The minor is pregnant. Pregnancy and childbirth in underage girls

The early onset of sexual activity, combined with ignorance in matters of contraception, lead to such a phenomenon as motherhood of minors. This can also be facilitated by a decrease in social adaptation. Young pregnant women are called, whose passport age ranges from 12 to 17 years. The prevalence of pregnancy among girls in Russia reaches 102 per 1000 girls aged 15-19.

As one of the RCCH doctors said:

Sometimes it happens that out of all my patients under the age of 16, only one girl meets. And that's just because she's nine, and she looks even younger...

Currently, about 15% of all births occur to mothers aged 15–19. Approximately 30% of teen pregnancies end in abortion, 56% in childbirth and 14% in miscarriage. What is especially unpleasant, extramarital births in the group of minors is above 60%; among mothers who abandon their children, the proportion of minors reaches 63%.

In Ufa, cases of underage pregnancy are not uncommon. Most often, these are girls aged 14 and older. We were able to talk with several girls who decided to give birth at a young age. We will find out how relatives, friends and the girls themselves perceive this news!

Alice found out that she was pregnant at the age of 15:

My young man, Vitya, and I met for only 3 months. He was 17 years old, he was my first man and we were protected. I don't know how it could have happened, but it did. I remember being very scared. I found out about the fact that I was pregnant at a medical examination at school, even then I did not believe it. But when I realized it, it was scary. First of all, because my mother finds out that I live a sexual life. That is, at that moment I was not so much afraid of pregnancy as the anger of my parents. The doctor contacted my mother herself, not through the teacher, so at first the school did not know about it. I told my boyfriend first. He then turned pale and left, he thought for a long time, I was very worried. And then he said that I need to give birth so that I would never have an abortion. We went to my parents together and told everything. Mom, of course, was shocked. And dad talked about something with Vitya for a long time, then with mom. And I sat silently and did not know where to put myself. In the end it turned out. That dad was for abortion, and mom was against it. But in the end, we all decided together that I would give birth. After the 9th grade, I went on maternity leave, a little later I will enter the school. I will never regret it! Everything is fine with us until we got married, but we live together with our little daughter! The most important thing in this situation is the support of loved ones. And one more thing - I am very pleased to realize that when my daughter grows up, I will also be still young and beautiful!

Aigul found out that she was pregnant at the age of 16:

For me there was no question - to give birth or not. I wanted a child, although my boyfriend was categorically against it. On that we parted. Parents, thank you, supported me, my mother is a categorical opponent of abortion. Well, yes, they read lectures on the topic “where this world is heading” and “here I am in your time”, but all this is more for prevention. Then, as I understood, either my mother. Whether dad talked to the guy. After some time (although it was already closer to the birth, he disappeared for four months) he returned with a huge bouquet of roses and a wedding ring. Parents claim that he himself, but I think they cleared his brains. She gave birth herself, endured the pregnancy easily, studied like everyone else. The stomach was small, they didn’t even notice at school, although the whole class came to the maternity hospital, apparently they still recognized it. It was nice. I felt like a hero.

Regina found out that she was pregnant at the age of 14:

To be honest, it was terrible. I've only had one, and that was stupidly. And the first time I managed to "fly". The worst thing was that I found out about pregnancy already at a long time, almost 20 weeks! It was too late to have an abortion... I didn’t want to give birth in Ufa maternity hospitals, I was afraid that it would become public knowledge. As a result, I had to transfer to another school, take a sick leave there, go to Moscow, give birth there for a lot of money. All this is very difficult, I remember that time as pitch hell. I didn't even talk to the baby's father anymore. She was not allowed to give birth herself, they did a caesarean section. A boy was born. Healthy, normal baby. The realization that I was able to give rise to a new life cheered me up. But there were still many problems ahead - there was no milk, I had no idea how to manage the child, and I also had to study. Mom took care of herself, helped me a lot. Now my son has grown up. It became easier. But I don't want more kids...

