Rules for hand and machine washing of clothes and other household items. Secrets to washing and bleaching kitchen towels at home

A modern washing machine can handle any kind of dirt without any problems. But I, like every housewife, periodically have the need to do my own laundry. So today I want to tell you how to properly wash things by hand.

General rules for washing clothes by hand

If you often have to wash by hand, I recommend remembering simple washing rules that will help you avoid many unpleasant surprises.

Rule 1. Water temperature

Water temperature for hand washing depends entirely on the product you are going to wash. The most reliable way to find out the right temperature is to look at the label. If it was cut, you will have to focus on the type of fabric.

  • Natural fabrics, which include cotton and linen, can be washed at any temperature comfortable to you. Products made from these fabrics tolerate washing well and do not deform. It is better to soak bed linen made from natural fabrics in hot water.
  • Natural wool and silk should be washed at 30-40°C. In this case, things cannot be squeezed out - you need to let them drain.

  • Viscose products It is better to wash in cool water - no higher than 30 °C.
  • Synthetics It can easily tolerate water temperatures of 40-50 °C.
  • Combined materials(natural fabric with the addition of synthetics) is best washed at 40-50 °C.

Rule 2. Detergents

Depending on the type of fabric and level of contamination, the following products can be used for hand washing:

Image Detergent
Washing powder– universal detergent for different types of fabric. When purchasing, pay attention to the “For hand wash” label.

This powder is less aggressive to the skin of the hands. Before use, completely dissolve the powder in water, otherwise the granules may leave a colored mark on clothing.

Washing gel- an excellent modern tool. Easily dissolves even in cold water, copes well with heavy stains.

The only drawback- high price.

Laundry soap– a product that has been tested over the years, perfectly removes any dirt and is safe for the skin of your hands.

Washing with laundry soap is an ideal solution for people suffering from allergies to household chemicals.

Oxygen bleach indispensable when dealing with serious stains. This product removes stains while preserving the color of the fabric.

There are bleaches for white and black fabrics. Read the label carefully.

Chlorine bleach Can only be used on natural white fabrics. It removes stains well and removes grayness from laundry.

Chlorine bleach is quite aggressive and harmful, so it is best to use it in the most extreme cases.

Air conditioner for washing it will give the laundry softness and a wonderful aroma.

Remember: lavsan, acrylic and lycra cannot be washed in alkaline detergents, including laundry soap. And for natural fabrics of animal origin - silk, wool - you cannot use products with enzymes. Read the composition of washing powders carefully!

Rule 3. Additional attributes for washing

In addition to detergent, you may need the following items to wash by hand:

Image Description
Brushes with soft and hard bristles may be needed when washing heavily soiled areas of clothing.

Basin For washing, it is better to choose one that is not too tall and wide. It is better to stock up on several containers at once.

Clothespins will be needed when hanging laundry to dry.

Washing sequence

Rule 4. Hand washing steps

Any hand wash, regardless of the number of items and characteristics of the fabrics being washed, consists of several stages.

Instructions will help you provide for all the nuances and simplify the task:

Image Procedure

Step 1

Decide on where to wash. Rooms with access to water are best suited for this - a bathroom or kitchen. If you are going to wash clothes at your summer cottage, a bathhouse will do. Direct access to water will save time and effort.

Step 2

Sort your things. Place bedding and underwear, children's and adult clothes, light and dark things in different directions.

If you are going to wash wool items, turn them inside out. Also don't forget to check your pockets!

Step 3

Prepare containers for washing. It is best to get at least two basins - one for soaking and washing, the second for rinsing. A sink with a stopper or a bathtub will also work.

Step 4

Prepare laundry detergents depending on the type of fabric and the purpose of washing.

Step 5

Dilute the chosen product in water according to the dosage indicated on the package. Before washing items by hand, allow the powder to completely dissolve in water.

Step 6

Be mindful of the water temperature. Cotton and linen should be soaked in hot water, wool and silk - in cold water, colored items - in warm water.

