Trying on someone else's wedding dress: a sign and its meaning. Wedding signs for the bride about pearls, wedding dress, veil, photographs, rings, shoes, bridesmaid, children at the wedding

A wedding is a solemn and significant day in the life of the newlyweds. Girls in preparation for the marriage ceremony are largely superstitious. The bride's outfit is the main attribute at the wedding ceremony, so every girl who is going to get married is very scrupulous about her choice. In addition to our will, there are signs and superstitions in life. There is a belief associated with the wedding day that you cannot try on someone else's wedding dress. Believe it or not, it’s up to the woman herself, but skeptical brides should also get acquainted with the nuances of choosing an outfit for a young woman.

Signs and superstitions associated with trying on a wedding dress

A wedding is a special ritual between people entering into a family union. There are many superstitions and signs associated with this ceremony, and those that tell about trying on the bride's attire are very interesting:

  • The young woman should not put on her wedding dress in front of the groom.
  • The main thing is that the outfit is one-piece.
  • You can't try on someone else's clothes.
  • You should not give your festive clothes to anyone - not to your friends, not to your sisters, not to your mother. The same rule applies to the bride's veil and shoes.
  • Mom helps the young woman to dress (no stranger can touch her clothes), and the earrings are put on by a married friend who has found happiness in marriage.
  • The image of the bride must necessarily have not only everything new, but also something old, borrowed.
  • You should not complement your image with precious jewelry and stones, it is advisable to use beautiful jewelry.
  • Often the outfit is passed on to the bride by inheritance, from generation to generation, from mother or grandmother, but only if the marriage of relatives was happy.
  • It is undesirable to immediately try on a full image - it can be a combination of clothes and shoes, or a veil will replace shoes.

Why can't you try on someone else's wedding dress?

There are traditions that have been observed by people for many centuries. It is also considered such a superstition that one cannot try on someone else's wedding dress, give one's own to other girls, even if they are sisters. The history of this tradition is connected with the fact that each thing has its own unique energy. A wedding is an event charged with powerful force, and a young woman's clothes have the same energy as the bride, the same applies to a wedding ring. You should not try on someone else's wedding clothes, otherwise you are at great risk, and your fate may change dramatically.

Can I wear my mother's or grandmother's dress to a wedding?

It is not recommended to try on other people's wedding dresses, but this rule has a small exception. If this is an outfit for your mother or grandmother, then you can not only wear it often, but even get married in it (if the previous owner of the outfit was happy in her marriage). As a result, the positive energy of their happy union will partially pass to the young, the connection will be strengthened by the power of generations.

Can I rent a dress?

A young outfit is a special clothing that is a kind of amulet for a new family, so you can’t rent it. According to signs, clothes that were taken from a friend or in a specialized store continue to store the energy of the union of other people. This can bring other people's problems, misfortune to a young family. Such festive clothes cannot become a strong amulet.

What does it mean to measure a wedding dress in a dream?

If a girl sees herself in a dream trying on a wedding attire, such a dream can be interpreted in different ways:

  • For a woman about to marry, this dream is not a bad omen. It means that the chores associated with the solemn event continue to haunt her even during the holidays.
  • If an unmarried woman who is not going down the aisle soon sees herself trying on the clothes of a bride, then in the near future a situation will arise that will cause serious damage to her reputation.
  • Such a dream that a married woman had is an unfavorable sign that portends contention in marital relations, is a harbinger of a break in marriage, a major quarrel.

Marriage is a special milestone in a woman's life. And each of them wants to be unique at their wedding. And one of the most important elements of her image is the outfit.

You can buy a wedding dress. But too much money can be spent on a holiday anyway, and many do not want to buy a cheap and simple dress for a wedding. After all, this day should be memorable. A good option would be a wedding dress rental.

Therefore, before running to the nearest bridal salon, you should think carefully about the advantages and disadvantages of renting a dress.

So, the advantages of the decision to rent a wedding dress:

  1. Availability. Renting a dress is much cheaper than buying it. You will have to pay for it from 25 to 70 percent of the amount that is asked for it. If the dress is brand new, then you will have to pay more. However, there is no need to despair, because if the dress has already been rented, then it will cost a significantly smaller amount.
  2. Diversity. Most of the dresses for sale in the salons can be rented. In addition, some models cannot be purchased, they are only rented out. On the other hand, the bride can order the dress she likes to a seamstress. Of course, it will be more expensive.
  3. Place. A bride's dress will come in handy only once in her life, then it will no longer be needed. After the wedding, spouses often give it away almost for free to their friends, because it is very difficult to sell a used dress. Renting is convenient because such difficulties do not arise.

