Psychological state of a woman during pregnancy. Emotional background during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a magical state for a woman when she realizes her true purpose in this world, when colossal changes occur in her body. And all this, of course, cannot but affect the emotional state of a woman at the beginning of pregnancy.

Women's emotions at the beginning of pregnancy

The beginning of pregnancy is the most difficult period for a woman both physiologically and emotionally. It is during this period that women suffer early toxicosis and it is at the beginning of pregnancy that it begins hormonal changes throughout the body, which also affects emotional background. What explains the special emotional tension of a woman at the beginning of pregnancy?

The thing is that a woman at the beginning of pregnancy is accompanied not only by a surge of hormones that affects emotional condition. The beginning of pregnancy is the time of realizing oneself not just as a social unit (employee, wife, girlfriend, etc.), but also as a future mother. In addition, at the beginning of pregnancy the woman is accompanied various kinds worries and fears: how to tell your husband, he will be happy too, what to do with work and how will relatives react? And if we also remember that very soon family expenses will increase significantly, and income will decrease - and therefore it is necessary to learn to plan differently family budget? Even if the child is desired and planned, these thoughts will torment future parents. And if the baby became pleasant surprise? Then there will only be more thoughts and fears. How can one remain calm and not worry?

Features of a woman’s emotional state at the beginning of pregnancy

Once a woman finds out that she is pregnant, she may begin to experience what is called "pregnancy syndrome". Depending on their social status, it occurs differently for all women. If before pregnancy you were a successful businesswoman or at least just worked in a good position, the news of pregnancy can unsettle you for a while, even if you wanted and planned this child. After all, after giving birth, one way or another, you will have to give up work for a while and devote yourself to your family. And it’s quite difficult to adapt to such a polar opposite way of life. In addition, it is unknown how the maternity leave will affect your work and how your superiors will receive this news.

If before pregnancy you did not work or held an ordinary position, then the news of pregnancy will be perceived more calmly by you. After all, if your lifestyle changes, it is not so radically, and, if something happens, you can find new job in the same position after maternity leave it will be easier.

The emotional state of a woman at the beginning of pregnancy is also affected by fears about the upcoming 9 months of waiting, childbirth, recovery period. You may be surprised to notice that sometimes the pregnancy you were looking forward to makes you feel... negative reaction, uncertainty and reluctance of this pregnancy. You may be tormented by questions: “Will I be able to bear a child?”, “Will I or my child die?”, “Will I be a good mother?”, “Will I bear childbirth?”, “How much will the financial situation of our family worsen? » etc. These questions may be mixed with fears about loss. sexual attractiveness, personal freedom and the need to stay at home and be a housewife. In addition, some doctors also say that the fears of the upcoming (even in a little over 8 months) birth may be mixed with the fears of the expectant mother, which have emerged from the subconscious, regarding childhood or even the characteristics of her own birth.

Of course, all these fears and worries cannot but influence emotional background of a woman at the beginning of pregnancy. You may become whiny, anxious, sometimes nervous and even aggressive - especially in cases where your husband does not understand you or does not pay enough attention to you. Therefore, throughout your pregnancy - and especially at the beginning - you need the support, care and participation of your husband, even if, at first glance, you cry and worry about nonsense.

Hormonal changes in the body also have a direct role in shaping your emotional state at the beginning of pregnancy. Even if before the birth of a new life in you you could be called “ The Iron Lady“- at the beginning of pregnancy, the slightest irritant can cause a violent emotional reaction in the form of tears, resentment or irritation. Vulnerability, heightened perception, pessimism- expectant and established mothers know about all this first-hand.

Often women early stages Pregnant women are surprised to say that any romantic or even more or less sad scene from a film, a sad song or a pitiful story simply causes streams of tears from them, which can be extremely difficult to stop. Of course, from the outside it may look strange, but in essence it is sentimentality in early pregnancynormal phenomenon. And those who know about your situation will support and understand you.

At the beginning of pregnancy changes sensory perception women. 90% of pregnant women, starting from the second week of pregnancy, complain of altered perception of smells, tastes, colors, visual images. Of course, such “oddities” of the body are also a kind of irritant and leave an imprint on the emotional state of a woman at the beginning of pregnancy.

If we talk about the origins of these manifestations, scientists believe that in this way the expectant mother is preparing to protect her child from external negative factors. After all, you will agree that with a heightened “sense” it is much easier to notice danger in time.