Step 7

Place items in a basin with water and detergent. Lightly rub the material together.

Step 8

Leave the soaked items for a while. Heavily soiled items can be soaked for 2 hours, bed linen - overnight.

Do not let soaked items smell bad, otherwise you will have to start washing again.

Step 9

Heavy soiling It must be washed before soaking. Especially the collars and cuffs of shirts, the bottom of trousers, etc. Rub the items together again and place them in a bowl of clean water.

Step 10

Rinse the laundry after washing, constantly renewing the water until it becomes completely clear.

If desired, add fabric softener to the water at the dosage specified by the manufacturer.

Step 11

Gently squeeze out excess water and put things in an empty basin. Now they are ready to dry.

Step 12

All you have to do is hang the laundry until it dries completely.. It is better to dry things in the fresh air or in a well-ventilated area.

Rule 5. Delicate hand wash

Washing delicate fabrics requires special attention.

Fragile and delicate materials can only be washed in cold or lukewarm water with the addition of a small amount of detergent. For example, 1 tablespoon of powder per 5 liters of water.


  • silk and lace fabrics It is better to wash in liquid detergents for delicate washing;
  • batik and embroidery with wool threads can only be washed in cold water;
  • if you use bleach or stain remover for washing– add a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide to the water; if you are washing a product with embroidery – a tablespoon of lemon juice or vinegar.

Delicate items should not be actively rubbed or rinsed.. Therefore, I recommend following this washing sequence:

  1. Dissolve the powder in water.
  2. Place dirty items in the basin and leave for 5-10 minutes.
  3. Carefully, without twisting or shaking, rearrange things into a bowl of clean water.

  1. Leave for 5 minutes.
  2. Place items in clean water and rinse gently.
  3. Lay out a terry towel and place the washed items on it, so that the water is absorbed.

  1. If the fabric is subject to deformation(may stretch) - leave the item in a horizontal position, replacing the wet towel with a dry one if necessary. If there is no such threat, hang things up and dry them at room temperature.


Wash by hand or machine - only you can decide. But now you know, hand washing is not such a difficult task, especially if you have all the necessary attributes. And if you are still in doubt, watch the video in this article, it will help clarify some points. Any questions? Leave them in the comments, I will be happy to answer.

My grandmother was an ideal housewife. She could do everything and did it all. The house was always neat, the pies were the most delicious, and the kitchen towels were perfectly clean. And how did she manage to do this? I will share with you my grandmother’s secrets on how to wash kitchen towels.

Oily stains

The easiest way is to change table towels once every two days. In this case, they do not need to be soaked. Just set the temperature of the washing machine correctly (for white, cotton towels - 90-95, for colored towels - 60 degrees), select the appropriate washing powder.

Grandma dealt with stubborn greasy stains quickly and easily. She told how to wash kitchen towels with the addition of sunflower oil. Place a bucket of water on the fire, bring to a boil, add two tablespoons of dry bleach (the cheapest), two tablespoons of sunflower oil and half a glass of washing powder. Place dry towels in the bucket and turn off the gas. All you have to do is wait for the contents to cool down and rinse things.

No boiling

Grandma knew several ways to remove grease from kitchen towels without boiling.

Wet the fabric, soap it well with laundry soap (72%) and put it in a regular bag so that air does not get inside. After a day, you will only need to rinse the towel.

Dishwashing detergent can also help remove grease stains. Apply it to the dirtiest area and wash with powder.

You can deal with oily stains on colored towels like this: mix three tablespoons of baking soda and dish detergent in three liters of water. Soak a dirty towel in this solution and leave for an hour, and then wash.

You can also soak kitchen textiles in warm water, adding a little vinegar, and after an hour wash as usual.

Dissolve table salt in a bucket of cold water (you can also use a basin for these purposes). Use a tablespoon per liter of water. Leave the towels in this solution for a couple of hours, then simply wash.

Various spots

Every good housewife knows how to wash kitchen towels from stains of various origins.

Hair shampoo will help you get rid of fruit stains. Apply it to the stain and wash the towel in warm water.

