The best books for self-development that every person should read. Don't know what to read for self-development? Here's a hint: What books can you read for self-development?

We present to your attention a list of the best books on self-development. By reading these books and doing everything that is given in them in practice, you will become a very successful person. These self-development books will advance you in all areas of life, from career to personal life.

List of the best books for self-development

"The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" - Stephen Covey

Release date: 1989

The book by the famous business consultant conceals the secrets of personality formation, based mainly on humanistic psychology. Here we talk about the qualities that people should have if their goal is to achieve success. It is worth noting that Covey practically does not mention God, the Bible and religion in his book, although he says essentially the same thing.

"The Art of the Deal" - Donald Trump

Release date: 2004

Donald Trump opens up the world of big business to his readers, and using examples from his personal business practice, he clearly demonstrates how to act in order to conclude great deals. Trump is as frank as possible. He tries to hide his flaws, while being proud of his virtues. This book will introduce you to the basic rules that allow you to achieve success in concluding various transactions.

"How to Make Big Money in a Small Business" - Jeffrey Fox

Release date: 2012

Successful business management cannot be compared with any bank deposits or bonuses. The book by the well-known consultant will help you achieve success in creating your own business. Jeffrey Fox's recommendations are as concise as possible and quite simple to implement. They can be useful for both professionals and beginners in the entrepreneurial industry.

"Buffettology" - Mary Buffett

Release date: 2006

This book is the most detailed and global study of Warren Buffett's investment techniques. It will introduce you to the universal concepts and equations that told Warren whether to make investment decisions. In addition, you can learn about the activities of some of the companies that aroused Warren's interest. It also tells how he determined which companies to invest his money in.

"Think and Grow Rich" - Napoleon Hill

Release date: 2007

This book will tell you what to do to become a happy and rich person. Here we talk about what helps a person throughout his life to move forward, achieve goals and increase wealth, while others do nothing to take at least one step towards their dreams.

"The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari" - Robin Sharma

Release date: 1997

This publication is intended for those who are in search of the meaning of life and their true purpose. The main character has to go through a lot of difficult life events. However, he will still manage to overcome his spiritual crisis. Reflecting on the meaning of his own existence, he discovers the laws of life, which he will tell readers about.

"The Road to the Future" - Bill Gates

Release date: 1995

Bill Gates reveals to readers his vision of the future, introduces the basic principles of computer science, as well as the formation of the global computer industry. He will also talk about the impact computer technology has on all areas of human activity, education and business.

"10 Commandments Every Business Leader Must Break" - Donald Q

Release date: 2009

This amazing publication can be called a desktop Bible for every businessman. It's no secret that Donald Q has seen a lot in business in his life. Based on his experience, he created 10 commandments, the implementation of which is guaranteed to lead to failure.

"The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership" - John Maxwell

Release date: 2001

Each chapter complements the meaning of the next law of leadership, clearly demonstrating this through examples of the successes and failures of others. For those who are currently new to the field of entrepreneurship and business, this book will help you become familiar with the basic principles of leadership, which will help you start your career.

"To hell with all of it! Take it and do it - 2" - Richard Branson

Release date: 2010

This book is a complement to the first part. Five new interesting chapters inspire even more optimism. The author introduces the reader to several more rules of life that allow you to develop creative qualities, as well as find your own path to self-expression and self-realization.

“How to Win Friends and Influence People” - Dale Carnegie

Release date: 1936

This publication was not written for sale, but, nevertheless, today it is blooming much faster than any others. Dale Carnegie wrote it for people who studied in the Department of Public Speaking and Human Relations. The author reveals to readers a lot of advice that will be useful in any life situation.

“Say “Yes!” to life. Psychologist in a concentration camp" - Viktor Frankl

Release date: 2010

This book made its author a great spiritual guide to humanity in the 20th century. Viktor Frankl, who on his life's journey encountered fascist concentration camps, Being in terrible murderous conditions, he was able to show the great power of the human spirit and tell people what the meaning of life is.

"Where's my cheese?" - Spencer Johnson

Release date: 2008

This book is about how, in a maze, 4 characters are in search of a piece of cheese. The author disguised under cheese everything that every person wants: a well-paid job, his own home, prosperity, freedom, health and family.

"The Art of War" - Sun Tzu

Date of release: about 500 BC.

This book can be called a treatise that appeared 500 years before the Bible. In this edition, the reader is presented with a harsh paradox of human history, in which two lines are intertwined: love and war, which have literally equal success.

"Black Rhetoric" - Karsten Bredemeier

Release date: 2006

The book has a rather unconventional approach, which opens up to readers a successful set of methods and techniques for training. After reading it, you will learn what the magic of words is, you will be able to improve your contemplation and form your own style of discussion.

“Know a liar by his facial expression” - Paul Ekman

Release date: 2010

Saturated with a large number of carefully selected photographs and some exercises, this publication will teach you how to accurately identify deception, instantly reading his opponent’s emotions in his face: both real and “feigned.” After reading this book you will be able to improve your skills to protect yourself from lies and falsehood.

"The Art of Manipulation" - Henrik Fexeus

Release date: 2008

Do you know that everyone around you is manipulating you? Colleagues, relatives, comrades, neighbors. You, in turn, also influence your environment through some actions. Thus, a vicious circle is obtained. Do you feel like you made your own decision? Alas, there is a huge possibility that these were someone’s manipulations...

