Memorable dates October 28. Significant dates (October 28)

    On October 28, 1469, my favorite writer, Erasmus of Rotterdam, was born near Rotterdam.

  • On October 28, you can celebrate holidays:

    28 of October(2012) - Day of Road Transport Workers, Day of the motorist. This professional holiday was established by a decree of the USSR Supreme Council in 1980 and is celebrated annually on the last Sunday of October.

    28 of OctoberDay of creation of army (helicopter) aviation. On October 28, 1948, in the town of Srpukhov near Moscow, the first squadron equipped with helicopters was formed to support infantry and motorized rifle units from the air. This day is celebrated annually as day of the creation of army aviation, as a separate branch of the military.

    28 of October, in Ukraine, noted Day of liberation of Ukraine from Nazi invaders. This holiday was established by the decree of the President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko in 2009.

    October 28 is International Animation Day and animated films. This holiday is timed to coincide with a significant historical date - on October 28, 1892, the French artist and inventor Emile Raynaud for the first time demonstrated to the audience his invention - the Optical Theater (Theatre Optique). With the help of the invented and self-designed apparatus of the Praxinoscope, Emil Raynaud demonstrated Live pictures - moving images. This day is considered the birthday of the prototype of modern animation (animation).

    28 of October you can celebrate Czech Independence Day(Day of formation of the independent Czechoslovak Republic). This national holiday is timed to coincide with a historical event - on October 28, 1918, immediately after the end of the First World War, the independence of the Czech Republic and Slovakia from the Austro-Hungarian Empire was proclaimed and the unification of the Czech Republic and Slovakia into a single Republic - Czechoslovakia took place.

    October 28 in the folk and Orthodox calendar:

    28 of October. Efimy Autumn. Commemoration of St. Euphemia of Thessalonica(Nikita).

    October 28 celebrate the name day of those who are lucky with the names:

    Athanasius, Denis, Yefim, Ivan, Lukyan

    October 28 - significant historical events and memorable dates:

    October 28, 1571Wedding day of the Tsar of All Rus' Ivan IV the Terrible with Marfa Vasilievna Sobakina, daughter of a poor Kolomna nobleman, relative of Malyuta Skuratov. The reign of the new Queen lasted only until November 13 of the same year, after which she died suddenly, as they believed at that time, due to evil damage induced by envious people. It is to this historical event that the play by L.A. Mei's The Tsar's Bride (1849) and N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov's opera The Tsar's Bride (1899). In the famous comedy by Leonid Gaidai, Ivan Vasilyevich changes his profession, the queen was also called Marfa Vasilievna.

    October 28, 1636The day of the founding of one of the leading universities in the United States - Harvard University. On October 28, 1636, in the city of Cambridge (Massachusetts, USA), a college was founded, which in 1639 was named after its first benefactor, John Harvard.

    October 28, 1886Statue of Liberty Opening Day in New York, which later became the national symbol of the United States.

    October 28, 1922 - Black day in the history of Italy. This is the day when the bloodless fascist coup and the 39-year-old son of a village blacksmith Benito Mussolini declared himself prime minister, thus seizing full power in Italy and effectively becoming a dictator. The softness of the King of Italy, Victor Emmanuel III, who did not give the order for a military rebuff by the blackshirts to the fascists, practically led to a coup d'état in the country.

    On October 28, you can celebrate the birthdays of great and famous people:

    October 28, 1469, near Rotterdam, in Gouda, was born the future great philosopher, theologian and theologian, writer, author of the Praise of Stupidity, which is published in our time - Erasmus of Rotterdam. (1469 — 1536).

    October 28, 1924, in Odessa, was born the future legendary Soviet intelligence officer of the Second World War, who became the prototype of the protagonist for the novel by Yulian Semenov, Major Whirlwind, a talented writer — Ovid Alexandrovich Gorchakov. (1924 — 2000).

    October 28, 1936, in the city of Lvov (Ukraine), was born the future infamous director for his theatrical provocations and stage outrageousness, a very famous director in the entire theatrical world - Roman Grigorievich Viktyuk.

    October 28, 1955 and, in the American city of Seattle, was born the future founder of Micro-Soft Corporation, the man personifying success, who became a legend during his lifetime - William Henry Gates III, known throughout the world as Bill Gates.

    October 28, 1967 a wonderful, talented and beloved by millions of viewers, Hollywood Beauty, movie actress was born - Julia Roberts.

    October 28, memorial day:

    October 28, 1969, passed away wonderful writer, author of numerous best-selling books for young children - Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky(Nikolai Vasilyevich Korneichukov). (1882 - 1969).

  • In the year 2012, as far as I understand, the day of the motorist was celebrated in Russia on the twenty-eighth of October. And all because this day was - the last Sunday of cold October, the last autumn month)).

    On October 28, Russia celebrates the Day of the Creation of Army Aviation. Ukraine celebrates the Day of Liberation from the Nazi invaders, the Czech Republic celebrates Independence Day, and Greece celebrates Ohi Day. October 28 is International Animation Day.

    According to the folk calendar, this is Efimy autumn.

    On this day:

    in 797, Emperor Charlemagne decided that it was much more profitable to receive money from criminals than to execute them and adopted the so-called Saxon capitulary

    in 1237 the city of Berlin was founded, on this day the future capital of Germany was first mentioned in historical chronicles

    In 1492, Christopher Columbus became the first European to set foot on the shores of the island of Cuba.

    In 1886, New York acquired its own symbol - the Statue of Liberty was inaugurated on the island of the same name.

