DIY Parsley costume for a boy - simple options. How to make Parsley suits for boys with your own hands

With the arrival of the New Year, it is time for matinees in kindergartens and primary schools. As a rule, parents dress their children in costumes of various fairy-tale characters. Such outfits can be bought in a store or ordered online, but it’s easier and cheaper to make a costume yourself. In this article we will look at how to sew a Parsley costume.

Fabric selection

We all have at least an approximate idea of ​​what kind of character this is. Parsley always wears bright, colorful clothes. Very often his suit combines contrasting colors - this must be taken into account when choosing fabric. It is not necessary to use a plain material; it may have polka dots or stripes.

In addition, you can sew pants and a shirt from many scraps. It doesn’t matter if one leg turns out to be red and the other leg turns out to be green or yellow, because it is this combination that is a feature of Parsley’s costume. When choosing fabrics, do not forget about accessories: colored buttons, bells, braid, sequins, etc.

Parsley's Pants The trousers of this fairy-tale hero can be completely different both in color and style. Bloomers are considered a classic option, but you can dress Parsley in regular straight pants. It is advisable to make each half of the trousers a different color.

Sewing such a piece of clothing is not difficult:

Parsley's shirt

This item of clothing is traditionally made from red fabric, but you can experiment with other bright colors. You can make a shirt with polka dots or sew it from halves of different colors, just like pants. Don't forget to sew a star-shaped collar to the neckline, which can be additionally decorated with bells.

The cap of a fairy-tale hero You can recognize Petrushka by his unusual cap. Making such a headdress is not difficult, you just need to take the correct measurements from the child’s head. After measuring the girth and depth of the head, make a pattern on paper and then transfer it to fabric. Since the hero’s pants and shirt are sewn from multi-colored rags, the cap must match the overall style. Don't forget to hang jingle bells on your hat.

Parsley shoes

The fairy-tale hero's shoes have a very unusual shape, however, they can be made with your own hands. Let's look at this process in more detail:

  1. Take your child's thick socks; it is better to choose a model that has non-slip soles. To prevent your baby's feet from freezing at the New Year's party, insert thick shoe insoles inside the socks and secure them with a few stitches of thread.

  2. The photo below shows a drawing according to which you need to create a pattern for the shoes, based on the individual size of your child’s feet. Please note that it is better to make the top of the shoe not straight, but slightly wider at the top - this will make it much easier to put on the shoes.

  3. Connect the parts together, leaving the sole of the shoe unsewn. After this, insert the sock inside and sew it with the sole to the bottom of the shoe.

  4. The top should also remain open.

  5. Fill the free space between the toe and the shoe with synthetic padding, giving the shoes the desired shape.

  6. After this, you can sew an elastic band into the boot.
  7. The second option is to connect the top of the sock with the top of the shoe, then you will get the following:

  8. Parsley's shoes are ready. You can decorate it as you wish.

In this article we told you how to make a costume for the fairy-tale hero Parsley. We hope our recommendations will be useful to you. You can borrow the technology for sewing children's pants from the video:

New Year is the favorite holiday of all children and adults, without exception. A decorated Christmas tree, the smell of tangerines, gifts and fun at the carnival party cannot leave you indifferent. But what is a carnival without a bright costume?

On the eve of New Year's parties, all parents are wondering what outfit to choose for their child. In this article we will talk about how to sew your own Parsley costume for the holiday.

Who is Parsley and what does he look like?

Parsley is a comic character who is the heir to the jester of tsarist times. The constant attributes of the image are a hat with two or four horns, at the ends of which buboes and perky bells hang. This is a bright outfit made of shiny fabric and sneakers with raised socks and bells. A Parsley costume for a boy or girl must be colorful and cheerful. Petrushka's image does not have a standard; the main thing is to stick to the basic elements of his costume; otherwise, you can get creative, combining different colors of fabric and decorations.

Costume materials

In order for Parsley’s costume to look impressive, you need to choose the right fabric. It should be a bright and shiny material, for example, satin, velor or sequin fabric. These materials have the appropriate look and are ideal for this outfit.

