When does a lactation crisis occur? How to survive a lactation crisis: timing, symptoms, methods of struggle

Breastfeeding is more than just the joy of being with your baby. But also difficulties, excitement and many questions. On this path, a nursing mother is waiting for both ups and downs. Or rather, periods of reduced lactation. The lactation crisis is one such period.

Should I worry and diagnose myself with “I don’t have enough milk”? After reading this article, you will know what to do when breastfeeding hangs in the balance.

Nothing indicated problems. But one day the baby starts behaving strangely while feeding. He takes the nipple and immediately spits it out, applied to the other breast. Evening feedings are delayed for several hours. The baby is naughty, often requires a breast and sucks for a long time. The child does not eat. At the same time, mom does not feel hot flashes, the milk has stopped leaking as before.

Mom thinks she has less milk. It ended, for some reason it stopped being produced. At such times, many offer formula to the baby, and breastfeeding may end there.

In fact, the amount of milk has not decreased, it has remained the same. It's just that the baby's nutritional needs have increased. He has grown up, and the previous volume of milk is not enough for him now. And the baby behaves correctly: it is applied more often, sucks longer (“hanging on the chest”). Thus, he, as it were, asks his mother for more milk. And the mother's body responds by producing the right amount of secretion.

“Breast milk is produced according to the principle “demand creates supply”. That is, frequent and prolonged attachment of the baby to the breast stimulates lactation "

Such moments of crisis do not happen once. The decrease in lactation is associated with well-defined reasons.

Causes of lactation crisis

There is no hormonal reason for the decrease in lactation. Situations when milk simply disappears due to hormonal disruptions in the mother's body are extremely rare. However, the causes of lactation crises and the unusual behavior of the baby at the breast are known and explainable:

  1. Child's growth spurt
    This is one of the root causes of lactation crises. The nutritional needs have increased, respectively, the baby is trying to pump more milk for himself. Lactocrises at the age of 3 weeks, 1.5, 3.6.9 months are usually associated with a jump in the development of the child.
  2. Establishment of mature lactation
    At about 3 months after the start of feeding, the breast stops filling, becomes soft and falls off. Hot flashes are no longer so noticeable, milk does not leak from the breast. This means that the time has come for mature lactation. Now milk will be produced only during feeding. The timing of the formation of lactation for each mother may vary.
  3. Mistakes in attaching the baby to the breast during feedings
    Poor attachment leads to insufficient emptying of the mammary glands. Milk production is reduced. The child is undernourished.
  4. Resumption of the menstrual cycle
    Hormonal changes in connection with the onset of menstruation lead to a decrease in the oxytocin reflex. The outflow of milk from the ducts becomes more difficult, and the child has to make more efforts to suck out the milk.

What should mom do during a lactation crisis?

Yesterday the baby was happy and full. Today his mood is spoiled by hunger. Anyone in his place would start to resent. Anyone in his mother's place would have been worried and thought about the introduction of supplementary feeding.

“But do not rush to give the crumbs an adapted mixture. Milk is and will be! It's just that the breast has not yet had time to adapt to the new needs of the child. It may take a few days to get used to. All this time the child will be capricious and ask for a breast. Follow the child's needs. The baby obeys instincts and will regulate the amount of milk itself.

Action plan during lactation crisis:

  1. Feed often. Apply at the first request of the child. Let hang on the chest. Let the baby suckle the breast for as long as he wants.
  2. Feed around. Those. after applying to the right breast, apply to the left and so on.
  3. Organize joint sleep and additional nightly attachments.
  4. Help the baby suck milk. In the event of mature lactation, the mammary gland will no longer be filled with milk all the time. An empty breast out of habit is unlikely to please a child, he will spit it out. Mom's task: to teach the baby to suck milk. You can pump a couple of drops of milk directly into the baby's mouth, stroke the breast while feeding, or use the Breast Compression Method. We have described the technique of this technique.
  5. Drink more warm liquids. Abundantly warm drink does not increase the amount of milk, but perfectly stimulates its outflow from the milk ducts.
  6. Keep calm. And this is not a simple advice in the format “Yes, calm down!”. The thing is that the stress hormone - adrenaline blocks the production of oxytocin. As a result, milk is more difficult to leave the breast and the problem is aggravated.

What not to do during a lactation crisis

At such a morally difficult moment in the life of a mother and baby, "kind" advisers often appear and pass the verdict "the child does not eat up your milk." Do not believe, do not be afraid, do not ask for advice! The task of a nursing mother is to be calm and act confidently.