Traces of tea and coffee are easily removed with a solution of water and ammonia (1:1). Gently pour the solution onto the stain and then wash.

Rub fresh red wine stains thoroughly with a mixture of salt and water. Do not immediately put into hot water - the stained area may change color, and then it will be more difficult to wash.

The grandmother rubbed stains of stubborn dirt with hydrogen peroxide, citric acid or ammonia. I left the towel on for about an hour and then washed it.

Helpers - soap and oil

Laundry soap was an indispensable assistant in my grandmother’s struggle for cleanliness. Grate half a bar of 72% laundry soap on a coarse grater. Place it along with a handful of soda ash in an enamel bowl. Fill halfway with water. Stir until this mixture dissolves. Then dip the kitchen textiles into the water. Bring to a boil over high heat. Now keep the dishes on low heat for 15–20 minutes and wash with bleach.

Grandma knew how to wash towels from unpleasant odors. At night, I soaped the towels with laundry soap and dipped them in cool water with potassium permanganate. In the morning all that was left was to rinse.

Table salt will help remove stains from the towel. Soak the dirty item for an hour in a solution of cool water with one tablespoon of salt. Then wash it in the machine.

My grandmother taught me how to wash mold from kitchen towels. Wash your towels. After this, without allowing them to dry, soak them in a strong solution of vinegar or hydrogen peroxide. Rinse in water.

She told me how to wash kitchen towels using vegetable oil. Dirty items should be left in hot water overnight, after adding three tablespoons of soda, washing powder, vegetable oil and bleach. In the morning, wash on the quick wash cycle.

  • Change table textiles more often. Then he simply does not have time to become dirty.
  • Iron kitchen towels after each wash. Ironed towels not only look beautiful, but are also less dirty.
  • Add starch to the water.
  • Wash the towel immediately as soon as it gets dirty.
  • Use different fabrics for dishes, hands, and stoves.
  • Avoid terry towels - they quickly absorb dirt and take longer to dry, making them ideal for bacteria and fungi.
  • Do not leave wet clothes in the washing machine or basin for a long time - this will give them a bad smell.
  • Wash white and colored kitchen textiles separately from each other.
  • Dry washed towels in the fresh air. Sunlight is the perfect bleacher, and your clothes smell fresh afterwards.
  • To save money on fabric softener, use grandma's secret: mix baking soda with any scented oil.

How many times has it happened to you that, when you take laundry out of the washer, you want to immediately put it back in? How to wash dirty things so that the whites shine clean and the clothes look like new?

Of course, a modern housewife cannot forget about chemistry when doing household chores. Chemicals make housework a lot easier. If the issue of naturalness and safety of laundry and laundry products is not so pressing for you, then you can try washing things at home in the following products:

The secret weapon of experienced housewives

But what about washed and too dirty clothes, especially children’s clothes, if you don’t want to use aggressive chemicals? Such things can be easily washed using improvised means that can be found in every home. These products are not as expensive as household chemicals and are completely safe.


A great way to wash washed items is to treat them with regular potato starch. Few people know about this method, and yet it has been used for centuries.

Starch is an excellent remedy if you need to remove yellowness and gray tints. It can be poured directly into the washing machine drum, or can be used when rinsing white laundry. Approximate consumption 2 tbsp. l. starch per 5 liters of water.

Boric acid

Boric acid is sold in pharmacies, and this product is very cheap, but it washes perfectly. Using boric acid, you can significantly enhance the snow-white effect of things.

Dilute the acid at the rate of 2 tbsp. l. for 3 liters of water. The water should be warm, but under no circumstances hot. Rinse the laundry in the solution for 10 minutes. Then the final rinse of the items is done in cold, clean water. You will be surprised how clean your underwear will become.


If you need to wash bedding or other home textiles, then the first assistant is ammonia. The material should be soaked in hot water using detergents. We dilute ammonia, add powder or salt, soda or peroxide and wash the bed linen.