Hormonal changes are also to blame for the fact that at the beginning of pregnancy women inhibited, is experiencing drowsiness And memory problems, A logical thinking she gradually fades into the background, giving way to sensory perception. The expectant mother begins to engage in those activities that she may not have tolerated before: knitting, embroidery, drawing, playing music, etc. She is more focused on her feelings, and sometimes resembles a child in her reasoning. Such "childhood effect"- the normal emotional state of a woman at the beginning of pregnancy.

The beginning of pregnancy greatly changes the emotional state of the woman and the expectant mother as a whole. After all, now she lives not for herself, but for her baby - and it depends on her how happy her child’s childhood will be. And this is a huge responsibility! Therefore the main function loving husband and other family members - help to the expectant mother survive the difficult period of pregnancy and childbirth, show sensitivity and understanding. Only in this case will the woman’s emotional state at the beginning of pregnancy not negatively affect either the baby or the expectant mother, and very soon she will be able to give all her relatives the most best gift in the world!

Pregnancy– this is a time of change, not only physical, but also emotional. During this period, women begin to feel completely different, they find new meaning life, see the world in different colors. It's all because of the little life that grows in the tummy.

Many women cannot understand why during pregnancy, for no apparent reason they have is changing mood, Do tears come to your eyes during the hundredth viewing of a film that has never evoked such emotions before? Or why is rage suddenly overwhelming, and previously undisturbing jealousy suddenly begins to manifest itself? One minute you feel happy, the next you don’t want anything from life? And is such an incomprehensible state normal? In this article we want to introduce you to certain periods of mood swings.

1-2 month

Regardless of whether a woman’s first or second pregnancy is her first, she will feel almost the same at first. There are several explanations for this. First, the pregnant woman comes to understand her current situation. From now on, her life will change dramatically: she will join the family. small man, requiring attention, care and responsibility, she will have less time for herself and her career, and she will gain new profession, the best, but also the most difficult, is mom. Also, thoughts immediately arise about how to convey this good news to loved ones and how they will react to it. All these thoughts arise against the background of constant fluctuations in hormones caused by pregnancy, as a result - sudden bursts of rage, irritability, or, conversely, joy and euphoria.

3-4 month

At 3-4 months emotional state of a pregnant woman women are particularly calm. This is due to the fact that she finally accepts her position and dissolves in the euphoria of understanding that she will soon be able to hold her baby in her arms. During this period, a pregnant woman may become a little forgetful. This reaction is caused not only by the fact that she flies in the clouds with joy, the reason is also that while carrying a child, the number of cells in the woman’s brain decreases, but, fortunately, this is temporary, soon everything will return to normal. Sudden mood swings are possible, as well as irrationality in behavior, nothing strange, because hormonal background is still in an unstable state.

5-6 month

Most often during this period women do not feel special changes in their emotional state, perhaps because they have become more or less accustomed to everything that has happened to them over the past six months and have learned to suppress sudden outbursts of irritability. But we must not forget that pregnancy puts additional stress on many vital organs. The load on the muscles increases, the need for blood, oxygen and nutrition increases; kidneys, heart and lungs work with additional load. During the period of 5-6 months, this begins to be especially felt, so all the same mood changes, although not as powerful, remain relevant.

7-8 month

The third trimester is especially stressful for women. No wonder, because during this period she is “the most pregnant” - with a large round belly, sparkling eyes And full of love And maternal care in heart. A woman constantly thinks about her child, worries that he feels good and is born healthy and strong. And, if in the early stages of pregnancy, it was possible to distract your thoughts a little from the baby, now he constantly reminds of himself, kicking his mother with his legs. In addition, the pregnant woman is worried about how she will survive childbirth and how she will get into shape afterwards. All this, of course, affects her emotional state. In addition, the forgetfulness inherent in pregnant women continues, as well as irrationality in behavior. Often women have a desire to surround themselves with everything bright and shiny.

9 month

This is the most exciting and hectic month throughout pregnancy. After all, a woman understands that every day brings her closer to herself. important meeting with your beloved baby. Pregnant women are characterized by increased anxiety during this period.

To stabilize the emotional state of a pregnant woman, attention and understanding from relatives and friends is necessary, as well as acceptance that such a state is normal and, if you do not fall into depression and violent outbursts of emotions, it will not bring any harm to the baby. Nature has thought of everything and instability in the mood of a pregnant woman is a positive experience for the child, thus, even in the womb, he begins to prepare for real life with all its problems and anxieties, without this children would simply be born unprepared. Therefore, relax and enjoy your position, and nature will take care of everything itself.