What needs to be done to overcome the decline in milk levels, we have already described. Now let's clarify what can not be done during a lactation crisis:

  1. Do not give a pacifier or bottle with a pacifier.
    Every time she offers a pacifier to a crying baby, the mother rejects her need to latch onto her breast. Less feeding means less milk.
  2. Can't be fed.
    Any supplement will result in less breastfeeding. The child will simply be full and will not require mother's milk.
  3. You can not add water.
    Mother's milk is both drink and food for the child before the introduction of complementary foods. Supplementation with water reduces the number of feedings.

Perhaps, we have highlighted the main options for the mother's actions during the lactation crisis. The main thing to understand is that the lack of milk in some of the periods of breastfeeding is not a fatal problem. Each mother is able to cope with this on her own, simply by increasing the frequency of feedings. Listen to your child, trust nature and the principles of natural feeding.

Lactation crisis - violations in the process of feeding, a discrepancy between the amount of milk produced and the needs of a growing baby. Most mothers are very worried when faced with this problem. It is only natural that they are concerned about the causes of this phenomenon and how to overcome it.

Symptoms of a lactation crisis

The fact that violations have arisen is indicated by a sharp change in the behavior of the child. During attachment to the breast, the baby can take and immediately throw it, cry, try to suck again. The duration of feeding increases to 30-40 minutes or more.

Other signs should also be highlighted:

  • the number of urination of the child does not exceed 6-8 times a day;
  • poor weight gain (less than 500 g per month and less than 125 g per week);
  • reducing the time between feedings;
  • refusal of the breast or vice versa, prolonged sucking with occasional crying;
  • a decrease in the amount of milk in the breast (a woman does not notice hot flashes in the mammary glands);
  • pathological changes in the stool: green color, stench;
  • increased anxiety, poor sleep of the child.

How long does a lactation crisis last?

The duration of the state is small and is usually 3-4 days.

A lactation crisis should not be confused with true lactation problems, when the mammary glands, for various reasons, do not produce enough milk. If the mother doubts that the baby has enough milk, you can eliminate your doubts using the accessible Moll method. Body temperature is measured twice: in the armpit and under the mammary gland. If the temperature in the chest area is higher by 0.1-0.5 ° C, this means that breast milk arrives in sufficient volume.

Why does GW violation occur?

The most common reaction of the mother in this case is the introduction of artificial formula complementary foods. Women usually begin to doubt the adequacy of the volume or quality of milk produced. However, in most cases, this "exit" only brings harm. The rapid adaptation of the baby to the nipple of the bottle leads to further disturbances in the process of lactation, and sometimes to the complete curtailment of breastfeeding.

You should never rush to complementary foods, especially if the child is not yet six months old. Knowing how the lactation crisis is expressed, each mother will be able to successfully cope with it.

Up to 1 year, the development and growth of the baby takes place spasmodically, unevenly. At each stage, more than before, the amount of milk is needed, but the mother's body is temporarily not ready to fully provide it. This feature leads to problems with feeding.

There are other reasons as well. This is the already mentioned untimely introduction of artificial formulas for supplementary feeding, frequent use of a pacifier or a bottle with a nipple, violations in the feeding regimen, excessive physical or psychological stress of the mother, infectious or other diseases of the child.

When does a lactation crisis occur?

Breastfeeding experts distinguish several periods in the development of an infant when the likelihood of a problem is most high:

  1. At 2 and 3 weeks - the first lactation crisis occurs at a time when the baby begins to suffer from stomach cramps, which is an additional test for his digestive and nervous system. At 1 month of life, the first leap in development also occurs.
  2. At 3 and 4 months - the second lactation crisis, which develops as a result of an increase in the period of wakefulness and the beginning of active knowledge of the world around.
  3. At 6 months - an important leap, the beginning of active motor activity - the child begins to sit down and crawl.
  4. At 10 months - a defining leap in development, when the baby takes the first steps.

One of the most pronounced crises is the age of 3-4 months. This is the time of active knowledge of the world, when the child begins to be interested in toys, music, various objects, learns to roll over and pull himself up by the handles. The period of wakefulness increases to several hours. For some babies, this turns out to be an unbearable burden for the nervous system. In addition, by 4 months, the first teeth begin to erupt, which also leads to increased moodiness and anxiety.

The next jump falls on the period at the age of six months. Usually at this time complementary foods are introduced into the diet, which can be a strong test. The child rolls over a lot, gets on all fours, tries to crawl. Increasing periods of wakefulness and activity can cause overexcitation. This condition is especially harmful before bedtime, when a tired baby cries, rubs his eyes, rushes about on the pillow, and arches his body.

In this case, it is of great importance to observe the correct daily routine and exclude active games or activities before bedtime. Swaddling, soft music helps some children.