    1914 Kodak photography concern begins testing color film

    In 1940, Greece entered the Second World War - on this day, the then Greek Prime Minister rejected the ultimatum received from the leader of Fascist Italy, Benitto Mussolini

    in 1943, the United States conducted the Philadelphia experiment with the mysterious disappearance of a destroyer under the influence of strong magnetic fields

    Korney Chukovsky died in 1969, a children's writer who invented such famous characters as Aibolit and Barmalei, as well as a terrible monster with a mustache - Tarakinishche

    in 2011, the re-opening of the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow took place after a reconstruction that lasted almost 6 years.

    October 28, 1954 Ivangorod - a settlement located in the north-west of Russia, on the right bank of the Narva River - officially received the status of a city. Until that time, it was called a workers' settlement.

    The main attraction of the city is the Ivangorod fortress, founded in these places by the Moscow prince Ivan III, in the spring of 1492, at the very height of the Livonian War.

    After the collapse of the USSR, Ivangorod again became a frontier. On the opposite bank of the river is the Estonian city of Narva. The population of Ivangorod, according to 2015 data, was 10 thousand people.

    It is also the International Day of Animation, Animated Film

    Bill Gates was born on this day in 1955

    Julia Roberts was born in 1967

    In 1886, the Statue of Liberty was unveiled in New York.

    1469 - Erasmus of Rotterdam is born.

    1886 - the official opening of the Statue of Liberty in New York.

    1995 - Bill Gates is born.

28.10.2017 08:00


Today in Ukraine is the Day of Remembrance of the victims on the occasion of the 73rd anniversary of the expulsion of the Nazis from Ukraine.

) October 28, 1944, during the Second World War, the westernmost region of Ukraine - Transcarpathia, was liberated from German and Hungarian troops. The day was established "... for the purpose of nationwide celebration of the liberation of Ukraine from fascist invaders, honoring the heroic deed and sacrifice of the Ukrainian people in World War II ..." according to the Decree of the President of October 20, 2009. The expulsion of the Nazis from Transcarpathia began on September 9, 1944, during the Eastern Carpathian strategic military operation, the components of which were the Carpatho-Duklyansk and Carpatho-Uzhgorod front-line offensive operations. During the Carpatho-Uzhgorod operation, the troops of the 4th Ukrainian Front received the Carpathian passes and advanced in Transcarpathia. On October 16, Soviet troops captured the city of Rakhiv, on October 24 they liberated Khust and Svalyava, on October 26 - Mukachevo, and on October 27 - Uzhgorod. October 28, 1944 is considered to be an established date for the cleansing of Ukraine from the Nazi invaders. In fact, there was still Chop - an important railway junction on the border of Transcarpathian Ukraine, Slovakia and Hungary. On October 28, 1944, Soviet troops approached Chop. As a result of a fierce battle that lasted all day, on October 29, troops of the 17th Guards Rifle Corps, 237, 8 and 138 rifle divisions liberated Chop. But soon the Nazi troops launched a counteroffensive. Separate areas of Chop changed hands several times. Chop was finally released only on November 23, 1944. On the same November 23, the Nazis were expelled from the village of Sholomon (now Solomonovo). Today it is the westernmost settlement of Transcarpathia and all of present-day Ukraine. Therefore, this date should have been associated with the expulsion of the Nazi invaders from Ukraine within its current borders, because until 1945 Transcarpathian Ukraine was still considered the territory of Czechoslovakia. During the East Carpathian military offensive, not only Transcarpathia, but also part of Slovakia were liberated. Soviet troops inflicted a serious defeat on the 1st German Panzer Army and almost completely defeated the 1st Hungarian Army. The losses on both sides were considerable. The Germans and Hungarians lost about 60 thousand killed, 28 thousand of their soldiers were captured. As for the Soviet side, more than 50 thousand servicemen died, of which more than 41 thousand were killed and wounded, almost two thousand were missing, and there were many frostbite. On this Day, the fallen soldiers are commemorated by laying flowers at the monuments, and other traditional memorial events are carried out.

At the same time, on this day, at the initiative of the International Animated Film Association (ASIFA; International Animated Film Association), since 2002, it has traditionally been celebrated International Animation Day . On October 28, 1892, in Paris, at the Grevin Theatre, the French inventor Emile Raynaud for the first time publicly demonstrated his apparatus - a praxinoscope, which showed moving pictures. Since then, animation has come a long way: from simple black-and-white silent cartoons to mind-blowing developments of 3D - 4D animation. However, no matter what computer programs are and no matter how fast technologies develop, nothing can replace an artist in this matter, because a character, as well as his adventures, must be invented. It should also not be forgotten that animated films are created not only with the help of a computer, but also from materials such as sand, plasticine, clay, paper, paints, etc. Cartoon characters can be created with a pencil, but they can also be dolls, or ordinary household items. Making cartoons is not cheap - one minute of animation costs up to 10 thousand dollars. International Animation Day is celebrated in more than 40 countries around the world and more significantly, of course, in France. But other countries, such as Canada, USA, Brazil, Italy, Portugal, Sweden, India, Japan are actively joining the celebrations. Animation day is even in countries such as Burkina Faso and Cameroon. Every year on the International Animation Day, at the request of ASIF, one of the world's famous animators creates a poster - a visual symbol of the holiday. International Animation Day is a good opportunity to recall the animation masterpieces created in the past, as well as to show new experimental works by young artists, to exchange their own experience for specialists at seminars. Sometimes world animated premieres are scheduled for this day. Although Ukraine is not a member of the International Association of Animated Films, we have something to be proud of, because Ukrainian animation during its existence, which is 90 years old (the first cartoons in Ukraine were filmed in 1927), has created many worthy examples of animation art. Ukrainian directors, screenwriters, animators brought prizes from festivals in the USA, Japan, France, Switzerland, Poland, and other countries. Today, Ukrainian animation art is hard to imagine without such names as Evgeny Sivokon (“Beware of nerves!”, “Snow will cover the road ...”, Irina Gurvich (“How the wives of their husbands sold”), Volodymyr Dakhno and Eduard Kirych (authors of the animated series “ Like Cossacks...”), Vladimir Goncharov (“Stone on the Road”, “My Years”), David Cherkassky (“The Adventures of Captain Vrungel”, “Treasure Island”), Stepan Koval (“There was a tram number nine”), Oleg Pedan ("Iron Wolf", "Bright Personality"), Alexander Bubnov ("The Last Wife of Bluebeard", cartoons about Sherlock Holmes), Ekaterina Chepik ("Fiction").

