Each zodiac sign has its own stone. Choosing a talisman according to the zodiac sign: natural stones - the natural energy of the Earth Photos of zodiac sign stones

The radiance of sapphires and agates attracts you with their brilliance, and the mysterious onyxes and aquamarines, fraught with magical power, entice you to learn everything about them... Here you can see the true beauty of stones, choose the one that suits your horoscope, magical power and beauty.

Stones, small or large, colored or transparent, precious and semi-precious, have always attracted people. Since ancient times, almost all peoples, even in Ancient Egypt and wild Indian tribes in America, have been customary to decorate clothes, hair and homes with beautiful stones. After all, people believed that the stone, as one of the five elements of power, harbors a soul. It has its own strength, natural energy.

A scattering of shining stars

Such beautiful and such different semi-precious stones! A list and description of them can take many pages. In this article we will tell you about the best and most common ones. You will learn which stones are most suitable for health, in the form of amulets or simply as beautiful accessories. We will also present you with a list of semi-precious stones in alphabetical order.

ABC of stones

List of precious and semi-precious stones in alphabetical order:

  • aventurine, azurite, aquamarine, amethyst;
  • turquoise, beryl;
  • vesuvian, variscide;
  • jet, rock crystal, garnet;
  • jadeite, pearls, jade;
  • serpentine, zonochlorite;
  • quartz, corundum, cat's eye;
  • lapis lazuli;
  • malachite, makaite;
  • jade, nepheline;
  • obsidian, opal, onyx;
  • rhodonite, rauchtopaz;
  • sardonyx, carnelian;
  • topaz, tiger's eye, tourmaline;
  • chalcedony, chrysoberyl, chrysolite;
  • citrine, zircon;
  • amber, jasper.

A little about astrology

When choosing the right stone, it is very important to consider its energetic compatibility with your horoscope. Some of them are suitable only for certain zodiac signs, while others can cause harm with their unfavorable influence, enhancing the negative traits of their character. It is also important to consider which element you belong to.

Precious and semi-precious stones. Liststones,matching your zodiac sign

Diamond, cubic zirconia, citrine, sapphire

Agate, turquoise, emerald


Beryl, alexandrite, topaz, heliodor

Pearl, moonstone, chrysoberyl

Amber, topaz, peridot, sapphire

Malachite, aventurine, carnelian, garnet

Tourmaline, diamond, amethyst, opal


Garnet, aquamarine, alexandrite, beryl

Chalcedony, onyx, pyrite, yellow topaz

Serpentine, obsidian, sardonyx

Amethyst, zircon, jasper, tourmaline

Mother of pearl, aquamarine, pearls, chrysoprase

Healing Power

Each stone is not only a beautiful decoration, it also influences the fate of its owner, and can also have a beneficial effect on his physical health. We present to you a list of semi-precious stones capable of healing.

  1. Jet. Smooth with a bright shine. It is a type of coal. According to one legend, it belonged to the goddess of the earth - the Great Mother. Considered a stone of fertility and feminine energy. Helps with gynecological diseases and infertility. Makes childbirth easier.
  2. Aventurine. It has a golden shine and a smooth matte surface, and can be of different colors. In this case, yellow and green are most common. It is especially revered in China, where it is called the imperial stone. Protects from the evil eye and attracts wealth. It has a good effect on development and growth, so it is ideal for children.
  3. Rhinestone. As if petrified, frozen ice, this stone amazes with its purity. Forms in the form of crystals on mountain peaks. The peoples of Tibet used the stone to heal wounds and abrasions. It is believed that it gives the owner the gift of clairvoyance. Particularly revered in China and Tibet. It enhances and is used during meditation as a guide to the world of the dead.
  4. Jasper. It has a smooth matte surface with a golden sheen. May be of different colors. It has a beneficial effect on brain activity, improves memory, and relieves headaches. It helps well during important meetings, calms you down and increases concentration. Accelerate healing of injuries
  5. Pomegranate. Usually red in color, translucent, similar to pomegranate seeds, which is why it got its name. But other colors may also occur. Improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system and lungs. Is a talisman of love. It is often given to one's significant other and is believed to seal hearts forever. It is also recommended for creative people. Helps artists, writers, and musicians with their work.

Amulets and amulets

Since ancient times, people who bore the title of sorcerers, magicians, shamans, druids and even alchemists have used the unusual, magical power of stones. They hung themselves to protect themselves from evil spells. Semi-precious stones were also used in rituals. The list of their magical properties was huge. Starting from protection and healing, ending with damage and curses.

