Consultation for parents “Finger games and the development of mental functions. Consultation for parents on the topic “Finger games

Finger games are important in the education of preschoolers.

After all, such games are not only exciting and emotional activities, but also wonderful exercises for the development of fine motor skills. In fact, finger games perform the function of massage and gymnastics for the baby’s hands and feet, which have the best effect on the child’s body. In addition, during classes, the child’s speech develops and creative activity is revealed. Thus, while playing, the child will learn to play independently using his fingers and hands, and will also learn interesting rhymes, which are an indispensable addition to finger play.

In addition, playing with fingers creates a favorable emotional background, develops the ability to imitate an adult, teaches one to listen attentively and understand the meaning of speech, and increases the child’s speech activity; memory, imagination and imagination develop.

It is known that the normal development of a child’s speech is closely related to the development of finger movements. By performing various exercises with his fingers, the child achieves good development of fine motor skills of the hands, which not only has a beneficial effect on the development of speech (since this inductively excites the speech centers), but also prepares the child for drawing and writing. The hands acquire good mobility and flexibility, stiffness of movements disappears, this further facilitates the acquisition of writing skills.

Finger games give parents and educators the opportunity to play with their children, delight them and, at the same time, develop speech and fine motor skills. Thanks to such games, the child receives a variety of sensory impressions, he develops attentiveness and the ability to concentrate. Such games form good relationships between children, as well as between adults and children. The characters and images of our finger games - a spider and a butterfly, a goat and a bunny, a tree and a bird, sun and rain - are liked by children from one and a half to two years old, children are happy to repeat the texts and movements of adults. Some finger games prepare the baby for counting, while in others the child must act using both hands, which helps to better understand the concepts of above and below, above and below, right and left. An adult should pronounce the texts of finger games as expressively as possible: either raising or lowering his voice, making pauses, emphasizing individual words, and perform movements synchronously with the text or during pauses. Finger games encourage children to be creative, and in the case when a child comes up with his own, even if not very successful, movements for texts, he should be praised and, if possible, show his creative achievements, for example, to dad or grandmother.

Such games are very exciting and promote mutual understanding between children and adults. The funny characters of finger games are simple and understandable to children - a goat and a bunny, rain and sun, a spider and a fly are perceived with delight by children from one and a half years old. With great enthusiasm, they copy all the movements of adults and repeat rhymes after them. Using finger games for preschoolers will teach them to count, familiarize them with the definitions of “top-bottom”, “left-right” and create a sense of self-confidence. There are games in which the fingers are bent or act alternately and they are similar to small fairy tales. Children as young as 4-5 years old can master these finger games and demonstrate them. You can create characters by decorating your fingertips with paper caps or drawing eyes and a smiling mouth on them.

Finger games offered for children help develop children's creativity, so the child should be praised more often, even if he does not succeed in everything the first time. Children especially like finger games with singing. This combination contributes to more effective training.

We offer some examples of finger games that are used in our middle group (children 4-5 years old).

A spider walked along a branch,

And the children followed him.

The rain suddenly fell from the sky,

The spiders were washed to the ground.

The sun began to warm up,

The spider is crawling again

And all the children crawl after him,

To walk on a branch. Arms crossed; the fingers of each hand “run” along the forearm and then along the shoulder of the other hand.

The hands are freely lowered, we perform a shaking movement (rain).

Clap your palms on the table/knees.

The palms are pressed to each other by the sides, the fingers are spread out, we shake our hands (the sun is shining)

Actions are the same as before

"Spiders" crawl on your head.

Fish lives in the lake

A fish swims in the lake

(palms are connected and make smooth movements)

The tail will suddenly hit

(separate your palms and hit your knees)

And we will hear - splash, splash!

(put your palms together at the base and clap)

Bunnies came to the meadow,

Bear cubs, badgers,

Frogs and raccoon.

To the green meadow

Come too, my friend! (bend your fingers into a fist in the rhythm of the nursery rhyme, when listing animals, bend the fingers on both hands alternately, wave your palms on the last line)

My family

This finger is the grandfather (we unclench the fingers from the fist one by one, starting with the big one)

This finger is grandma

This finger is daddy

This finger is mommy

This finger is me

That's my whole family! (rotate with open palm)

Dressed up the legs (alternately stroke the other with one hand)

In new boots.

You walk, legs, (walk your toes on the table)

Right along the path.

