Beautiful good morning wishes for a friend. good morning poems for girlfriend

The theme of this collection Good morning wishes in your own words to a friend, only the best parting words from the bottom of my heart!

Wake up, my wonderful friend, it's time to open up to the morning sun and light positive.

Let the rays of this morning sun glide over your face, warming your heart with the charm of life and the brightness of the rainbow.

I wish you today to be much better than yesterday.

May you always have someone to wake up for, may only attractive and joyful emotions await constantly around the corner.

This morning will be beautiful, like a rainbow bright and positive!

Wake up soon, my love! I agreed with the rain, today he has a day off. I warmed up the sun, today it will shine with a vengeance

With awakening you! Good morning and great day! Everything you get!

May your day today be successful, and work not hasty!

Good morning! Have a great day, great mood!

Your love for me is a support in life, I live only for you and I want it to be always like this! I love you and look forward to seeing you again...

It's time to get up, drink a mug of strong coffee and take on new things. I think that your mood is already fighting and provocative today. Be at your best today, prove yourself, show your strengths.

I wish you a great day, my dear friend. Just try not to think about problems because they are solvable.

Let this day be not easy just another day, in a series of gray everyday life, but be remembered by a bright blue sky, a warm gentle wind, someone's kind smile or just a beautiful song heard somewhere.

The first awakened sunbeam will kiss you gently on the lips. I sent him to you to wish you good morning

It is already so light outside the window, and the birds are singing a morning song to amuse everyone and wish good morning. So good morning to you.

My good morning your good mood. And vice versa! Beloved, start the day with thoughts of beauty!

Good morning my kitty. I hope my message came along with a ray of sunshine that touched your tender cheek and woke you up. Have a nice day, I love you.

Good morning! I wish that today all your plans, hopes and desires become a reality!

I wish you new successes and solutions to old problems on the new day. Good luck!

I wish you a sunny day and bright emotions in it!

May this day be filled with light and warmth. I give you my smile!

May the coming morning generously scatter before you emerald happiness in diamonds of crystal dew.

Here, hold your hugs, wake up quickly, good morning - Smile!

Wake up and recharge with summer positive, smile to the new day and enjoy the good morning! Smiling is your lifeline! Good morning! =) Life is beautiful!

Wake up, smile, good morning, get up soon! Welcome the new day!

Dear, I am sending you a ton of good mood and the same amount of luck for the whole day in SMS!

Let the sun shine on your blanket and the edge of your smile - this will be the indispensable promise of my kiss and the promise that this day will be wonderful!

Good morning my kitty! How do you sleep without me? I have nightmares and dream of meeting the next dawn in the protective cocoon of your embrace!

Wake up soon, good morning!

I wish you to wake up cheerful, so that your strength, which you gained during the night, is enough to meet me in the evening ...

I greet you with the birth of a new day. I wish your meeting to be enthusiastic and promising.

The symbiosis of our pure love and your perfect smile creates today with a clear and magical morning.

May luck fill you with confidence, cheerfulness and optimism on this wonderful day!

Smile at the dawn and open your window to the flow of joy and love.

I wish this morning to bring you inspiration for the whole day and that joy does not leave you for a minute today. Good morning.

Morning is birth, and birth is life. And life is a miracle released from above to everyone.

Good morning to you, my happiness! I want you to wake up today with a smile! And this morning was good.

My cat. Open your eyes and look at the sun. It sends you the rays that I send. And may it give us a wonderful day and evening. Good morning.

May the rays of the bright and warm sun give you my love, wrap you in warmth and give you a gentle gentle morning!

It is believed that success comes to those who get up early. No: success comes to those who get up in a good mood.

Good morning, look - life is striped, but we choose the colors ourselves.

Sunshine, good morning! The very best day.

With the first early bird, I send you my love, my greetings and good morning wishes. I wish you to wake up with pleasant thoughts so that the whole next day is filled with positive.

I wish you the best morning and joyful awakening. May the dawn bring many victories and optimism!

The new day will be as bright as the radiance of diamonds, it will bring as much pleasure as the leaves on a lush tree, it will make our love stronger than a hurricane! That's what I wish you this morning, my loved one!

I wish this morning, the kindest, cheerful, happy, beautiful, gentle, sweet and beautiful!