The number of crises and the timing of lactation periods are individual in nature and depend on the general health of the baby, his living conditions, adherence to the regimen and rules of general care for infants.

What to do with a lactation crisis?

First of all, you need to learn to distinguish a lactation crisis from true lactation problems (for example, from). After all, the crying and anxiety of the baby do not always indicate his hunger. Counting urination per day will help determine the lactation crisis. This method is also called "wet diapers". The number of urination 12 times a day is the norm, which means that there is enough milk and the problem is temporary.

The weight gain per week is also an indicator. If the decrease in weight gain was short-term, and in other weeks the increase was about 115-125 g in 7 days, there is no reason to worry.

You can overcome the violation in a short time if you follow the following recommendations:

  1. Breastfeed your baby as often as possible. This is especially true of night feedings and breastfeeding in the morning (5-7 am). This period is the most favorable for stimulating milk production, as the hormone prolactin is produced, which determines lactation.
  2. Feed only on demand, increasing the duration of feeding as much as necessary for the child. The optimal break between feedings is 2-3 hours.
  3. Try to spend as much time as possible with your baby. Many mothers practice co-sleeping, which is a guarantee of physical and psychological comfort for the baby. Tactile contact with the mother during sleep is of great importance.
  4. For maximum body contact during the daytime, a sling is perfect.
  5. Emotional contact with the baby is established with the help of affectionate words, strokes, singing songs. It may be necessary to change the usual position for more effective attachment to the chest.
  6. Do not give artificial formula or a soothing pacifier. To increase lactation, it is necessary to practice regular pumping.
  7. Eliminate difficult emotional experiences from your life, make efforts to ensure that the home atmosphere is calm and friendly. Ask for support and help from other family members or friends. Try to provide yourself with positive emotions by listening to calm quiet music or going for a walk in the park with your baby.
  8. Until 6 months of age, mother's milk should remain the only food. As a rule, there is not the slightest need to give the child water, juice or cereal before this age.
  9. Eat a nutritious diet and drink plenty of water. The amount of liquid consumed should be at least 2.5 liters per day. You can drink mineral water without gas, natural juices, compotes, fruit drinks, green tea.
  10. Before feeding, you can practice breast massage or taking a warm shower, which has a beneficial effect on the volume of milk produced. For the massage, natural oils (peach, olive) are used. The usual warming procedures for the chest will also help, you can use a heated diaper.

What diet does the mother need?

In times of crisis, the nutrition of a nursing mother should be given increased attention. The menu must include buckwheat and oatmeal with fresh fruits, boiled fish, low-fat baked or boiled meat, vegetables. To increase lactation, you can use dill water, dietary supplements "Laktogon", "Apilak", teas "Hipp", "Lactavit", vitamin complexes designed specifically for nursing mothers. Before using them, it is advisable to consult a doctor or breastfeeding specialist.

Many mothers are very selective about the choice of dishes, believing that some of them can adversely affect the quality and taste of breast milk. For example, they may exclude fruits from the menu, believing that they cause diathesis or intestinal upset in an infant.

In fact, moderate consumption of various foods, including sweets, will not have bad consequences for the baby, except for those children who are diagnosed with severe allergies. At the same time, dishes with mayonnaise, store-bought ketchup and sauces, smoked meats, spicy foods, fast food should be excluded from the diet.

Folk remedies to overcome the lactation crisis

If at any stage the mother’s body does not “manage” to produce the right amount of milk, it can be increased using centuries-old proven means. Among them are the following:

  1. Decoction of ginger. The crushed root of the plant is poured with water, boiled for 5 minutes and the resulting broth is drunk 3 times a day for half a glass.
  2. Decoction of nettle seeds. Seeds are poured with boiling water, kept in a water bath for 15-20 minutes, filtered, a little honey is added, and stirred. Take 2 times a day.
  3. Pharmacy tincture of peony. Drink 30-40 drops before each meal.
  4. Peeled walnuts. Nuts are poured with hot milk, insisted in a thermos, take a third of a glass twice a day.
  5. Fennel, anise and dill seeds. Taken in equal proportions, they are poured with boiling water, insisted for hours, filtered and taken twice a day before or after meals.
  6. Camomile tea. Chamomile flowers are poured with hot water, insisted, take a third of a glass 2-3 times a day.
  7. Blackcurrant juices, radishes, carrots, green onions, cumin seeds, bran bread.

Every woman looks forward to the birth of her baby. However, becoming a mother, she often encounters problems. Almost every woman is worried about the process of breastfeeding. If you already have children, then there are usually fewer questions. This article will talk about what interests many women in labor - this is a lactation crisis. Periods, deadlines, what to do in such a situation - everything will be described below. You will also learn about the main reasons for this situation.