Few moments in a woman's life can compare in the intensity of emotion to the time when she is carrying a child. "Emotional instability" is what they usually call it. characteristic of pregnancy state. Sad movies make her cry. Not good good joke can make you laugh for a long time. You notice that previously you hardly paid attention to the same situations, but now you may break into a scream or cry. Analyzing your behavior, you come to disappointing conclusions, and this only complicates the situation. You begin to worry about your state of mind.

Considering pregnancy, we can highlight the main distinctive characteristics of this period. In our opinion, the changes affect three levels human life: physiological, psychophysiological and psychological. Let's consider the psychophysiological and psychological levels of change.

At the psychophysiological level, foreign researchers identify changes in the following sensory areas:

Acoustic: Pregnant women often do not like loud music and begin to prefer classical or meditative music. They flinch when they hear loud noise, shooting sound or sudden noise.

Visual: Many women report changes in visual perception, in particular, emotional reactions to visual stimuli, such as images of deformities, cruelty, unpleasant events; at the same time, pregnant women begin to feel beauty and harmony more deeply. They are also more sensitive to color combinations.

Kinesthetic: Most pregnant women become more sensitive to the way they are touched by others tactile signals. Women's movements become slower not only because of their increased weight - but also because "it just happens naturally."

Smell: Many pregnant women have a more differentiated sense of smell. Because the strong odors may be harmful to the unborn child, and some odors have a healing and calming effect on the mother; her more differentiated sense of smell allows her to avoid or seek out certain odors and their sources.

Taste: Many pregnant women do not like certain foods and drinks, as well as substances that are harmful to them. normal development fetus, for example, nicotine, alcohol, caffeine, etc. However, pregnant women often begin to unconsciously eat those foods that contain the necessary nutrients.

Psychological changes during pregnancy manifest themselves in the so-called pregnancy syndrome. In relation to pregnancy, the syndrome is a new psychogenic state limited to a certain period of time, which begins not on the day of conception, but when the woman realizes her new position and ends not with childbirth, but at the moment<пигмалионизации>your child. Pregnancy syndrome is experienced by a woman on an unconscious level, has certain time limits and is characterized by the following symptoms:
At the first stage, the affect of realizing oneself as pregnant is most often experienced. Within the framework of this symptom, as a rule, the following difference appears: the higher a pregnant woman’s social and intellectual level, the more independent and professionally successful she is, the more questions about the meaning of childbearing she will pose to herself, the more difficult it will be for her to decide to become a mother.
The next stage in the development of pregnancy syndrome is the reflexive acceptance of a new own image: "I'm in a position." This stage is characterized by the recognition of physiological changes in one's body. The actual biological and neuroendocrine changes that accompany pregnancy can have profound psychological impact on expecting mothers.
Since these changes are intense early in pregnancy and it takes some time to adapt to them, it is likely that emotional experiences women during the first stress, characterized by symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness, headaches and loss of appetite.

The symptom of emotional lability, which, to one degree or another, is inherent in the entire period of pregnancy, deserves special attention. This symptom refers to emotional maladaptation, which manifests itself in fluctuations in mood. For some women, passivity increases and a feeling of supreme satisfaction and pleasure appears. For others at this time it comes mild depression and intensifies physical activity, perhaps because the pregnant woman is trying to deny the new feeling of her own passivity. Mood fluctuations can be expressed in varying degrees of internal tension: in a feeling of boredom, in slowness, in increasing dissatisfaction with oneself, in a verbalized feeling of depression.
From the moment she realizes and internally accepts herself as pregnant, a woman exhibits a symptom of a contradictory attitude towards pregnancy. Researchers note that at this time there are characteristic rapid mood swings and the resurrection of previous anxieties, an affect that simultaneously contains joy, optimism, hope and watchful anticipation, fear, sadness. There are apprehensions and fears associated with the upcoming birth, reaching the point of panic - “will I be able to bear childbirth?”; and uncertainty in their abilities to give birth and become a full-fledged mother; and fear for the health of the unborn child, concern about deterioration financial situation your family, facing possible infringement of personal freedom; and finally, the experience of one’s bodily metamorphosis and the associated sexual unattractiveness.
Next, a mental restructuring of the woman’s self-awareness, characteristic of pregnancy, occurs with the gradual inclusion of the image of the child in it. At this moment, the expectant mother experiences a symptom of a new life in herself. This stage most often occurs when the woman begins to feel the first movements of the fetus. With his movements, the child seems to force him to recognize himself as a separate human being with his own life, which the mother cannot control. As the fetus grows, the sensory component of these sensations becomes brighter and acquires a touch of objectivity. During this period, a woman usually begins to interpret the behavior of the unborn baby: “woke up,” “having fun,” “worried,” etc. A meaningful pregnancy is inspiring expectant mother, creates an appropriate affective background with which she spiritualizes her future baby, his presence evokes a feeling of tenderness and is painted in warm emotional tones. Some women are so immersed in these experiences that childish traits also begin to appear in their behavior. They become more sensitive and suggestible, helpless and softened.
According to researchers, during this period of pregnancy, an internal dialogue between mother and child usually occurs. A special emotional state contributes to the formation of an image of a child, which is included in a woman’s self-awareness. This image is filled with a special sensory and semantic content, which can be characterized as “unity”, “affinity”.
The symptom of accepting a new life in oneself represents the pinnacle of the pregnancy syndrome, being a unique indicator of a woman’s perception, processing and assessment of the experience of this psychophysiological state. It is characterized by impending responsibility for the fate of the child, dreams, dreams and fantasies about him.
During this period of pregnancy, a change in the construct “I am the world". Women, in accordance with the changed perception of reality, tend to endow their usual social environment new quality characteristics against the backdrop of increased demands. This tendency can be defined as a symptom of inflated claims towards others.

