Presentation of the ecological suit. Avant-garde style in clothes, jewelry and accessories

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All sections | Waste suits. Eco fashion, outfits and dresses made from trash for kids

In our group "Story" great attention is paid to education ecological culture of preschoolers. To make this process fun, entertaining educational As a teacher, I use various forms of work. One of the forms was an amazing holiday - a fashion show...

Target: activate, unite the creative manifestations of children and their parents, cause initiative, emotional upsurge and simply bring joy. Tasks: continue forming y children sense of responsibility for the state of the environment; develop creative imagination...

Waste suits. Eco fashion, garbage outfits and dresses for kids - Fashion Chic. Environmental project

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MAAM Pictures Library

On April 20, 2018, our kindergarten hosted an amazing, bright, spectacular holiday dedicated to Earth Day - a show of clothes made from waste material “Eco-Fashion. This wonderful trash." It was attended by pupils of all age groups. Wonderful costumes...

Ecological defele "Eco-fashion for young defenders of Nature" Purpose: Environmental education and upbringing of a careful attitude to the natural resources of one's region, the need for rational environmental management through forms of theatrical activity. Tasks: - Involvement in...

Scenario of the holiday "Junk fashion". Ecological project "Don't Cry Daisy" Participants: Presenter, Aibolit, bug, ant, spider, 2 waxwings, bear, children, participants of the Garbage Fashion contest. Equipment: Waste basket, masks and caps for participants, images of clean and dirty cities, wood. Purpose: Formation in children of a responsible ...

Waste suits. Eco fashion, garbage outfits and dresses for children - Dress from waste material "Russian Beauty"

Dress made from waste material. Eco fashion, clothes and dresses made from garbage for children, fashion shows that showcase clothes made from waste material are a super popular entertainment event in kindergartens. It makes our life brighter, spectacular,...

On the eve of the New Year, there is probably not a single person who would not succumb to the festive atmosphere. I want to create, decorate, create comfort and a fairy tale. You can make a real snowman not only from snow! You can make snowmen with your own hands from any materials and even ...

Nomination: master class on ecology in kindergarten

Master Class"Ecological costume"

Ecology is the science of the interactions of living organisms. On January 5, 2016, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin signed a Decree declaring 2017 the year of the environment.

After conferring, the guys and I decided to sew a costume from candy wrappers. Of course, we have already collected wrappers. Having decomposed them by color scheme, we set to work.

At first we sewed by hand, but it was very long and tiring, so we decided to try a sewing machine. Sewing wrappers on a sewing machine in rows (large line).

Laying out the rows in such an order that the product looks good. They began to sew into one whole rows. We sew the bottom row separately from the same candy wrappers. Turn the top up and insert the elastic. Can be left as a skirt, but we wanted a sundress. We continue to finish.

The sundress is almost ready. Of course, it took a lot of wrappers, but it's worth it.
We collect one row - this will be the top of the sundress. To do this, we sew a series of wrappers with a wide line and carefully assemble them by pulling on one thread.

Well, how about without a crown. We cut it out of white cardboard, glued it on the sides with a cut edge from candy wrappers, and glued fruits cut out of candy wrappers on top. Fruits were also hung on the fishing line - it turned out in an original way (they can be removed, and if desired, they can be easily hung back).

Here's what we got. The children were absolutely delighted! In addition, such a costume can be used both for a competition and for theatrical performances, for a dressing up corner, for role-playing games.

You can also sew such a topic and a skirt:

It turns out a very modern costume and also made of wrappers.


Position: teacher of the first qualification category
Place of work: MBDOU DS No. 43 "Kolobok"
Location: Belaya Kalitva, Rostov region

In the 21st century, people have seriously thought about the plight of the environment and how to improve it. Taking care of your own health, playing sports, rational nutrition, clothes and shoes made from organic materials are all important elements of an eco-style life. Today, many products, things and household items often have an icon confirming their natural origin and the absence of chemical additives. Eco style in clothes is a vivid manifestation of concern for the well-being and mood of a person. The popular fashion trend implies the absolute naturalness of things - natural materials, simple cut, natural appearance.

What determines the environmental friendliness of things?