List of semi-precious stones with magical properties. The best amulets stones

  1. Aquamarine. Transparent and similar to blue ice, this crystal stone has always been considered the patron of the deep sea. It was worn by sailors as a talisman. Able to change color in response to human energy. It was believed that it saves from poisoning and assassination attempts, protecting its owner. It also has the ability to resolve conflict situations; it can be seen in people involved in judicial issues and jurisprudence. Crystal stone of truth and purity.
  2. Beryl. The transparent stone is light green in color, but varieties of other shades can be found. Due to its strong energy, it was used as a basis in the manufacture of magical devices and church utensils. It is considered the best stone as a talisman or for making a magical talisman. Helps improve metabolism and strengthen immunity.
  3. Hematite. Has unique chemical properties. Due to the fact that when processed it turns the water scarlet, it received the nickname bloody. It is considered a source of power, and therefore is actively used by magicians and sorcerers in rituals. Usually has a black-metallic color. Often worn by kings as a talisman against dark forces. It is best to set it in silver. It is believed to help with any diseases of the internal organs. Improves blood circulation and heals cardiovascular diseases

On the use of stone talismans

Many people believe that the talisman brings them good luck. Accompanies a favorable outcome in business. It could be a love talisman that you give to your loved one, thus connecting your souls; can be a talisman for wealth, bringing good luck in transactions and increasing the chance of winning the lottery. In any case, it is difficult to choose a better thing as a talisman than a stone. For it to bring you happiness, you need to choose it correctly. It is best to do this in accordance with the astrological horoscope. After purchasing, you need to wash off the foreign energy from the stone, leaving it overnight in holy water. The next morning, do not forget to meditate, charging the stone with your energy.

Beauty is more valuable than gold

Indeed, many people prefer ordinary beads and bracelets made of semiprecious stones to gold jewelry. It looks so amazing that it can completely outshine the shine of gold and diamonds.

The most beautiful semi-precious stones (list with photos). Top 5

All the colors of the rainbow

What's your favorite color? Choose your jewelry to match the color of your outfit! We present to you precious and semi-precious stones, the list of which is divided by color.

They are so different - opals, rubies and onyxes. But no matter which one you choose, remember: all semi-precious stones have power. The list and name of each, as well as a description of their properties, can be found in special books on gemology - the science of the study of precious and semi-precious stones.


Since ancient times, special attention has been paid to precious stones. Crystals were an indicator of status and served as talismans for the owner, protecting against misfortunes. Maybe these were prejudices, but astrologers have already proven that magical minerals really have the properties of improving health and protecting a person from negativity.

Stones according to zodiac signs

Whatever the gem, it has cosmic energy that saturates a person from the inside. This helps to overcome life's difficulties and put thoughts in order. The longer the crystal comes into contact with the skin of a man or woman, the greater the effect it has. It is important to know which gem you can trust with your energy so that everything does not turn into complications. Which zodiac sign is suitable for which stone?

Amethyst, agate, ruby, jasper, diamond, serpentine

Chrysoprase, chalcedony, emerald, aventurine, rose quartz, sapphire, sultanite, agate


Agate, alexandrite, beryl, topaz, carnelian, sapphire

Pearl, emerald, chrysoprase, moonstone, aquamarine, agate

Amber, topaz, peridot, garnet, onyx, opal, carnelian, demantoid

Jasper, jade, peridot, sapphire, carnelian, diamond, onyx, rock crystal, sultanite

Aquamarine, lapis lazuli, citrine, tourmaline, opal, amethyst, jade


Aquamarine, garnet, turquoise, beryl, alexandrite, malachite, black opal, tiger eye, serpentine

Turquoise, peridot, topaz, chalcedony, amethyst, emerald, blue quartz, sultanite

Green malachite, ruby, onyx, garnet, zircon, chalcedony

Amethyst, zircon, turquoise, lapis lazuli, jade, garnet

Amethyst, pearl, sapphire, opal, emerald, alexandrite

Semi-precious stones according to the horoscope

Natural crystals are used to make jewelry, interior items, and in the industrial industry. Any gem is valuable. Having studied the properties of each in more detail, you can decide which stone is suitable for which zodiac sign and choose your own unique amulet:

  • Agate is a mineral whose origin is directly related to volcanic rocks (quartz, opal, chalcedony). Thanks to the unique winding patterns and multi-colored stripes, you can wear jewelry that is exclusive of its kind. Translated from Greek, this nugget means “prosperous.” Happy owners of the stone can be such zodiac signs as Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Aries.
  • Amethyst is a quartz that can change its hue when it lacks light. The mineral contains an iron concentrate, thanks to which it acquires an extraordinary violet color palette and can be transparent or translucent. The stone is suitable for the following zodiac signs: Aries, Aquarius, Libra, Sagittarius, Pisces.
  • Coil. A stone with a color ranging from rich green to yellowish with dark veins, which resembles snake skin. In its original form, the rock is opaque and has a fibrous base. Ornamental serpentinite is very popular today and corresponds to the energy of the zodiac signs Virgo, Scorpio, Aries, Capricorn.

