Congratulations on Day 23 in prose.

Our dear men, we congratulate you on the holiday of courage, nobility and honor - Defender of the Fatherland Day! We wish you happiness, a life filled with peace, good health, prosperity, success and love from loved ones. Let there be no obstacles on your path, and always boldly step towards your goals. Live long and happily with a positive attitude! May all your dreams come true!!!

Especially for the site

There is no more courageous man in the world who decided to devote his life to the state. Therefore, today we congratulate you on February 23rd - a holiday that will definitely bring you many pleasant surprises. We wish you career growth and reliable support.

Especially for the site

How difficult it is to be a man! You must always be strong, courageous and unyielding! On this day, I sincerely wish you great male happiness, mutual and true love, good health, care, and understanding from your closest people, and the achievement of your goals!

Especially for the site

By your faithful service, it doesn’t matter so much whether it is peaceful or military, you are repaying your debt to the Motherland, making your contribution so that in its vastness the life of every person is happy! On Defender of the Fatherland Day, I congratulate you and wish you love, a warm home, loyal friends, a beautiful, loving girlfriend and many years to come!
The Russian land has always been famous for its heroes, the people created many legends about them, and over time they turned into fairy tales. But today, on Defender of the Fatherland Day, I congratulate a real hero, whom I not only know well, but also respect and appreciate! Be happy, wise - and may your dreams come true! We are proud and admire you every day, but today is such a holiday, February 23, when special words are needed! I congratulate you and wish you to always be happy, namely, purposeful, successful, surrounded by faithful associates and loving people, talented and generous. Today the strong half of our Motherland has a holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day, which means it’s time to congratulate and praise our dear men without sparing epithets! In a solemn moment, we wish in unison to always be in the ranks, even if you have never been a general, to be brave and reasonable in every decision, moderately serious and good-naturedly cheerful! I wish you a good mood on the Day of Real Men and not only today! Let this holiday be held at the highest level! May your good mood last for many months! I wish you to always be in great shape in body and soul! I wish you to be the happiest and most in demand at work, with friends and loved ones!

Especially for the site

Defender of the Fatherland Day is a holiday for all men, young and old. On this wonderful, slightly harsh winter holiday, I would like to remember our grandfathers and fathers, who with their sweat and blood proved what they were ready for for the sake of their Motherland. I would like to appeal to both our husbands and our brothers, wishing them never to experience the horrors of war and to prove their devotion to their power only in the peaceful field. I would also like to congratulate our children, boys, each of whom already has that resilience, that devotion and that fortitude that not only turns a boy into a man, but also makes him a real Defender of the Fatherland. Happy holiday, dear men, and peaceful days to all of us! We women are always ready and happy to be proud of you! Honor, Faith, Justice... for you these are not just units of the dictionary, but true components of your whole life, because you are a born defender of your fatherland and your relatives! I congratulate you and wish you happiness with all my heart! May it be as strong and noble as you, may it illuminate your many years with the warm sun!

This is the day of brave and strong-willed men who have someone and something to defend: their Fatherland, their business, their home and their loved ones, their future. We sincerely wish you good health, happiness, mutual understanding, peace and great success! Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day!

The most valuable thing in our lives is peace, tranquility and stability, and therefore it is no coincidence that Defender of the Fatherland Day has a rich and glorious history. No matter what this holiday is called, it has always been a symbol of courage, dedication, dignity and honor.
Please accept my sincere wishes for health, happiness, peace and prosperity!

February 23

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day! We wish you good luck and victories in business, and peace and prosperity in your home. And we also wish you optimism and vigor so that you can always move forward - towards new projects and new achievements!

February 23

Please accept my most sincere congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day! I wish you health, prosperity, happiness to your loved ones and family, confidence in the future and bright hopes for the future, good spirits, creative inspiration and inexhaustible energy!

February 23

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day - a holiday of courage, nobility and honor! With all my heart I wish you creative success, happiness, prosperity and all the best! May the difficulties encountered on your path always be easily overcome. Good health, warmth and festive mood!