Cons of deciding to rent a wedding dress:

  1. First minus- The dress, most likely, has already been worn by someone. Therefore, there may be stains on the fabric, although after each wedding it undergoes a thorough dry cleaning, and after yours, this process will also be mandatory, and the cost of dry cleaning is usually already included in the rental price.
  2. This disadvantage stems from the first. The bride at the wedding should behave very carefully. After all, if you accidentally make a hole in the fabric, spill wine, etc., then the newlyweds will have to pay the price of the salon in full.
  3. The dress cannot be tailored. Typically, salons rent the most common sizes. Therefore, a bride with non-standard forms will have a very difficult time.
  4. Well, the last. The dress may not be in the salon on the day you need it. And, as a rule, it is very difficult for a bride to foresee everything. It is necessary to somehow agree in advance with consultants. But what is most unpleasant is that not all salons allow you to book a dress much in advance, which makes the task more difficult.

What points should be considered when renting a dress?

If, after considering all the pros and cons, the future spouses came to the conclusion that renting a dress is worth it, then before using the rental, it is worth clarifying some of the nuances.

Before signing the contract, be sure to carefully examine the dress together with the store employees. If any defects are found, then information about them must be included in the contract. Next - you need to carefully read all of his points several times, as well as those that are written in small letters. Often the landlord marks the most unpleasant moments for the client in this way.

Timing. Most often, the tenant's liability clause is written in the contract. Most often, this is a small amount (penalty), which is imposed on the client for each day of delay in the return. Therefore, the dress should be given to the salon exactly on the date that was agreed.

When returning the dress, you should also carefully inspect the dress together with the seller so that there are no claims afterwards. In addition, it is worth discussing in advance the issue of paying for dry cleaning. As a rule, its cost is already included in the rental price.

Liana Raymanova

There are many signs and superstitions associated with the main wedding attribute. It is believed that the bride's outfit for the ceremony should be new, never worn by anyone before. Otherwise, the married life of the newlyweds will not work out, according to legend. Is it really?

The root of this superstition has a very serious justification.

Any clothing retains the energy of its previous owner, including a wedding dress.

Wearing second-hand items in everyday life is a common practice, many people buy second-hand clothes or wear them for acquaintances. At the same time, most live a normal life and are quite happy.

But there are special requirements for a wedding dress. No wonder white is considered the traditional color for him. It symbolizes that life begins with a clean slate, that is everything must be new and open for the upcoming family idyll. Therefore, even if the wedding dress has retained positive energy from the previous owner, it is better to prefer a new one.

There is another sign that says the following: if a girl puts on someone else's wedding dress, she will repeat the fate of his previous mistress. If we take this belief seriously, then some used outfits able to bring good luck. For example, a grandmother's dress in which she successfully married, subsequently living with her husband for decades.

But in most cases, the question of whether it is possible to get married in someone else's wedding dress is of interest to girls who want to rent an outfit in a bridal salon or buy it second-hand. In this case, it is difficult, and sometimes impossible, to track the fate of the previous owners. But is this a reason to deny yourself a luxurious dress if there is not enough money for a new one?

When can you wear someone else's wedding dress to your wedding?

Skeptical brides are the least limited in their choice of wedding attire. They can afford any dress, even red, even purple. The fact that it has already been worn before will also not be an obstacle - omens only work on those who believe in them. As for the energy of the outfit, it is unlikely to be negative.

On the day of the wedding, almost any girl feels desired and happy, therefore she conveys an exclusively positive attitude to her clothes.

Superstitious brides will have a harder time. If they believe in omens at least a little, then they can independently tune in to the negative. To avoid unpleasant consequences, it is enough to update the dress in one of the ways listed below or a comprehensive program of them.

Ways to clean the energy of someone else's wedding dress:

  • washing with a pinch of salt - water has the ability to wash away dirt, not only tangible, but also mental. Salt enhances the effect, absorbing the remnants of someone else's energy;
  • incense allows you to cleanse a thing of negativity and create a positive aura around it. To clean the dress, you need to soak it in smoke for several minutes, imagining how everything bad evaporates from it without a trace;
  • a good cleaning agent is the flame of a church candle. It should be circled around the dress counterclockwise. Visualization is also important here, you need to imagine how fire burns out negative energy.

The safest way to renew the energy of a thing is prayer. With all other methods, you need to be careful. Otherwise, you can ruin the dress or make a grand fire by accidentally burning an expensive rental outfit with a church candle.

Why can't you just try on a wedding dress?

Superstitions affect not only the ceremony itself, but also the period of preparation for it. In particular, there are several signs about trying on a wedding dress. It is believed that the bride should not put on a fully prepared wedding dress before the ceremony.