Events of the day:

400 years ago (1617) in the tract Staraya Olshanka near Tarashcha (now Kiev region), the Olshansky agreement was concluded between the hetman Petro Sahaydachny and the commander of the Polish army Stanislav Zholkevsky. The terms of this agreement reflected the search for a compromise between the Cossacks and the Polish government. According to the Olshansky agreement, the Cossack register was set at 1 thousand people, however, at the request of the foreman, the Polish Sejm had to determine the final number of registered Cossacks; the Cossacks were given the right to elect a hetman, who was approved by the Polish king; for the service of registered Cossacks, the Polish government was obliged to pay salaries; the registrars had the right to live only in Zaporozhye; they were forbidden to make trips to the Crimea and Turkey; those citizens who joined the Cossacks in the last 5 years were excluded from the Cossack army, and non-registered Cossacks returned under the authority of the elders and gentry. The Olshansky agreement caused great dissatisfaction among a wide range of registered Cossacks, and therefore the Polish government failed to implement it.

Anniversaries of the day:

13 6 years since birth Dmitry Yakovlevich Makogon (1881-1961), Ukrainian writer, cultural and educational figure. Father of Irina Vilde. He taught in rural and private schools in Bukovina and Galicia. He made his debut with a collection of poems "peasant idyll" (1907), in which he wrote with bitter irony about the hopeless life of a peasant. The poetry "Two Letters" - about the sad fate of an emigrant and his family - spread to Bukovina and Pokuttya as a folk song. The anthem of the radical party of Bukovina was his poem "To fight". However, the main place in the writer's legacy is occupied by prose works - collections of stories "School Pictures" and "Teacher's Benefits", "In Our Villages", "Against the Wave". A distinctive feature of the work of Dmitry Makogon is the widespread use of folk humor. In the post-war period, he published humoresques in newspapers and almanacs. Irina Vilde (Daria Dmitrievna Makogon (husband Plotnyuk)) - Ukrainian writer, author of the famous novel "The Richinsky Sisters" recalls the atmosphere that reigned in the Makogon family: "I can proudly say that I grew up in an ideal family ... In our family a cult reigned (let us not let ourselves discredit this good word!) of the mother. Mom - it was the highest and final authority in all controversial issues. Now I only realize what a colossal value it had for the formation of my worldview, my worldview and the fact that I never heard that my parents not only quarreled, but spoke among themselves in a hostile tone ... My father was for me a model of social virtues...” Dmytro Makogon’s grandson, Yarema Evgenyevich Plotniuk (1935-2012), was an orientalist, translator, and taught at the Department of Oriental Studies (established, by the way, on his initiative in 1997) of the Lviv National University.

Born on this day Bill Gates (1955), American businessman and public figure, philanthropist. A programmer, one of the founders (together with Paul Allen) of Microsoft Corporation (until June 2008 was the head of the company), a knight of the British Empire (2005), one of the richest people on the planet - the fortune of an American as of September 2017 is estimated at more than 84 billion dollars. Bill Gates never went to business training or read books like How to Make a Million in his entire life, but he wrote Road to the Future and Business at the Speed ​​of Thought. The last one, published in 1999, became a worldwide bestseller and has been translated into more than 25 languages ​​today. Gates is hard to surprise, but he still wonders how his wife Melinda managed to convince him, an ardent pragmatic rationalist, to marry. Today, the couple are raising three children, Gates' marriage is quite happy. “Spending money wisely is just as hard as earning it. In the future, I plan to engage in meaningful distribution of money, if, of course, I have something to distribute ... What is a business? It's a great game: minimum rules and maximum drive, and the score in this game is kept in money" (Bill Gates).

Today celebrates his birthday Julia Roberts (1967), American film actress and producer. Now she is the highest paid actress in the world, winner of the Oscar and Golden Globe awards. Julia Roberts was born in a small town in the state of Georgia, and she had a difficult childhood. As a teenager, she worked as a waitress, while her older brother Eric was already a success in his acting career. Impressed by this, Julia began to take her first steps in acting, participating in amateur productions. After graduation, she moved to New York, where she attended acting classes and signed a contract with the Click modeling agency. Her first role was a cameo appearance in the film "Fire Brigade". Her first film success was in Steel Magnolias (1989), for which Julia Roberts received a Golden Globe Award and an Academy Award nomination for Best Supporting Actress in 1990. A year later, she received the status of a "Hollywood star" after playing the title role in the melodrama "Pretty Woman" (1990), which brought her a second Golden Globe Award, a second Oscar nomination and a BAFTA nomination in the Best Actress category. » 1991. Playing the title role in Erin Brockovich (2000), Roberts won numerous awards, including Oscar, Golden Globe, BAFTA and Screen Actors Guild Awards for Best Actress. In 2014, Julia Roberts was nominated for an Oscar, Golden Globe, BAFTA and Screen Actors Guild Award for Best Supporting Actress in August: Osage County (2013). Among the most famous films of Julia Roberts are Best Friend's Wedding, Notting Hill, The Mexican, Ocean's Eleven, Mona Lisa Smile, Eat, Pray, Love. In total, the films in which Roberts has played have grossed over $2 billion, making her the number one actress in the world at the box office. In addition, the actress has repeatedly, including this year, been recognized as the most beautiful woman of the year.