Although this question is beyond the scope of this section, we decided to dwell on some of the problems that a gynecologist faces.

They talk about childbirth in minors when a girl is under 16 years old; it is difficult to determine the lower age limit, since childbirth also occurs in children suffering from precocious puberty. Nevertheless, underage women in childbirth are considered to be girls aged 11-15 years.

A completely different criterion for pregnancy that arose after precocious puberty, since the somatic development of girls under 10 years of age is so pronounced that their static relationships must also be taken into account; in casuistic reports, a surprisingly favorable course of pregnancy development processes is noted.

The problems of childbirth in minors have long received much attention; very authoritative specialists, such as Moriceau, dealt with this problem; Since then, various issues in connection with childbirth in minors have been periodically discussed in the literature. Of the older authors, Specht (1916) and David and Szekely (1924) have studied this subject at length. In recent years, a large number of reports have been published, including the work of Hungarian clinicians.

The optimal age for childbirth is considered to be 19-22 years (Stockel, 1951); at this age, growth ends, the body is fully developed, the elasticity and condition of the tissues are optimal.

Girls who become pregnant before the age of 16 develop faster during pregnancy. The increased content of steroids in the blood helps to accelerate the development of the genital organs and especially the development of the pelvic bones. The size of the pelvis in nulliparous minors is undoubtedly smaller than in adult women, but much larger than this corresponds to the passport age; their pelvis is suitable for childbirth. It must be emphasized that this does not apply to underage pregnant women under the age of 10 suffering from precocious puberty.

Childbirth in minors does not have any harmful consequences and does not adversely affect the further development of the girl (Stockel, 1951).

The girl's body becomes sexually mature and capable of reproduction when the somatic development has reached such a stage that the body can already cope with the increased load during pregnancy. In considering issues in connection with premature puberty, it has already been noted that childbirth even in small girls does not have a harmful effect on its further development and ability to reproduce.

If we approach this problem only taking into account somatic development, then childbirth in minors is not a particular pathology; however, we must not forget that mental development at this age is still insufficient, therefore, pregnancy and childbirth at this age are considered undesirable. As mentioned above, during puberty there is a spasmodic somatic development, but it is not accompanied by a corresponding mental development, and the girl does not yet have life experience.

What is mental retardation? According to Marchetti and Menaker (1950), toxicosis of pregnant women and eclampsia are observed in underage pregnant women 7 times more often than in adult women, since underage pregnant women do not follow diets and do not follow medical prescriptions from a doctor. Juveniles have a very high perinatal fetal mortality (Specht, 1916; David es Szekely, 1924; Marchetti a. Menaker, 1950; Burger, 1950; Stokel, 1951, etc.). If underage women in labor with insufficiently developed maternal instinct and insufficient life experience are supported by their parents, then perinatal mortality is somewhat reduced. Underage age in itself is not an indication for abortion (Olsen, 1936).

The course of pregnancy. In underage pregnant women, spontaneous miscarriages occur less frequently than in women over the age of 20 (Poliakoff, 1958; Israel a. Woutersz, 1963). Pregnancy proceeds relatively well, vomiting occurs rarely. The prognosis for underage pregnant women is no worse than for adult pregnant women.

Complications during pregnancy, such as anemia and bleeding, occur less frequently than in adults. The only exception is toxemia of pregnancy, which is observed much more often in nulliparous minors (Israel a. Woutersz, 1963; Poliakoff, 1958); this has also been noted by older writers.

Almost all authors note that childbirth in minors proceeds favorably. Malpositions of the fetus are rare; the only exception is the breech presentation of the fetus, which is somewhat more common in minors (Burger, 1950).

The duration of childbirth is less than in adult women; Marchetti and Menaker (1950), having studied the course of childbirth in 634 minors, found that labor lasted an average of 13.5 hours; a similar observation was also reported by Specht (1916). Generic weakness and prolonged labor are very rare; caesarean section has to be resorted to no more often than in adults.

