Bottle feeding babies. Amount of mixture: daily volume

Breast milk is the best nutrition for a newborn, which ensures the normal development of the child. Only it contains all the necessary vitamins and elements for the full growth of the baby. Unfortunately, today, for various reasons, many mothers are forced to switch to artificial feeding. In this case, it is important to choose the right formula and follow the correct bottle feeding technique. In this article, we will take a detailed look at how to do this.

When you need a bottle

If the baby is mixed-fed, pediatricians do not recommend using a bottle. The fact is that the child quickly gets used to a comfortable nipple and no longer wants to return to breastfeeding. In this case, a spoon is used for a baby, a syringe for a newborn, and a mug for older children. Note that today they produce a special system with a tube, which is as close as possible to natural feeding. By the way, when supplementing, they first give the breast, and then they supplement the child.

If the baby is completely bottle-fed, and a return to breast milk is not planned, then take a bottle. Be careful when choosing a product. It should be of high quality and safe for the newborn dishes.

Glass bottles are easy to clean and sterilize. They will withstand repeated boiling and last longer. But at the same time, glass containers break easily. Plastic bottles are safe and convenient for a baby, unless, of course, they are made of high-quality food-grade plastic. However, such products will have to be changed more often, as they quickly lose their shape after boiling.

Read more on how to choose the right feeding bottle. Regardless of the choice, the container must be clean and sterilized. The product must be free of cracks and stains. The nipple must also be clean and whole!

Preparing for feeding

It is important that you have bottles and nipples ready for the new feeding. They must be thoroughly washed and sterilized. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before feeding your baby, then prepare formula.

To prepare the mixture, it is important to follow the instructions on the package. If you add more water, the baby will not get the right dose of vitamins, and if less, the baby may become dehydrated!

Before each feeding, it is advisable to prepare a new mixture. In exceptional cases, the product can be stored up to 24 hours in the refrigerator. If you are feeding with a pre-prepared mixture, then heat the milk in a water bath or just in hot water.

The mixture should be diluted with water with a temperature of 36-37 degrees. For breeding, use special baby or ordinary boiled water. Be sure to check the food temperature before feeding! If you don't have a thermometer, put the mixture on your wrist.

You can put a bib on the baby so that it does not get dirty. And put a towel on yourself or put on clothes that you don’t mind. Remember that the baby will spit up when feeding. Before feeding your baby, check if milk is flowing normally from the bottle. When tilted, it should flow out in drops. Before each feeding, lay the newborn on the tummy on a hard surface for a few seconds.

When feeding, it is important to establish an emotional connection with the baby so that the procedure is comfortable and calm. Do not feed a child in an irritated or upset state. Do not give the formula to the baby if he cries a lot and resists. Try to calm him down. You can not force-feed a newborn! Wait until he gets hungry.

Bottle feeding technique

  • When feeding, the bottle should be held at a slight angle so that the nipple is filled with milk;
  • Make sure that the milk completely fills the nipple;
  • You can not hold the bottle vertically, otherwise the baby may choke!;
  • The teat ring should not fit too tightly to the container. If a little air gets into the bottle, the nipple will not flatten. But too much air should not get there!;
  • When feeding, the baby's head should be slightly raised and not tip back or sideways. Do not hold the newborn in a horizontal position!;
  • Take breaks when feeding so that the baby burps. At this time, you need to keep the child for several seconds in a straight or half-upright position;
  • If you feed your newborn properly, bubbles will appear in the formula bottle;
  • Don't leave your newborn alone with a bottle!

After feeding

After the baby has eaten, immediately take the bottle. Do not rush to put the baby down, hold him upright so that he burps. To help your baby burp, lightly tap and rub her back or place her on her shoulder. With artificial feeding, it is important to supplement the baby with water!

