Russian pharmacy cosmetics. Goodbye acne: cosmetics for problem skin that really work

Recently, more and more buyers in our country prefer to purchase cosmetics in the pharmacy chain, rightly believing that it is more reliable and of high quality. Today, most pharmacies have expanded their range of products with products from well-known cosmetic companies.

Types of cosmetic products

All products of this type can be divided into three independent groups:

  • medical cosmetics;
  • selective cosmetics;
  • mass market.

Medical pharmacy cosmetics are used for the prevention and treatment of certain types of diseases of the skin, hair, nails. It contains biologically active additives. This type includes products of the brand "Sofya".

Mass-market products are available to most consumers and are intended for high-quality care for the delicate skin of the face, hands and feet, as well as hair and nails. This type of cosmetics is sold not only in pharmacies, but also in specialized stores.

Natural cosmetic

Cosmetics with a perfectly matched combination of natural ingredients, the latest technology and great textures - Nuxe ("Nyuks"). Essential oils, vitamins, fruit acids nourish and restore the skin, relieve irritation, maintain elasticity and youth.

Hypoallergenic products based on essential oils and plant extracts - CAUDALIE ("Kodali"). They act on specific skin problems, and not just provide preventive care.

"Doliva" - German cosmetics. It is based on olive oil. The company offers customers products for everyday additional use and skin and hair care. The range of the company includes tonic, protective, nourishing products.

We take care of hair

PHYTO ("Phyto") is a well-known dermatological brand specializing in the production of high-quality and effective hair care products. All herbal extracts included in the products are optimally dosed.

KLORAN ("Kloran") - these cosmetics contain extracts of medicinal plants and herbs (nettle, nasturtium, thistle, macassar, quinine, etc.). In scientific laboratories "Kloran" developed the ideal ratio of these extracts.


In addition to effectively solving problems with hair and skin, INNEOV products make up for the lack of vitamins and useful micro- and macroelements in the human diet. They deliver the necessary amount of active substances to the body.

The Danish line produces unique complexes for nourishing and improving skin condition. They contain active ingredients, collagen, which, like air, is necessary for healthy skin.

Hyaluronic acid

Today, many people know the beneficial effect of this component on the condition of the skin. What role does she play? Hyaluronic acid has a binding effect on water in the intercellular spaces, contributing to an increase in tissue resistance. One acid molecule binds and holds up to five hundred water molecules around itself. It distributes and transports it to the tissues. In addition, it is an excellent lubricant for the joints, normalizes intraocular pressure.

How does hyaluronic acid help the skin?

It is an effective tool for correcting age-related skin changes. Restores lost elasticity, fights against the formation of folds and wrinkles. The difficulty lies in the fact that in the cream it is quite difficult to maintain an active acid in a large volume, which can help dehydrated skin.

Selection of quality cosmetics

Pharmacy brands of cosmetics are constantly replenished, so every year it becomes more and more difficult to make the right choice. It is no secret that not all cosmetic products are of high quality even in the pharmacy chain. When choosing the necessary tool, pay attention to its percentage. Often, not very conscientious manufacturers go to the trick and include a tiny fraction of hyaluronic acid in their products (one percent or even less). Cosmetologists recommend choosing products with a daily dose of at least 150 mg. This concentration does not cause rapid addiction, but the effect will be very noticeable. This justifies the high cost of such drugs. Today, pharmacy cosmetics containing hyaluronic acid are produced by many manufacturers, but it is better to buy products from world famous brands such as OLAY, La Rochy Posay, Lancome, Estee Lauder.

Do not lag behind and domestic manufacturers. The following companies can be noted:

- "Kosmoteros" - manufactures products for facial skin and special dietary supplements.

- "Geltek" - with the help of this cosmetics it is possible to effectively fight superficial wrinkles and get rid of dry skin.

- "Pleyana" - a company whose products contain only natural ingredients.

- "Mirra" - the preparations include biotechnological hyaluronic acid.

By the way, the mentioned component is also available in its pure form (in ampoules). This acid is very effective, as it intensively moisturizes the epidermis. It can be used as an express option when you need to urgently put yourself in order.

The most effective and high-quality cosmetics containing hyaluronic acid are products of Japanese brands Hada Labo, Haru Hada, Sakura. These drugs are admired by women all over the world.

The modern pharmacy cosmetics market is represented by a variety of powerful and effective products aimed at caring for tired, aging skin. They can be used by women of absolutely any age category and with any dermatological problems. With their help, it is quite possible to cope with such problems as sagging skin, its dullness, as well as some types of skin diseases without the intervention of plastic surgeons. Now you should not “kill yourself” about each newly appeared wrinkle. If you wish, you can stop time and even turn it back.


Like all so-called anti-aging products, pharmaceutical cosmetics with hyaluronic acid can have side effects. It is not recommended to use it during pregnancy and lactation, with a tendency to edema. It is not worth using it for more than three months; it is also not recommended to combine such preparations with cosmetics containing fruit acids.

