Clear discharge during pregnancy in the third trimester. Watery discharge during pregnancy

Normally, vaginal discharge in a healthy non-pregnant woman should be white, and after drying, acquire a light brown color. The secretions are a protective moisturizing mucus that protects against the penetration of pathogenic bacteria and infections.

Vaginal secretions also help to maintain a normal pH level, which affects the health of the microflora.

Before menstruation, as well as during ovulation, the amount of discharge increases. Also, the amount of discharge increases during sexual arousal, with an intrauterine device and when taking some.

But what should be the discharge from the vagina during pregnancy?

Discharge during pregnancy

During pregnancy, increased secretory activity is observed, as there is a global hormonal restructuring of the body. But in some pregnant women, no increase in discharge may be observed, and sometimes they practically disappear altogether.

Also, different women may experience discharge of different colors and textures.

Symptoms that should alert a pregnant woman, and after the appearance of which you should consult a doctor:

  • itching against the background of an increase in the amount of discharge may indicate the presence (thrush);
  • an unpleasant odor, accompanied by yellow-green discharge, may indicate the presence of a sexual infection such as trichomoniasis, mycoplasmosis, chlamydia;
  • spotting, which can be either light pink or brown or bright red. They may indicate diseases of the cervix;
  • cloudy fluid, which indicates leakage of amniotic fluid.

Immediately before childbirth, thick, viscous mucus is released - this is a direct harbinger of the approaching birth.

Now let's take everything in order.

Thrush during pregnancy - causes and symptoms

As mentioned above, the first symptom indicating the appearance of thrush is itching, accompanied by discharge. There may also be curdled discharge. Thrush is a very common problem among both pregnant women and ordinary women. But most often it is in pregnant women due to the increased level of female sex hormones, due to which the microflora of the vagina changes, and the environment becomes more acidic. Pregnant women have reduced immunity and leukocyte activity.

Thrush delivers not only discomfort and discomfort, but also carries a danger. Firstly, it complicates pregnancy and increases the risk of infection of the baby. Since during childbirth the baby passes through the birth canal, he can easily become infected with yeast-like fungi, which will subsequently turn into thrush of the oral cavity and gastrointestinal tract.

Candidiasis must be treated immediately. That is why a smear on the flora is regularly taken from a pregnant woman and a bacterial culture is done. Treatment is prescribed only by a doctor, usually it is local therapy - suppositories, creams, since systemic therapy is only suitable for non-pregnant women.

Discharge with an unpleasant odor

Discharge with an unpleasant odor indicates a sexual infection or internal malfunctions in the body, for example, a violation of the microflora in the vagina or. The reasons are the same - a change in hormonal levels, acidity in the vagina, reduced immunity.

Infections increase the risk of developing inflammation of the membranes, postpartum inflammation in the baby. To make an accurate diagnosis, bacterial culture and PCR diagnostics are done. If detected, a course of local therapy must be carried out. With genital infections, antibiotic therapy is also carried out, which will not harm the baby.

Bloody discharge during pregnancy

The causes of spotting can be anything - chronic diseases of the cervix and vagina, too hectic intimate life, placental abruption, etc. In the early stages, it is rather difficult to establish the causes of such discharges, but in any case, even small hints should lead you to an appointment with a gynecologist, as there may be serious reasons.

In the second half of pregnancy, it is easier to establish the causes, but most often the causes are serious pathologies - spontaneous abortion. All these reasons require necessarily hospitalization.

Fluid is released during pregnancy

If a pregnant woman notices a discharge with liquid, she must immediately consult a doctor, as this indicates a leak of amniotic fluid. The causes of this phenomenon can be violent sexual intercourse, overstretching of the uterus, hereditary diseases, injuries, infections. Also, a similar phenomenon often occurs after amniocentesis, but in this case, “leaks” pass quickly and the amount of amniotic fluid is completely restored.

If an outflow of amniotic fluid is detected, the pregnant woman is immediately sent to a hospital, where she is closely monitored.

Diagnosing the outflow of amniotic fluid is not difficult, for this it is enough to do an amniotest - part of the liquid, when outflowing, necessarily enters the posterior third of the vagina, which leads to a change in acidity (increased pH).

