What should be the reasons for divorcing your husband? Good reasons for divorcing your husband

Marriage is challenging for both partners. Today, according to disappointing statistics, 829 couples out of 1000 get divorced. And the reason is not always the banal phrase “they don’t get along.” Often these are more serious reasons, including domestic violence and alcoholism or drug addiction of a spouse. It is difficult for any woman to decide on a divorce for many reasons, for example, because of children or material and moral dependence on a partner. In such a difficult situation, it is difficult to cope without the support and advice of psychologists.

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Serious signs indicating the need to end a relationship

“All happy families are alike, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way,” wrote the great classic. After the honeymoon, the process of partners getting used to each other begins. During this period, it seems that a loved one is not at all as ideal as before the stamp in the passport. His shortcomings and bad habits come to light, which are sometimes very difficult to put up with. It is then that the first doubts arise about the prospects of further relations.

Banal everyday quarrels, even if they occur periodically, are not a reason for divorce. In any union there are crises and temporary difficulties. There are also more serious reasons that should be regarded as a signal to break off the relationship. Among them are:

  • Treason. According to statistics, one of the most common reasons for divorce is adultery. It should be regarded as disrespect not only for your partner, but also for your choice. And if there is no respect in the family, then there is no talk of love. The injured party begins to doubt itself, withdraws, and loses trust in the other half, and this is an important component of a harmonious relationship. When this phenomenon becomes systematic, it is worth thinking about breaking up.
  • Problems in the intimate sphere. This side of family relationships is not the most important. But the constant dissatisfaction of one of the spouses or both turns into resentment and irritation, which sooner or later leads to relationships on the side.
  • Assault. If a husband allows himself to raise his hand against his wife, then there is no need to talk about any feelings. Staying with such a man is dangerous, because one random blow can be followed by a series of daily beatings. If you believe crime reports, most murders occur precisely because of domestic conflicts. If your husband beats you, there is only one conclusion - it’s time to get a divorce.
  • Moral violence. In addition to physical violence, there is also moral violence in the family. If a spouse constantly humiliates, insults, and bullies, then over time the woman turns into a hunted victim, full of complexes. All this leads to severe nervous disorders and mental disorders. Divorce from a tyrant husband should not be postponed until constant tension develops into serious physical illness.
  • Alcoholism or drug addiction are serious illnesses that even a very good wife cannot solve on her own. If your husband is an alcoholic or drug addict, you should not blame yourself for his choice and take responsibility for the actions of a stranger. If everything possible was done to preserve the relationship, but there was no result, then there is only one way out - divorce.
  • Life for the sake of children. Children need to grow up in a complete family, where both parents are actively involved in their lives. If conflicts and quarrels often arise in family relationships and all this happens in front of the baby’s eyes, then it is quite possible that he will be much more comfortable after mom and dad separate. In an effort to mend broken relationships in which there is no longer love and mutual understanding, spouses, unknowingly, plant in the child’s mind an incorrect model of behavior in his future family.
  • Mutual dissatisfaction. Perhaps both spouses have an aversion to certain habits of their other half. In this case, over time, irritation will only increase, and sooner or later this will lead to the collapse of the union.
  • Termination of communication between spouses and lack of common interests. For a harmonious relationship, it is important to have not only mutual feelings, but also common interests and topics for conversation. Otherwise, the marriage will become insipid and both partners will quickly get bored. If a man does not pay enough attention to his companion, the woman withdraws into herself, becomes immersed in personal experiences and stops discussing pressing problems with her partner. As a result, accumulated grievances lead to a decision to divorce.
  • Uneven distribution of responsibilities and the reluctance of men to provide for the family. If caring for children, financial problems, and housekeeping are the responsibility of the woman alone, then such a relationship will not last long. Marriage is, in a certain sense, a collaboration, and all duties and responsibilities that arise in the process of living together should be distributed evenly.

    No matter how serious the reasons that made a woman think about ending her relationship with her husband, the decision to divorce should not be made rashly. It is necessary to assess the situation from all sides and only then act.

