Definition of pregnancy before delay. What does a blood test for hCG show and how to prepare for the study Causes of elevated hCG levels

HCG is human chorionic gonadotropin, a special hormone that is produced in large quantities in women during pregnancy. The birth of a new life is a complex process, and for it to take place, a whole chain of reactions is needed, in which hCG takes an important part.

During the fertilization of an ovum female sex cell) by a spermatozoon (male reproductive cell), the future embryo is attached to the wall of the uterus. For its attachment, it is important that a sufficient level of the hormone responsible for the successful outcome of pregnancy is produced in the pregnant woman's body. 1

Chorionic gonadotropin, which is present in the blood of a woman from the very beginning of the division of a fertilized germ cell, causes the production of the female hormone progesterone, which is responsible for the onset of pregnancy. At an early stage, it is especially important to monitor the level of hCG by weeks of pregnancy in order to see the dynamics of changes in the body of the expectant mother. Doctors pay special attention to beta-hCG, a component of human chorionic gonadotropin, the amount of which can show deviations in the development of the embryo. 2

At a later date, human chorionic gonadotropin is responsible for the production of other hormones in the placenta (the membrane that surrounds the baby in the mother's belly). Passing through the placenta to the fetus, it affects the formation of the sex of the child. In late pregnancy, human chorionic gonadotropin protects the fetus from excessive uterine contractions, helping to bring the baby to the desired date. In addition, hCG protects the baby from the immune response of the mother's body, that is, it ensures the preservation of pregnancy. Closer to the date of birth, the rate of hCG during pregnancy gradually decreases by weeks. 3

Pregnancy tests work on determining the level of chorionic gonadotropin: with its excessive presence for a non-pregnant organism, a coveted second strip appears. If “home” pregnancy tests are based on a urine test, then in the antenatal clinic they will offer to take blood from a vein for hCG: the level of the hormone in it is much higher, so the test results are more accurate.

However, hCG is formed in small amounts both in the body of men and in the body of non-pregnant women. In addition to a fertilized egg, it can be produced by the anterior pituitary gland, a gland located at the base of the brain.

The norm of the level of hCG by weeks of pregnancy 3

The onset of the onset is counted from the moment the embryo attaches to the wall of the uterus, which occurs on the 14-16th day of the menstrual cycle. Starting from conception, the level of hCG in the blood of a pregnant woman increases, reaching a peak at 6-7 weeks, and then gradually decreases. With multiple pregnancies, the hCG level will not depend on the number of future babies, as you might think, but on the number of placentas (shells): with one placenta for two, the hCG level will correspond to the table, if each fetus has its own placenta, the hormone rate should be increased by 2 (or more) times.

Normally, hCG tests are taken at about 11-14 weeks of pregnancy, as well as at 16-20 weeks. An analysis of hCG by weeks is included in the fetal screening complex (diagnostic measures for a pregnant woman, showing possible abnormalities in the development of the fetus), along with an ultrasound examination, and allows you to determine how the fetus develops in the mother's womb.

For a correct assessment of the results of the analysis, it is desirable to donate blood in the same laboratory. The fact is that the norms of the level of chorionic gonadotropin may differ depending on the method by which the analysis is carried out. Blood to assess the level of chorionic gonadotropin is taken on an empty stomach, preferably in the morning. Unlike ultrasound, weekly hCG levels can be measured quite often if necessary.

Pregnancy period, week

Average value

Limits of norm, mIU / ml





10 000-30 000

50 000

20 000-100 000

100 000

50 000-200 000

70 000

20 000- 200 000

65 000

20 000-100 000


60 000

20 000-95 000


55 000

20 000-95 000


45 000

20 000-90 000


35 000

15 000-60 000


22 000

10 000-35 000


28 000

10 000-60 000

Increasing and lowering the level of hCG 3

In men and non-pregnant women, the concentration of hCG in the blood does not exceed 10 IU / l. From the moment of conception to the 4th week of pregnancy, the level of hCG increases by 2 times every 36-48 hours, and this rate remains until the 7th week of pregnancy. With a miscarriage or missed pregnancy, the level of hCG drops sharply within a few days.

