorce through the court and how long the litigation lasts - these questions concern every couple, if there are disputes in the divorce process. As a rule, this concerns issues related to children under 18 years of age and property disputes.

The best option is to conclude an agreement between the parties under the tutelage of a lawyer. This document reflects such points as:

  • with whom the child will live;
  • the amount of maintenance payments;
  • division of property.

In court, it is only necessary to officially confirm the change in social status and the legal force of the aforementioned document.

The collected documents, which are filled out according to the established model, should be sent to the world or city court. If the amount of the property of the spouses to be divided exceeds the limit of 50 thousand rubles, then the city judicial authority deals with this case.

When a positive decision is made, after three days, this information is sent to the registry office. Within one month, the parties will receive an agenda for the initial meeting. It must be attended by husband and wife. If the divorce is without the presence of one of the parties, then it is necessary:

  1. Provide a signed consent to a divorce according to the model (see the previous section).
  2. The party that did not appear at the meeting must notify in advance of its absence for a good reason.

Otherwise, it will pass without a second side and may become the only one.

Speaking about the timing of divorce by mutual agreement, it should be noted that this primarily depends on the psychological state of the spouses. If the dialogue is constructive, then the divorce process will take no more than an hour. Sometimes, the judge may allow time for reconciliation and the preservation of the family hearth. But, as a rule, with a joint decision, this rarely happens.

Important! Before filing a claim with a court or an application to the registry office, a state fee must be paid. Its size was - 1250 rubles: 600 rubles. - this is a statement of divorce, and 650 rubles. - Obtaining a certificate.

What are the difficulties in divorce?

Pregnancy wife or child under one year

The IC of Russia in article No. 17 reflects the following conditions when filing a claim in this situation. In other words, the spouse cannot terminate the contract only if he has his own desire. In view of this, written consent to divorce should be obtained from the spouse. And the procedure itself will be carried out on a general basis.

Child under 3 years old

The IC of Russia in article No. 89 prescribes that the duties of the spouse include the maintenance of the wife not only while she is carrying the fetus, but also after his birth for three years. However, only if she is on maternity leave.

Child with a disability

If the spouses have a joint minor child with a disability and the woman is caring for him, the court has the right to appoint their joint maintenance.

Married spouses can divide property by signing a peace agreement. According to this agreement, it is prescribed what remains for each party. The agreement must be beneficial to both spouses so that it is not later challenged in court.

The agreement on the voluntary division of property is not a marriage contract. These are two different documents, as there are a number of differences.

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Features of the agreement

The agreement provides for the transfer of property in the possession of someone specifically from the spouses(for example, a wife gets an apartment, and a husband gets a car). There is also an agreement that determines the shares of the former spouses. All property is divided into parts.

The agreement is governed by the Civil and Family Codes of the Russian Federation, which gives an idea of ​​the possible division of all acquired property, as well as the allocation of parts and indivisible property.

The agreement must be registered in Rosreestr so that it has a legal and legal basis. From the moment of registration, the contract will be considered an official document, and its terms will come into force. If the agreement is not registered, then it will be declared invalid upon appeal in court.

There are no special requirements or restrictions in such an agreement. A couple can draw up many contracts for different properties. For example, separately conclude three agreements: for real estate, transport and securities.

When is this agreement concluded?

Such an agreement can be drawn up after a divorce, as well as before it. It is not necessary to have a divorce certificate in hand in order to draw up such a document.

More precisely, an agreement can be concluded at the moment when:

  • spouses are still married;
  • the couple has already received a divorce;
  • in the process of divorce.

Differences from the marriage contract

The marriage contract presupposes the establishment of the property rights of the spouses in marriage. As well as a possible divorce. It is not regulated by the Family Code of the Russian Federation, its relationship involves the mutual conclusion of a contract.

Also see a sample registration of various common property in the agreement. You can compose your document according to this example:

Settlement agreement (with sample)

Sample settlement agreement in court: Download.

The settlement agreement differs from the usual agreement on the division of property after the dissolution of the marriage in that it is concluded already in the process of litigation for the division of property and cannot go beyond claims, while the usual agreement can apply to all property.

The court necessarily checks this agreement for compliance with all the rights of the former spouses, after which the settlement agreement becomes a court decision with the possibility of obtaining a writ of execution for bailiffs.

The usual agreement on the division of property does not have the force of law and can only be the basis for filing a lawsuit.

The settlement agreement helps to save on various legal costs (the work of experts, etc.). It will be enough to pay for the services of a lawyer who will draw up an agreement.

Compensation Agreement

An agreement with compensation is drawn up in the event that if it is impossible to allocate a specific share owned by one of the spouses. In this case, the property is assessed and one of the spouses receives a certain amount of money or its equivalent in the form of another material value (gold items, household or digital equipment, etc.).

All conditions of material compensation are stipulated in the agreement with compensation.

