What brand of overlocker for home is better to buy. How to choose the right overlocker

In any business related to work on auxiliary equipment, there comes a time when the "fleet" of this equipment wants to be expanded - due to increased quality requirements or new skills that require a more perfect assistant. If you work on a computer, you can’t get away from updating hardware. If your favorite business is related to construction, you will constantly buy new hand tools that speed up the operation time and facilitate the work process.

Sewing is no exception in this business - at a certain stage, you begin to understand that the capabilities of your sewing machine are not enough. And when the idea arises to try to sew to order, the understanding comes that auxiliary machines are needed.

If you need to improve the quality of fabric processing, if you want to get more options in working with various thin and elastic materials, and especially knitwear, without buying overlock you can't do it.


The history of overlockers begins in the second half of the 19th century, when the American entrepreneur Joseph Marrow decided to leave the gunpowder business for knitwear. The radical change in the orientation of production not only brought profit and fame, but also made it possible to make a huge contribution to the development of the knitwear and clothing industry in the 19th and 20th centuries.

At first, the company specialized in the production of woolen products from local raw materials, and bought mechanisms on the side. But production volumes grew, and the equipment needed to be repaired and updated - this is how the department of equipment and the production of new machines appeared, headed by the son of the head of the campaign, who turned out to be a talented technician-inventor.

In 1877, the first machine for finishing the edge of a knitted fabric with a stitch similar to a crochet hook stitch appeared - Crochet. But the matter did not stop there: in 1881, the company filed a patent for the first overcasting stitch machine, which, in the course of improvements by 1889, acquired a form that has remained virtually unchanged to this day: the stitch was made by interweaving three threads, from the needle, the lower looper and the overcasting looper .

It was a fundamentally new machine that did not use a shuttle for sewing. Subsequently, she received the name "OverLock", that is, "blocking", which indicated its direct purpose - blocking the edge of the canvas, from shedding. Merrow still exists today as a small family business. Over the years of their existence, they have become the authors of more than 100 patents in the field of sewing machines.


Modern overlockers are not limited to one overcasting seam, they can perform various 2, 3 and 4 thread stitches , which are used not only for fixing the edge, but also for grinding (stitching) parts:

Number of sewing operations in modern household overlocks it can be both small - - and impressive - -.

If the overlock performs 4-th and 3-thread seams in the “regular” configuration, then to make 2-thread seams, it is usually required converter (a metal part that is put on the looper). The converter sometimes comes with an overlock, and sometimes it needs to be purchased in addition.

For beginners starting to work with an overlock for the first time, threading can be a difficult task - not everyone gets it right the first time. To facilitate this procedure, manufacturers offer to use the function automatic threading of needles or looper . This feature consists in the fact that threading takes place along special guides that guide the thread into the mechanism - which saves you from manually threading the thread into hard-to-reach places, with tweezers or fingers.

When choosing an overlock model, ask if it has material differential feed function . This option allows you to adjust the tension of the fabric during processing, which allows you to either optimally align the fabric, or vice versa - to pick up or stretch the edge being processed. This feature is especially valuable if you plan to work with knitwear and fine fabrics. Along with this function, the presence of a manual presser foot pressure regulator is important. The presence of these two options allows you to freely work with materials of different densities.

Some models indicate such a characteristic as the presence of a puncture force stabilizer. It means that the force with which the needle of the machine pierces the fabric, does not depend on the sewing speed. This possibility is provided by an electronic board that controls the tension regulator, which allows you to optimally adjust the machine according to the type of fabric - from thick drape to thin chiffon.

Option cut off knife now there is in almost all overlockers, and for good reason - in some cases, a knife can only get in the way. For example, when processing small parts, or parts with corners and roundings: you may accidentally not calculate the speed and effort, and go along the wrong path, in this case, if the knife is turned off, the situation is correctable, and if the knife is in operation, it cut off the excess.