Wash the bottle and nipple thoroughly after feeding. To do this, use hypoallergenic baby detergents or baking soda, a brush and a sponge. It is important to thoroughly wash the bottle so that no mixture remains on the bottom. If you use a dishwasher, wash children's dishes separately from adult ones and choose a temperature of at least 80 degrees. After washing, the container is placed on a clean towel until completely dry.

How much mixture to give the child

With artificial feeding, you need to feed a newborn every three hours, which is approximately 7-8 meals per day. However, these are only recommended indicators, since the needs of children, depending on age and development, are different.

The norm of one meal for children under the age of 10 days \u003d the number of days the child lives X 10;

The daily norm of the mixture for children weighing up to 3200 kg \u003d the number of days the child lives X 70;

The daily norm of the mixture for children weighing over 3200 kg \u003d the number of days the child lives X 80.

According to experts, the daily norm of a child up to two months is 1/5 of the weight, from 2 to 4 months - 1/6 of the weight, from 4 to 6 - 1/7 of the weight, from 6 to 9 - 1/8 of the weight and up to a year - 1/9 of the weight. To determine how much formula to give your baby at one time, divide the daily allowance by the number of meals in 24 hours. Many parents worry about whether the baby is eating or not overeating. Let's take a look at the signs of both.

Signs of too much or too little mixture

Kid overeats Kid is malnourished
Child spit up frequently and a lot Decreased activity and weakness
Vomiting after feeding Sleep disturbance
The newborn does not sleep well and is often naughty Crying and whims after or during feeding
The baby constantly pulls the legs to the tummy after or during feeding, which indicates bouts of abdominal pain

Mother's milk is a vital and natural product for babies. It has antibacterial properties, rich in minerals and trace elements that contribute to the proper development and growth of children. However, there are situations when natural feeding is not available and you have to give adapted mixtures. Therefore, the question often arises, how to properly bottle feed a newborn? What technique is better to choose so that the baby is comfortable? Let's figure it out together.

Difficult choice

The choice of a bottle for feeding a child, parents should be very reverent and careful. Before buying dishes, pay attention to the quality and safety of the material. See if there is a scale to control the amount of food consumed (indicated in millimeters), and also what the nipple is made of - rubber or silicone.

Bottles for the mixture are of 2 types:

  • Glass options– characterized by a long service life and environmental safety. Try to buy goods from well-known brands and preferably in specialized stores to avoid fakes. Of the minuses of glassware, the material should be noted, which is quite fragile and can break at any time.
  • plastic bottles- The main advantage of such products is the ease and lack of risk of breaking it. When choosing plastic dishes, pay attention to the presence of a quality certificate from the manufacturer and the hardness of the food material.

In addition, it is convenient to wash such containers in warm water with special detergents, using a brush, a sponge, and also boil them from microbes, which often become the causative agents of many infectious diseases in newborns.

Glass bottles and nipples are subject to mandatory sterilization by boiling in a special container or saucepan. Such heat treatment is carried out after each feeding of the baby.

Mixture selection and preparation

All small children are individual in their development, therefore they react differently to the intake of dairy food. Before choosing the right mixture, consult your local pediatrician. The doctor will tell you which substitute is best for your child, based on his age, weight and health. In addition, there are no optimal formulas for feeding; each product is selected taking into account the characteristics of the child's body. If lactose intolerance is found in an infant, hypoallergenic nutrition is selected for him.

Important to remember! The right choice of breast milk substitute normalizes the digestive tract and improves the overall well-being of the baby.

Before preparing the mixture, read the instructions on the package and follow its recommendations.

  • At each new feeding, prepare washed and sterilized nipples and bottles. Also take care of the cleanliness of your hands, wash them with soap.
  • Take distilled water, which is pre-boiled and allowed to cool to the desired temperature - 36 degrees. Pour into a bottle, add the milk mixture in the required proportions and carefully chop until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  • The mixture should not be too thin or thick. When the bottle is tilted, the nutrient liquid should flow out of the nipple in droplets. So that the newborn does not feel discomfort, follow the dosage of the ingredients according to the instructions on the jar.
  • Check the temperature of the mixture before feeding. In the absence of a thermometer, the wrist will help. Drop one drop of prepared food on it. If the food is cold, reheat in a water bath.
  • It is recommended that the baby be given a freshly prepared mixture.
  • Store at room temperature for up to 30 minutes, and in the refrigerator - no more than one day.