Eco fashion is built on several important principles of its creation:

  • no harm to human health;
  • careful use of natural resources in the production of basic materials;
  • secondary processing of raw materials;
  • reduction of production waste;
  • the presence on the fabrics of certificates of compliance with environmental standards;
  • observance of ethnic characteristics, traditional folk techniques in the creation and design of clothing;
  • rejection of materials of animal origin obtained as a result of the destruction of animals and birds.

In addition to the fact that eco-style clothing has a positive effect on the human body, it still does not harm the environment at all. In the process of growing raw materials, the use of chemicals and fertilizers is excluded. The collection and processing of plants is carried out only by hand without the involvement of synthetic components. For wool products, only those animals that ate exclusively organic feed are selected.

Eco style in clothes (photo)

The characteristic features of the current trend find a noticeable manifestation at the heart of all things.

  • Fabrics and materials of only vegetable or animal origin without additional chemical processing: cotton, linen, hemp, burlap, wool, lace. Such things create a feeling of lightness and practicality, even if the fabric has a rough texture.
  • The cut of clothes provides for the presence of simple lines and free silhouettes. By and large, the shape of things is not of decisive importance, the main thing is that a person should be comfortable in it.

  • The color scheme is provided by natural coloring pigments that create natural shades of nature. Bright irritating colors are not allowed in the wardrobe. The main ones are all shades of brown, beige, gray, green. Don't forget about black and white. An organic addition can be blue, yellow, pink tones.
  • The decorative design of the ensemble is represented by ethnic motifs. This finds expression in embroidery, braid, ornaments, appliqués and other types of decoration.

  • Jewelry is made exclusively from natural substances. Textiles, yarn, wood, straw, bamboo, stones are suitable for this.
  • Accessories should be in a harmonious color scheme with an eco-friendly image. The objects made in green and white colors look the most organic. Textile or wicker bags, straw hats, knitted scarves, wooden-framed glasses are appropriate here.

Eco-clothing perfectly passes the air, warms from the cold and protects from the heat. It does not cause allergies and provides a person with absolute comfort and convenience. Joy and pleasure from natural things contribute to spiritual harmony and unity with nature.

Romantic Eco-style

The excessive urbanization of modern life has led to the fact that people in every possible way strive to be as close to nature as possible. Imbued with the ideas of ecology, we surround ourselves with organic things, eat natural products and prefer to relax outside the city.

A great opportunity to express natural beauty and harmony with the outside world is a wedding in Eco style. The celebration of a significant event in a picturesque corner of nature creates an easy and relaxed atmosphere.

The design of a wedding celebration usually involves simple and uncomplicated elements: linen canopy, lace curtains, wooden furniture, wild flowers. Wood stumps, burlap matting, a small stack of hay will add the effect.

The bride in a snow-white lace dress of a simple silhouette looks gentle and touching. There are neat balls of pink pearls in the ears and on the neck, the hairstyle is decorated with small flowers. The groom, in a traditional dark pair with a white shirt, is modest and reserved.

A set of necessary attributes, organic materials, natural color palette create a real atmosphere of a wedding celebration. Following the most ancient folk traditions penetrates deeply into the usual course of events. Modern Eco-style rightfully becomes a new philosophy of life and a worthy decoration of everyday life.


competition of ecological costume "Eco-style"

developed by a biology teacher

Velichko Tatyana Sergeevna

Video about ecology
The top four come out

Presentation (slide 1)

Vedas 1: What is home for you? Four walls? This is not so, your home is the planet Earth. And while living in this house, you must respect it! This means leading a healthy lifestyle, eradicating vulgarity and bad taste, merging with nature and, of course, protecting it. At the very least, don't hurt her. Do you love your home?

Vedas 2: Life in eco style is a whole philosophy, and not just PR of environmentally friendly products and things. Purely not where they clean, but where they do not litter. It is especially difficult for nature to cope with such "brainchildren" of man as plastic, metal and aluminum.

Vedas 3: Even an innocent candy wrapper thrown on the ground is a great evil for the Earth. Sort waste, don't let yourself litter the environment. And also plant a tree, and better than one! And maybe the Earth will give us and the next generations a chance.

Vedas 4: Let's imagine that today is not 2015, but 3015. The very global changes that were feared already in the 20th century took place on the earth: natural resources dried up, the face of the earth is a huge smoky and surrounded by mountains of garbage megacities. But man is a mobile creature and decided to use recycled waste to make clothes. So, before you is an exclusive fashion show "Eco-style".