Significant events in the world of music - BIRTHDAYS

AND heard the composition Vitezslav Nowak And Josef Boguslav Foerster, largely adopted the experience of his uncle Oscar Nedbal, under whose direction he played the violin in the Vienna Tonkünstler Orchestra. IN 1910-1911 conducted in various theaters in Moravia, led the student symphony orchestra.

Nedbal known primarily for his performances of Czech opera classics - works Bedrich Smetana, Leos Janacek as well as your teacher Foerster. Tour performances Nedbala with the Czech repertoire on the opera stages of Vienna ( 1924 ), Krakow ( 1927 ), Barcelona and others caused a critical response.

Nedbal also turned to Russian music, including the latest: to 1931 relates his production of the opera "Love for Three Oranges", To 1935"Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District" .

Nedbalu owned several of his own works - 2 ballets, 2 orchestral intermezzos, a sonata for cello and piano, a vocal cycle. He also processed about 50 Slovak folk songs. He left memoirs "Half a century with the Czech opera" ( 1959 ).

P evets was born October 28, 1900. During the Civil War, he conquered his comrades in arms with excellent singing of folk songs and was sent to study at the Penza People's Conservatory, but, given the scale of his talent, he received a recommendation to improve his skills at the Moscow Conservatory, from which he graduated in 1924.

Since 1930 By 1958 Ivan Mikhailovich was a soloist of the Bolshoi Theater, performed the leading baritone parts - Duda and Gryaznov in operas Rimsky-Korsakov "Sadko" And "Royal Bride", Troekurova in the opera Guide "Dubrovsky", cheekbones at the opera Borodin "Prince Igor", Figaro's "The Barber of Sivilia" by Rossini and etc.

B He gained great fame thanks to his concert activity, performing romances, Russian folk songs and songs of Soviet composers.

October 28, 1936 born - American singer, composer, musician, performing country music, rock and roll, blues. At the age of 20, he organized his first band The Jaguars. IN late 1950s this team actively toured the country, playing music of different styles in clubs and restaurants. The pinnacle of creativity The Jaguars was the release of the album, which was not successful, and soon the group broke up.

In 1963 Charlie Daniels wrote a song for, which almost instantly became a hit. Himself Daniels for several years he played with leading country musicians, gaining popularity.

In 1970 Charlie Daniels took up solo work and released a studio album. The album again proved to be commercially unsuccessful. Then Daniels decided that the style of rock and roll should be changed to boogie and formed a group The Charlie Daniels Band recording an album with her 1992. Success was more than modest, but Charlie did not give up, he released the second album, and after him the third. After that, the group began to record hits one by one. IN 1979 Charlie Daniels won a Grammy Award for Best Country Artist. Over the course of two decades, he released several albums and singles that were constantly heard on the radio.

A American singer-songwriter born October 28, 1936. He was a fairly enigmatic figure for most of his career. His songs were more known on the streets, in clubs and small concert halls.

Z then came recognition and fame in Europe, but despite this, Hawkins returned to California early 1990s and again became a "street" artist. Several musicians and promoters invited Hawkins for the record, but he did so only on occasion and with little enthusiasm until he agreed to record a full length album for Geffen Records.

TO when Hawkins nevertheless, he began to tour, commenting on his position as follows: he is glad that he can sing indoors when the weather is bad outside, because he has reached a certain age.

October 28, 1938 born - Soviet, Russian and Armenian singer, music teacher. She graduated from the Central Music School at the Moscow State Conservatory in piano, then the Musical and Pedagogical Institute named after Gnesins chamber singing class. WITH 1965 was a soloist of the early music ensemble "Madrigal", then for many years - a chamber repertoire performer in a duet with her sister Ruzanna Lisitsian. Their vocal duet received wide recognition in the USSR, performed on tour in many countries of the world. He was distinguished by the constant replenishment of the repertoire, which early 1990s numbered over five hundred works of various eras, genres and styles.

Since 1990 Karina Lisitsian teaches at the Russian Academy of Theater Arts (GITIs), where she first taught a vocal ensemble class, and then a class of academic singing. Together with Ruzanna And Ruben Lisitsian created charitable foundation named after P. Lisitsiana , within the framework of which it organizes numerous concerts, master classes, creative seminars.

October 28, 1941 born guitarist of the British rock and roll instrumental group The Shadows. The team was formed in May 1958. After the first breakup of the team in 10 years marvin continued his career by releasing an album Goodnight Dick. Despite the low sales of the album and two singles, 1969 plate Marvin climbed to number 14 in the UK charts, proving the musician's growing potential. Although the album was very contrasting in moods and styles, it did not differ much from the creations The Shadows.

In 1982 Hank Marvin re-entered the charts with an instrumental single "Don't Talk". Having worked in mid 1980s With The Shadows, Hank continued to record his own material. IN , Bruce Welch And Brian Bennet reunited again and went on a grand tour. At the end of the same year Hank together with his son appeared at Wembley Stadium, giving a concert Strat Pack. In addition, the group released a new single "Life Story".

was born October 28, 1945. English jazz musician, best known for his performances with soft machine, played alto saxophone, saxello (a variant of soprano saxophone) and occasionally keyboards.

In 1966-1967 Dean was a member of the group bluesology under the direction of Long by John Baldry. Interestingly, the pianist of this band Reginald Dwight subsequently took on a pseudonym composed of the names Dina And Baldry becoming famous. Dean achieved first recognition in 1968-1970 as part of jazz sextet Keith Tippett with whom he recorded the album "Dedicated To You..." (1970 ).