"How to Make Anyone Fall in Love with You" - Leil Lowndes

Release date: 2001

The book will help you find your ideal, learn to take your first steps and make a good impression on others. The author will talk about how to awaken exciting sexual feelings in your partner, and how to instantly find out what drives your partner crazy in bed.

"My Neighbor is a Millionaire" - Thomas Stanley

Release date: 2005

This fascinating book will tell you a lot of interesting facts about rich and famous people. All this will never be highlighted in popular television programs and certainly will not be written in the media. You will learn about what allows rich people to become even richer.

"Samurai Without a Sword" - Kitami Masao

Release date: 2005

In this amazing book, the author explains to the reader in as much detail as possible the secrets of the leadership wisdom of the legendary Toyotomi Hideyoshi, who was a famous and well-known leader in Japan. It is worth noting that these methods can be successfully used in modern life.

"Geniuses and Outsiders" - Malcolm Gladwell

Release date: 2013

Life is not fair. Some get everything, while others get absolutely nothing. Is it right to look for the reasons for this only in one’s own qualities? The author was able to discover hidden laws behind what was always considered just an accident. “Geniuses and Outsiders” is an introduction to the world of the laws of life, which can be skillfully applied in personal interests.

“Think like a millionaire” – T. Erich Ecker

Release date: 2009

Surely, you have asked yourself the question: why do some people bathe in luxury, while others save every bit of money. As a rule, when thinking about the reasons for this, we first of all remember education, intellectual abilities, business relationships, luck, and so on. What if the problem is completely different? This book will give you an original point of view.

"Achieving the Maximum" - Brian Tracy

Release date: 2003

The book contains an effective, efficient technique, thanks to the use of which, everyone will be able to achieve great results in their life. A detailed guide to achieving success, it consists of principles taken from economics, psychology, religion, politics, philosophy, and business. This series of steps will help you achieve success.

"The Intelligent Investor" - Benjamin Graham

Release date: 1949

This publication is a must-read for anyone who strives to wisely use the opportunities of the stock market in order to increase their own wealth. “The Intelligent Investor” is a unique Bible of the stock market, which opens up to the reader an effectively working investment method.

"Learning to speak publicly" Vladimir Shakhidzhanyan

Release date: 2009

Release date: 2008

There are books that should always be at hand so that they can help raise your morale at the right time. It is to this number of books that one can include “7 Strategies for Wealth and Happiness.” Each strategy is an incredible source of new knowledge that allows you to achieve success if you use them.

“The subconscious can do anything” - John Kehoe

Release date: 2011

For three years, the author of this book, in seclusion, carefully reflected on the mental activity and intellectual abilities of man. Methods for activating the immense resources of the brain, which were discovered by John Kehoe, can radically change your life for the better.

“Business the Jewish way. 67 golden rules" - M.L. Abramovich

Release date: 2007

This book contains original and unusual rules for doing business that were discovered by ancient sages hundreds of years ago. And despite this, these rules will become relevant and relevant in modern life. Perhaps they are the ones who make it possible to create colossal financial fortunes?

"Rich Dad Poor Dad" - Robert Kiyosaki

Release date: 1994

The author of the book is sure that there are certain rules of money, which rich and successful people certainly adhere to. And 95% of the population play by completely different rules, which are taught to them at school. That is why it is dangerous in our time to inspire a child to study more, look for a job. This was appropriate in the last century, but certainly not now.

“How to attract a client” - M. Raffel

Release date: 2009

This useful book will tell you how to work correctly with clients so that your business develops and profits grow. The publication will help recognize regular customers, as well as attract new customers. The book is filled with practical examples and actionable recommendations.

“The Main Secrets of Absolute Self-Confidence” – Robert Anthony

Release date: 2007

It has been proven that the right way of thinking is the key to a joyful and fruitful human life. As soon as each of us manages to correctly and objectively assess the true state of things, we will be able to change ourselves and our lives as a whole.

"See You at the Top" - Zig Ziglar

Release date: 2011

The book will give you a couple of tips on how to build a strong position in life. “See you at the top” is a worldview, but there is virtually no dry theory in it. There are many years of experience in sales and the wisdom of communicating with partners, which will allow you to put everything and everyone in their place.

"The Richest Man in Babylon" - George Clason

Release date: 2009

This unique bestseller contains the secrets of achieving the most daring goals, the keys to success and colossal wealth. The famous "Babylonian Proverbs" have helped thousands of readers, inspiring them in their search for prosperity and fortune. This book will teach you how to make money, save it and increase your own capital.

“The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership” - John Maxwell

Release date: 2008

The book contains laws that will certainly remain relevant in any situation. Each new section talks in detail about another law of leadership, giving real examples, as well as methods for applying this law. Both beginners and pros will find useful information here.

"48 Laws of Power and Seduction" - Robert Greene

Release date: 2005

The great psychologist Robert Greene will help everyone learn the art of seduction and charm. You will learn how to easily and simply control the thoughts and dispositions of the people around you. By following the guidelines in this book, you can turn your smile, gestures and words into powerful weapons.

"The Way of the Warrior" - Dan Millman

Release date: 2009

The book is based on true events from the life of the author, who decided to go on a journey into the depths of his soul. Guided by the advice of the mighty, wise warrior Socrates, Dan embarks on a final battle with himself - a battle in which he is destined to either live or die.

