Cool Happy New Year greetings for drivers. Happy New Year greetings by profession to an administrator, bodybuilder, accountant, driver, New Year's poems to a military man, doctor, chief accountant and engineer Happy New Year greetings to a male driver

Dear road users, I congratulate you on the New Year 2015 and Merry Christmas!

The New Year is coming soon, the Euro and the dollar will grow!

There are fines on the road too, They'll soon creep up!

And therefore we wish everyone from the traffic police service

Live by the rules of the road, Without losses and fuss!

Topics: traffic police

The chief state inspector of road safety in the region wishes all road users a Happy New Year

The exciting days of the New Year holidays always evoke good hopes and expectations in the soul.

May the New Year be successful and happy for you, bring only good things and be for you a time of fulfillment of desires, implementation of your plans, a time of wonderful achievements and victories.

I wish that an atmosphere of love, harmony and kindness reigns in your homes.

May all the good things that made you happy in the past year certainly find their continuation in the coming year.

May 2015 bring you happiness, strengthen your faith in the future, and may success always accompany any of your endeavors.

Dear road users, be careful during the New Year holidays!

Already in every house the lights of the New Year tree are shining and everyone is preparing for the holidays. At this time, as a rule, the number of vehicles on roads increases significantly, which directly affects road safety.

So that nothing overshadows the festive mood, dear drivers and pedestrians, do not forget about the basic requirements of the Traffic Rules. Excessive speed, violation of overtaking rules, driving into oncoming traffic, drunk driving, crossing the roadway in an unspecified place - these are the main causes of road accidents.

Taking into account also the possible complication of weather conditions, we ask all road users to take the necessary safety measures: pedestrians - do not suddenly enter the road, but when crossing it, take into account the condition of the road surface and the distance to approaching vehicles; Drivers should choose a safe speed and driving distance, and avoid sudden braking and risky maneuvers.

Congratulations from the Chief State Road Safety Inspector of the Omsk Region on the New Year

I really hope that mutual understanding and mutual respect will become indispensable components of relations between road users, and I believe that we have the power to make the roads of the Omsk region safe!

May the coming 2015 bring energy and inspiration to each of us, and delight us with bright, unforgettable events and achievements. I wish everyone great happiness, peace, warmth and prosperity in the family, attention and tolerance towards each other. And let nothing interfere with the fulfillment of your desires!

The Moscow State Traffic Inspectorate congratulates road users on the New Year 2015

Another year of our lives has gone down in history. On the threshold of a new, no less interesting and eventful year two thousand and fifteen.

The Moscow State Traffic Safety Inspectorate wishes Muscovites and guests of the city that in the coming 2015 all their troubles and problems will be left behind forever.

The State Traffic Inspectorate of the Perm Territory congratulates Perm residents on the upcoming New Year

The Regional State Traffic Inspectorate is making every effort to ensure that safety and law and order reign on the roads of the region. But success in solving the overall task of ensuring safety largely depends not only on the professionalism and efficiency of police officers, but also on the responsible behavior of citizens on the roads.

The State Traffic Inspectorate of the Perm Territory reminds of the need to be especially careful on the roads, and also urges drivers during the upcoming holidays to avoid excessive alcohol consumption and drive only when sober.

Congratulations from the Chief State Inspector for Road Safety of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

Dear residents of the Krasnoyarsk Territory!

The number of cars on the roads of the region is growing every year.

Congratulating all road users, I would like to address pedestrians first and foremost and remind you that your own safety depends only on you!

I would also like to say something about children. Their lives and health are literally in the hands of adults. Only you and I can set them the right example of safe behavior on the road and street network.

Dear drivers, I think it is important to remind you that driving while intoxicated is unacceptable. Remember that if you drive while drunk, you endanger not only your life, but also other road users.

The Regional State Traffic Inspectorate congratulated Ulyanovsk residents on the upcoming New Year

In the city center, disguised traffic police inspectors congratulated Ulyanovsk residents on the upcoming New Year and told pedestrians about the importance of using reflective elements on clothing in the dark and in conditions of poor visibility. As a gift from the traffic police, the fifty best experts in traffic rules received bright reflective keychains.

Pedestrians, without hiding their delight, actively took part in the event, answered questions from traffic inspectors and expressed many warm words and wishes to the State Traffic Inspectorate employees.