Amniotic fluid can also be poured out at the onset of the intended birth, but the woman does not feel contractions. Here it is also very important to quickly go to the hospital.

The period of bearing a long-awaited baby is one of the most crucial stages in a woman's life. In her world, cardinal changes are taking place, in particular - in the body. Any changes alarm the expectant mother. The most common phenomenon, which is accompanied by numerous questions, is various kinds of vaginal discharge. The norm and at the same time pathology are watery discharge during pregnancy. Let's figure out in which cases the appearance of such a sign is worth worrying about, and in which not.

Causes of watery discharge during pregnancy

Gynecologists-obstetricians claim that they are mostly transparent and are the norm, provided that they are not bloody and are not accompanied by painful sensations. They can be odorless or with its presence, viscous or like water. The latter are the most common.

Having found such in yourself, you should immediately exclude them. Amniotic fluid has a specific sweet smell and a pronounced yellow tint. If these characteristics are present, you should immediately consult a doctor, since we are talking about a threat to the fetus and mother. Not all women are able to detect amniotic fluid leakage, so if you have detected intense discharge, read the article “how to distinguish amniotic fluid from normal heavy discharge”

The mucous membrane covering the female genital organs produces mucus throughout life. Such mucus, which is produced by the secrets of the cervix, is called cervical. In different periods, these secretions have a different consistency.

So, for example, the first day of the menstrual cycle is characterized. It is he who contributes to the easy penetration of spermatozoa for the fertilization of the egg. With the onset of ovulation, these are already thicker transparent secretions that perform a barrier function, protecting the internal environment from microbes, various infections and bacteria, which makes it possible to protect the future embryo.

Discharge at different stages of pregnancy

Depending on the gestation period, watery discharge during pregnancy takes place and changes its character. Clear discharge during pregnancy is considered normal throughout the entire period of bearing a baby. All these changes are due to a shift in the balance of the hormonal background and the dominance of certain hormones.

Liquid secretion in the first trimester (1 - 12 weeks)

It is under the active influence of the hormone progesterone that they have such an abundant character. The secret in the period from 5 to 10 weeks of pregnancy becomes thicker and more viscous thanks to this hormone.

Watery discharge in the early stages should not be excessively liquid. Women who have watery discharge during early pregnancy should be aware that the presence of such may indicate inflammation or another ailment. At this stage, the secret should not differ from the usual one, it is odorless, not viscous, does not have a curdled consistency, and is rather scarce. The presence of this symptom is a reason to contact a gynecologist.

Please note that the first month of pregnancy can sometimes still be accompanied by spotting. In 8% of cases, it is possible to maintain menstruation until the fifth - seventh week of this situation.

Watery discharge in the second trimester (13 - 27 weeks)

But the discharge during pregnancy in the second trimester becomes more liquid, and there is no need to worry about this. Mucus at week 13 begins to be produced by secrets already under the active influence of estrogens, which make it thinner and more watery. It is odorless, as a rule - not accompanied by painful sensations and other uncomfortable symptoms. Secretions released under the influence of hormonal changes make them more watery, and this is normal.

Do not forget that the eleventh and 25th week of pregnancy are the two most important, critical stages, and it is at these moments that special attention should be paid to the nature of the secret secreted.

Discharge in the second trimester usually does not have a specific odor. If there is an unpleasant odor, it is better to consult a doctor.

Allocations like water in the third trimester (28 - 40 weeks)

In the third trimester, the amount of secretion products continues to increase. The mucus produced is still under the control of estrogen, the level of which will increase by almost twenty times and increase the amount of liquid secretions at 35-37 weeks of pregnancy.

This hormone affects the cervix, where mucous secretions are located. As a result, the mucus becomes liquid, and more like urine, as it acquires a slightly yellow tint.

Allocations at the 25th week of pregnancy and all subsequent - the result of the active production of estrogen. They are abundant and reach their maximum thinning at 38-39 weeks.

When is watery mucus a pathology?

The above changes in the nature of the secreted mucus at all times of the “interesting situation” are the norm. If you notice any deviations or changes, then this may be a pathology.

