Paper construction transport senior group. Abstract of a lesson on paper design in the senior group "boat"

Elena Druzik
Abstract on design in the senior group "Transport in the city of Formandos"

Abstract on design in the senior group« Transportation in Formandos» (Open session)

Target. form children's ideas about machines of different types, their structure and purpose.


Develop children's interest in construction;

Exercise children in modeling and designing from building material;

- form children have an idea about various machines, their functional purpose, structure;

Exercise children in the construction of familiar buildings from a photograph, a diagram, planning the stages of construction, selecting details according to form, sustainability;

Exercise in the ability to understand the elementary scheme of construction, isolate and name the details;

To cultivate the ability to accept the task set by the educator, to strive for the result.

To evoke in children an emotional attitude to the building, to develop artistic taste.

preliminary work: Considered different types transport, watched over traffic on the road(target walk, noted their characteristic features, talked about transport of our city, examined illustrations, fixed the name of the details, carried out individual work with children on construction.

Equipment: lego - constructor, diagrams, illustrations, letter, layout cities, lego men

Material: constructor, Lego - little men.

Course progress.

Educator. Guys, look how many guests came to us today, say hello to them! Oh, someone is knocking on our door, they brought us a letter! Yes it's from the fabulous inhabitants cities"Formandos". They complain that they have a city, but it is not convenient for them to get there, they do not have transport. Let's help them?

But before you start design I would like to hear what kind vehicles you know?

Children: Cars, trucks, passenger, racing.

caregiver: right, what are trucks, cars, passenger cars for?

Children: Passenger vehicles transport people, trucks transport various cargoes, cars carry people, but in small quantities.

caregiver: And now let's repeat the name of the parts of the building material. Conducted d / and "Name the Detail". Well done! And now let's go to the fabulous city"Formandos".

Fizminutka "Riding on a horse"

Riding on a horse

(We walk in place.)

We got to the corner.

Get in the car

(Running in place.)

Poured gasoline.

We drove by car

We arrived at the river.


Trr! Stop! U-turn.

(Turn around.)

On the river is a steamboat.

(We clap our hands.)

We went by steamboat

We reached the mountain.

(We walk in place.)

The steamer is unlucky

You have to get on a plane.

The plane is flying,

It has a motor humming:

(Hands to the side, "flew")

(I. Tokmakova)

caregiver: Well, here we are! The teacher shows the children the layout cities.

Very good, and now I suggest you build different views for residents « Formandos» . Here are the flannelgraph diagrams of the machines you can build. Di "Name the parts of the machines"

Well, that's all repeated, and now let's get to work!

caregiver: What kinds vehicles you got?

Children: Racing car, passenger car, passenger car.

Summary of the lesson

caregiver: Guys, what did we do today?

caregiver: What we made of constructor? For whom?

caregiver Q: What kinds of machines have you built?

Children: racing and passenger.

caregiver: what parts did you build with? (from cubes, plates, cylinders, etc.)

caregiver: You did very well today! Guys, someone is knocking on our door again! Yes, they are fabulous people. cities of Formandos! Show them your cars and give them a ride.

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Ekibastuz kalasy әkіmdіgіnіn bіlim bоlimіminіn №20 "Merey" koptіldіktі damytu ortalyғy bobekter baқshasy" КМҚК

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for design

in the senior group "B".

on the topic: "Bus".

Conducted by educator: Litvin S. M.


Ekibastuz city.

Target: Build a bus from building material.

Tasks: To teach children to analyze the sample and build according to the model, to clarify with the children the names of the main parts of the building material (cube, brick, prism, plate, cylinder) and their structural properties. To fix the ideas "high - low", "long - short", "wide - narrow". Cultivate accuracy, independence.

Vocabulary work: public transport, passengers.

Equipment: a set of building materials, small toys - passengers, a workbook "Design", illustrations: a train, an airplane, a ship, a bus, a helicopter, a steamer, a tram, a trolley bus.

Multilingualism: kөlik - transport - transport; қogamdyқ - public - public; adamdar - people - people; zhurgizushi - driver - driver.

Stages of activity.

The actions of the educator.

Children's actions

Motivational - incentive

Offers children a didactic game: "Transport".

Lists: showing illustrations - a train, an airplane, a ship, a bus, a helicopter, a steamer.

How, in one word, can you call all of the above?

What types of transport do you know?

Shows illustrations and lists: bus, tram, trolleybus.

What type of transport are they?

And they are also called urban public transport, it is designed to transport passengers.

Guesses a riddle:

The house is walking down the street

Leads everyone to work.

But not on chicken legs -

In rubber boots.