In 1969-1972 Elton Dean was a member of the leading group of the Canterbury Stage soft machine, having recorded three studio albums with her - "Third" (1970 ), Fourth (1971 ) And "Fifth" (1972 ). Besides, in 1970 Dean took part in the recording of the leader's debut solo album Soft Machine by Robert Wyatt"The End Of An Ear", and in 1971 released his first self-titled album.

1975-1978 Elton Dean led jazz group Ninesense as a 9-piece, who played mainly at jazz festivals, and also released several albums, in particular, Oh! For The Edge» (1976 ) And "Happy Daze" (1977 ).

group soft machine

WITH private groups Dina, whose line-up often changed later on, played mainly in the style of free jazz, practically without relying on pre-written material. At the same time, the musician continued to work with other groups organized by various musicians of the Canterbury scene, he also continued to record with a jazz pianist Keith Tippett.

IN place with three former members soft machineHugh Hopper, John Marshall And Allan Holdsworth- organized in 2002 group Soft Works who has toured and released an album Abracadabra (2002 ). They then changed their name to Soft Machine Legacy while continuing to tour and record. They released two live albums "Live in Zaandam" (2005 ) And "New Morning - The Paris Concert" (2005 ), as well as a studio album "Soft Machine Legacy" (2006 ).

October 28, 1957 was born Stephen Paul David Morris- British musician, best known for his participation in the band new order in which he acts as a drummer. Besides drums, Morris also became responsible for programming sequencers and drum machines, whose role in the band's music began to grow rapidly from the first recordings.

In 1991-1999 during the unofficial breakup new order, Morris And Gilbert recorded together under the name The Other Two. Among other projects Morris there were also music for TV shows and remixes for "Nine Inch Nails". at home Morris has its own studio, where they rehearsed new order And Bad Lieutenant.

Morris- A big fan of the television series "Doctor Who". It is known that Stephen collects tanks and armored personnel carriers.

was born October 28, 1963. At the age of 18, he successfully debuted on competition for young talents in the Italian town of Castrocaro and signed a contract and the release of the first single "Ad Un Amigo". However, he was truly appreciated three years later at the Sanremo Festival, where he eclipsed all young talents. The following year, he appeared at the festival with an album "Cuori Agitati". From that moment on, the brilliant career of the new Italian pop romantic, written in the melodies of nine albums, counts down. Eros Ramazzotti.

Third job Ramazzotti "In Certi Momenti" dated 1987, was marked by a duet with Patsy Kensit and a nine-month international tour, which received close attention from the international musical community.

1991 was marked by the release of the first in the work Eros"live album" with an unassuming title "Eros In Concert". The next creative brainchild was in 1993 album "Tutte Story"- the most difficult and successful of his work. The album reached the top of the European charts.

AND Anastasia sang on International Music Festival "White Nights" in St. Petersburg, which took place from 6 By July 8, 2012 and, according to eyewitnesses, overshadowed the recently held.

R Russian singer, composer Victoria Tsyganova(nee Zhukova) was born October 28, 1963. WITH 1988 was the lead singer of the group "Sea". In the next two years, albums were released in turn "Love Caravel" And "Autumn Day". 1988-89 marked by large-scale tours of the team in the largest cities of the country. Collaboration with composer Yuri Pryalkin and poet Vadim Tsyganov(husband Victoria) V 1990 marked the beginning of her solo career as a singer. IN 1991 under the name Vika Tsyganova saw the light of her first album "Walk, anarchy".

P The first solo performance took place two years later at the Moscow Variety Theater. By this time, her songs became hits and took the top lines in the charts. Success and public recognition led to the birth of new songs, concert programs and tours around the country and abroad. WITH 1992 By 1996 albums were released annually: “With love for Russia”, “Strawberry”, “My Angel”, “Love and Death”, “Oh, not a sin”, “Russian songs. Who needs it?!”.

Z item creativity Vika Tsyganova acquired a lyrical focus: the hooligan and patriotic songs were replaced by a cycle of lyrical ballads from the collection "Only love", album "Red viburnum" and Russian romances from the album of the same name.

2010 marked by work on a project to music Alexandra Morozova and poetry Vadim Tsyganov, which resulted in the release of the album Victoria "My Blue Flowers" and the song "Everlasting memory" became one of the winners All-Russian competition "Spring of Victory".

- participant of the annual National Award "Chanson of the Year" in the Kremlin.

A American country music artist born October 28, 1972. He inherited his love for country music from his maternal grandfather, who gave him a guitar at the age of 8 and taught him how to play it. At 12 Brad wrote his 1st song; At 13, I attended a major concert for the first time with country stars such as The Judds, Ricky Skaggs And George Jones held at the Capital Music Hall in Wheeling, West Virginia.

In 2001 began dating actress Kimberly Williams, who appeared in his music video for the song "I'm Gonna Miss Her (The Fishin' Song)" (2002 ).

IN all studio recordings Brad Paisley take place with the participation of the group The Drama Kings. 5 artist albums ( 2003-2009 ) peaked at #1 on Billboard's Top Country Albums chart. More than 25 singles hit the Billboard, 15 of which 1999-2009 became No. 1 hits on the Hot Country Songs, with a record 10 consecutive number one singles on that chart. 2005-2009 . November 10, 2010 Paisley won the Entertainer of the Year award at the 44th Annual CMA Awards. - Winner of numerous music awards.

In 2011 he published an autobiographical book, A Musician's Diary, about how his life was shaped under the influence of guitar music of different styles: country, blues and rock and roll.