"Body Language" - Allan Pease

Release date: 1992

You can easily understand what a person is thinking about even if he is silent. His facial expressions and gestures will say much more, which will allow you to ease the problem of choosing the right line of behavior with this or that person. After reading the book, you will be able to feel more authoritative and relaxed, even in an unfamiliar environment.

“The Art of Keeping Up” - Alan Lakein

Release date: 1996

The book is designed for those who want to live a happy and cheerful life. Its author describes in detail the current problems of modern life, as well as the diseases arising from them. At the same time, he talks about current means of overcoming the problems under consideration.

“Ten Secrets of Wealth, Happiness, Love, Health” – Adam Jackson

Release date: 2007

This book is worth reading and applying 10 secrets of the mysterious “old Chinese” in life. Your life will certainly change in a magical way. By following the recommendations and practices, you will not only get back what you lost, but you will get much more by reconsidering your outlook on life.

“Do you have time to succeed” – Julio Melara

Release date: 2012

Despite the fact that the author wrote the book at a fairly young age, he was able to not only present in detail his own thoughts regarding business and communication with people, but also competently conveyed the wisdom of other people. This allowed him to create a unique creation

Stephen Covey: The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People

This book is a global super bestseller, work No. 1 on the topic of personal growth. This book sets out a systematic approach to determining a person’s life goals and priorities. These goals are different for everyone, but the book helps you understand yourself and clearly formulate your life goals. The book shows how to achieve these goals. The book shows how every person can become a better person. Moreover, we are not talking about changing the image, but about real changes, self-improvement in essence.

B Ryan Tracy: Get out of your comfort zone. Change your life. 21 methods to increase personal effectiveness And

The book presents the result of more than thirty years of study of time management issues. She talks about how to achieve solutions to complex problems by leaving your comfort zone. Galileo once wrote: “You cannot teach a person anything, you can only help him find it in himself.” The practical advice given in the book will allow you to discover reserves that you did not even suspect about, and correctly determine the priorities of your affairs, competently plan your daily routine, and always work with maximum efficiency.

Sher, Gottlieb: It's not harmful to dream. How to get what you really want

A legendary book about how to realize yourself in life. This humane, practical book will allow everyone to turn their vague desires and dreams into concrete results. After reading it, you will learn: How to discover your strengths and hidden talents; How to turn your fears and negative emotions to your advantage; How to map out the path to a goal and set deadlines for achieving it; How to track your progress daily; How to create a network of useful contacts and sources of information.

Gleb Arkhangelsky: Time drive. How to have time to live and work

The most useful and fascinating book about time management. The first popular book on time management in the conditions of Russian “impassability and sloppiness.” In the simplest possible form, step by step, using real Russian examples, Time Drive answers the main question: how to get more done? Advice is provided on organizing working time and rest, on motivation and goal setting, planning, prioritizing, etc.

Canfield, Hansen, Hewitt: Whole Life. Key skills to achieve your goals

Life is not just a series of random events. It is a matter of choosing specific actions in a given situation. Ultimately, it is your daily choices that determine your future. Having a clearly formulated goal doubles the chances of its implementation. This book will teach you to set ambitious, achievable and close goals. It will help you focus on the main thing and abandon the unimportant. You will take the time to think carefully and write down your goals and priorities.

Neil Fiore: An easy way to start a new life. How to get rid of stress, internal conflicts and bad habits

Neil Fiore, a professional psychologist, knows how to help. Using his wealth of experience and the latest discoveries in neuropsychology, he has developed an effective technique that allows you to “turn off” negative thoughts. And by training your brain to respond to everyday events in new ways, you can overcome bad habits, reduce stress, and increase your efficiency and creativity. These are all steps in a gradual process of unlocking your true potential.

Brian Tracy: Motivation

According to Brian Tracy, the point of effective motivation is to create an environment in which each person is willing and able to perform at 100%. The clear principles and clear examples outlined in this book will help you cope with this difficult task. The book tells you what staff productivity depends on, how to hire the right employees and whether it is worthwhile to immediately load newcomers with work, how to set tasks and monitor their implementation.

Burch, Penman: Mindful Meditation. A practical guide to relieving pain and stress

This book contains simple practices you can implement in your daily life to combat pain and stress. Clinical studies show that mindfulness meditation is as effective as painkillers. A recent study in the Journal of Neuroscience found it to be more effective than morphine. It may also reduce anxiety, depression, irritability, fatigue and insomnia. The eight-week program will require only 10-20 minutes a day.

Bruce Lee: The Way of the Leading Fist

The book covers not only physical, but also spiritual aspects of self-improvement. Behind the description of the technique is the deep philosophy of a man who was strict with himself, stubbornly followed his chosen path and therefore achieved success. A collection of notes from the legendary Bruce Lee. At first glance, they are dedicated to the martial art of Jeet Kune Do, training and practicing techniques. Jeet Kune Do combines many styles of martial arts, English and Filipino boxing.

Campbell, Campbell: The China Study. Results of the largest study on the connection between nutrition and health

The author of the book, a specialist in biochemistry, made a number of discoveries that changed views on nutrition. It turns out that the foods we feed our children, considering them healthy, lead to killer diseases: cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. The "China Study" arose from studying mortality statistics in China. The study identified more than 8,000 relationships between diet and disease.

