Congratulations on the birthday of the spiritual school of development. Happy birthday to school

We would like to congratulate
Happy birthday school!
To wish inexhaustible
children's fun.
To want with joy
Everyone go to school
And more knowledge
We should buy it.
So that it’s not a burden
Books and notebooks,
For children to solve
Everything in life is a mystery.
Dear, beloved school,
knowledge is a strong stronghold!
You greet us with warmth
Every academic year.
This is where we grow up
Let's get smarter
So that life is difficult
We walked more boldly.

Create a postcard


The bell rings confidently
Persistently, measuredly.
Congratulate the school on the holiday,
The students are in a hurry.
Here we will grow into young men,
Our girls are like girls.
Well, how can we be dear,
Dear teachers,
Where are we without you?
You give us the main thing
Patience, attention,
But most importantly -
You have given a passport to life for many.
May God give you strength and courage,
The love of your students.
So that in years to come we will be with you
They gathered under the roof of the school.

Create a postcard


What do you wish for your birthday?
Of course, there are no two opinions:
Understanding, inspiration,
Achievements and victories.
To pass by
A streak of bad luck.
So that the lessons
They didn't raise their voices.
So that there is hot tea in the dining room
And, of course, pie,
To eat... Otherwise
And the lesson will not go well.
So that guys early in the morning
Gathered on the porch
And with the task done,
And with a smile on his face.
So that everyone can be friends
So that during changes
They didn’t decide with their fists
The essence of your problems.
And also - health to the children,
Fresh strength for teachers,
Longevity for our school,
Happiness and success to us!

Create a postcard


Birthday is awesome! –
This time.
Be cheerful today! –
That's two.
Put all problems aside! –
That's three.
You are the best school in the world! –
I think it's four.
I want to wish you success! –
It's five.
We'll all come and eat the cake! –
That's six.
Bring fun to everyone! –
It's seven.
Happiness will outweigh troubles! –
It's eight, nine, ten.
Happy birthday!

Create a postcard


It's truly a wonderful day
Which we have been waiting for a long time,
After all, there is an anniversary at our school,
And we gathered in this hall.
Smiles bloomed all around
And the frosty day became warmer,
The circle of friends has become wider,
Like a canopy of stars in the dark sky.
At first glance - many years, but not,
But how much joy and troubles have been experienced here!
Meetings, partings, victories over oneself,
And how many joyful and bitter tears were shed!
And on this anniversary day
We gathered to remember again
Those who have gone down in history now
And who filled this day with labor?
There are many of them - old and young,
Whose work is akin to the work of a hero,
Who, sparing no effort,
The future grows, and there is no rest for it.
We are starting the holiday!
The celebration is fun!
Your anniversary is wonderful
School celebrates!

Create a postcard


Our palace is called a school
And cheerful people live here
The whole family is young
Nimble, fast, mischievous
One happy family
We live in a team
And every day we go to school
More dear and dear.
School! Most best friend
Our second home
Here we comprehend the course of science
We are a friendly family.
Oh school! A ray of happiness and good luck
Let them always accompany you
And let every new day be better
For all the years you have lived.

Create a postcard


Look how elegant
It's school at this hour!
Why garlands of flowers
Gave her every class?
Solemn, cheerful day
For children, teachers.
Our school celebrates
Have a wonderful anniversary!
I don't know a better school -
She is already many years old!
Explains and teaches everything
And it gives the answer to everything!
Everyone is caring, like mothers
And how kind grandmothers are.
We suddenly get tired of studying,
there will be room to play!
We live here very friendly:
Senior, junior - everyone is important!
They will help us if necessary
Together troubles are not terrible!
And everyone has talents
People are used to developing here.
We have so many graduates
It’s impossible to count them all at once!
Do they sing?! How do they dance?!
Since childhood we have not been afraid of stages!
Well, who will make everyone laugh,
Those will be taken to KVN!
This is our school!
Happy Birthday to You!

Celebrating a birthday
Our main school,
And we want to stay
She's just as nice!

Skill and experience
Let the team inspire
And guys with knowledge
May everyone always be impressed.

Expand, darling
And my native school,
May you always prosper
And led me on a new path!