During all fittings, at least one detail of the wedding look should be missing: a glove, a veil, a shoe or something else.

The bride should not give her dress to her friends to try on. There is a sign that a girl who tries on someone else's wedding dress will never get married. According to another sign, a bridesmaid can steal the family happiness of the latter. She herself will subsequently successfully marry, and the owner of the dress will not have a married life. It is also impossible to give your outfit for fitting to relatives, this is fraught with the appearance of many conflicts in a young family. These signs affect not only the pre-wedding, but also the post-wedding period.

Giving your wedding dress to another bride or selling it is also not worth it, especially if the marriage was unsuccessful. What to do with the outfit after the ceremony? The sacramental position offers two options: store it carefully in a closet or cut it into small pieces and sew amulets from them for a happy family life. You can throw away a dress and a veil only if the marriage has already broken up. By the way, almost all of the above signs apply to accessories, they also cannot be given away, sold, worn by strangers.

March 21, 2018 at 8:52 PDT

A practical approach to wedding signs

Even skeptical brides would not hurt to get acquainted with a long list of wedding “don’ts”. Indeed, many superstitious contraindications have quite logical analogues. Why can't you borrow someone else's dress for a wedding? Because you can ruin it and get into debt. Why can't you give your girlfriends a dress and jewelry without trying it on? Likewise, there is a risk of damage to the outfit and loss or breakage of accessories. Why can't you try on someone else's dress? Again, it can tear or get dirty. Even if this happened after the fitting, it will be difficult for an angry bride to prove her non-involvement in the incident.

But the practical point of view contradicts some signs. For example, it is believed that if newlyweds save on a wedding dress, then their whole life together will be spent in debt. In practice, few modern brides can afford a luxurious new dress. Some are smart about budgeting and rent an outfit or from friends. Others, in order to buy a new dress, go into debt even before the wedding, so that “life together does not pass in debt.”

Wedding dress notes:

December 11, 2017, 18:25
Liana Raymanova

Any wedding ceremony is expensive, even the most modest banquet in the company of relatives and closest friends. A wedding dress alone can make a significant hole in the budget of a young family, because luxurious outfits for the ceremony cost a fortune!

Few girls are able to deny themselves the pleasure of looking chic at their own wedding, even if there is a catastrophic lack of money for expensive clothes. A good solution to the problem in this case is the rental of dresses for a photo shoot in a wedding salon or their rental for the duration of the ceremony.

Dec 2, 2017 at 6:28 PST

Can I rent a custom wedding dress?

There are many superstitions associated with the wedding, some of which also affect the bride's outfit. It is believed that you can only get married in a new wedding dress. Otherwise, the young family will soon part. But there is also a tradition that contradicts this sign - to store wedding dresses to pass them on to the younger generation.

Many girls dress for the ceremony grandmother's or mother's dress, which for many years has been waiting in the wings somewhere in a chest or on the mezzanine. Some of these marriages do end in divorce, but the point here is not so much in mysticism as in statistics.

Even if the grandmother married four different men in it, or 15 other brides have already managed to rent it.

Benefits of renting a wedding dress

The main advantage of renting is lower cost compared to purchase. If the bride is not ready to allocate a very large amount for an outfit, then she is forced to buy a simple inexpensive dress or rent a beautiful designer model.

Considering that the actual period of use is reduced to one day, the second option is really more rational. But do not count on a very small amount, because you will have to overpay a lot. In most salons, the price of the service is 30-50% of the cost of the dress.

Bride and groom in a rented wedding dress

But accessories and decorations for the wedding dress are often provided free of charge. If you buy them yourself, they are expensive. If you rent a dress for a wedding, then you don’t have to puzzle over where to put it after the ceremony.

Let's summarize. By renting a wedding dress, the bride gets the opportunity to come to her own wedding in a luxurious designer outfit. There is no need to look for accessories and jewelry, as they are provided with the dress itself.

In the photographs, the hero of the occasion will look like a princess, this is how the guests of the ceremony will remember her. And with the money saved, you can buy something practical and durable, for example, digital or household appliances. A bulky dress will not gather dust in the closet, taking up a good half of it.

Cons of renting a wedding dress

If we put aside all signs and superstitions, some negative factors will still remain. The bride will worry about the integrity of the dress, which is waiting for a lot of dangers at the wedding: food, drinks, dancing, the ability to catch on the threshold or any other ledge.

In order not to damage an expensive outfit, a girl must behave very carefully and prudently, in this regard, she may experience psychological discomfort.

In case of damage to the dress the renter is obliged to reimburse salon its full cost, and this is a lot of money.