Max Speed sewing household overlocks - 1300 - 1500 stitches per minute, but you should not chase after this characteristic - it is unlikely that you (unless of course you have a sewing workshop) will process products at maximum speed. Rather, it is better to pay attention to the smoothness of the pedal, speed control.

More convenient models with thread tension dials located in the upper part of the case - with this design, the thread tensioners are hidden behind the facade of the case and do not interfere. Less convenient design round toggle switches located on the facade - in this case, the thread tensioners are located next to them, openly.

Features such as thread cutter and removable arm platform rather, it can be attributed to pleasant additions than to a mandatory option: the thread cutter is not always convenient to use, and the platform is more useful in sewing machines when, for example, narrow sections of the sleeve cuff are being processed ...

Power consumption overlock is small - from 85 to 135 watts.

Separately, it is worth mentioning that when refueling the overlock, it is worth strictly following the instructions of the instructions, from step to step. If you mix up the sequence of some steps, then in the end the machine will not sew, or it will, but crookedly, and you will blame the design. When working with an overlock, you need to use threads of good quality and thickness recommended for a particular material, otherwise the line will turn out to be far from ideal. Remember that when processing fabric with an overlock, the thread consumption is large, therefore it is better to buy thread in bobbins for this purpose, since ordinary spools used for sewing will run out at the speed of light.

Equipment overlockers can be different, ask when buying what comes with the model you have chosen. The kit may include: a case, a set of needles, a screwdriver, tweezers, brushes, a spare knife, a 2-thread seam convector, a box for accessories, a waste container, an oiler.


In addition to overlocks, the so-called coverlocks - devices that combine the qualities of an overlock and a sewing machine. Outwardly, they look like overlocks, but they have a wider “desktop”, because this design is more convenient for sewing operations.

First of all, they are distinguished from ordinary sewing machines by their internal structure - instead of the usual shuttle (bobbin), the threads are fed by loopers, as in overlocks. Unlike overlockers, which are designed to sew flat knit stitches, they, like overlockers, can finish the edge using knives. Such machines can sew seams using up to 10 threads. Almost any fabric can be sewn with these devices, but most of all they are used in the production of knitwear, due to the production of highly elastic seams based on a chain stitch (remember the processing of the edges of the neck and sleeves of a T-shirt).

On the one hand, it seems - why buy an overlock, if you can buy a carpet, because the second one gives more opportunities? But not everything is so simple - carpets, due to the complexity of the design, are much more expensive than overs (sometimes it is cheaper to buy a pair of overs + a stitcher), and setting them up is much more difficult. And every time you need to switch modes, you have to change a bunch of settings. Therefore, it is more often advisable for a home to buy a good overlock, in addition to a conventional sewing machine. And for a small workshop, a tandem overlock + stitching machine will be more convenient - which will save time on constantly reconfiguring the carpet from one mode to another.

In addition, if there are no strict requirements, flatlock stitches on knitwear made with a carpet or a stitcher can be replaced with an overlock imitation - flatlock stitches.


In the inexpensive price segment - up to 15,000 rubles - you can find devices that perform up to 8 sewing operations using up to 4 threads, with various types of thread tension control (disk and toggle switches), with the ability to turn off the knife, with pressure adjustment and differential fabric feed.

In the more expensive price segment - from 15,000 rubles - you will find devices with disk thread tension switches, an electronic puncture force stabilizer, automatic threading of needles and a looper. Coverlocks are in the same price segment.

Among the many questions that a modern woman asks sellers, this one is not the last: “ How to choose an overlock?". Before answering it, it is necessary to clarify a huge number of nuances, without which the answer will be incomplete. You need to decide what kind of overlock is required - three-thread or four-thread? What is the difference between overlock and overlock and many others.

In any case, you must decide for what purpose this device is purchased. In large cities, their choice is so large that it is not difficult to get confused. However, you probably need a good overlocker, but not always expensive means excellent. Do not get hung up on the manufacturer.