You walk - stomp, (tapping with fingers)

Don’t splash through puddles, (wag your finger)

Don't go into the mud

Don't tear your boots.

Duck, duck,

Floats along the river.

Swims, dives (smooth movements of the hands from right to left)

Rows with its paws. (imitation of the movement of a duck's legs in water)

A squirrel sits in a cart,

She serves nuts: (clench your fingers into a fist)

To my little fox-sister, (extend your thumb)

Sparrow, titmouse, (extend the index and middle fingers)

To the pachyderm bear, (extend the ring finger)

Bunny with a mustache. (extend the little finger)

There was a lock on the door, (clench your hand into a fist)

There was a puppy locked up. (unclench your index finger)

Tail wagging (move index finger from side to side)

The owners were waiting.

Exercise "Five Fingers"

There are five fingers on my hand

Five grabbers

Five holders

To plan, to saw,

To take and to give.

One, two, three, four, five.

Exercise "Orange"

We shared an orange

There are many of us, but he is alone.

This slice is for hedgehogs,

(bend the fingers on the right hand one by one)

This slice is for haircuts,

This slice is for ducklings

This slice is for kittens

This slice is for the beaver,

And for the wolf - the peel.

(They spread their hands.)

He's angry with us, it's a disaster!

Run away in all directions.

(imitate running fingers on the table)

Exercise "Cabbage"

Purpose: to develop hand movements and relieve muscle tension in the hand.

We chop and chop the cabbage.

(move straight palms up and down)

We salt and salt the cabbage.

(stroke the fingertips one by one)

We eat three or three cabbages,

(rubs fist on fist)

We press and press cabbage.

(clench and unclench your fist)

Exercise “Fingers - family”

(bend fingers on hand one by one)

This finger is grandpa

This finger is grandma

This finger is daddy

This finger is mommy

This finger I am

That's my whole family.

(clench and unclench fists)

Game "Fingers"

This finger wants to sleep

This finger jumped into the bed

This finger took a nap

This finger has already fallen asleep.

Hush, little finger, don't make noise

Don't wake up your brothers.

Fingers stood up. Hooray!

It's time to go to kindergarten.

Exercise "Hello"

Hello, golden sun!

Hello, blue sky!

Hello, free breeze,

Hello, little oak tree!

We live in the same region -

I greet you all!

(T. Sikacheva)

Use the fingers of your right hand to “hello” the fingers of your left hand in turn, tapping each other with their tips.

Finger games for preschoolers

Consultation for parents of preschool educational institution "Finger games with preschool children"

Author: Lisyunina Tatyana Pavlovna
job title: teacher of MDBOU "Kindergarten No. 58" village of Novomyshastovskaya, Krasnoarmeysky district, Krasnodar Territory
Description of material: This material can be used by middle school teachers to conduct conversations with parents or as handouts for parents to familiarize themselves with the issue of finger games.
relevance: training the movements of the child’s fingers and hands promotes the development of thinking. The famous researcher of children's speech M. M. Koltsov writes: “The movements of the fingers, historically, in the course of human development, turned out to be closely related to speech function. The development of hand and speech in people proceeded in parallel, that is, simultaneously."
Target: increasing the pedagogical competence of parents of preschool children.
1. Educational work among parents of pupils;
2. Organization of joint work with parents on the development of speech and thinking through finger gymnastics.
Contents of the consultation:
Hello parents!
Today we will touch on the topic of finger games with children.
When moving the fingers and hands, not only the arm is trained, but also some parts of the brain - this was first noticed and later proven by scientists involved in the study of the brain. It has long been noted that the development of motor skills of the hand and the articulation apparatus of the child proceeded in parallel. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to how the child holds a spoon and pencil, how he copes with scissors, a brush and plasticine. Teacher Sukhomlinsky said: “The origins of children’s abilities and talents are at their fingertips.” But even earlier, our ancestors noticed the dependence of a child’s speech and hands. Following this knowledge, our ancestors came up with many games that contributed to the development of fine motor skills of a child’s hand: “Ladushki”, “Magpie-white-sided”. Games with mosaics, small construction sets, inserts, lacing, cereal dolls, plasticine, and drawing with dots are of great importance for the development of hand motor skills.
The most suitable games for developing hand motor skills are finger games; they can be used anywhere, they do not require much space to store them, and both teachers and parents can master them. When a child memorizes a poem along with movements, this contributes to the development of memory. But is it possible to develop fantasy and imagination with the help of finger games? Of course it's possible! You can teach your child to independently compose entire stories and show them with his fingers and hands. For finger games, you can use any children's poems and nursery rhymes, songs, and fairy tales. There are also many manuals and original books on finger games. The book by Ermakova S.O. is very popular among preschool teachers. "Finger games"
Example from the book:
"All the helpers again
We need to quickly count:
This brother was chopping wood,
This brother cooked cabbage soup
This brother was cooking porridge
For our large family.
This one was waving a broom,
He swept cleanly.
Well this one is small
Slept with our mother.
1–2 lines - clap your hands or rub them one against the other.
Lines 3–8 - in accordance with the text of the poem, rub the fingers of the second hand with the fingers of one hand, starting with the thumb, so that “mama’s” little finger “sleeps.” Then we repeat everything for the other hand."
When the child begins to master finger play exercises well, it will be possible to complicate them, but make sure that performing them does not cause much difficulty for the child and is done with pleasure.