The norm of hCG during pregnancy by week is an important indicator for the expectant mother. The level of chorionic gonadotropin not only allows you to establish the onset of pregnancy, but also to determine the pathology of pregnancy at an early stage.

A low level of human chorionic gonadotropin indicates the absence of pregnancy, an incorrect calculation of its onset, or serious problems with its course. Pathologies of pregnancy can also be manifested by a slow increase in the level of hCG. The earlier a pregnancy test was done and the more accurate the timing of its onset, the easier it will be for the gynecologist to identify deviations from normal hCG levels by week. A low level of hCG is noted with the threat of miscarriage, disturbances in the “work” of the placenta, missed or ectopic pregnancy.

Exceeding the norm of hCG for weeks, as a rule, also does not bode well and requires urgent consultation with a doctor, as it is one of the signs of fetal pathology or a consequence of cystic drift. Bubble drift is a pathological condition in which, at conception, not the future fetus is formed, but cavities filled with liquid. However, an excess production of human chorionic gonadotropin may be a normal variant either in multiple pregnancies or as a result of taking pregnancy-preserving drugs. In expectant mothers with diabetes, the rate of chorionic gonadotropin can also be increased.

Do not forget about the possible inaccuracy when calculating the date of conception: an erroneously named date of conception can cause an imaginary increase in hCG levels in the blood. In women with an irregular cycle or late ovulation (the readiness of the germ cell for fertilization), the date of conception may be different than it is customary to calculate in the practice of a gynecologist. This discrepancy can lead to an incorrect assessment of the results of the analysis.

If the tests show that the level of hCG by weeks of pregnancy is outside the normal range, consult a doctor immediately, because the source of such changes must be established as soon as possible. Deviations from the norm in the level of human chorionic gonadotropin seriously affect both the health of the fetus and the health of the mother.

The norm of hCG during pregnancy by weeks is a scale that allows you to correctly assess the course of pregnancy. It is most important to test for the level of hCG in the first trimester of pregnancy and in case of a threatened miscarriage, as this will help prevent many problems or start a fight against an already manifested pathology in a timely manner.

Do not forget that from the very first day of determining pregnancy, it is necessary to accurately set the date of conception in order to avoid misinterpretation of tests for the level of chorionic gonadotropin.

  • 1. Heffner L. G. Reproductive system in norm and pathology. - M. : GEOTAR-MED, 2003. - 128 p.
  • 2. Filatova A. E., Ignatieva A. E. Methods of biochemical screening in prenatal diagnostics // Bulletin of the National Technical University of Kharkov Polytechnic Institute. Series: Informatics and modeling. - 2007. - no. 19. S. 191-194
  • 3. Alekseeva M. L. et al. Chorionic gonadotropin. Structure, function, diagnostic significance (literature review) //Problems of reproduction. - 2006. - no. 3. S. 7-14

HCG helps to determine the general condition of the pregnant woman and find out if the baby is developing correctly. This is an important analysis that needs to be done several times.

HCG is human chorionic gonadotropin, it is often called the main factor in pregnancy. The chorion produces it immediately after fertilization occurs. Usually, this analysis plays a significant role, as it helps to determine the presence or absence of disorders, as well as to identify possible negative symptoms of diseases in time and begin their treatment.

Why and when is it done?

To determine any pathological conditions for hCG, it is enough to compare its level with the weekly table, since any deviations from the norm may indicate the presence of deviations in the development of the baby. You can take it to check for pregnancy, and then every week to monitor the condition of the baby.

How is HCG made?

To check the concentration of hCG, you can use a special pregnancy test, and this indicator is also easily distinguished from a routine urine or blood test. To ensure reliability in measuring this indicator, it is necessary to use a blood test. If pregnancy occurs or you want to check this fact, you can notice changes in hCG already on the fifth day after fertilization. An analysis for it can help to reveal the fact of pregnancy not only earlier than the test indicators, but sometimes even faster than the delay in menstruation.