Let all worries and problems be forgotten about you! You are the best and beloved, I want, I want, I kiss you!

I wish that no matter the weather, every morning is good for you. Good morning.

Wake up, stretch and go drink coffee. good morning to you

Clear skies, a cheerful smile and a pleasant awakening to you! Let this morning be one of the thousands of the kindest and most joyful!

Good day! Oh, how empty and boring my life is without your presence. I want to be with you as soon as possible.

Have a great day, I so want to always be next to you, well, nothing, we'll see you soon.

Let your mood today be cool, and all day beautiful!

Waking up every morning is the main wealth in life.

I wish the best man a great day full of smiles and good mood!

Good morning to you, I'm counting the minutes and seconds until we meet with you, I can't wait to hug you!

Let the morning awakening be filled with rainbow happiness and sparks of tenderness!

I hope you slept well today and feel cheerful, cheerful and energetic! Well, if not, then I still wish you to be in an excellent mood today and successfully solve all problems.

Day follows night, it has always been and always will be. And the day always began, begins and will begin in the morning. And this morning will be your best!

Good morning, congratulations! Let this morning begin with positive thoughts and gratitude for everything that we are with you together!

I wish with all my heart that the day was not bad!

I wish this morning to bring you inspiration for the whole day and that joy does not leave you for a minute today. Good morning.

Go to work, have a nice day! I'll be waiting for you impatiently!

Let the lungs be filled with clean air, and the head with new thoughts, on this divine morning.

Let this morning all your plans turn out, the right people meet, important things be decided!

May today turn from ordinary to special! I love you, gently hug and kiss!

We wish you to enjoy, have fun and become only better!

Wake up, get dressed, get ready! The sun is already knocking on your window! A new day is in a hurry to begin, and it beckons you to new achievements.

Your day has come, forward to accomplishments and glory! Love you!

Good morning! Stretch well, smile very nicely

Let the joy of pleasant emotions fill your soul, all day, with gentle warmth.

And no matter what the weather is, everything will be great, because it's a new morning!

Good morning wishes in your own words to a friend - Starting from the very morning today, everything that you do brings joy and the day will be successful!

Good morning, beauty!
It's high time to get up.
May the beautiful weather
Makes you happy in the morning!

Drink coffee soon
Dress New Dress.
Smile more cheerfully -
Have a wonderful day!


Sun light. Dawn is dim.
Starts the day cool.
I remember my friend
I immediately feel joy.

You are my sister and friend
You are my lifeline.
We raised children together
Shared sorrows together.

And today, in a new day,
Thoughts only about you.
I remember our friendship
Good Morning Dear!


My friend, wake up
Planet always smile
Full of any energy, strength,
After all, morning is an incentive for this.

Get ready to meet the good.
Let the bad be in the past.
Our world is for the strong.
Flutter on joyful wings.


Open your eyes and see
The sun is already shining outside!
It gives you a sea of ​​love
Carefully laid out on the window.

Good morning, girlfriend!
Come on, get up!
The day is big, and he is waiting for accomplishments!
Get dressed soon - I'm already waiting for you,
Let's conquer the world together!


Good morning girlfriend!
Hurry to meet the new day.
You are such a sweetie to me.
Two clear arrows, a chiseled figure, rings.

Wake up and smile at the world!
If you want, you can even sing a song.
Let's work faster and plan things,
But so that in the evening with me in a cafe in time.

good morning sms to girlfriend


My dear friend, good morning to you. I wish you a pleasant awakening and a charge of inspiration for the whole day, I wish you the realization of all your plans and successfully completed deeds, vivid emotions and impressions, great luck, love and joyful surprises of life.


To you, dear friend,
I'm going Hello my early time.
To wake up with the sun
And smiled every time.

To wake up thoughts too
And filled the day with light.
And let the night no longer bother
And dissolves his shadow.


Good morning my beauty
Get out of bed as soon as possible
I wish you a good day
Light up everything with your smile!

May plans and goals be fulfilled,
So that the soul sings with happiness!
I want my eyes to playfully burn,
After all, your life, my dear, is so good!


Wake up, a new day is calling with it,
Open your curtains faster
Sweet dream gave peace all night,
Draw transparent patterns.