Most practice early attachment of the baby to the breast. This means that immediately after birth, your baby will be allowed to suck on colostrum. Indeed, at the very beginning of lactation, it is precisely this that stands out. Milk comes after a few days. But don't worry. A few drops of milky liquid will be enough for the newborn to be satiated.

When milk arrives, most women feel like there is a lot of it. All for the simple reason that in the first days the baby cannot eat the volumes produced. But don't worry, everything will be back to normal soon, and milk will come on demand.

Lactation crisis: periods

Just a few months after giving birth, a woman may face the first problems. A lactation crisis is a period when there is less milk in the mother's breast. A woman can notice such a condition by the behavior of the crumbs. The baby begins to apply more often, sucks for a long time and is naughty.

The periods of occurrence of lactation crises can be different, but more often it occurs at three to six weeks from birth, then at 3, 7, 11 and 12 months. It is worth noting that many women do not notice such changes at all. They don't even know what lactation crises are. When a child has whims or if he needs frequent attachments, mothers find other explanations.


How long does a lactation crisis last? This question arises in every woman who is faced with a similar problem. In fact, everything is individual. It is impossible to specify exact dates, because a lot depends on your desire and actions.

If you try to increase the amount of milk produced and comply with all the conditions described below, then the crisis will end after a few days. It usually takes three to four days. When a woman lets everything take its course and categorically does not want to fight, the crisis can last up to a week (provided that breastfeeding continues). Many mothers make the same mistake - they offer the baby a bottle. Such a lactation crisis is more likely to end with the end of lactation. Indeed, over time, the baby understands that sucking from a bottle is much easier than extracting healthy milk from the breast.

How to deal with the problem?

If a lactation crisis has begun, what should a mother do? First of all, you need to contact a specialist. If you do not have an experienced adviser nearby, then you cannot do without a breastfeeding consultant. In modern and women's consultations there are always such specialists. They will definitely tell you about the nuances of the course of the lactation crisis, and also help to eliminate it in a short time.

In some situations, a woman is prescribed drugs that increase milk production. These can be special protein and taurine mixtures (Semilak, Olympic), Milky Way tea, dietary supplements Apilactin and Laktogon. You can also purchase products to enhance lactation on your own. The most popular manufacturers are "Hipp", "Grandmother's basket", "Semilak" and so on. But it is worth saying right away that it is impossible to solve the problem only with medicines. It is necessary to understand why the lactation crisis arose, eliminate its causes and normalize the process of applying the baby to the breast.

Relax and sleep

A lactation crisis at 3 months often has a cause in the form of lack of sleep. After all, it is at this time that the baby becomes more active, his daily routine changes. If earlier the baby only ate and slept most of the time, now he needs to play and stay awake. Mom can simply not cope with all the volume of cases. A woman needs to pay attention to the child, and cook food, and do some household chores. There is simply no time left for your vacation. The exhausted body can no longer supply milk in the volume that the baby needs. In addition, by three months, the need for food increases.

To eliminate this cause, you may need outside help. Ask your dad or grandparents to help you a little. Send them for a walk with the baby. In your free time, do not grab the laundry and cleaning. Lie down and sleep. The night sleep of a nursing woman is constantly interrupted. Therefore, a young mother simply needs a few hours of daytime rest. Many breastfeeding experts also recommend co-sleeping with your baby at night. This way you won't have to get up for every feed.

Eat well and drink more fluids

A lactation crisis can develop due to malnutrition and lack of fluid. As you know, more than half consists of water. Therefore, the body needs a lot of fluid to produce it. If in a normal state a woman should drink about 2 liters of water per day, then a nursing mother needs about three.

Get yourself a separate container of water that you need to empty during the day. Be sure to finish each meal with a cup of hot tea, compote or juice. Make sure that all products are fresh and do not contain a lot of spices. Prefer soups, cereals, vegetables and fruits to smoked and salty dishes. Never eat dry food. Avoid carbonated drinks. They cannot fill the body's need for fluid.

Eliminate Stress

Often a lactation crisis develops due to a nervous breakdown. This can happen due to fatigue, lack of sleep, and so on. Therefore, a nursing woman needs mandatory support from close relatives. Never turn down help. Walk more and spend more time outdoors. Prolonged planting within four walls only exacerbates your condition. Don't lock yourself in.

If you feel constant anxiety, are nervous a lot and understand that you cannot cope on your own, go to the doctor. The doctor will prescribe safe herbal preparations for you, for example, Tenoten, Persen and others. They will not harm the baby, but they can normalize your condition. Remember that self-medication is unacceptable.