When choosing this device, answer yourself the following questions:

  • why do I need an overlock;
  • what fabrics will be processed on it;
  • what overlock seams will be needed;
  • how often it will be used at home.

On a simple example, we will show the importance of these issues. Let's say you want to process the edges of the carpet tracks. For such work, a special carpet overlock is required. If work is planned or is already being carried out in a small sewing workshop, then it would be right to choose the industrial model.

When purchasing a device for yourself, for your home, the simplest model of a three-thread overlock machine may well suit you.

The country of origin does not matter today when choosing this technique. Based on the fact that branches of many campaigns are scattered around the world, you can purchase the same Chinese device, but assembled from "white" components.

The best overlocker for home

A household overlock is intended for use in a home environment and is not designed for industrial loads. It's great for knitwear. Easily overcasts both light and medium fabrics. It can use almost any thread. Even for domestic purposes, but on small coils.

When answering the question of how to choose an overlock for the home, it is important not only to choose the model that is functionally necessary, but also to strictly comply with all operating conditions. Important points are the use of fabrics, threads, needles of exactly those recommended by the manufacturer. Never be formal about instructions.

If you want to use the overlock at home, opt for economy class models. You will be able to sew three- and four-thread overlock stitches. If necessary, it will be possible to install a special plug or converter and perform a high-quality two-thread seam.

Many devices, including a carpet lock, can perform more complex operations, but they will also be much more expensive and more complicated, including functionally. Various stitches, imitation or actual flat seam, cover stitch are implied.

As you probably guessed, the carpet lock belongs to such miracle devices. Naturally, the price of such a carpet will decently bite. The whole point is that the carpet lock combines two, and sometimes three sewing machines with many functions and capabilities in one case.

Therefore, you need to decide whether you really need a carpet for your home, or is it better to choose a multifunctional over and not overpay for solidity. After all, any, even a simple model, is suitable for your knitwear and will make the required number of seams without gaps. Each over is equipped with a backlight, has many of the most necessary functions.

When choosing a device for the home, it must be taken into account that its price directly depends on the technological features of use, components and functionality. Inexpensive models cannot be used for any commercial workloads. However, small businesses will require a machine that is not suitable for home use. When you are sheathing clients, you need to take into account that many of the working parts of the over will not withstand such frequency of use, and will fail much faster, and the repair will result in a good penny. Therefore, the overlock that you can choose for the home will not serve faithfully for a private entrepreneur.

Overlock for atelier

The over that is used for the home will die at commercial capacity. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a model suitable for a small studio. In this case, the following points must be taken into account:

  1. Over must withstand continuous and prolonged loads. Be reliable.
  2. So that, in terms of its functionality, it is suitable not only for processing knitwear, but also for working with a wide range of other fabrics.
  3. Have the functionality of a household overlock.

Quite often in modern ateliers you can find an over of Soviet times of the 51st class. He works with whimsical knitwear, can even overcast heavy fabrics such as jeans or drape, even thin tarpaulin. In this case, you will no longer need a carpet.

With all that said, any orders will require an expensive over or the same rug to go over the material with a good four-thread stitch. There are not rare cases when an ordinary home over can help out. They are necessary during the execution of an ordinary overcasting or role-playing seam, when it is necessary to process the tulle or the bottom of a knitted blouse or skirt.

Particular attention should always be paid to the width of the processing section of the working fabric. Over and coverlock will be very practical, allowing you to set the maximum seam width at 9 mm. Don't buy into models that don't have a differential. It is he who provides the operator with the opportunity to qualitatively overcast knitted and elastic fabrics.

When purchasing an overlock or a coverlock, it is better to choose a model equipped with an automatic threader, which will save a lot of time.

As a rule, the threads can be threaded, if not mechanically, then pneumatically. An excellent option would be the ability to thread the thread additionally using tweezers. To do this, it must be perfectly visible.