Mucus can be of a certain nature and be accompanied by such signs:

  1. Acquisition of a certain shade. It can be dark yellow, brown, green, reddish. Transparent discharge during pregnancy is the norm, all the rest is a reason to contact a specialist.
  2. Change in consistency and structure. If noticeable, curdled or with lumps, these are signs of pathology.
  3. An unpleasant odor (rotten, sweetish, milky) may indicate an infection.
  4. Painful sensations, swelling, itching, burning, irritation, neoplasms in the mucous membranes also indicate abnormalities.
  5. Pain when urinating, pulling sensations in the lower abdomen, an increase in body temperature can also be a reason to see a doctor.

Hygiene with intense liquid secretions

During the bearing of a child, the female body is especially vulnerable to the attack of infections, bacteria and microbes. It is extremely important to prevent them from getting inside, which most often occurs through the genitals. Therefore, if a clear discharge is established during this special position, be sure to observe the following hygiene rules:

  1. You need to take a shower at least twice a day. Since secretions block and trap foreign organisms, they must be washed off and eliminated as often as possible. If it is not possible to take a shower, then you should at least wash yourself every 3-4 hours.
  2. Change your underwear as often as possible.
  3. Use special intimate hygiene products with natural ingredients that maintain the ph balance of the skin and mucous membranes.
  4. The use of daily sanitary napkins is recommended. But their choice should be approached with special attention. You should choose the highest quality products that do not contain artificial impregnations and synthetic materials.

Each woman, depending on the cycle of menstruation, has a discharge of colorless mucus from the genitals, which is associated with the influence of the hormone estrogen. After ovulation, under the action of progesterone, the mucus begins to thicken, then it performs a protective function for the uterus and genital organs.

During pregnancy, a radical restructuring of the hormonal background of the female body occurs. These processes lead to a change in the color of vaginal discharge, which is the norm.


Watery abundant discharge in the first trimester of pregnancy depends on the level of progesterone, which begins to increase when all conditions are created for intrauterine development of the fetus. When the pregnancy reaches 12-14 weeks, during the development of the fetus under the influence of the hormone estrogen, the vaginal discharge becomes more fluid.

Watery discharge during pregnancy is:

  • without smell;
  • milky white or light ;
  • sometimes plentiful;
  • transparent;
  • do not cause inconvenience for a woman, just in the perineum there is moisture.

Women during pregnancy should take better care of the genitals, observe the rules of hygiene, it is best to use special gels for the care of intimate places. It is recommended to take a shower more often, wash in the bath, wear natural clean and dry underwear, change it every day. You can use sanitary napkins, but not scented ones, to avoid an allergic reaction, accompanied by severe itching. Watery discharge during pregnancy should not scare women - this is normal.

Of course, gynecologists do not advise the use of panty liners during pregnancy, as high humidity can provoke putrefactive processes and the development of infectious diseases. This does not mean that you should completely abandon intimate hygiene products, but it does not hurt to reduce the frequency of their use.

The appearance of watery discharge may be associated with the use of vaginal suppositories (Utrozhestan, Terzhinan, Clotrimazole, Hexicon, other antibiotics and antiseptics). Such secretions are just the remnants of the medicine in the vagina, which gradually come out and remain on the linen. The maximum discharge is noted in the morning or in the middle of the day (when using candles at night). Treatment is not required, after a day all unpleasant symptoms disappear. Frequent change of underwear and bed linen is recommended.

Pregnancy may be accompanied by the appearance of leucorrhoea, as a new life is born in the womb of a woman. during the regeneration of dead cells of the vaginal mucosa. They do not require treatment, as thick white discharge is considered normal. But this can also hide diseases. Thrush also has white thick discharge. Only a doctor can make a diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

When to see a doctor urgently

The discharge of watery mucus is not a sign of a disease during pregnancy, but sometimes they can be accompanied by a burning sensation, itching, redness and swelling, as well as other irritations in the genitals. In such cases, it is necessary to urgently go to the gynecologist and take tests to avoid the development of any infection that can harm the health of the fetus and the expectant mother. The weakening of the microflora in the vagina in women can very often lead not only to thrush, but also to the development of other dangerous diseases.

Watery discharge during pregnancy, accompanied by other signs, may be symptoms. With this disease, watery mucus may become gray or white and have an unpleasant specific odor, over time it becomes sticky, viscous, thick and foamy, the transparent watery color turns green or yellow. A woman is tormented by severe itching and problems with urination.