The police also told residents of Ulyanovsk that from July 1, 2015, a requirement has been established that pedestrians must use reflective elements when driving on the roadway outside populated areas.

Employees of the State Traffic Inspectorate, having carried out the action, once again called on all road users to be especially attentive and careful on the roadway, to comply with all rules and regulations of road safety.

New Year's greetings from the Chief State Road Safety Inspector of the Rostov Region

The most beloved, kindest holiday is approaching - New Year!

Happy New Year, highway travelers. I would like to wish you pleasant gifts and surprises from loved ones and friends, a wonderful start to the New Year and a wonderful continuation. May the roads be smooth and kind, May the days of life be joyful and successful. I also wish you to hold the steering wheel cheerfully and not feel tired, remembering that your loved ones are waiting at home.


I wish drivers
I am happiness in the New Year,
May the road be smooth
Ahead is waiting for you.

I wish you didn't know
No holes or traffic jams,
So as not to stop
The traffic cop is strict with you.

I wish you a New Year
New tires for you
And always to be
Full tank of gasoline.

Happy road
I wish you for the New Year,
May every road
Fortunately leads you.


I wish that this New Year
Cherished dreams all came true,
Let the car take you forward,
So that you can easily achieve all your goals!

May they always wait for you around the corner
Good luck, positive, great success!
I hasten to congratulate you on the New Year,
Let happiness cover everyone!


Happy new city, let's drive
Gives joy, pleasure,
Remember, no matter how small it gets,
Rush forward in spite of the snow!

Let your dreams come true
While the clock is striking twelve!
Let the soul always sing,
And the car takes you into the distance!


Driver, congratulations,
Good luck in the New Year.
I wish you to drive
Easy and hassle-free!

No traffic jams, no traffic jams,
Breakdowns and other troubles.
Green traffic lights,
Good luck and victories!

Love, respect,
The house will be filled
Luck, inspiration,
Health and goodness!

Cool poems and Happy New Year greetings to motorists


Those who drive a car,
Happy New Year,
Smooth roads, happy roads
I wish you a fabulous holiday

Only bright turns,
Signs - only positive ones,
Good and happy everyday life,
Productive and active.


Happy New Year. I wish you, neither rod nor nail! Let your routes this year lead to exploring new roads and discovering amazing places and cities.


Happy New Year, guys!
Congratulations to all drivers now.
Let everything in life be as it should be:
Chic, and shine, and just class.

New Year is almost here,
Let the magic take over you.
The roads will only be smooth
And let the triumph fulfill your dreams.


Drivers, may this New Year
For you, your wishes and dreams will come true,
Let every turn on the roads
Contains more Happiness and beauty.

Let the car listen to you properly,
It doesn’t act up, it never stalls.
Let the traffic cops not be wayward,
And they let you through everywhere and always.


Your lot is to live on the road,
Let's guys put aside our worries,
Happy New Year,
We sincerely wish you all.

Neither rod nor nail for you,
And the path is without snow and rain.
I wish you many years of health,
May life protect you from troubles.


May the New Year give you a lot
Love, health, clear days,
May the New Year's road
Takes you to your dreams as soon as possible!

I wish you the car
Was always correct
Gives you reasons for happiness
And replaces two wings!


Drivers, Happy New Year today!
I congratulate you all from the bottom of my heart.
Let happiness be your arch,
May all your dreams come true.

Don't let cars let you down,
Why do they always lead to the threshold,
Let love drive you crazy
And they are surrounded by tenderness and comfort.


Driver, this is New Year's Eve time
Please accept my congratulations.
May happiness surround you everywhere,
Let only the right decisions be made.

May the roads always guide you
To love, luck, inspiration,
Let your soul and heart always sing
A duet along with the mood.


Happy New Year's Eve
I congratulate you, drivers!
Let life sparkle with warmth,
Let smiles surround you closely.

May it always be on the roads
It will only be safe
Troubles never bother you
Nothing happens in vain.


Driver, this New Year
May your life change dramatically.
May you be lucky in everything,
And in the brilliance of fireworks and fireworks

Let happiness and love shine,
Let tenderness warm you with joy,
Success comes again and again
Obediently fulfilling your wishes.

