Instructive ditties for children of preschool and school age. Entertainment "June 1 - Children's Day" material on the topic of Vraka - Zabiyaka conducts relay races with children

Congratulate your children on June 1 - Children's Day. Tell your children how dear they are to you, wish them a happy life!

Congratulations to the children

We dedicate the poems
To all the children on Earth,
Let the sun shine brightly
Flowers bloom in the grass.

The birds chirp together,
And the puppy yelps,
And the book pages
The breeze flies.

May your mother hug you,
Everything will be fine.
Grow up only healthy
And laugh at us some more!

Flowers of life, you grow!
We congratulate you on Children's Day!
You are so in need of protection
We'll pour you some citro today!
Let's feed you plenty of sweets,
Grow for our joy!
We won't say a bad word
Have a great rumble!

The first day of summer has arrived
Children's Day!
Every station is waiting for children,
To take it away quickly
To the oceans, seas,
To the mountains, to the forests, abroad,
In villages and children's camps,
To a world of beauty and hope!
Congratulations to all the children!
Gain great strength!
Let there be many friends
And cool impressions!

Congratulations to the kids

You are the flowers of our life:
All the sons and all the daughters,
All the girls and boys
Granddaughters, grandchildren, children!

Happy Defense Day to you, dear ones,
Joyful, mischievous!
Stay like this
Good-natured, simple!

May you be healthy for 100 years!
Drink cow's milk!
Eat porridge, for example!
You can have sweets, but in moderation!

Congratulations to the kids

Happy Defense Day to you, kids!
Put down your books!
You don't have to read today
And play and walk freely!

Take a rest without worry,
May you be happy forever!
Let the holiday be merry,
That's why he's a prankster!

Have a great summer relaxation
Don't get up at dawn!
Get some sleep, sunbathe,
Eat and play to your heart's content!

Happy Children's Day

On the first day of summer, kids
All the girls and boys
Everyone who is not too lazy to go for a walk,
Celebrating a great day!
So that the people of the world
In private sectors, in apartments
They gave free rein to all the children,
So that you can frolic without problems!
We wish you fun
And successful idleness!
Let the holidays give
A haven for children's pranks!

Children Protection Day

On this sunny day
Guys, jump and jump.
Yes, they are always like this
Groovy fidgets.

We will give them candy
And we will open this summer!

Hey boys, hey girls!
Don't just stand on the sidelines
On holiday you need to get up early,
Have fun, sing, dance,
Draw on the asphalt!

Protecting the kids

On Children's Day
Don't forget, friends,
To offend our children
Well, of course NOT!

The little people will grow up
And just like us,
They will become mothers, fathers,
They will be strict.

And today we will
Pamper the children
Let's not forget to take a walk
And ride it on your neck.

Let's go to the zoo with them,
And let's make some noise.
Let's play ball at home
Let the kids squeal!

For kindergarten


Congratulations, kids!
I hope you are not cowards?
Not a bully? Aren't they liars?
Aren't you lazy? Not thieves?

Children: NO!!!


Let's test your ingenuity,
Solve the riddle:

– Who lives with a large family
And flies over the grass,
Over the crop fields,
Above the meadow flowers.
Collects honey in paws
And carries him home? (Answer: Bee)


And now the question is:
Tell me your address.

Children take turns saying their home address.


Well done to us guys.
You need to remember the address of the house.


Now we'll play
We will learn a lot of new things.

Competition “Cards”

For this competition you need to prepare cardboard cards with words, each word must have the missing letter. Children must fill in the missing letter with a marker. It is convenient to mount the cards in advance on a special drawing board or on the wall. The competition is designed for children of the senior and preparatory groups of kindergarten.


Oh, how smart you are!
We were able to find all the letters!
Do you know how to count?
We will check you again!

Competition “Fun Math”

For this competition you also need to prepare in advance. Children line up in two teams. And in the form of a relay race, the participants run forward to the table on which there are jars, various objects and cards with numbers. For example, there are pencils on the table, you need to count them, put them in a jar and put a card there with a number indicating how many pencils there are. And so on until the jars and items run out.


We know mathematics
And we think it’s great!

Our dear children,
Our happiness on the planet.
Our future strength
It's you, and it's cute!

We wish you good health,
And new discoveries for you,
Be happy children
Don't upset moms and dads!