Show interest and desire to play.

Look at the pictures and answer the questions.


Water, air, land.

Listen and guess the riddle.

Organizational - search

Offers to consider an illustration or a bus toy.

Each part is considered from the point of view of the composition of parts and their location: the interior is made of bricks, the cabin is made of prisms, the “half-salon” ceilings are made of plates, the wheels are made of cylinders.

Examines the sample - marks the contour with his hand.

Fixing ideas: high - low, wide - narrow, long - short.

Physical education minute: "The driver"

“I’m rolling, I’m flying at full speed.

I myself am a driver

I myself am the motor.

I press the pedal

And the bus rushes into the distance.

After analyzing the sample, he invites the children to build a bus. In the process of creating a bus, he monitors the sequence and provides individual assistance.

They name the main parts: passenger compartment, driver's cabin, wheels, engine.

They consider a sample - a building, highlight in it the main parts and details from which the bus is built.

They call the methods of changing the building in height, in length - building on and the method of replacing small parts with larger ones.

Perform a physical activity.

Each child pretends to be a driver, imitating turns of the steering wheel and step forward, at the words “I press the pedal” they stop and “press the pedal” with their right foot and move on.

Build for the bus from small toys - passengers.

Reflective - corrective

When analyzing the discussion of buildings, he notes their conformity to the model, functional purpose, as well as the independence of children.

Take part in the discussion of the result of the lesson.

Expected result: Know: modes of transport, types of urban public transport, words in three languages ​​on the topic of the lesson.

Have: representation: "high - low", "wide - narrow", "long - short".

Be able to: design according to the model, as well as according to their observations, distinguish and name the details of the building material.

Abstract of a design lesson in the senior group

"Types of transport"

Educational areas Keywords: knowledge, socialization, communication, labor.

Target: to form an interest in studying the world around us through knowledge about various modes of transport, continue to learn how to do crafts using diagrams.


To give children knowledge about the first modes of transport;

to fix in the minds of children the idea that transport was created by man for ease of movement;

· teach construction according to the drawing, self-selection of the necessary building material (blanks);

develop the ability of children to design various types of transport from cardboard and paper;

Continue to teach how to do crafts using diagram cards: analyze the components of the transport, determining their shape and the relative position of the parts;

To cultivate moral qualities - a sense of mutual assistance, the ability to work in a team and negotiate at work, accuracy, composure, diligence.

Equipment and materials: magnetic board, pictures with various modes of transport, magnetic letters, magnetic mosaic pictures, design schemes, blanks for crafts from cardboard, glue stick, wet wipes, fabric for "sky", "sea" and "road", coloring books.

preliminary work: observing transport, looking at illustrations, talking about the main details of various modes of transport, learning poems about transport.



Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Child Development Center Kindergarten No. 194, Chelyabinsk


on the topic: "Modes of transport"

for older children

Completed by: Semenova E.Sh,




Abstract of a design lesson in the senior group

"Types of transport"

Educational areasKeywords: knowledge, socialization, communication, labor.

Target : to form an interest in studying the world around us through knowledge about various modes of transport, continue to learn how to do crafts using diagrams.

Tasks :

  • to give children knowledge about the first modes of transport;
  • to fix in the minds of children the idea that transport was created by man for ease of movement;
  • to teach construction according to the drawing, independent selection of the necessary building material (blanks);
  • to develop the ability of children to design various types of transport from cardboard and paper;
  • continue to teach how to do crafts using diagram cards: analyze the components of the transport, determining their shape and the relative position of the parts;
  • to cultivate moral qualities - a sense of mutual assistance, the ability to work in a team and negotiate at work, accuracy, composure, diligence.

Equipment and materials: magnetic board, pictures with various modes of transport, magnetic letters, magnetic mosaic pictures, design schemes, blanks for crafts from cardboard, glue stick, wet wipes, fabric for "sky", "sea" and "road", coloring books.

preliminary work: observing transport, looking at illustrations, talking about the main details of various modes of transport, learning poems about transport.

Organizing time:

Hello guys! Today we will plunge into the world of transport, find out which of them was the very first, and try to design different types of transport.

Lesson progress:

Now imagine that there is no transport on Earth at all, what do you think it would be?(children's answers)

Yes, you are right, well done. And besides that, people would spend a lot of time moving from one city to another, and, therefore, it would be almost impossible to travel around the world. It was this that once upon a time prompted people to create and then constantly improve transport.

