Beautiful napkins for the table. Setting the table with paper napkins

How to beautifully fold napkins so that they serve not only for hygienic purposes and act as decoration and create a mood? This question can only be asked by a real housewife, whose comfort in her home is noticeable even in the smallest details. In order to give unusual shapes to paper tableware, you don’t need to be an origami master. You can use the simplest schemes. The main thing is to have a sense of style, correctly assess the moment and think originally. This is what we will try to learn.

Let's start with the fact that in general, napkins can be divided into fabric and paper. Fabric ones create solemnity, give the table sophistication, even some formality. However, their use is not always appropriate. For example, if we are talking about a friendly party, a children's birthday, or a festive dinner in a close family circle, the best option would be bright, unusual paper napkins, originally folded and matching the theme of the holiday.

When thinking about how to beautifully fold paper napkins, it is worth considering several principles, following which you can achieve a brilliant result.

So, paper napkins must meet the following criteria.

  1. Their shape varies depending on the festive occasion and the age of the guests.
  2. They should be folded simply so that guests do not have to unwrap them for a long time before using them for their intended purpose.
  3. They allow various folding options, suitable for fabric tableware items. The main thing is to choose those in which they are folded simply, with a small number of steps and nuances, because the size of paper napkins is, as a rule, much smaller, and it will be difficult and even impossible to implement complex patterns.
  4. Napkins are selected in harmony in color with the tablecloth and items with which the festive table is served.
  5. You can place them on a plate, place them in a glass or napkin holder. Depending on this, the addition option is selected.
  6. Just before folding, when it comes time to set the table, the napkins should already be prepared. You should also practice in advance in order to “get into the swing of things” and so that this activity does not take up much time in the pre-holiday bustle.

If the housewife absolutely does not know how to fold paper napkins, and the patterns offered everywhere on the Internet and women's magazines seem incomprehensible and difficult to implement, it is worth learning the simplest shapes: a tube, a corner, an accordion - and playing with colors.

Tricks in the simplest addition schemes

If the hostess cannot and does not like to use complex patterns for folding napkins or there is simply no time for this, but you want to surprise guests with an original table setting, you can implement the simplest patterns and focus on well-chosen colors.

They should be chosen in relation to the colors of the tablecloth or the theme of the holiday. Let's give simple examples.

Fold with a corner, accordion, tube and fan

Those who are just mastering the science of folding paper napkins should start with the basic options. But how to fold paper napkins beautifully without using complex patterns? As mentioned above, they can be placed on a plate, in a glass or placed in a napkin holder.

If you need to insert a napkin into a glass, fold it into a tube according to the following algorithm.

  1. Unfold a large square napkin completely.
  2. Bend it diagonally to make a triangle.
  3. Place the triangle in front of you, base down.
  4. Now you should roll the resulting triangle into a tube. Roll the paper around three fingers (index, middle and ring), starting at the right corner of the triangle, placing it between the thumb and index finger of your right hand.
  5. You should end up with a tube with a smooth edge at the bottom and an uneven edge at the top.
  6. Mark 1/3 of the tube at the top and bend it outward.
  7. Insert the straw into the glass.

If the table is set using a napkin holder, you can place the napkins in it like an accordion or in corners. To make an accordion, do the following.

  1. If the napkin is small (for example, 25x25cm), unfold it completely and follow the next steps. If it is large (33x33 cm or more), fold it in four, that is, in two folds.
  2. Gather the napkin with an accordion in increments of about 1-2 cm.
  3. Fold in half and insert into a napkin holder. In order for napkins folded in this way to look good, there should be a lot of them in one napkin holder.

Corner folding is the simplest. With this method, a square napkin is folded diagonally to form an isosceles triangle, and then the triangle is folded along the median coming from the corner opposite the base, that is, in half. This is done until the napkin takes the desired size. Then the corners are inserted into the napkin holder.