Smile and look out the window
There are so many fresh colors in this world,
In the soul in the morning is always light
And there is no place for dull masks.


Time to wake up my friend
The morning of a new day has already come to us.
And the sun knocks on your window
Open the curtains, congratulate him.

Lots more to do today
Forget about the pillow, leave laziness at home.
Look around! How beautiful the light
May you be surrounded by warmth and kindness.

Good morning wishes for girlfriend


Early Morning performed a miracle.
Dozing, closing the petals, the bell.
- Everyone is waiting. - There will come a minute,
And the arms of the night open.

Pieces of fog will settle into the grass,
A streak of dawn will light up in the sky.
Sleeps especially well in the morning.
Dreams are like fogs - helpless, deceitful.

The forest bird will wake up in the nest,
And sing, announcing the district.
In every dewdrop the sun splashes.
Good morning dear friend!


Good morning, I wish
A great start to the day
Look around you know
We need to create happiness.

Good morning smile
Rejoice, live, dream.
Enjoy the new day
Never be sad.


Wake up, dear friend
And smile sweetly at the sun!
Let it be brighter than the solar circle
You are full of love and life!

Let the day go well in the morning
And all the problems side.
I want you to start the day
Happy, bright, mischievous!


Well, another day has come
In your wonderful life!
The kettle has already boiled many times,
And the breakfast is not superfluous…

And you will bring a marafet,
But you are so beautiful!
Remember the songs couplet
And the day will be happy!


The morning light pours -
This is hello to the sun.
Good morning, honey,
Good luck, my dear!

The dream flies away.
You will smile again.
Morning hovers over the planet
Delicious and sweet candy.

You better get up
And wash up, come on
Good morning girlfriend!
A mug is waiting on the table with tea.

Good morning wishes to a friend. good morning poems for girlfriend


Good morning dear,
Wake up soon!
On this day I wish you
Hundreds of good news
Also joy and laughter,
Moods in color only
And great success
So that there is a lot of happiness!


Good morning my dear.
May this day give you
So much joy, warmth,
That sadness will completely go away, sadness.

Let everything you do
It will be successful
And may all your dreams
More like a reality.

Don't forget, always remember
That you are very dear to me.


This morning is so beautiful!
May success be with you
Let the sun shine for you clearly
Fill your world with kindness!

Smile radiantly to everyone
And instead of a ladybug, sit,
Enjoy wonderful life
And flutter like a butterfly!


Good morning my girlfriend!
Rather Wake up, the day is at the door.
Joy, friends and dreams are waiting for you,
Don't you want to see them?

Get out of bed quickly and go
Happiness does not like the lazy, does not wait,
To catch the firebird of good luck,
You need to start your day early!


May this morning be bright
And the brightest on earth
And the sun's ray is a hot stream
Will give joy, as in a dream.
You will soar like a bird
Laugh loudly like a stream
Clap your eyelashes habitually
Give everyone a smile.

good morning poems for girlfriend


Good morning my friend
Catch a positive message from me!
The clear sun will give you warmth,
Look out the window and it will smile.

Throw away your dreams and your blanket
Get up so that joy shines in your eyes,
Pour yourself a delicious mug of tea.
Have a nice day, dear friend!


On this sunny morning
You better get up
Tea hot, fragrant
Pour into your cup.


My friend, I am writing this to you,
To wish you Good morning!
I want you to smile back
To continue the day well.


Morning has come, my dear!
Meet the sun, opening your eyes.
Again worries, deeds, running around.
Good morning! Have a good day!

I'm sending you a text message
Good morning, I wish you.
Coffee, exercises, higher heels.
You, as always, the queen, my friend!


Good morning my girlfriend
I wish you a good day.
A ray of sunshine will give you a smile
Good luck will rush on a white horse.

Girl, get out of bed.
By yourself, dear, you decorate the world.
Catch bunches of flowers today.
Happiness, smiles, light, love!

Good morning wishes for a friend, have a nice day


Did you wake up? Good morning!
How is the mood today?
Open your eyes wider
Get yourself in motion.

Wash up, get dressed
Be careful with makeup.
Draw attention to yourself
Beauty, not outrageous.