During a woman's pregnancy, the level of hCG is at least 15 mU / ml.

A urinalysis cannot always give an accurate answer whether a woman is pregnant or not, and also reveal the pathology of the indicator in a particular case. Also, a pregnancy test cannot give accurate indicators, but it can be quickly and easily used. To determine the most accurate level on a pregnancy test, you need to wait for the first missed period. More advanced tests help determine hCG with maximum accuracy even earlier, a few days before the onset of menstruation.

When the pregnancy is proceeding normally, the level of hCG rises every day, however, to track its exact dynamics, it is enough to measure this indicator once a week. The first trimester is characterized by the most frequent and significant increase in hCG. It slows down at about week 12, when the development of almost all organs has already taken place, and the fetus will only grow and improve in the future.

HCG norm by week: table decoding

The norms in the table are indicated not from the date of the last menstruation, but from the conception itself. For any deviations from the norm, it is necessary to calculate the age of the fetus using ultrasound and start from this when comparing hCG with standard indicators.

weekshCG level
1-2 25-300
2-3 1500-5000
3-4 10000-30000
4-5 20000-100000
5-6 50000-200000
6-7 50000-200000
7-8 20000-200000
8-9 20000-100000
9-10 200000-95000
11-12 20000-90000
13-14 15000-60000
15-25 10000-35000
26-37 10000-60000

The numerical values ​​in the table can be considered the most optimal indicator. With each method for determining hCG, the indicators may differ. If there is a slight deviation of hCG from the norm, this often does not indicate the presence of pathologies or any abnormalities in the health of the child. Of great importance is not only the compliance of hCG with the norm, but also the dynamics of its increase.

If you come to any laboratory, you can take a table with the norms from them. Many are surprised that the parameters are slightly different. Each organization uses the most optimal research methods in the opinion of their leaders, which may differ from traditional ones in accuracy. To be sure to see the full picture of possible deviations, you need to consult with your doctor. Self-interpretation of information can be a cause for frustration, as numbers are often misinterpreted.

What does an increase or decrease in hCG mean?

The level of hCG is used to determine the duration or possible pathologies during pregnancy, but it changes not only when it is present. When it fluctuates greatly, the formation of pathologies in the woman herself is possible, which are in no way connected with the course of pregnancy. This analysis is one of the main ones in gynecological practice, therefore it is prescribed to patients not only during pregnancy, but also when diseases are suspected.

Low level

Usually, a constant reduced dynamics indicates the presence of pathologies associated with the process of gestation. If the level of hCG does not increase, then there is a miscarriage. This pathology needs to be urgently treated. To do this, apply surgery, completely clean the uterine cavity.

An analysis of hCG helps to quickly identify this disorder, since with late recognition, not only infectious complications are possible, but also loss of reproductive function. Before curettage of the uterus, ultrasound is used to confirm the accuracy of the study.

If the pregnancy is ectopic, then the level of hCG can behave differently. In some cases, in the early stages, it is absolutely normal, no different from the standard indicators for a healthy pregnancy. Then it gradually decreases. It is important not to miss this dangerous pathology, for this you need to take the level of hCG on time, and not be content with the indicators that were obtained at the very beginning of bearing a child. With an ectopic pregnancy, low hCG has its own reasons. Changes in this indicator indicate an incorrect localization of the fetus, and also begins to actively slow down with detachment of the chorion. They are insignificant, but the analysis immediately indicates this pathology.

A slowdown in the dynamics of hCG can tell not only that a woman is about to have an operation due to an ectopic pregnancy, but also when there is a risk of spontaneous miscarriage due to a lack of hormones. This negative factor can be moderated if the right actions are taken. To do this, you should immediately consult a doctor and take drugs that replace the natural production of the hormone. Usually not enough progesterone. For internal diagnosis and selection of the correct treatment, additional tests are taken so that hormonal therapy does not harm the child.

High level

Usually, the excess of normal indicators occurs due to the fact that a woman will have two babies at once. If a woman has severe toxicosis, then there is no need to be surprised at the increased rates. Also, such disorders are also manifested in diabetes mellitus, including in its previously undiagnosed form, so you need to check for this disease by passing tests.