Barbara Sher: What to dream about. How to understand what you really want and how to achieve it

A book for those who don’t yet know what they want in life. The book will lead you not to another boring job, but to a career that reflects your talents and dreams. You will understand how to re-believe in “long-forgotten” goals, overcome barriers to your path, and decide who you want to become. After reading the book, you will learn: What to do if you have never clearly set goals for yourself in life; How to get off the beaten path and find your own path; How to overcome chronic self-criticism and negative attitude; How to rebuild when you've lost your big dream.

Oliver Sacks: The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat and Other Stories from a Medical Practice

Oliver Sacks is a renowned neurologist and neuropsychologist. “The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat” tells the stories of people trying to overcome serious and unusual mental disorders and struggling to survive in conditions completely unimaginable for healthy people - and about mystics of the past, obsessed with visions that science confidently diagnoses as manifestations of severe neuroses. Sachs explains the strange, incomprehensible relationship between the brain and consciousness in an accessible, lively and interesting way.

Sue Hadfield: What's stopping you?

Your life path depends on your decisions and your choices. But trying to change many aspects of your life at once and achieve success both at work and in your personal life can lead you to breakdowns and feelings of helplessness. You need to change yourself on the path to a better life step by step, changing only one thing. Just one change can change the course of your life, improve your health, mood, success at work and at home. Once you feel this impact, you can continue the series of changes - one after another.

Richard Branson: To hell with everything! Take it and do it!

Branson is a bright, unconventional personality. His credo is to take everything from life. This means not being afraid to do what you want. It doesn’t matter at all whether you have enough knowledge, experience or education. If you have a head on your shoulders and enough enthusiasm in your soul, any goal will be within your reach. Life is too short to waste it on things that don't bring you pleasure. If you like something, do it. If you don't like it, quit without hesitation. Branson offers “rules of life” that should help on the path to spiritual growth and self-expression.

IN Ictor Frankl: Say “Yes” to life!

Viktor Frankl (1905-1997) is a famous Austrian psychotherapist, psychologist and philosopher. During World War II, he had a terrible opportunity to test his own concept. Having gone through Nazi death camps, he saw that the greatest chance of surviving in inhuman conditions was not the strong in body, but the strong in spirit. Those who knew what they lived for. Frankl himself had something to live for: he took with him to the concentration camp a manuscript that was to become a great book.

Irvin Yalom: When Nietzsche cried

Fact and fiction, obligation and freedom - dramatic events unfold against the backdrop of the intellectual ferment of 19th century Vienna, on the eve of the birth of psychoanalysis. An extraordinary patient... A talented doctor... A secret agreement. The combination of these elements gives rise to the saga of the alleged relationship between the greatest philosopher of Europe (Nietzsche) and one of the founding fathers of psychoanalysis (Breuer). Yalom brings into the action not only Nietzsche and Breuer, but also Lou Salomé, “Anna O.” and the young intern Freud.

Mikhail Litvak: The sperm principle

The manual describes the techniques and methods used by the author in group psychotherapy sessions, psychological trainings, as well as in individual family and work counseling (targeted modeling of emotions, psychological aikido, script reprogramming, etc.). The general principle that unites them is described. The fascinating and unusual manner of presentation makes the book accessible to a wide range of readers interested in the psychology of communication.

Erich Fromm: The Art of Loving

Fromm is an outstanding psychologist and philosopher, perhaps more than anyone who fully reflected in his texts the intellectual life, peaks and tragedy of the human spirit. Fromm created humanistic psychoanalysis - a holistic philosophical and psychological teaching and worldview system. The book includes Fromm's works devoted to issues of human existence - human nature, love, responsibility for one's life.

Dan Buettner: Blue Zones. 9 rules for longevity from the people who live the longest

Many people want to live as long as possible, but everyone is afraid of old age. The image of youth in society is too zealously cultivated. There are “blue zones” on Earth, whose inhabitants are distinguished by enviable longevity. At the same time, they are happy, healthy and cheerful. Dan Buettner made several expeditions to each of these regions, conducted many interviews with centenarians and revealed the secrets of their vigor and well-being. Do you want to know what circumstances - from diet to life attitudes - contribute to this?

Kelly McGonigal: Willpower. How to develop and strengthen

Health, financial situation, relationships with others and professional success depend on willpower - this is a well-known fact. But why do we so often lack this very willpower: one moment we control ourselves, and the next moment we are overwhelmed by feelings and we lose control? How to stop putting things off until the last minute? How to learn to concentrate and cope with stress? How to maintain composure? How to get rid of bad habits?

Yana Frank: Muse, where are your wings? A book about how to defend your desire to make creativity a profession

If a person is busy with something other than his own business, he loses the meaning of life. But if this very “own business” implies pure creativity, then often the desire to do it encounters a sharp misunderstanding of others. Life turns into an exhausting struggle, after which there is no strength left to create or enjoy anything. The world around is strewn with fallen feathers from wings, and many people who have lost access to a source of inspiration are busy doing something they don’t like and are angry at everyone and everything. And their ranks are constantly growing.

Dalai Lama: The Path of a True Leader

The book is about how a true leader recognizes the inevitability of change, anticipates the need for responsibility and understands the importance of bringing moral values ​​into the economic system. About how improving the quality of decisions will change the world for the better. The book is valuable for the very fact of collaboration between people leading different lifestyles and representing different cultures and values. It shows an example of the dialogue that needs to be conducted between people, cultures, countries when the parties are trying to find mutual understanding.