The steering wheel is spinning,
The wheels crush the snow,
Travel companions for the New Year
I wish you Santa Claus.

So that with you, driver,
He entered the New Year,
Happy kilometers
The countdown has begun.

I wish you dear
No traffic jams or accidents,
Gasoline without additives
And exhaust without burning.

Bon Voyage
I wish you a new year
Let in life and on the road
You're always lucky.


We you, administrator,
Happy New Year,
And always be the first everywhere
We wish you a whole year.

The labor process by you
Let it be organized
You have creativity and ideas,
To be full of creative people.

We wish you good luck
You held it tightly with your hand,
To be the best
And everyone was proud of you.

Chief accountant

To the chief accountant
The New Year is in a hurry,
Let him arrange it for you
Happiness is credit.

Will give you good luck,
Will be unlimited
Let the rest of happiness.

Debit and credit are friends
May it be with you all year long,
Will cost you a pretty penny
Annual report.

Chief accountant
I wish you a New Year
Only positive ones
Happy worries.


Happy New Year to you,
Accountant, congratulations,
Submit an annual report
I wish you success.

I wish you a New Year
Greet you with good luck
And leave it in balance
One column for happiness.

Let the result be in the end
It will be positive
May the New Year be happy
Sharing with you.

Chief engineer

Happy New Year
Chief Engineer,
The man himself
In the production of important things.

So that you can make progress,
Didn't stand still
Enterprise successes
They were a matter of honor.

I wish to live creatively,
Think creatively
I wish you a New Year
May you be happy.

Bodybuilder (jock)

The gyms are empty,
The weights lie to the side,
They won't be coming to them anytime soon,
Everyone is standing in line.

All the jocks are shopping,
And they dispersed to the bazaars,
Buy tangerines
This is how life is.

In his right hand he carries a Christmas tree,
On the left, a tangerine box,
It’s not in vain that I spent a year in the gym,
He walked without passes!


Golden stars
They shine on the Christmas tree,
Happy New Year to you,
Military man, congratulations.

I wish in my life
Command the parade
Love and happiness are in order
Let them always stand nearby.

Luck and success
They lead a platoon behind a platoon,
Good luck and peace to you
I wish you a Happy New Year.

To the doctor

I am your favorite doctor
Happy New Year,
For patients and you
I wish you good health.

I wish that illness
They fled from you
So that in the new year the sick
Everyone became healthy.

So that your heart doesn't hurt,
The kidneys didn't play around,
And the most important medicine,
So that there are smiles.

I wish you a New Year
Don't face the disease
May he bring health
And you, doctor, happiness.

To a military man

Are you on duty today?
You're celebrating the New Year,
To you, soldier,
I wish you happiness.

I wish only educational
There were worries,
Kirza in the new year
Didn't rub my feet.

I want to be an excellent student
Military training,
Soldier's strike us
Ingenuity and dexterity.

beloved you
Let him wait faithfully at home,
Let it be peaceful and calm
It will be New Year.

Dear, on this birthday
Please accept our congratulations.
We wish fate to protect you.
A car that won’t let you down on the road.

You are a truck driver, you go everywhere.
Sometimes you miss our home on the road
Know that we are always waiting and praying to God,
May your journey be easy.

Be strong and attentive always.
You should never relax.
When you're on a flight, in the evening and during the day,
We are looking forward to seeing you, my dear.

  • Professional congratulations. Taxi driver

    A taxi driver has a difficult profession:
    The road surface has stretched,
    He's hurrying from south to west
    Take a passenger somewhere.

    These checkers on the side are familiar,
    And he hurries to a new address,
    Who is waiting for him there: at home, on the street?
    Does he squint in the rain or in the sun?

    Maybe a lady with huge bags
    Or a couple in love with jokes
    Or just a tired driver
    I sat in a bar somewhere and drank.

    And again and again on a sleepless night,
    All routes have long been familiar.
    Almost every one of us was their passenger,
    We wish taxi drivers success and strength!

  • Congratulations to the drivers

    Drivers, what can you wish for? I wish you easy roads at any time of the year, and especially in winter. And neither rod nor nail for you! And remember that they are always waiting for you at home, don’t drive too hard!