If elevated values ​​appear after the 12th week of pregnancy, this indicates one of the genetic disorders in the child, such as Down syndrome, but does not clearly signal this. Too long pregnancy is also manifested by increased levels of hCG.

An overestimated hCG on the plate can also be detected with an incorrectly set period. Sometimes there is no delay in menstruation for a short period of pregnancy due to the presence of violations. You can once again undergo an examination with the help of ultrasound, revise the indicated terms so that there are no fears for the health of the child. Sometimes a constant elevated level of hCG does not indicate developmental pathologies, but only indicates that the mother regularly takes synthetic progestogens during pregnancy. If it is impossible to refuse their use, you should not worry when receiving the results of this test.

HCG levels if the pregnancy is ectopic

Sometimes this tragedy, like an ectopic pregnancy, has the ability to be determined by hCG, which will help to identify it in time. There is no chance for the development of the child, so the decision is always made to eliminate the pregnancy. If you do not pay attention to this pathology ahead of time, serious problems with the health of the mother are possible. If you miss the time when you can eliminate the fetus almost painlessly, the possibility of a second normal pregnancy is estimated at 50%.

A normal pregnancy involves the fertilization of an egg, which travels down the fallopian tube and into the uterus, where the fetus begins to develop. Sometimes this transition takes too long, then the egg does not reach the uterus, but is fixed where possible.

It's not always a fallopian tube. Sometimes the egg is attached to the ovaries and other nearby organs, which also indicates an ectopic pregnancy of the corresponding etiology.

The fallopian tubes are not able to serve as a reservoir for the development of the child, therefore, before causing defects to these organs, it is necessary to perform surgical intervention.

If you do not have time to make it on time, a rupture of the fallopian tube is possible, followed by the release of all the contents and severe internal bleeding, which can only be stopped in a hospital. With inaction or improper assistance in this situation, high mortality is possible.

Ectopic pregnancy sensations and in appearance practically do not differ from the norm. Sometimes there is a delay in the menstrual cycle, while the periodic formation of blood in the discharge, which can be regarded as a failure of the cycle. Possible toxicosis, and weakness, and partial loss of orientation in space. All these signs indicate both normal and pathological conditions during pregnancy. Ectopic pregnancy is best shown by hCG analysis. With this pathology, this indicator is below optimal.

HCG during ectopic pregnancy

The level of hCG during an ectopic pregnancy rises, but not as much as during a normal pregnancy, when the fetal egg is fixed in the optimal place in the uterus. If the indicators are greatly reduced, it is highly likely to talk about an ectopic pregnancy.

The level of hCG during a normal pregnancy should not only immediately be normal, but also constantly increase. In a short time, it doubles, despite the fact that a pathological ectopic pregnancy does not allow the fetus to function as strongly. The dynamics of growth is very different from normal indicators. There are suspicions about the presence of pathologies that can only be confirmed by ultrasound.


To diagnose any abnormalities during pregnancy, an hCG test is used. This method helps to initially signal that additional examinations are needed to diagnose disorders in the development of the fetus. With hCG values ​​that deviate from the norm, there is no need to panic. It is recommended to consult a competent doctor.

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You can buy a pregnancy test today not only in any pharmacy, but also in any supermarket. Carrying out express diagnostics will take you literally a few minutes, and without any difficulties. The difficulty can arise only in the choice of a test - it was painfully many of them divorced ...

A huge variety of forms, types, brands and price offers literally leads us to a dead end. All of them seem to work on the same principle and promise a fairly high. But when it comes to yourself, you certainly want to choose the most accurate and sensitive pregnancy test. And this may be a BB test, according to the manufacturer.

Feature of the BB pregnancy test

It would seem that in the test can be special? All of them react to the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin, all work according to the same principle, all declare themselves as the most accurate test and promise almost the highest sensitivity. Why is the BB test better than others?