The lactation crisis can be overcome very quickly with the help of some secrets. The described actions will not take you much time. With their help in the future, you can not only overcome, but also prevent a new crisis:

  • Before each feeding, do a light massage. Stretch the mammary glands along the ducts (from the base to the nipple). Please note that you can not press hard.
  • To increase the amount of milk, give the baby both breasts at once during one feeding. Let the baby first eat from one, then change the position and attach it to the other.
  • Promotes lactation pumping. After the baby is satiated, gently use a breast pump or hands to express the last drops. Do not worry that there is no milk left in the breast. The higher the need for it, the more it will abide.
  • Make warm wraps. Warm up a towel and apply it to the breast before feeding. This procedure will expand the ducts, improve blood circulation and increase the flow of milk.
  • Do not dwell on the fact that you have a lactation crisis. You already know the periods, the terms of it. Keep in mind that everything will be back to normal soon. The mental attitude of the mother is very important. Don't offer your baby a bottle. Better once again attach it to your chest.

Let's sum up a little...

Any lactation crisis that you know of is not such a serious problem for a woman who wants to continue breastfeeding. Keep in mind that this situation usually resolves itself in about a week. Subject to the above conditions and tips, you can cope with the lack of milk in just a few days. If you can easily overcome the first lactation crisis, which occurs about a month after the birth of a child, then the rest will not pose any particular danger and difficulty.

An important point to remember is that you should never replace bottle feeding. Do not think that your baby is starving. Check if the baby is getting enough milk. To do this, count how many times a day he urinates. If the number of wet diapers exceeds 12, then the child has enough food. Please note that this rule is valid only for babies before the introduction of complementary foods. We wish you normalization of breastfeeding as soon as possible!

A very small percentage of women suffer from a complete lack of breast milk, some have hypogalactia (a small amount of milk), which can be due to a number of reasons, most of which can be corrected.

A temporary decrease in the amount of milk (this is how women feel) is called a lactation crisis (or crisis). It seems to the mother that her baby is not full, because the milk disappears, panic begins and attempts to supplement the mixture, although this phenomenon is completely normal and you should not worry, you just need to know some rules of behavior at such moments.

In fact, there was no less milk, and the reason lies in the fact that the child has grown up and requires more food. Usually after a few days the breasts begin to fill up more, the crisis passes.

Causes of lactation crisis

The onset of crises is an individual process, it can occur at 1 month, at 3, 6, 11 and 12 months. Its duration can be 3-7 days. But it is worth saying that not every mother is subject to such a phenomenon. It has been noticed that in women who from the very first days fed the child without problems, a lactation crisis occurs less frequently.

I would like to note once again that this is a normal phenomenon and it is not associated with a decrease in milk production, but with a period of intensive growth of the child. He simply was not enough of the amount that is now. Good stimulation and long sucking will promote the arrival of new increased portions of food.

The duration of the adaptive period can be extended if the mother is worried and nervous, thinking that it is she who is the cause of such a “trouble”. Another important point is awareness, that is, real “woe from wit”, when a woman knows about the possibility of crises and waits for their appearance with horror and anxiety.

How to distinguish a lactation crisis from true hypogalactia?

The crisis is a temporary phenomenon, but improperly taken measures during this period can lead to the development of hypogalactia (a true decrease in milk production).

If a woman follows all recommendations for increasing milk production within a few days, then the crisis ends by 5-7 days, while a problem that lasts more than a week with all the measures taken may indicate true hypogalactia and should be a reason for supplementary feeding with mixtures.

A true decrease in milk production may be due to fatigue, malnutrition or hormonal disorders in a woman’s body, which is why it is so important to recognize and take action in time to restore normal lactation.

By some signs, you can understand that the baby is not full. The child becomes excessively restless, begins to suck his fists and urinates less than 10 times a day. His stool becomes a rich brown or yellow color, and the weight does not increase or even decreases.

What to do during a lactation crisis?

A young mother must...

First, every breastfeeding woman should eat well. Even after one missed meal, you can notice that there is less milk than usual, and regular malnutrition not only provokes a crisis, but also worsens the health of the mother. Food should carry a sufficient amount of proteins and vitamins.

Drinking a nursing woman is no less important than food. It is desirable to bring its quantity to 2 liters: it can be tea, juices, milk. To improve the flow of milk, you need to drink and eat everything warm, and not cold.

The mode of the day is a separate item on which you need to stop. A woman's life is usually divided into "before" and "after" childbirth. Now you can no longer try to do everything in time, you need to learn how to prioritize. The main thing is to eat well, drink and get enough sleep, and only then - look good, wash the floor to a shine and iron my husband's shirts. According to the new schedule, all the inhabitants of the house will have to live, now the spouse must take over part of the affairs. A grandmother or someone else can take a walk with the baby.