Alice Miller: The Drama of a Gifted Child and the Search for Self

The book by psychotherapist Alice Miller “The Drama of the Gifted Child” is a world bestseller. It is devoted to the study of the nature of children's mental trauma received during their upbringing. In his book, the author raises the most important problem: how repressed traumatic experiences affect a person’s personal life and social success and give rise to mental illness. The crippling effects of rearing adults and psychotherapy of mental trauma received in early childhood are shown.

Speeches that changed the world

The book brings together more than 50 public speeches by a variety of historical figures and politicians - from the biblical prophet Moses to President George W. Bush. British writer and historian Simon Seabag Montefiore is known to Russian readers for his bestsellers Potemkin and Stalin: Court of the Red Monarch. In Speeches That Changed the World, Montefiore identifies key moments in human history and reveals their significance through the proclamations of leaders.

You can find a lot of useful knowledge in books. You get the experience of people who have already figured it out - learned to solve problems, build relationships, formulated their knowledge in a form accessible to all interested. This is why self-help books can change your life. In matters of self-development, they are simply irreplaceable. There are many amazing works that help you become better, stronger and happier. Here is a list of twenty books that are definitely worth reading. They can seriously impact your life, just as they have impacted the lives of thousands of people.

Dale Carnegie, How to Win Friends and Influence People

This book truly delivers what it promises. This classic was published in 1936 and has since been reprinted many times in various formats. The book contains simple steps to improve your communication skills and strengthen your relationships, each illustrated with real-life examples from Carnegie himself and people he knows. Even one piece of advice - to use a person’s name more often in conversation - can already transform your life.

Manuel Smith, “When I Say No, I Feel Guilty”

Many people have problems setting boundaries - they find it difficult to stand up for themselves, learn to refuse and defend their beliefs. Some become dependent on others, considering their problems and emotions their responsibility. In Smith's book, you can find information on how to learn to assert your boundaries using simple techniques, how to open up to those who deserve your energy, and how to cut out people from your life who spoil your mood.

Brene Brown, "The Power of Vulnerability"

This book is an impeccable motivation, a source of incredible change. In modern society, no one talks about their weaknesses, no one wants to admit their shortcomings. At the same time, the ability to recognize them is a real advantage. The book will help those who are ready to think more broadly, change themselves and their approach to weaknesses. To succeed, you need to be vulnerable and willing to take risks.

Gary Chapman, The Five Love Languages

Many people believe that love is a simple exchange of words and exists without any effort. And that's wrong. In fact, maintaining a relationship is not easy at all. After the honeymoon, the relationship gets worse. This book will help strengthen them. You will be able to find out exactly what manifestations of love your partner and you need, start using them and notice quick results. The principles described in the book apply not only to personal life, but also to everyday communication.

Eckhart Tolle, "The Power of Now"

This book teaches you to live in the present. Perhaps its content is repeated in places, but it helps to understand the essence. It contains examples of how people behave towards others throughout the day. This book will help you deal with the clutter in your thoughts and find the peace of the present moment.

William Irwin, "Stoicism"

Irwin presents the classic philosophy of Stoicism as it is transformed into modern times, enriching his thinking with tools and practical advice that will improve the quality of your life. The information is based on personal experience and really helps you become happier and calmer.

Timothy Ferriss, How to Work Four Hours

This phenomenal book has encouraged many people to forget about the standard work schedule. Most likely, you will either like it or annoy you, but it definitely won’t go unnoticed. Ferris is trying to get people to realize that their time is limited and spending those hours in the office is not a good option.

MJ DeMarco, “A Book for Those Who Dared to Earn”

This book contains a lot of repetitions of the same ideas, but it motivates enough to start doing your own thing, and gives a lot of useful information that will be useful to everyone.

Chip and Den Heath, "Resolute"

Many people have a hard time making decisions. It seems like you need to make a list of pros and cons, but sometimes that doesn't lead to the best outcome. The Heath brothers help divide the decision-making process into four stages. It transforms your behavior.

Gary Vaynerchuk, "Passion is Business"

Vaynerchuk is the owner of a large Internet empire. His book will help you learn how to create a successful online business using multi-step instructions.

Robert Glover, Stop Being a Nice Guy!

This is a very short book, but an effective one. She describes the nice guy syndrome - what causes men to lie, manipulate, cheat and pretend rather than face reality.

David Deida, "The Way of a Real Man"

This book is a spiritual guide for a man who wants to be a man - in the traditional sense of the word. How to treat women? What is masculine energy? How to achieve happiness? The book contains answers to all these questions.

Mark Manson, "Models"

There are many books devoted to how to start dating women, but most of them contain only ready-made phrases or describe overly complex theories. Others are too focused on sex. Manson transforms the approach to meetings with the opposite sex and teaches you to get maximum positive emotions from communication, behave naturally and feel comfortable.

Viktor Frankl, "Man's Search for Meaning"

This book is filled with inspiration. Frankl talks about his life in captivity and the concentration camp, and about returning home. He is confident that as long as a person has a goal in life, he can survive in any conditions. Just find your goal.

Maxwell Maltz, "Psychological Cybernetics"

The plastic surgeon's book talks about how many people want to change their appearance, but in fact they need internal changes. Maltz shares relaxation techniques that can help.

James Allen, "As Man Thinks"

A short essay that contains an important idea - your thoughts determine the reality in which you live.