A napkin folded like a fan is placed on a plate or on the table next to it. To do this, you need the following.

  1. Unfold the napkin completely and fold it in half. The front side should be on the outside.
  2. Gather the paper with an accordion, leaving ¼ of it untouched. Attention: the first fold should be made downwards. The last fold should be made upward, that is, the accordion should be on the surface of the napkin, and not under it.
  3. Bend the structure horizontally in half so that the accordion is on the outside.
  4. Take the free, not accordion-folded part by the lower left corner and fold it, tucking it inside the folds. The result should be an accordion with a leg at the back.

Are you wondering how to beautifully fold paper napkins to decorate your table? Follow the simple recommendations described in the article. They will allow, without spending a lot of time, to make the table setting original, intricate and interesting, which guests and household members will definitely appreciate.

A tastefully set table can turn an ordinary meal into an event and bring pleasure not only from the dishes eaten, but also aesthetic pleasure. It is very important for a woman to be beautiful; it is important to make her not only with words, but also with a memorable evening.
Meanwhile, elegantly folded napkins will create an incomparable holiday atmosphere and make your table especially memorable. It is good to use thick linen or cotton napkins; they hold their shape well and allow you to create original compositions from them. For sophisticated napkin “origami”, they can be lightly starched.
Of course, napkins can be folded in four and placed at each cutlery, but a few simple manipulations with them will add style and personality to your table and create the right mood even before guests sit down at the table.
There are many ways and options for how to fold napkins beautifully. Here are some of them.

How to beautifully fold paper napkins on a holiday table

How to beautifully fold paper napkins into a fan

If we beautifully decorate the dishes for the festive table, then it wouldn’t hurt to decorate the napkins beautifully so that our table sparkles with beauty and originality.
We will learn how to beautifully fold paper napkins and surprise our guests.
Now we will design the napkins in the form of a fan.
To do this, we need a paper napkin of any color you like, rectangular in shape.
Step-by-step instruction:
1.Lay out the napkin face down. And fold it in half from top to bottom.

3. Turn the napkin over and bend it from top to bottom.

4. The part that is not folded, on the left, is folded diagonally from top to bottom, so that it fits between the folds.

Now you know a few more ways to fold napkins beautifully.
Decorate your holiday table with them and delight yourself and your guests. Folding paper napkins beautifully is not at all difficult, you just need not to be lazy and want to find a little time for creativity.

How to beautifully fold paper napkins on the New Year's table

A variety of figures are made from paper napkins, from simple ones to real works of art. Why not use napkins to decorate the New Year's table? For example, you can roll them in the shape of Christmas trees, decorate them with beads and get a real New Year's decoration on each plate.
This method will be ideal for decorating the New Year's table.
Step-by-step instruction:
1. To make such a Christmas tree, use napkins that need to be layered. Place a napkin folded in four, with the open corners facing you.

2. You need to separate the corners of the napkin. Start folding the corners of the napkin in the center at a distance of approximately 1.5 cm from each other.

3.Napkin with all corners bent. Then you need to turn the napkin over.

4.Next you need to wrap the napkin on both sides and smooth out the fold.

5.Then turn the napkin over again and bend all the resulting corners to the top. Place the ends of the next corner under the previous one.

6.After completing the last corner, fold the remaining part of the napkin back.

Use it for its intended purpose, beautifully arranged on a plate.
Decorate the Christmas tree with all kinds of tinsel, stars or beads, New Year's toys. Under such a napkin in the form of a Christmas tree for each guest you can put a small surprise or a card with New Year's wishes.

How to beautifully fold paper napkins into a heart shape

This is exactly how you can decorate a festive table on one of your favorite holidays, which both adults and children love – Valentine’s Day.

You will need: a square-shaped paper napkin, preferably red, but this is optional.
Step-by-step instruction:
1. Lay out your napkin and fold it in half to form a triangle.

2.Then fold the right corner of the napkin towards the center to the top corner of your triangle.