You can not ignore the change in color of watery discharge during pregnancy, the consistency and smell of discharge. They may indicate serious gynecological diseases that pose a danger to the woman and the fetus in the womb.

The following symptoms deserve special attention:

  • yellow, green, gray-white, cloudy discharge - a sign of infection;
  • abundant watery clear discharge - a symptom of rupture of the fetal bladder and leakage of water;
  • red, scarlet, brown, pink, sanious discharge is a sign of a miscarriage that has begun.

Alarming symptoms that occur against the background of pathological discharge:

  • burning;
  • violation of urination;
  • lower abdominal pain;
  • increase in body temperature.

If these symptoms occur, you should see a doctor as soon as possible.

Water leakage

During pregnancy, women may experience a sign of amniotic fluid leakage in the form of watery discharge. Water leaks first in a small amount in drops, then they moisten the laundry quite strongly and leave marks on the panties. To make sure that it is the water that is leaking, you need to use a special test. Unlike vaginal discharge, amniotic fluid is yellowish in color, with a slight specific odor. If leakage of amniotic fluid is detected, the pregnant woman should be urgently placed in a maternity hospital.

Water leakage should be distinguished from urinary incontinence during pregnancy or pathological discharge during infections. Distinctive features are presented in the table:

Discharge signWater leakageUrinary incontinencevaginal infection
Characterliquidliquidliquid or thick
Colortransparent, cloudy, green, with an admixture of bloodyellowyellow, green, white, grayish
Smellspecific or absent (no unpleasant odor)strong smell of urinebad smell
Time of occurrencepermanentoccur after coughing, sneezing, sudden movements, with laughterpermanent
Associated symptomsabsent or lower abdominal painNoitching, burning, discomfort in the vagina

Watery discharge at different stages of pregnancy

Pregnant women in the second and third trimesters may experience copious discharge of a watery nature.

At 14 weeks, the emotional state of pregnant women stabilizes, they become calmer. But physiological changes in the body make themselves felt. The normal course of pregnancy at this stage is accompanied by the same discharge, which is also characteristic of the early stages. They are transparent, with a sour smell, moderate and uniform in consistency.

What signs indicate an infection in the genitals?

  • Curd secretions.
  • The appearance of pus.
  • Change in color and consistency of secretions.
  • Itching and burning in the vagina.

These signs may indicate the presence of thrush or another infection and require urgent treatment. If abundant watery discharge appears in the second half of pregnancy, then this may be a leak of amniotic fluid, it is.

At 19 weeks, the volume of secretions increases, this is due to the hormone progesterone, which begins to be released more actively.

Week 22 is such a stage in the development of the fetus when it can be born and fully exist. The baby in the womb is actively moving. If the discharge is normal, then it is transparent and does not smell. If at the 21st week of pregnancy they resemble a clear sign of thrush, then you should not waste time, before giving birth, it must be cured immediately. Therefore, at any stage of pregnancy: at 14, 19, and 21 weeks, white, thick, odorless discharge comes from the pregnant woman’s vagina, which are considered normal.

Abundant watery discharge in women in the third trimester is a signal for a possible miscarriage, the pregnant woman must be urgently hospitalized.

What changes are observed at 30 weeks in the body of pregnant women?

Week 30 is the third trimester of pregnancy, when childbirth is close, and women feel the difficulties of the physical and moral plane:

  • the fetus is actively growing, moving a lot and becoming more and more in mass;
  • a woman before 30 weeks also gains a lot of weight.

If at 30 weeks white discharge with a smell appears from the vagina, they may indicate an infectious disease. The cause of the infection may be:

  • sexual intercourse with an infected person;
  • poorly processed instruments during a medical examination or treatment procedure;
  • non-observance of hygiene rules by a pregnant woman.

If thick white or yellowish discharge appears in the last days of pregnancy, then it's time to see a doctor. This leaves the mucous plug - a sign indicating the onset of labor.

With the appearance of unusually abundant watery discharge in the late period (21, 28.30 weeks), pregnant women should contact the antenatal clinic and take an analysis. Only with strict observance of the rules of hygiene and the instructions of the gynecologist, pregnant women can give birth to a healthy baby.

Pregnancy is a state of the female body in which multiple changes occur in functional and physiological terms. But pregnancy does not exclude vaginal discharge.