Gems according to zodiac signs

It is known that jewelry is always spectacular, even in the twilight. If they bring not only aesthetic benefits, but also spiritual satisfaction, then crystals are truly priceless. By choosing natural stones according to the signs of the zodiac, you can protect yourself from various adversities, because gems have an unknown power, given to them from birth by nature itself:

  1. Sultanite (thanatarite, sultanite, diaspora) is an amazingly beautiful mineral, shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow. Externally, the crystal is glass, but in the light it looks like a chameleon. According to its saturation, the stone can be crimson, yellow, lilac, pink, green. Which zodiac signs does the gem suit? Leo, Aries, Sagittarius, Virgo, Taurus.
  2. Jasper is a precious stone that is well polished, durable, reliable and can serve its owner for decades. Stones for Pisces surprise with unique spots, stripes, green, blue, black, red shades. Jasper is also suitable for the zodiac signs Virgo, Aries, and is considered the main talisman in life.
  3. Emerald is green beryl. The color of the stone depends on the place of extraction, where the rock was combined with different metals that affect its color. The crystal can be juicy green, olive, or light green in tone. If you see natural bubbles, cracks, or inclusions of other types in the product, know that the jewelry will cost a little less than a pure emerald. These are suitable stones for Leo, Taurus, Cancer, Aquarius, Sagittarius, Gemini.

Lucky stones of the zodiac signs

In fact, each zodiac element can correspond to several stones at once. One will bring luck into a person’s life, the other will bring wisdom. You can select stones according to your zodiac sign based on your date of birth, which will help speed up the coupling of the energies of the wearer and the crystal. The impact of the gem also depends on the method of obtaining, the month or year of wearing the jewelry, and the area of ​​contact. Before purchasing a talisman, you need to study all the stones and zodiac signs. For example:

  • Diamond suits Aries. The stone gives self-confidence, serves as protection against inner rage, and helps to avoid life’s troubles. The power of the crystal doubles if the stone is given as a gift. True, the energy of a nugget can be crushing for the owner if the person’s intentions are unclean.
  • Taurus becomes wiser and more perspicacious when human energy matches the power of the emerald. The gem makes a person happy and lucky. When Taurus falls in love, the stone becomes more saturated in color. If you want your talisman to influence your destiny, carry it with you during the full moon.
  • Agate, alexandrite, topaz and beryl are suitable for Gemini. For example, the first talisman stone pacifies a wayward character, helping to get rid of internal shortcomings. In return, the mineral helps to reveal creative inclinations and bring your plans to completion. To maximize the influence of the crystal, women are recommended to wear agate earrings.
  • To reveal their talents, Cancer should wear pearls. This stone will help the zodiac sign get more positive emotions and luck. The mineral is a protection against the external negative environment and protects women from the mistake of falling in love with an unworthy man. When a person is sick, pearls may darken.
  • If Leo wants to develop his communication skills, he should pay attention to the chrysolite stone. The gem makes its owner softer, more inclined to communicate, and at the same time a strong, talented person who knows how to skillfully win the trust of people. If you dress peridot in gold, it can strengthen the spirit of its owner.
  • Stones suitable for Virgo: jade, jasper, chrysolite. For example, the last crystal is a talisman of happiness and attractiveness. It suppresses categoricalness, teaches you to dynamically conduct business, and develop intellectually. In order for a gem to properly saturate a person with energy, it is necessary to frame the stone in platinum or silver, but in no case in gold.
  • Opal is a talisman of fidelity and hope for Libra. When a sign has a difficult period in life, this stone will help you feel inner harmony and remove apathy. If a person struggles with negative character traits, opal will become for him an amulet of success and unsurpassedness. True, people with a disordered nervous system are not recommended to wear the mineral due to possible overexcitation.
  • For Scorpio girls looking for love and respect in a relationship with a partner, aquamarine is suitable. If you give a stone to your lover, the crystal will attract his energy to its own and merge with yours. Set in silver, the breed will provide more benefits and saturate the body with positive power.
  • Turquoise without a frame can give Sagittarius good luck in work, in their plans, and help suppress excessive carelessness. If the stone is blue, then the owner will be endowed with justice and nobility. The white mineral will protect the sign in risky actions, and the green one will secure the status of a successful person. The last color of the stone is not suitable for young guys who are still unsteady.
  • Ruby is the talisman of Capricorns. A person who gives this stone to a zodiac sign will bind himself forever with love and find happiness with his chosen one. True, the properties of the stone vary depending on the nature of the owner. If a person is evil, then the mineral will make her even more aggressive. Ruby will give good people a feeling of peace. If the amulet darkens, Capricorn is in danger.
  • The horoscope of stones foretells harmony for Aquarius with a mineral such as amethyst. The mystical characteristics of the crystal help the zodiac sign to realize its plans, develop intuitive abilities, and experience serenity. For medicinal purposes, amethyst can be applied to the body to improve blood flow and normalize blood pressure.
  • Pearls suit Pisces. The stone protects the sign from the evil eye, gives longevity and prosperity. By the shine of the mineral, you can determine the state of health or mood of the owner. It has already been proven that after a person’s death, the talisman darkens and loses its former energy. Pearls should not be re-gifted, but rather left with their owner.

Unsuitable stones for diac signs

When choosing your stone, it is important to know which minerals should never be combined:

  1. It is not recommended to wear pearls with cat's eye, diamond and hessonite.
  2. Ruby with diamond, sapphire, hessonite, cat's eye together will negatively affect the character of its owner, suppressing the spirit and affecting health.
  3. Pearl stone and red coral are absolutely not suitable for emerald.
  4. Blue sapphire is the antipode to such minerals as ruby, red coral, and pearl.
  5. Cat's eye is generally a peculiar rock that does not perceive the energy of pearls and rubies.
  6. Yellow sapphire loves to be one and only for its owner, therefore it has the opposite pole with stones such as diamond, emerald.