    Husband is a tyrant

    In most cases, ladies try to mend the broken cup of a relationship, delaying the inevitable end of the marriage until the last moment. Advice from psychologists will help you overcome fears and doubts. First, you need to decide why you don’t want to end the relationship, then understand yourself, and only after that make a final decision. Experts identify the following reasons why women are afraid of divorce:

    • The belief that the partner will change. The infantile views of some women that any person can be changed over time sometimes lead to the continuation of a marriage that has actually ended, which does not break up despite all the logical arguments in favor of its dissolution. People do not change and do not have to be what people want them to be. Vain attempts to adjust to your soul mate usually lead to mutual irritation, resentment and ultimately to divorce. You need to either accept your partner as he is, or, if coexistence makes the woman unhappy, leave.
    • Fear of being alone. The fear of loneliness is experienced by women with low self-esteem, who have not succeeded in life and are not self-sufficient. They are ready to endure for many years an unsuccessful union with a complete stranger just because, in their opinion, no one else needs them. In this situation, psychologists advise to love yourself, gain autonomy and independence. After a divorce, you will have to be alone with yourself for some time. This period should be considered a kind of pause, when you can calmly think about yourself, your future life, put your thoughts and appearance in order. Imperceptibly, the situation will begin to change for the better, loneliness will no longer be as burdensome as before, confidence and determination will appear in the eyes, which will attract a large number of new fans.
    • Financial insolvency or unstable living situation. It is difficult to decide on separation in a situation where a woman does not have a job or financial means for an independent existence. In this case, you should think about your desires, understand what you really want to get from life, and act in accordance with a clearly constructed action plan. For example, get an education, find a promising job, enlist the support of loved ones for the first time. It is important to remember that there are no hopeless situations.
    • Reluctance to leave children without a father and take full responsibility for their upbringing and maintenance. If there is a child or two or more children in the family, it is quite difficult to think about divorcing even the worst husband. On the one hand, the entire burden of obligations to the offspring and all the difficulties associated with their development and material support will fall on the woman’s shoulders, on the other hand, it is very difficult to deprive a child of his father’s participation. Divorce of parents is a serious psychological trauma for any child. But life in a family where there is a difficult moral situation with an alcoholic or a tyrant father is even worse. In such a situation, it is necessary to think about the interests of the children; this will help in breaking off relations with the spouse.
    • The power of habit. The difficulty is that it is difficult to part with a person with whom you have lived for many years, shared joys, hardships and bed. Sometimes addiction takes on such a character that a woman is ready to forgive absolutely everything and make concessions where it is worth saying a firm “no”. In this case, experts advise not to be afraid to make a radical decision about separation, not to consider your spouse as property and to let him go, maintaining a good relationship with him. This will make it less painful.
    • Fear of condemnation from relatives and mutual friends. Any couple who has lived together for quite a long time develops a certain social circle. Fear of other people's opinions often forces people who have cooled off towards each other to continue to be married for fear of condemnation. Here it is worth considering that you need to live for yourself, and not for others, and build a life at your own discretion.

    You shouldn't be afraid of divorce. The end of an old relationship is always the beginning of a new stage, a step towards emotional liberation, a full, calm and healthy life.

    Legal consequences

    If the decision to divorce has nevertheless been made and is not subject to discussion, then it is necessary to prepare for it not only from a psychological, but also from a legal point of view. It is important to know:

  1. 1. Property acquired during marriage is divided in half. Property that was acquired or inherited by a spouse before marriage is not subject to division. To avoid conflicts, all property disputes should be resolved in court.
  2. 2. Property acquired on a loan that is not repaid at the time of divorce proceedings is divided equally or into shares, like the loan itself.
  3. 3. If children remain with their mother, then the father is obliged to pay them alimony until they come of age or until the end of their studies at a higher educational institution in the amount of a quarter of the total income for one child, a third for two, half for three and subsequent children.

And a little about secrets...

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The reason for divorce is always required. But what should you indicate? Is it possible to remain silent about the real reason? How to correctly indicate the reason so that the judge does not have additional questions? Let's look at these questions in more detail.

