Metrics for newborn photoshop templates online. Achievement poster or metric for a baby - in a gift about the main thing

Achievement poster

The birth of a baby - what could be more joyful than this great event for parents? The first meeting remains in the memory for life!
To capture for a long time the first and most important event in the life of a baby - his birth - give a metric poster with important numbers and dates as a keepsake: date and time of birth, weight, height!

Or is the baby already a year old? Then one of the options for an interesting and memorable gift will be achievement poster . What has the child learned in the past year? What he eats and says, how many teeth he got, how he grew up. What he likes to play and what he does not like to do at all.

And if the "baby" is already over 20?))) Isn't it time to give him a poster of his achievements on his birthday? Perhaps he masterfully drives a car? Or cooks pilaf?

Only the most interesting facts worth remembering all your life are reflected in the poster of achievements.
An achievement poster or metric for a toddler can look like a slate with chalked text or color pictures, or any other kind you can imagine - the flight of fancy is not limited by anything here!
All you need to do is:

  1. order the development of a poster / metric, providing the necessary information and discussing its appearance,
  2. after 1 day, receive a finished file in .jpg or .png format by e-mail,
  3. print the finished poster in any way convenient for you,
  4. put in a frame
  5. gift is ready!
    Choose interesting and memorable gifts!

    ©Handicraft Vasilisa

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We present a fashionable trend in the design of children's holidays - the use of a chalk board, on which you can tell in detail, and most importantly beautifully, everything that you remember about the first year of your baby's life. The birth of a child is the most wonderful day in the life of a family. This wonderful event is worth capturing in memory, with the original metric selected by you for interior design. Name posters are unique, the metric will decorate the room with a memorable event. Metrica poster can become an original gift. This is a great solution for a family archive. With the achievement poster, you won't forget what made your baby happy and how he grew before your eyes. Order a child achievement poster to create your own family story.

Choose a ready-made poster layout and add photos of your baby to it. All that remains is to send the necessary text for the poster, and our designers will change it according to your desire. The inscription on the poster will not be erased and will not get dirty, and you will not have to store the slate that you bought later.

Poster "1 year old" for the first birthday of the baby with the achievements and important events of the first year of the child's life.

600 rub.

Poster "1 year old" for the first birthday of the baby with the achievements and important events of the first year of the child's life.

The poster is stylized as a drawing on a slate board with chalk. The inscription on the poster will not be erased and will not get dirty, the poster will delight...

600 rub.

Poster "2 years" for the second birthday of the baby with the achievements and important events of the second year of the child's life.

The poster is stylized as a drawing on a slate board with chalk. The inscription on the poster will not be erased and will not get dirty, the poster will delight bright...

600 rub.

Poster "2 years" for the second birthday of a girl with achievements and important events of the second year of a child's life.

The poster is stylized as a drawing on a slate board with chalk. The inscription on the poster will not be erased and will not get dirty, the poster will please me...

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The poster is stylized as a drawing on a slate board with chalk. The inscription on the poster will not be erased and will not get dirty, the poster will delight with bright colors until...

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"Congratulations" poster for a girl's birthday with achievements and important events in a child's life.

The poster is stylized as a drawing on a slate board with chalk. The inscription on the poster will not be erased and will not get dirty, the poster will delight with bright colors for...

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The poster is stylized as a drawing on a slate board with chalk. The inscription on the poster will not be erased and will not get dirty, the poster will delight with bright...

  • Is your baby almost a year old? Be sure to make an achievement poster for him!

    During the first year of life, a child acquires an incredible array of skills and abilities. The first year is unique. As our doctor said: "the child turns from a monkey into a man."

    Just imagine how productive human activity would be if every year we mastered as many new things as a newborn baby masters.

    It is important, very important to record and record all the achievements of the baby. When he got to his feet, when he took his first steps, what did he learn by the age of one?

    For a detailed list of the achievements of the crumbs, it is best to make a large poster. In which to fix the date of the appearance of new skills; tell when the first tooth erupted; as the baby took his first steps. And be sure to illustrate all this with photographs.

    Poster of achievements - sums up. Here we show all the skills and achievements of the baby in a year.

    This poster can be framed and hung on the wall in the children's room. The poster will become an ornament and your pride.

    Chalkboard style poster for Alice's anniversary.

    But most often, an achievement poster is ordered to decorate a children's birthday. The colors for such a poster are chosen according to the general style of the holiday.

    What to write in an achievement poster?

    This is the most popular question. We'll give you some tips to inspire you and help you easily prepare text for your poster.

    General data for the achievement poster

    • Name of the child;
    • Date and time of birth;
    • Weight and height at birth;
    • Weight and height per year.

    Poster Sections

    • They call me…
    • I like/dislike;
    • I can;
    • I speak;
    • Favorite toys/cartoons;
    • Favorite food;
    • How many teeth does the baby have;
    • Ridiculous achievements (poured two bags of flour on the floor, let my mother go for a walk alone).

    Attention! The optimal size of the achievement poster is A3 or 30*40. The more information there is, the more difficult it will be to perceive. The part will definitely remain unfinished.

    Children are so different.

    And by the first year of life, they have their own individual set of skills, passions and characteristics.

    In fact, not even a kid needs a table of achievements, but his parents, so that they sum up a certain result and cannot get enough of their child.

    And the achievement board will also come in handy if you come to visit the house: you don’t need to ask a bunch of questions and get a bunch of answers, just go to the poster and find out for yourself.

    Options for the basis of such a board can be different: a board for drawing with chalk, markers; whatman. But the most interesting thing, of course, is to create a blank in electronic form (this option is more durable) and print it in a printing house, creating a poster.

    And here is a simple empty template:

    For a child's birthday, you can make a board of achievements. Achievements can be written in chalk on a blackboard or write all the achievements on paper. The board of achievements indicates information about height, weight, number of teeth, what the child likes, what he can do, what he says, favorite cartoon, favorite song, favorite food. The board might look like this:

    This board, you must make it so that it would be as complete as possible, give a description of your child.

    It is better to paint all this on paper, because in this way your board will be more durable if you fix the paper on a real board or plywood of course.

    From the information, indicate his height, age and weight, since in this way you will perpetuate the period of life in which, regarding the child, you create it.

    Also, list the first words he said, his favorite entertainment, and the children's shows he likes to watch.

    Still, of course, it is necessary to note his favorite delicacies and food in general.

    What is the point? The poster should have the name of the child, his age. You can enter your date of birth. Among the achievements, indicate changes in the weight, height of the baby, in his hobbies and new skills (learned to walk, talk, read, etc.). The first two posters below can be made with chalk and blackboard:

    Such a poster can be issued on whatman paper. You can also insert a photo of the child and take a photo of the end result as a keepsake.

    There are a lot of examples for creating such boards.

    Previously, this was not the case, but in order for the memory to remain and you can see the achievements of your child and monitor his development, then, of course, it is better to make a special board.

    Board example:

    It shows everything in detail where and what to write. Such a board can be made from a black sheet of paper and written on it with wax pencils.

    Or on a special, black board, and write all the parameters on it with chalk (multi-colored chalk).

    You can also paste a photo of your child.