Significant events in the world of music - DAYS OF MEMORY

F French composer Joseph Bodin de Boismortier was born December 23, 1689.

WITH started making music 1724 . In the field of stage music, he competed with Ramo; was one of the most famous composers of instrumental music of his time.

AND from stage works Boismortier four operas have been preserved, among them: opera-ballets "Love Journeys" (1736 ), "Don Quixote" (1743 ), opera-pastoral "Daphnis and Chloe" (1747 ). These compositions were staged in Paris and enjoyed great success during the author's lifetime. Another work - opera-ballet "Daphne"- not staged.

WITH cleansing Boismortier are distinguished by the richness of musical themes, rhythmic originality and grace.

F French flutist and composer born March 13, 1700.

In 1726 Blavet's Parisian solo debut was a great success, placing him among the leading concert performers on the Parisian stage. WITH 1725 year he participated in "Spiritual Concerts"- the first public concerts in France, which quickly became popular and had an important social and cultural significance.

From 1732 of the year Blavet took the post of court musician of the cousin of the French king, Duke Louis of Bourbon (Count of Clermont), and also served with King Louis XV himself. At the same time, he worked as a flutist in the orchestra of the Grand Opera in Paris.

WITH contemporaries noted the virtuoso game Michel Blavet even in difficult keys, although he preferred to write his own music for the flute (numerous sonatas, minuets, duets, etc.), counting on its popularity among wealthy lovers, in the lightest keys.

G river singer Dimitrios(Jimmy) Maculis was born April 12, 1935. Despite being little known at home, Jimmy gained great popularity in German-speaking countries, mainly in 1950-60s.

In 1956 recorded debut single "Auf Cuba sind die Mädchen brown" and hit the top five on the local chart. Three years later, another single "Gitarren klingen leise durch die nach", took 4th place on the chart, and continued to remain on it until 1964.

In 1961 Jimmy McCulis took part in the competition as a representative of Austria. At the festival, held in Cannes, France, the song was performed Sehnsucht. The performance was unsuccessful. Maculis finished last. Sehnsucht- one of the few songs Eurovision never released as a single.

Died October 28, 2007 after unsuccessful heart surgery. He was 72 years old.

Significant events in the world of music - SIGNIFICANT DATES

October 28, 1956 appeared for the second time on the American ed sullivan television show, where the presenter gave him a "golden" record for the song "Love Me Tender".

IN record store owned Brian Epstein, October 28, 1961 a young man named Kurt Raymond Jones came in and asked for a record with a song "My Bonnie" performed by the group, released in Germany. So the future manager of the Liverpool Four first heard about the existence of a quartet that performed two blocks from his store.

October 28, 1967 greatest hits compilation Diana Ross and groups The Supremes peaked at No. 1 in the US for five weeks.

October 28, 1974 played the first of 7 New York shows that were completely sold out.

G group Sex Pistols October 28, 1977 released an album "Never Mind The Bullocks".

October 28, 1989 Janet Jackson for 4 weeks took 1st place in the US charts with the album Janet Jackson's Rhythm Nation 1814.

R eper Coolio together with L.V. October 28, 1995 "Gangsta's Paradise", which uses a sample from the song's chorus 1976 Pastime Paradise. The song was also featured in the movie. 1995"Dangerous Thoughts" with Michelle Pfeiffer.

October 28, 1997 drummer R.E.M. Bill Berry announced that he would leave the band (after 17 years of music career) and become a farmer.

October 28, 2001 Afroman reached number 1 on the UK chart with the song "Because I Got High", telling about how marijuana helps a person to degrade. The composition became famous largely thanks to the Internet.

MAri Jay Blige October 28, 2001 topped the US charts for 6 weeks with the song "Family Affair".

Rod Stewart reached number 1 in the US with the record "Still the Same...Great Rock Classics of our Time"October 28, 2006.

P winner of the show "X Factor" Leona Lewis October 28, 2007 reached number 1 in the UK with the first single from her debut album - "Bleeding Love".

October 28, 2007 The Hoosiers reached number 1 on the UK charts with their debut album "The Trick To Life".

October 28, 2010 the album of the Russian songwriter in the genre of Russian chanson was released Alexandra Novikova on the poems of poets of the Silver Age.

Updated: April 13, 2019 by: Elena

Church holidays, memorable dates and historical events of this week in .

September 28

  • 1600 years of the Finding of the relics of the first martyr Archdeacon Stephen (415) - an apostle from 70, the first Christian martyr. The saint was arraigned by the Sanhedrin and stoned to death for preaching in Jerusalem around the year 33-36. Read more about the saint in the publications:
  • Georgy Alexandrovich Tovstonogov (1915-1989) was born 100 years ago - a Soviet theater director and teacher, People's Artist of the USSR, Doctor of Arts, Hero of Socialist Labor, Laureate of Lenin, two Stalin, and two State Prizes of the USSR. read the text .

  • Yaropolk Leonidovich Lapshin (1920-2011) was born 95 years ago - Soviet and Russian film director. People's Artist of the RSFSR (1980). The first film chronicler of Siberia and the Urals, who filmed historical epics. Some of his most famous works are the paintings "Gloomy River", "Privalovsky millions", "Smoke of the Fatherland", "Demidovs".

  • Euripides (480-406 BC) was born 2495 years ago - an ancient Greek playwright, the largest (along with Aeschylus and Sophocles) representative of the classical Athenian tragedy, the author of about 90 dramas, of which 17 tragedies and a satyr drama have come down to us " Cyclops." Read .

  • On this day 2495 years ago, during the Greco-Persian Wars, the Salamis naval battle took place between the Greek and Persian fleets near the island of Salamis in the Saronic Gulf of the Aegean Sea near Athens.