School, school... Dear class,
You meet us every day.
And here is the school board.
And sometimes so close
To get "two" grades,
And scream for joy,
Getting exactly "five".
And now I say hello
And I wish you many years,
So that, school, you stand
And she inspired me to learn.

Dear comrades, I congratulate everyone today on our School Day. I would like to wish that these walls could only hear good words so that our teachers never lose enthusiasm for their work and faith in their students, so that our students show themselves with dignity and never tire of striving for their dreams, so that parents of children support their children and never show indifference to school life so that together you and I can make every day bright, successful, cheerful, interesting, kind and rosy! May you all be healthy and happy!

Today is a school holiday,
And our institution
Intelligent students
Cooking, no doubt!

We wish you glorious growth
To our beautiful school,
To all teachers the most important thing -
Good health!

School, you are my school,
All my friends are at school
We study, we try,
Let's play sports!

We answer in class,
What we know and don't know
And in notebooks we write dregs,
Let's pass it off as the essence.

Our school is very cool,
Even though we study terribly.
Who came to the party
Receives congratulations!

Congratulations to your school
Happy important and wonderful day.
We are more friendly as a team
We won't find it anywhere in the world.

We wish you prosperity
And significant victories,
Conquering peaks,
Previously unknown.

We came to school a long time ago,
And no one knew about us
And now we're all friends
And almost one family.

Friend can't answer
I need to tell a friend.
We live very friendly
We even let you write it off.

School can be great
If you study well!
School, accept the poem,
Our cool congratulations!

Today is our holiday -
School birthday!
composed in his honor
We congratulate you cheerfully!
For so many years these walls have become family,
We love lessons, we love change!
And the ringing call became so close to us,
School, we thank you with a low bow!
You give us knowledge, you give us friendship,
Has served many generations,
And you’ll probably serve another two hundred years!
It's so great that you brought everyone together
Our home school is happy on this day!

Celebrating School Day
We are on this wonderful day,
We wish you a lot of happiness,
Love, good luck to everyone.

Accept precious
Congratulations from us,
So that there is a lot of joy,
He could bring you

So that yours comes every day,
Like your first lesson,
Let it bring happiness to everyone,
This is the greeting.

Prepare everything and create comfort,
Don't miss treasured programs
After all, the schoolchildren are about to enter -
IN home school, mothers will be next to them.

Art school anniversary

We dance and sing
We draw, knit, sew -
Making art
With a sincere good feeling.

On this anniversary day
Show yourself not too lazy:
Exhibitions and vernissages,
We’ll even have a concert!

We wish everyone to visit us!
Relieve sadness and fatigue immediately!
We are writing this greeting
And we invite you to our lesson!

Congratulations to the school on its anniversary from different classes

1a grade: Native school...

Here for the first time
Entered your class
Our home school!
And you became home for us
Both kind and cheerful.
We will try
Will learn,
So that you can
Be proud of us!

1b class:
House of 4 floors, poplars at the entrance,
For many years I met children in different weather.
Either the drops were crying, or the blizzards were singing,
The 4-story house opened its doors to everyone.
Happy birthday sweet home
You're not old yet!
Even though our mom and dad studied here a long time ago!
Full of noisy kids, you never know boredom!
Our grandchildren will celebrate your centenary

2a class:
Our school is celebrating its anniversary
The journey has been a long one.
She has become dearer to us over the years, she has even become younger!
Here success is first assessed, we are taking knowledge
Children's laughter settled here,
The forty-eighth lives!
Today the school is 50
It contains friendship and loss
Let the congratulations hang
But we don’t believe in age!
The school has a big anniversary
What life's tests
We wish with all our hearts
In success - prosperity!
Your age of maturity is high
Where to go from the date
Thank you school with all my heart
Here's to a joyful childhood!!!

4a class:
Happiness, health, good luck in everything,
We wish you new successes!
and we assure you that we will not let you down,
We will always study well

4b class:
We wish you joy and good luck
And kind, joyful children
Favorite school 48
On her wonderful anniversary!
Let your dreams come true
All children and adults.
Let only joy blow
From all school activities!