Reasons in the statement of claim

In fact, our citizens state a wide variety of reasons in their statement of claim. But, nevertheless, they are usually classified as a certain subgroup. Currently, the reasons may include:

  • household character. Such reasons include addiction to alcohol or drug addiction, lack of help from one of the spouses in cleaning the apartment, and so on;
  • material nature. Here we can include: passion for gambling, lack of money, and so on. In simple words, all the reasons that family financial issues entail;
  • private. This group includes: the reluctance of one of the spouses to pay due attention to themselves in terms of hygiene, the lack of desire for further married life. Moreover, men often point out for personal reasons “the discrepancy between the figure of their beloved and his interests” - no matter how funny it may sound, but in practice this also happens;
  • reasons related to violation of a valid marriage contract. Everything is simple here - violation of one of the clauses of such an agreement may lead to a break in relations;
  • and even sexual in nature. This group includes: dissatisfaction with the sexual needs of one spouse, unwillingness to fulfill any sexual fantasies of the second spouse, and so on.

When indicating the reason for divorce in the statement of claim, it must be remembered that this reason must be clearly clear to the judge who is considering the case. If the divorce is related to a violation of the marriage contract, then the clause that was violated by the opposite party should be indicated.

There is never a need to indicate “for personal reasons” or anything similar. If one of the spouses drinks, it should be written “due to alcohol abuse.”

It must be remembered that the more specific the reason for the divorce, the fewer questions will arise in court.

What is usually indicated?

Today, alcoholism is one of the most common reasons indicated in a statement of claim. Moreover, to a greater extent, as it turned out, this reason is indicated in the statement by husbands whose wives abuse alcoholic beverages.

If we talk about the judge himself, then he perceives this reason as one of the most significant, since a person prone to this habit is often depressed, or if his spouse is intoxicated, he or she can harm the second spouse.

In second place is treason. Moreover, it has been established that this can occur in 90% of cases in the first few years of marriage.

After these reasons, they usually indicate the reluctance of one of the spouses to work, or the refusal to run a common household (one of the spouses completely ignores the solution of everyday issues: does not help around the house, does not pay wages to the family budget, and so on).

What should not be cited as a reason for divorce?

Often married couples indicate sexual dissatisfaction as the reason for divorce. But, as judicial practice shows, such reasons are rarely taken into account; in simple words, such a reason is simply ignored.

You should not indicate the reason for sexual dissatisfaction. If there is a place for this to happen, it is necessary to specify what exactly is not satisfactory.

In addition, you should not indicate reasons such as:

  • I am not satisfied with the way my husband or wife brushes their teeth;
  • my wife said that I do not satisfy her;
  • the spouse does not want to engage in oral sex;
  • the spouse is not allowed to go for walks on the street with their children;
  • On weekends he always goes fishing with his friends.

As a rule, the above reasons are not considered significant in court, and the judge may reject the claim.

Reasons for divorce for the court

If the spouses still intend to divorce, they can do so based on Article 22 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation.

According to this legislation, the following can be specified as a reason for divorce: “The feeling of love and respect has been lost, for this reason we no longer see the point of living together. We ask the court to divorce us so that we can officially establish a new relationship and arrange our own personal lives for each of us. He considers divorce the only way out of this situation.” .

As a rule, such wording is sufficient for the court to decide on the divorce of a married couple.

Statement of reason

It is worth remembering that there are other formulations by which the court can decide on a divorce.

If spouses have been living separately for a long period (more than a month), they have the right to file a statement of claim indicating the following reason: “Unfortunately, family life didn’t work out; we haven’t lived together since such and such a date. We don’t have a common household with our husband or wife, he asks us to separate. Reconciliation between us is impossible.”.

If a married couple has developed hostility towards each other, they should talk about it openly and write in the statement: “Trying to save our family is impossible. We ask you to give the din a divorce due to personal hostility towards each other.”.

What to indicate if it is inconvenient to write the real reason?

In fact, any reason can be stated in the statement of claim. This is especially true for those married couples who do not want to indicate the true reason for the divorce.

As practice shows, many married couples do not want to indicate the true reason. This can occur due to several factors:

  • cannot correctly formulate the reason;
  • or they indicate this reason formally.