Bottle feeding technique

Not all young mothers know how to bottle feed a newborn, so they often make mistakes. Having correctly mastered a simple technique, the baby will always be full, sleep soundly and grow up healthy.

Choosing a position is a special ritual of feeding a child. Which position is better to choose is up to the mother to decide. However, the posture should be comfortable so that the baby feels comfortable. It is best when the little one is on your knees or hands. So he feels the closeness of his mother and eats calmly, without disruptions and distractions. Holding the baby while bottle feeding should be the same as when breastfeeding.

Keep an eye on the filling of the bottle with formula or milk, as well as the position of the baby's head. So that she does not lean back or lean forward. Otherwise, one of these provisions can provoke the ingress of air or milk into the respiratory system, which is extremely dangerous for the life of the baby. To make a burp appear, lift the baby vertically and tilt it slightly forward.

It is important to know! Don't try to bottle feed if your baby is depressed or in a bad mood.

To exit the stomach from the accumulated gas, lay the baby on the tummy and within 1-2 minutes do a back massage or pat on the buttocks. These actions will prevent the occurrence of colic and regurgitation. Such breaks between bottle feedings should be done every 5-7 minutes.

A few more tips to follow:

  • when bubbles appear in the nipple, change the angle of the bottle or change your position;
  • do not leave the child in the room unattended. He can independently change his position, tip over on his side, back or choke;
  • pediatricians recommend keeping the bottle strictly upright;
  • do not try to feed the baby when he is lying on his back. Milk formula can get into the ears and cause infections.

A mixed-fed baby is first allowed to suckle at the breast, and then bottle-fed with additional food.

Emotional connection is the key to success

During bottle feeding, it is very important that the mother is in high emotional mood. It is known that newborns feel their mother's feelings well. To establish bodily contact and relieve tension, cuddle the baby to you, hug, pat on the head, communicate during feeding. So he will feel maternal care, love and warmth.

Everyone knows that mother's milk is ideal for breastfeeding. But for various reasons, the natural way of feeding a baby is not always acceptable. Then mothers resort to the help of various milk mixtures. However, this should be done carefully, focusing on the opinion of a pediatrician.

What is the best mixture to feed a newborn baby

When purchasing a formula for babies, you should carefully study all the information that is presented on the package. She will tell you how to properly feed a newborn with a mixture. Here the qualitative composition of the product is indicated, the age of the child from which the mixture is allowed to be used, and the method of preparation and the period for which the mixture can be used are described.

The modern baby food market offers a wide variety of dairy families for babies. They are conditionally classified not only by the age at which the baby can use the product, but also by the following criteria:

  • adapted;
  • partially adapted;
  • physiological;
  • medical.

In the first days after the birth of the child, it is best to give an adapted product. It contains components that optimally bring the mixture closer to mother's milk. This is an excellent ratio of proteins, carbohydrates, fat components, a complex of vitamin elements and minerals that should be in the baby's diet from birth to 6 months. Each package of the mixture contains age information. On some products there are numbers after the name, for example, "Agusha - 1", then it is important to know that one means that the mixture is intended for the child from the first days of life.

Deuce involves the use of the mixture from the age of six months of the child

Three - after a year of life.

After 12 months, you can try giving your baby a partially adapted formula. Its name suggests that the composition is not fully balanced. It contains elements of sucrose, starch and lactose. As a rule, at this age, the child consumes not only the mixture, but also other foods.