February 23

I cordially congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day!
On this day, let me express my sincere gratitude for our fruitful cooperation, which is based on professionalism and great mutual respect. I am always happy to work together on any projects, because in you I always find a reliable business partner. The activities of your company play a very important role in strengthening the economic position of our country. And I am very proud that our companies have been successfully cooperating with each other for several years.
We wish you good health, a lot of strength and courage to accomplish everything planned, joy and great luck in everything.

February 23

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day!
We are sincerely glad that the image of a defender is associated with every man working in our team. Many of you completed compulsory military service, some are reserve officers, and all of you, without exception, today faithfully serve the common cause, protect and enhance professional achievements that are important for the development of the company and the country as a whole.
We sincerely wish you and your loved ones well-being, great success in all your endeavors, health and joy.

February 23

I sincerely congratulate the strong half of humanity on Defender of the Fatherland Day. This is a holiday of courage, bravery, dedication.
In the year of the 65th anniversary of the end of the war over Nazi Germany, I would like to say special words of gratitude to the veterans. A low bow for your feat, for the future that you gave to the whole country. For their part, the deputies of the Legislative Assembly are trying to do everything possible to make your life worthy, so that you are surrounded by attention, care, and human warmth.
Today we honor those who heroically defended and are defending our native borders, who remain faithful to military duty. Thanks to you, we feel confidence, calm, and the greatness of our country.
Health to everyone, success, happiness, peace, love and mutual understanding in the family!

Winter is almost over, but the holiday is just beginning! Congratulations to everyone on the holiday of February 23! On this day we wish all the defenders and defenders of our vast Motherland excellent physical health, spiritual balance, joy and love! We wish you clear skies above your head and good mood!

February 23 is a symbol of masculinity, nobility and protection. I wish that every woman perceives this day this way and sees support and understanding in the men around her. Let there be less disappointment in relationships, and let men, like real soldiers, fight for the happiness of their women!

On Defender of the Fatherland Day, it is customary to congratulate not only military personnel. Such a day allows us to congratulate friends, family and all those who keep our home, all those who do not leave us in trouble. Happy February 23rd to all of you! We have walked a long path together called life, and this alone allows me to call you true protectors and devoted friends.

There are many men in the world - kind, brave, responsible and not so much. But you are the strongest and most reliable among them. Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day! Protect not only the country, but also me from evil troubles and sad mood. I wish you unbending willpower, health and joyful, sunny days!

Dear Defenders, thanks to you, we do not forget that the Fatherland is not an abstract irregularly shaped spot on the globe - it is all of us! Let this unity support you in difficult moments in the service and warm your soul on days of rest! Be loved and respected, cheerful and lucky, calm and happy!

Congratulations to all real men on Defenders of the Fatherland Day. And I wish that every man could, under a peaceful sky, give birth to a healthy son in love, build a cozy house in harmony, and plant a whole garden near him in joy. And so that you never have to take up arms to protect your family and your home. Peace of love and happiness to you.

My beloved son, I want to congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day. The years have flown by unnoticed, and you have become such an adult. Now I can proudly say that I have raised a real defender, whom I love very much. Happy holiday son, all the best and lots of happiness!

My dear brother, I want to congratulate you on February 23 and wish you to remain a strong and persistent man in a difficult situation. Remain desirable and faithful to the woman you love, remain devoted and close to your friends. And always remain a loved and obedient boy for our parents. Happy holiday!

Dear uncle, with all my heart I would like to congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day. I wish you all the best that there is in this world. You are a real man who will achieve everything and always. The main thing is not to deviate from your goal and everything will work out. Happy February 23rd!

They say that on February 23, only those who serve or have already served in the army should be congratulated. Bullshit! The main thing is that your girlfriend considers you a real man who can protect you if something happens and provide a strong shoulder in difficult situations. And it's all about you. So, happy holiday, buddy!

Dear daddy, I want to congratulate you on February 23rd. You are a true protector, first of all, the protector of our large and strong family. Thank you for this, we really appreciate and respect you. Happy holiday to a real man, yours, our beloved daddy!