You can choose a talisman yourself. This is not at all difficult to do. You don't even have to seek help from an astrologer. First, determine the zodiac sign opposite to yours. Using the zodiac circle, count the sixth position after your own element. For example, Aries - Libra, Taurus - Scorpio, etc. Stones from his list are harmful for you, the rest can be worn.

There are many beautiful stones that are used to create unique jewelry - from ornamental to precious. From this article you will learn which stones are precious, why they are so valued, and which zodiac sign is best suited for one or another stone.

What types of gems are there?

Precious stones have a high price, which is fully justified by their unique beauty, amazing hardness, durability and delightful transparent color, which becomes much better after cutting. In addition, the more difficult it is to obtain a mineral, the higher its cost. This is the main reason for the name “precious”; the name “jewelry stone” often becomes synonymous with such minerals, which indicates their use in products made of precious metals (gold and silver). There are many gradations of stones, some are invariably recognized as precious, others can be classified as a specific grade or class of precious stones. All precious stones, as has already become clear, are in turn divided into varieties and classes. The 1st class of the 1st grade includes precious stones that are officially recognized as such:

  1. Diamond is the most expensive and durable gemstone, completely transparent. A cut diamond is commonly called a diamond.
  2. Ruby is red corundum (aluminum oxide).
  3. Blue sapphire is another variety of corundum, but it is not easy to find in the blue shade, which is why it is classified as a precious stone.
  4. Emerald is a less hard green stone.
  5. Alexandrite is the least valued stone among the most precious stones; it is often classified as a semi-precious stone, but is officially classified as jewelry and expensive.

Separately, they highlight unique and high-quality amber, as well as natural pearls. Both stones of organic origin are officially recognized as precious.

All subsequent stones are conventionally divided into groups, but are not recognized by law as precious. However, the 2nd class of the 1st grade includes:

  1. Demantoid;
  2. Opal black;
  3. Sapphire in other colors (not blue);
  4. Chrysoberyl;
  5. Spinel black;
  6. Euclase.

Representatives of the 2nd grade and 3rd class are:

  1. Aquamarine;
  2. Opal is white or fire;
  3. Rhodolite;
  4. Topaz;
  5. Tourmaline red;
  6. Spinel in various colors (except black).

4th grade is represented by:

  1. Beryl;
  2. Tourmaline of other colors (not red);
  3. Chrysolite;
  4. Chrysoprase;
  5. Zircon.

Stones from grades 2 to 4 are usually called “semi-precious”.

Photos of precious stones

You can find out what a particular gem from each group of the given classification looks like in this photo review. You can read about the properties and features of officially accepted gemstones below.



Blue sapphire




Black opal

Pink sapphire


Spinel black



White opal

Fire opal



Red tourmaline

Spinel of different colors


Blue tourmaline




Diamond gemstone

Diamond is the hardest and rarest mineral. A diamond that has been processed and cut is called a polished diamond. It is diamond jewelry that is especially valued in jewelry and does not leave both women and men indifferent. The shine of diamonds is so beautiful that with the help of processing you can get an incredibly beautiful diamond; professionals can easily distinguish it from other transparent minerals. A diamond is evaluated according to 4 main criteria:

  1. Cut - a high-quality cut is distinguished by precise geometry and correct proportions, designated by the letter A and further according to the degree of reduction in quality.
  2. Purity - minerals that are as transparent as a tear, which play in the light with incredible brilliance, are especially valued.
  3. Color - in the classical concept, a diamond should be transparent (such minerals are more expensive), but there are also blue, green, and pink shades.
  4. Carats are a measure of the mass of diamonds; 1 carat is equal to 0.2 grams.

According to the horoscope, the diamond suits all zodiac signs. But, if you want to emphasize your individuality, give preference to pink diamonds if you are Aries, Leo or Sagittarius, yellow if you are Gemini, Libra or Aquarius, blue if your sign is water and green if you are Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn. .


blue diamond

pink diamond

green diamond

Emerald gemstone

Emerald has a bright, noble green color, which is why the first place when assessing its value is the shade and uniformity of color. The richer the emerald, the higher its price. Just like diamonds, the transparency of the stone and carat are especially valued. Minerals weighing more than 5 carats (1 gram) may be more valuable than diamonds. This stone is suitable for Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, as well as Aries, Gemini, Cancer, Leo and Sagittarius.


cut emerald

Ruby gemstone

The name of the stone from Latin speaks of its color: Rubinus - red. This variety of corundum is recognized as precious due to the high hardness of the mineral and its beautiful shade - from red-pink to purple. The smoother the color and fewer defects, the more expensive the ruby ​​is valued. This mineral is most suitable for Aries. Leos and Sagittarius, Capricorns can also wear it.