September 29

  • Ivan Egorovich Zabelin (1820-1909) was born 195 years ago - Russian historian and archaeologist, specialist in the history of Moscow, honorary member of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, initiator of the creation of the Imperial Russian Historical Museum named after Emperor Alexander III, Privy Councillor.

  • Baron Mikhail Petrovich Klodt (1835-1914) was born 180 years ago - a Russian artist, painter, watercolorist, draftsman. The son of the sculptor P. K. Klodt.

September 30th

  • Sergei Nikolaevich Sergeev-Tsensky (1875-1958) was born 140 years ago - a Russian Soviet poet and writer, a master of historical prose. Laureate of the Stalin Prize of the first degree, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR.

  • Alexander Mikhailovich Vasilevsky (1895-1977) was born 120 years ago - a Soviet military leader, Marshal of the Soviet Union, chief of the General Staff, member of the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command. During the Great Patriotic War, as Chief of the General Staff (1942-1945), he took an active part in the development and implementation of almost all major operations on the Soviet-German front. From February 1945 he commanded the 3rd Belorussian Front, led the assault on Königsberg. In 1945, he was commander-in-chief of the Soviet troops in the Far East in the war with Japan. One of the greatest commanders of World War II. Twice Hero of the Soviet Union (1944, 1945), holder of two Orders of Victory (1944, 1945).

  • Vera Kuzminichna Vasilyeva (1925) was born 90 years ago - a Soviet and Russian theater and film actress. People's Artist of the USSR, twice winner of the Stalin Prize. Read an interview with the actress on our website

  • International Translator's Day is a professional holiday of translators and interpreters, which is celebrated on September 30 (the day of death in 419 or 420 of St. Jerome, who translated the Bible (Vulgate) into Latin and who is traditionally considered the patron saint of translators). Founded by the International Federation of Translators (FIT) in 1991.

October 1

  • Nicholas (Klas) Pieters Berchem the Elder (1620-1683, Amsterdam) was born 395 years ago - a Dutch painter, graphic artist and engraver, nicknamed Van Haarlem after his birthplace, then nicknamed "The Theocritus of Painting".

  • Simon Lvovich Soloveichik (1930-1996) was born 85 years ago - a Soviet and Russian publicist and journalist, theorist of pedagogy.

  • Nikolai Ilyich Denisov (1945) was born 70 years ago - Russian actor, playwright, poet, songwriter, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

  • Chulpan Nailevna Khamatova (1975) was born on this day - Russian theater and film actress, public figure, artist of the Moscow Sovremennik Theater, People's Artist of the Russian Federation, twice winner of the State Prize of the Russian Federation. One of the founders of the Podari Zhizn charity fund. Read

  • International Day of Older Persons, established at the 45th session of the UN General Assembly. On this day, public and charitable organizations organize festivals to protect the rights of older people, hold conferences on this topic, and organize charity events. Read a selection of our publications on the subject:

  • International Music Day is an annual holiday that was established at the initiative of the International Music Council (IMC) at UNESCO. Read our publications

2 October

  • Konstantin Yakovlevich Listov (1900-1983) was born 115 years ago - a Soviet composer, People's Artist of the RSFSR, author of songs, operettas, music for performances.

October 3

  • Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin (1895-1925) was born 120 years old - a great Russian poet, a representative of the new peasant poetry and lyrics, called "the singer of Russian nature." Read about it in our publications:

  • Armen Borisovich Dzhigarkhanyan (1935) was born 80 years ago - a Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, theater teacher, theater director. People's Artist of the USSR.

The 4th of October

  • 295 years ago, Giovanni Battista Piranesi (1720-1778) was born - an Italian archaeologist, architect and graphic artist, a master of architectural landscapes, who had a great influence on romantic and surrealist artists.

  • Polina Antipievna Strepetova (1850-1903) was born 165 years ago - a famous Russian theater actress.

  • Joseph Frank Keaton (1895-1966) was born 120 years ago - American comedian and director, creator of the films Sherlock Jr., The Navigator and The General, one of the greatest silent film comedians, known to the world under the stage name Buster Keaton.

  • Marlen Martynovich Khutsiev (1925) was born 90 years ago - Soviet and Russian film director, screenwriter, actor, teacher, People's Artist of the USSR, laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation. Some of his most famous directorial works are the films: “Spring on Zarechnaya Street”, “Two Fyodors”, “July Rain”, “There Was a Month of May”.

  • Richard Sorge (1895-1944) was born 120 years ago - a Soviet intelligence officer during World War II, Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously). One of the outstanding intelligence officers of the 20th century.

  • On this day in 1582, by decree of Pope Gregory XIII, the countries of Europe switched to a new calendar style, called the Gregorian. Read our publications on how the Gregorian calendar differs from the Julian:

On this significant day, many countries celebrate various holidays. In some states, an important event is commemorated and wreaths are carried to the graves of the heroes who fought to the last for their homeland. Today, all countries grandiosely celebrate various events. By this time, various shows, events and solemn performances are being arranged.

International holidays October 28, 2020

International Animation Day

Every year on October 28, the whole world celebrates "International Animation Day". This holiday was established at the initiative of the French branch of the International Animated Film Association. The so-called "optical theater" was created by a talented French inventor. Thanks to the new device "praxinoscope" pictures moved in the form of various images.

Today, times have changed. New cartoons shot using modern technologies appear on the screens. However, this date was the beginning of the era of animated films. Some countries start celebrating this event a few days earlier. Animation film lovers exchange various programs from all over the world.

Technological progress has amazed any person. Digital 2D animations work wonders. It is worth noting an important fact that the Russian animator was Alexander Shiryaev. Around 1925, Soviet graphic animation appeared.