We are waiting for you, friend,
Only great things!
I want you to wake up
And soon came to me!


Good morning, girlfriend. I wish you to wake up sweetly, smile to the whole world, awaken your fighting spirit and go towards bright victories and dreams. Let the morning be a wonderful and magical start to your successful and happy day.


My sleepyhead, wake up
A new day has already arrived!
Like the sun, smile
May your every moment shine!

Let today's plans
Will become a reality without difficulty!
I'm ready relentlessly
Repeat that you are a star!


Good morning my dear.
How did you sleep that night?
What did you dream about, I don't know
But I hope the best of dreams.

Stretch, smile, wake up.
Tell me what happened in the dream.
Get off the pillow faster
Start your life in a new day.


The night has passed, the dawn has descended,
Good morning, new day!
If you had a good dream
It would be time to drive away laziness. ,
And start the day with a smile
And with stern determination,
Turn dreams into reality
To make it a little more real.

good morning girlfriend


Good morning! What's up?
How did you sleep today?
What did you see in your dream?
Did you miss me?

Drink coffee with chocolate
And the day will be sweet.
And to have a sweet life,
Come to me in the morning.


Mischievous eyes see
Sunbeam in front of you
The ray is gentle, will not offend,
Play only with you!

Sending: « with Good morning!”,
And smile and hello
It's cool to be your friend
The whole world will submit to us!

After all, dreams must come true
Or nothing to dream
Need to live, fly, fall in love
And don't forget your friends!


May the Sunny Dawn awaken gently,
Whispering in your ear: « how good you are!"
Let the day begin in the morning serene
And the soul will be filled with warmth, goodness.

Let the glare of the rays warm with soft light,
Let the bright day intoxicate with beauty.
And in your heart it will be like summer
Lilacs always bloom from happiness.


Good morning wish!
Let the day start well.
Rather open your eyes
And enter the new day with a smile.

My dear friend,
Let there be only good morning.
Spend a day of problems not knowing.
My friend, good morning!


My faithful friend
Good morning to you today!
Get out of bed quickly
Open the window of dawn!

May your life be complete
Good luck, always happy.
You smile at the sun in the morning
Rather, girlfriend, wake up.

Be loved, love yourself
Deeds new mountains.
Wake up and give the world
His, part, kindness.

good morning greetings to girlfriend


good morning my friend,
You understand me like no one else
I love and respect you as a friend,
And I feel you in my soul!


Girlfriend, good morning.
May the day bring good luck
Start of the day Vigorous
And joy in addition.

Set the mood in the morning
This is how your day will go.
Put on a smile instead
Nose up and forward.


Dawn, turning on the charm,
Rays will illuminate your day.
Girlfriend, he with his silence
Keeps your peace.

From my side, I wish
Only in the morning have a good sip,
It's beautiful, I dare say
Gives a flow of energy.


You sweetly stretched
She opened her eyes and smiled.
And welcome the new day
Made the rumpled bed.

Good morning dear friend,
I wish you a sunny day.
So that everything goes cool today
And the earth revolved for you.


With you we are Twix sticks,
Close and inseparable
You are my lifesaver!
And there is nothing better in the world!

The rays will warm you
And kiss on the nose
And the sun will burn
Light up the pavement.

Get up my beauty
Dear girlfriend,
Morning is already busy
I love and hug!


Good every morning
If you are with me
Sweet and beautiful
Like a dream come true
Good morning gentle
How good it is to have you.


Good morning! Good morning!
Dear husband.
Wake up get dressed
You are the best today.

Today is a very bright day
Take a quick look out the window.
I do not regret good words
After all, we've been friends for a long time.


Sending good morning wishes to my friend. May the awakening be joyful and sweet, may the day be filled with happy moments and good luck, may love, determination and a thirst for happiness guide you in the morning.


It's morning outside!
I hope you are already up.
Take a break for a minute
I sent you greetings.

My sweet girlfriend
I regret your new strength.
Put down your pillow!
Good Morning Dear!


The sun is knocking on the window
Good morning has come.
How did you sleep my friend?
Rested well?

The day will go smoothly today
After all, you have everything on your shoulder.
Angels are stealthily with you
I'll whisper a secret.

You are a good friend
Kind sweet person.
The most faithful friend in the area,
Next to us - a complete set.