Soft tissue injuries and blood loss during childbirth are less than in adults.

Summarizing all the observations; it can be said that childbirth in primiparous minors proceeds more favorably than in adult women.

Fetal condition. Poliakoff (1958) studied the condition of the fetus in 299 underage women in labor (their age was 11-15 children) in 17.7% of cases, the weight of the fetus was less than 2500 g; fruit weight was generally consistent with maturity.

There are no exact statistical data regarding the frequency of congenital malformations.

Perinatal mortality is somewhat below average; on the material of Poliakoff (1959) it was 5.9%. According to Israel and Woutersz (1963), perinatal mortality in minors aged 11-20 years was 1.5%, and in women in labor over the age of 20 years, 1.62%.

postpartum period. All authors note that morbidity and mortality in the postpartum period among minors is lower than among adult women. Thromboembolic diseases almost never occur, postpartum involution is very favorable. Lactation is also favorable.

1 answer. Moscow Viewed 438 times. Asked 2013-07-21 06:33:07 +0400 in the topic "Criminal Law" whether the guy will be prosecuted for seducing minors. Further

1 answer. Moscow Viewed 1720 times. Asked 2012-06-09 15:43:49 +0400 in the topic "Criminal Law" Responsibility of an adult for cohabitation with a minor - Responsibility of an adult for cohabitation with a minor.

Underage marriage: what does the law allow?

In Russia, the age of marriage is set at 18. However, the law allows for the possibility of marriage at the age of 16 and even earlier. According to Art. 13 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, if there are valid reasons, local governments at the place of residence of persons wishing to marry, have the right, at the request of these persons, to allow persons who have reached the age of sixteen years to enter into marriage. The procedure and conditions under which entry into marriage as an exception, taking into account special circumstances, may be permitted before reaching the age of sixteen, may be established by the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Underage Pregnancy Law

At present, according to Article 54 of the Law “On the Basics of Protecting the Health of Citizens of the Russian Federation” dated November 22, 2011, a minor girl can decide to terminate a pregnancy without the permission of her parents or legal guardians upon reaching 15 years of age. That is, according to the legislation of Russia, girls can have an abortion without the consent of their parents from the age of 15. If the girl is not yet 15 years old, then she will have to take parental permission for an abortion in writing.

Code of Labor Laws (Labor Code of the Russian Federation) dated

It is prohibited to use the labor of women in hard work and work with harmful working conditions, as well as in underground work, except for some underground work (non-physical work or work on sanitary and domestic services).

The list of hard work and work with harmful working conditions, where the use of women's labor is prohibited, is approved in the manner prescribed by law.

New law allows minors to have abortions without parental consent

At its meeting on Tuesday, the Social Affairs Committee of the Riigikogu decided to initiate a draft law abolishing restrictions on abortions for minors, since they, in the opinion of the Chancellor of Justice, are contrary to the Constitution.

Under the current Abortion and Sterilization Law, a pregnant minor cannot have an abortion without the consent of her parents or guardians.

About underage marriages

The number of marriages among teenagers has increased in our country. Increasingly, there are disputes about early marriages in society. Article 13 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation refers to marriages with.

According to this article, the conclusion of marriages with people of non-marital age is determined by special legislative acts of regional bodies of local self-government. Such laws are in force in the capital of our country, as well as in other Russian regions.

Rights of a minor pregnant woman

Today, early pregnancy is no longer a rarity, so the state is trying to take all measures to educate the younger generation and to provide assistance to underage girls who have become mothers. For this, a number of laws are provided. It is very important to know the rights of a minor pregnant woman. So, what is help for moms, and how to get it? Teenage pregnancy - why it is dangerous, read further in the article.

Should a medical institution inform the prosecutor's office about pregnant minors?

“The health care institution “Enskaya Hospital” filed a lawsuit with a request to recognize the prosecutor’s presentation as illegal. The application states that on December 13, 2011, the prosecutor's office of the Ensky District filed a complaint against the hospital about the violation of the requirements of the law on the prevention of neglect and delinquency among minors. The medical institution was accused of failing to fulfill the obligation to inform the prosecutor's office about the termination of pregnancy in minors under 18 years of age, as well as helping to avoid criminal liability for persons who committed crimes against sexual integrity.

For example, on November 27, you turned 16, will you be caught for a crime on November 28 or will it begin only on the 29th? The lawyer's answer to the question: criminal liability from the age of 16 Article 87.

Criminal liability of minors 1.

Juveniles are persons who at the time of the commission of the crime were fourteen years old, but not eighteen years old.

Underage Pregnancy Law

If the parents of a minor do not agree to an abortion, it is necessary to go to court. By changing the law, the deputies want to solve the problem that arises when a parent decides that his pregnant minor daughter should give birth, but the pregnant woman herself does not want to.

On minor marriages There is no separate federal law that would regulate the procedure for marriage of young people under the age of eighteen, not counting the Family Code of the Russian Federation.

Underage pregnancy

Problem areas of this age group:

If we return to the relationship with the father of the child, then the statistics of reaction to the news of pregnancy in the group of young mothers does not differ much from other age groups.

In the press and at the legislative level of most countries, there is a constant debate about whether the legal representatives of a minor girl need the mandatory consent to an abortion or not. Three types of situations are possible:

They don't know their rights. Minors are most often poorly informed about their legal rights, they cannot defend their rights to a child.

Poor knowledge of the law and many employees who encounter underage pregnant women in their work.

a) Late detection of pregnancy and referral to a doctor. Therefore, those girls who would like to have an abortion are forced to give birth.

But, not wanting to take on the role of a mother, they prefer to abandon the child.

c) Family pressure.

If in the previous types of situations, the girls hid the pregnancy from the family, then in this case, the relatives know about the pregnancy and it is they who force the girl to take this step.

What do teachers do when they find out about the pregnancy of a minor? If the mother tells them about it

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Responsibility of an adult for pregnancy over 16 years of age

If at the time of sexual intercourse a minor is already 16 years old, then there will be no criminal liability. Article 134. Sexual intercourse and other acts of a sexual nature with a person under the age of sixteen

Moscow, Volgogradsky prospect, 46Bk1

I am 17, my boyfriend is 19. I am pregnant from him, do I have to go to sign, so that he would not be imprisoned or given a suspended sentence, or if we sign, will he be given a suspended sentence or imprisoned? What is the right thing to do in this situation?


Lawyers Answers (1)

In this case, your young man is not criminally liable if you do not state, for example, that you had a relationship with him from the age of 15 or earlier.

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The early initiation of sexual relations, combined with a low level of knowledge in this area and poor awareness of contraception, has led to such a phenomenon as young motherhood or teenage pregnancy . Pregnant women who have not reached puberty can be called young, their passport age ranges from 12 to 17 years.

For example, in the United States, the teenage birth rate has declined somewhat, but the number of children born out of wedlock has increased. Approximately 2,700 girls under the age of 20 become pregnant in the United States every day. Between 1940 and 1985, the number of children born each year to unmarried American women under the age of 20 quadrupled. Currently, more than 1 million young girls become pregnant every year; over 65% of them are not married. About 40% of these pregnancies end in abortions, and 10% in miscarriages. The remaining 50% of pregnant women bear their children.

In girls under 20, compared with women of reproductive age, pregnancy is much more likely to be unwanted, miscarriages happen more often, and they have abortions more often.

Causes of pregnancy in adolescence and youth

One possible factor in the high rate of teenage pregnancies is that society is more tolerant of having children out of wedlock. In the past, pregnant teenage girls were usually excluded from school, but now many school systems have developed special programs to help young mothers complete their schooling. In some cultural groups an unmarried mother can receive ongoing support, both from her family and from the father of her child. And finally some girls want to give birth and raise a child because they feel the need to be loved. Usually these are young mothers who have been deprived of love, and they expect their children to make up for what they lacked so much.