Holidays in Russia October 28, 2020

Day of creation of Russian army aviation

In 1948, on October 28, they decided to celebrate the "Day of the Creation of Army Aviation". Since this date is associated with the emergence of the first aviation squadron in Serpukhov. The entire base was equipped with helicopters. To begin with, helicopter aviation was designed to carry various heavy loads, for reconnaissance, for communications, and more. Further, the situation changed dramatically and helicopters began to be used as a formidable weapon for protection.

The half-century history of army aviation has visited almost all the hot spots in the world where hostilities took place. The Army Aviation also trains various units in order to provide combat training for the Ground Forces. All exercises are conducted with the help of aviation support.

Holidays in the rest of the world October 28, 2020

Liberation Day of Ukraine

A rather significant date for Ukraine is October 28th. On this day, the "Day of Liberation of Ukraine" is celebrated annually. Since everyone knows that Ukraine, like many other countries, was captured by the Nazis. An event is celebrated on this national holiday, since it was on October 28 that the troops of Nazi Germany were expelled. The Red Army liberated their country from the Nazis in 1944.

The original idea of ​​celebrating this state event came from Sergei Tigipko. The Minister of Economy presented an initiative to celebrate this event at the state level. It is worth noting that a few days later, a decree on the celebration of the Day of Liberation of Ukraine was signed by President Viktor Yushchenko.

Czech Independence Day

The whole Czech Republic is proud of its main national holiday, which, in turn, celebrates “Independence Day” on October 28. Previously, this holiday was called Republic Day. After the First World War had passed, the Czech National Committee declared independence from Austria-Hungary. This happened in 1918 on October 28. On the same day, the two states of the Czech Republic and Slovakia united.

During the celebration of this event, celebrations are held in various cities. Many tourists come from different parts of the countries and celebrate this significant day together with the rest of the Czech Republic. Traditionally, especially for this day, state awards are given to people who have distinguished themselves by their activities for the benefit of their country.

Ohi Day in Greece

Every year on October 28, Greece celebrates Ohi Day. Translated from the Greek language "ohi" means - no. In 1940, an Italian ambassador appeared in Greece in the prime minister's office and in turn brought a telegram from Mussolini. In this telegram was written a proposal to surrender to the mercy of the Italian dictator without any conditions and efforts. However, the answer of the Greek prime minister was "no". This meant a declaration of war.

For this reason, Greece entered the Second World War. From Albania, the Italian military invaded Greece. This event took place on October 28, 1940. For 5 months, Greece resisted its enemies. The Greek army has shown everyone that it is strong and powerful. The Italians ceased hostilities and crossed the Adriatic Sea.

Ohi Day in Cyprus

The public holiday in Cyprus is "Ohi Day", which is celebrated annually on October 28th. On this day, the Greek prime minister rejected an ultimatum from Italy and entered World War II. This day is celebrated with great respect in Cyprus. The holiday is simultaneously celebrated in Greece. Military parades are held on this day. By this day, all state institutions are decorated with national state flags.

Goddess Mokosh Day

Makosh is considered the goddess of marriage and childbirth. Everyone knows that Makosh is the patroness of the feminine. She protects all girls and women. Previously, they prayed to Makosha that the birth would be easy. The ancient Slavs considered Friday to be the day of remembrance for Makosh.

On this day, women were not supposed to wash, spin, weave, etc. Also, children were not allowed to bathe. Many believed that for such actions, Makosha could severely punish those who would violate any prohibitions. On the same day they were taken to a two-ring round dance.

October 28, 2020 in the folk calendar

Efimy Autumn

On this significant date, many Orthodox believers celebrate the Day of Euphemia of the Autumn. In another name, he was called Euthymius of Thessalonica, who lived in the ninth century, originally from Palestine. He will be born into a Christian family. Because his parents insisted on an important issue, he married at an early age. However, at the age of eighteen he left his wife and daughter. Accordingly, he took tonsure and went to the monastery, which is located on Mount Olympus.

After a certain time, Evfimy became a schemer. He went to Athos and settled with the hermit Joseph. After Joseph died, Euthymius founded a monastic community near Thessaloniki. He restored the ruins of the ancient monastery of St. Andrew.

Name day October 28, 2020

Lukyan, Semyon, Athanasius, Dmitry, Denis, Ivan, Efim

Significant events on October 28 in history

  • 1571 - Tsar Ivan the Fourth the Terrible married Marfa Sobakina
  • 1886 - The Statue of Liberty was officially unveiled in New York.
  • 1922 - Italian fascists march on Rome

Born on this day

  1. Julia Roberts 1967 - American film actress, Oscar winner
  2. Maria Spiridonova 1884 - Russian revolutionary, politician, one of the leaders of the Socialist-Revolutionary Party
  3. Simonas Daukantas 1793 – Lithuanian historian and educator, collector of folklore
  4. Giuditta Pasta 1797 - Italian singer
  5. Henry III - Holy Roman Emperor
  6. Roza Makagonova 1927 - Soviet film actress, Honored Artist of the RSFSR
  7. James Connolly 1868 - American track and field athlete, first Olympic champion, writer
  8. Bill Gates 1955 - American entrepreneur, founder of Microsoft Corporation
  9. Roman Viktyuk 1936 - Russian and Ukrainian theater director, People's Artist of Russia and Ukraine
  10. Garrincha 1933 - Brazilian footballer
  11. Ovid Gorchakov 1924 - Soviet intelligence officer, writer and screenwriter
  12. Andrei Voronikhin 1759 - Russian architect and painter
  13. Erasmus of Rotterdam 1469 - European humanist, philosopher and writer.