True, these discharges can be of a different nature, and indicate different pathologies or diseases. Also, the nature of vaginal discharge during the period of bearing a child by a woman may vary depending on the current period of the menstrual cycle.

Usually, in the first half of the cycle, the secretions are regulated by estrogen, while they have a liquidy consistency and facilitate the movement of spermatozoa to the egg, and then the egg itself to the uterus. Then . And the secretions fall under the control of progesterone. At the same time, they become thicker, mucous. This is a kind of protection of the organs of the reproductive system from the ingress of various infections and pathogens into them.

After fertilization, due to changes in the hormonal background, the nature of vaginal changes will also change.

Normal watery discharge during pregnancy

Progesterone continues to control and regulate vaginal discharge throughout the first trimester of pregnancy. The level of this hormone increases in order to maintain and strengthen pregnancy, to create the most favorable environment for its development.

From about the twelfth week, estrogen takes over part of the regulation. Accordingly, the discharge becomes more liquid, watery. Therefore, from the second trimester, many pregnant women observe this type of discharge in themselves. They are transparent, odorless, may be slightly whitish, and, most importantly, do not give a feeling of discomfort, that is, they are practically invisible. Such discharge is felt only due to a higher level of moisture in the perineum.

During pregnancy, such discharge from the vagina is considered an absolute norm. And there will be absolutely no need to worry and worry about this. These discharges do not require specific treatment measures. It is only important to observe everything daily.

It is necessary to take water procedures more often, change clothes to dry and clean ones. If there is no allergy, you can use daily sanitary pads (during pregnancy, pads should not contain any flavors and fragrances, and be on natural bases, breathable and breathable). The change of pads should be regular, since the environment created by watery vaginal discharge is favorable for the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms that can become provocateurs of sexual infectious diseases.

Underwear must be worn only from natural fabrics. And the use of tampons by pregnant women is strictly prohibited.

Pathological watery discharge during pregnancy

Safe, that is, normal watery discharge from the vagina of a pregnant woman can cause the only inconvenience - a regular change of clothes. In the case when the injections cause burning or itching in the genitals, swelling or redness, and other irritations of the genital tract, an urgent visit to a gynecologist is necessary to check for infection.

During pregnancy, the vaginal microflora becomes more sensitive to pathogenic microbes. As a rule, most pregnant women suffer during this period or. But, other infectious diseases are not excluded.

In combination with other manifestations, watery vaginal discharge during pregnancy may indicate such diseases:

  • (discharge is white or grayish, clear, liquid, with an unpleasant odor. As the disease progresses, it becomes thick, viscous, foamy, sticky, and acquires a yellow-green tint). Allocations with bacterial vaginosis are accompanied by itching and painful urination.
  • (watery but scanty discharge is usually the only sign of this disease). A characteristic sign of genital herpes are watery blisters on the inflamed skin of the genital organs. They burst, dry up. If the disease occurs inside the reproductive system, then its signs can be, and.

Changes in color and smell, as well as the consistency of vaginal discharge during the period of bearing a child, should be alarming. They are usually warning signs that a disease is starting in the body.

As a rule, all the above diseases are accompanied by pains of varying intensity in the genitourinary system. An appeal to a specialist - a gynecologist in this case is mandatory, since any infectious or sexually transmitted disease can negatively affect not only the body of the expectant mother, but also the development of her fetus.

In addition, watery discharge can be a sign of such a pathology during pregnancy as amniotic fluid leakage. With such a diagnosis, hospitalization is mandatory. Leakage of amniotic fluid can be very scarce, just a few drops per day, or vice versa, plentiful, highly moisturizing underwear and filling sanitary pads.

To identify this pathology. You can buy a special test in a pharmacy or it will be carried out in a clinic. Amniotic fluid has a yellow tint and a slightly sweet smell. This is its main distinguishing features from ordinary and normal vaginal discharge.

Prevention of abnormal vaginal discharge during pregnancy

The main preventive measure in this case will be the observance of hygiene rules. It is important to take a shower as often as possible (at least twice a day), do not use any cosmetics with chemical and synthetic components, regularly change underwear, wear cotton or linen underwear, and refuse to wear thongs.

Did you have similar watery discharge during pregnancy? How dangerous were they?