Consultation for parents. Finger games are one of the means of developing the speech of children of primary preschool age.

“The origins of children’s abilities and gifts are at their fingertips.
From the fingers, figuratively speaking, come the finest streams that feed the sources of creative thought.”
V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Speech is the ability to speak, to express one’s thoughts in words. Speech directly depends on mental activity: it is determined by it and at the same time is an indicator of the child’s level of mental development.
Speech begins to form and develop in early childhood in the process of communicating with other people. It plays a major role in mental and emotional development, is the basis of social interaction, and a regulator of behavior.
Speech development is a complex process that occurs differently for each child. It consists of mastering spoken language, developing an understanding of spoken language, and expressing one’s thoughts, feelings, and impressions using linguistic means. The correctness and timeliness of the development process largely depends on the speech environment and practice, education and training.
The speech areas of the child’s brain are formed under the influence of impulses coming from the hands, or more precisely, from the palms and fingers. After all, on the palms and fingers there are a huge number of receptors, biologically active points that activate brain activity. Therefore, it is important that the movements of the hands, small movements of the fingers, be varied and energetic, so that as many fingers as possible work - and as often as possible. And our task is to make this kind of work also interesting. But what could be more interesting than a game?
Play is the leading activity in childhood. It is she who gives the child the opportunity to develop. Not only parents can play with the baby, but also grandparents and older children who spend a lot of time with the baby.
The game should be interesting to both – the child and the adult. This is by no means a lesson that is difficult, tiring for a child and unpleasant for an adult.
Below I would like to give examples of games that promote the development of fine motor skills of the hands and speech:
1. Passive gymnastics for fingers (stroking and rubbing hands, vibration). It must be remembered that such a massage should not bring discomfort. The duration of this massage is 3-5 minutes.
2. Active gymnastics for the development of fine motor skills:
That's how different they are! The child is allowed to touch various objects in turn: a piece of fur, leather, coarse linen, satin ribbon, silk scarf, foam sponge for washing dishes (only new), etc. For this game, you can have your own box where you can put all the materials.

Important: all items used in games must be safe for the child!
Pyramids. Children love to assemble and disassemble pyramids. When choosing a pyramid in a store, give preference to one with rings of different diameters that increase evenly towards the base. This toy develops not only the baby’s fingers, but also logical thinking.
Prefabricated nesting dolls. A wooden nesting doll is an excellent tool for developing a child’s manual skills and thinking, a traditional folk didactic toy.
Belkin's gifts. Tell your child that you met a squirrel on the street who gave the baby a walnut or a pine cone. Invite your child to place the object between his palms and make circular movements to feel how rough it is. This is a kind of massage of palms and fingers.
We sculpt from plasticine. Buy your child plasticine and offer to mold a cylinder, roll a ball, or make a snake. Provide your child with all possible help. In addition to plasticine, you can use modeling dough, which you can also buy in the store, or you can make it yourself.
Modeling dough recipe: 150 g premium wheat flour; 150 g of non-iodized “Extra” table salt, that is, finely ground (you can grind regular salt in a coffee grinder); 100 g of cold water, a teaspoon of baby cream.