The BB pregnancy test is produced by a French company that claims originality in manufacturing technology. The manufacturer says that the control strip reagent contains special solid-phase polyclonal and monoclonal conjugated antibodies that bind only to hCG, leaving out other hormones in the female body. This can significantly reduce the percentage of false results and increase the reliability of the test. In addition, unlike all other highly sensitive tests that determine hCG at a concentration of 20-25 IU per liter of urine, the BB pregnancy test is already informative at a concentration of hCG in the urine of 10 IU / l. Thus, it not only deserves the right to be called one of the most sensitive tests, but can be used even a few days before the delay of menstruation (recommended at least 3 days).

How to use the BB pregnancy test correctly?

The instructions for the BB test are almost the same as other similar ones. In a clean, dry container with fresh urine, immerse the test strip to the level indicated on it for 5 seconds. Then take out the strip and place it on a flat horizontal surface. The result must be read after 5 minutes, but no later than 10 minutes, since later various processes may occur in the test strip that distort the value of the test. The presence of one strip should be considered a negative result (no pregnancy), two red stripes are a positive result (pregnancy is present), the absence of strips indicates an incorrectly performed or unusable test.

BB Pregnancy Test Reviews

And everything seems to be fine: the test is easy to use and very accurate in the results - exactly what we all need. But not all women, for some reason, he inspires confidence. Many are confused by the pallor of the stripes on the test, because it is said everywhere that they should be clear and bright.

Nevertheless, numerous reviews confirm the high sensitivity of the test: although the strips are really weak, they appear at a time when other tests are silent, women say. Although fuzzy stripes should be regarded as a dubious result and a reason for retesting after 48 hours.

Another drawback of the BB test, according to users, is its high price. Therefore, if the result is not in a hurry for you (does this happen?), Then it is better to wait for a delay and buy a cheaper test. Otherwise, it makes sense to pay more.

Obtaining false results using the BB test also takes place, but still there are more positive reviews about this test system than negative ones. Moreover, girls say that even 5 days before the expected next menstruation, BB shows pregnancy.

We came to the conclusion that this test is at least as good as other analogues. And for many, even better. However, if you are doing a BB pregnancy test before your missed period, repeat the test after a few days to be sure. And, despite the fact that the BB test can be carried out at any time of the day, to obtain the most truthful results, it is still better to use the first portion of morning urine.

Maybe you also have something to say about the BB test? Let's share our experience with others!

Especially for- Elena Kichak

From Guest

Very good test, before menstruation for 6 days showed a positive result and it's true

From Guest

This test has already shown a false positive result 2 times! Of course, I can’t describe the emotions when I received the results of hcg! Cried all day! Moreover, the ghost appeared in the first 5 minutes and is clearly visible to the naked eye!

From Guest

I did it EIGHT days before a month and a weak second line! I did digital, Frau, and Evie, all negative! I signed up with the gynecologist only a week later, I hope that we still take it !!

From Guest

I tried many pregnancy tests, of which the evi test and digital blue are all negative and only the BB test gave a positive result and after 8 months I became a mom))) The only negative is that there are few pharmacies where you can buy it.

From Guest

At the moment, pregnancy is unlikely, but the BB test (already 6 pcs) shows a second visible, but pale strip. Everything would be fine, maybe I would have believed it, but the test was done by a friend who also believes that pregnancy in this cycle is excluded! The test gave her the same // strips as me! Therefore, I think that the test gives incorrect results and is misleading!

From Guest

In the first pregnancy, it was he who showed the first result! A week before my period, I already saw with awe the second pale little line. But now, closer to the X day, the stripes became quite clear and brighter.

From Guest

Showed today // weak, let's hope for a positive outcome)))

From Guest

Today I did 3 days before menstruation, a second strip appeared, but weak, then by the evening I did two more of the same company and again there ......))))))))))))))) I didn’t lie

From Guest

I did a test 5 days before the expected month. Clearly showed two strips! Before that, I tried a bunch of tests, they showed nothing. I decided to clear my throat and still find out early. I don’t feel sorry for the money for the test, but now I know for sure that the pregnancy has come!

Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is a special hormone that is used to diagnose the presence of pregnancy, the quality of its course and the development of its possible complications. In addition, it is used as a tumor marker to search for malignant neoplasms of embryonic origin in the body.

Many people do not know exactly what hCG is and constantly ask their doctors about it. The molecular structure of a protein consists of two subunits, alpha and beta. The result of the analysis for hCG is based on the establishment of the last fragment of the chain. Total beta-hCG remains a unique protein that can be determined using appropriate reagents.

The process of establishing the concentration of the corresponding hormone is very important in modern medical practice. A blood test for hCG is the most reliable and proven test for stating a pregnancy. Starting from the 6-7th day, the concentration of this biologically active substance begins to increase, reaching its peak at about 11-12 weeks of gestation.

By itself, the analysis of hCG during pregnancy involves the study of two biological fluids from the body. A person can take for diagnosis:

  • Blood.
  • Urine.

The first option is considered more universal, since it is used to analyze hCG, deciphering the indicators for both men and women. In the second case, testing is relevant only for pregnant women. The hormone, or rather the B fraction of hCG, penetrates the renal barrier and enters the urine, where it is determined 1-2 days later than the analogous substance in the blood. Modern pregnancy tests are based precisely on this mechanism for detecting the hCG norm.

The blood test itself is carried out in vitro (in vitro) by the method of immunochemiluminescent analysis. Testing requires 5 ml of venous blood. The results of the hCG analysis will most often be ready in the region of 24 hours after the collection of biological material.

Deciphering analyzes

Diagnosis of pregnancy, fetal malformations or the occurrence of various complications in the process of bearing a baby is not the only direction in which the hormone is used. It has shown itself to be a good tumor marker for detecting malignant neoplasms with active endocrine function or embryonic origin.

However, it is not enough to donate blood for testing. How to decipher the analysis? This is the question that interests most people, patients or pregnant women who, for one reason or another, undergo appropriate laboratory diagnostics.

It all depends on the purpose for which the diagnosis was carried out. If these studies are deciphered as part of establishing the presence of pregnancy, then they will not coincide with the norms for similar testing for the development of cancer. In any case, the patient's interest in human chorionic gonadotropin should be supported by a qualified assessment of the doctor.

Weekly results of the analysis of hCG in pregnant women

Since most often the decoding of the hCG analysis is carried out precisely in women who are carrying a fetus, it is better to start with this diagnostic method. A fertilized embryo, in the process of attaching to the endometrium and developing in the wall of the uterus, releases large doses of the corresponding hormone. Then the protein is synthesized by the placenta.

HCG 1-5 weeks shows the highest growth activity in the body up to 11-12, after which it gradually decreases. In the blood, using special methods and chemical reactions, b-hCG is determined, the total concentration of this hormone is the sum of both of its fractions. The beta subunit is unique and has characteristic effects on the body. Therefore, it is easier to find it in biological material.

The table below shows the increase in the amount of the hormone each week of pregnancy. The decoding of hCG is usually carried out by a doctor, however, often expectant mothers independently learn to distinguish between the corresponding values:

Pregnancy period, weeksHCG indicator, mIU / ml
Non-pregnant woman0 – 5
Doubtful result5 – 25
3-4 25 – 156
4-5 101 – 4870
5-6 1110 – 31500
6-7 2560 – 82300
7-8 23100 – 151000
8-9 27300 – 233000
9-13 20900 – 291000
13-18 6140 – 103000
18-23 4720 – 80100
23-41 2700 – 78100

The hCG test, or rather its results, can sometimes differ. Much depends on the capabilities and method of its determination in a particular laboratory. So for example, in the above table, specific units of measurement of protein in the blood are visible. Sometimes there is another indicator - IU / l. They can replace each other. 1 mIU/ml = 1 IU/L.

There are situations when, due to certain features of the work of a particular laboratory, it is necessary to wait for the result of the analyzes longer than usual. This may be due to the workload of the institution itself or the lack of reagents. In any case, the average time to receive final data is 24 hours.