Manufacturers and selection of threads for overlockers

It is impossible to fully provide an answer to the question of how to choose the right overlock without talking about the manufacturers of this equipment. I especially want to mention the Taiwanese manufacturer of overs and carpets "Merrylock", which focused exclusively on their manufacture. Such fine specialization allows the firm to develop and implement new technologies in its models.

The Japanese company Juki deserves special attention, specializing not only in production models, but also in household appliances. They easily cope with different types of fabrics, and also stand out for their higher speed and reliability, which do not affect the quality of the line.

In addition to the choice of manufacturer, the use of appropriate threads plays an important role, regardless of which particular device is in question, domestic or commercial. After all, in the end it is necessary to obtain a high-quality edge wrapping seam. It is impossible for an overlock or a coverlock to use threads of different quality, which will immediately be displayed both on the tension of the line and on the pattern itself.

Any of these devices is extremely sensitive to thread tension, and even the slightest change in one can affect all the others. Therefore, you need to choose only high-quality threads. They are produced on large conical bobbins, which can be seen in numerous videos under No. 35. In this case, we are talking about thin, elastic and not very stretched or twisted threads. For home use, they will be expensive, since they are sold in packs of 4-5 pieces, but after all, repairing these devices will cost much more.

You can not use threads such as:

  • cotton;
  • thickened;
  • with knots;
  • different quality and thickness.

The thinner the thread and the more elastic, the easier it will pass through the overcast fabric, through the needles, and the line itself will not turn out to be some kind, but of high quality.

It can be easily argued that in 90% of cases it is the quality of the thread used that is the condition for the smooth operation of your overlocker.

The improvement in technology has also pleased sewing enthusiasts. At their disposal are compact, convenient sewing machines with many functions that facilitate painstaking work. Some people think that finishing the edges of the fabric takes the most time, but now this task is much easier. Familiarize yourself with the tools for craftswomen.

Overlock sewing machine

Why buy an overlocker separately if you can buy a sewing machine with the same device? The answer is very simple. The difference between the seams made on two such different machines will be simply huge. In one case, this is a regular zigzag stitch that imitates overcasting. You will get this result with a conventional sewing machine with an overlock function. An acute disadvantage of such a line is that it breaks when the fabric is pulled, and in several places. Household overlock works differently.


The device does not replace a conventional machine, but it serves as an excellent addition. The main purpose of an overlocker for home sewing is to trim the excess part of the fabric, overcast the edge to prevent the dissolution of the material. There are machines from 2- to 5-line, with the ability to perform different types of lines. For work with knitwear, three-four-line overlocks for home sewing are suitable. If you need to overcast carpets, you should choose only special professional devices. Cotton materials can also be processed with a 3-line machine.


The device can combine the functions of three devices. The coverlock is capable of making overlock (overlock), flat (cover) and regular sewing machine stitches. Due to the presence of two loopers, the machine does not need a bobbin, in addition, it becomes possible to make a chain seam (reminiscent of a pigtail). Such a line stretches well with the fabric, so its use when working with stretch, knitwear is simply necessary. A significant disadvantage is the high thread consumption.

Cover stitching machine

Attention: this technique was created for one type of seam - a flat one (which will not interfere with the inside of the product). No other sewing machine can make a high-quality and durable line. Stretching knitwear will not damage the seam, as it will stretch with the fabric. This property is very useful when creating comfortable wardrobe details for outdoor activities. Industrial sewing machines are characterized by a high speed of work, which is beneficial for the mass production of clothes.

How to choose an overlock for home

It's nice that you can buy overlockers for home sewing, that is, for amateur use, choosing from inexpensive devices. If you do not plan to open an atelier or sew to order (for neighbors or girlfriends), there is no need to spend all your savings. Nuances:

  1. A cheap overlock is suitable for processing knitted fabrics, it will make good seams without gaps, thread puffs.
  2. Devices often have a backlight and some other features that you may find useful.
  3. Please note: a household machine is not designed for a heavy load. Long hours of use may cause damage.