When can an agreement be invalidated?

The recognition of the agreement as invalid is regulated by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The agreement is void, in whole or in part, if:

  1. it is not registered with Rosreestr;
  2. one or more pages are missing;
  3. incorrectly composed;
  4. the terms of the contract put one of the spouses in an unfavorable position;
  5. the transaction was made by an incompetent person (or a court limited in capacity);
  6. the transaction was made by misrepresentation or violence;
  7. the contract limits the rights of minor children (it is written about divorce in the presence of minor children).

An agreement on the division of property between spouses is the right decision after or during a divorce. This is an agreement according to which the parties agree on the division of property, and does not resolve the issue through the courts.

After the correct conclusion of such an agreement, you can be sure that the property is divided fairly and the other party will not claim it.

Divorce by mutual consent- this is a decision made by the spouses as a result of certain life situations that led to the impossibility of further cohabitation. Provisions for termination of marriage are regulated the fourth chapter (Articles 16-26). may be terminated by voluntary agreement through the registry office or through the court.

Dissolution of marriage by mutual consent in the registry office

Divorce at the registry office is considered the easiest way to get a divorce. In order to be accepted, in addition to mutual consent, it is necessary that there are no joint children under the age of eighteen. For a family with a child, a divorce is sanctioned exclusively in court. This fact also applies to the situation when there is jointly acquired property subject to division, more than 50,000 rubles.

Before submitting an application to the registry office, you must make sure that all of the above conditions are met. When everything is prepared, it's time to submit application No. 9, filled out according to the model, to the registry office at the place of residence. View and download here: . In addition, you will need:

  • passport;
  • a receipt that confirms the payment (650 rubles).

Both spouses must be present at the time of filing. The dissolution of marriage is recorded in a special register.

The deadline for divorce by mutual agreement through the registry office is 30 days. That is how much time the newlyweds are given to think about the feasibility of marriage. Divorce by mutual agreement without children and jointly acquired property is considered the simplest procedure. The divorce process, which takes place in court, is somewhat more complicated.

Dissolution of marriage by mutual consent in court

Divorce cases in families with minor children or, if necessary, are considered in court. In the process, organizational moments are determined. Usually this is all decided in advance - with whom the child will remain, how to divide property and. The former couple comes to court to officially change their civil status and give legal force to the agreement.

List of documents for divorce proceedings

The list of documents that are required for a divorce through the registry office with the consent of both parties:

  • application forms from both spouses, filled in according to the model;
  • civil passports of the spouses;
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • Marriage certificate.

Documents for filing a divorce by mutual agreement through the court:

  • all of the above papers;
  • statement of claim in triplicate;
  • in the absence of one of the parties - a notarized power of attorney to represent the interests of the spouse;
  • birth certificates of minor children;
  • certificates from the place of residence of each of the spouses;
  • in the case of alimony - a certificate of income of the potential payer.

Learn more about lists of documents for divorce,.

Before filing for divorce, it is worth considering how this decision will affect the children together. From now on, all actions to resolve the situation should be aimed at minimizing the psychological trauma caused to the child by the breakup of the family.


  1. The process of dissolution of the marriage union by mutual agreement is carried out by the employees of the registry office or the court.
  2. If the spouses do not have children under 18 and the joint property is not more than 50,000 rubles, then a divorce can be obtained through the registry office.
  3. The size of the state duty in case of divorce: through the registry office - 650 rubles, through the court - 1250 rubles.
  4. The issue of division of jointly acquired property over 50,000 rubles is considered by a district or city court.
  5. An agreement on the payment of alimony is drawn up by the Magistrate's Court, if it has not been previously drawn up by the spouses.

The most popular question and answer on divorce with mutual consent

Question: My husband and I decided not to waste each other's time and nerves and agreed to get a divorce without courts. What is the fastest way to do this. Is it necessary to go to court if we both live in an apartment bought with a mortgage? Victoria

Answer: Victoria, based on the fact that both spouses agree with the divorce procedure, a simplified procedure is possible through the registry office (according to Article 19 of the Family Code). The presence of jointly acquired property does not oblige citizens to go to court with its division, since the Civil Code of the Russian Federation establishes the possibility of concluding any agreements, if they do not contradict the law.

When applying to the registry office, you do not need to explain the reasons for the divorce. It is necessary to provide an application, receipt, passports, marriage certificate, and in special cases - confirmation of the absence of children. Another thing is that in addition to a voluntary agreement on the division of property (which must be notarized), it is necessary to notify the bank of a change in personal circumstances in order to conclude an additional loan agreement. Shares in the apartment and, accordingly, the amount of personal payments to the bank must be established in the same agreement.

List of laws

a href=”http://website/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Family-Code.pdf”>Family Code of the Russian Federation

Sample applications and forms

You will need the following sample documents:
