Is hardware manicure dangerous? Hardware manicure - advantages and disadvantages.

Beautiful and well-groomed hands are not only smooth and soft skin, but also a neat manicure. When a woman looks decent, men notice her, she becomes a role model and an object of envy for her rivals. Which is better to do a manicure - edged or hardware? Read about it below.

Edged manicure: features

Classic edged manicure is most often done in salons and at home. It is available to every client. Which manicure is better - hardware or edged? It is difficult to answer this question unequivocally, because each of the types (there is still unedged) has its own advantages. During a cut manicure, the cuticle is removed with scissors, the nail plate is processed, the roughened skin is softened with oils and also cut off. Such a manicure is also called "wet", since the skin of the hands is pre-steamed in the bath, prepared for further manipulations. The nails are given a certain shape, then a varnish coating is applied to the plate.

Hardware specifics

To perform a manicure, special devices are used, which are sold with a set of nozzles. Hardware-type equipment is portable and stationary. The first is used when the master leaves for the client at home, and the second - in salons and at home. Which manicure is better - hardware or edged? In the first case, it can be either a separate procedure or part of a set of services that are aimed at caring for nails and hands. Such a manicure can be done on your own, but before you start, you need to look at the work of a specialist at least once, and also read the instructions for the device.

Hardware manicure - a type of nail care, in which the rough skin on the fingers and cuticles are removed. Various nozzles are used during the procedure, which gently remove the stratum corneum. This type of manicure is modern and effective.

Hardware manicure technology

Judging by the reviews about edged and hardware manicure, the second technique is easy to repeat at home. What is it?

  1. First, treat your hands with an antiseptic.
  2. The free edge of the nail is shaped with a 240 grit stick.
  3. Take the needle-shaped nozzle (finely abrasive diamond cutter), process the cuticle from the sides.
  4. Continue with this cutter to move along the cuticle, lift it.
  5. Remove the cuticle with a bullet-shaped nozzle.
  6. Carry out the processing with a fine abrasive cutter.
  7. Apply cream and degreaser.
  8. Cover your nails with varnish.

If the nails and the skin around them are in poor condition, it is better to entrust the hardware manicure to the master.

How to do a cropped manicure

This is the most common type. It's inexpensive and you can make it yourself at home. The classic procedure consists of the following steps:

  • nails with the help of tweezers, scissors and nail files are given the desired shape;
  • a soft oil is applied at the base of the nail near the cuticle, and the hands are dipped in a warm solution for fifteen minutes;
  • after the cuticle is moved away from the nail plate with an orange stick;
  • dry the hands, then cut the cuticle with scissors or tweezers, start from the edge of the nail, move to the center and the opposite edge;
  • remove remaining burrs.

Many are interested in which manicure is better - hardware or edged. Read about the advantages and disadvantages of these types below.

Technique Pros

Which is better - hardware manicure or edged? Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. Hardware advantages include:

  • economy (equipment is inexpensive, and you can use it for a long time);
  • using the apparatus, manicure is done faster, that is, the procedure saves time;
  • hardware manicure is safe, that is, it is impossible to "pick up" a fungal infection, cuts, cracks, and other damage are excluded;
  • nails remain well-groomed for three weeks;
  • the device is completely sterile;
  • In this way, you can do a manicure for both women and men.

Many masters praise the hardware method of caring for cuticles and nails. But in order to fully understand which manicure is better - hardware or edged, you should study the pros and cons of each type of procedure. Among the advantages of the classic are the following points:

  • manicure is done independently, that is, without the help of a master;
  • the procedure is inexpensive;
  • if you do a manicure in the salon, and the master is a professional, then your hands will look well-groomed for more than a week;
  • does not require additional costs for equipment;
  • universality;
  • availability.

Which manicure to choose depends on personal preferences, material wealth and the condition of the nail plate.


The disadvantages of the hardware method include the following:

  • only trained masters can make such a manicure correctly;
  • the procedure can be painful if done unprofessionally.

Cons of trimmed manicure:

  • a rough impact on the nail plate can lead to the fact that the nail will grow unevenly, and its surface will become wavy;
  • the skin around the nail is easy to injure with scissors and forceps;
  • trimmed manicure should be done every week, otherwise the hands will look unkempt.

It is important to find your master, then there will be no problems.

The fair sex dream of maintaining the beauty and well-groomedness of their nails. For this, it is possible to give preference to hardware manicure, which is gaining more and more popularity.

When deciding to carry out such a procedure, you must be prepared for clear advantages and a decent result, subject to certain nuances.

What is required for hardware manicure?

A special device designed for manicure is a modern device with various removable nozzles. The possibility of effective treatment of the nail plates and the skin around them is assumed. This assumes the presence of several nozzles and cutters, which are created from different alloys and ceramics, may have a diamond coating, and it is the configuration that affects the functionality of the equipment.

Professional machines for hardware manicure differ in rotation speed, and accordingly - processing intensity. The high power of the devices used allows you to successfully improve the condition of nails that are in a neglected state.

Experts note that hardware manicure can be carried out without pre-soaking nails and cuticles. This nuance helps prevent unwanted risks and eliminates potential skin damage. It is mandatory to sterilize cutters and use antiseptics, so that the negative impact is completely eliminated.

Features of hardware manicure

It is important to note that hardware manicure can be carried out using standard technology, the results of which can actually be impressive.

  1. Before starting the procedure, the client's hands must be treated with an antiseptic.
  2. At the next stage, you can shape the nail plates along their free edge. To do this, use a coarse-grained file or a disk nozzle-cutter.
  3. Side rollers, located near the nails, and the cuticle are traditionally treated with a needle-shaped, finely abrasive nozzle (cutter). In this case, with a needle-shaped cutter, you can circle the outlines of the cuticle, gently lifting it.
  4. A rounded bullet-shaped nozzle removes the cuticle. At the same time, the base of the nail plate is given a neat shape.
  5. The nail sinuses are cleaned using a ball nozzle with a special diamond coating.
  6. The nail surface is treated with a finely abrasive diamond cutter.
  7. The skin around the nails is treated with a finely abrasive cutter of a cylindrical shape. It is supposed to eliminate the coarsened parts of the skin and calluses.
  8. Felt cutter polish the nail surface. The main task is to eliminate unwanted yellowness and give the nails a natural shine.
  9. Hands are treated with a disinfectant with a moisturizing effect, nails - with a special nourishing cream.
  10. After the hardware manicure, it is supposed to cover the nails with varnish. However, pre-nail plates are degreased with a special liquid, which guarantees the prevention of negative effects on the nails.

The above standard technology is the most familiar option for those who care about the flawlessness of manicure.

It should be noted that milling directly depends on the type of cuticle. The master must choose the best treatment option in order to guarantee a decent result and prevent unnecessary risks.

The following procedures are available:

  1. The cuticle, which is not adjacent to the nail plate, is treated with a diamond needle cutter. To do this, the cuticle is moved away from the nail, after which it is processed.
  2. For soft and moist cuticles use a diamond round cutter, made in the form of a roller. The best option is traditionally considered to be a product with a medium or soft abrasive, and the diamond stones must be applied to the surface fairly evenly. Otherwise, after processing, burrs may appear, which are not so easy to deal with.
  3. For processing dry and thin cuticles, a drop-shaped cutter made of abrasive stone is traditionally used.

Properly selected technology will certainly allow you to successfully perform a hardware manicure, which will add beauty to the nails.

Advantages of hardware manicure

The hardware manicure procedure has worthy advantages, which determine the high level of popularity of this nail processing technology:

  • High security. Proper use of the device and the addition of antiseptics prevent the risk of infection.
  • No risk of injury. With hardware manicure, sharp objects are not used, so there is no risk of skin damage.
  • The growth of the treated cuticle slows down making subsequent care much easier.
  • No need to steam the skin before removing the cuticle. This helps prevent excessive dryness of the nail plate.
  • Hardware manicure requires minimum time for its implementation.
  • Using a special device allows you to achieve the perfect shape of the nail.

The above benefits contribute to the hardware manicure being a worthy option for nail care.

Disadvantages of hardware manicure

It is important to note that the procedure has potential drawbacks, so you should not count on a flawless nail care option:

  • Hardware manicure makes special demands on the professionalism of the master. Otherwise, careless movements and rapid rotation of the nozzles can damage the nail plate. If you turn to an experienced master, you can count on the successful completion of the procedure.
  • For high-quality processing of nails and cuticles, it is required the presence of a large number of nozzles.
  • There is a potential manifestation mild, minor pain. Such discomfort may be due to the high rotation speed of the nozzles used.
  • Hardware manicure is not always suitable for the perfect processing of nail plates with cuticles. It is possible that the master still needs to use tweezers and nail scissors.
  • A hardware manicure will not always be effective for very neglected nails, for which only a classic edged manicure is suitable.

Such shortcomings indicate that nail care must be constant and interaction with an experienced master is truly important. Hardware manicure allows you to successfully process nails to give beauty to women's hands.

Manicure is perhaps one of the most common, most popular and simple cosmetic procedures. It is made in almost all beauty salons, many masters work at home, providing a service after attending short courses. Traditionally, in our country, the classic edged manicure is more common, which is performed using special tools (scissors, nippers, etc.) on pre-steamed, softened skin of the hands.

But not so long ago, in our salons, the masters began to offer a new type of manicure, namely a hardware manicure, which came to us from Germany. It has its own characteristics, pros and cons, but has already become quite popular among both masters and clients.

Features of hardware manicure

As the name implies, for such a manicure, a special machine is used with various interchangeable nozzles for grinding the skin and the nail plate itself. Hardware manicure is a modern technology for treating the skin on the nail folds and on the cuticle around the nails. The main tool of the master when performing this type of manicure is the apparatus itself.

For a hardware manicure, the skin does not need to be steamed first - it is performed on dry skin. Various nozzles, which the master attaches to the end of the device, allow you to remove the cuticle, keratinized skin particles, polish the nail plate and even change the shape of the nail.

According to the masters, hardware manicure is great for delicate correction of extended nails.

Recently, many masters began to offer their clients the so-called combined manicure, for which both hardware and cutting nail care techniques are used. So, with the help of the device, hardened skin is removed on the sides of the nail plate, more delicate areas are processed using traditional tools.


Thanks to the use of hardware manicure techniques, the master is able to remove only keratinized skin fragments without touching healthy areas and without damaging them. At the same time, the effectiveness of manicure does not decrease.

Hardware manicure is considered safer, it is not traumatic at all, because. during the procedure, the master does not use cutting tools. In addition, this type of procedure allows you to guarantee absolute sterility and exclude the possibility of infection.

In those areas where hardware manicure is used, the skin grows much more slowly, i.e. you need to contact the master less often. Beauticians also advise the use of special cosmetics that will allow you to keep your nails in perfect condition for a longer time.

For hardware manicure, the nails and the skin around them do not need to be softened and steamed, respectively, the intercellular fatty substance is washed out less and the nails are less likely to become dry, they will not exfoliate. In general, a hardware manicure is ideal for those who suffer from excessive dryness of the skin near the nails and have an uneven nail plate.

Thanks to hardware manicure, an experienced master can achieve a much greater symmetry in the shape of the nail, the edges of the nail plate look perfectly even and neat.


Correctly performing a hardware manicure is not so easy. It is sometimes quite difficult for masters who specialize in trimming manicure and pedicure to retrain to carry out these procedures using the device. In addition, it has several speeds, different nozzles are used for different areas and types of cuticles - all this can only be learned through experience. An inexperienced, insufficiently skilled master with a poorly placed hand risks harming the patient. Moreover, if with the help of tweezers for trimming manicure you can simply bleed your finger or damage the vessel, then the device can significantly injure the nail plate itself, leave longitudinal or transverse grooves on the nail.

Again, the procedure, carried out by an insufficiently skilled master, can be somewhat painful. During a hardware manicure, the patient may feel a burning sensation, not a very pleasant vibration.

Manicure using a special device does not allow you to achieve the purity that is available with a classic, trimmed manicure. After steaming the skin, the master can remove all the excess cuticle, which is almost impossible using a cutter. Also, the manicure apparatus will not help if the client's nails are in a neglected state.

In a word, a manicure apparatus is necessary, useful, it greatly facilitates the work of the master and improves the quality of manicure. But in order for it to really be such, only an experienced specialist should use it. In our beauty centers you can. We employ experienced craftsmen, so we guarantee excellent results.

Hardware manicure I did only 2 times, and not successfully, as it turned out later. Although at first I was delighted, you can’t see anything under the varnish.

I did a manicure with gel polish. Naturally - gel polish coating looks great, wears chic, 2 weeks minimum, then it grows decently and has to be changed.

I have no complaints about gel polish manicure.

Gel polish looks great even after 2 weeks - durable and shiny

But after the second time, after removing the gel polish, I found strips from the first manicure and from the second.

Check it out for yourself in the photo BEFORE and AFTER hardware manicure.

PHOTO BEFORE Hardware manicure.

Quite decent nails I think, slightly trim the shape and everything is fine. Slightly outwardly ribbed, but it is not noticeable to the touch, light sanding with a buff and the varnish lays down perfectly.

PHOTO AFTER Hardware manicure

almost 2 months later (2 times I did a hardware manicure), on many nails there were 2 grooves near the cuticle - after regrowth it became visible.

And the nail plate, as you can see, has deteriorated all the same.

The white color of the nails appeared along the edges, rough, etc.

Short horror.

After this view, I decided to give my nails a break, cream + regular varnish, so that it would not be so scary to walk.


near the cuticle, you need to be VERY CAREFUL with hardware manicure, so that it doesn’t turn out like mine.

I never had any particular problems with my nails (burrs, etc.), my nails did not break or crack. Therefore, this effect did not please me very much, but it's okay, the nails grow quickly))

In the meantime, I am saving myself from this disgrace with a sugar manicure)) Hides all the flaws, keeps perfectly. With the base and top for 6 days, it kept perfectly, today I just took it off, because. tired.

Today I took it off, took a picture of this disgrace without varnish for review, cream + “forward” and tomorrow I will cover it with mint and gray tone sand varnish - or in another way with Nail Look Real Sugar sugar varnish.

So, girls, be careful with hardware manicure!

Choose a master and see your features on nails.

Nowadays, to give your hands a well-groomed look and beautiful nails, you can choose a different way of manicure, as new technologies do not stand still and are becoming increasingly popular. Which manicure is better hardware or edged - almost every girl asks this question. This article talks about the positive and negative nuances of each type of manicure, their difference from each other in the execution technique. To understand what is better, safer and more efficient, you should delve into the technology of performing hardware and edged manicure.

What is a hardware manicure?

What is a hardware manicure, and what tools are required to perform it? In this type of manicure, all manipulations with the cuticle, the skin around the nail and the side rollers are performed using a special machine, which is equipped with rotating nozzles of different abrasiveness and size. With this method, the cuticle is not cut off, but only its dead cells are removed. Hands remain dry and do not have contact with water during the entire procedure, it is also called “dry manicure”.

What is a cut manicure?

The differences between a cut manicure and a hardware manicure are very significant. This is a rather aggressive way of putting nails in order. Edged manicure is a technology for removing cuticles and excess skin, by cutting, which differs from other types. All actions with nails and skin are performed after water procedures. “Wet manicure” requires great accuracy and sufficient experience.

Positive aspects of hardware manicure

Positive aspects of edged manicure:

Cons of hardware manicure

Cons of trimmed manicure

The appropriate way to perform a manicure for specific situations

Hardware manicure is suitable if the nails are weakened and require careful care. For these purposes, nozzles with low abrasive properties are used, the effect on the nails and skin of which is very delicate.

In advanced cases, when it is impossible to do without steaming nails, it is appropriate to do a trimmed manicure first, and then, if desired, turn to a hardware manicure.

Performing a hardware manicure should be entrusted to a professional specialist in order to exclude damage to the nail plate. The master must be well versed in speeds, since if the rotation speed of the nozzles is incorrectly chosen, scratches, asymmetry and grooves are possible.

To maintain healthy and well-groomed nails, a hardware manicure should be done at least twice a month.

If the capillaries are located close to the cuticle, then the choice for a hardware manicure is unambiguous. It is much more difficult to inflict injury with a milling cutter than with tweezers, provided that the master performing the manicure has sufficient experience.

Both hardware and edged manicures can be done at home, and many people successfully use this without resorting to the services of salons.

Experienced master - high-quality manicure

The difference in the technique of performing hardware and edged manicure is presented in the selection of videos below. Each type of manicure is suitable for a certain type of skin and nails. Hardware manicure, with some of its disadvantages, is safer and more relevant. The most important thing in any manicure is a master who performs it correctly, performs all manipulations with high-quality tools, disinfects them and changes them in time when necessary, has practical knowledge and understands which manicure is suitable for a particular client.

Therefore, the choice of a salon, and especially a master, must be approached very carefully, find out reviews, see photos of his work. In any case, the choice always remains with the client.