cut ruby

Blue Sapphire gemstone

Sapphire is considered to be exclusively blue minerals, but in jewelry, many varieties of corundum, except ruby, are called sapphire. Blue sapphire is valued for its hardness and richness of color, unlike emerald; dark minerals are not as valuable as cornflower blue stones. In addition, a feature of sapphire is the so-called asterism effect, which is characterized by the formation of a glare in the shape of a four-pointed star on a perfectly smooth stone when illuminated. Sapphire is ideal for Scorpios and Pisces; it can also be worn by Aries, Taurus, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn and Aquarius.

cut sapphire


Alexandrite gemstone

Alexandrite is a valuable variety of chrysoberyl, which is distinguished by pleochroism, i.e. the ability to have a different shade of color in different directions of light. In this regard, it is very difficult to attribute a specific color to a mineral. In daylight it tends to have dark blue-green hues, while in evening light it tends to turn purple. For Gemini, Leo and Aquarius, the mineral is suitable like no other.


Which gemstone to choose according to your horoscope?

Which gemstone suits Aries?

Any of the listed precious stones is equally suitable for Aries, but preference should be given to the red shades of Ruby and the most expensive mineral - Diamond. However, sapphires and emeralds are also suitable for Aries.

Which gemstone suits Taurus?

Emerald is a good choice for Taurus; a blue sapphire or diamond can also be a good talisman, since this earthly sign should give preference to soft colors and shades.

Which gemstone is suitable for Gemini?

Those born under the sign of Gemini can safely choose Alexandrite as a talisman. For those who have a birthday in the first third of the time period (in May), emerald is also suitable.

Which gemstone suits Cancer?

The true talisman of Cancer is a white and opaque pearl, which corresponds to the water element of this sign. But, since the likelihood of purchasing natural pearls is extremely low (raw specimens straight from the sea cost incredible money), emerald would be a good alternative.

Which gemstone suits Leo?

The colors of a lion are golden, for this reason gold with a diamond, ruby ​​or emerald will become a real talisman for this sign. But if it is possible to purchase real amber, which is also considered a precious organic stone under certain conditions, then it will be a true amulet for Leo.

Which gemstone suits Virgo?

Emerald is considered the birthstone of Virgo, since its color is in harmony with the element of the sign. But in some cases, blue sapphire is also noted as a talisman for Virgo.

Which gemstone suits Libra?

The best amulet for Libra will be a diamond. Also, sapphire can lay claim to the role of a precious talisman for Libras born in September.

Which gemstone suits Scorpio?

For Scorpio, it will be an excellent amulet that is as mysterious and mystical as the Zodiac sign itself - Alexandrite. Sapphires will also be a good amulet.

Which gemstone suits Sagittarius?

The characteristic colors for Sagittarius are red and green, so ruby ​​and emerald are suitable for him. You can also pay attention to sapphires.

Which gemstone suits Capricorn?

Red and transparent ruby ​​is best suited for Capricorn. Since this zodiac sign is earthly, emerald is also suitable as a talisman or amulet.

Which gemstone suits Aquarius?

Aquarians should pay attention to blue sapphire, since only this stone can help its owner find what he dreams of.

Which gemstone suits Pisces?

Pisces, being a water element, should give preference to everything that can be connected with the depths of the ocean, literally and figuratively. In this case, blue sapphire, natural pearls or alexandrite are suitable for the role of a talisman.

Finding out which precious stones are actually quite simple, since this is written in the legislation of the Russian Federation. You can choose your stone based on horoscopes, but it is best to purchase the mineral to which your soul lies and which you will want to wear again and again, because this is your amulet and precious talisman.

Have you tried choosing stones according to your horoscope? Choosing jewelry is always a difficult task. The shine of the precious metal beckons. The shine of the stones bewitches. Sometimes it seems: this pendant with diamonds looks the best! But as soon as you look away, a ring with an opal appears in your field of vision, its beauty surpassing rainbow sparkles of diamonds, tropical sunsets, and even “Spring” by Sandro Botticelli. How not to buy such beauty?

It also happens differently. A certain piece of jewelry comes into fashion (usually quickly bursts into fashion). And you don’t like all these frogs, sometimes strewn with emeralds and sometimes with rubies! Everyone flaunts elegant rings with black (brown, incomprehensibly dark) cabochons - but you don’t want them. Standards of decency tell you to put “studs” in your ears with stones that match the color of your eyes - but this idea scares you. What to do?

The rule is simple: obey your own desires. But at the same time, check with the plans of astrologers. You will be surprised at how whimsically the stones are scattered throughout the horoscope. You may be surprised by the combination of completely diverse minerals into single sets. You will see: among the gems “prescribed” for your sign, there are several undoubtedly suitable proposals, as well as very controversial recommendations.

This is where you listen to the voice of your soul! The first reaction is the most reliable. The voice of the rational mind is able to drown out the weak manifestations of primordial desires. Price, size, color of jewelry - these and many other selection factors are quickly comprehended by us. It’s not so rare that when our soul is drawn to one stone, we buy another - more prestigious or less expensive, frankly flashy or deliberately modest, absolutely natural or artificial to the last molecule. Not the one I wanted...