You will also need additional elements, such as bells, sequin ribbons, elastic bands, and, of course, sewing supplies and a machine.

Pants for Parsley

Sewing pants is not as difficult as it might seem at first, the main thing is to correctly copy the pattern from the child’s pants. And even if there are small errors, they will be hidden in the width, because Parsley’s suit should have trousers.

So, you can make a pattern in two ways:

  • trace the details of the trousers, placing the item on paper;
  • remove the seams by placing a transparent film over the pants.

In both cases, the main thing is to correctly copy the curves of the middle seams in the front and back of the trousers, so that the item fits well and does not fold between the child’s legs. To prevent the trousers from being too big, you need to measure the circumference of your leg at the top and add about 15 cm to this figure. Along the side and crotch seams, the trouser leg can be completely flat, you just need to correctly shape the middle seams. You can also make a small flare from the knee, and at the bottom turn the edge inside out and stitch it, making a drawstring, and insert an elastic band into it to fit the circumference of the leg above the ankle. It’s not at all difficult to sew a Parsley costume with your own hands; the patterns here do not require serious calculations or drawing skills. A little diligence and everything will work out!

Blouse for Parsley

She will perfectly complement Parsley's costume. The blouse pattern is also not too difficult to make. Even an inexperienced craftswoman can handle it. Of course, you can limit yourself to just bloomers and a hat, and put a regular turtleneck on your child, but in this case the outfit will no longer be as impressive as you would like.

So, the sweater pattern can be copied from a child’s T-shirt using one of the methods described above. For this purpose, it is best to take an item several sizes larger so that the future product is a little loose. If there is none, then you will have to add 3-4 cm along the contour of the re-shot lines. This is done so that Petrushka’s costume fits freely on the child’s figure.

The sleeve is re-shot only on one side, and when transferred to fabric, the second part is simply duplicated. You can also make a small flare on it from the elbow, and gather the wrist with an elastic band.

A Parsley costume for a boy can also be in the form of overalls. In this case, at the stage of copying the seams, you should combine the pants and T-shirt along the waist line and draw a solid pattern.

What kind of hat does Parsley wear?

The costume is New Year's, and therefore the headdress should be decorated accordingly. Rain with stars will come in very handy here. But what type of hat should you choose?

After all, no matter what version of the base is chosen (overalls or pants and a jacket), you definitely need to make a hat; without it it is simply impossible to make a Parsley costume. Although the pattern of this accessory is simple, you will have to tinker with the product. First of all, you need to think about what kind of hat it will be, how many horns it will have, and what shape is preferable.

You need to understand that a hat that is too voluminous for a child will be uncomfortable, and therefore it is better to give preference to a hat with two horns, which will make the image recognizable and will not create any special difficulties in the production process.

First of all, it is necessary to measure the circumference of the head and the depth of the future cap (from the back of the head to the middle of the forehead through the crown). Next, draw a rectangle on a sheet of paper with a length of half a circle and a width of half the height measurement. The sides of the figure are raised by 20 cm. Next, from the top of the lines, a triangle is drawn on both sides, the bases of which will divide the upper edge of the rectangle in half.

In order for the horns on the hat to hold well, they need to be duplicated with thin foam rubber or hard tulle in two or three layers. The two parts of the cap are sewn together and bells or bells are attached to the ends.

Parsley shoes

To make Parsley’s costume original and complete with your own hands, you need to sew slippers. Even if the child wears sneakers or slippers at the matinee, these slippers can be worn over the shoes. So, first you need to outline the child’s leg in profile. From the side of the sole you will need to indent down 4 cm, and in front of the foot, bring out the upturned toe. For slippers, you will need two pieces of fabric, which are sewn from the heel to the middle of the foot from the top, along the contour of the hole for the leg, the fabric is folded inside out, adjusted and an elastic band is threaded. Here you will also need to seal the sock with foam rubber or hard tulle so that it holds its shape well.