Dan Ariely, Predictably Irrational

Ariely analyzes why people do what they do. People think they are logical, but emotions control everything. This book will help you understand your subconscious and become a better person.

Robert Cialdini, “The Psychology of Influence”

This book will help you learn how to manage people not only in personal relationships, but also at work and in interviews.

Matt Ridley, "Red Queen"

Why do men tend to seek multiple partners? Why are women so selective? What's hidden in our genes? Ridley's book will help you understand a lot about relationships.

Rolf Plotts, "Vagabondage"

This book will inspire you to travel. Plotts believes it's worth traveling slowly, and he shares a list of essential items and lots of useful tips.

The period of human learning is not limited to the years spent at a school desk. To achieve success at work, in your personal life and in communicating with other people, it is worth it. The book has always been considered the best teacher. What to read for self-development? Here is a selection of 40 fiction and popular science works that are worthy of becoming a reference book for a modern person.

Classics: 9 fiction books for all times

  1. Antoine de Saint-Exupery. "A little prince". The fairy tale written by a French pilot for children should be read, first of all, by adults. The work teaches you to truly love and be friends, and also makes you look at the world of adults through the eyes of a child.
  2. Bulgakov Mikhail. "Master and Margarita". A mystical novel that is difficult to understand, in which two storylines are intertwined - the events taking place in Moscow in the 30s of the last century, and the last days of the life of Jesus Christ.
  3. Gabriel Garcia Marquez. "One Hundred Years of Solitude." The work is a parable by a Spanish author, leading to the idea of ​​how important it is to value and cherish family ties in a world of people doomed to loneliness.
  4. Green Alexander. "Scarlet Sails". A romantic story about a naive girl Assol, waiting for a prince on a white ship with scarlet sails. People don’t understand her and people shun her, but one day they will see that dreams come true if you really believe.
  5. Dostoevsky Fyodor. "Crime and Punishment". A socio-psychological novel that conveys the feelings of a student who killed an old woman for profit. Fear and remorse force him to admit guilt, demanding fair retribution.
  6. Orwell George. "1984". The most famous dystopia in the literature of the 20th century, describing a world where a totalitarian regime reigns. The story in the novel is fictional, but the author was able to analyze it so deeply and describe it in detail that it seems realistic.
  7. Tolstoy Lev. "War and Peace". The era of romanticism in the Russian Empire was a period of tender feelings and passionate confessions, balls and duels, as well as the war going on with Napoleonic France. One of the best works of Russian literature captivates not only with the intricacies of the plot and vivid descriptions of battle scenes, but above all with the philosophical reflections of the author.
  8. Erich Maria Remarque. "Three Comrades" The novel takes place in Germany in the 1920s. But the hardships of the post-war period are only the background in the work against which an inspiring story of love and friendship unfolds.
  9. Hemingway Ernest. "A Farewell to Arms!". The best book about the First World War, which makes you realize the value of human life, as well as love, which in moments of closeness to death seems like a mirage.

In the world of psychology: 10 books that change people

  1. Napoleon Hill. "Think and get rich". The bestseller, first published in America back in 1937, has been reprinted 42 times and remains among the best-selling. The author of the articles advises those who want to become successful and rich to take 13 specific steps and get what they want.
  2. Allen Carr. "An easy way to quit smoking." A legendary book in which the author described a technique that he himself developed and, with its help, quit smoking. The method changed all the usual ideas of smokers that only the strong willed can say goodbye to cigarettes forever. It is based on unobtrusive psychotherapy, which the reader does not even notice.
  3. Brian Tracy. "Get out of your comfort zone." This is a practical guide from a famous business coach. From the book you can learn about 21 methods of increasing personal effectiveness. Implementing the rules proposed by the author in life will allow you to better manage your time and yourself.
  4. Miller Sharon. "Stress resistance". The reason for many failures in business and personal sphere is the inability to adequately respond to crisis situations. The book will teach you not only how to calmly experience stressful conditions, but also how to make them useful.
  5. Ekman Paul. “The psychology of lying, deceive me if you can.” How to avoid becoming a victim of psychological manipulation? What words and gestures betray lies? The answers to these questions will be of interest to everyone - from a housewife to a politician.
  6. Keith Ferrazzi. "Never eat alone." A collection of articles on networking - an effective communication technique that allows you to quickly establish friendly connections and, through them, solve life problems.
  7. Robert Sutton. “Don’t work with c***s.” Quirks, egoists, manipulators, hooligans - there are many people who interfere with productive work. But the main thing is that you have to coexist with them. How to deal with destructive team members? Which of them can be changed, and which one is better to part with?
  8. Covey Stephen. "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People." In his book, the successful entrepreneur and motivational speaker takes readers into the intricacies of self-improvement. The author teaches how to set goals correctly and lists the skills characteristic of a leader.
  9. Cialdini Robert. "Psychology of influence". The popular science work that made the American scientist famous opens the door to the complex world of interpersonal relationships. The book is worth reading for those who want to better understand others and their motives, and learn to influence people.
  10. Frankl Victor. “Say “Yes!” to life. A revelation book written for those who have lost their life guidelines and lost faith in their abilities. The work is based on the personal observations and experiences of Victor, a psychotherapist who went through the Nazi death camps.