3.Do the same with the left corner of your triangle, bend it upward towards the center.

4. Turn your napkin over to the reverse side.

5.Next, fold the top corner down towards the center of the napkin.

6.Then the two remaining upper corners of the napkin need to be bent to the sides.

7. In order to make our heart more round in shape, we need to bend the upper sharp corners. And turn it over to the other side.

Paper napkins for the holiday table in the form of a palm branch

Step-by-step instruction:
1.Fold the napkin in half. Solid side down and fold the top corners of the top layer toward the middle down.

2.Turn the napkin and bend the top layer towards the middle.

3. Bend both bottom corners of the top layer from the middle along the bias upwards.

4.Fold the accordion starting from the left side.

5.Repeat step 4, starting from the right side.

6.Unfold the napkin, tie the bottom part with a string, and your palm branch is ready.

Method of folding napkins in the form of a maple leaf

Before the holiday, you should think about the decor of the festive table, because it’s no secret that beautiful decoration is the key to a good mood!
In general, as it turned out, folding a serving napkin beautifully is not such a difficult task. Follow the instructions and everything will work out!
We offer you a way to beautifully fold a paper napkin in the shape of a maple leaf.
Step-by-step instruction:
1.Take your square shaped paper napkin and fold it in half.

2.Then, fold the upper right corner to the center of the napkin, pressing the edges well.

3.Next you need to bend the lower right corner of the triangle upward to the center of the paper napkin.

4.Next you need to move the top left corner of your napkin to the center down.

5.Then, as shown in the photo below, bend the top corners of the napkin to the sides.

6. Thread the napkin into the ring. The edges need to be straightened in the form of leaves.

Sometimes you really want to surprise the guests of your home with something, be it a delicious meal, a beautifully decorated table, or intricately folded paper napkins. We very often celebrate holidays at home, gathering family and friends around one large table. Beautifully folded paper napkins can be one of those charming details that make up a memorable holiday. A few simple movements - and the faceless square will turn into a completely new figure.

How to fold paper napkins for a holiday table?

There are many ways to fold napkins. Some of them are only suitable for reusable decorative fabric napkins, but we will pay more attention to disposable paper napkins.

For these purposes, paper napkins from larger packages are best suited, since on sale you can find very small square napkins that will not look good when folded. So, in this article we will look at four interesting ways to fold paper napkins.

1. Mithras

Method number 1. Mithra. You can fold napkins this way very quickly if you fill your hand. These napkins will look great on your table.

1. First you need to unfold the napkin to get a square. 2. Then fold it into a triangle. 3. We connect the lower corners of the triangle to its vertex, as in figure number 3. 4. Then we bend the upper corners down and carefully iron the fold. 5. Now bend the upper corner towards the center of the napkin, as in figure number 5. 6. Once again fold the just bent part of the napkin in half. 7. For the third time, bend the napkin to get a triangle. 8. Turn the napkin over. 9. Connect the corners of the napkin together. 10. Bend the corner. 11. Bend the second corner.

2. Petals

An incredibly effective way to fold napkins is to make petals out of them. It is especially beautiful to fold milky napkins in this way. It is very important here to carefully iron each fold and avoid mistakes, otherwise the napkins will look untidy.

1. Unfold the napkin, placing its corner towards you. 2. Fold the bottom corner towards the center of the napkin. 3. Bend it down so that it looks like in Figure 4. Now bend the corner up. 5. Down again. 6. Up again. 7. Now we need to fold the napkin like an accordion, carefully ironing each fold. 8. When the napkin is completely folded, you need to take it by the center and twist it. 9. We straighten our petals.

3. Flower

One of the easiest and fastest ways to fold a napkin beautifully is to roll it in the shape of a flower. This method will not take much of your time, but will definitely please your guests.