Within the symptom of inflated claims, one should separate the phenomenon of distrust of others and the phenomenon of attitude towards the future father of the unborn child. Woman subconsciously demanding special treatment towards himself, can manipulate others. At the same time, the restructuring of a woman’s psyche, associated with the need to understand her new role, in to the greatest extent influences the change in her perception of the man, who turns into the father of the unborn child. Most men, subconsciously expecting a change in sociometric status and their uselessness (associated with the prospect of another significant person in the life of their woman), on a conscious level they hide the anxiety caused by this, realizing their new sensations in unconscious avoidance of their wife. Thus, a woman finds herself deprived of male support at the moment when she needs it most. Unconsciously, every woman who becomes pregnant accuses her man of lack of attention to yourself and your unborn child. Women often have doubts that the father of the unborn child will “walk with him,” etc. This is where the fear manifests itself that she will have to bear all the trials associated with pregnancy and motherhood alone.

All this is aggravated by the fact that most women during pregnancy experience so-called sensory hunger, which causes increased irritability, turning into aggression, towards others, and especially towards their man. IN in this case it is appropriate to talk about a symptom of a feeling of deprivation, accompanied by spiritual alienation. In the psyche of a woman, this state is often associated with adolescence, when many of them experienced a feeling of loneliness and abandonment arising from a lack of mutual understanding with their parents.

Starting from the period of 20-25 weeks, another problem arises that deserves special attention. Physiological changes events that happen to a pregnant woman often cause her full-fledged sex life impossible, which creates or increases the distance in communication with a man. The listed factors may contribute to the occurrence of symptoms of sexual inferiority during pregnancy.
The next, and one of the most striking moments, is the symptom of fear of childbirth. Probably every woman experiences to some extent internal conflict, which, on the one hand, is expressed in the desire to “finally give birth,” and on the other hand, to avoid childbirth. On the one hand, she expects a successful completion of the pregnancy, on the other hand, childbirth causes fear and anxiety. The degree of mental vulnerability of women before childbirth is indicated by the ease with which most of them agree to the use of any painkillers, without thinking about possible consequences for a child.
One of the last symptoms a woman experiences during pregnancy is the symptom of impatience. This stage of pregnancy is characterized by bodily discomfort and fatigue as labor approaches.

In certain cases, a woman may experience depression, but ordinary fluctuations in mood should not be confused with depression. The most common symptoms of depression are poor health, a feeling of emptiness, sleep disturbances, lack of appetite or, conversely, constant desire there, apathy or unreasonable sudden changes moods.

The causes of depression can be family disagreements, socio-economic troubles, lack of emotional support from loved ones, various anxieties during pregnancy, it is best to consult a specialist - a psychologist or psychotherapist.