Vedas 1: The competition is held in the following nominations:

  • « Urbania- models made of paper, plastic, polyethylene, etc.
Presentation (slides 2,3)

  • "Vintage"- models made from old, unnecessary, abandoned things and materials, which, in the process of modernization, turned into fashionable and stylish things
Presentation (slide 4)

  • "Naturel"- models made using natural materials, such as straw, seeds, grain, sea shells, etc. Don't forget about fashionable ecological accessories!
Presentation (slide 5.6)

Vedas 2: And since fashion always involves a competition, we need a jury, which we will present to you. The honorary jury of the competition today is represented by:

  • head teacher;

  • biology teacher;

  • chemistry teacher;
Vedas 3:

  • graduate of our school;

  • Queen of the Historical Ball 2013, Vice Miss School 2013, 11th grade student;

  • leader of school student self-government, editor-in-chief of the school newspaper.
Vedas 4: The principle of the jury is as follows - using the criteria, evaluate the costumes of the contestants and choose the best eco outfit in each of the three nominations.

Vedas 1: I am announcing the Winter 2015 fashion show and the Eco-Style eco-suit contest open. (pause, applause)

Presentation (slide 7)

Vedas 2: The behavior of a person should be like his clothes: not too restrictive and not too refined, but provide freedom of movement and action. So said the philosopher and historian Francis Bacon. Just such clothes will be presented to you by the Fashion House of the 1st classes. Meet 1 "A" class! (defile, present a costume).

Meet 1 "B" class!

Vedas 3: A well-dressed person is one whose clothes you did not pay attention to, - said the English writer Somerset Maugham. And now representatives of the Fashion House of the 2nd class will demonstrate their models for you - Please! 2 "A" class (defile, present a costume).

We invite 2 "B" class! (defile, present a costume).

We invite 2 "B" class!

Vedas 4: If you met a woman on the street and she struck you with her beauty, but you cannot remember what she was wearing, then she was dressed perfectly. So said the great French fashion designer Usharo. So, before you are stylish clothes from the Fashion House of the 3rd grade. We meet! 3 "A" class (defile, present a costume).

We invite 3 "B" class! (defile, present a costume).

We invite 3 "B" class!

Vedas 1: Fashion is not just stupidity. Even if you say you don't follow it, it's not true. One way or another, but you make your choice, says Italianfashion designer Miuccia Prada. And we invite you to the podium House of Fashion 4th grade. Meet 4 "A" class! (defile, present a costume).

Meet 4 "B" class!

Vedas 2: I don't think about being beautiful. I devote most of my time to being healthy, - said the actressAnn Bancroft. And now representatives of the House of Fashion of the 5th grade will demonstrate their models for you - We ask you to come to the podium 5 "A" class! (defile, present a costume).

Meet 5 "B" class!
All representatives of the 5 "B" class come out, defile.

Vedas 3 (at this time):

A country cannot live without sweets,

People eat candy all year round,

If he throws candy wrappers,

That pollutes his planet.

You and he and I must remember -

You will kill an ant with a fanatic.

Although they are beautiful and light,

Beetles can die from them!

That's right, friends, he will do

Who will take his candy wrapper in the trash!

But only he deserves the reward

Who will sew a suit out of them! ( 5 "B" sits down)

Vedas 3: « Your beauty is your inner world, and how you work on it, how you keep yourself, what kind of culture you have inside yourself, that's how you look., said Renata Litvinova. And in front of you are stylish clothes from the Fashion House of the 6th grade. We meet! 6 "A" class! (defile, present the costume)

Welcome 6 "B" class!

Vedas 4:“You must always live in love with something inaccessible to you. A person becomes taller from what stretches up, ”said
Maksim Gorky. We present models Fashion houses of the 7th grade. We invite you to the podium 7 "A" class! (defile, present a costume).

We meet 7 "B" class! (defile, present a costume).

Meet 7 "B" class!

Vedas 1:Many people spend big for shopping, because they do not understand things. They think that if they spent thousands of dollars on their clothes, they would look good. But in fact, style is not a million dollars. This is an inner sense of harmony. We present models Fashion houses of the 8th grade.

Meet 8 "A" class! (defile, present the costume)

We meet 8 "B" class.

Vedas 2: Caring for the environment it doesn’t always come down to the fact that when you come to visit someone, you start wandering around the rooms where there is no one and turn off the burning one there . But you can start with this.Welcome Fashion House 9th grade. Meet 9 "A" class! ( defile, present a costume). Welcome 9 "B" class!