Feb 8, 2018 at 7:22 AM PST

Feb 8, 2018 at 1:37 AM PST

If you rent a dress for a wedding and inattentively read the terms of the contract, this can also lead to serious financial losses. Before you pick up the outfit from the salon, you need to carefully and meticulously inspect it. If during the delivery any damages that were previously unnoticed are found, then the renting party will be responsible for them.

Before you go to the salon and sign the rental document, you can read a sample wedding dress rental agreement. This will allow timely understanding of the bilateral contract that will be concluded in the future.

If you order a dress in advance, another bride may have time to spoil it. In this case, you will have to hurry to look for another outfit for the ceremony.

Wedding dress rental price

The cost of renting a wedding dress on average varies from 500 to 15-20 thousand rubles. This parameter depends on many factors:

  • the full cost of the outfit and related accessories;
  • the state of the dress at the time of issue, the number of previous rentals, the degree of wear;
  • the duration of the lease;
  • terms of the contract - it may contain clauses on booking, dry cleaning and other additional costs;
  • accuracy of compliance with the clauses of the contract - fines are provided for violation of the terms of the lease;
  • salon prices - they depend on the popularity of the institution, its location, reputation.

Short wedding dresses and simple models in the Greek style have the lowest rental prices.

The price for them varies from 500 to 3000 rubles on average. You should not count on a luxurious outfit with an exclusive design at such prices, but you can find a pretty dress for yourself. If you correctly complement it with jewelry and accessories, you get a completely successful wedding look.

Relatively inexpensive you can buy traditional outfits with a lush multi-tiered hem, corset, lace. In the price range of 3-8 thousand rubles, original models with a beautiful unusual cut often come across. If you're lucky, you can get a chic exclusive outfit from a talented fashion designer who has not yet become famous.

The bride-to-be tries on a dress for rent

The most expensive category is original dresses from famous brands.. There is something to overpay for: top quality materials, luxurious decoration with handmade elements and, of course, great design. Such models rarely cost less than 10 thousand rubles, but you don’t want to save on appearance on your wedding day.

Salons agree to rent a wedding dress only if there is a deposit corresponding to its full value.

In case of a successful return, part of the money is given to the client. If the outfit is damaged, the salon may refuse to return the remaining amount in part or in full.

December 9, 2017, 00:45
If you are disgusted by the idea that someone has already worn such an important thing as a wedding dress, do not hesitate and go shopping, even if it hits your wallet or you have to choose from a limited number of options. In addition, to return part of the money spent, the dress can be sold after the wedding. If you don’t like the worries and worries associated with this, new things can be sewn from a wedding dress - symbolically it will be even more correct. Often, envelopes are sewn from wedding dresses for. Many consider this the perfect ending to the "" wedding dress.

Another argument in favor of the purchase is the fact that it is quite difficult to rent a dress that has not been printed on by any of the previous banquets. On the dress that you are going to take, rhinestones can come off, a seam will spread, a train will tear ... Perhaps they didn’t notice this in the salon when they accepted it, and you can find such little things not immediately, but, for example, immediately before the celebration, but such unpleasant moments can ruin the mood. In addition, in the salon at the moment when you return the dress, there may be a very “big-eyed” receptionist who will find fault with previously unnoticed shortcomings.

The cost of renting a dress is from thirty to fifty percent of the price of a new outfit.

The need to keep a close eye on the rented thing also testifies in favor of buying your own dress. When the whole evening the outfit has to be protected from cakes, wine, sharp corners and drunken relatives - where can one rejoice in the celebration? But if you do not save the rented dress, you may have to cover its entire cost. It is better to buy a wedding toilet for your own use from the very beginning. By the way, if you are going to leave your treasure to your prospective daughter or granddaughter, take it to a dry cleaner the very next day after the celebration. This will keep the dress snow-white for many years.

Or maybe even rent it?

A significant disadvantage of renting is the lack of fitting the dress to the figure.

However, there are also many arguments in favor of renting. First, if your budget is tight, renting a dress won't break new holes in it. Secondly, it can be difficult to sell even the most beautiful dress after the wedding, and in the case of a rental outfit, such a question is not even worth it. Such a dress will cost you a much smaller amount, which means that you can buy something pleasant and durable for the resulting difference. Thirdly, in most salons, all the necessary accessories for a rented dress are provided free of charge, which can save you even more time and money.

Buying a ready-made wedding dress, sewing it or renting it - this is the choice that the bride faces on the eve of the wedding. In the absence of problems with money, of course, a wedding dress can and should be bought to keep as a keepsake and pass it on to your daughter, making this piece of clothing a beautiful family heirloom. But what about those whose wedding budget is too small and has to calculate every detail of the holiday with special care?