I am writing to you my friend
To lift your spirits.
And good morning from the heart
I want to wish you!

Let people around today
Everything makes you happy.
Everything I thought I did
And the whole day went by with a bang!

Good morning dear!
Greet the day with smiles
He promises good luck
So don't guess.

Dress up prettier
Add bright colors
Weekdays will be more fun
Just don't be discouraged.

Stop sleeping, let's get up
Start the day with a smile
Let the morning into the house,
Sleep quickly let go.

Good morning dear
Things are waiting for you
Listen dear friend
It's time for you to take a shower!

Leave your pillow
Throw away the blanket
Do some light exercise
And throw off your fatigue!

Quick, quick, get ready
You fell asleep today
Just smile at the world
Implement your plans!

Good morning dear!
On the threshold - a new day.
The darkness of the night has dissipated
And she disappeared like a shadow.

What awaits us with you today?
We will all find out in turn.
Wake up, girlfriend
A new day is coming!

Good morning! I wish you
To be lucky right from the morning.
Everything will work out, I promise
You will redo everything.

Open your eyes soon, beauty!
Morning has come a long time ago
And the weather is beautiful outside
Open the window wider!

Blanket off and pillow off!
Life is in full swing, beckoning with joy.
Good morning, dear friend!
With a wonderful start to the day!

Good morning, good afternoon,
Rejoice that we are alive!
You, my friend, wake up
Get dressed, wash up
There is so much waiting in the world
Time is keeping score!
You will delay, you will miss
Your life, and you know
The faster you get up
All dreams will come closer!

Wake up from sleep
My dear friend!
Smile at yourself first
Suddenly the mood will come to you.

Think good things this morning
And may you be lucky today
And may joy be with you
Then the day will go faster.

I wish you good morning
And with it one good thing.
I won't stop being friends with you
Because I appreciate you so much!

The sun is up, the birds are singing
Good news will bring you
Wake up, hurry up
Pour tea or coffee into a mug!

Do exercises, brush your teeth,
In your favorite dress, you spin around
Good morning my friend,
Have a nice day!

Girlfriend, let the morning be clear
Life is full and beautiful
May an angel accompany you
Luck opens its doors.

I want fabulous love
Move fast towards the goal
Near good and faithful people,
Moments of bright, unusual!

Crickets sang outside the windows,
And the stars in the sky burned out.
A beautiful dawn has risen
And it's time for everyone to wake up.

And you, girlfriend, get up,
Light up with your smile.
I wish you all the best
And good morning congratulations!

Sometimes, to cheer up, just beautiful words in the morning are enough. On our site you will find many beautiful good morning wishes that you can address to your beloved friend. You will not only cheer her up, but also charge her with positive energy for the whole day. Choose from our huge variety exactly the right wish that your girlfriend will definitely like and send it to her. Here you will find not only beautiful good morning wishes, but also humorous, witty, serious or even black humor. Our site is constantly updated and simplified so that you always feel comfortable looking for wishes that are also constantly updated. Every day we add more and more beautiful words and phrases so you always have plenty to choose from.

Girlfriend, good morning,
Hello from the sun
Glistening with mother-of-pearl
Decoration dawn.
Today is the day you need
All warmed by the sun
May there be joy in it
And many victories.

My best friend,
I wish you good morning and a good day.
Meeting you changed me
For the better,
I give my all to our friendship.
I want every morning to be cheerful,
And the mood is always soft and kind.
May the days be filled with magic power
And you will always bloom and stay cute.
Let your life be like chocolate
And nerves like steel ropes are in order.

The sun shines through the window
It's been a bright day.
Let me meet you today
Light of inspiration.
Smile my friend
Don't be sad, don't be sad
Have a cup of coffee
And hurry to win.

Birds flutter cheerfully
They sing with overflows ...
I wish you good morning
Change your destiny!
Let today be better
All that is already in destiny.
Every day is a lucky break
Smiling at you!

Let the morning be gentle.
Calm, serene.
Clear or hazy.
Maybe a little strange.
Let the morning be in love.
Inspired by your dream.
Let the beloved wake you up in the morning ...
And most importantly, let it be.