1. Let's expand the square. 2. Fold the first corner towards the center of the napkin. 3. Fold all remaining corners towards the center of the napkin. 4. Let's turn our square over. 5. Fold the corner back toward the center of the napkin. 6. Fold the remaining corners towards the center. 7. Gently pry a corner from the back of the napkin and gently pull it towards you to form a petal. 8. Decorate all the petals and place the finished napkin on a plate.

4. Pocket

A napkin in the form of a pocket is a great way to effectively set a table (read about the rules of table setting). Small napkins are not suitable for such purposes, since cutlery simply will not fit in them.

1. Take a folded napkin from the package. 2. Fold in half. 3. Fold the corner towards the center of the napkin. 4. Bend the bent part in half. 5. Bend it again. 6. Following the example of the first one, we bend another corner. 7. Roll it up again. 8. Turn the napkin over. 9. Bend from both sides to the center. 10. Turn over. 11. Place the cutlery on the plate and place it in the resulting pocket.

Today, a table napkin is considered a common household item. It protects clothes while eating and adds variety to the table. Even simple paper can be given a unique look. Here are some tips on how to beautifully fold napkins on a holiday table.

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Subtleties of serving

  • Remember that products of any quality must be square (35*35 or 46*46 for special cases). Give the rectangular ones the desired shape by bending them correctly;
  • When folding into the original shape, try to touch it with your hands as little as possible. The same applies to cutlery if you are making a composition with them;
  • The folded structure should be easily straightened by the guest;
  • Fold all napkins of any quality on the same table in the same pattern;
  • If you're planning a simple dinner, don't try to make your napkins into fancy shapes. Flat shapes are best. But if a snack plate is used during a meal, make a three-dimensional figure. The columns add special solemnity;
  • Don't overdo it with decorating the holiday table. Remember the functionality of the napkin;
  • Place the napkin on a pie plate or appetizer dish. It is also acceptable to place it on the left. The exception is serving with drinks. Place the napkin in a cup or wrap it around the handle;
  • When choosing a product to match the tablecloth, remember that thinner pieces look better. If the tablecloth is lighter or darker in shade, the material should be the same;
  • Use rings. These table decoration elements are created from completely different materials (leather, beads, strips of fabric or flowers). Sometimes the rings are included with the sets, but they are easy to make with your own hands.

Original ideas

To surprise guests at a festive table or banquet, you even need to give napkins an original appearance. We have provided 18 text ideas and detailed diagrams for you.

To begin, fold the fabric or paper diagonally to form an isosceles triangle. Align both equal corners with the top, fold in the middle. Bend the top of the triangle and carefully unfold the future flower. Take this process seriously, if your napkin is paper and thin, it is easy to tear it when unfolding.

Fold in half so that the two free edges are on the left. Fold the resulting rectangle a second time. Fold the bottom piece of the napkin up diagonally. Fold both corners towards you, and bend their protruding parts inward. Fold the napkin back along the vertical axis, and then carefully pull out the future sails of the ship from its sinuses.

This method is suitable for a fabric napkin because it involves turning the material. Fold the material for the future megaphone in half four times. Determine the middle, and bend both sides of the resulting rectangle down. Turn the shape so the front side is facing you and roll the ends into miniature rolls. Connect them as in the photo and place the napkin on the plate.


  • A horizontal sachet allows you to present cutlery in an original way. To create it, fold the fabric product in half with the right side facing inward. Make sure the fold is at the bottom. Fold the top 1/3 down to create a center fold. Turn the napkin with the other side towards you. Bend the “wings” so that they meet in the middle. Repeat this action.
  • For a diagonal sachet, fold a square cloth napkin into quarters. Bend the level of the first fabric layer by 5 centimeters. Fold the second layer in the same way, tuck it under the first, forming a miniature pocket. Carefully fold the napkin, removing all remaining pieces of fabric inside. Place the future sachet on the table, fold it at the top and bottom so that the cutlery is easily held in the fabric and the folds run diagonally. The diagonal sachet is considered a complex folding method, so take advantage of the video tutorial.