But there are some things you can do yourself:
First of all, tell your husband or loved ones about everything that worries you.
Try to determine what is causing your poor health and how you can eliminate it.
Get plenty of sleep, rest, eat right
Don't stop leading active image life, walk a lot; At the same time, perform appropriate relaxation exercises.
Talk to your child every day, share with him the events of your life, talk about your experiences, successes, and also about what is not going well. But even in this case, try to maintain an optimistic attitude that everything is fine, that all grief will pass, that you and your child will be able to cope with them. Don't forget, you have a child. He feels everything, and your attitude towards him now affects the rest of your life.
The most common fears in pregnant women


If the child is your first, you cannot imagine what will happen next. You are like everyone else modern woman, strive to control the situation. It is important for you to know what is happening to you. But it turns out that right now it’s difficult for you to plan anything. All your time will be subordinated to the baby, your usual routine will be disrupted, you will be forced to build your life depending on your child. In addition, it is unclear how the birth will affect family relationships. How will the birth itself go? Anxiety about the vagueness of the future is common to most mothers. But no one can answer all your questions in advance. So maybe enjoy the new state? There is nothing you can do to influence the situation right now, so the best thing you can do is just “go with the flow” and enjoy the unknown. However, you should not isolate yourself in your fears; talk about them with your husband or loved ones.


Some mothers, while expecting a baby, experience anxiety about his health. It should be recognized that no one is immune from various deviations in the development of a newborn. With early diagnosis, many problems can be corrected. Each woman copes with this fear in her own way. For one, it is important to talk about this topic with a loved one, while the other will try not to get hung up on anything and will look for other topics to think about. You should surround yourself with people who bring optimism and confidence to you. tomorrow. If a woman ends up in the pathology department, then suspiciousness and emotional anxiety increase not from poor health, but from the stories of others. You need to figure out why a woman thinks that she will be the one to give birth. handicapped child. Perhaps this is due to the desire to have perfect child. If anxiety in this regard increases, you should consult a psychologist.

When your baby starts to move, keep an activity chart. Choose a time of day when, according to your observations, the child is awake and active, and count the number of movements within half an hour. If you do not feel movement within 12 hours, contact your doctor. But don't be alarmed. A specially conducted study showed that the majority of women who did not feel fetal movements during pregnancy. 12 o'clock, safely delivered healthy children. If you still feel concerned, ask for an ultrasound.


These fears are usually characteristic of those for whom pregnancy came as a surprise. Often a woman is forced to interrupt her professional growth. Having abandoned her career, a woman is afraid that she will no longer be able to return to her workplace. Dependence on a spouse or parents appears. In such a situation, it is worth setting priorities. What primarily makes up a woman’s happiness – family or work? Of course, you don’t need to demand from yourself total immersion into the child and breaking contact with the outside world. Baby care - normal period for a full-fledged woman, and she must live it with quality.

You may find that you find it difficult to concentrate on work during parts of your pregnancy, especially if you are feeling unwell. But observations have shown that most women can continue to work with the same productivity. During your breaks, eat nutritious food and rest.


A mother bears the greatest responsibility for her baby. Of course, both your husband and parents will support you. But the biggest burden falls on your shoulders. “My child must be healthy, beautiful, smart, happy. And in all this I must help him.” It is often difficult for an expectant mother to bear the thought of such a great responsibility. Panic begins. It’s hardly worth reproaching yourself for any reason and calling bad mom. Ideal moms, just like there are no ideal children.


Previously, you could control your appearance: if necessary, you went on a diet or touched up your makeup. Now you feel completely powerless over what is happening to your body. Big belly and stretch marks make you feel terrible. You must admit that indeed, events happen to you that greatly change your life, and you will not be able to ignore them. One way to get rid of thoughts about the pain of childbirth is to attend a school for expectant parents, where you will be taught how to overcome the anxieties that bother you. And most importantly, you will be able to accept yourself as changed and will be able to fully participate in childbirth, and not be a passive suffering body.


Some women feel that once they become pregnant they look worse, that husband will find yourself another woman. Do you constantly ask yourself the question: will you be able to “bounce back” after giving birth? And how will your husband react to the little screaming creature? In this case, the child performs the function of a “litmus test” and is a test of real relationships in the family.

For a man, this period is no less difficult than for a woman: he lacks your attention, he feels lonely and does not feel that he is now extremely necessary for both mother and baby. Talk about your emotional state with the future dad at a time when the atmosphere in the family is prosperous and calm. Gently try to explain that you need care, guardianship, understanding, and sometimes you want to be pitied, like a little child.