An impudent yawn attacked,
It's hard to get up in the morning!
Ah, if anyone could
Alarm clock shot at the ceiling
Shred the clock into details,
To sleep, never interfere,
And extend the night for an hour,
To spit on the ceiling in the morning!
Not everyone probably knows
That the morning is good.
With the start of a beautiful day
I hasten to congratulate you!

I want to wake up easily
And get up on that foot today!
And plunge into the turmoil
But just take care of your nerves!
So that a stranger or a passerby
Gave you a smile.
A day to turn out fine
Success soar in the air!
Let every hour pass pleasantly
Brings happiness and comfort.
Time is running out irrevocably
And the impressions live!

A cup of hot hello
Crispy wish cookie
A spoonful of sweet smile and
A slice of great success - for you!
Enjoy the day!
Good morning!

Stop sleeping, the alarm clock is ringing,
And the fridge hums
Don't be lazy, let's get up
Wash your face!
And don't forget about charging
To not fall asleep again.
Spread a sandwich with pate,
Top with cheese and two cutlets,
Make stronger tea
I wish you good morning.

Sweet dream changes colors
You swim and everything is like in a fairy tale.
warm summer breeze
Licked the sea sand
The horizon pierced the dawn
Chasing away the moonlight.
That's all it's time to get up
Open your eyes
The sun shines in the window
You wake up in silence
The ray will gently play,
Run down the back
tickle your heels,
Get out of bed quickly.

The name of this meeting Good morning wishes to a friend are cool, only cool edifications from a sincere heart and soul!

Good mood and well-being, smart ideas and plans!

Beloved, I wish you a good day, so that no one upsets you today, so that there is success in business, and you are head and shoulders above everyone else!

Good morning! Let the sun smile at you and welcome the world.

This morning is unique and wonderful. But, let today be especially wonderful and bring you only joy!

Good smiles and cheerful morning, and of course kiss you!

Let a beautiful bird of good luck circle over your head today, let it drive away all problems from you with every wave of its wings!

With the first ray of sunshine, let your kind soul be filled with joy and positive energy for the whole day. Let the little birds at the window wake you up with their singing and tell you about my love for you!

A new beautiful day awaits you with new things to do and surprises! Good morning!

Today, fate from the very early morning will be generous with pleasant gifts and unexpected sweet surprises!

I wish that on this cloudy day your heart was warm and sunny!

May all your rainbow dreams come true this morning.

I wish you a wonderful and sunny mood for the whole day, strength, a sense of vivacity and optimism. May everything work out for you today, may good luck be with you from morning to evening.

Let the very first, most quivering rays gently touch your eyelashes. Your day will start with a smile, with a desire to do something new and amazing!

Good morning, my dear man, shine and energize for the whole day.

This morning you will definitely be kind, as well as magical, light and huge!

On this cool morning, I wish you brave inspiration, amazing energy and a surge of strength ...

Good morning! From the bottom of my heart, I wish you good luck. May everything work out without fail, may fortune smile on you not for a moment, but for the rest of your life.

I wish you, friend, that this day be filled with only pleasant emotions. Good luck in your endeavors.

Good morning! I wish that luck shines on you with a bright star, warms you with a kind sun and drives you with a persistent breeze.

This morning will be the kindest, for sure. Just don't miss your happiness, look carefully.

Good morning, look - life is striped, but we choose the colors ourselves.

On this day, believe in yourself, in your strengths and step forward towards new victories and achievements!

Happy New Morning! May it bring you luck and happiness today!

I wish the best man a great day full of smiles and good mood!

Let this morning be the most unusual and amazing! Good morning!

Let the sonorous dawn charge you with positive and the energy of the sun, let my love inspire and inspire you

Good morning! I wish you good luck, luck and the assistance of higher powers on the way to your goal!

May you always have someone to wake up for, may only attractive and joyful emotions await constantly around the corner.

I wish you a good day! May it give you the opportunity to become even better, reach new heights and gain strength for tomorrow.

I want to wish your new day to be sunny, successful and interesting.

Kiss! I wish you the most wonderful day, in everything today, success is beautiful!

Wake up my love, the most tender, kind and sweet, blinding with beauty like the bright morning sun.

Have a nice day, have a great week! Working days so as not to get bored! So that life invigorates and gives wonderful moments!