It is also worth noting that the first pregnancy test taken is not always reliable. Due to the individual characteristics of the woman's body, or errors in the work of medical personnel, sometimes it is necessary to undergo the appropriate diagnostics not once, but two or three times. If the second test gave an incorrect result, then it is worth changing the laboratory.

An important feature of the increase in the amount of the hormone in the body of a pregnant woman is that hCG begins to rise actively at 1 or 2 weeks of gestation. Up to week 5, it increases by 2 times every 36 hours, as shown in the table above. If this does not happen, then the doctor has the right to suspect some kind of pathology.

Possible reasons for the increase in the amount of the hormone

HCG results can vary quite a lot. However, if they seriously exceed the indicated norms at a certain stage of pregnancy, this may mean the presence of some kind of disorder. In addition, we must not forget that hCG as a tumor marker also plays a serious role, although this is not relevant during pregnancy.

Situations in which analyzes may not meet the standards, but significantly exceed them, are:

  • Errors in establishing the actual gestational age and calculated by doctors.
  • Prolongation of gestation over 42 weeks.
  • early toxicosis. HCG for 1-2 weeks can already significantly exceed normal levels, which will cause the progression of characteristic symptoms.
  • Taking medications that contain hCG.
  • The presence of a genetic disease in the fetus, requiring more thorough diagnosis.

In all these situations, it is hCG that remains the main marker, the decoding of which should be handled by an experienced qualified doctor. Otherwise, there is a high risk of diagnostic error.

If we talk about the hormone as a tumor marker, then its increase in the blood of non-pregnant women and men may indicate the presence of a malignant neoplasm. Normally, in the absence of gestation, the result of hCG in the range of 0-1 IU / l is considered normal. Perhaps an increase to 5 IU / l, but no more. Otherwise, a number of the following pathologies can be suspected:

  • Choriocarcinoma or its recurrence after treatment.
  • Bubble drift.
  • Seminoma or teratoma of the testicles in men.
  • Neoplasms in the digestive tract or lungs.
  • Tumors of the uterus, kidneys.
  • Abortion a few days ago.

If the hCG result is less than / equal to 1-2 IU / L, then it can be regarded as normal. With significant fluctuations in these indicators, additional diagnostics should be carried out.

Possible causes of a decrease in the amount of the hormone

Since protein is used in medicine as an oncomarker, an indicator of the quality of the course of pregnancy and the presence of its various disorders, it is also worth knowing when the amount of the hormone in the blood can decrease.

Such situations include:

  • Attachment of the fetal egg outside the uterine cavity. In such cases, the already 1-week hCG result will immediately be too low, which will make it possible to suspect a problem.
  • Frozen pregnancy.
  • placental insufficiency.
  • High risk of miscarriage. In this state, the interpretation of the results will demonstrate a decrease in the concentration of the hormone up to 50% of its required amount at a given time.
  • Fetal death.

In all these cases, the decoded hCG analysis will show too low values, which should definitely alert doctors and cause additional diagnostics with the choice of the appropriate treatment method.

Additional nuances

Despite the seriousness of the above pathologies, it must be understood that deviations in the results of laboratory diagnostics are not always associated only with the presence of a particular disease. Very often, even a simple mistake of the work of the staff can lead to a distortion of the indicators.

Additional factors that can change the concentration of hCG in the blood, but are not pathological conditions, remain:

  • Errors in the mechanical delivery of biological material.
  • Wrong calculation of the gestational age.
  • Irregularity of the menstrual cycle in a woman.
  • Untimely attachment of the embryo to the endometrium.

That is why it is always necessary to understand the imaginary end results. In addition, the concentration of hCG in the blood is never the basis for establishing a particular diagnosis. You always need to examine the patient much deeper.

One way or another, a qualified doctor should decipher the results of the tests. Only he will be able to comprehensively assess the condition of a woman or a patient, prescribe appropriate related tests and decide whether it is necessary to choose one or another method of treatment. The main thing is not to panic, but to methodically examine yourself to determine the cause of the fluctuation in test results.