If the child is practically healthy, has no problems with the digestive tract, he does not have allergies and other side effects, usually mothers use the usual mixture (physiological). As for medicinal products, their use can only be prescribed by a pediatrician who is familiar with the characteristics of your baby's body. He does not need to give a medicinal mixture just because it is perfect for the neighbor's baby. This is determined by the individual characteristics of the newborn.

There are several types of medicinal mixtures:

  • For example, a lactose-free and low-lactose product is designed to get rid of the problems associated with the body's non-acceptance of milk. The composition of such products contains soy elements, goat's milk or hydrolyzed proteins.
  • For newborns with constipation, intestinal infections or dysbacteriosis, it is recommended to use a product with bifidobacteria.
  • There are also therapeutic mixtures for infants with congenital diseases, as well as born prematurely or having low weight.

If the mixture is not suitable for the child, the pediatrician should be informed about this, who will tell you which mixture is best to feed the newborn.

How to bottle feed your newborn

Whether breastfeeding, bottle feeding, or formula feeding, it is important to give him a bottle or breast as soon as the baby requests it. After 1-2 months, the diet that is convenient for the baby will be established. He knows the sense of proportion, so he will not eat more than he needs. Usually in the first month of life, a newborn needs up to 90 grams. mixtures per feeding.

It is not so important whether the mixture is warm or cold, it is important that it be at a constant temperature during each feeding process, since the baby is already used to just such a mixture. But attention will definitely be required so that air does not enter the body of the newborn along with the contents of the bottle. To do this, you should properly hold the baby and the bottle.

The classic method of formula feeding is that of breastfeeding. The mother sits down and puts the child in her arms. By tilting the bottle, she draws attention to the fact that there is always product in the nipple. So the child is saturated and stops sucking, satisfying the feeling of hunger. The air is dangerous because, getting into the baby's ventricle, it fills it, causing a false feeling of satiety. In this case, it is best to stop the procedure and let the child burp. And then give him the mixture again.

You need to understand that feeding is not only a vital process, but also an opportunity to be alone with the child, to let him feel his love. At this time, the baby is important tactile (skin) contact with the mother, which brings together. That is why pediatricians are categorically against another method of feeding - independent, when a bottle is placed next to a lying child. It is allowed only in the rarest case, when a woman really does not have the opportunity to feed the baby herself.

How to clean the nipple before breastfeeding

Equally important with artificial feeding is the size of the hole in the nipple. It is difficult to immediately find a middle ground here, you need to take a closer look at how the baby sucks.

If the hole is too large, the newborn will choke, and if it is small, he will get tired of pulling, will be nervous, and in the end he will not eat. Provided that the nipple has the correct opening, the baby will drink the bottle in about 20 minutes.

You can enlarge the hole using a heated needle. So that the baby does not get tired of sucking, you can screw the cap on the bottle not completely. After each feeding procedure and before the first use of the pacifier and bottle, the dishes should be sterilized. For this, a double boiler, microwave oven or a special sterilizer is perfect. You can simply boil the bottles in a saucepan.

If mothers follow all the rules of feeding, your baby will always be cheerful and energetic.

Photo and video: How to properly formula feed a newborn

There are situations when young mothers refuse breastfeeding. At the same time, they either express milk and feed the baby from a bottle, or switch to artificial feeding. Then the question arises of how to properly bottle feed a newborn so that the baby does not experience discomfort.

Mothers who first encounter the need to transfer their baby to bottle feeding often do not know how to properly bottle feed their baby. It is not difficult to master the feeding technique, the main thing is to adhere to the recommended rules. Comfortable is an important point in feeding a newborn. It is best to do this when the child is in your arms - this way the baby feels safe. It is necessary to hold the baby when feeding from a bottle in the same way as during natural feeding: the baby's head should lie on the left hand. At the same time, make sure that it is slightly higher than the body and lies on the bend of your elbow. Remember that the baby should not tilt his head too much forward or backward, as this can cause air to enter the respiratory tract. Many babies suck continuously until they are full. Make sure the nipple is always filled with formula or milk.