We draw with our fingers. You can invite your child to paint with their fingers. There are now special paints on sale for this purpose. You can use any others. The main thing is that the paints are non-toxic and thick. Ask your child to draw, first, straight lines, geometric shapes, and simple patterns. You can draw not only with paints, but also on semolina. To do this, spread a thin layer of semolina onto a bright tray. Swipe your baby's finger. You will get a contrasting line.
Beads. You can find ready-made kits for sale for the game, which include a cord and multi-colored beads. But you can make such a game yourself. To do this, you will need some lace and old beads or buttons with large holes. Let the child fantasize by stringing beads in any order.
Such games include various lacing and mosaics, which are no less useful for the development of fine motor skills in the hands of children of primary preschool age.
Multi-colored clothespins. You can cut out simple shapes from cardboard or thick paper (a circle for the sun, a semicircle for a hedgehog). Next, the adult invites the child to attach clothespins, as a result the child gets a sun or a hedgehog.
Cinderella. This game is played only under the supervision of an adult. In a bowl, mix white and red beans (you can use peas or rice with buckwheat later). The child sorts the cereal into two other bowls. This game can be changed by inviting the child to lay out some kind of picture (path, flower, waves, etc.) with grain.

Important: When playing with small objects, an adult must be close to the child! Children love to put change in their mouth, nose, and ears!

3. Exercises without speech accompaniment, when an adult shows the child certain movements with his hands, and the baby repeats (For example, a horned goat, a bunny, a little man).

4. Exercises with speech accompaniment (various finger exercises “Castle”, “Family”, “Fist”, “Vegetables”, “Pickling cabbage”).

T.A. Tkachenko

There is a lock on the door. Connect the fingers of both hands into a lock.
Who could open it? The fingers are clasped together, the arms are stretched in different directions.
We knocked the lock Without releasing your fingers, knock your palms together.
We turned the lock Movements with clasped fingers from yourself to yourself.
They pulled. Fingers clasped, arms pulled in different directions.
And they opened it. Unlock your fingers.

"My family"

This finger is grandpa Clench your hand into a fist and unclench your fingers one by one, starting with the thumb.
This finger is grandma
This finger is daddy
This finger is mommy
This finger is me.
That's my whole family! Vigorously clench your hand into a fist several times.

As you can see, the games are simple, and many of them can be made with your own hands, but despite their simplicity, they are very interesting and exciting.
Play with your child, communicate with him, you will succeed! Good luck to you!
1. Belaya A.E. Finger games for the development of speech of preschoolers: A manual for parents and teachers / A.E. Belaya, V.I. Miryasova. – M., 2002.
2. Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V. Clap-top – 1.2: Non-traditional methods of corrective speech therapy work with children. – M., 2004.
3. Krause E. Speech therapy. – St. Petersburg.. 2003.
4. Teplyakova O.N. Games for children's speech development. – M., 2007.

Play is one of the best ways to develop children's speech and thinking. It gives the child pleasure and joy, and these feelings are the strongest means of stimulating the active perception of speech and generating independent speech activity. It is interesting that very young children, even when playing alone, often express their thoughts out loud, while older children play silently.

Organized games, including finger games, accompanied by speech, turn into unique small performances. They captivate kids so much and bring them so many benefits!

So what are finger games? Everyone remembers a poem from childhood: “We wrote, we wrote, our fingers were tired...”. This is how teachers conducted physical education classes in elementary school classes. This poem is the prototype of finger games.

At its core, finger games are massage and gymnastics for the hands, and sometimes for the feet. You can simply read them to the kids and ask them to move their fingers the way they want.

Finger games themselves give our children health, because... in this case, there is an impact on the skin of the hands, where there are many points associated with certain organs.

The main goal of finger games is to switch attention, improve coordination and fine motor skills, which directly affects the mental development of the child. In addition, by repeating poetic lines and simultaneously moving their fingers, children develop correct sound pronunciation, the ability to speak quickly and clearly, improve memory, and the ability to coordinate movements and speech.

I hope that you and your children will enjoy the poems and playful movements, give you the joy of communication and bring tangible benefits.

“In front of us is a Christmas tree: sitting, children connect their fingertips and make a “Christmas tree”

Cones, showing fists

Needles, index fingers

Balls, fingers squeezing into a circle

Flashlights, show "flashlights"

Bunnies showing "bunny ears"

And candles, pressing palms and fingers together

Stars, palms pressed with fingers spread

Little people." place the middle and index fingers on the knees

“The cat on the stove is knocking fist on fist

Crackers are pushing,

The cat in the window shows how to sew with a needle

Sews a towel.