Overlock machine from the best manufacturers

Today the market offers a wide range of equipment. In choosing machines for domestic and professional use, information about the best manufacturers and a brief overview of their most successful models will help. Depending on the fabrics with which you plan to work, overlocks can be distinguished:

  • Janome 4952D. The home appliance is suitable for working with velveteen, gabardine, thick silk and other medium-weight fabrics. The kit of such a model often includes a tongue that helps to change the configuration of the seam. There is a special platform for working with sleeves. The differential feed adjusts the fabric tension. With this overlock for home sewing, you can do overcasting with four threads, do the twist that the edges of thin fabrics need. Similar models: Family 244D, Brother 3034D.
  • Bernina 800DL. The technique of wrapping fabrics that can crumble after trimming (chiffon) requires a special machine. She should do a seam with two threads, a decorative hem, stitching and underlining the edge of the fabric at the same time. Bernina was created to perform 15 operations, its price is higher than the cost of conventional overlocks. Janome 714D, Janome 784D, Pfaff Hobbylock 2.0 machines are also suitable for working with thin fabrics.

Sewing machines are in almost every home. Some use them to mend leaky clothes, while others renew their wardrobe. However, the functions of such devices are different. Some models sew only even stitches, others overcast the edges of the product. If the last function is not in your typewriter, you should find out how to choose an overlocker. Such a device will cope with the difficulties that have arisen.

Equipment in demand

Choice questions

Getting to the choice, you need to clearly understand the capabilities of this equipment. Unlike sewing machines, overlockers do not perform a complete sewing cycle. If the former sometimes has an overcasting function, then the latter do not perform a straight stitch. But they can be used for the following tasks:

  • Finishing decorative details - ruffles or openwork elements designed to decorate the product;
  • Elastic sewing;
  • Bead attachment.

Overlockers offered by manufacturers have similar functions. However, when choosing, there are a number of features to pay attention to, including the recommended type of fabrics and the method of threading the thread.

Model with smooth adjustment of the overedging width

Main selection criteria

To begin with, it is worth deciding which device you need: a regular or carpet overlock. The former are characterized by compact dimensions and the ability to perform different overcasting stitches. They work with light, medium and dense fabrics (denim, coat fabric). Carpet overlock is designed for processing the edges of carpets and carpets. Sometimes he simultaneously cuts off the edge of the product.

For an overlock for processing carpets, you need to choose the right thread: durable, wear-resistant. If you buy ordinary sewing threads that are not designed for carpet overlock, it will be difficult to overcast, and the edge of the product will soon fray.

There are models that are called carpet. Such a machine simultaneously performs two functions: overcasting and overcasting. As a result, by purchasing such a device, you will become the owner of a unique equipment that performs a whole range of functions.

When choosing, pay attention to the following points:

  • The number of threads to be threaded. The number of stitches formed directly depends on this. At the same time, remember that the more threads you use, the more difficult it is to thread them. If you have a choice, you should give preference to an overlock with a converter, which forms a stitch using only two threads;
  • Automatic refueling. Colored guides make it easy to thread overlockers. However, the automatic function greatly simplifies this task;
  • Knives. The device is equipped with two knives designed for cutting fabric. The top drive of a knife will help to carry out cutting of thick fabric;
  • Number of lines. The need for certain stitches depends on the purpose of the purchase. Beginners are content with an overlay stitch or the possibility of forming a hem. If decorative finishing of products is performed with the help of an overlock, when choosing, you should pay attention to the presence of decorative and special stitches. As a result, buying an overlocker will allow you to do patchwork, quilling, and form neat stitches on knitwear;
  • Thread tension mode. Buying overlock machines with automatic thread tension is preferable. In this case, it is easier to adjust the stitches, and they turn out more evenly. It is better for beginner needlewomen to become owners of an electronically controlled overlocker. It will help to configure the machine for a specific type of material;
  • Stitch size. Buying an overlocker with automatic adjustment of the stitch length to a given width is preferable;
  • Backlight. The function is relevant for visually impaired people and those who sew at night. It is recommended to purchase a model with LED lighting.