Ten books for self-development for men and women

Most men would like to see themselves as successful, determined and attractive. What topics are of interest to representatives of the stronger sex? Memoirs and biographies of famous people are not only entertaining, but also educational. You can get useful information for yourself from manuals on imageology, psychology of personal and professional growth.

  • Barbara de Angelis. "Secrets about women that every man should know."
  • Waldschmidt Dan. "Be the best version of yourself!"
  • Gray John. "Men are from Mars, women are from Venus".
  • Larssen Eric. "On the limit".
  • Machiavelli Niccolo. "Sovereign".
  • Rand Ayn. "Atlas Shrugged".
  • Seelig Tina. "Make yourself".
  • Flusser Alan. "To a real man."
  • Humes James. "Secrets of great speakers."

Women care about what clothes they need to wear to look stylish and attractive. In addition to fashion, they are interested in the basics of healthy eating and cooking, raising children and relationships with men. Modern ladies are no strangers to problems of professional growth.

  • Blumenthal Brett. “A year lived right.”
  • Brodsky Danielle. "Diary of a Business Woman."
  • Grace Natalya. “Work, money and love. A Guide to Self-Realization."
  • Goodman Amy. “We put this on, we throw this away.”
  • Lowndes Leil. “How to make anyone fall in love with you.”
  • Tim Gunn. "Fashion Bible".
  • Fat Natalya. "Duel with treason."
  • Harvey Steve. "You don't know anything about men."

There are many interesting books. All of them, both artistic and scientific, develop the intellect, aesthetic taste and spiritual qualities of a person. That is why it is important to continue reading and carefully monitor emerging new products.

About the book: diary for creative people. Each page is different from the other - one page for every day. It encourages daily surprises, observations and actions that are different from what you have done before. One day she will ask you to learn how to draw, on another - to describe a birthday from your childhood, and on the third - nothing at all (write whatever you want). This notebook, diary or self-development book may become your partner or companion for the whole year.

Feature of the book: new idea every day. Expands your horizons, motivates you to do things that you may not have done before.

Who is it for: for creative people looking for new experiences who want to diversify their lives.

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2. "Transcend: Nine Steps to Eternal Life"

About the authors: Raymond is an American futurist who develops devices to increase life expectancy and speech recognition. I am convinced that in the near future the human brain will not be able to keep up with the development of computers and science, as a result of which it will cease to understand them. Terry founded a medical center in Colorado. Researches nutritional supplements and anti-aging techniques.

About the book: Did you know that you can halve the death rate from heart attacks in men thanks to sex? This is proven by a study conducted by a famous British medical journal. In the book you will find a lot of very interesting studies like this. Transcend provides proven steps to improve your health. You will learn how sleep affects a person’s brain activity, how to simplify the life of your digestive system, how to establish a healthy diet, how to relax effectively and many other useful and interesting things.

Feature of the book: Step-by-step instructions will help you improve your well-being and increase the number of active years of your life. There are many interesting studies that confirm most of the authors’ conclusions.

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3. "Life of Purpose: Key Skills to Achieve Your Goals"

About the authors: Les is a famous American business coach who has been researching the field of goal setting and goal achievement for more than 30 years. Creator of an effective system for concentration and focusing on goals. Jack Canfield founded Chicken Soup for the Soul. He is the co-author of the book series of the same name (). Mark is the creator and co-author of the publication “Chicken Soup for the Soul”, a famous coach.

About the book: you won’t see a magic wand with Harry Potter and you’re unlikely to learn anything new (if you’ve previously read a lot of useful things and watched educational videos). The main advantage of the publication is the competent and clear structuring of the material, which can be easily used right now. The authors point out the main problem, an obstacle on the path of every person to success - the lack of constant focus on what is important. 10 strategies will inspire you, help you focus on what matters most every day and develop healthy habits.

Feature of the book: each chapter provides step-by-step instructions for achieving your goal, energizes, inspires and motivates. Use it as a magic bullet and a road map to success.

Who is it for: for everyone who wants to reach the top in business and personal life. From the “Must Read” series.

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4. “Be the Best Version of Yourself: How Ordinary People Become Extraordinary”

About the book: perhaps one of the best books on self-development. Dan analyzed his life path, thanks to which he came up with 4 qualities inherent in successful people:

  • successful people are ready to take risks, but deliberate and conscious ones;
  • successful people are always disciplined and stick to it in everything;
  • successful people are generous and do it from the heart, and do not expect to receive something in return;
  • Successful people get along well with others.

Dan uses examples (his own and others) to show how ordinary people have achieved and are achieving success. He confirms that success can be achieved through perseverance and perseverance, despite his annotation to the publication: « Everything you knew about success is wrong. Set goals. Work hard. Be persistent. You can repeat this recipe for success, even if you wake you up at night and ask. And it doesn’t work—not for you, not for anyone else.” Maximum effort and constant learning. Readable in one go.

Feature of the book: makes you look at your life, actions, views from the outside (sometimes extremely unpleasant) and begin to act, change, be the best version of yourself. No "water". Use it as a “magic kick”.

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5. “Get out of your comfort zone. Change your life: 21 methods for increasing personal effectiveness"

About the author: Brian was a poor student and did not graduate from school; he traveled the world for 8 years as part of a cargo ship crew. He worked as a sales agent (within a year he became the best in the company), two years later he became a sales manager, and after 3 years he became a vice president (at the age of 25). World-renowned consultant, speaker.