5a class:
We sincerely congratulate our native school on its anniversary!
And we wish only the best for her on her birthday!
We wish you to always stand firmly on Earth
And surprise the whole world with super achievements!
We wish her students who are talented, obedient and beautiful,
Her teachers are the smartest, kindest, fairest.
Friends loyal to her, sponsors of the rich,
Good news, winged angels.
And so that it always shines

a guiding star above the school

6a grade:
Beloved school, dear school.
Congratulations on your anniversary!
We wish you health, success and happiness.
May all bad weather pass you by.
May there be many students every year
They come under your hospitable arch!
Let the years pass, centuries pass,
The whole class wishes you longevity!

7a grade:
Dear school, congratulations
We love you, from the bottom of our hearts
On our anniversary we wish
May you remain as young!!!

7b grade:
Your students congratulate you.
And from the heart they wish well with all their hearts, sincerely loving.
Here we grow up and get smarter, meeting each other in the morning.
Here we comprehend the science of love, cordiality, kindness.
And in our school, teachers are the children's best friends.
They are both affectionate and strict, and teach without sparing themselves.
Always listen to the voice of the heart, master the sciences,
And in the restless souls of children
Kindle the fire of talent.
To everyone who chose such a share
And, forgetting home and sleep,
He gave part of his life to our school
I bow to you deeply.
Happy Anniversary!
We do not regret your wishes!
“Our school is just great!” - Any of us will tell you.

8b grade:
Congratulations on your happy day,
We give warmth to our hearts,
We wish you happiness and success
And to have more luck!
May they expect you on holiday
Surprises, gifts, flowers,
Fate fulfills quickly
All wishes and dreams!

9a grade
Happy anniversary, dear school!
For all of us, beloved, close, dear.
This day is solemn
We wish you that you will stand forever,
School! Congratulations!
We would like to congratulate the school on behalf of all the children,

Today is our school's anniversary!

The 48th school of life teaches us
We received the basics of all knowledge in it!
Today our school is fifty!
School 48! Happy birthday to you!
For all of us, for all of us, you are dearer -
Great teacher of teaching!

9b grade:
Today there is a bustle at school, smiles brighter than the sun all around.
We all congratulate you, you are the best school in the world!
She has been open to us for many years, she has rewarded us with great intelligence.
Just live another 100 years so that there will be more smart children!

10a grade:
We would like to congratulate you on behalf of all the children,
From everyone who is studying and has previously studied,
Today is our school's anniversary!
And we want everyone to be proud of her!
So that you always remember your friendly form
And all the teachers who taught us.
Our school of life teaches us
She and I received the basics of all knowledge!

11a grade:
We wish the school happiness and good luck,
May everything be perfect for her.
And she was not afraid of failures!
And we give our hearts to her!

Let it be so that in your bright, kind life
Children have always surrounded you like flowers,
So that the school is a safe haven for everyone -
Happy, bright, full of kindness!

Mashkovtseva Maria, graduate of 2006
Dedicated to my native school No. 48 and to all the teachers who gave us knowledge and love all these years!!!

On the first days of December, I want to congratulate the school on its birthday!
And all her friends will gather,
Say congratulations to your favorite school!
My mother, brother and I studied at this school.
She grew up with us.
And how to forget those kind teachers eyes,
Teachers who have put up with us for years.
You taught us wisdom and kindness,
Patience, justice, perseverance.
Be honest always, everywhere
And give part of yourself, of course, to sports.
Let many say goodbye to school,
But those memories that we have
Do not erase (from the heart) with everyday care,
Give it at least another hundred years!
And let us not forget the series of wonderful days,
What time did we spend together at our school?
And the warmth and kindness of all those teachers,
Taught us the difficult life of school.
Today is our school's anniversary!
Let's all boldly congratulate her!
For all of us, you are dearer than you!
You will continue to teach children for many, many years to come!

We didn't have time to look back,
As one year passed, another followed.
And now the third year of birth
We celebrate the school, dear ones.
The years go by
But you'll forever be young
You, our school.
Friendship with youth
You see some off,
And you will meet new ones,
But there is no end to friendship with them.