Today the stronger half will receive congratulations from the fair half on Defender of the Fatherland Day. So, dear, from my side I congratulate you on the holiday, I wish you great health, fabulous luck and great love. Although, with love we are all right

Dear, on February 23rd I give you permission to do whatever you want. I won’t scream, swear or get angry at you, I will do it on February 24th! Happy holiday, beloved!

Colleague, did you hear that the boss promised to give all men a bonus by February 23? Haven't you heard? How did you miss this? But first, the boss will check which of you is a real man and worthy of this award! Happy holiday to real men!

Nephew, I’m ready to happily admit that yesterday on TV they announced the end of conscription into the army. Now you have nothing to fear! P.S. All dreams come true on February 23.... Happy holiday!

Today, on Defender of the Fatherland Day, I praise you for your courage and courage, your willingness to go only forward - to victory and at the same time, to know your boundaries! Let me wish you peaceful, but no less worthy and wonderful victories, dizzying achievements at work, at home and on the personal front!

We are proud and admire you every day, but today is such a holiday, February 23, when special words are needed! I congratulate you and wish you to always be happy, namely, purposeful, successful, surrounded by faithful associates and loving people, talented and generous.

Men, colleagues!
On this holiday - Defenders of the Fatherland Day - we want to wish you health, no matter how banal it may sound, but it is so important, and no wealth can replace it for you! Be healthy, our beloved ones, in body and soul! And the rest will follow!

My dear man, your holiday has finally arrived, Defender of the Fatherland Day. Everything is fine with our defense, but I will take over the rear. Happy February 23, dear!

In a warrior, not only muscle power has always been valued, but also strength of mind, kindness and honor! You have all this, you are just the perfect collection of the values ​​of a real man! Please accept my congratulations on February 23 and may luck always smile on you and your dreams come true!

Today I congratulate you, a man in the prime of his life and years, an educated interlocutor, a loyal friend and simply an invaluable guy, on Defender of the Fatherland Day! You are a real mountain for us, and if something happens, we will boldly entrust our destinies to you! So let your destiny be happy, life easy and carefree, and your dreams come true!

We congratulate you on February 23! Today you are as beautiful as always - confident, proud, polite and moderately modest, don’t be surprised that we love you so much and accept our wishes! Let there be happiness in your life, not necessarily crowned with magnificent decorations, but simple, warm, reliable and durable with which you can live and smile for many years!

On this solemn day, please accept my congratulations on the holiday of February 23! With all my heart, I wish you to always be strong and brave, always surrounded by faithful comrades, may they all be proud, adding up stories and tales about you! Live happily and every day, smiling broadly, boldly and march forward!

Defender of the Fatherland Day is a holiday for all men, young and old. On this wonderful, slightly harsh winter holiday, I would like to remember our grandfathers and fathers, who with their sweat and blood proved what they were ready for for the sake of their Motherland. I would like to appeal to both our husbands and our brothers, wishing them never to experience the horrors of war and to prove their devotion to their power only in the peaceful field. I would also like to congratulate our children, boys, each of whom already has that perseverance, that devotion and that fortitude that not only turns a boy into a man, but also creates a real Defender of the Fatherland out of him. Happy holiday, dear men, and peaceful days to all of us! We women are always ready and happy to be proud of you!

In verse In prose SMS

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day. I wish you to always be devoted to the one who gave birth to you; the one who gives you her love; and the one in whose vastness your life passes. May your mother, beloved and Motherland always be with you, warming your heart.

The valiant men's holiday comes to us with frosty freshness, and with great joy we congratulate you, men, on this day. We wish you fresh ideas and wise thoughts for creativity and work, for peaceful creation, we wish you health and vigor for a wonderful, long and prosperous life, and also optimism and faith for joy and dreams, for love and happiness.

On February 23, we honor the valor and strength, courage and courage of our men. Happy holiday to you, dear ones! Let hardships and hardships, sorrows and problems not darken your days, let rays of joy and optimism, stars of luck and love illuminate your path. May the peaceful sky give you hope, the smiles of lovely ladies give you inspiration, and may character and perseverance lead to victories.

On Defender of the Fatherland Day, you, men, have our sincere feelings and bright wishes. On the long and wonderful roads of life, we wish you to always be on horseback and in excellent shape. May wisdom and courage help you choose the right path, may luck await you around every turn, and a brilliant victory at every stop. Faithful companions and new goals.