Vedas 3: Heraclitus argued that one cannot step into the same river twice. Modern ecologists say that there is , which cannot be entered even once. We invite you to the podium Fashion House 10th grade. Welcome! ( defile, present a costume)

Vedas 4: Each fashion has its own time to which it corresponds. Some art historians believe that fashionable clothes:

  • immoral - 10 years before her time;

  • calling - 2 years before her time;

  • swept away - 1 year before his time;
Vedas 1:

  • beautiful - when she is in fashion;

  • tasteless - a year after its time;

  • ugly - 10 years after its time;

  • funny - after 20 years;

  • funny - after 30 years;
Vedas 2:

  • peculiar - after 50 years;

  • pleasant - after 70 years;

  • romantic - in 100 years;

  • beautiful - 150 years after its time.

Vedas 3: So, the competition "Eco-style" is over. The jury sums up. And before they announce the names of the winners, we pass the microphones to our guests - the 2013 graduates. Meet!
Performing songs with itars

Vedas 4:

We consider the earth as paradise,

We poison ourselves

Garbage blockages, piles,

However, urns are everywhere,

On the face, throwing a shadow,

Too lazy to throw garbage in the bin.

Better Used Item,

Throw it here - on the pavement.

In parks, squares and alleys

Heaps of garbage are turning white.

21st century now - be smarter, man!

Vedas 1: This is a whole mission: to give people health, and planet Earth - life! Join!!!

Vedas 2: I give the floor for the award to the director of our school.

Final song - background

The most relevant topic in the world today is the topic of ecology. The creators of high fashion, many of whom are socially oriented and concerned about the current situation in the field of ecology and consumption, did not remain indifferent to this topic. Their creative and social activity led to the emergence of such a trend as trash couture or trashion within the framework of high fashion. Trash, translated from English, means "garbage", and trashion is a trash fashion that uses industrial waste and household waste to create clothes. "Couture" from cans, garbage bags and paper, old clothes and shoes is becoming more and more popular and relevant. Greenpeace collections have long been known, representing clothes made from bottle caps, beer cans, plastic bottles, plastic bags, etc. However, the increasing presence of non-traditional materials such as old newspapers, laundry detergent boxes, plastic bags or textile patches in the collections of professional fashion designers testify to the interest in the possibilities of "junk design".

Trashion - a fashion trend is far from new and the roots of this trend go far back to the 60s of the twentieth century. They became a turning point for fashion and the environment, because it was then that people began to think that the consumption of products in huge quantities in the future would lead to a crisis.

The founder of the direction of trash couture in the 60s was the star of the modeling business of those years, the legendary Verushka. In 1966, Andy Warhol's paper dress was released, which came with a set of felt-tip pens, allowing everyone to paint it to their liking. Even then, these were the first shoots of eco-friendly fashion. And Andy Warhol's famous paper dress printed from labels from Campbell soups has become a permanent symbol of trash couture.

The main inspiration for trashion in the 60s was Paco Rabanne (which I mentioned in the previous subsection). He first conquered the fashionable public with a collection of paper dresses in 1966, and gained worldwide fame thanks to his corporate style - tight-fitting chainmail dresses made of metal parts. Coco Chanel nicknamed Rabanne "metallurgist" for this funny notion. Paco did not stop there and continued to amaze the audience with outfits made of unconventional "matter": laser discs, plastic, aluminum foil, optical fibers, fluorescent leather, plastic bottles and even door handles.

Far from the last role in the development of trashion in the 60s. played by Italian designer Ivano Vitali, who still works with trashion, presenting his new collection of eco-clothing, completely created from recycled newspapers and magazines, which the designer cuts into long ribbons and twists into huge balls. And this is without the use of glue, paint or silicone. Ivano Vitali sews the resulting "yarn" with no less impressive needles and hooks made of wood: some reach almost 2.5 meters in length. Ivano does not use dyes at all. Instead, the designer carefully selects pages that are similar in color. Vitali has been collecting suitable paper and covers for one product for about two years.

Vitali creates under the influence of a radical tradition in Italian art called ArtePovera (“poor art”). Clothing from Ivano Vitali is somewhere on the border between fashion, design, art and ecology. This Italian has earned the respect of critics from all of these fields and is today one of the most respected designers in the trashion world. Examples of a suit from Vitali are shown in figures A25 and A26.