Small kittens raise their arms to chest level with their hands down

They sit on the stove and shake their heads left and right

Sitting on the stove

Yes, they are looking at the cat. show "glasses" with hands

Everyone is looking at the cat

And the crackers are coming." click their teeth

“We are like this, we are like this, “crushing the dough” with our hands

The dough was kneaded.

We are like this, we are like this, fingers together, hand movement away from you and towards you

The dough was rolled out.

Like this, like this, spread your arms wide to the sides

There will be a big gingerbread.

Like this, like this, stroking palms one by one

There will be a golden gingerbread.

Gingerbread, gingerbread movement “baking pies”

The boys baked it.

Gingerbread, gingerbread

Very, very sweet.

Eat, eat, arms extended forward, palms up

Help yourself, guests!

Come visit us again, they beckon you

We really, really ask!”

“The hen and hazel grouse slowly “go through” the index and middle

Walked around the yard, finger on thighs

I was walking around the yard,

I was counting chickens.

One, two, three, four, five! bend the fingers on one hand

I'll count them again: they shake their index finger

One, two, three, four, five!” bend the fingers on the other hand

“This is how our children “scrape” their fingers on their thighs

They got wild like mice:

He rubs his fingers deftly,

As if they were scratching with their paws.

Sh - sh - sh..." rubs palm against palm

“This finger of mine is dancing. children tap their index finger on their thigh

This circle is drawing. make circular movements with your middle finger

This finger deftly jumps, the ring finger taps on the thigh

Like a light, light ball.

And the little finger, my baby, they scratch the little finger on the leg

It scratches with its claw like a mouse.

And my big fat guy, they press their thumb to their palm

I lay down to sleep on my side.

And now everyone clench and unclench their fingers in order

Fingers doing exercises.

What, are you tired? Relax, clench your fingers into a fist

Sleep, fingers, fall asleep!

(when repeating, movements are performed with the other hand)

1. How in the forest on a hummock they release their fingers from their fists

Flowers bloomed.

Ex: Flowers, flowers, “lanterns”

Flowers flowers - 2 rubles.

With the breeze they whispered, rubbing palm against palm
They smiled at the sun. nod their heads

“Snow was falling on the threshold. children smoothly lower their hands from top to bottom

The cat made himself a pie. show how to bake a pie

In the meantime, I sculpted and baked,

The pie flowed away like a stream. make wave-like movements with their hands

Peki pies threaten themselves with their index finger

Not from snow - from flour." shake a finger from side to side

“Magpie-white-sided children “cook” porridge on their palms

Cooked porridge

She fed the children.

Gave this, alternately bend the fingers from the little finger

Gave this one

Gave this one

Gave this one

But she didn’t give it to this! show thumbs up

You didn't carry water, they shake their index finger at their thumb

I didn’t chop wood

I didn’t cook porridge -

You have nothing! spread both arms to the sides

Here's an empty pot, clench your fingers into a fist

Go to the corner and wait!” index finger pointing to the corner

“We washed our hands, we washed our feet, imitation of washing hands

We played ok, ok, ok! clapping hands

In the yard, the chickens were given crumbs, “crumbing bread”

Let's play palms again! clapping hands

We stroked the kitten with clean palms, stroking the other with one hand

We played palms with him! clapping hands

Palms lay right on the path... hands placed on knees

How tired they are - okay, okay!” stroking hand in hand

“Girls and boys! stretching your arms out to the sides, flapping your wings

Just like parrots.

Wave your wings,

Shake your crests, tilt your head left and right

Look at each other, turn to the neighbor and look into the eyes

Fly into the jungle together, arms to the sides, flapping your wings

Get down on the palm tree

Shake your wings!”

“On the forest lawn we show “bunny ears”

The bunnies played out:

Paws clapping, clapping

They stomped their feet, they stomped their feet

We waved our ears, made “bunny ears” and waved our hands

They jumped the highest. jumping on two legs

We looked with our eyes, hands to our eyes “clapping our eyes”

They sang a song:

La-la-la! La-la-la! we dangle our hands


Oh, what funny bunnies we are!”

“Does the pussy have eyes, show their eyes

Pussy has ears, shows ears and moves them

Pussy has paws, fists clench and unclench

Soft pillows.