Bend about 1/4 of a napkin made of any material downwards. Unfold the napkin and fold it 1/3 up, fold it in half from bottom to top. Form something like an accordion fan out of the material and pinch one of the sides. Pull out the hidden folds from the top. Secure them using pressure or a paper clip.

Envelope or handbag

Fold the material in half vertically. Place it so that the curve of the napkin goes along the right side. Bend the resulting rectangle from bottom to top. Fold the first two layers of paper in the upper left corner towards the middle, and do the same with the right one. Bend the tiny triangle at the top to the bottom, and do the same for the unused layers.

Place the napkin face down. Fold all four corners of the paper square inward. Repeat this manipulation. Turn the napkin over and fold the corners inward once. The last step remains: pull out the tip of the napkin remaining inside the quadrangle. Then straighten all the remaining corners so that they look the same.

Napkin on a fork

Fold the napkin diagonally. Bend its lower edge by 2 or 3 centimeters. Make three equal folds and place them between the tines of a fork. If you are not using a regular four-prong fork, change the number of folds.

Fold the napkin so that the free edges are at the bottom. Fold the top corners towards the middle, and connect the sides so that the sharp corners are at the bottom. Turn the figure inside out and bend the paper ends to form a support for the future structure. Fold it inward and place the napkin in the shape of a pointed mountain vertically.


Fold the napkin diagonally. Bend the base upward about 2.5 centimeters. Starting from the left edge, gradually roll the napkin into a roll. Fold the bottom edge inward and place your column vertically on a flat surface.

Fold the fabric in half vertically, making sure the fold is on the left. Bend the upper left and right corners downwards, and the lower ones – the same distance upwards. Fold both resulting triangles down or up (depending on their location).

Fold the napkin diagonally. Roll the resulting triangle into a small accordion from bottom to top. Use the small triangle remaining on top to secure it. To do this, bend the figure in half and straighten it. Secure the resulting flame with a napkin ring, paper clip, or other decorative elements.

Simple tents

  • To create a tent for two, fold the napkin in half so that the fold is at the top. Fold the top corner on the left towards the middle, and do the same with the opposite one. Fold the napkin and place it on a flat surface of the table or plate;

  • The triple tent is considered one of the simplest paper napkin folding methods. Bend a square napkin out of paper diagonally. Bend the resulting miniature triangle again, connecting the corners together. Fold the napkin again, and then install the structure vertically.

Place the napkin on a flat surface, folded diagonally. Fold the bottom corner up, and the protruding left corner down. Do the same manipulations with the right one. Now carefully fold the sides towards the center and straighten the napkin, turning it over to the side with the pattern. It can be decorated with a miniature shell.

Napkin etiquette

  • After the dish has been brought, place the napkin on your lap with the curve facing you;
  • Wipe your mouth and hands with the top of the napkin, carefully lifting the cloth or paper from your lap. Never use a napkin to erase lipstick marks, do not transfer it to the table surface and do not fiddle with it while waiting for a new dish;
  • If you start to feel thirsty while eating, pat your lips first;
  • Do not use the fallen napkin again: replace it with another one. Even if we are talking about fabric;
  • Do not remove the napkin from your lap until everyone present has finished eating. Then simply place the paper to the right of the plate. These simple rules will allow you to show off your knowledge at any celebration and even organize your own with non-standard decorative elements.

The festive table should not only be tasty, but also beautiful. Proper small dishes and cutlery, tablecloths are the key to success for a housewife. The table can be decorated with original cut fruits, as well as ordinary paper napkins in an original design. In the rest of this article, we'll talk about how to fold paper napkins beautifully.

It should be noted that for formal celebrations it is better to choose fabric, it looks larger and adds some charm to the atmosphere at the table. A family feast or a modest table with friends will be more suitable with light tones of napkins and cheerful paper napkins, which will not only be a hygiene product on your table, but also an interesting decor.