You are a strong-willed man with character, you skillfully manage your power, you are courageous, not reckless, you weigh your words and are responsible for your deeds. Congratulations on the Day of Honor and Courage and I wish your health reliability and strength, like shaking the hands of true friends. Selflessly love your loved ones, your work and be proud of your Motherland!

Even the cold February cold will not be able to cool our feelings for you, dear men, on this glorious holiday - the day of the Defender of the Fatherland. We wish you sunny smiles and joyful emotions, fiery feelings and warm, friendly relations, dazzlingly bright successes, achievements and victories. Let hot, passionate female kisses warm and inspire you.

I wish you happiness - cloudless and complete, a life partner - chic and faithful, friends - cheerful and ready to support, relatives - the most understanding and kind, and holidays - only memorable and fiery! Let this be exactly what today is - February 23rd!

With proud admiration, I congratulate you on everyone’s favorite day of valiant men. We wish that your body and soul always remain in perfect combat readiness and in excellent condition! And all this is not only for brave defense, but also for ordinary peaceful affairs. Win on the labor and love fronts, build families and your own happiness.

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day and I want to wish you strength, courage and bravery. Let every day be successful, every action worthy, every idea excellent, every word firm, and every action confident. I wish you to be healthy, loved and invincible.

Dear and irreplaceable men, congratulations on February 23! We greatly appreciate your mighty strength, strong defense and incredible endurance. We wish that fortune always accompanies you on your journey, love and prosperity reign in your families, warmth and comfort warm your soul. May all roads lead to happiness and new victories; may any undertaking bring excellent results and a good mood. May any peak be conquered by your courage and perseverance. Happy holiday!

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day and from the bottom of my heart I would like to wish you to remain calm and confident in any life situation, do beautiful and kind deeds, take care of and deeply love your loved ones, take care of the future and successfully achieve great heights.

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day and I want to wish you to never stop there, constantly strive for excellence, always know what you need from life and how to achieve it, surround yourself with loving people and true friends, act according to your conscience and keep your word of honor.

On the day of February 23, I cordially congratulate you on the holiday of courage and bravery - on Defender of the Fatherland Day. I wish you to maintain your fighting spirit, excellent mood and good health. May you always be able to remain a reliable and faithful defender of the Motherland, family, loved ones and dear people!

Today is an excellent reason to congratulate our dear men. Thank them for their courage, courage, unsurpassed nobility and generosity. We wish you new victories, fulfillment of desires and eternal youth!

Let me congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day! With all my heart I wish you good health, the opportunity to relax more often, as well as good luck and success in all your endeavors!

You are a man! Which means you are a protector! And this holiday is rightfully yours. In addition, you are a reliable support for your loved ones, a devoted friend and just a wonderful person!

Let me congratulate you on February 23rd. After all, you, like no one else, deserve attention on this day. Always attentive, decent and friendly person. I wish you strong, steel-like health, happiness and long life!

It’s February 23rd on the calendar, which means a real men’s holiday has arrived! We congratulate you, our beloved defenders. We wish you excellent shape, good spirits, stability, spiritual balance and all the joys of life!

Beautiful congratulations on February 23

Dear men, on such a significant day, allow me to congratulate you on the most worthy and courageous holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day! Wish you optimism, self-confidence and faith in a bright future!

Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day! Be happy! Remain as brave, caring and reliable! Let your arsenal never run out of luck, let your optimism never fade, and let your loved ones delight you with support. Bright victories and valiant achievements! Happy holiday!

Happy February 23rd! I sincerely wish you to have good health and be happy. Boundless happiness and fulfillment of all your most secret desires!

February 23 is a holiday for real men, so I wish you to celebrate it to the fullest, because it’s your day! Have a great mood – and not only today! Good company, grateful and interesting friends! Travel, adrenaline, excitement for life!

On February 23, I wish you courage, strength, and inspiration for achievements! May you always be lucky in achieving your goals and may your friends always support you! Let your heart always be light and light from the fact that you are loved and waited for! I wish you never have any reason to doubt and always win!