You can not rush the child and force him to quickly eat the entire portion. During feeding, the baby may swallow air, which leads to the formation of an air bubble in the stomach.

Because of this, the baby will experience discomfort and a false sense of fullness. To prevent air from entering, it is correct to give the bottle to a newborn - at a slight slope. Before you feed your baby, press the nipple against his lower lip, so that he reflexively opens his mouth wide. When the baby sucks milk, his tongue should be down. The oblong part of the nipple should be in his mouth, and on the round part - his lips. During the feeding process, every 5 minutes it is necessary to take a break so that the baby can burp. Changing the position of the child's body to a vertical one will let the air out and return the feeling of hunger. If the child does not burp the swallowed air, this will lead to the formation of colic. During the break, the baby should be kept in a straight or half-upright position. You can put the child on his stomach and pat him on the pope or massage his back. Another point worth paying attention to: how to properly hold the bottle when feeding a newborn if he has a runny nose. Pediatricians recommend that the baby lie on the left side with the bottle on the side. Do not leave your baby alone with the bottle while feeding. Also, do not feed your baby in the supine position: this can lead to ear infections. Mothers who give babies both breast milk and formula should remember that you need to start feeding from the first option and end with the second. Knowing how to properly bottle feed a newborn (feeding and baby postures, feeding technique, bottle positions) will help you organize the process correctly and not miss important moments.

Preparing to feed your baby

In baby food, it is important how long a newborn is bottle fed. During the first meals, small portions are often enough for babies. It takes about a week for the baby to stabilize digestion - then he himself will determine the right amount of food. Most importantly, give your baby a bottle on demand or every three hours. If the baby sleeps a lot, do not immediately wake him up. Pick him up and offer food. A hungry baby will smell the milk and wake up. Moms should know how the baby is fed from a bottle: the algorithm, technique and rules. Before you start feeding a newborn from a bottle, you need to prepare the baby and all the necessary items for this.

Pay attention to the sterilization of the teat and bottle, as well as the cooking process (milk temperature, formula expiration date and formula dilution rules).

Whether your baby is formula fed or breastfed, be sure to wash your hands before feeding. Do not use a microwave oven to heat food in a bottle, i.e. it heats food unevenly, which can cause burns to the baby. For these purposes, it is better to put the item in a container of hot water. Do not use the leftover formula for the next feeding, as it may contain bacteria. The diluted mixture can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 hours. To prevent your baby from getting dirty while eating, put a bib on him. Check in what position you hold the bottle, in what condition is the nipple. A deformed teat should be replaced immediately. When you notice that your baby is sucking on an empty bottle, know that he is still hungry. You can add a little more mixture or milk. During artificial feeding, the baby needs more water, so he must receive it constantly (in between feedings).


Pay due attention to the processing of the pacifier and bottle. Before each feeding it is necessary to sterilize all items for feeding. To prevent the formation of plaque on the dishes, it is better to use filtered water. Sterilization is carried out in several ways:

  • boiling;
  • in the microwave;
  • using special sterilizers.

After feeding, nipples and bottles do not need to be sterilized: just wash them in warm soapy water.

Cooking food

When choosing a mixture, be sure to consult your doctor. With a possible lactose intolerance in a child, it is recommended to buy mixtures from hypoallergenic milk. To properly prepare food for babies, follow the manufacturer's recommendations (instructions). Check the expiration date before eating. For each feeding, it is recommended to prepare a fresh portion. Possible consequences with incorrectly selected proportions of the mixture and water:

  • formula with excess water will not be able to provide the child with all the necessary nutrients;
  • insufficient water intake will result in dehydration.

Before feeding, be sure to check the temperature of the milk or formula: the food should not be cold or hot. You can make sure that the temperature of the food is comfortable in this way: put a little milk on the inside of the wrist; should be warm. Tilting the bottle, check how the mixture flows out. Milk should flow out at a rate of about 1 drop per 1 second. If there is a lot of leakage, the nipple should be replaced.