For some time, you will have to come to terms with the fact that mom is a “milk factory”, even if she has recovered. Physical activity reduces milk production, so think carefully before you start actively. You can only stimulate the shoulder girdle (swinging arms, rotating shoulders).

Feeding your baby during a lactation crisis

  • The main thing during this period is to put the baby to the breast as often as possible. It is known that milk flows to the breast according to needs, which means that during sucking, the baby “orders” it for himself.
  • In no case should you rush to supplement the mixture - this will only aggravate the situation.
  • It is desirable to feed every hour, although more often is possible. Night breastfeeding should not be neglected, because it is during this period that the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for milk production, “works”.
  • It is better to use both breasts in turn: first give one, and when it is completely empty - the other, and the next application must begin with the breast with which the “meal” was completed.

Measures to increase lactation during crises

You can stimulate the flow of milk with a warm shower and a light massage of the mammary glands; in general, a nursing woman should protect herself from hypothermia and keep her breasts warm.

It is also important that the nervous system needs rest during this difficult period, it is desirable for a nursing woman to avoid stressful situations and emotional overload.

There is a whole list of folk recipes to increase lactation.:

  • Reception of vitamin PP and E.
  • Tea with milk or condensed milk.
  • Infusion of fennel, anise, nettle or lemon balm.
  • The use of walnuts and carrot juice.

However, before experimenting, you need to remember: what works for one woman does not work for others. For example, tea with milk does not always help. In addition, some children have intolerance to cow's milk protein or an allergy to it, then dairy products are completely excluded from the mother's diet.

Poor-quality condensed milk can cause allergies in a child. Walnuts, carrots and vitamins can also be allergens, so all products should be used one at a time in moderation, and start with only minimal doses and carefully monitor the child's reaction.

As for herbs, you can buy special lactogenic fees at the pharmacy ().

Most doctors are of the opinion that the bulk of the prescriptions and measures are psychological in nature and work on the principle of placebo.

It is worth remembering that a whole range of factors affects milk production, so every little thing is important during this period. The main thing is to tune in to the fact that there will definitely be more milk, and the lactation crisis will pass unnoticed and easily.

Victoria Koreshkova for the site

The best that a mother can give to her baby in infancy is love, care and breast milk. If there are usually no problems with the first two points, then there are always many questions and problems with breastfeeding. One of the most popular and occurring in every woman is a lactation crisis. You shouldn't be afraid of him. It happens to absolutely everyone at least once during the period of breastfeeding, but it is also not worth treating him dismissively. Let's try to figure out what lactation crises are and when they happen.

What it is

A lactation crisis is a lack of milk. The first time it usually occurs when the mother has already established feeding at 1-1.5 months. There is a milk crisis due to the fact that the child, just like the mother, adapted after childbirth and his natural food needs returned to normal. Usually, it starts when the baby begins to consume more milk. Of course, you can take action and try to avoid a crisis, but every nursing mother needs to be prepared for the fact that at least once a crisis will happen.

In the future, the milk crisis can be repeated several times. It repeats almost every trimester up to six months and can manifest itself in the same way further if the mother breastfeeds the child only.

Relationship between mature lactation and lactation crisis

Before establishing a connection between these two things, it is necessary to understand what they are. What is a lactation crisis, you can read above.

Mature lactation is the period when the mammary gland of a nursing woman has fully adapted to the process of breastfeeding. During mature lactation, the mammary gland is soft to the touch (it is important that there are absolutely no hard spots or “lumps” in it). Milk is produced directly during the feeding of the baby and its stagnation and "accumulation" do not occur.

It is also worth noting that usually during this period the mother gets more milk, and its quality improves (becomes more fat and nutritious). It is at this moment, oddly enough, that the first milk crisis occurs when breastfeeding a baby.

There are only two reasons for milk production during established lactation:

  1. Due to the impact and production of special hormones on the body of a woman.
  2. During breastfeeding, when the baby stimulates milk production with his actions (sucking and perhaps a slight squeeze of the palms).

It is worth considering such a feature of the female body as the absence of mature lactation. Most often this occurs with regular pumping of breast milk and in mothers whose children were born much prematurely (from 26 to 32 weeks). In the second case, this is due to the fact that the woman in labor does not have the opportunity to constantly attach the child to the breast, and sometimes there is even no opportunity to breastfeed at all.

Of course, a young mother should not abruptly and completely stop pumping. First, it can lead to a lactation crisis; secondly, it can contribute to the complete cessation of lactation. However, constant pumping is very harmful to the body, at least, because expressed milk has much less beneficial properties. In addition, expressing breast milk can lead to a deterioration in the quality of the product itself.