Potassium permangantsovka

Ordinary potassium permanganate is one of the best whitening agents. Fill a bucket with hot water, add a little powder and just a little potassium permanganate - the water should turn pinkish. Washed items are dipped into a bucket, left for 4 hours, and then rinsed. As a rule, after the first procedure, washed items become noticeably whiter.


This method was used by our grandmothers, who knew nothing about oxygen bleaches.

To make grayed things whiter, you need to dissolve 1 tsp in 2 liters of water. facilities. Linen is dipped into the solution and left for half an hour. In order for things to bleach evenly, they need to be turned over.
If you bleach wool or cotton, then add 3 tbsp to a bucket of water. l. peroxide and 1 tbsp. l. ammonia, 1 tbsp. l. salt and 3 tbsp. l. powder. The laundry is soaked in the solution for half an hour, and then rinsed thoroughly.


This substance is most often used to gently whiten children's clothes. You can add baking soda during the main wash. It is enough to pour 2 tbsp into the tank. l. soda and turn on the program. Can be dissolved in 10 liters of water 2 tbsp. l. baking soda and soak clothes in the solution for a couple of hours. Children's yellowed and grayed clothes will again take on a fresh look.


You can also bleach clothes with hydroperite, which contains peroxide. There is no need to even wash it hard. It is enough to dissolve a couple of tablets in 5 liters of hot water and dip clothes in the solution for 30 minutes.


You can bleach fabric with vinegar and at the same time refresh the brightness of the colors. Typically, vinegar is used to remove yellow stains from sweat in the armpit area of ​​clothing. Dissolve a couple of tablespoons of vinegar in a glass of water, and then soak the affected areas of the fabric with the solution.

As you can see, there are a lot of ways to return clothes to a fresh look. Choose a product that you have on hand, or try some household chemicals - and your things will become snow-white again.

Knowing how to wash dirty white or colored kitchen towels using folk remedies, you can get rid of fresh and stubborn stains of various nature, maintaining the quality of the fabric and color. Use lemon juice, salt, soda, solutions from laundry soap or dishwashing detergent, acetic acid, boric acid, and medications. To enhance effectiveness, combine them to create a powerful, fast-acting remedy.

Kitchen towels get dirty more often than any other item or thing. It is quite difficult to wash them, because rags absorb dust, dirt, fats and tea. Knowinghow to wash kitchen towels, you can clean products made from any material. But it’s better not to put off washing, because the longer you delay, the more stains eat into the structure of the fabric and damage it from the inside.

Kitchen towels come in different types: colored, white, waffle, terry or cotton.

With proper care, they decorate the kitchen, but faded or rusted linens cause discomfort during use, impair the quality of cleaning and cause shame if guests suddenly arrive.

To avoid this, it is important to follow a few simple rules. Then it will be easy to wash them using cheap cheap products:

  • Have several sets of kitchen towels. Wash them every 2-3 days;
  • Treat colored items with warm water (so as not to spoil the color), and soak white ones in boiling water or boil them to dissolve fats and remove them from the fabric;
  • Wash kitchen towels separately from other items to prevent fats from being absorbed into your clothes;
  • Wash your towels before boiling them. If this point is not observed, whitening will become difficult;
  • use antiseptics to disinfect towels. But do not overuse them (to avoid thinning the tissue);
  • to restore freshness to towels and enhance the effect of disinfectants, iron clean items;
  • do not use towels to clean the stove, table, microwave and large dishes;
  • minor stains can be washed off easily and quickly, but pronounced and old stains will have to be soaked for 2-3 hours.

Be sure to maintain the washing temperature. Colored products absolutely do not tolerate hot water and fade, so never boil them.

Homemade laundry methods and products

Knowing how to wash kitchen towels with improvised means, you will remove it, saving the family budget, which is the main advantage of folk recipes.

To regularly care for your kitchen towels, use the following products:


It is used for soaking or removing severe stains.

Pour a pack of dry mustard into a bowl of water and leave the towels to soak in the solution (overnight), then wash.