You have truly masculine valor, dear! Happy February 23rd! May obstacles fall before you, and the breadth of your soul will be marked by the orders of “Love” and “Happiness”, medals of “Joy” and “Triumph”! Let the holiday immerse you in the joy of a friendly feast with noisy fun!

Congratulations to all real men on Defenders of the Fatherland Day. And I wish that every man could, under a peaceful sky, give birth to a healthy son in love, build a cozy house in harmony, and plant a whole garden near him in joy. And so that you never have to take up arms to protect your family and your home. Peace of love and happiness to you.

Dear Defenders, thanks to you, we do not forget that the Fatherland is not an abstract irregularly shaped spot on the globe - it is all of us! Let this unity support you in difficult moments in the service and warm your soul on days of rest! Be loved and respected, cheerful and lucky, calm and happy!

There are many men in the world - kind, brave, responsible and not so much. But you are the strongest and most reliable among them. Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day! Protect not only the country, but also me from evil troubles and sad mood. I wish you unbending willpower, health and joyful, sunny days!

Congratulations on February 23 to everyone who cannot imagine their life without responsibility for the life and peace of others, who understands the meaning of the words “honor” and “duty”, who puts public interests above personal ones. Happy holiday to you, defenders of the fatherland, our defenders and guarantors of our peaceful life.

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day

February 23 is a symbol of masculinity, nobility and protection. I wish that every woman perceives this day this way and sees support and understanding in the men around her. Let there be less disappointment in relationships, and let men, like real soldiers, fight for the happiness of their women!

Winter has its final holiday, the day of the strong half - honest and brave, courageous and reliable, the most real Men, whose words you can trust on your shoulder - you can lean on, on whose protection you can always count. Those who are not afraid of severe frosts or feminine weaknesses - from February 23!

Congratulations on February 23! Let there be happiness in your life, not necessarily crowned with magnificent decorations, but simple, warm, reliable and durable with which you can live and smile for many years!

Valor and honor, courage and intelligence - these are precisely the components that are completely inherent in you. Attention, tenderness, love and affection - this is what you give me. Therefore, I hasten to congratulate you on this truly masculine holiday and wish you constant health and good luck.

It is not for nothing that Defender of the Fatherland Day itself has become a holiday for men. After all, for a real man, protecting and preserving his loved ones is as natural as breathing. Therefore, on this holiday, I want to congratulate you, a courageous and strong man who is not afraid of difficulties, on whom the Motherland, friends and loved ones can count in difficult times. And I wish you never to encounter difficulties in life that you cannot cope with!

The holiday of February 23 is loved and honored, not only for those who defended their Motherland, but also for those who worried and waited for their loved ones, relatives and friends. This path was thorny and difficult, you passed it with pride, for this we thank you and bow to you. Appreciate life and those who are in your life, do not look back remembering grief and sadness, you are alive and well, this is the main thing! We wish you only good things, fulfillment of your cherished desires, a happy and long life, prosperity, good luck and good health!
Happy holiday to you!

So our holiday has come, my friend - February 23! I think we fully deserve warm words of congratulations on this day. I want to thank you for your friendly shoulder, understanding and support. I also want to admit that I am very proud and admire you, your ability to defend your opinion, confidence and patience. Be happy, surrounded by attention (including female attention), let nothing and no one overshadow your measured life, and let your ability to make friends and find a common language with people help you in life

We thank you for your peace and tranquility. And on Defender of the Fatherland Day, we wish you mountains of happiness and an ocean of smiles, so that your hearts are filled with courage and bravery! Thank you for reliably protecting us from all troubles, carefully protecting us and giving us hope for a happy tomorrow.

February is the harshest month of the year! Maybe that's why the biggest and most severe men's holiday appeared in February?! By protecting our Motherland, you protect us - all those who need your strength and support. Congratulations to you - soldiers of our happiness and safety! We love you!

Brave and courageous defender, on your holiday, February 23, I want to wish you real victories, but not on the front line, but in everyday life, may no political decisions destroy the fragile peace in your country. Let military planes take to the skies only for exercises and parades, let the alarms be training and the praise real.