We will not forget your care,
And on every new anniversary
More and more new congratulations
You will receive it from your friends.
Greetings are flying from everywhere,
And maybe one of us
Will send you a radiogram
From a rocket rushing to Mars.
(Words and music by Lena Kuznetsova, 8th grade, school No. 48).

Poems by teachers

I understand, I’m happy, guys,
Meeting you at school is a little smarter.
I understand that life is rich then,
When you live with your friends.
November has passed, December is just coming,
Brings joy to the first winter days.
And the school celebrates its birth again
And the joy of the heart drowns out grief,
And the rhyme itself flies into the line
On the 13th anniversary.

I understand, the guys are happy
Celebrate a lovely anniversary at the school.
I understand that the soldiers are a little sad,
Who are guarding the borders
They are standing now, but their hearts are in school with us.
Slightly forgetting about the school noise of children,
Some have long ruled the skies,
Others at school teach the children themselves,
And still others work at powerful machines,
Not forgetting school life days!

I understand, I’m happy, guys,
Celebrate our school's anniversary.
I understand it's sad to leave,
Which there is little left to be in it.
Last call - it's just around the corner,
After all, there are only 170 days until it.
Winter will pass and May days
They will build you here next to the first towers.
Shed a little tears with us,
There will be no more teachers for you!

Work, study, without knowing fatigue,
For the best deeds of your students.
Live and rejoice always forty-eighth,
Be proud of the deeds of all graduates.
(Yu. Nikulin, former director school No. 48).

What do you wish for your birthday?
Of course, there are no two opinions:
Understanding, inspiration,
Achievements and victories.

To pass by
A streak of bad luck.

So that there is hot tea in the dining room
And, of course, pie,
To eat... Otherwise
And the lesson will not go well.

So that guys early in the morning
Gathered on the porch
And with the task done,
And with a smile on his face.

So that everyone can be friends
So that during changes
They didn’t decide with their fists
The essence of your problems.

And also - health to the children,
Fresh strength for teachers,
Long life to our school,
Happiness and success to us!


Happy birthday school!
We congratulate you!
And a piece of heart
We give from ourselves.

The bell rings confidently
Persistently, measuredly.
Congratulate the school on the holiday,
The students are in a hurry.
Here we will grow into young men,
Our girls are like girls.
Well, how can we be dear,
Dear teachers,
Where are we without you?
You give us the main thing
Patience, attention,
But most importantly -
You have given a passport to life for many.
May God give you strength and courage,
The love of your students.
So that in years to come we will be with you
They gathered under the roof of the school.

Birthday is awesome! -
This time.
Be cheerful today! -
That's two.
Put all problems aside! -
That's three.
You are the best school in the world! -
I think it's four.
I want to wish you success! -
It's five.
We'll all come and eat the cake! -
That's six.
Bring fun to everyone! -
It's seven.

Happiness will outweigh troubles! -
It's eight, nine, ten.

Happy birthday!


It's truly a wonderful day
Which we have been waiting for a long time,
After all, there is an anniversary at our school,
And we gathered in this hall.

Smiles bloomed all around
And the frosty day became warmer,
The circle of friends has become wider,
Like a canopy of stars in the dark sky.

At first glance, it looks like a lot of years, but no,
But how much joy and troubles have been experienced here!
Meetings, partings, victories over oneself,
And how many joyful and bitter tears were shed!

And on this anniversary day
We gathered to remember again
Those who have gone down in history now
And who filled this day with labor?
There are many of them - old and young,
Whose work is akin to the work of a hero,
Who, sparing no effort,
The future grows, and there is no rest for it.

We are starting the holiday!
The celebration is fun!
Your anniversary is wonderful
School celebrates!

Our palace is called a school
And cheerful people live here
The whole family is young
Nimble, fast, mischievous

One happy family
We live in a team
And every day we go to school
More dear and dear.

School! The best friend
Our second home
Here we comprehend the course of science
We are a friendly family.

Oh school! A ray of happiness and good luck
Let them always accompany you
And let every new day be better
For all the years you have lived.

Look how elegant
It's school at this hour!
Why garlands of flowers
Gave her every class?