And now we invite you
For a piece of cake with tea!

Ditties for children are great for themed evenings for kindergarten and school. They are often humorous and cheerful, making them quickly and easily remembered. Ditties for children are most often instructive. With their help, you can not only brighten up a matinee dedicated to any holiday, but also talk about the seasons, animals, and any phenomena.


Ditties for children about the seasons

Ditties about the seasons are especially popular; they can be told at creative evenings and holidays. Ditties about spring and summer for graduation, about autumn for Teacher’s Day, and about winter for the New Year’s holiday are relevant.

Ditties for children about spring

The last snow from our roof,

It's pouring down like rain.

Under the spring rays

It's more fun to sing.

Ah, mischievous Spring,

What have you done?

The entire hockey rink

Turned me into a puddle.

Oh, why does it smell so sweet?

Is there a lilac outside my window?

Now I have to learn my lessons

For some reason I became lazy.

The sun is burning hot,

The buds are swelling

In a long tale of winter

We'll put an end to it.

Oh, beautiful spring,

Be honest with the girls:

Give everyone your freckles,

Well, we'll sing ditties!

Soon our forest will be young

Will be clothed with foliage again,

The nightingale will sing in it,

So that our life is more fun.

Ah, it's time, guys,

Build houses for birds,

Children's ditties about summer

For the holidays, hooray!

The kids ran away!

Let's tan, grow up -

And we won’t recognize each other.

– How soft the grass is in the village! –

Slava rejoices from the bottom of her heart. –

I've been in the meadow all summer

I can tumble in it!

It’s good for me to dive with a mask -

The sea colors are all visible.

I'm not diving alone

My friend is a dolphin.

In the summer, every clearing

Like a self-assembled tablecloth.

Delicious wild berries

He'll feed you and me at once.

Jellyfish are splashing in the sea,

Watermelons are sweeter than sugar,

And the sand is already golden -

You and I have gone to heaven!

The guys and I over the summer

Bronze-colored steel.

We were baking in the sun

They stocked up on them for the winter.

On the golden sand

The sun was shining -

How summer it is sometimes

We had a good time!

Ditties for children about autumn

Oh, the trees have turned yellow,

They sway in the wind.

Oh, it's always vacation

They end so quickly!

Oh, you artist, Autumn,

Teach me how to draw like this.

I'm in your work then

I will help you!

Autumn is so generous

He will reward everyone for their efforts.

We are at the Harvest Festival

They bore its fruits.

Autumn is a damp time,

The rain is pouring down from above.

People are more likely to disclose

Multi-colored umbrellas!

Autumn is a wonderful time,

Kids love autumn!

We go to the forest with baskets,

We find a lot of mushrooms there!

How beautiful everything is all around

Golden autumn day:

Yellow leaves are flying,

They rustle underfoot!

The stupid cloud didn't know

It's already autumn here.

Fire forest outfit

It rains for an hour straight.

Ditties for children about winter

New Year is coming soon

He'll come rushing in on a sleigh.

He's probably already

There's a knock on our window.

In our yard there is

Snowman with a broom,

Watches over the dark night

He is our home from the wolf.

The fluffy snow turns silver,

Santa Claus is racing in a troika,

The elegant spruce is noisy,

And fireworks thunder in the forest.

They don't want to stand in winter

Maples without clothes.

Instead of leaves on the branches

Sparrows, crows.

I study lessons at the skating rink

Winter sunny day.

That's right, I write all the numbers,

But not with a pen, but with a skate!

We are all our own toys

We decorated the Christmas tree.

She doesn't have any free time

Not a single needle!

Oh, winter, winter, winter,

How many snowdrifts she made!

The people are not sad -

It will be interesting for parents and other schoolchildren to listen to humorous ditties about school in the assembly hall. Very often ditties for 4th grade children become one of the most interesting graduation scenes. Ditties for children 10 years old can be funny and humorous.

You only have two grades,

Are you going to salt them?! –

I want a Guinness book

I need to break the record!

Masha hid it in the closet

Notebook from parents.

Together the mice were indignant: -

We're munching on deuces again!

Oh, we don’t like it when Pasha

Answers at the board.

From his sleepy mooings

We are dying of boredom.