After another “wrong” outburst of mood, the mother gradually calms down and begins an internal (possibly voiced) dialogue with the baby. She talks through the situation, explaining that nothing terrible happened. If it was a quarrel with dad, a promise is made to make peace as soon as possible. When woman walking In response to this dialogue, she herself gradually calms down, and feels that the child is also calming down. In this case, there is liberation from the unpleasant situation, and feelings of guilt do not arise. And this is the very result we strive for: we cannot leave ourselves feeling guilty. After all, under the influence of your feelings, the foundation of your child’s psyche is laid. And the more confident you feel, the more confident your baby will be!

Thus, do not scold yourself for unexpected actions or mood swings. Just explain your behavior to your baby, reassure your loved ones, switch to something more pleasant and enjoy your pregnancy!

If your excitement turns into anxiety and fear, then for a successful birth, you need to learn to cope with it.

In psychotherapy there are a number of quite effective techniques alarm management. The most simple methods You can easily master it on your own.


Relaxation relieves nervous tension, will reduce fear. Deep relaxation provides beneficial influence on physical state: helps reduce blood pressure and reduces stress hormone levels. As the muscles relax, the brain calms down, fears and anxiety go away, and the emotional state stabilizes.

We present you relaxation for independent acquaintance.

"Beautiful place"

Turn on calm music. Make yourself comfortable, sitting or lying down. Close your eyes and imagine a place where you have already been, and which would be ideal for you to relax mentally and physically. It should be a calm place - a beach, mountains, meadow or your garden.

If nothing comes to mind, just invent some place. Now imagine yourself relaxing in this ideal place. You clearly see all the colors, hear all the rustling sounds, feel the wind blowing, feel the warmth on your skin. Sit back and enjoy this wholesome, calm and relaxing environment. Feel the peace and tranquility that comes from this place, enjoy this feeling. Peace and pleasant sensations refresh your body and give you new strength. You can always come back to this perfect place whenever you want, and again feel peace and tranquility in your body and soul. Open your eyes after 5-10 minutes.

You can record the relaxation text on a tape recorder or ask your loved ones to read it to you while you relax.


Meditation is a state of inner peace that is achieved through techniques such as breathing or repeating one sound to oneself. Meditation gives a person a feeling of inner peace, helps him learn to control himself and have a positive attitude towards life.

There are some rules for meditation.
Do not eat or drink anything for about half an hour before meditation.
Prepare the room: it should be warm enough, quiet and dark.
Select the right time: nothing should distract you for 20-30 minutes.
You can sit on a chair, on a bed, on the floor on a rug or pillow - the main thing is that you feel comfortable in this position, keep your back straight and you can completely relax.

The process of meditation is as follows.
Sitting in comfortable position With your back straight, focus on your breathing: watch how your belly rises and falls as you inhale and exhale, how the air moves in and out of your body. But at the same time, breathe completely naturally.
Count each exhalation, counting to 10, then start over.
After 5 minutes, count the inhalation rather than the exhalation.
After another 5 minutes, you can stop counting: just watch your breathing, realizing that the rhythm of your breathing merges with the rhythm of the Universe.
During meditation, especially at the beginning, extraneous thoughts may interfere with your concentration. Try not to dwell on them, imagine them as clouds that float by.
After 20-30 minutes, return to reality, slowly open your eyes and stretch.
In the second half of pregnancy, you can meditate while lying on your back or side. But in any position, make sure that clothes do not tighten the body and that accessories do not interfere. Remove belts, belts, watches, chains, and contact lenses.

Meditation and relaxation have a positive effect not only on the mental, but also on the physical state of a person: they help reduce high blood pressure, improve blood circulation, relieve headaches, facilitate breathing and improve sleep.

It weakens during meditation brain activity, which leads to relaxation and calming of your entire body, which means it has a beneficial effect on your baby. Using a meditative experience during childbirth, you will be able to maintain strength and self-control, the cervix will open more easily, the uterus will contract better, and after childbirth the feeling of fatigue will not be as significant.

Anxiety, depressed mood and obsessive thoughts - all this periodically happens to every pregnant woman.

No matter how the pregnancy progresses, almost every woman from time to time has “difficult” thoughts, doubts, fears, and may experience depression. Here you need to understand that this is due to hormonal changes, the vulnerability of the pregnant woman’s psyche and the fact that natural fear and anxiety, to a certain extent, prepare a woman for the role of a mother.

Pregnancy is a wonderful and at the same time very exciting period in the life of every woman. And that's okay. After all, this is a natural state female body, during which a lot of changes occur: physiological, hormonal, psychological.
The entire body is rebuilt to fulfill a super mission: to bear and give birth to a child. During this period, a woman requires a special attitude towards herself; she needs the support and attention of loved ones.