Pussy, pussy, don't be angry, they shake their finger

Don't scratch the kids

Shoot!” clap your hands

“Early in the morning I get up, I sing my song,

And a hundred guys sing along with me in harmony! hands up, fingers spread

A hundred hedgehogs sing along, hands clasped, thumbs connected, the rest straight

A hundred snakes sing along, palms joined, wave-like movements

And the little bunnies sing it, “bunny ears”

And the little foxes sing it, “fox paws”

Under the ground, the old mole squints his eyes, “mole face”

Sings this song.

And in the den there are cubs, arms to the sides, waddling from foot to foot

And in the swamp there are baby frogs, “frog legs”

Very important hippopotamus sticking its belly forward, hands on its belly

He sings with pleasure.

Even the terrible crocodile joined his palms, spread his fingers, “the crocodile’s mouth”

I learned this song!

The cat purred to us “cat’s paws”

A song while sitting on the window. put their head on their paws

Do you hear, index finger up?

Like under our roof, hands above your head, “roof of the house”

Is this song sung by mice? "mouse paws"

We get up early in the morning,

We’ll sing a song in chorus.”

"Our girls and our boys have their hands on their belts

They jump as deftly as balls

Head shakes slightly

And they squat beautifully.

They clap their hands like this, like this,

They stomp their feet like this, like this,

Fists clench like this, like this,

The palms open like this, like this.

We'll blow on our palms,

Let's wake up our fingers and move them

Our fingers woke up, hands up

We woke up, we woke up flexing our fingers

And they smiled at each other. connect fingers

Fingers began to hug hands in a lock

The fingers began to kiss, touching the pads of the fingers

And then indulge. flashlights

Ladoshka came up, putting out her palms

And she said: - Crumbs! move their fingers

Stop playing, stop fooling around waving your hands

We must work! hands together

And we want to frolic! flashlights

But then Fist came,

Fingers hid fists

Silent finger to lips

So that’s what they are, our mischievous fingers!

They don’t listen to Mother Palm,

Papa-Fist is being upset!

Ay-yay, shame and disgrace!

Aren't you ashamed of your fingers?

Fingers hidden in armpits

And they sit there quietly.

They are, of course, very ashamed

To offend mom and dad.

Okay, fingers, come out,

Look at the guys, arms to the sides

We looked, looked, and the lanterns immediately became cheerful

We will, we will work, hands joined

And then, start frolicking!” slap their knees

“Oh, how creepy it is on the forest meadow, hands on cheeks, shaking your head

“Bunny ears” for the poor toy bunny

The dragonfly is circling over the bunny, hands in fists, pointing out the index and

middle fingers, move them quickly

And he looks, looks with all his eyes. "dragonfly eyes"

And the bee buzzed all ears, they put their fingers to their ears - “don’t hear”

She has the most terrible sting. hands in a fist, pointing out the index finger

And the horned beetles crawl their hands onto their knees, fingering

You won’t have time to gasp, hold your head in your hands

They will gnaw them to death. tickle someone nearby

The bunny gets goosebumps and quickly runs his fingers over his chest

Oh, how scary it is for the poor little bunny. "bunny ears"

Cheat sheet for parents

"Finger games for kids"

Consultation for parents

« How to properly conduct finger games with your child"

Finger games are the performance of poems and nursery rhymes, rhymed stories, and fairy tales using the fingers. Thanks to playing with their fingers, children develop fine motor skills, which, in turn, stimulates the development of speech centers. The child receives new tactile impressions, learns to concentrate and concentrate. Such games are intended for children from six months; interest in them lasts until about five years of age. Toddlers perform exercises for one hand, three- to four-year-old children use all fingers, and after four years, various objects are introduced into the game - balls, cubes, etc.

Finger games and exercises are a unique means for developing a child’s fine motor skills and speech in their unity and interconnection. Learning texts using “finger” gymnastics stimulates the development of speech, spatial thinking, attention, imagination, and develops reaction speed and emotional expressiveness. The child remembers poetic texts better; his speech becomes more expressive.

Finger games are not only a stimulus for the development of speech and fine motor skills, but also one of the options for joyful communication with loved ones. When a mother takes the baby in her arms for finger play, sits him on her lap, hugs him, holds him, when she touches his palm, strokes or tickles, pats or rocks, the child receives a lot of impressions necessary for his emotional and intellectual development.

A very important factor for the development of speech is that in finger games all imitative actions are accompanied by poetry. Poems attract children's attention and are easy to remember. Rhythm and unchanging word order, rhyme for a baby is something magical, comforting and calming.