Tolya bragged to the guys,

How he climbs ropes. –

Don't boast about the rope,

Get up to speed in your studies!

Our Vova is at recess

I checked the strength of the walls.

He tried so hard

That he was all in a cast!

Katka is a black sheep!

According to the dictation, “five” again.

I couldn't make a mistake

To support us all.

If, Petya, you then

You will be a deputy

Then your diary can become

Terrible compromising evidence!

Ditties about kindergarten

I wrote words in a notebook,

I checked it with emphasis.

Hit, hit

So much so that the desk was broken!

Oh, to your ears, guys,

We shouldn't trust.

Even though we sometimes hear “A”,

The letter "O" must be written!

Together we learn English,

There are successes and progress:

Instead of "yes" it's everywhere now

Children of any age always like to learn ditties about animals; it trains memory and artistry well. You can read ditties by role.

Fantômas, my faithful dog,

Dearest of all friends.

He brought me a bone

Licked my neck.

You can't see the guys in the river,

Only the heels stick out.

One - dive and two - dive,

The duck gives them a lesson.

- Why does the hedgehog have

Sticky needles?

- So that they don’t gobble it up

Neither fox nor wolves!

- It’s been four days now

I have only misfortunes.

- What's the problem, centipede?

- I’m getting up on the wrong foot!

Sees crayfish from the bottom of the river:

The fishermen appeared.

He began to save perches -

Tear the fishing line with your claw

Nowadays mother is a kangaroo

For your little ones

I bought them everything

One hundred pocket books.

- While you were at school, Vitya,

Our parrot has flown away!

- That's why on the world map

Keshka always looked like that.

Oh, how I feel sorry for the horses:

They all need to sleep standing up,

And in the nose with your hoof

It's hard to pick them!

And our Barsik all year round

He fed on Whiskas.

And now the kitten is ours

Turned into a tiger!

– Your sweet dog

Howled under the window all night!

- You, neighbor, don’t worry,

Ditties for children about vegetables

Ditties about plants are varied and funny. Using the following ditties, you can teach small children in kindergarten so that they better know the names of plants, vegetables, and fruits.

There are no tastier apples than ripe ones,

The kids know this.

How can we see apples?

We all shout at once: “Hurray!”

Tomato with cucumber

They whispered merrily.

In the evening they are in the salad

We ended up together.

We love beets and carrots

And there is cabbage too,

Because vitamins

In vegetables and fruits!

A friend said: “There’s a cucumber,

Ripe and green."

“This is a cunning zucchini,

You are my friend, scientist."

Beetroot is a fat girl,

And the carrot is slim,

And each has a braid,

It flutters.

Why, like a little man,

Is the cucumber all covered in goosebumps?

He's lying in the sun

Why is he trembling?

Oh, carrots, my carrots,

It thins the blood.

I will eat vegetables

And listen to your ditties.

I caught a mouse in a cage

And locked it there tightly,

After all, you can’t assemble without a mouse

There's a turnip in the garden.

What kind of pig is this?

Where is the holey patch?

Why can't you hear a squeal?

Well, brother, this is a zucchini!

We don't get the flu anymore

We are not afraid of drafts.

Replaces all tablets


Hello guys! Do you know what day it is today? Today is the first day of summer. And this means that you and I will walk more, play and have fun, because summer is a time to take a break from classes. In addition, the first day of summer is a holiday for all children. Do you love holidays?



Are you ready to have fun?


Presenter: I suggest starting the holiday with a song about the forest.

(Children of the middle group perform the song “Forest Song”)

Ved. There are many sad and funny fairy tales in the world,

And we cannot live in the world without them.

Let the heroes of fairy tales give you warmth,

May evil triumph forever.

Baba Yaga enters the hall.

Baba Yaga:

Hello babies!

Oh, my legs are tired,

I've been coming to you for a long time

Was going to

And she dressed up beautifully.

Scraped off the dirt

I put on my best dress,

I scratched my hair with a fork,

I picked my teeth with a match.

There are no scissors in the house

I have to bite my nails

I had to.

Here, for the holiday

I came,

I brought you assignments!

You recognize me, friends!

Yes, Baba Yaga is me!

(shake everyone's hands)

Now, introduce yourself!

Say your naughtiest name!

(children say their mischievous names)

Baba Yaga:

Oh, who is that rushing out of the bag (the sound of a tambourine is heard in the bag).