Frankly speaking, the judge is rarely interested in why the spouses decided to divorce. According to the law, the judge gives a month for reconciliation, and then the divorce is officially granted. For this reason, you can indicate anything, even the banal: “We fell out of love with each other” or “The spark in the relationship disappeared, which led to the cooling of our feelings.”

Reasons in life

In most cases, the reasons for divorce can be ordinary life problems. An example of this could be:

  • lack of desire of one of the spouses to live better;
  • not wanting to work;
  • banal alcoholism;
  • cooling of relationships;
  • one of the spouses met a new love and so on.

In fact, in real life, any situation can lead to divorce, so there is no point in focusing on this.

General information about the reasons for divorce

So why do people get divorced?


40% of all divorces are associated with early marriage. Often married couples are driven into marriage by pressure from their parents. About 15% teach because of treason, 10% because of alcoholism. The photo on the left shows research by VTsIOM.

Reasons for divorce in Russia

  • treason;
  • deterioration of financial condition;
  • alcoholism;
  • lack of common interests.

The most common reasons, the main reasons

The main reasons for divorce are:

  • lack of common interests;
  • political differences (this reason has become the most popular in the last few years);
  • lack of moral support by one of the spouses;
  • leading an immoral lifestyle;
  • sexual dissatisfaction.

Reasons for divorce in Islam

Reasons for divorce may include:

  • material aspect;
  • prolonged absence of the spouse from home;
  • presence of a serious illness;
  • receipt of a prison sentence by a spouse;
  • adultery.

Reasons for divorce in a modern family

In modern families, the main reasons for divorce can be:

  • refusal of the spouse to provide financial support for the family;
  • lies, betrayal;
  • regular quarrels and scandals.

Psychological reasons for divorce

This group includes:

  • frivolous attitude towards marriage by one of the spouses;
  • lack of common interests, which leads to significant communication between spouses and, as a result, cooling of feelings;
  • lack of moral support.

Reasons for divorce after the birth of a child

The main reasons after divorce are:

  • lack of regular sexual relations;
  • lack of financial resources for the child, and as a result, private quarrels;
  • psychological aspect. Few spouses can withstand the cry of a child every night, especially during the first few days after birth.

As you can see, the reasons can be varied, and each spouse will think about what exactly to indicate. Here it is they who must decide what exactly to tell them and what is better to remain silent about.

About the reasons for divorce on video

Archpriest Andrei Tkachev talks about the reasons for divorces in Russia.

Dissolution of marriage or divorce is an extremely painful procedure. If the husband and wife together came to the decision to separate and they do not have children under 18 years of age, then the divorce procedure is carried out by the authority one month after filing the application.

It is somewhat more difficult to dissolve a marriage if there are minor children. But if the spouses do not have material claims against each other and if there is agreement on issues of place of residence and upbringing of offspring, the divorce process is carried out with the help of a magistrate's court.

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Unfortunately, very often divorce is accompanied by various complications when divorce is impossible without the help of the law. In this case, the procedure for dissolution of the marriage takes place in a district or city court. In this case, the plaintiff must write statement of claim.

Reasons for divorce in the statement of claim

Here you can download the claim form.

A claim for divorce is written:

  • when one of the spouses is against divorce;
  • if the spouse refuses to divorce. For example, he refuses to write an application for divorce;
  • The spouses cannot come to an agreement on the issues of raising children, their place of residence and financial support.

In this case, the document must indicate the reason why it is necessary to dissolve the marriage from the plaintiff’s point of view so that the court can objectively consider the situation for the most optimal resolution.

A claim for divorce is governed by Article 131 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation. It is submitted at the place of official registration of the defendant (not the plaintiff).

Failure to comply with the rules when filling out a statement of claim in accordance with the above article may serve as grounds for the judge to reject the consideration of the issue of divorce of the marital union.

The reasons for divorce are not regulated by the laws of the Russian Federation. They are as follows.

Personal property

These reasons include the loss of love and attraction to the spouse, the emergence of hostility. According to the principles specified in Chapter 1 of the Family Code, marriage should be based on mutual love, trust and respect. Therefore, the loss of these feelings may be sufficient grounds for a judge to dissolve the marriage.