Will owning a “foreign” stone bring joy, pleasure, and benefit? Hardly! One should only obey the innermost movements of the soul, and the human soul, as is known, is subject to the irresistible influence of the heavenly bodies. Only by first selecting stones according to the horoscope can a person make the right choice. Otherwise, he will have to spend years (if not decades) “taming” this or that unsuitable mineral - and it is not a fact that success will be achieved.

The passionate desire to own a stone is a manifestation of the mutually directed desire of the esoteric forces of the mineral and the human soul. However, when getting acquainted with precious stones, take into account the calculations and recommendations of astrologers. The accuracy of scientific definitions has been confirmed by centuries of observations.

Aries is a spring sign, and spring is a time of riot of natural colors. Choose any stones whose tone matches the color of spring! Let the blooming gardens be reflected in bright rubies! Transparent emeralds and chrysolites symbolize the freshness of greenery. Blue sapphires repeat the height of the heavens. Hot ambers will become materialized sunlight.

Aries are extremely free in their choice of stone. Bright colors, lively shine of edges, and whimsical play of light suit them. However, freedom of choice also implies personal responsibility for the accuracy of the selection. Like no other sign of the Zodiac, Aries must listen to their own desires. A spontaneously picked pebble (on a pebble beach, in a scattering of rubble, at the foot of a mountain) is more valuable to Aries than a diamond. Moreover, a washed and polished “foundling”, as a rule, is capable of becoming the most beautiful of talismans.

Read more about gems suitable for this zodiac sign -

Taurus is full of the creative forces of the Earth. He should avoid overly “energetic” minerals: any Taurus himself is like an energy-generating machine. For Taurus, stones are recommended whose color and pattern make jewelry similar to the planets of the solar system. Amethyst, jasper, tiger's eye are suitable for businessmen, organizers, and directors. Creative people from Taurus should buy moonstone, turquoise, lapis lazuli, jadeite.

Those Taurus whose mood is often depressed should pay attention to richly colored garnets, colored topazes, and bright tourmalines. However, during periods of emotional uplift it is better to avoid wearing intensely colored jewelry: Taurus has extreme fortitude. When combined with the spiritual power of the stone, it can become too much...

Complete information on the interaction of precious minerals and Taurus -

It’s easier to talk about Gemini in terms of prohibitions. Stones that are opaque, dark, earthy in color and gloomy in appearance are contraindicated for this sign. White and gold pearls, transparent beryl, rock crystal, various colored stones are perfect for Gemini!

Red gems are the first helpers of Gemini, who are in need of increased strength. However, Gemini intuitively rejects full sets with red rubies, spinels or garnets. The desire to dilute the scarlet power with the lightness of pastel tones of opal or obsidian is an innate feature of this sign.

It has been noticed - and astrologers confirm the fruitfulness of this choice - that Geminis tend to decorate themselves with stones, in the appearance of which there is a clear lack of agreement. Translucent cabochons in warm colors, dichroic inserts, minerals with a pronounced textured pattern - these are the stones that attract the attention of Gemini, and which often become amulets and talismans for this sign.

Cancer is a child of the water element. And therefore, jewelry for Cancers clearly and clearly echoes the beauty of the water surface. Any stone whose appearance and color is similar to water (and water is extremely diverse!) is rightfully liked by Cancer. Aquamarine? Yes! Sapphire? Certainly! Chrysoprase? Without a doubt!

However, Cancers love not only crystals of the transparency of pure water. Rhythmic patterns, diffuse combinations of colors, unexpected shimmers and reflections in stones attract the attention of Cancer with the ability to harmonize mental discord. Stones that can destabilize the human soul have a beneficial effect on Cancer - if only their color has at least a small fraction of the colors of water.

Paradox? Not at all: Cancer is moving backwards. The wonderful influence of stones of bright sunny colors on Cancer looks paradoxical. Carnelian and coral sometimes help Cancer more than stones of aquatic nature. However, astrologers find this correspondence quite natural. In any case, the luminaries recommend that Cancer wear Sun stones. Moreover, the month of Cancer is the month of the highest solar activity for residents of the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth.

The one who is capable of bending the world to himself is Leo. The heat of the August Sun, the dark green of foliage at the end of summer, as well as the dark tones of the savannah scorched by the heat, the bronze of tanned skin, the purple of tropical sunsets... Everything is subject to Leo! In addition to combining day and night, that is, light crystals and dark jewelry. True, Leos themselves never strive for such mixes: the fidelity of the intuitive selection of stones affects them.

Minerals that enhance the commanding qualities of Leo are capable of depriving their owners of a critical view of things. More than one “pride” of zodiac Leos has fallen into the trap of their own pride, filled with self-confidence. Therefore, Leos should wear sets of diamonds, alexandrites, and hyacinths with some caution.

The responsiveness and prudence of Leos are given by stones of dimly expressed colors, especially cold tones. However, such a stone should not be Leo’s only decoration. A ring with a moonstone should be balanced by at least a sardonyx keychain that is invisible to outside observers.