Ah-ah-ah, this is my cheerful tambourine, he cannot resist if there are a lot of children nearby. Will you play with him?

Baba Yaga:

Then listen to the rules!

Game "Happy Tambourine"

While the music is playing, you need to pass the tambourine from hand to hand, to each other.

The music will stop, and the one who has a tambourine in his hands will dance to the cheerful music with a tambourine in his hands, like this (shows). It's clear?

(Children sit in their seats).

Baba Yaga:

I'm having so much fun! And you?

Baba Yaga:

Well, this is too much! After all, I’m Baba Yaga, and I don’t like it when it’s a lot of fun. We need to ruin your mood! I love to grumble, this is my favorite pastime. Now I will grumble at you, and you will have to answer!

Game – grumble “It’s me, it’s me, it’s all my friends! »

Baba Yaga:

Answer loudly, unanimously: “this is me, this is me, these are all my friends.”

Answer loudly, but

There is one condition:

In some places you will remain silent,

And where necessary, shout there!

Tell me, how many of you, children, have been dreaming about summer all year?

Which one of you is dying of boredom here now?

Who likes to play in the open air in the forest, on the river, in the field?

In the summer, who surprises everyone by lying down in bed and resting?

Who, I want to know from you, loves to sing and dance?

Who among you does not walk gloomily, loves sports and physical education?

Which one of you is a trickster and plays the ball better than anyone?

Which one of you, everyone will say oh, sunbathes in boots?

Who are you, I want to know, a bully and a brawler?

Which one of you guys keeps things all in order?

Which of you kids walks around dirty from ear to ear?

Baba Yaga:

Baba Yaga:

What it is? Is this some kind of spell?

This is a number and letters.

Baba Yaga:

And if you combine them, can you guess what will happen?

Ved. And let on our planet

Children laugh, children laugh

And let them play with friends

And even the sun laughs with us.

Ved. Baba Yaga, our children prepared ditties.

1. Our accordion player lost

Accordion - three-row.

We will sing ditties

Today it's dry.

2. Oh, the ditties are good!

We sing them with all our hearts.

But don't yawn either,

And feel free to sing along!

3. We can sing all day long.

We don't need rubles.

If only it was fun

To our dear audience.

4. We want to go on tour

Go to the Bahamas.

They just don’t let me go

Us dads and moms.

5. We are from our pop stars

We are not lagging behind one step.

We are without any soundtrack

We will sing for you better than many!

6. We love to sing ditties

Russian national.

Every day we sing them

We are hungry without them!

7. Old people and kids

Everyone laughs heartily.

All the people are happy about the ditties.

We'll top the hit parade!

8. We are singers and musicians,

We like performing.

We are the people's talents,

Our region is famous for us!

9. Our heels are clicking,

Everyone is firmly grounded.

And the ditties that we sing,

All are patented!

10. About your childish affairs

We will sing to you in verse.

We'll tell you everything without hiding.

You all exclaim: “Ah!”

11. We sang ditties for you

Is it good or bad?

And now we ask you,

So that you clap for us!

Baba Yaga…….

Rubbing his palms, with his back to the children, the Bully Liar enters. He speaks in a sarcastic voice.


Well, I successfully did one more nasty thing: I poured salt into the compote. Now let them drink some salty compote! Ha ha ha!

He turns and sees the children.

Liar-Bully. Yeah! This is where I need it!

Leading. Where does this “here” go?

Liar-Bully. Where, where... Yes, here, where there are many children. I will make my assistants out of them.

Leading. Who are you?

Lying Bully . I am Vrakochka-Zabiyakochka. You can simply - Liar the Bully. I heard you are having some kind of holiday here?

Leading. Not just any holiday, but a celebration of all children who have matured, become wiser, and become big during the school year. We came to have fun.

Lying Bully . Are these short little kids big?! Oh, they made me laugh! (Laughs). I just want to give them a pacifier to suck.

(offers the children a pacifier, they refuse).

Leading . Wait, wait, Lying Bully, to find out whether our guys have really matured, we can test them in games, in dances, in songs.

Liar-Bully. Check it out, right? Please!

Vraka - Ruffnut conducts relay races with children.