Accessories and outfit details

How to make an original Parsley costume with your own hands? A little imagination and creativity, and the child will be irresistible at the holiday. Chic lace cuffs on the arms and legs and a collar, gathered with elastic and worn over the suit, will be the perfect complement. Multi-colored buboes on the chest, a belt with bells for a suit with a separate base, rain on the hat and beautiful textile bells - these are exactly the details that will make Parsley's costume unique. The photos presented in this article can become Borrowed ideas, a few of your own nuances - and a unique colorful outfit is ready!

How to distribute colors on a suit

What color should Parsley be? The costume is New Year's, which means the ideal combination would be green and red, which are considered symbols of this holiday all over the world. Yellow, blue and orange can be used as a complement. However, this is not a rule at all, and if you have an idea to make a Parsley costume out of scraps (there is a photo of a similar outfit in this article), then this decision will also be correct. The main thing is that the suit fits well.

Pants and sleeves of different colors, a jumpsuit divided in half, a hat with multi-colored horns and bright buboes - this is exactly the sometimes ridiculous combination inherent in this image. However, this has its advantages, because if there are scraps, they can easily be used.

Petrushka is a hooligan and joker, one of the most popular and cheerful heroes of the puppet theater and various holidays. There are real legends about his exploits and adventures, but Petrushka always gets away with it, turning everything into a joke.

Despite the 21st century, the Parsley costume is still very popular at city performances and carnivals. True, the Parsley costume, like any other, can be bought at a store for carnival costumes, but a costume made with your own hands will bring more joy and will keep you busy for some time.

  1. Bright satin fabric
  2. White fabric
  3. Needles, threads
  4. Scissors
  5. Decorative decorations
  6. Cotton wool (for stuffing the cap)
  7. Silk thick ribbon (for belt)

How to choose fabric for Parsley's suit?

Parsley is always dressed in colorful and traditional clothes. You will need white fabric for the blouse and bright fabric (blue, purple, red, yellow, green) for the harem pants. To make the outfit very bright, you can use colored scraps of fabric or “Ivanovo” chintz. To decorate Parsley's costume you will need a lot of decorations (braid, bells, sequins, brocade).

How to sew a Parsley costume: instructions

  • First of all, you will have to make a trouser pattern. Take all necessary measurements from the child (waist and hip circumference, length of pants). Make a sketch out of paper and don't forget to leave a few centimeters for a seam on each side. You can make trouser legs of different colors: one - red, the other - blue, or one - green, the other - yellow.
  • Place the paper sketch on the fabric and cut out the trouser parts. Sew the trousers and let your child try them on. If necessary, adjust them to the required size. It is better to make trousers with trousers. The final step when sewing is to decorate the trousers with sequins and braid above the knee.
  • After you sew the trousers, start sewing the shirt. For the shirt, you can use white or yellow fabric. The shirt should be the most ordinary one. Decorate the sleeves of the shirt with lace or a contrasting satin ribbon. Sew sequins all over the shirt. Also, for a children's Petrushka costume, you can take a white or yellow T-shirt several sizes larger, decorate it with brocade, sequins and braid, and sew on arbitrary bright-colored patches.

  • Now that the trousers and shirt are ready, all that remains is to sew one of the most important details of Petrushka’s costume - the cap. Take your child's hat. Using different colored fabrics, cut out several patches of the same size (about 5 cm wide). Alternating the resulting strips, sew along the circumference of the hat.
  • Make the pattern in the shape of a triangle, remembering the seam allowances. Having selected multi-colored fabrics, cut out four triangles from them according to the patterns. Sew the edges.
  • To ensure that the cone of the cap is tight and holds its shape, fill it with cotton wool. Sew the finished triangles and sew them to the hat. Don’t forget to decorate the finished cap with sequins.
  • Cut out four circles from multi-colored fabric. Sew both parts and stuff them with cotton wool. Sew the finished bells to the cones of Parsley's cap. Instead of rag bells, you can use regular iron bells.
  • The very last step is the belt with which Parsley girds his shirt. Make a sash from satin fabric, decorate it with braid and sequins. You can gird yourself with a narrow belt made of woven laces.