Approximately five out of ten sexually active teenagers do not use contraceptives. The reason for this is most often ignorance in the field of reproduction, unwillingness to take responsibility for the consequences of sexual behavior or a passive attitude towards life. Double standards continue to play a role: representatives of both sexes tend to view a man as a sexual aggressor, and consider a woman responsible for setting the boundaries of sexual relations. At the same time, young men and women believe that it is more fitting for a woman to be seized with passion to the point of madness, and not to take precautions with contraceptives. Interestingly, research has shown that sexually active older teens who attend sex education classes are more likely to use contraceptives.

Prevalence teenage pregnancy varies from 12 per 1,000 women aged 15–19 in developed countries to 102 per 1,000 in Russia. “Forced teenage motherhood”, which has been characteristic for a long time for various countries of the world (up to 15 million annually), has become typical for Russia: today, 14–15% of all births occur in mothers aged 15–19. Approximately 30% of teen pregnancies end in abortion, 56% in childbirth and 14% in miscarriage.

About 1,500 mothers give birth every year at the age of 15, 9,000 at the age of 16, and over 30,000 before the age of 17. Perinatal mortality rates (35.04 per 100,000 live births) among adolescents are 5–8 times higher than in the general population. The out-of-wedlock birth rate in the young women group is 60.7–68.7%; among mothers who abandon their children, minors from 52.3 to 63.8%. In the social structure of young mothers, a significant proportion (72%) belongs to housewives and students of vocational schools and schools. About 13% of teenage mothers have bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol).

Factors affecting teen pregnancy rates:

a high level of sexual activity;

• sexual or physical abuse, domestic violence;

· poverty;

Acceptability of the birth of children in adolescence in the family and environment of a teenager;

· psychological and behavioral factors, decreased cognition, limited ability to plan for the future or anticipate the consequences of one's actions, and a sense of one's own invulnerability;

unwillingness to use contraceptives (personal motives or reasons related to the sexual partner);

Intentional pregnancy as the only ritual of transition to adulthood;

· unavailability or poor quality of medical care in the field of family planning.

Features of the clinical course of pregnancy, childbirth juvenile primiparas and the condition of newborns are associated with varying degrees of biological maturity of the organism. The indicator of the last - menstrual age (MW).

By MV, that is, the number of years from the first menstruation to the onset of pregnancy, young pregnant women can be divided into the following groups:

With MV 1 year or less;

· with MV 2 years;

· with MV 3 years and more.

Depending on the state of health or behavioral characteristics, there are:

healthy pregnant teenagers;

young pregnant women with extragenital pathology;

Pregnant adolescents with complicated pregnancy.

Depending on the circumstances of the pregnancy:

· young primiparous pregnant women from complete and prosperous families who consider their pregnancy desirable;

• young from incomplete or dysfunctional families with an unwanted pregnancy;

• young with pregnancy as a result of rape.

Pregnancy and childbirth at a young age are associated with a large load on the immature body of a teenager. Over the past decade, the general somatic and reproductive health of adolescents has deteriorated. About 75-86% of girls have chronic somatic diseases, 10-15% - gynecological disorders that limit their fertility. Naturally, under such conditions and against the background of a low level of somatic health of minors, pregnancy proceeds with a significant number of complications that adversely affect the condition of a young woman, her fetus and newborn.

Most often, pregnancy in minors is the result of an extramarital affair associated with a change of sexual partners, therefore, during pregnancy, colpitis is recorded 1.5 times more often in this age group. In addition, in the period of 24–35 weeks, almost half develop infectious and inflammatory processes, localized in most cases in the urogenital tract and skin (pyoderma).