In the 1980s, Jean Paul Gaultier introduced his High-Tech collection, which made him one of the recognized avant-garde artists of French fashion. "Hi-tech" means high technology, and Gauthier showed models in the spirit of "garbage design" - using garbage cans, electronic circuit boards and cans of cat food, which he turned into bracelets. In "Hi-tech" he embodied the idea of ​​waste recycling, which was becoming more and more relevant, which would "sick" Western society in the 1980s-1990s, preoccupied with environmental problems.

Franko Moschino in the 90s advocated ecology. He was a fighter against the canons, cliches, inertia and blind worship of fashion. Look at the famous models with teddy bear collars instead of natural fur, dresses heavily decorated with safety pins, suits decorated with cutlery, a model created from condom packages to draw attention to the AIDS problem.

The most memorable designer working in this direction was Maison Martin Margiela. His work is sometimes called "deconstruction" for his tendency to dissect things, exposing their insides. But the word "redesign" would also fit. The most famous products of the fashion house are garments made from other things, such as a dress made from garbage bags, a top made from gloves or a jacket made from broken ceramic plates, jackets made from bags, gloves, belts and plastic labels.

Such models are made in single copies, cost several thousand euros and often end up in museum collections.

The Nancy Judd collection is called RecycleRunway. The talented lady has been working in the field of recycling for several years now, and such fashion projects help her draw public attention to this problem. Evening gowns can be sewn from promotional waste paper sent by mail, trimmed with videotape, aluminum plates cut from cans, rusty nails, and even glass.

Designer Katel Gelebard has collected hundreds of empty product packaging in her workshop in order to successfully and safely dispose of them, or rather, give them a second life as exclusive hautecouture outfits. According to the designer, product packaging, especially those made from a material that is denser than paper or cardboard, has great potential. And most of all she appreciates those on which bright drawings are applied. Very original clothes are obtained from such packages. The same raincoats, motorcycle jackets or aprons. And even high boots, over the knee boots.

Continuing the theme, one cannot fail to mention the brightest collection of cult designer Alexander McQueen's "Cornucopia" season 2009-2010. Aluminum cans and trash bags, plastic wrap, old umbrellas and old rims and tires from car wheels coexist in this collection with bird feather patterns and prints on dresses that turn from houndstooth patterns into flying birds. Models walk along a circular catwalk, in the center of which is a huge mountain of garbage. All together - this is our planet in miniature, suffocating from abundance and an overabundance of waste and garbage, on which there is less and less room for living birds. This collection is the ultimate example of thrash couture, the high design word in junk fashion.

One cannot ignore the fact that even in popular design show competitions, such as the Podium project, the topic of ecology and the creation of costumes from recycled materials are touched upon. Beginning designers during the day should show all their creative abilities and offer a trashion-style clothing model.

Also, fashion shows (for example, EcoChicFashionShow in Jakarta) and exhibitions (for example, “Trash Fashion: Design without Waste” at the London Science Museum) are devoted to the problem of improving the environmental situation associated with pollution of the planet with unnecessary clothes.

After an analytical review, we can conclude that the entire trashion is divided into two large parts: the creation of clothes and the creation of accessories (bags and jewelry).

For example, the designers of the Italian brand Momaboma use old out-of-fashion dresses, bags, magazines, T-shirts, tape measures, vinyl records, flour or cement packages, parachute fabric and turn it all into something beautiful, original and new. This new one is stylish and elegant handbags for modern fashionistas. Its goal is not just to give a second life to obsolete things, but also to demonstrate their importance and value.

Shows from high fashion weeks are broadcast on central TV channels, they are covered by a huge number of Internet sites, newspapers and magazines. High fashion today itself has become a fashionable topic. And it is not surprising that socially oriented designers, through such collections, are trying to draw the attention of a wide audience and the press to social and environmental issues. By creating trashion, they publicly declare the problems of irrational use of raw materials, non-waste technologies and the problem of waste disposal.

Conclusion: And this means that a suit made of non-traditional materials is not only an aesthetically attractive thing, but also propaganda of the theme of ecology. And the materials for creating this dress are so diverse, which makes it even more attractive to the fashion industry. Therefore, it is necessary to study the world experience of working with non-traditional materials.