Solemn, cheerful day
For children, teachers.
Our school celebrates
Have a wonderful anniversary!

I don't know a better school -
She is already many years old!
Explains and teaches everything
And it gives the answer to everything!

Everyone is caring, like mothers
And how kind grandmothers are.
We suddenly get tired of studying,
there will be room to play!

We live here very friendly:
Senior, junior - everyone is important!
They will help us if necessary
Together troubles are not terrible!

And everyone has talents
People are used to developing here.
We have so many graduates
It’s impossible to count them all at once!

Do they sing?! How do they dance?!
Since childhood we have not been afraid of stages!
Well, who will make everyone laugh,
Those will be taken to KVN!

This is our school!
Happy Birthday to You!

Congratulations to the school anniversary

I want to congratulate you on behalf of all the children,
From everyone who is studying and has previously studied,
Today is our school's anniversary!
And I want everyone to be proud of her!
So that you always remember your friendly class
And all the teachers who taught us.

Our school of life teaches us
We received the basics of all knowledge in it!
Don't forget the noisy changes
Peers with whom we studied,

And who became family - the school walls
To whom many have already said goodbye.

The school remembers all the teachers,
They taught children with love,
And in your... summer anniversary
We met many again today.

From all of us - our deepest bow to you!
You all deserve glory from the school!
We veterans cannot forget their names,
You came to us for the holiday by right!

We are glad to see graduates,
Everyone at our school respects them,
And with them all the students
Those who study continue.

Today our school is... years old!
No... school! Happy birthday to you!
For all of us, for all of us, you are dearer -
Great teacher of teaching!

Please accept my congratulations

From those who lived by fate alone,
Drew both life and inspiration
From our school dear!
Let the gray hair shine sometimes,
But in the heart there is the same conversation,
And does not give peace to the soul,
And our former enthusiasm awakens!
For everyone, we look a little different.
Let them be unhealthy sometimes
But we are always for each other
All the same young, dear ones!
To the director, beautiful, sweet,
Who gave his whole soul to the school,
Who created this school?
We wish you health and strength!
Happy anniversary to everyone,
And we sincerely wish you all
Good health, patience,
And perseverance and forgiveness!
We wish everyone happiness on their anniversary
Teachers, students.
Storms and bad weather will rush by,
Good will come back to you!

We would like to congratulate
Happy birthday school!
To wish inexhaustible
children's fun.
To want with joy
Everyone go to school
And more knowledge
We should buy it.
So that it’s not a burden
Books and notebooks,
For children to solve
Everything in life is a mystery.
Dear, beloved school,
knowledge is a strong stronghold!
You greet us with warmth
Every academic year.
This is where we grow up
Let's get smarter
So that life is difficult
We walked more boldly.

It's a nice day at our school
We are not too lazy to study in it
Congratulations to our school
We are glad to see her every day
Let's study with all our hearts
We'll gain a lot of knowledge
We will always be proud of her
And then when we leave.

Website materials used:

// January 22, 2009 // Views: 189,845
Today is our school's anniversary,
We hasten to congratulate her as soon as possible,
I wish you success and discoveries,
Even more beautiful better school become!
Let the flowers and grass grow,
And children run across the lawns,
And ringing laughter sounds within your walls,
And the memory of you is in your students!

And we wish the school to prosper,
Reprimands, bad marks so as not to know,
So that everyone can study perfectly,
And they always behaved decently!

So that everyone respects teachers,
Some were even adored
To be rich in success,
And all the kids loved school!

Our school is a constellation of wisdom,
Knowledge is useful for all children,
Teachers are always kind,
And the director is in charge at the helm!

Congratulations to the school on its anniversary,
We wish you to prosper and become beautiful,
To everyone who works - health and good luck,
Joyful, cheerful childish laughter!

Let everyone love dear school,
Strict, but so kind,
The wisdom of generations will not dry out,
And success every moment!

Dear alma mater,
Super school, land of knowledge!
Happy anniversary
Please accept my congratulations.

We thank you, school, for all the knowledge,
For wisdom and for our beloved class!
We wish you only prosperity,
May you always welcome us warmly!