These reasons include the bad habits of the spouse, such as drunkenness, drug addiction, gambling, etc. This also includes domestic violence and intentionally ill-treatment of the spouse.

When domestic reasons are indicated in the statement of claim, they must be documented by certificates from the police about the call and medical reports on the removal of the beatings.

If you indicate alcoholism or drug addiction as the cause, you must attach to the statement of claim a certificate from a drug treatment clinic stating that the spouse is registered there.

Material nature

Reasons of this kind include the lack of own housing and, as a consequence, living together with parents, as well as insufficient earnings or parasitism of the family breadwinner, especially if you have minor children.


Sexual incompatibility is quite often the cause of divorce, but lawyers do not recommend indicating it in the statement of claim. Examining the intimate life of a married couple in open court can damage the mental health and reputation of the spouses.

If it is impossible to hide such reasons (for example, in the case of sexual perversion causing bodily harm), then the plaintiff should write application for a request to hold closed court hearings in connection with maintaining the confidentiality of personal life.

Violation of the marriage vow, or adultery

Grounds for divorce in court

According to Article 22 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, the court dissolves the marriage union upon recognition of the impossibility of preserving the family. Therefore, in the statement of claim, it is very important to write a reason that the judge considers convincing.

Official reasons for divorce

  • One of the most common reasons cited in a statement of claim is psychological incompatibility or dissimilarity of characters. This also includes loss of love, respect and trust. If there are no minor children, the judge will consider this reason convincing enough for divorce, according to Art. 1 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation.
  • Alcoholism, drug addiction and abuse are also grounds for divorce, but in this case these facts must be must be documented with certificates from the police and drug treatment clinic. If the plaintiff does not have the opportunity to obtain documents proving the spouse’s inappropriate behavior, then it is better not to indicate these reasons.
  • Separate housekeeping and creation of a second family. This is a very convincing reason, but it must be confirmed by two adult witnesses at a court hearing.

If there are children in the family

If there is one in the family, under 18 years of age, then the court may consider personal reasons insufficient for divorce and postpone making a decision. Therefore, in this case, it is better to indicate reasons of a material and everyday nature.

For example: insufficient income of the breadwinner, excessive spending on personal needs, unwillingness to work, parasitism; the spouse’s lack of participation in raising children, including denial of financial support to them.

According to Art. 89 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, husband and wife must provide each other with material support, including in raising offspring. Therefore, the court may find this reason compelling enough for a divorce.

A spouse’s bad habits are also a strong argument in favor of divorce, but they must be documented.

The most common causes of divorce

Many causes of serious family disagreements that lead to family destruction are interconnected. However, sociologists, in collaboration with family psychologists, have identified the following:

  • Violation of fidelity, that is, adultery.
  • Violation of the marriage vow, especially if the other spouse is in a difficult situation (for example, the wife is expecting a child, is in the maternity hospital, or one of the spouses is sick, is on a long business trip) undermines trust and leads to a cooling of the love between husband and wife.
  • Material difficulties, that is simply poverty.
  • Lack of own housing. In this case, a young family can live with their parents, which does not have the best effect on relationships, or rent an apartment, which has a detrimental effect on the budget.
  • Bad habits of one of the spouses. This includes not only drunkenness, alcoholism and everyday life, but also excessive spending, addiction to gambling, obsession with personal interests and hobbies.
  • Sexual incompatibility.
  • Lack of common goals in life.
  • Psychological illiteracy, that is, the inability to behave in conflict situations, and the unwillingness to understand one’s other half.
  • Infertility of one of the spouses.

Good reasons for divorcing your husband

The most compelling reason for divorcing a spouse is a real threat to the physical and psychological health of the wife and children. This can happen if the husband:

In such cases, a woman with children needs protection from the law. If your husband threatens your health and the health of your children, you need to call the police and document this call. If violence has already taken place, then the beatings must be certified by a traumatologist at the clinic at the place of residence.

What to indicate when divorcing a marriage with the assignment of alimony to one of the spouses?

In this case, you can specify any reason, including a material one. The main thing is to attach to the statement of claim a copy of the child’s Birth Certificate, certified by a notary.