Pregnancy at a young age speeds up the process somatic and puberty. Changes in the bone pelvis are especially favorable from an obstetric point of view; as the pregnancy progresses, it grows, reaching sizes characteristic of girls at the age of 16–18. The external conjugate increases more slowly than the others and reaches the normal value only by the age of 21. As a result of a narrow pelvis, breech presentation of fetuses in adolescents is slightly more common than in adult women. At the same time, the hydrophilicity and elasticity of the ligamentous apparatus, symphysis and cartilaginous zones in young pregnant women is more pronounced than in adults. This provides some flexibility to the bone ring.

In young pregnant women 3 times more often complicated pregnancyanemia. The frequency and severity of this complication in adolescents is inversely proportional to CF, i.e. at a younger age, anemia occurs more often and is more severe. Despite ongoing treatment, hemoglobin recovery is rare, in some cases anemia continues to progress.

homeostatic reactions unstable at a young age. One of the most common manifestations of maladaptation to pregnancy is preeclampsia, in minors, it is diagnosed in almost every second patient, and often moderate to severe . The average period of manifestation of preeclampsia is 2 weeks earlier than in adult pregnant women. In young primiparas, pregnancies are more often accompanied by chronic placental insufficiency, it is most severe in adolescents with CF 1–2 years. This group is more likely to register antenatal fetal distress on biophysical profile and CTG.

The dynamics of changes in the levels of hormones of the fetoplacental complex in the blood of young primiparas and pregnant women of favorable childbearing age is approximately the same. However, insufficient synthesis of steroids in the fetoplacental complex in biologically immature primiparas persists until childbirth, which is a prerequisite for R development of anomalies of labor activity .

The state of the immune system in pregnant adolescents is tense with low reserve capacity of phagocytes and hypoglobulinemia (IgA), which is clinically manifested an increase in the incidence of infectious and inflammatory diseases , including in the postpartum period.

The course and outcomes of childbirth significantly depend on the age of the adolescent.

The average duration of childbirth in minors does not differ from that in adult women. The largest number of fast and rapid births occurs in primiparas with MV 3 years, and protracted - in adolescents with MV 1 year.

For women in labor with CF 1–2 years, the following complications in childbirth are characteristic:

clinical discrepancy between the fetal head and the mother's pelvis;

anomalies of labor activity - pathological preliminary period, primary weakness of labor

activities, excessively violent labor activity;

Injury to the birth canal

hypotonic bleeding.

In women in labor with CF 3 years, the structure of complications is as follows:

fast or rapid delivery;

primary weakness of labor activity or discoordinated labor activity;

rupture of the cervix and perineum.

Primiparous minors with CF 1–2 years are leaders in the number of complications such as pathological attachment of the placenta and bleeding against the background of reduced uterine tone. Probably, the cause of these complications may be insufficient preparation of the endometrium due to the morphological and functional immaturity of the reproductive system against the background of a high incidence of gynecological diseases and the presence of a history of abortion in some cases.

Obstetric surgeries and benefits among young women in labor are not undertaken more often than is usual in clinical practice.

Childbirth by caesarean section is less common than in adults. The determining circumstances are the size of the pelvis, the nature of the presentation, the estimated weight of the fetus and the state of health of the girl. Reduced overall body resistance of young women, a significant number of colpitis during pregnancy, frequent complications during childbirth lead to the fact that poor uterine contraction and postpartum inflammation are recorded 2 times more often than in adult women.

The main obstacle to the correct and timely diagnosis of pregnancy in minors is most often the unforeseen and unwanted pregnancy. Adolescents are either unaware of pregnancy or hide it (in 35–55% of cases) and turn to a antenatal clinic only at a later date. According to various authors, 8–11% of young women do not attend antenatal clinics at all.

Diagnosis of pregnancy at a young age is based on the "gold" standard for diagnosing pregnancy, identifying the same supposed, probable and undoubted signs, ultrasound data as in adult women, however, the diagnosis is often established with a delay.

In the absence of one or more periods in an adolescent who has reached menarche, pregnancy should be excluded. Denial of sexual activity is not a reliable criterion for excluding pregnancy!