And let the smiles never fade
From the kind faces of teachers,
After all, blots and mistakes
Only in children's notebooks,

Shakes your walls
Let the children's laughter ring out
Confirming immutable
Success lies in the thirst for knowledge.

Native school, on this bright anniversary
We all want to confess our love to you!
Thank you, school, for such teachers,
What helps us develop all the time!

Happy anniversary,
And we wish you success,
So that it stands for a thousand years,
Your teachers' council met!

So that everyone is healthy,
And lessons to be taught,
We did great
And behaved yourself!

Our school has an anniversary,
Congratulations to everyone on this date!
There is no better or brighter school,
We love all of her, guys.

May it be for many, many years in a row
He opens doors cordially,
And inquisitive guys
He takes you into his arms!

I am you, school,
Happy anniversary,
Native walls and native threshold,
You are the door to everyone
You open up to the world of knowledge
And a hundred roads depart from you.
I wish the school bells
There was no silence in our hearts and souls,
And in life, so that your students
The lessons were never forgotten.

And in the hearts there is the light of eternal truths!
Real People
From your porch into their life
You have to get off yourself.

Health to all her teachers,
Good luck to the students,
And all employees - honor and respect,
For your hard work - thank you!

So more medalists,
Various creative victories,
Be cozy, bright, clean,
Our school, hundreds of years old!

It's our beloved school's anniversary.
Let's congratulate her quickly.
May she flourish as she does now
But only good people release!

Let every teacher have a piece of soul
He will put in the work and reach the top.
Let all students love school,
And the lessons will be simple and easy!

The school is celebrating today
Glorious, noble anniversary.
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
All children, teachers.

Let your temple of science grow,
Gives joy and light to everyone,
After all, your school is more beautiful
Certainly not in the city.

For us you will forever be a second home,
Who will accept us, support and understand,
In which everything is new and familiar,
Where everyone is always waiting for us!

Our school has a holiday - a birthday,
All the students gathered together
All wishes of inspiration are full -
Students and graduates

Relatives wish the school prosperity,
And always joyful teachers!
To the team's good efforts
We were able to be the pride of everyone’s favorite school!

Happy birthday, beloved school!
Accept gratitude for science.
We remember all your classrooms and halls,
And the director has a firm hand.
We remember the responsible teachers,
And a canteen, and holidays with dancing!
We remember everything. In our memory - childhood,
It will remain the best time.

How many generations of children have grown up,
That we learned to experience life at our desks.
And in their native school they always sound joyfully
Students just like you once were.

Thanks to everyone who helps our school,
Let us say thank you, our dear teachers.
And happy birthday to our school,
We wish her prosperity and becoming more beautiful.

We congratulate the school on its birthday!
We send her our warm greetings!
We wish the school hundreds more years
Lead children to the teaching of light.
Director, teachers and head teachers
We wish you joy, patience and good luck!
Let within the kind walls of our native school
The geyser of knowledge is always hot!

Congratulations, alma mater!
We are all so grateful to you:
You put us in the right channel,
May we follow our destiny without hindrance!
And rare injections of nostalgia:
There is no distance between us!
Happy birthday, beloved school -
Kind, unfading light of childhood!

School is our birthday!
It was once our second home
You are calling us again old class -
30 years have all rushed off somewhere

30 years ago you gave life
Adult, serious tickets
You've been waiting for us children for 30 years,
We are warmed by your knowledge.

Because today we are
Let us sincerely admit it ourselves,
That it was not in vain that they trusted you -
And we take our children with flowers!

And today at our school
Anniversary, and in the protocol
The red date is the number.
Our school is lucky!

Knowledge is what has been around for many years now
You present it to us on a silver platter, school.
We have all known for a long time that teaching is light!
And we want to have our say.

May your doors be open forever,
Remain as before, our second home!
And within these walls many dreams have come true,
Filling with love again and again.

A lot is connected with you
From my youth, happy days,
Over the years you have become more beautiful, -
And again you celebrate the Anniversary!

The warmth of teachers' confessions,
And children's classes aroma
Keeper of valuable knowledge,
You have grown a priceless garden.