To remove stubborn stains (recipe No. 2), prepare a paste by mixing mustard powder with a small amount of water. Apply the mixture to greasy stains for 2-3 hours and finish washing by hand.

Soda ash (or baking soda), salt, starch

The ingredients are used separately or in combination with each other. They are used according to a similar principle. Apply naturally to fresh skin or rub in with a toothbrush. Promptly remove lumps that have absorbed fats and juice. Continue the procedure until the stain disappears.

By adding the ingredients to water in equal proportions and soaking the fabric for 2-10 hours, you will completely remove stains from the towel. To remove old stains, boil the laundry in a solution with these ingredients.

Potassium permangantsovka

Suitable for washing pink plain or white towels.

Soak the end of a match in crystallized manganese, dip it in a basin of water and soak the fabric in the resulting pinkish solution for 2–3 hours.

After washing, the white towel will turn pale pink. Peroxide will help restore snow-whiteness. Soak the item in hydrogen for an hour and machine wash.

Laundry soap

The product is considered traditional because it has been used by housewives for many years. Grate it or dissolve it in water (for soaking/boiling).

Recipe No. 2. Rub the stain and leave the soap to soak for 2-3 hours, then wash the stains by hand.

Dishwashing liquid

It is used similarly to laundry soap and produces a similar effect.

The only difference is that it is available in liquid or powder form, so it does not require grating.


Fruit stains are removed well: cherries, plums.

Rub a little shampoo into the fabric for 60 minutes and wash after the expiration date.

Every housewife has these products, so if a stain appears on a towel or potholder, take action immediately. Soaking a fresh blot does not require high temperature water or effort. 2 hours from There will be no trace of contamination left.

Note! Finally, dry the items thoroughly, preferably in the fresh air, to avoid dampness.

How to remove various stains from a kitchen towel

If washing has been delayed for a long time, and the towel contains grease from the frying pan, fish, dust, dirt, then wash it using the means described aboveat homewill be problematic. Use acids and pharmaceuticals according to the recipes:

Boric and citric acid

You can boil, soak, or treat the stain separately with these products.

Boric acid is sold in liquid form, and citric acid is sold in crystallized form. A solution is prepared from the latter by mixing 25 g of lemon with ¼ tbsp. water.

  1. The resulting liquid is poured onto the stain.
  2. Leave to soak for 1.5–2 hours.
  3. Wash with dishwashing liquid or laundry soap.

For soaking or boiling, use ¼ tbsp. lemons or ¼ bottle of boric acid. Pour into water, leave the towel in the solution overnight, and wash in the morning (or boil over low heat and wash after cooling). This way you will even get rid of and.

Lemon and soap

The citric acid recipe is suitable for soaking and boiling. Dissolve 25–50 g of lemon in a container with water (depending on the volume of the pan), grate and add 0.5 bars of laundry soap. Boil the towels in the resulting solution for 15 minutes or soak for at least 2 hours.

Advice! By adding 5 crushed aspirin tablets to the water, you will enhance the effect of the product.


Washing greasy kitchen towelsvinegar is practically no different from processing with citric or boric acid.

You can use the ingredient to remove stains, soak or boil. Add 1 tbsp to water. table vinegar without prior dilution.

Ammonia or formic alcohol

Alcohol-based products efficiently remove contaminants with both partial and complete treatment. Pour them onto the blot directly from the bottle, let them sit for about 30–60 minutes, depending on the severity of the stain, and wash.

Old stains of unknown origin are easily removed by boiling or soaking with ammonia and formic alcohol (0.5 bottles per 5 liters of water). To enhance the effect, combine alcohol-containing medications with acids or alkaline agents.

Similar – similar: sunflower oil

Proper use of vegetable oil will help remove fats.

We knock out a wedge with a wedge

Use it in combination with white powder!

Wash with sunflower oil - step by step instructions:

  1. Boil a bucket of water.
  2. Add 3 tsp. washing powder and sunflower oil.
  3. Place all dirty towels into the solution, cover and boil for 20 minutes.
  4. Wash off the remaining mark after the water has cooled.