Mature lactation itself usually proceeds well. Failures in her work are called a lactation crisis. Often they do not last long - usually no more than a week. It is not worth stopping established lactation artificially or medically. This can lead to a number of disastrous consequences for the woman herself. One of the most common side effects of drug interruption of lactation is mastitis. Less dangerous, but more unpleasant for women, is the deterioration in the appearance of the breast (reduction in size and the appearance of “flabbiness”).

One of the most emotionally difficult for a mother is a lactation crisis at 3 months. The time when the child stops spending most of his life in a state of sleep and rest, and begins to move and be active. Due to the increased activity during this period, a milk crisis may occur at 3 months.


As mentioned above, you can prepare for a lactation crisis in advance. The most important thing is to prepare mentally and mentally (to convince yourself that there is nothing wrong with this, and it will not last long). The second important stage of preparation is the knowledge of the signs of a crisis. This is necessary in order not to harm your body and not confuse it with anything else (and thereby possibly losing precious time).

If a nursing mother has noticed one or more of the following symptoms, it is worth preparing for a crisis. Symptoms of a lactation crisis include:

  1. The baby asks to eat more often than expected, and during the feeding itself, sucks the breast longer than usual.
  2. During feeding, the baby became more nervous and crying. This is due to the fact that he does not have enough milk.
  3. A breastfeeding woman does not feel breast filling with milk.

Causes of reduced lactation

Let's list them:

  1. The main cause of the lactation crisis is a sharp jump in the growth and development of the baby. This can be attributed to a sharply increased appetite. The more a child develops, grows, and most importantly stays awake, the more energy he needs. The only way to replenish the energy supply for an infant is to eat more food. In simple terms, a child replaces the hours of sleep with a large amount of food.
  2. Poor health, illness or fatigue of the mother. Sooner or later, the moment comes when mom falls asleep on the go. She gets tired of sleepless nights, from constant fuss and from everyday life and routine (of course, because every day of her is an endless circle of identical events). A milk crisis during breastfeeding can occur from both physical and emotional overwork.
  3. Nervous and mental state of the mother. It should be said right away that the quality and quantity of breast milk depends on the emotional state of the mother. If the family is “grinding in” to a new life and replenishment in the family, if something upsets the mother or she is just in a bad mood, then the quality and quantity of breast milk suffers. If the latter suffers secondarily and may not manifest itself at all, then deterioration in quality always occurs. That is why women during postpartum depression (if she has one) are prescribed drugs that improve lactation.
  4. Lack of a feeding regimen and non-compliance with elementary feeding rules. Pediatricians and neonatologists around the world recommend feeding old babies on a schedule for good reason. Initially it was every three hours. However, as practice shows, it is Russian mothers who most often neglect this rule. Today, feeding the baby on demand and attaching the baby to the breast with any crying is in the "fashion". According to statistics, this only harms lactation itself and the baby.
  5. With frequent use of nipples and bottles. Especially if the child is not fully breastfed, but mixed.
  6. Lack of night feeding or too long a break between feedings. Of course, every mother dreams of a child sleeping sweetly all night. However, even if the child sleeps soundly at night and does not wake up, he still needs to be fed at the allotted time.

Terms of milk crises

As mentioned above, during pregnancy, a lactation crisis can occur several times with an interval of three months. However, every mother asks herself the question: “When does a lactation crisis occur and why does it occur at this particular moment in a child’s life?” Let's talk about the lactation crisis, its periods and timing. Let's look at each period separately.

In the first month

The main cause of the crisis during this period is the past period of adaptation of the crumbs to new living conditions. As soon as mother and baby establish a joint life, and their life begins to go on as usual, a crisis sets in. There is nothing terrible in this and it is quite normal. Mom can be glad that the baby has adapted to external facts and recovered from childbirth. His appetite usually increases, but his mood begins to jump. The kid is nervous, the young mother worries about him and also starts to get nervous.

The main thing during this period is to increase the attention paid to the crumbs, while maintaining the feeding regimen. No need to put the baby to the chest as often as possible and with every squeak - this will only aggravate the situation and in the future can play a bad joke with parents. By putting the baby to the breast on demand, the mother is doing him a disservice.

If the mother's concern during this period is too strong, after consulting a doctor in a antenatal clinic and a pediatrician, a woman can drink chamomile, valerian (not for alcohol) or mint. The main thing is to introduce the product carefully and only after consulting a specialist.

Also, do not forget that breastfeeding has not been finally established during this period and the young mother is still “adapting” to the peculiarities of breastfeeding her baby. A lactation crisis during breastfeeding in the first three months of a child's life is a “hint” to the mother that she is doing everything right.