How much a child enjoys the game depends largely on the adult’s performance. For the little ones, a calm, affectionate mood and a careful, gentle touch are important. For children three to five years old, the expressive facial expressions and speech of an adult are of great importance. Of course, for expressive performance, an adult should learn poetry by heart.

The movements of the right and left hands are controlled by different hemispheres of the brain. When the child begins to easily perform the necessary movements with one hand, teach him to perform the same movements with the other hand, and then with both hands at once.

For a two- to three-year-old child, some games will become especially interesting if you roll up paper doll caps for his fingers. With a felt-tip pen you can draw eyes, a mouth, a shirt, buttons on the cap, cut it out of colored paper and glue on a comb, beak, wings, cap, etc.

Stages of learning games:

    The adult first shows the game to the baby himself.

    An adult demonstrates the game by manipulating the child’s fingers and hand.

    The adult and child perform the movements at the same time, the adult pronounces the text.

    The child performs the movements with the necessary assistance of an adult who pronounces the text.

    The child performs the movements and pronounces the text, and the adult prompts and helps.

    Don't play the game with cold hands. You can warm your hands in warm water or by rubbing your palms together.

    If a new game contains characters or concepts that are unfamiliar to children, first tell about them using pictures or toys.

    Perform finger games with children under 1.5 years old as a demonstration or as passive gymnastics for the child’s hands and fingers.

    Children over 1.5 years old can be asked to perform movements together from time to time.

    If the plot of the game allows, you can “run” your fingers along the child’s arm or back, tickle, stroke, etc.

    Use the most expressive facial expressions.

    Pause at appropriate places, speak softer and louder, determine where you can speak very slowly, repeat movements without text where possible.

    Having chosen two or three games, gradually replace them with new ones.

    Make classes fun, don’t notice if your child does something wrong at first, encourage success.

    Start with simple finger games:


The branches of the fir trees trembled.

We are delighted with the swing.

We're flying up and down

Have fun with us. (T. Sikacheva)

Perform the exercise first with your right hand, then with your left hand, and then with both hands. From the wrist, lift your hands up with straight, closed fingers, and then, slightly bending your fingers, gently lower them down


A squirrel sits on a cart

She sells nuts:

To my little fox sister,

Sparrow, titmouse,

To the fat-fifted bear,

Bunny with a mustache...

(Folk song)

Extend all fingers one by one, starting with the thumb.

Hush, hush, don't make noise,

Don't wake up our children!

The birds will begin to chirp,

Fingers will stand up.

Rock your fist up and down according to the rhythm of the poetic lines, and on the word “get up,” open your fist, spreading your fingers wide. Perform the exercise first with one hand, then with the other, and finally with both hands.

Fingers stood up

This finger wants to sleep

This finger is a jump into bed,

This finger took a nap

This finger has already fallen asleep.

Fingers stood up - “Hurray!”

It's time to go to kindergarten!

(M. Kaltsova)

Bend your fingers to your palm one by one, starting with the little finger. Then touch everyone else with your thumb - “wake up”. Simultaneously with the exclamation “Hurray!” Unclench your fist, spreading your fingers wide apart.


I am a cheerful May bug.

I know everything

Gardens around

Over the lawns

I'm circling

And my name is


(A. Beresnev)

Clench your fist. Spread your index finger and little finger apart (“mustache”). Move your mustache.


Don't bite, you evil mosquito!

I'm already running home.

Clench your fist.

Move your index finger forward (this is the “proboscis” with which the “mosquito” tries to “bite” the child). Relax your little finger and thumb and lower them down (these are “paws”).

At what age can you start using finger games and finger gymnastics?

- Finger gymnastics should begin at the age of six months (from 6 to 7 months). Every day for 2 - 3 minutes, stroke the child’s hands, knead his palms and fingers. This will give the baby the necessary sensory “food”.Finger games should be used with children from the age of two.

Finger games are not the only means of developing fine motor skills in a child’s hands. For example, you can give your baby pasta and let him sit and sort through it. What is the best way to develop hand coordination?

Of course, you can and even need to use all possible ways to develop fine motor skills in a child’s hands (toys, drawing, modeling, etc.). But finger games have a significant advantage: the child masters them in the process of lively and emotionally rich communication with an adult.

If you use finger games with your child, it means you are helping his development. After all, as you know, in children the development of fine motor skills of the hands always entails the development of speech. And the development of hand coordination helps prepare the hand for writing and drawing.