About Leo-friendly minerals

“Oh, young Virgin! Is the power of the stone always subject to you...” The poetic lines slightly distort reality. The Zodiac Virgo really easily penetrates into the spiritual essence of any mineral, and therefore, without any harm to herself, she collects a considerable collection of jewelry and talismans. She may not be able to subjugate the most energetically active stones - but she successfully uses them, like a rider uses the capabilities of a wild horse!

Virgo is practical and pedantic. The stones in her collection are sorted and classified according to their effectiveness and compatibility. Only Virgo can afford to simultaneously wear a mixed necklace, a voluminous set and a few more trinkets in the form of pendants and key rings - and at the same time, every stone will work FOR the hostess, but not AGAINST.

Virgos wearing amethysts, chalcedony, and colored diamonds are especially successful. Virgos who unconsciously understand the power and direction of action of any mineral are especially advised to use artificial jewelry - cubic zirconia, moissanite, as well as laboratory analogues of natural crystals.

Virgo accurately identifies stones that are “harmful” to themselves. It is impossible to force Virgo to wear jewelry with crystals of mournful aesthetics. A dense purple glow, dark brown and bottle green shades are not for Virgos. Although, if desired, it is Virgo who will complete her outfit in such a way that even the most seemingly unsuitable stones for her will bring her undoubted benefit.

Zodiac Libras have amazing talent. They know how to balance. Therefore, nothing is too much for Libra! Libra will be able to present even cut drops of special steel (certainly not related to precious metals or stones of any kind) to others as if they were the most exquisite of diamonds. And rest assured: the effect of this piece of iron alloy on the fate of the owner is exactly the same as if we were talking about a natural diamond!

There is no stone, alloy, or jewelry in the world that is not suitable for Libra! But there are minerals whose synergy with Libra is maximum. Astrologers give us this list: colored opals, rauchtopazes, stones with two-ray asterism, banded minerals. A jade ring on a Libra's finger truly brings happiness and prosperity. A malachite insert in a brooch or keychain makes the attitude of others evenly friendly. Multicolor opal promises wealth to Libra and helps to realize the most ambitious plans.

Minerals of pink shades - including those of biological origin - serve Libra as stabilizers of quality of life. Pink pearls, rose quartz, pink diamond - and even inexpensive pink coral - smooth out life-changing shocks, give nourishing peace, and initiate the desire for comfort. What is important is that these stones in no way limit Libra’s creative potential, and thereby contribute to Libra’s achievement of even greater heights.

The main quality of Scorpio is the ability to take responsibility. However, the innate nobility contains a danger: the spiritual power of the sign, multiplied by the corresponding stone, can deceive a person. Noticed: Scorpios wearing bright yellow (“sun”) stones “sting” themselves...

This is why among the minerals recommended for Scorpios there are so few natural strength stimulants. But there are many decorative breeds that regulate bursts of destructive energy. It should be noted that Scorpio is shown stones, the wearing of which interferes with other signs. Densely colored gems of dark tones, black diamonds, hematites, pyropes have the most beneficial effect on the life of Scorpios.

Many Scorpios have a craving for jewelry of biological origin. However, only dark opaque amber, black pearls, burgundy or black corals take root with this sign. A strong Scorpio can also tame a golden pearl - but it will not live long with this sign. The threat of loss, damage, and theft also applies to transparent stones: amber, citrine, beryl. However, the correct organization of management of the esoteric forces of minerals normalizes the situation.

You will find details about the relationship between Scorpios and gems.

Sagittarius is firm, rational, purposeful and, in the opinion of other people, sometimes even dry. Therefore, astrology recommends to Sagittarius stones that awaken sensuality and form an equal perception of different points of view. Two-color crystals, color-changing minerals, multi-colored (including striped) cabochons, and intensely colored inserts have a great effect on Sagittarius.

True, astrologers warn: excessive diversity can harm the winter sign. It is believed that the optimal amount of minerals in the frame of Streltsy jewelry should not exceed seven varieties. At the same time, you can store as many different gems as you like in your reserves, but in constant use it is better to have no more than seven stones.

Such a rotation of the “arsenal” is a great benefit for Sagittarius. It is no secret that creatively advanced Sagittarius needs not only strong, but also necessarily diverse support from nature. Therefore, a wide color range of jewelry is beneficial for any Sagittarius.

Important details of Sagittarius’ interaction with gems are described

Capricorn is a self-sufficient sign. He is insensitive to outside influences. This property is so pronounced in most Capricorns that it is accepted by them completely unquestionably. In fact, Capricorn can afford to wear any jewelry made from natural or artificial stone. He will not notice any special effect from acquiring any talisman.

Malicious spells of any nature will not touch him - until Capricorn himself considers it necessary to listen to his feelings. But even if Capricorn pays close attention to the action of the stone, he will feel its activity as if watching from the outside. It's as if this isn't happening to him. He will note a funny fact, smile internally, and continue to live as before.