Petrushka's costume is a costume for a funny man and a farcical jester. When parents or teachers choose this image for a child, it means they want to see a cheerful guy, witty and dexterous with words. The costume should be in every possible way consistent with its bright colors and unexpected combinations.

That is why this hero often has one pant leg of one color and the other of a completely different color. Multi-colored shoes are worn on the feet, and the cap is crowned with two multi-colored cones. Parsley is decorated as best they can. Collars, bells and funny shoes are added to the costume.

DIY Parsley costume for a boy: caftan and pants

The suit in the form of a separate jacket and pants should be combined with each other. Choose from two color options:

- a jacket of one color and pants of another;

- a jacket and pants on one side are one color, and on the other side another.

For the first and second options, the pattern will be the same.

Option 1

The first option is much easier to sew, because it is a wide caftan, which is sewn according to simple patterns of an ordinary slightly elongated jacket with sleeves. The pants in both the first and second versions are sewn the same way, the only difference is in the fabrics.

Stage 1

Measure your child: height from shoulder to hip, sleeve length from shoulder to wrist, collar circumference, chest circumference plus an allowance for loose wear.

Here, take measurements for sewing trousers: length from the waist to the ankle plus an allowance at the hem, hip circumference and leg circumference, as well as leg length from the groin area to the ankle.

Stage 2

Transfer the measurements to the fabric, draw the details according to the pattern and cut out.

Stage 3

Sew the resulting parts together. Finish and tuck the cut edges of the collar, hem and sleeves. Sew them on a sewing machine.

On the pants, sew an elastic band into the folded edge of the waistband. She must support her pants so they don't fall off. It is not necessary to sew an elastic band at the bottom of the ankle, if desired. But do not leave the cut edge unfinished, otherwise the threads will fluff and come out.

You can add a collar to the jacket, which is made and sewn separately onto the finished product. Also, the bottom of the sweater and sleeves can be made not straight, but cut in zigzags or triangles. In this case, for such decoration, add an additional 10 cm per length to the pattern, otherwise there will not be enough fabric.

To make a collar, cut out slightly elongated pentagons from multi-colored fabric. Sew them along the side line together, alternating colors in a checkerboard pattern. You will get a semicircle of multi-colored parts. Fold and stitch the lower cut edge of the collar, and along the top line, stitch it along the neck of the sweater, tucking the cut edge inward.

Option 2

This jacket and pants will have one color on one half and another color on the other half. This complicates the work, but not much.

Stage 1

For a sweater, choose two contrasting colors of fabric of the same quality. The same fabric will be used for the pants. Place them right side to right side and stitch one side. This seam will replace the folded edge of the fabric when drawing the pattern. Draw the pattern line taking into account the stitched seam. Cut out the resulting parts. When unfolded, a seam should pass through the middle of each piece, sewing the different colored sides of the sweater together.

When sewing pants, fold two colors of fabric right side to right side and then fold everything in half. Apply the pattern and cut out the parts. You should have two pieces, one from each fabric.

Stage 2

Sew the parts of the jacket and trousers together. When sewing a sweater, first the body parts are sewn together, and then the sleeve is attached to the armhole. The cut edges are folded and stitched.

The pants are first sewn together using a short top side seam, and then the legs are turned over and stitched from the inside from the groin towards the ankle. An elastic band is sewn into the waistband and optionally into the legs. If you do not sew elastic in the legs, then the trousers will remain straight.

As in the first option, the suit can be complemented with a multi-colored collar and zigzag sleeves and the same hem of the jacket. The cut on the bottom of the pants can also be designed in the form of triangles.

DIY Parsley costume for a boy: overalls

A jumpsuit is a one-piece suit where the jacket goes into pants. The overalls are sewn in whole parts according to this pattern.

It is extremely important here not to make a mistake with the sizes, so when sewing overalls you need to take and transfer the measurements correctly.

Stage 1

Measure your child: the height of the intended product is measured from shoulder to ankle with an allowance of 15-20 cm, sleeve length from shoulder to wrist, leg length from groin to ankle, collar circumference, chest circumference, hips and legs with an allowance of 15-20 see for freedom of movement.