The decision to carry a pregnancy at a young age should be made in each case individually, taking into account such circumstances as gestational age, physiological maturity of the body, obstetric and gynecological history, general health, satisfactory social status, desire to have a child, consent of parents or guardians, favorable pregnancy.

Average duration of pregnancy in minors somewhat less than in adult women - 37.9 weeks. The shortest average duration of pregnancy is usually recorded in minors with MV 1 year or less, they also have the highest rate of preterm birth (23%). Pregnancy delay in young women is less common than in women of optimal childbearing age. With the increase MV the frequency of overgestation also increases in the group of women in labor with MV 3 years it coincides with the frequency in adult women.

The issue of attending an educational institution is decided by a young pregnant woman herself together with her parents.

At present, it is necessary to unite medical, pedagogical, social and public organizations to carry out organized forms of work to prevent untimely pregnancy in young people.

Primary prevention implies the creation of effective programs to delay the onset of sexual activity among girls, aimed at teaching safe sexual behavior, the ability to say “no”, increasing access to contraceptives.

Secondary prevention - this is the prevention of subsequent pregnancies and childbirth in adolescents through long-term - up to 1-2 years of monitoring young mothers with an individual selection of adequate methods of contraception.

Pregnancy proceeds with complications in 70–98% of minors, the pathology of childbirth and the postpartum period is diagnosed in 45–94% of young primiparas.

The frequency of adverse birth outcomes for the mother and fetus is high, therefore, when predicting complications, it is necessary to take into account the belonging of young primiparas to a group of a certain MV(1 year or less, 2 years, 3 years or more). pregnant with MV 1-2 years at any passport age are at high risk for anemia, prematurity, birth trauma.

· Pregnant women with MV 3 years or more can be classified as low risk. With careful and regular monitoring in a antenatal clinic and periodic hospitalization, along with other therapeutic and preventive measures, the outcome of childbirth for the mother and newborn can be favorable.

In the age group with MV 1 year or less in the first trimester, most often, pregnancy is artificially interrupted. In the second trimester, interruption is indicated only in cases where there is a threat to the health or life of the pregnant woman. In the third trimester, it is rational to carry out spontaneous labor after a sufficiently long preliminary preparation.

How does early motherhood affect the further development of a teenage girl? It is common for young mothers to drop out of school prematurely; they tend to work in the lowest paid jobs and are most dissatisfied with their jobs. They are more likely to become dependent on government support. Young mothers must continue their own personal and social development while trying to adapt to the round-the-clock needs of a nursing or young child.

Impact of early fatherhood on the life of young men can also be negative and have long-term consequences. Many feel pressured to support their new families, so young fathers often drop out of school and generally receive less education than their peers who have not had children. They are also more likely to get unskilled, low-paid jobs. Over time, they are more likely to have family problems, which often lead to divorce. Often teenage girls who become pregnant face intense disapproval from their family or are already in conflict with their parents by the time they become pregnant. However, if they do not marry, they often have no choice and must continue to live at home during pregnancy and after childbirth, in a dependent position. Therefore, in order to avoid such a situation, some teenage girls are motivated to get married and start their own household. But marriage is not always the best solution to a young mother's problems. Some researchers believe that, despite the fact that early motherhood interferes with growing up, in many cases it is preferable to early motherhood combined with early marriage! Marriage in late adolescence is statistically more likely to result in school dropout than teen pregnancy. In addition, those who marry at such a young age are more likely to divorce than those who have children first and marry later.

Children of teen parents are also at a disadvantage compared to children of older parents. They may suffer from their parents' lack of experience in adult responsibilities and caring for others. Because these young parents experience stress and frustration, they are more likely to neglect or abuse their children. If factors such as poverty, disagreements between spouses and poor education of parents are simultaneously present in the family, then the chances of these problems in a child increase.

However, some young parents do an excellent job of raising their children while they continue to grow up themselves. To do this, they almost always need help. Helping young parents and their children to develop successfully and become productive members of society remains the most important social task.