A woman physiologically and psychologically participates in the creation of a new personality. A lot of information and interesting studies have already been collected about the prenatal period. We know that the child feels the mother's emotions. And it is mom and dad who create a space of love for the development and growth of the child.

A harmonious state for a woman and a family is when two people are pregnant. Only a woman carries a child, and a man carries a woman. This waiting period brings the family closer and minimizes the woman’s anxiety. But we are not talking about overprotection over a woman, when she is literally smothered with attention and pitied from all sides, interfering with the natural rhythm of her life.

Every person needs a feeling of fear in order to assess and avoid dangers. And the fear of a pregnant woman prepares her for the responsible process of giving birth and raising a child in the future. This is how the instinct to protect yourself and your child from possible threats.

If you feel that you cannot cope with your fears and experiences on your own and they do not give you peace day or night; perhaps this is why relationships with family begin to deteriorate or you are overwhelmed by depression - look for professional help from a psychologist. Yours psychological condition affects the course of pregnancy and childbirth.

I wish you an easy pregnancy and a positive mood during this period. In Russian there is a very poetic expression about a pregnant woman - “a woman in pregnancy.” Hope for the best and it will definitely come.

Pregnancy is a new condition for a woman, which, in addition to absolutely logical ones in the body, also affects the psyche of the pregnant woman. During the nine months of waiting, the expectant mother may experience various emotions: anxiety, emotional upsurge, joy and fear, and sometimes even the woman herself cannot understand why the mood changes.

What changes in your own behavior should you make? pregnant woman , as in connection with " special status"will family relationships change and how these changes prepare parents for the future birth of a child, let's try to answer these questions based on the traditional periodization of pregnancy: the first, second and third trimesters.

First trimester of pregnancy

A woman is not very good at working with full dedication: there is a constant distraction in her thoughts, the expectant mother dreams, reflects, plans and thinks about something. If a woman is worried about poor health or this also does not add optimism and performance.

Consultations for the future dad : the first reaction to the wife’s message about pregnancy - important factor, capable of changing the relationship between spouses for a long time. And if your reaction to the words: “Darling, you will soon become a dad” was not joyful enough, you were simply in shock and did not know how to behave, be sure to try to find the right ones later, the right words who are able to convince a woman that you are really happy about the unborn child, are ready to take care and responsibility for him and family life generally.

Another one psychologically difficult task second trimester: accept the changes that have already happened With female body, feel your new condition, beauty and style. If your usual clothes have become too small for you, take it as great opportunity, colors and materials. It is important not to perceive yourself from a negative point of view, worrying about the loss of a wasp waist or the awkwardness of a heavy gait, but to see your new inner beauty and enjoy harmony, to feel like a keeper, a caretaker, a real woman.

Consultation for future dads : during this period, the husband still needs to show constant participation in the life of his beloved wife, not to withdraw during discussions about choosing a doctor, even if you understand absolutely nothing about this, in mandatory attend an ultrasound scan with a pregnant woman, accompany her during the test necessary tests. Of course, many women’s experiences will be too emotional and not entirely understandable to pragmatic men, but in any case, demonstrate to your wife your readiness to respond to her requests, listen to an overly detailed story and not criticize excessive emotionality. Don’t forget to tell your wife how beautiful she is, how much you love her, notice how motherhood is going for her, and how much you look forward to meeting your baby.

Be that as it may, but when a pregnant woman’s belly becomes round and she begins to feel the baby’s movements, the mental instability of the first trimester gives way to a certain inner detachment, specific protection from external alarms , strong stimuli and experiences.

During this period, the expectant mother can amazingly get closer to her mother and grandmother, try learn from the experience of older relatives , ask about how their pregnancy and childbirth proceeded, what they thought and felt. A rapprochement in a relationship can also occur with the mother-in-law: the pregnant wife begins to be interested in issues that she had not previously paid attention to, for example, some characteristics of her beloved husband in childhood, his habits and character. During the second trimester, a woman may feel the urge to take part in activities again. family holidays and deeds, to feel oneness with the family.

One of the original psychological characteristics a pregnant woman may become desire to do everything until hour "X". Intuitively, a woman understands that in a certain month the usual course of her life will end and some other one will begin, which it will not be exactly known, and therefore the pregnant woman tries to do as much as possible. Complete an important project, open a store, finish a diploma, defend a dissertation, complete renovations or buy an apartment - every woman has her own list. important issues problems that need to be solved before giving birth, and the pregnant woman’s maximum efforts will be devoted to their implementation. There is no point in trying to limit a woman’s activity; everything will happen by itself, in the third trimester of pregnancy, according to the internal desire of the expectant mother.