Colored threading guides

Advice! When buying a sewing machine for the home, pay attention to the possibility of adjusting the pressure of the presser foot. In this case, with the help of an overlock, various materials can be processed, including lightweight and curtains.

The latest overlock models have the function of switching between different types of stitches. The corresponding item is selected on the display. In the case of buying a budget overcasting machine, you should be prepared for the fact that replacement will become possible only after rearranging the needle board. This makes sewing much more difficult.

Model with switch function

For those who sew clothes on their own, it is worth clarifying whether a sleeve platform is included in the kit. If it is available, the processing of cylindrical parts (trouser legs, sleeves) will be simplified. As a result, without much difficulty, it will be possible to sew trousers or a shirt. However, if the cost of the model in this case increases significantly, you can pay attention to models without this device.

When processing thin and elastic matter, it is difficult to ensure the uniformity of the stitch at the edge of the fabric. With a differential conveyor for material supply, processing is facilitated and quality is increased. Almost all modern models have such a popular fixture, but the feed step can vary over a wide range.

Sleeve model

When using an overlock for processing large pieces of matter, there is a need to expand the working space. A special additional table, which is equipped with many modern models, will help to do this. The location of the garbage can also deserves attention. It should be at hand, there, it is easier to use.

When choosing an overlocker for your home, check the possibility of purchasing additional accessories. Even if there is no need for certain lines yet, over time it may arise. In this case, additional presser feet can be used to form different types of stitches. You just need to set the appropriate type.

Attention! Knowing how to choose a carpet, it will not be difficult to purchase a suitable model. The main thing is that the tucked thread has the required strength characteristics, and not just the right color.

carpet overcasting

Product varieties

Before proceeding with the choice of overlock, it is worth familiarizing yourself with their varieties. All overlock machines are divided into:

  • Double thread;
  • Three-strand;
  • Four-strand.

Each species has its own characteristics and areas of use. When choosing the right option for the home, it is worth analyzing which fabric will be overcast more often.

Double thread

Overlockers of this type are offered by Japanese manufacturers. The machines are characterized by increased precision and high build quality. Double thread overlockers are suitable for overcasting fine fabrics. They are also used for sewing knitwear.

Attention! Having decided to become the owner of a two-thread overlock, you should pay attention to the products of well-known manufacturers. The Janome ML 784 and Brother 4234d models are popular with consumers.

When choosing an overlock, pay attention to the device settings. The simpler they are, the better. In this case, the operation of the device at home will not cause any special difficulties. Pay attention to the quality of the formed stitch. If it is not dense enough or, on the contrary, strongly pulls the fabric, it will be immediately noticeable on light and thin matter. The mechanism must be accurate and reliable.

Brother 4234d - popular model

Three and four thread

Such devices are used for overcasting fabrics of various density. They are indispensable when sewing products from fabrics of light and medium density. When choosing an overlocker of this type, you should pay attention to Brother 1034 or 3034. These models are of high build quality, the thread is easily threaded into them. You just need to learn how to adjust the overlock to the density and thickness of the material.

When choosing the right option for the home, many prefer budget models. However, affordable cost does not always indicate low quality. Janome T-34 or 205 D, belonging to the category of available models, form a strong and even seam. Experts recommend these overlockers for domestic use.

Advice! If threading does not seem too difficult, it is better to give preference to a three- or four-thread overlocker. In this case, many more different types of stitches can be formed than in the case of using the highest class double-thread overlock machine.

Four-strand model

Knowing how to choose the right overlocker will help you purchase the right equipment. With it, you can greatly improve the quality of manufactured products, including sweeping the carpet. When choosing, it is worth deciding which equipment is best suited. If the usual overlock is enough for one, then for others, a coverlock with extended functionality will be the best option.