  • Wishes for a woman who received a driver's license

    Congratulations on getting your driving license. I wish you to drive on the road carefully and go slowly. Respect traffic lights and most importantly, don’t break the rules. May the road always be smooth and smooth, and may the traffic cops be friends.

  • Congratulations on receiving your driver's license

    Buddy! Today is the most important day of your life! You have finally become a real man. From now on, you are responsible not only for your life, but also for the lives of other people, many of whom will ride you from now on. Congratulations on receiving your rights, and a new era in your biography!

  • Comic congratulations to the driver in verse

    Well, I drove, I’ll tell you!?
    I am glad to take part in your destiny!
    Well, first of all, with my wish,
    I'm sure you'll be pleased with it!

    Let's start with the roads, of which there are many in life,
    Let them be completely happy!
    Cars, so that there are no shameful and wretched cars,
    So choose a horse to match yourself!

    So that the car is reliable, playful, strong,
    To a place where it can rush you faster!
    So that it is erotic, very stylish,
    And he attracted the girls' attention!

    So that you feel on the road,
    At least by the Danish king,
    After all, there are millions of riders in this world,
    There are few professional drivers on earth!

    Be sweet and gallant on the road,
    Be strong and confident!
    Be sporty and a little elegant,
    You will need everything along the way!

    Well, in general, my friend, I still wish,
    Live without accidents, grief, disasters,
    Let them greet you with kind words,
    Driver, traffic cop or just a pedestrian!

  • Congratulations for the future female driver

    Our dear (). You have a difficult path ahead, which you need not only to pass, but also to drive correctly. Let all the worries and fears before passing the exams fade into oblivion, and you will become a real driver. Good luck on your journey.

  • Good luck to all drivers
    I wish for the New Year,
    Let the steering wheel obey you
    And the car will not let you down.

    I wish that the traffic cop
    Everyone was friendly to you,
    In the New Year your wheels
    Not a single nail was broken.

    On New Year's Day I wish
    So that an angel will take care of you,
    Tank full of gasoline
    And happy travels to you.

    Years pass behind the wheel,
    Here he rushed alone again,
    Congratulations and wish
    So that gasoline prices don't go up.

    So that the road is smooth,
    To listen to the car,
    So that in the coming year, new
    Definitely lucky.

    I wish you smooth, clean roads so that snowdrifts and troubles do not become an obstacle. Let the snowstorm not block the view and lull the driver's vigilance. I wish you to hold on tightly to the steering wheel and drive straight to success and prosperity. Let the New Year be the start of a new, beautiful and happy life. No nail, no rod, Happy New Year!

    Dear drivers, Happy New Year to you! Let every road be easy, only good people meet along the way, and the traffic light always be green! We wish you interesting trips, without obstacles, and a car that never lets you down!

    Happy New Year, highway travelers. I would like to wish you pleasant gifts and surprises from loved ones and friends, a wonderful start to the New Year and its wonderful continuation. May the roads be smooth and kind, may the days of life be joyful and successful. I also wish you to hold the steering wheel cheerfully and not feel tired, remembering that your loved ones are waiting at home.

    Snow is flying into the windshield,
    Outside the window the frost is getting stronger,
    But your car is speeding
    It quickly cuts through the routes.

    I wish for the New Year
    Light paths for you,
    May you always be lucky on your journey,
    And there will be no breakdowns for centuries!

    Happy New Year,
    I wish you joy and goodness.
    Let there be no breakdowns
    And so that neither rod nor nail!

    Let whatever comes to us in the year
    Your every new turn
    Bring only happiness
    And good luck all year round!

    I wish that this New Year
    Cherished dreams all came true,
    Let the car take you forward,
    May you easily achieve all your goals!

    Let them always wait for you around the corner
    Good luck, positive, great success!
    I hasten to congratulate you on the New Year,
    Let happiness cover everyone!

    Happy New Year, guys!
    I greet all drivers now.
    Let everything in life be as it should be:
    Chic and shine and just class.

    New Year is almost here,
    Let the magic swirl around you.
    The roads will only be smooth
    And let the celebration fulfill your dreams.

    Your lot is to live on the road,
    Let's guys put aside our worries,
    Happy New Year,
    We sincerely wish you all.

    Neither rod nor nail for you,
    And the path is without snow and rain.
    I wish you many years of health,
    May life protect you from troubles.