Child support for minor children is assigned to the parent with whom they remain to live.

IMPORTANT! From June 1, 2016, each decision to establish child support will be formalized exclusively as an application for the issuance of a court order for alimony. See Federal Law of March 2, 2016 No. 45-F3.

In case of violation of the clauses of the marriage contract

A contract concluded by spouses, according to Art. 40 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, regulates exclusively property relations both in an existing marriage and in the event of its dissolution.

Violation of such an agreement is considered a breach of obligation and is regulated by Art. 25 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, as well as Art. 4 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation.

According to these laws, violation of the marriage contract cannot be the reason for divorce, since it does not contradict the essence of family relations.

How to write the reason for divorce correctly?

The main thing when indicating the reason for divorce in a statement of claim is to free the main thing from grievances and claims and calmly, without emotion, formulate it in a few general phrases.

Of course, when formulating the reason, there is no need to forget about the main goal: to dissolve the marriage with minimal material and psychological costs, as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Reasons for divorce - examples

Personal reasons should be formulated emphasizing the loss of shared love, respect and trust. For example:“I have lost respect and love for my husband. For this reason, I consider saving the marriage impossible.”

Or another example:“I hate my wife. I don't trust her anymore. In this regard, I consider the continuation of the marriage relationship impossible.”

Everyday reasons also need to be described as concisely and dryly as possible. For example:“I consider it necessary to dissolve the marriage due to the fact that my husband is a drug addict.”

Or “My husband is an alcoholic and prone to domestic violence. Therefore, I consider maintaining the marriage impossible.”

If you need to indicate a financial reason as the reason for divorce, then in the statement of claim it is advisable to justify your decision a little: “My husband does not financially support me and our child, which makes the family poor. In this regard, I consider saving the marriage impossible.”

Or another example:“My husband refuses to work and financially support the family, which puts me in a difficult situation. In this regard, I consider the continuation of the marriage relationship impossible.”

It is worth noting that in a statement of claim for divorce you should not indicate reasons of an intimate and sexual nature without sufficient grounds. This will hamper the court's work, which will lead to difficulties in obtaining a divorce.

The popular truth is that marriages are made in heaven. But every person can make a mistake in his choice. Therefore, a timely divorce for many can be salvation and the beginning of a new happy life. The main thing is to do it correctly and effectively.

In case of divorce through the court, the spouses draw up a statement of claim. First of all, it notes the date of registration of the marriage, in the next paragraph it is necessary to indicate the reasons for the divorce in the statements of claim. They can be different, but come down to several categories.


These reasons include chilled feelings between spouses, up to the emergence of hostile relationships, when a man and a woman do not see the point in further life together. The decision can be mutual or come from one side.

The spouses believe that they have studied each other's characters well enough. Every day of life together is similar to the previous one. As a result, the “routine” alienates them more and more from each other, and the “notorious boat of love” breaks down in everyday life. These arguments only give official status to the feeling of alienation.

According to Art. 1 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, family legislation enshrines the need to strengthen the family, build family relationships on feelings of mutual respect and love, as well as mutual assistance and responsibility.

In the statement of claim, the reason for personal reasons is formulated in the context that preserving the family is impossible due to the loss of mutual feelings of love and respect, which once became the basis for creating a family.

In cases where the relationship between husband and wife is so complex, burdened with negative emotions, that divorce becomes the only option, the explanation of the reason should be formulated directly and clearly, referring to the hostile relationship towards the spouse.

Personal reasons are the most commonly cited category on which divorce proceedings are based.


Not everyone decides to include infidelity as the reason for divorce, because... The problem is quite piquant. Many couples prefer a more streamlined formulation.

More often, this becomes a reason for divorce among spouses who are of advanced age, when one of the spouses has achieved a certain position and wants to build a relationship with a younger partner. The innocent party feels betrayed and does not want to save the marriage.

The wording of the statement of claim must reflect the fact of adultery with reference to humiliation of human dignity. Since the family is based on mutual love and respect between the spouses, betrayal becomes a compelling argument that does not require additional reasons for accepting statements.

In most cases, the initiator of divorce due to adultery is the woman. The emotionality and hypersensitivity of the weaker half pushes her to resolve the problem through divorce.