In the third month

Despite the well-established and more or less established feeding regime, at this time the baby begins to be interested in the outside world for the first time. His period of wakefulness may increase, the baby plays and makes more movements. Even the simplest smile and hawk is a waste of energy for him. The second lactation crisis occurs at 3 months.

Of course, at this age the child is already able to show perseverance (cry for a long time) and character. You should not change his feeding regimen. Even if the child refuses to breastfeed and he clearly does not have enough food, we withstand the prescribed three hours. Here there is the most difficult rule for mothers to follow - to give the baby a little starve and apply to the breast strictly according to the schedule (not forgetting about night feeding). If this is not done, you can involuntarily, along with a lactation crisis at 3 months, stop breastfeeding.

Yes, all households need to endure the crying of a child. Most likely, no one will support mom in this and will definitely say how bad she is - so be it. You need to endure this week and then lactation will return to normal. The breastfeeding crisis at 3 months is considered very difficult emotionally for new parents. It is necessary to supplement the baby with a mixture only if he does not have enough milk at all (that is, he practically does not receive it). The crisis of 3 months in a breastfeeding baby is common for many mothers and is much easier than the first.


As the child grows and his needs grow, periodically lactation crises may occur. The latter usually happens in six months. However, it is difficult to accurately name all breastfeeding crises by month. But if they take place every three months or at every leap in development, you should be ready for it when: the baby begins to crawl and walk; switches to two and three times a day sleep; complementary foods are introduced; Teeth are being cut ... that is, always. No wonder it is also called the breastfeeding crisis.

How to tell if your baby is getting enough milk

Of course, every mother worries that during a crisis the child is malnourished. In order to determine how much breast milk is enough for a child, you need to calculate how many times a day the child pees. Normally, this is about 12 times a day. It is worth starting to sound the alarm if within 3 or 4 days the child pees less than eight times.

If on the third day the situation does not improve, it is necessary to temporarily transfer the child to mixed feeding and try to eliminate the cause of the crisis as soon as possible. The main thing is not to aggravate the matter with nerves. The milk crisis and breastfeeding cannot fully exist without each other.

How to assess the intensity of lactation

This method is called the Moll method. To do this, a young mother needs to measure her temperature in the usual way (in the armpit), and then measure the temperature under the mammary gland in the same way. If the temperature under the breast is half a degree or a degree higher than in the armpit, lactation is intense.

What not to do during a crisis

The most important rule: during a lactation crisis in a lactating woman, in no case should she supplement the baby or transfer it completely to the mixture for the duration of the crisis. If the mother wants to stop lactation, this method is possible. If he wants to keep, he will have to endure.

How to deal with a lactation crisis

Of course, every mother asks herself the question - "What to do with a lactation crisis?" The most important struggle with a lactation crisis is a psychological attitude. Here, as with colic or cutting teeth: you can’t get away from this, you just need to endure and endure it. It is better to endure with a good mood. Try to amuse the child, relax with him. Remember that this is stressful for both of you.

Organization of feeding

When breastfeeding a child, it is worth considering:

  1. There must be a regime that cannot be violated. Yes, many recommend breastfeeding as often as possible. But, you need to apply, and not try to calm the child with the help of the breast and food.
  2. Night feedings should be mandatory in any case. Until the introduction of full-fledged complementary foods - a must. During the crisis, you can increase the number of night feedings. For example, do this not every three hours, but every two.
  3. The nutrition of a mother is just as important as the nutrition of a child. In any situation (and even more so during a crisis), mom should eat five times a day. Apart from tea and snacks. It is only important that this food be useful. Do not just eat, but use products that increase lactation and improve the quality of milk. Don't forget about vitamins.

Additional measures

If all of the above fails, try the following:

  1. Mom needs to get some sleep. No one has yet starved to death in one week. If the husband eats dumplings and sausages this week, he will not get gastritis. If there is complete chaos at home for a week, a bunch of ironed linen and unwashed floors for three days, the apocalypse will not come. If someone (except mom) doesn’t like it, let him do it himself. Now the main thing is to get enough sleep and overcome the crisis. After all, there are husbands or grandmothers.
  2. The same goes for rest. It is important not only to sleep, but also to relax emotionally. Try to unwind, go for a walk without a child, go to the movies.
  3. Breast massage. You can not before each feeding, but at least three times a day. Everything about breastfeeding matters.
  4. Drink a lot. No matter what - the main thing is liquid.

Keep a good mood, spend more time with your baby and have a good rest. In this case, the lactation crisis will pass easily and quickly.


How to overcome a lactation crisis? You will find the answer in our video.