Just like in the previous suit, the sleeves and cut at the ankle can be decorated with an uneven edge in the form of elongated triangles. You need to think through such elements in advance before you start cutting out parts from the fabric. Add an additional 10-15 cm to the sleeve length and leg length measurements for a decorative cut.

Stage 2

It is important to use fabric of two colors, which will fall on one half of the body in one color, and on the other in another color. To achieve this effect, place two colors of fabric on top of each other, right sides facing in, and stitch one edge using a sewing machine. This edge will serve as the folded side when you apply the pattern outline to the fabric.

Stage 3

Transfer the measurements and draw the pattern on the fabric. Cut out the pieces.

Stage 4

Sew the parts together and turn the product inside out.

Stage 5

Tuck and stitch the edge of the sleeve, collar and bottom of the pants. If the cut is curly, then follow the pattern and process the edge on a sewing machine.

Stage 6

Sew elastic into the sleeves and onto the pants at the ankle. You can sew the elastic above the edge, then the uneven cut will look richer and more magnificent.

Sew large buttons or bumbons on the stomach vertically in three rows; you can decorate the collar with a lush frill or colored pentagons as in the previous version of the costume.

DIY Parsley costume for a boy: cap

A cap or hat is a mandatory element in a Parsley costume. It is made from the same fabric from which the suit is made and in the same color scheme.

Stage 1

Measure head depth and head circumference. Divide the results by 2 and apply the outline of the cap on the fabric in accordance with the pattern and cut it out. You should end up with two pieces of one color, two pieces of a different color, and a base.

Stage 2

Sew the parts of the cap together, and then sew the base around the circumference. Turn up the bottom edge and secure the lapel by hand, making small stripes on the sides.

Stage 3

Sew bumbons or bells onto the edges of the cap.

DIY Parsley costume for a boy: boots

To complete the look, you can make boots to match the Parsley suit for a boy with your own hands. They are made from felt or from the same fabric as the suit. To prevent the child’s feet from freezing, a warm insole is inserted into the boots or they are worn over replacement shoes. This is especially important if the boots are made of thin fabric.

Stage 1

Draw an outline of the pattern pieces on the fabric.

Stage 2

Cut out the parts and sew them together. Decorate the pointed noses with bells and the tongue with a bow made of satin ribbon.

The color of the shoes, as well as the suit, may vary. On one foot there is a shoe of one color, and on the other foot a different color.

New Year 2019 is approaching! Children love New Year's holidays, regardless of where they are held - at home, in kindergarten or school. What's a holiday without the right outfit? The image of Parsley is popular among the guys. This bright and positive character of the Russian folk theater attracts the attention of children and lifts their spirits. This image is especially suitable for perky and cheerful boys.

In V. I. Dahl’s dictionary, Petrushka is “the nickname of a farce doll, a Russian jester, amusement maker, a wit in a red caftan and a red cap; The whole clownish, puppet den is also called Petrushka.” This merry fellow and joker, who was the hero of all fairs and booths, usually wore a red shirt and a cap of the same color.

Later, Petrushka’s costume began to be made from fabric of other colors. You can buy it at a carnival costume store, but a homemade outfit will bring more joy and will cost you less.

How to sew a Parsley costume for a boy with your own hands?

You will need a little patience and basic sewing skills. Even novice seamstresses will be able to make such an outfit. There are no specific standards here. The main thing is that the costume is colorful and fun. There are several options for such outfits - we will tell you about some of them.

To sew a Parsley costume for a boy yourself, you will need a shirt (kosovorotka) and bloomers made of colored chintz, satin or lining fabric. You can choose one of the color options:

  1. the blouse is one color and the pants are another;
  2. the blouse and pants are one color on one side, and another color on the other side.

Patterns for such an outfit do not require serious calculations or drawing skills.