But the statement of claim should not contain an emotional component. It is enough to state the fact itself, and the experiences associated with it will be relevant directly during the court hearing.


Domestic reasons for divorce include alcohol or drug addiction, violent acts against family members, and indifference in raising children and family issues.

This category contains a wide range of factors that usually manifest themselves in complex ways.

When formulating the grounds for divorce, the application can indicate that preserving the family is impossible due to the spouse’s alcohol or drug addiction, as a result of which he cannot financially provide for the family, is removed from family affairs, and is not included in the educational process.

Binge drinking is the cause of family conflicts that negatively affect the psyche of children. If the spouse suffers from mental illness, then the application indicates that it is unsafe to live together with him.

To confirm the everyday reasons for the divorce, it will not be superfluous to provide evidence in the form of attached certificates, for example, from a psychoneurological dispensary confirming the dependence of one of the spouses, or from the police, which recorded calling the employees and drawing up a report on the removal of the beatings.


Direct material problems are a consequence of the fact that the spouse simply does not work. The same reasons can be given if his income does not allow him to fully support his family.

The statement of claim formulates it by focusing on the difficult financial situation in which the family finds itself due to the fact that the spouse does not work and does not bring any income.

It would not be amiss to indicate cases in which he refuses to look for work. As a result, the children do not have the necessary support, and the spouse’s income is not able to support both them and the husband.

In some cases, this reason reflects true parasitism, but the problem is often associated with more complex issues. Financial difficulties may be a consequence of alcohol or drug addiction, i.e. There are combinations of several reasons for divorce.


Sexual reasons are the rarest category of reasons for which divorce claims are filed. They are based on dissatisfaction with one of the spouses. But specifying such a reason may lead to some difficulties.

Sexual dissatisfaction has no legal basis, and the Family Code of the Russian Federation provides protection for the love and mutual respect of spouses, but not their sex life.

In addition, a general discussion of the intimate life of a husband and wife will not benefit either side. Spouses, already traumatized by the stressful situation of divorce, should be more careful about indicating the reason why they no longer want to live together.

The law provides for determining the reasons why the spouses decided to divorce. Often such a serious step is based on not one, but several reasons.

But the statement of claim should indicate the most significant of them. A well-formulated sentence will be able to convey the main meaning of the problem that has developed in the family.

Video: Reasons for divorce

When drawing up an application for divorce, its author, among other information, is asked to indicate the reasons that prompted such a decision. And if the plaintiff has long ago drawn conclusions for himself why he does not want to continue his married life, the court is unlikely to be satisfied with excuses like “I’m tired, we constantly quarrel, I can’t do this anymore.”

There are a number of standard and most common reasons, taking into account which the court may give its permission to divorce. You are encouraged to familiarize yourself with the key groups of grounds with examples of suitable wording.

  1. Cooling of feelings.
  2. Marital infidelity.
  3. The appearance of hostility towards a partner, etc.

For example, if, after living together for some time, the spouses realized that they no longer had the same feelings for their partner and the relationship began to more closely resemble friendship or whatever it was, on the basis of which they no longer see the point in preserving the marriage, you can describe this in a statement , referring to the provisions of the current family legislation.

In accordance with Art. 1 Family Code, marriage relations must be based on love, mutual assistance and respect for each member in relation to others. Directly in the statement, this point can be noted as follows: “Further family life is not possible due to the loss of mutual feelings, which are a fundamental factor in marital relations.”

“I don’t see the possibility of further saving the family”

If one of the participants in the marital union wants to divorce for the above reasons, the wording should be rephrased something like this: “Saving the family is impossible, because I have lost feelings for my husband/wife. Based on the foundations of family law, a family cannot exist without mutual love. In view of this, I consider divorce the only way out of this situation.”

If the decision to divorce was prompted by the emergence of hostile feelings towards the spouse, it can be formulated as follows: “I don’t see the possibility of further preserving the family due to the emergence of a stable hostility towards the husband/wife.”

The above formulations are quite popular and there is nothing wrong with such phrases. The main thing is to remain open and honest before the court, not to try to look for excuses and initially state the true reasons that prompted the decision to divorce.