Leading . Guys, I know who I need to introduce Vraka-Ruffnut to so that she stops playing pranks and becomes kind and cheerful. With the clown Smeshinkin. But in order for him to appear here, you need to call him loudly. Let's call together!

The children are calling. The bully liar hides to the side and covers his ears.
Clown Smeshinkin enters to the sound of cheerful music (possibly with soap bubbles).
Children surround him, catching bubbles.

Smeshinkin. Here I am! I heard laughter and realized that they were waiting for me here. Really, guys?

Children . Yes!

Smeshinkin. Are you having a holiday or fun? How I love all this!

Leading. Yes, Smeshinkin, we all met together today and decided to have fun.

Smeshinkin . Ah, Lying Bully, are you already here and being mischievous again?

Leading. Imagine, Smeshinkin, the Vraka-Bully claims that our boys and girls have not learned anything and cannot do anything.

Smeshinkin. But I think quite the opposite. The guys didn’t waste any time during the school year. They can do a lot, and most importantly, they know how to behave. Of course, they play pranks, but they do it kindly.

Leading. But Smeshinkin is right. Other people are only drawn to a kind, cheerful person. Look how cheerful and catchy our guys will dance. Maybe this dance will ignite a spark of warmth and kindness in you, Liar-Bully, and a truly summer mood will appear

Dance “Sun” (middle group)

Lying Bully (claps his hands). What a wonderful dance! I've never seen one like this before!

Smeshinkin. Friends, a miracle happened! The bully liar told the truth for the first time!

Liar-Bully. How? This can't be true! What's wrong with me?! Who will I be now if I forget how to lie? (Whines).

Leading. With us you will become good, kind and cheerful. We will give you a new name. Want?

Lying Bully (embarrassed). Well, I don’t know... Will I be able to?..

Smeshinkin. You can do it, you can! And the guys and I will help you.

Leading. Guys, let's come up with a new good name for the Bully Bully. (Consults with children). Right! The guys and I consulted and decided to give you the name Veselushka-Laughter. We think you'll like it.

Smeshinkin. But from now on you must do only good deeds and always smile. Agree?

Lying Bully . Yes, I agree.

Smeshinkin. Here's one of them to start with. I picked up different flowers along the way. But they are unusual. Each of them contains a riddle. Here are the flowers for you, and these for me. Now we will take turns asking the kids summer riddles. Agreed?

Liar-Bully. I will try.

Deceptive riddles

1.Over the forest the sun’s ray has gone out -

The king of beasts is sneaking … (a lion)

2. Here’s a riddle for kids:

Who is the cat afraid of?.. ( dog)

3. He loves to eat grass.

He has a big ears… (elephant)

4. Sing songs under the moon

Sat on a branch ... (nightingale)

5.Who likes to run around the branches?

Of course, red... (squirrel)

6.He beats like a drum.

Sitting on a pine tree... (woodpecker)

7. He knows a lot about raspberries,

The owner of the forest, terrible... (bear)

8.He is a big and big bird.

He has a nest in the mountains.

Among the birds he is the strongest.

This is a bird … (eagle)

9. Look at your friend -

How many eyes does a friend have... (two)

10. He was a thundercloud.

I went to fight with Piglet!

He loved honey most of all.

Tiny little … (Winnie the Pooh)

11.Everyone should know this:

The cat's paws are straight... (four)

Smeshinkin. Well done boys! And you said (addressing the Bully Liar) that our children don’t know anything. How could kids solve such difficult riddles?

Lying Bully . Now I really see that the guys have grown up and become wiser. Do you know why? Because I’m slowly turning into a Merry Laugher.

Lying Bully . Still would! After all, I have become completely different!

Leading. And our guys helped you with this.

Smeshinkin. And it’s time for Veselushka-Laughter and me to go to our fairy-tale country of Laughter. And as soon as we hear your cheerful, friendly laughter, we will always be guests in your kindergarten.

The heroes leave to the sound of cheerful music.


Our holiday has come to an end.

Dear Guys!

We're starting a drawing competition!

There will be plenty of room for your imagination!

Draw rivers, fields and mountains,

Draw the sky, draw the sea.

Your girlfriends and your friends,

A picture of our beautiful planet!


Now take the crayons
And quickly run to the asphalt
Draw beautiful pictures

"Planet of Childhood"Children draw on the asphalt.