How to sew a Parsley costume? Take measurements for the sweater - the height of the product from shoulder to hip, sleeve length from shoulder to wrist, collar circumference, chest circumference of the child. For trousers you need: length from the waist to the ankle (plus an overlap at the hem), hip circumference and leg circumference, leg length from the groin to the ankle.

Transfer the measurements and draw the pattern on the fabric. Cut out the pieces, sew them and finish the seams. The bottom of the sleeves and the hem of the blouse can be cut in the form of zigzags. This outfit will be complemented by a large multi-colored collar.

You can sew a Petrushka shirt from bright polka dot fabric or remake it from your mother’s blouse. From satin in contrasting bright colors, for example, yellow and blue, sew a collar in the form of several “petal” triangles from 9 to 14 cm long.

You can also take a white or yellow T-shirt several sizes larger than the one the child wears, and decorate it with brocade, sequins and braid, and sew on brightly colored patches in a random order. You can even make such an outfit out of pajamas, adding a matching collar and arm ruffles.

Sew a sash from bright fabric, decorate it with braid and sequins. To do this, you need to sew a belt, the length of which should be 40 cm greater than the child’s waist circumference. You can also use a belt made of several bright laces woven together.

Parsley's carnival costume for a boy may resemble Pierrot's outfit. This outfit can be cut according to the following pattern from fabric in contrasting colors. The overalls are sewn from one-piece parts according to the following pattern.

Prepare the patterns and then start cutting. Attach the pattern to the fabric with pins and outline with chalk or a small dry piece of white toilet soap. Sew the details, sew elastic into the sleeves and on the trousers. This can be done above the edge, and then the uneven cut will look more magnificent. However, you can not tighten the bottom of the sleeves and pants with an elastic band, but leave them straight and decorate them with braid or bright ribbon.

To make the collar fluffy, its edge needs to be pulled together. To do this, use a sewing machine to make a regular seam along the edge with wide stitches, then tighten the bottom thread, gathering the part. The collar is trimmed with bias tape and long ends are left for ties. To such a jumpsuit you can sew a zipper, matching buttons or buttons covered with fabric.

Also, for Parsley’s costume, you will need to glue a cap out of colored paper and attach a pom-pom to it. You can sew a cap from bright fabric. One half of the cap can be yellow, the other blue or red.

Or you can sew a hat for Parsley with several (two or four) horns, at the ends of which perky bells hang. Keep in mind that a hat that is too voluminous will be uncomfortable for a child, so it is better to give preference to a hat with two horns, which, by the way, will be easier to sew.

To cut out a hat, measure the circumference of the child's head and the depth of the product (from the back of the head to the middle of the forehead through the top of the head). Then, on a piece of paper, draw a rectangle with a length of half the circumference and a width of half the height of the hat. Raise the sides of the figure by 15-20 cm.

Next, from the top of the lines, draw a triangle on both sides (“horns”), the bases of which will divide the upper edge of the rectangle in half. Strengthen the “horns” with foam rubber or hard tulle in 2-3 layers. Don’t forget to decorate the finished cap with sequins.

Here is another version of this pattern (with a collar):

The ends of the hat can be decorated with pompoms to match the color of the suit or a contrasting color. They are easy to make: cut out two identical circles of fabric and sew the edges together, leaving a small gap. Place cotton wool in the middle and tighten the edges. Sew the pompoms to the corners of the hat. You can also attach small bells to them.

From the wrong side, sew “hair” from washcloth, rope or yarn to the cap. You can also use fringe for this purpose.

What else do you need to create the image of Parsley? Shoes, just like a suit, can be different in color: that is, a shoe on one foot is one color, and on the other, another. Sew shoes from bright fabric and cardboard, or decorate ordinary shoes, shoes or boots with fabric and attach pompoms of the same or contrasting color to their socks.

Color the child’s cheeks and nose with appropriate makeup or “edible” dye, for example, beet juice.

We hope that our article will help you make a Parsley costume for a boy yourself without unnecessary hassle. Don’t be afraid to get creative by combining different colors of fabric and decoration details - and this costume will turn out bright and spectacular, and your child will be the most beautiful and elegant at the children’s party.