Knowing how to wash kitchen rags and towels with sunflower oil, you will save on expensive stain removers and will be able to wash them from fresh and stubborn stains regularly.

Watch the video to see how this recipe helps whiten kitchen towels:

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To remove even the most stubborn stain, just add a good detergent and throw the item in the washing machine. But what to do if you soil your clothes while you’re not at home or you simply don’t have time to wash them? And then how to get rid of dried and stubborn stains?

It is for such situations website talks about the 12 worst stains and offers effective ways to get rid of them.

No. 1. Grass

Every parent is familiar with children's jeans whose knees are constantly covered in dirt and grass. To quickly remove greens from clothes, you can do this:

  • Mix 1 liter of water and 1 tbsp. l. ammonia. Then simply blot the stain with this solution and rub a little with a napkin or sponge.

No. 2. Ink

Dried ink stains cannot be removed even in the washing machine. However, this method helped us ease the process of removing it:

  • Soak a cotton swab in alcohol and lightly tap the stain. A mixture (1:1) of wine alcohol and ammonia is also ideal. However, in order to completely get rid of the stain without washing it off, you will have to try.

No. 3. Fat

There are several proven methods for getting rid of grease stains. And they all work great.

  • If the stain is new, place 2-3 layers of paper towels on both sides of the stain. Then iron with a very hot iron. Repeat this again, and then clean the stain (if it remains) with gasoline.
  • You can get rid of an old grease stain by soaking it in a mixture of pure alcohol (1/2 cup) and gasoline (1/2 tsp), and then letting the fabric dry.

No. 4. Lipstick

Traces of lipstick and foundation on light-colored clothes are a problem for all girls (and clothing stores). Fortunately, it’s easy to get rid of them:

  • Place the stain on a paper towel, then wipe from the inside out with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol. Remember to change the paper frequently.

No. 5. Nail polish

One careless movement, and the nail polish from the jar is transferred to a new clean sheet or clothing. It is difficult to get rid of it, but it is possible:

  • Place the stain on a piece of cotton cloth, then from the inside out, wipe the stain with a cotton swab dipped in acetone or gasoline until it disappears. But to completely get rid of the varnish, you will have to soak the item in boiling water for several hours and rinse.

No. 6. Berries, fruits and juices

Not all berry stains can be completely removed, but there are a couple of ways to get rid of the most stubborn ones:

  • Moisten a cotton pad with regular table vinegar and blot the stain with it. Then rinse the item in cold water.
  • A fresh stain should be covered with salt: it absorbs some of the moisture and the stain will not spread. Then pour boiling water over the stain.

No. 7. Blood

When a person hurts his hand, he instinctively tries to stop the bleeding. That's why we immediately put our finger in our mouth or wipe it on our clothes.

  • To get rid of a blood stain, apply ammonia to the stained area and leave for 10-15 minutes. Then, if the stain remains, wash the item with soap.

No. 8. Chocolate

We all love chocolate: it is delicious and improves our mood. However, no one likes chocolate stains that constantly appear on their clothes.

  • If the stain is fresh, simply sprinkle it with salt and moisten it with warm water.
  • You can easily remove an old stain by moistening it with a warm 1.5% solution of ammonia. Or a solution of vinegar and alcohol (1:1).

No. 9. Traces of sweat

Beer spilled on your favorite T-shirt will ruin the mood even at the most fun party. This stain quickly eats away, but you can get rid of it:

  • Treat the stain with a mixture of water, glycerin, ammonia, wine alcohol (8:1:1:1). You can easily remove champagne stains using the same method.

No. 12. Wine

According to the law of meanness, wine (especially red) more often ends up on a blouse than in a glass. Here are a few ways to deal with such stains:

  • For fresh stains: Soak a cotton pad in a mixture of vinegar and hot water, then wipe onto the stain.
  • For old stains: Mix 2 g citric acid and 1 cup water. If the stain is still visible after this, wipe it with a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia (1 teaspoon in 1 glass of hot water).