Do you know what kind of transport was the very first?(children's answers)

Turns out they were easy. wooden sleigh , and when man invented the wheel, the first wagons and chariots . A horse-drawn cart is set in motion by the power of an animal harnessed to it, it can be a horse, an ox or a donkey. Now the wagon is used only in rural areas for transporting people and goods. And in tourist cities, horse-drawn carriages ride tourists. They fought and organized competitions on two-wheeled chariots. One French inventor was the first to guess to attach a steam engine to the wagon, so the first one turned outsteam car. And when a gasoline engine appeared, it turned out to be very useful not only for cars - by putting such a powerful engine on a glider, a man built the first airplane . And the first ship built by the Egyptians.

But we live in a modern world where transport is very well developed and the number of its types continues to grow, and the quality continues to improve. Although it also happens that vehicles break down and need repairs, do you agree? Here and here in the repair shop(bring the children to the "Workshop" magnetic board)when repairing different types of transport, one absent-minded mechanic mixed up all the details. Let's help him fix the transport.(in the course of the assignment, talk with children about the main details of transport, encourage children to accompany actions with words, reasoning, why they act one way or another)

Well done, you did a good job, and it's time to take a break, stand in a circle. Try to repeat after me all the movements:

It's good to be a driver(hold an imaginary steering wheel and turn)

And the pilot is better.(turn around, arms out to the sides)

I would go to the pilots(starts moving around)

Let me teach!

I pour gasoline into the tank,(stopped, tilted an imaginary vessel)

I'm getting a propeller.(circular motion with right hand)

“To heaven, motor, take(run again with arms outstretched)

For the birds to sing."


Go to the construction table (on it are blanks for constructing a car, a boat and an airplane)

And now we will design different types of transport. Take a seat at the table. You can choose to design a land, air and water mode of transport, for this you will have tips in the form of diagrams. After you collect your craft, take it to where you think it belongs - sky, sea or land.(show by hand)

Sit down with the children and design any of the modes of transport.

As the children finish their work, direct them to the next stage - the choice of the "element" for their transport.

At the end:

See if everyone has put their transport correctly, is everything in place? Does everything fly in the sky? Does it float in the sea? And on land - rides?

And so, we did a great job today, well done. And I have prepared small gifts for you, these are coloring pages, so that you continue your acquaintance with the world of transport after our today's meeting. And you can take your crafts for yourself.

I really enjoyed working with you, thanks to everyone for the work, you are great!

Eastern District Department of Education

Department of Education of the city of Moscow

State budgetary educational institution

Moscow city

"School with in-depth study of foreign languages ​​No. 1373"

Summary of directly educational activities on paper design with children of the senior group on the topic:


Compiled by the teacher of ODO No. 2: Mosolova A.A.



1. To consolidate the knowledge of children about transport and the classification of transport: land, air, water.

2. Give an idea of ​​the globe, continents, seas, oceans and countries.

3. To form in children sustainable interests in paper design.

4. Raise interest in the world around,develop aesthetic perception, the ability to arrange ready-made origami panels.

Equipment for the lesson:


Traveler's card;

Pictures with modes of transport;


Rectangular sheet of paper;

Tape recorder with a record.

Preliminary work:

    Consideration of illustrations of different natural areas, atlas, globe.

    Consideration of illustrations "Water transport", "Land transport", "Air transport".

    Conversations with children: “A trip around the world”, “Earth is our home in the Universe”, “Sea and oceans”, “What is transport and why do we need it?”.

    Productive activity: "Car with toys" - drawing; "Ship", "Airplane" - origami, etc.

Methodical methods:

1. The mystery of the globe

2. The story of the planet Earth

3. Conversation about modes of transport

4. Physical education

5. Making a boat using origami technique and gluing it to the panel

6. Summary of the lesson

7. Evaluation by the teacher of the work of children in the classroom.

Lesson progress:

Organizing time

Guys, guess the riddle:

On the table in front of me

The globe spun

Arctic, equator, pole,

Fitted all the earth...(Globe)

Of course it's a globe.

Globe, globe, turn around

Show all the guys!

Story about planet earth

A globe is a miniature model of the Earth. It shows continents, islands, seas and oceans. Look guys, how colorful it is. Seas and oceans are marked in blue, land in brown, green and yellow. Large areas of land are called continents.

Where is our country? Our country Russia is located on the largest continent, which is called Eurasia. And here we are, and this small dot is our city of Moscow.

This is how big and vast our Earth is.

Distant countries are interesting and attractive. Look guys, I have thistraveler's map.

This is Africa, where there are deserts and savannahs, where the sun shines all year round and it is very hot.

And this is Australia - the smallest continent where kangaroos and ostriches live.

And these are the North and South Poles, where it is very cold and therefore people do not live there. But on the other hand, such animals live there that are not afraid of the cold - these are walruses, seals, polar bears, penguins, whales.