In addition to the wedding dress, the bride at the gala event will need to complete her look with a veil, hat, tiara, gloves, stockings, shoes, hair, makeup and many other accessories that are by no means cheap, which are definitely not available for rent. At the same time, the bride must look absolutely irresistible on her own wedding day!

The solution suggests itself - contact the salon where wedding dresses are rented. Save the budget, and you won’t have to rack your brains over the further storage of the dress. And the fate of the rental dress can no longer be spread to anyone.

Benefits of renting a wedding dress

Renting a wedding dress will save you a significant amount of money. This is many times cheaper than buying even a modest wedding dress of the bride.

The main reason for choosing a dress for rent is often the fact that you can look really chic and expensive in such an outfit. By renting a wedding dress, you can afford a more refined and elegant model, even a branded or designer one. After all, buying an expensive dress that the bride will wear only once (the second time during fitting and fitting) is quite expensive. And the money saved can be spent on more important wedding purchases - for example, on massive wedding rings that will stay with you forever.

The problem of reselling a used wedding dress will also not have to be solved.

Rental shops will take care of high-quality dry-cleaning, fitting and impeccable appearance of the wedding dress provided for rent. All this is already included in the bag of wedding clothing rental.

Unfortunately, there are many beliefs and prejudices. For example, it is believed that a further happy family life will be dysfunctional if you buy a wedding dress from your hands or rent it. The bride's dress must be brand new and unworn. But how then could there be a custom in the old days to keep a grandmother's wedding dress in a chest and pass it on to young brides of the next generations? Are such prejudices, not supported by statistics and reliable examples, worth the obligation to pay a huge financial debt for the purchase of an expensive wedding dress, which inexperienced wasteful brides take on!

A wedding is one of the most important moments in the life of every person, and, accordingly, the newlyweds are wondering whether their upcoming marriage will be happy, how their life together will develop in the future and how strong their family will be. All these doubts, fears, the desire to find happiness in marriage have created a number of wedding superstitions and signs.

Especially common are wedding superstitions and those associated with the bride's wedding dress and wedding rings as an integral attribute and main symbol of any wedding. So, here is what wedding superstitions and signs about rings say:

You can not try on wedding rings to anyone except the bride and groom;
- In order for life to be smooth in a new family, the rings must also be smooth, you should not buy rings with stones, different bends and inserts;
- After exchanging rings, neither the groom nor the bride can take the box in which the rings were. It is best if an unmarried young girl takes the box, it is believed that she will marry soon after;
- Dropping a wedding ring in the registry office is an inevitable separation;
- You can not wear other rings, only engagement.

Wedding superstitions and signs related to the appearance of the bride and dress:

The wedding dress must be white, especially if the bride is a virgin;
- It must be continuous, not a separate skirt or corset, so that the life of the spouses does not pass separately;
- The dress must be new, you can’t buy a dress from your hands and rent it, if you save on it now, your whole life will go into debt;
- The wedding dress cannot be sold, this will lead to the breakup of the marriage;
- The bride should wear a dress over her head, not over her legs;
- Before the wedding, the bride should in no case see herself in full dress in the mirror, at least some small detail should be missing, for example, wedding gloves, otherwise there will be trouble;
- It is recommended to make a few blue stitches on the hem of the dress to protect the bride from the evil eye;
- The bride's underwear must be white;
- It is impossible for a bride to wear pearl jewelry - to tears;
- It is not recommended to wear jewelry, it is better to give preference to jewelry;
- Shoes should not have laces;
- And the lack of clasps on the bride's shoes is an easy birth in the future.

Before marriage, it is customary to observe such wedding superstitions and signs:

Even if the bride and groom live together, the night must be spent separately;
- When taking the bride from the parents' house, one should not turn around;
- The bride and groom cannot be photographed together before the wedding and after the wedding separately - this will lead to separation;
- If on the day of the wedding in the morning one of the relatives sneezes in the house, then the marriage will be happy;
- In order for the newlyweds to have a sweet life, they should secretly eat one chocolate bar for two in front of the registry office;
- It is impossible to allow the bride and groom, who are heading to the registry office, someone to cross the road.



How do you envision your dream wedding? A white limousine, a groom in a smart suit, an expensive restaurant? Do you like a stylized wedding in the style of Chicago, Disco? Or do you dream of a horseback ride through a beautiful park, a path strewn with rose petals, or registration in a snow-white tent? Such a celebration is unthinkable without festive attire. Wedding dress- an important attribute of any wedding. The way the bride looks depends on her mood and the mood of the groom.