Often one of the spouses decides to file for divorce due to infidelity on the part of the partner. Whether to submit this issue to the court is up to everyone to decide for themselves. In most cases, the formulations given in the previous section are sufficient.

However, if divorce precisely because of infidelity is a fundamental point for you, use the most specific formulations without unnecessary emotions, for example: “I consider the further continuation of married life impossible, because... the husband/wife does not remain faithful, thereby humiliating my personal dignity. I believe that the situation in our family does not correspond to the ideas of mutual respect and love, which are the fundamental foundations of marriage.”

Practice shows that it is better to maintain prudence, composure and balance before the court. Use emotional expressions only if it is impossible to describe the essence of the problem without them. Do not write that you are in “unbearable pain,” “very offended,” etc. Such statements have no legal basis. You will be able to express your thoughts on the case during the court hearing. In the application, everything must be stated briefly, succinctly and clearly.

Domestic reasons

  1. Alcoholism, drug addiction, use of other substances that change human consciousness.
  2. Indifference to family matters.
  3. Lack of desire to take part in raising children.
  4. Violence against husband/wife, children, etc.

Most often, the listed reasons are present together, or another follows from one, i.e. The description of the problem also needs to be approached comprehensively.

The following formulation is considered optimal: “I don’t see any opportunities for further family relationships, because... my husband suffers from alcoholism, against the background of which he shows aggression towards me and our children, does not take part in family affairs, and puts loved ones in a difficult financial situation.”

The following formulation would also be suitable: “I consider further life in marriage impossible, because... the spouse suffers from drug addiction, which disrupts the psychological situation in the family, interferes with the normal development of children and generally does not take part in family life.”

If the application for divorce indicates the fact of physical violence, attach evidence in the form of a medical examination report and/or a certificate from the police indicating that the calls were recorded, protocols were drawn up, etc.

If your partner is registered with a drug treatment clinic, if possible, attach a certificate confirming this to your application.

It is also possible for a situation in which the spouse does not suffer from any addictions, but has various types of mental disorders that make life together with him unbearable. In such circumstances, a certificate confirming this must be attached to the application. The reason for divorce can be formulated approximately as follows: “I don’t see any possibility of further preserving the marriage, because... my wife is mentally ill (indicate the name of the illness), which makes family life with her impossible.” Features of the spouse’s behavior that interfere with normal family life can also be cited in the lawsuit or voiced orally during the court hearing.

Often the reason for divorce is the lack of desire on the part of the second spouse to participate in replenishing the family budget. If these are temporary difficulties, they are usually not given such categorical attention. The court will accept financial reasons as sufficient for divorce only if the party to the case deliberately avoids working or cannot engage in it due to alcoholism, drug addiction or other similar reasons.

In this case, there is no need to work on streamlined and “soft” formulations. You can talk about your intentions like this: “I consider it impossible to continue married life, because... The spouse, by his actions, puts the family in a difficult financial situation. He deliberately avoids paid work, making no effort to replenish the family budget. As a result, it is not possible to provide adequate support for our children, because... My income alone is not enough for this.”

Reasons of a sexual nature

It is extremely rare, but sometimes similar formulations occur. Husband/wife dissatisfaction with their partner is becoming an increasingly common reason for marriage dissolution.

However, experts recommend refraining from pointing out such reasons. They have no legal basis, because... the provisions of the Family Code do not talk about the sexual life of partners, therefore, the court will not be able to describe the motivational part of the verdict. In addition, bringing up such details for discussion is contrary to generally accepted moral standards.

Statistics: Why do people get divorced?

The reasons for divorce can be very diverse. In conclusion, you are invited to familiarize yourself with the average statistical data regarding the factors that push a compatriot to the decision to divorce.

Table. Reasons for divorce

The formulations discussed above will help you competently draw up an application for divorce if such a need arises, sufficiently justifying your decision to the court and achieving the desired result.

Sample statement of claim for divorce. Download for free

Application form for divorce (by mutual consent, in the ABSENCE of minor children). Download for free

Video - Reasons for divorce in the statement of claim