Such resilience is the envy of everyone. However, it wouldn’t hurt even the most insensitive Capricorn to choose stones so that they help rather than hinder. After all, we don’t feel the Earth’s magnetic field either. But being isolated from it, we get sick seriously and for a long time...

In a set of jewelry, Capricorn should have at least one dark (can be black) stone, one dark green gem, and one deep red crystal. They can be worn in any combination. It is not forbidden to spice up the outfit with other bright gems.

A winter air sign, Aquarius gravitates towards stones that outwardly reflect the essence of the harshest time of the year. Weakly colored, brightly shiny - or gloomy, discreet, misty in color - gems suit Aquarius in a variety of ways.

But bright, warm, provocatively sparkling crystals, whimsically playing with beams of light, can harm Aquarius. Therefore, astrology advises this sign to keep a mineral of characteristic “winter” beauty in the main talismans - and use any stones they like as satellites.

It has been noted that gems whose color palette coincides with the colors of the aurora are famous for their particularly productive influence on Aquarius. Pearls, mother-of-pearl, blue agate are Aquarius’s best friends. The sign also has a lot of opaque, modestly colored “helpers”.

However, in the range of colors preferred by Aquarius, you can find any shade!

Important aspects of understanding the role of decorative minerals in the life of Aquarius

Pisces has control over the whole world. But in order to master this light, Pisces must, firstly, dominate the twelve stones-symbols of the astrological year; secondly, select these stones in accordance with the aquatic nature.

The foamy water of the sea surf looks like rutile quartz. The oily surface of the pre-sunset calm is akin to the deep glow of carnelian. The lunar path at night is citrine, moonstone, and opal.

Pearls and emeralds, coral and peridot, rock crystal and aquamarine are the stones of Pisces. In the table of “stone ranks” this sign has a special position for minerals found mostly on beaches and in shell deposits.

On the one hand, stones, washed by the waves and rolled by the sea, have absorbed the nature of water and are therefore favorable for Pisces. On the other hand, aggressive color combinations can disturb Pisces. In any case, the selection of multilayer minerals for zodiac Pisces requires caution and caution.

There are several classifications of precious stones, which are based on characteristics such as hardness or light scattering of the stone, mineral composition, crystallographic features, and prevalence in nature. That is why the division into precious and stones is very arbitrary.

For the first time, the division into types of precious stones was proposed by M. Bauer in 1896. Later, many scientists addressed the improvement of this issue, including A.E. Fersman and V.I. Sobolevsky.

It is customary to divide jewelry stones into three types: precious, semi-precious and ornamental.


Precious stones are minerals that are distinguished by their particular brilliance, beauty and play of color, or strength and hardness, and which are used as jewelry.

According to a simplified classification, first grade precious stones are: diamond, sapphire, chrysoberyl, ruby, emerald, alexandrite, spinel, lal, euclase.

The second grade of precious stones are: topaz, aquamarine, red, phenacite, demantoid, bloodstone, hyacinth, opal, almandine, zircon.

Diamond and brilliant are the same stone, which is a type of crystalline carbon. The first name refers to the stone in its natural form, and the second - cut.

There are no such terms as semi-precious and ornamental stones, since they differ from precious stones only in their wider distribution and less pronounced properties, which is also reflected in the price of products with them.

Among the semi-precious stones are: garnet, epidote, turquoise, dioptase, green and variegated tourmalines, rock crystal, chalcedony, light amethyst, sun and moonstone, labradorite.

Ornamental (gemstone) stones include: jade, bloodstone, lapis lazuli, amazonite, labradorite of lower quality, varieties of spar and jasper, smoky and rose quartz, Vesuveman, jet, corals, amber, mother-of-pearl.

Modern classification of jewelry stones

Professional jewelers and mineralogists consider the best and most modern classification proposed by Professor E.Ya. Kievlenko.

The first group includes jewelry (other synonymous names are cut, precious) stones:

Diamond, blue sapphire, emerald, ruby, constituting the first class;

Alexandrite, orange, yellow, purple and green sapphire, noble jadeite, noble black opal, which are included in the second class;

Demantoid, noble spinel, aquamarine, topaz, rhodolite, noble white and fire opal, red tourmaline, moonstone (adularia), which represent the third class;

Blue, green, pink and polychrome tourmaline, turquoise, chrysolite, noble spodumene (kunzite, giddenite), zircon, yellow, green, golden and pink beryl, pyrope, almandine, amethyst, citrine, chrysolite, chrysoprase, which the scientist classified as the fourth class .

The second group classifies ornamental, or stone-cutting, stones:

Rauchtopaz, amber-succinite, hematite-bloodstone, jadeite, rock crystal, lapis lazuli, malachite, jade, aventurine, belonging to the first class;

Agate, cacholong, colored chalcedony, amazonite, heliotrope, rhodonite, rose quartz, iridescent obsidian, labradorite, common opal, belomorite and other opaque iridescent spars, which make up the second class.

The third group is represented by decorative facing stones, including: jasper, written granite, marble onyx, petrified wood, larchite, jet, jaspilite, obsidian, selenite, aventurine quartzite, fluorite, agalmatolite, colored marble, patterned flint.