Do you want to visit these distant countries?

What can you travel on?

Children's answers.

By car, train, bicycle, bus - this is a land mode of transport.

By plane, helicopter, hot air balloon, airplane - air mode of transport.

On a ship, a boat, a boat, a steamer, a motor ship, an icebreaker - a water mode of transport.

Physical education "Steamboat"

Coordination of speech with movement, development of general speech skills

From the green pier

The ship pushed off.(Step forward, hands down)

One, two -

He stepped back first.(two steps back)

And then he stepped forward

One, two -(two steps forward)

And swam, swam along the river,

Gaining full speed. (Hands stretched forward and closed - this is the bow of the ship; small steps around the circle).

Guys, I suggest you go on a trip on the water in a small boat, which we will make ourselves.

Making a boat using origami technique

(Proposes to take jobs).

Description of the manufacture of the boat:

    We put a rectangular sheet in front of us and fold it in half.

    We bend the upper corners to the center at a right angle.

    From the bottom we bend up the free edges of the sheet on both sides.

4. We bend the corners of the edges inward.

5. We reduce the opposite corners of the resulting triangle.

6. It turned out a square. We fix the new fold line.

7. Bend the bottom corners to the top corner on both sides to make a triangle.

8. At the resulting triangle, we reduce the opposite angles to each other - we again get a square.

9. Hold the square by the upper corners, and spread them to the side until you get a boat.

Children fold the boats, the teacher monitors the correct progress of the work, helps.

Well done! Our little boats are ready to go on a big trip around the world.

Gluing manufactured boats on the panel.

Polina S.: I'm in the spring stream,
I will launchboat,
Let the big one float to the river,
Fun signaling.
On board it is Spring,
The breeze drives
The hold of his warmth is full,
The wave carries away.

Veronica F.: I am a boatmade,
She launched him into the water.
You sail, my boat,
And then come home!

This little stream will lead our boats into the river, and from the river they will enter the sea, and then into the big ocean.

Guys, today we learned a lot of interesting things: we got acquainted with a reduced model of our planet Earth - a globe, remembered the types of transport, made paper boats ourselves.

They know a lot about modes of transport ...

Listened carefully...

Did you enjoy the lesson today? What did you like the most today? What interesting things did we learn today?

Guys, next time we will continue to “travel” around the globe, we will definitely get acquainted with other countries and continents and study the rules of the traveler.

Galina Trofimova

Software content. To teach children to paste over finished boxes with colored paper, having previously made a pattern. Develop attentiveness, accuracy, the ability to perform crafts in a certain sequence. To consolidate previously acquired skills in working with paper, careful handling of scissors.

Equipment. Pictures with the rules of conduct in public places. Tape recorder, record of physical education minutes ( Boxes of toothpaste, cream, etc., pre-prepared colored paper templates for each box, patterns for wheels and windows, glue, scissors, napkins.

Preliminary work: Making patterns for boxes, patterns for wheels and windows.

Course progress.

Guys, what types of transport do you know? (passenger, freight, passenger) What kind of transport belongs to the passenger/cargo/passenger transport? (children's answers)

Today I suggest you make buses. But first, I want you to remember how to behave in public transport. (children's answers)

When using public transport, the following rules must be observed:

1. You can not come close to the edge of the road while boarding the bus, especially during the period of ice.

2. Enter public transport holding the hand of an adult.

3. hold on tightly to the handrail.

4. You can not stand at the door - this interferes with the exit and entry of passengers.

5. Do not stick your hands and head into the open windows of the vehicle. Is it dangerous.

6. It is customary to give way to the elderly, passengers with small children, and the disabled.

7. When leaving the transport, hold an adult by the hand.

8. If the pedestrian crossing is located near the bus stop, after leaving the vehicle, wait for its departure and only then make the transition.

9. Buses and trolleybuses should be bypassed at the back, trams at the front.

Well done. I suggest you go for a ride on the bus.

Physical education "Bus"

(Children go to the tables and take their seats)

Let's see what interesting things are on your tables. Why do you think we need boxes? Today we will make buses out of them.

A sample of crafts is exhibited, considered together with the children.

How do you think, how can such a bus be made? Where should you start? (children's answers)

In order to get started, you need to try on our patterns so that they fit your boxes in width and length.

Next, apply glue to one side of the box and apply to the pattern. Then apply glue to the other side and turn the box. Thus, the whole box is glued. Next, the children glue the windows and wheels.

At the end of the lesson, an analysis of the work is carried out, the most successful crafts are highlighted. Then the children are invited to beat their work.

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