You have revived wisdom in my heart
And gave us a dream,
Let me warm you at your walls,
Embracing the heights of knowledge.

Beloved, dear School!
Glow with the fire of happy eyes
The reward will be our solo,
And the loyalty of each of us!

Today will be a wonderful holiday,
Many guests will come,
The school doors are wide open,
Take a walk, the school is 40 (10, 20, 30) years old!

And there will be a sea of ​​joy and laughter,
There will be a buzz from congratulations!
We wish the school nothing but success.
And raise many more children!

Just like the temple of Artemis is wonderful,
Or the great Colosseum in Rome,
Our school is under the vault of heaven
Celebrating the Anniversary now!

We are proud of our work
We have taught hundreds of children!
Our school is warm and caring
Warmed up a lot of people!

What a beautiful, bright day!
Our school has an anniversary!
We congratulate all friends!
And those who studied there themselves!

Don't forget your friendly class!
Your love for the first time
Happened at this school!

We have come to congratulate you!
Happy next birth!
There is no dearer in our life
What are you, institutions!

Let the World live under Your roof!
Peace, warmth and comfort reign!
Let what you have in mind come true!
To the sound of laughter that lives here!

You are like a home to the kids!
Everyone loves you and is waiting for you!
We congratulate our Kindergarten on its anniversary!
Hooray! Firework!

Please accept our congratulations.
You are celebrating your twentieth anniversary.
We've worked hard over the years,
You have firmly established yourself in the market.

Many people know your products,
Always happy to buy it.
You have found your production secret,
And they beat all the competitors.

Don't miss your market
You will need to use new products in your work.
We congratulate you on your anniversary.
We want to beat all our competitors.

It's an anniversary at your favorite school!
There are flowers all around, lights shining,
Loud laughter is heard everywhere
And broadcasting festive speeches.

But no matter how life throws you around,
Let's return to our home school again,
To see you, my teachers,
To express your feelings.

School is a faithful friend,
Happy anniversary!
In the hot heat, dashing blizzard
In it we replenish our knowledge!

We wish our school
So dear, heartfelt,
Having become a “granite stone” for us -
Endless good luck!
And so that, from year to year, you always greet autumn with flowers,
And in the spring please us all with graduates!

The holiday came to us at school -
Celebrating our anniversary!
They give everyone flowers at the entrance,
Music plays!
Even the mayor congratulates us,
Calls it the best school!

It's a nice day at our school
We are not too lazy to study in it
Congratulations to our school
We are glad to see her every day
Let's study with all our hearts
We'll gain a lot of knowledge
We will always be proud of her
And then when we leave.

On your anniversary we sincerely wish you
Fulfillment of a cherished dream!
And we weave them into a wreath of impressions
Congratulations, smiles, flowers!

Let health not worry you at all,
Let there be some advice for friends!
Let love multiply days and nights,
Let the sunshine warm you!

Congratulations on your anniversary,
We wish you strength in life!
We love and cherish you,
And we want him to bring
I wish you good health every year,
Which leads to the centenary!

We wish you on your anniversary year
Have fun and happy troubles!
So that you sit over champagne,
To have fun, sing songs,
So that the jubilee glorious feast
Brought health, happiness, peace!

Nice to visit your anniversary,
Don't regret the past for a second!
Always look forward with confidence
Let your soul be forever young!

What should I wish you for your anniversary?
Caring, attentive children,
Let there be optimism, a supply of ideas,
Health, happiness, time for friends!

We wish happiness to the hero of the day,
Let's raise a spell for health!
Let the toasts be endless
And let the hero of the day be eternal!

We wish you to live in love, communicate,
Make friends and enjoy life!
Help with warmth and kind words
And smile to everyone you know!

We sincerely congratulate you
with one of the best dates.
We wish to live another hundred years,
without knowing grief and loss!

We just want to smile,
don’t be upset over trifles,
don't be nervous and don't get sick.
And in general, live and not grow old!

And celebrate birthdays for many more years!
We wish you: not a drop of sorrow,
Not a step towards old age,
But only vigor, health, joy!

Let life be full of happiness,
And you have nothing to be afraid of in years.
And you must always remember:
"My years are my wealth."