Dear, I am sending you a ton of good mood and the same amount of luck for the whole day in SMS!

Beloved, the sun shines through the window, hoping to see you! The whole world is waiting, and I long to hear your voice!

I want to wish you that the morning flares up in the sky with a crimson color, the clouds turn white like whipped cream. So that the air is sweet as syrup, and you can get drunk on it. And so that your whole day is as sweet as this morning. But, so that after it there are no sweet sticky fingers left.

As soon as the sun woke up and warmed me with its first rays, I immediately thought of you. About your gentle hands and touches, about your beautiful eyes and your wonderful nose. Good morning my dear, I hope you think of me in the morning too.

Every time I look forward to your awakening with special joy. You give me happiness! Sunny morning, love!

I wish you a successful day and remember at the end of this day that someone is waiting for you!

Good morning! Have a great day and feel great!

I congratulate you on the start of a new cool day! Everything will be cool and everything will work out!

Good morning! Look how beautiful the world is, how beautiful the trees are, how loudly the birds sing, and the sky is high and clear from the sunlight!

Beloved have a good day, you are in my heart and thoughts forever! I love and miss you now!

May this day be filled with light and warmth. I give you my smile!

I wish you new successes and solutions to old problems on the new day. Good luck!

This morning, I wish you to meet this day confidently and cheerfully, and spend it successfully and beautifully!

Let your soul rejoice, and your heart tremble with joy, because we will see each other this morning!

The first awakened sunbeam will kiss you gently on the lips. I sent him to you to wish you good morning

The sun has risen, illuminating the world. This light will help you start your day positively!

No one knows what a new day will bring, but I'm sure it will be successful and happy for you, good morning.

Let this morning begin with a great charge of positive energy and dedication to dreams...

Be surprised at the new day, my treasure, the bright sun has been knocking on your windows for a long time. Good morning, may everything be wonderful with you today.

I wish you fruitful work, pleasant rest, happy moments and joyful feelings!

Birdsong outside the window is a wonderful accompaniment to the beginning of this wonderful day. Good morning!

May the young dawn give you joy and happiness, may the morning be a continuation of a beautiful day.

Good morning! Have a nice day! Let the sun give you my ray of warmth!

Let your day fly by in one easy breath!

My most beloved and kind person, good morning to you!

Good morning! Let the gentle sun shine for you today, the gentle wind blow and everyone around smile!

Good morning my kitty! How do you sleep without me? I have nightmares and dream of meeting the next dawn in the protective cocoon of your embrace!

Good morning! May the good sun shine on you today, a gentle wind blow and passers-by smile. May this morning bring you good luck, happiness and enthusiasm for the whole day!

Good day! Oh, how empty and boring my life is without your presence. I want to be with you as soon as possible.

A beautiful morning has come, it beckons to go out into this world and achieve!

Let bright ideas visit your head at those moments when they are so needed, and let bad ones bypass it.

Careless flight of thoughts to you today and the most inspired morning.

Wake up, my wonderful friend, it's time to open up to the morning sun and light positive.

This morning is for you, and this day is only yours, I believe in you!

May this day your path be strewn with stones of good luck that block the path of despondency, resentment, problems and sadness.

My love, I'm looking forward to seeing you! I wish you all the best luck! You are the main thing in my life! My favorite hero!

Let the morning awakening be filled with rainbow happiness and sparks of tenderness!

I wish you the very best morning and a clear day, despite the unpredictability of the weather outside!

I want to wish you three important things today: first, let your work please you, not you; secondly, let your friends pay in a restaurant on the principle of all for one, and not one for all, and thirdly, let them wake you up with the words I love you !, and don’t open it, police !. Good morning!

I congratulate you on a good morning! The sun is already at its zenith, and you are still sleeping, couch potato?

This morning, let a delicious breakfast charge you with strength and positive energy, and all the planned activities will be 5+!

The world is beautiful because there is you! Good morning my most adored person in the universe!

Let your mood be transmitted positively to others and return in the form of sincere, life-affirming smiles.

Give every day a chance to be the most beautiful day of your life!

Good morning wishes to a friend are cool - Let the morning invigorate you with gentle sunlight, early flowers will delight you with their delicate aroma!