Everything is simple here: these are beauty products that are sold only in a pharmacy; you will not find them in ordinary cosmetic stores. The formulas are based on the latest achievements of cosmetic chemistry, the beauty industry, and pharmaceuticals.

Sometimes these products have been developed for years, and their effectiveness is proven by independent clinical studies.

The main goal of pharmacy cosmetics is to effectively correct skin imperfections, eliminate the problem from the inside. Unlike cosmetics, which are sold in stores, the pharmacy contains in higher concentrations:

As you might guess by the name, these funds are distributed in pharmacy chains, medical clinics or through online pharmacy stores.

“All dermatocosmetics (it is also called pharmacy, medical, active, cosmeceuticals) are manufactured according to standards close to those that apply when creating drugs, - - Testing for effectiveness and safety is mandatory.

At the same time, clinical studies of effectiveness, as in the case of tablets, take place in 3 stages:

    testing of the active substance;

    checking the performance of the product in vitro;

    and finally, in vivo testing.

Formulas must be tested for hypoallergenicity, non-comedogenicity and safety for sensitive skin.

Types of pharmaceutical cosmetics for skin care

Washing agent

Since we are talking about pharmacy cosmetics, these products are aimed at solving problems:

    elimination of oily sheen;

    thorough cleansing of acne-prone skin;

    gentle cleansing of sensitive skin prone to allergies and redness.

Micellar water

It easily and effectively removes impurities and makeup, while not irritating or injuring the skin. The main active ingredient is microscopic micelles, complex compounds of fatty acid esters. They are responsible for thorough cleansing. And glycerin in the composition of the product softens their effect.

The main goal of pharmacy cosmetics is to really correct skin imperfections, eliminate the problem from the inside. © iStock


It is selected individually depending on what problem needs to be solved. Some products help to cope with increased oiliness of the skin and acne, others - with dryness and dehydration, others fight hyperpigmentation, signs of photo- and chrono-aging.

The cream acts on the deep layers of the skin, improving blood circulation, the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and metabolic processes. When choosing it, skin type and age are taken into account.


Cleansing, moisturizing, nourishing - pharmacy masks are very effective. In some cases, for example, after hardware and injection rejuvenation techniques - mesotherapy, laser, they can become an alternative to professional masks. Of course, subject to proper and timely use.

How to choose pharmaceutical cosmetics for the face

For the remedy to be truly effective, choose it according to the type of skin and the specifics of the problems.

normal skin

There may be nuances with texture: for the winter period it should be denser, for the warm season - light.

Dry skin

The main active ingredients of cosmetics for dry skin are oils and hydrofixators. After all, this type needs not only active hydration, but also moisture retention.

Oily skin

Light sorbet creams, gels and fluids are useful. They reduce the production of sebum (sebum), mattify, while softening and moisturizing the skin well, giving radiance.

All active ingredients undergo additional testing and purification, and have a significantly higher concentration. © iStock

Problem skin

Perhaps, pharmacy products for this type of skin are the most. There are cleansing products, and matting masks, and acne special products. If you do not know which one to choose, consult a cosmetologist or dermatologist.

What you need to know about pharmaceutical cosmetics for the face: expert opinion

When studying the label of a pharmacy product, it may seem that in composition it is no different from the store. The same hyaluronic acid, collagen, plant extracts. But there are important differences: all active ingredients undergo additional testing and purification, and have a much higher concentration.

In addition to them, the composition of pharmacy cosmetics, as a rule, includes:

    thermal water, which does not evaporate, but penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin;

    zinc oxide is a well-known antiseptic;

    lactic and glycolic acids - they stimulate cell regeneration, moisturize and nourish the skin;

    polysaccharides (fermented kombucha tea extract, mosquito rose seed oil) - prevent skin aging and wilting.

“The fundamental point is the mechanism of action: if the cream from the store was created to maintain the normal condition of the skin, then dermatocosmetics are developed specifically to solve problems, and therefore have a higher bioavailability, the ability to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin and really change its vital activity,” says Elena Eliseeva, Vichy medical consultant.“Pharmacy cosmetics often have a cumulative effect: they do not instantly mask imperfections, but work slowly but surely, eventually eliminating imperfections for a long time.”

Pros and cons of cosmetics from pharmacies

All pharmacy products are quite expensive - and this is perhaps their main drawback. The high price is due to the fact that the manufacturing company introduces patented ingredients and / or technologies into the composition, thanks to which the active ingredient is delivered exactly where it is needed.

For the product to be truly effective, choose it according to the type of skin and the specifics of the problems you have. © iStock

For example, vitamin C. Everyone knows that this is an excellent antioxidant. However, the molecule of its most active form, L-ascorbic acid, is highly unstable and requires transdermal delivery to reach the deep layers of the skin. The development of such technologies is not cheap.