  1. Clinical guidelines. Obstetrics and gynecology. Savelyeva G.M., Serov V.N., Sukhikh G.T. 2009 Publisher: Geotar-Media.
  2. Anomalies of labor activity: a guide for physicians. UMO certification for medical education. Podtetenev A.D., Strizhova N.V. 2006 Publisher: MIA.
  3. Atlas of ultrasound diagnostics in obstetrics and gynecology. Dubile P., Benson K.B. 2009 Publisher: MEDpress-inform.
  4. Intrauterine infection: Management of pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. UMO certification for medical education. Sidorova I.S., Makarov I.O., Matvienko N.A. 2008 Publisher: MEDpress.
  5. Clinical guide to contraception. /Translated from English/ Edited by Professor V.N. Prilepskaya - 2009, M.: BINOM Publishing House.
  6. Ascending infection of the fetoplacental system. Glukhovey B.I. 2006, Publisher: MEDpress-inform.

HCG, or - a hormone released during pregnancy. HCG is produced in the body of a pregnant woman by the trophoblast. The structure of this hormone is similar to the structure of the follicle-stimulating, luteinizing hormone. At the same time, hCG differs from the above hormones by one subunit, which was designated as beta. It is on this difference in the chemical structure of the hormone that the standard pregnancy test and tests conducted by doctors are based. The difference is that a standard pregnancy test detects the level of hCG in the urine, while tests prescribed by doctors determine the level of hCG in the blood.

The effect of hCG on the body of a woman

Human chorionic gonadotropin is a hormone that promotes pregnancy. Due to its biological action in the body of a woman, the function of the corpus luteum is maintained in the early stages of pregnancy. The corpus luteum synthesizes progesterone, the pregnancy hormone. Against the background of the synthesis of hCG, the placenta is formed, which further also produces hCG.

HCG analysis - the norm

Normal hCG in non-pregnant women and normal hCG in men is 6.15 IU/L.

Free beta hCG - normal

For non-pregnant women, the free beta subunit of hCG is normally up to 0.013 mIU / ml in venous blood. For pregnant women, free hCG is normal for weeks in mIU / ml:

  • 49.9 at 11 weeks;
  • 40.6 at 12 weeks;
  • 33.6 at 13 weeks;
  • 28.8 at 14 weeks.

HCG norms for DPO

The level of human chorionic gonadotropin by day after ovulation (DPO) in mIU / ml:

  • Day 12 - 17 - 199;
  • Day 13 - 17 - 147;
  • Day 14 - 33 - 223;
  • Day 15 - 33 - 429;
  • Day 16 - 70 - 758;
  • Day 17 - 111 - 514;
  • Day 18 - 135 - 1690;
  • Day 19 - 324 - 4130;
  • Day 20 - 385 - 3279;
  • 21 days - 506 - 4660.

HCG - norms in IU / l and MoM

The hCG level is measured in two units such as IU/L and mIU/ml. The norm of hCG in Me / l for weeks is:

MoM is the ratio of the hCG level obtained as a result of the study to the median value. 0.5-2 MoM is the physiological norm of the indicator during pregnancy.

PAPP A and hCG norms

Papp alpha is a pregnancy-associated plasma protein. The level of this protein is an important marker for the presence of chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus, diagnosing the course of pregnancy. The study of this marker is relevant until the 14th week of pregnancy; in the later stages, the analysis is not informative.

PAPP alpha norms by weeks of pregnancy in Med / ml:

  • 8-9 weeks - 0.17-1.54;
  • 9-10 weeks - 0.32-2.42;
  • 10-11 weeks - 0.46-3.73;
  • 11-12 weeks - 0.79-4.76;
  • 12-13 weeks - 1.03-6.01;
  • 13-14 weeks - 1.47-8.54.

Antibodies to hCG - normal

In the blood of a pregnant woman, cells can form - antibodies that destroy the hCG hormone. This process is the main cause of miscarriage, since in the absence of hCG, the hormonal background of pregnancy is disturbed. Normally, there can be up to 25 U / ml of antibodies to hCG in the blood.