Rules and schemes for folding paper napkins

When choosing the shape of future origami masterpieces, they should be based on the age range of the guests and the hero of the occasion for whom the party is being held.
There is no need to lay them too deep. Still, the direct purpose of the napkin should come first and they should unfold without difficulty. Paper napkins should match the color of the dishes and tablecloth.
Towels can be placed in a glass, in a napkin holder, or placed on plates.
Practice in advance so that before the holiday itself you can quickly fold all the napkins, because in addition to this, serving, preparing and displaying dishes is required. In addition, the hostess needs to put herself in order before the guests arrive.

Folding napkins in different ways

Sometimes patterns from books on needlework or from the Internet are very confusing and incomprehensible patterns for folding napkins. The sheer number of signs and symbols is overwhelming and discourages anyone from trying to fold paper towels and place them in the top tray. But don’t despair, because there are several basic methods, the mastery of which does not require a diagram. Just follow the execution plan exactly to fold beautiful paper napkins.

Napkin folding “Tube”

If you plan to put napkins in a glass, you will like a tube design. To make neat napkin tubes:

    • Unfold the napkin;
    • Fold the paper napkin diagonally into a triangle;
    • Turn the triangle so that its top is at the top in the plane of the table on which you placed it;
    • Now carefully screw the corner three fingers from the right corner;
    • As a result, you will get tubes with a flat base and a beveled end on top;
    • The napkin tubes can be bent outward and the napkins can be placed in a glass.

      Folding napkins “Accordion”

When thinking about how to beautifully fold napkins in a napkin holder, pay attention to the following methods. You can arrange napkins like an accordion. Consider the accordion scheme:

  • Unfold the napkin completely;
  • Fold the paper into an accordion. The edge should remain about 2 cm;
  • Bend the accordion in half and insert it into the napkin holder. To make it all look beautiful, there should be a lot of these accordions in the napkin holder, while they will hold each other and not lose their shape.

Napkin folding “Heart”

The easiest way to beautifully fold napkins is with a “heart.” To do this, simply fold the fabric until it is the size you want.

To correctly and beautifully fold paper napkins in the shape of a heart:

  • Unfold the paper and fold the square in half.
  • Wrap one end of the napkin behind the other and do the same with the other;
  • Turn the workpiece over and bend the corners a little;
  • All this can be ironed so that the seams are even and do not unravel;
  • All that remains is to put this beauty on a plate and put it on the table.

Other napkin folding patterns

Scheme "Lily"

    • Fold the unfolded napkin into a triangle;
    • Fold the corners of the base of the triangle together with its upper part;
    • Fold the resulting quadrilateral on a horizontal axis. You will get a triangle again;
    • The right and left corners are connected to each other at the back of the figure. The result is a three-dimensional composition;
    • Pull the top corners in different directions.
    • You can make another move and make a “train” of Lily.
    • For this purpose, fold the back side parts at the top corner and turn the corners that were mentioned in the previous paragraph. This design will effectively decorate the holiday table.

Scheme "Cradle"

  • Fold the napkin in half twice;
  • Fold the upper corners of the quadrangle symmetrically;
  • Turn the napkin over and fold it into a bag shape;
  • The cradle is ready.

Paper napkins according to the premium “French envelope” scheme

  • Fold the napkin twice. The result should be a workpiece with an area 4 times smaller;
  • From the upper right corner, peel back three layers;
  • Return the layers in place, bending the corners;
  • Place the right and left sides on top of each other;
  • Turn over again and insert a fork, knife and spoon into the resulting pocket.

It's so easy and simple to create coziness from paper napkins. By following the recommendations, you can easily apply these patterns to your holiday table. But if you add something from yourself to the basic methods, then guests with fresh ideas and your imagination.

Five more simple and beautiful patterns for folding paper napkins for the holiday table are shown in the following video.