The psychological state of the nursing

During feeding, not only technique is important, but also an emotional connection with the baby. Close contact with the baby will give him the opportunity to feel protected and loved. To create such a contact, you need to communicate with the baby, cuddle, stroke. Babies feel the mood of the mother well, so you can not feed the baby in a nervous or depressed state. So that the baby does not start to worry, the mother herself must first calm down. If the baby cries or screams, feeding should be postponed.

Required additional accessories

  • bottle brushes;
  • thermal cover for a bottle;
  • sterilizers;
  • sterilization tongs.

Choosing a baby bottle

When choosing a bottle, you need to pay attention to the material of manufacture. Bottles are:

  1. Glass. Such dishes are heavy and can break, but they are easy to keep clean and have a long service life.
  2. Plastic. The advantages of plastic utensils for babies are ease of use and the ability of the baby to hold it independently. When choosing plastic, give preference to a harder material.

The shape of the bottles can be standard, figured, anti-colic and with a wide neck.

Anti-colic bottles

If you have problems with swallowing air, as well as for their prevention, use anti-colic bottles. Thanks to the special design, the baby will only absorb formula or milk from a bottle, and the risk of swallowing air will be reduced to zero. Such devices are:

  • protozoa, with an air channel in the nipple;
  • complex systems with a screw-down bottom with a slit.

Variety of nipples

The success of feeding depends on the right choice. Depending on the material, nipples are rubber and silicone. Rubber models are quite soft, but fragile and have a smell. Silicone - more durable, besides, they do not change color under the influence of sunlight, and they are easy to disinfect. The shape of the nipples are anatomical, rounded and large in diameter, similar to the female breast. An important point when choosing a pacifier is the speed of food flow. The number of holes and their size in the upper part of the nipple regulate the pressure of milk. When choosing, consider the age of the crumbs and his appetite. Manufacturers classify products on a 6-point scale from 0 to 5. For babies, nipples with 1 small hole are selected, for older children - with several.

Good day, dear readers. In the first year of a child's life, there will definitely be a need to purchase a bottle, and in some cases more than one. In addition to knowing how to choose the right bottle and nipple for it, you also need to know how to properly feed and water your baby with it. In this article, you can find out what recommendations should be followed for the full use of the bottle, how to feed the baby with formula and expressed milk from this container, and also what mistakes inexperienced parents can make.

Required accessories

Before thinking about the issue of proper feeding, you must first find out what you need for this:

  1. Buy at least one bottle. Approach this issue with special attention, decide on the size, shape and material of this device, taking into account all the pros and cons.
  2. When buying a bottle, choose a nipple according to the age of the little one, also decide what material (latex or silicone) is preferable for you.
  3. Think about how you will sterilize children's dishes and on what to dry them. You can purchase a special sterilizer, and for drying, for example, use a towel designed exclusively for this purpose.

How to bottle feed a baby

The feeding process includes three stages:

Stage one. Preparatory. It is not only the acquisition of special devices (and not only the shape and material of the bottle plays an important role, but also the correctly applied scale, preferably with squeezed out divisions, because now it is important to clearly measure a single portion), but also the preparation of infant formula or pumping mother's milk.

Stage two. The actual feeding process.

Third stage. Let your baby burp out excess air. that got to him in the process of eating.

If this is not done, you may experience flatulence and colic. In addition, a child who has swallowed air feels a feeling of satiety, although in fact remains hungry. That is why it is recommended to keep the baby in a “column”, and not only after the end of the process of eating, but also in the process.

In an upright position, it is necessary to keep the crumbs for several minutes. Take the little one facing you, you can place it on your shoulder so that its arms are on your back.

Possible difficulties

How to bottle feed

How to bottle feed with expressed milk

With this type of feeding, you must take care that the single serving does not change, as well as the frequency of meals.