Third trimester

Towards the end of pregnancy, a woman is less and less concerned about the surrounding vanity; she remains in a state of listening to oneself , your feelings and movements of the child. And the pushes from tiny arms and legs are already quite noticeable, which cannot but evoke thoughts for the expectant mother about her future life with the baby.

To welcome your baby home with maximum comfort and coziness, pregnant woman starts preparing : buy a stroller, a crib, clothes for the baby and all others necessary supplies. The process of choosing the necessary things goes through the pregnant woman under special control : the expectant mother does not want to make a mistake and double-checks everything several times, finds out opinions and reviews about the chosen model of stroller or crib, carefully studies the labels on bed linen and clothes for the baby.

The preparation work does not end there; it is mainly during the third trimester that the work begins in the families of future parents. repairs and alterations in the apartment , are committed necessary purchases , For example washing machine or multicookers that will help make it easier for the expectant mother to care for her baby.

During this period, many pregnant women begin to sew, knit, get involved in embroidery, and make toys for the baby with their own hands, trying to give their future baby all the best, natural and safe.

As labor approaches, even the most psychologically stable pregnant women may experience anxiety and worsen fears. In this case, an excellent and already proven remedy is a patient, understanding husband, a routine examination and consultation with a specialist who will confirm that everything is fine with the baby or, if necessary, prescribe appropriate treatment.

To instill in a pregnant woman as much as possible more confidence The fact is that there is no reason for worry, it would be useful for the husband or close relatives to accompany the pregnant woman as often as possible during visits to the doctor, and not leave her alone with situations that require quick decision-making.

The situation when a pregnant woman works virtually until she gives birth is not uncommon now, but from a psychological point of view it would be correct to take a month or two for the pregnant woman to relax, tune in to the new program , calmly solve all the necessary matters before giving birth and comfortably enter the new rhythm of life with the baby.

No matter how much pregnancy and childbirth are natural processes, it is necessary to prepare for them, and abrupt transition from the life of an actively working woman with a wide circle of contacts to the role of a housewife and mother of a tiny child, who at first spends almost all her time at home, is fraught with emotional and psychological problems, for example, postpartum depression.

Consultation for future dads : If before pregnancy the lion's share of your wife's attention rightfully belonged to you, the third trimester is the best time to gradually, while caring for and supporting your wife, realize that soon most of her attention will be switched to your baby. Learn to be independent: find out where the nearest stores are, try with my own hands prepare soup, figure out where in your neighborhood you can buy diapers and how to get to the nearest children's clinic. Soon you will need all this knowledge, because the roles in the family will change, and from a reckless husband who does not know where his things are, you will become an indispensable assistant for a young mother.

We tried to compile a list of several criteria, adhering to which, your psychological state during pregnancy will be as positive as possible :

  • Don't resist the changes that pregnancy brings, rather try to feel how pleasant they are.
  • Don't be shy about showing weakness and asking for help; it won't make you less attractive.
  • Tell your husband about your worries and joys, but only in words, not outbursts of emotions, and first make sure that he is ready to listen to you.
  • Start studying special relaxation techniques, such as auto-training, yoga, breathing exercises. This will help you cope with emotional swings during pregnancy.
  • Maintain a sense of humor, thanks to which you can win in absolutely any situation.
  • Don't change your lifestyle radically: meet friends, exercise interesting things to do, discover new knowledge and skills. Pregnancy is not a reason for imprisonment, but a way to get to know yourself in a new way.
  • Don’t be afraid of your emotions, don’t push dark thoughts into the depths of your soul, but give them a way out. If you want, cry for your own pleasure, perceiving it as therapeutic prophylaxis.
  • As you plunge into pregnancy, remember that in addition to the child, you have a husband, and he also needs your attention and warmth. Do not perceive a man only as a means of consolation and fulfillment of your desires, discuss issues that concern him, believe in your husband, support him in his endeavors and aspirations.
  • Try to rest during the day and get used to the idea that mood swings are, of course, part of the “ interesting situation“, but this phenomenon is temporary. Soon after birth emotional outbursts will no longer bother the young mother, because she will be born small miracle which will bring you happiness and joy.

During the nine months of pregnancy, you will have to go through many physiological and psychological changes, but the main task of future parents is to change their relationships so that you can easily accept a child into the family and from married couple become a real happy family.