About the book: When the question arises, “Which books for self-development should I choose?”, then this should be one of the first to read. World bestseller. The author provides the reader with 21 proven methods for increasing efficiency to get quick results in your personal and professional life. To implement them into your life, you need to develop the necessary habits. Brian identified three factors in creating a good habit:

  • hardness;
  • discipline;
  • perseverance.

Anyone can develop all these qualities if they have the desire. This publication will help you do this easily and naturally. The road map to creating the right habits is in your hands. Readable in one go. One of the best-selling books in the world for increasing personal effectiveness (circulation of more than 1.3 million copies, translated into 40 languages).

Feature of the book: simple and effective methods available to everyone will help you set and achieve goals in the shortest possible time. Motivates and inspires.

Who is it for: for everyone without exception. From the “Must Read” series.

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6. “This year I...: how to change habits, keep promises or do what you have long dreamed of”

About the book: Every person at least once said to himself: “Tomorrow I will start doing...” or “In the new year I will...”. According to statistics, only 8% of people actually accomplish what they planned. Others find a lot of reasons not to do this. This edition is very similar to the previous one - to achieve success you need to develop good habits. Ryan identifies 5 main stages to fulfill your dream (92% of people give up on their dreams at one of these points):

  • preliminary reflection - at this stage it is not yet clear what the final goal looks like and we are not able to accurately formulate it;
  • thinking about the task - thinking about how to do it;
  • preparation - we decide to do it in the near future;
  • action - we begin to act;
  • maintaining action - we implement our plans until we do it.

The entire book is structured around 5 main steps. This next road map is in your hands to implement your plans. Despite the easy presentation, there is a lot of work to be done on oneself (6-9 months, according to the author). For some this may seem like a lot, but for most it is negligible. The simple truth is that life is a marathon, not a sprint. If you want to achieve results, be prepared to work.

Feature of the book: teaches you how to set goals correctly and achieve them. Lots of examples and practical exercises.

Who is it for: for those who want to change themselves for the better, get rid of bad ones and acquire healthy habits.

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7. “Midas’s Gift: Why Some Get Rich and Others Don’t”

About the authors: Donald Trump is a billionaire, media personality, writer, founder and president of one of the largest construction companies in the world, the Trump Organization. Robert Kiyosaki is a businessman, writer, and investor. Author of several dozen best-selling books on financial literacy, creator of the world-famous educational game “Cash Flow”.

About the book: Self-development books are unthinkable without Robert Kiyosaki. Donald and Robert share their experiences in one book for the first time. The title of the publication “Midas's Gift” can be misleading, because the gift is given from birth. Here the authors tell, using the fingers of one hand as an example, what skills and knowledge are needed to achieve success in business:

  • thumb – strength of character;
  • index finger – concentration;
  • middle finger – brand;
  • ring finger – relationships;
  • little finger – little things matter.

After reading the book, you will understand or better understand what skills you need to develop to achieve success in business. The authors provide direction rather than ready-made instructions. All material is presented in a fascinating and easy manner. Readable in one go.

Feature of the book: you will learn what you need to develop to achieve heights in business. Vivid examples from the lives of Donald and Robret (both achieved success and lost everything, but then achieved even more) perfectly complement the recommendations of the authors.

Who is it for: for beginners and professional entrepreneurs.

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8. “The monk who sold his Ferrari: a story about fulfillment of desires and comprehension of destiny”

About the book: a fictional story about a millionaire lawyer who, after a heart attack, decided to change his life. He sold all his belongings, including his plane and Ferrari, and then went to India in search of answers to numerous questions. After some time, he returned, rejuvenated, having found peace of mind and harmony. What happened to him and how did he turn from a person with a pre-infarction condition into an athletic, healthy, and most importantly, peaceful, happy person? Easy and casual to read.

About the authors: Jack is a former FBI special agent who has taught his colleagues methods of influence and persuasion for almost 20 years. Founder of a company training law enforcement and security officials. He has written a number of books and articles on psychology. Marfin is the author of a number of best-selling books on psychology and worked for Singapore Airlines for more than 20 years.

About the book: in short, the book shows how to make friends with any person. You will learn how to recognize other people's verbal and nonverbal cues. How to significantly improve your communication skills, learn to find a common language with others. Each technique was used in practice by a former intelligence agent whose task was to recruit ambassadors and spies of other states in the interests of the United States. Readable in one go. Fascinating and educational.

Feature of the book: no theory, only practice from a former FBI agent (20 years of practice) with personal examples. Simple techniques will allow anyone to achieve the favor of any person.

Who is it for: for sellers, parents and anyone who wants to form friendly relationships with others.

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10. “Speed ​​Reading: How to Remember More by Reading 8 Times Faster”

About the author: Peter Kamp founded the speed reading training company of the same name. Peter himself trained many employees of large companies, the White House and businessmen. The developer of a unique speed reading system has been doing this for more than 20 years.

About the book: An excellent book for self-development of speed reading skills. Peter proved that speed reading is a skill, and any skill can be trained. In just 6 weeks you will master all the techniques, devoting 20-30 minutes a day to exercises from the author. In just a week, you will read 30% faster and absorb information more effectively. The publication contains everything you need for your preparation: simple exercises, a checklist (for tracking results) and descriptions of each lesson. Thanks to this publication, you can quickly study all the books for self-development.

Feature of the book: simple, effective and interesting exercises.