But trust me, it's worth it. After all, these tools:

    hypoallergenic, their safety is clinically proven;

    solve many problems, from acne and hyperpigmentation to the prevention of early aging;

    they smell pleasant, have a comfortable texture (in laboratories they pay special attention to these qualities).

Overview of pharmaceutical cosmetics for the face

Pharmacy facial cosmetics

Tool name

Active Ingredients


Concentrated Anti-Aging Eye Care Redermic [R] Yeux, La Roche-Posay where to find?

retinol, caffeine

Smoothes wrinkles, removes dark circles under the eyes, gives the face a rested look.

Effaclar mattifying mask, La Roche-Posay where to find?

two types of mineral clay, thermal water

Narrows pores, cleanses impurities, absorbs excess sebum.

Soothing protective cream for skin prone to allergic reactions, Toleriane Riche, La Roche-Posay

thermal water, shea butter, squalane

Instantly soothes the skin and relieves irritation, moisturizes and softens.

Compensating complex, serum for skin during menopause Neovadiol, Vichy where to find?

proxylan, Hepes, Hydrovance, hyaluronic acid

It activates regenerative processes, the production of the skin's own collagen.

Highly effective antioxidant serum for dry and normal skin CE Ferulic, SkinCeuticals

L-ascorbic acid, alpha-tocopherol, ferulic acid

Protects against the effects of UV radiation, neutralizes the action of free radicals, prevents photoaging.

Corrective cream for skin with pigmentation Advanced Pigment Corrector, SkinCeuticals

salicylic, hydroxyphenoxypropionic, ellagic acids, yeast extract

Reduces pigmentation, evens out skin tone.

Times have changed. Yes, and the rhythm of our life, and the notorious ecology, and diet. Today everything is different. Therefore, it should not be surprising that the problem of acne, which used to exist mainly during puberty, in the modern world remains with most of us for almost a lifetime.

beauty expert, beauty blogger, website author

" What to do?" you ask. Well, definitely don't give up! And even if you can’t completely destroy the “enemy”, you will at least manage it, control it and minimize its consequences. Can you believe me, I have been fighting for the purity of my facial skin for a good 10 years! So, let's start with a few simple but mandatory rules:

You need to pull yourself together and stop pushing acne

I understand perfectly well that it is much easier said than done. The brain understands everything, but the hands still treacherously reach out to pick up the hated pimple. Therefore, I propose a radical solution - cut your nails short. Firstly, short nails are now at the peak of popularity again, and secondly, you will simply have nothing to injure your skin with.


We exclude chips, carbonated drinks, everything spicy and heavily fried from food

And instead of all these “goodies”, we introduce whole grains, avocados, vegetable oils, and red fish into the diet. Believe me, not only your skin, but the whole body will thank you!

We begin to properly and regularly (this is important !!!) take care of the skin of the face

The most common mistake when caring for problem skin is overdrying. It turns out a vicious circle: you want to get rid of inflammation with the help of alcohol-containing lotions and ointments, the skin dries out from them and begins to defend itself, producing even more sebum. Because of this, the number of inflammations increases, and so on in a circle ...

Now let's take a closer look at problem skin care, talk about what to do and what drugs really work.

First, the skin with inflammation must be thoroughly cleansed. In this case, purification should be of two types:

  • Daily soft. It can be a soft cleansing gel or foam that gently removes all impurities from the skin without destroying its water-fat balance. My choice is Soothing Gel Cleanser by Murad. It is not cheap, but the result is guaranteed.
  • Deep cleansing (1 time in 5-6 days). A real salvation for all owners of problem skin is AHA- and BHA-acids. They very carefully dissolve dead cells, cleanse pores, renew the skin and moisturize it (unlike scrubs, the abrasive particles of which only injure the skin and thereby provoke new rashes). My choice is Dermalogica's Gentle Cream Exfoliant (one of the best acid exfoliators in the world, you can trust me!).

Secondly, problematic skin simply needs additional hydration. You may be surprised to know that oily skin needs no less moisture than dry skin (only moisturizing should be lighter: not creams, but fluids). Moisturizing should also be of two types:

  • Daily. I suggest using light fluids and lotions and not going overboard with the matte effect. My choice is Skyn ​​Iceland's Antidote Cooling Daily Lotion. During periods of active breakouts, I use Dr. Clarifying Day Oil for oily skin. Hauschka (it does not clog pores, perfectly moisturizes, heals wounds, reduces sebum production). I often combine it with the Revitalizing Mask from the same brand.
  • Deep (1 time per week). For deep cleansing, most moisturizing masks are perfect. It is desirable that they are also gel-based. My choice is Dr.Grandel Hydro Active Moisture Mask.

Beauty, youth, health are the three main "components" of female attractiveness. And if nature and genetics (where without it) rewarded some with impeccably even and smooth skin that accepts any care and is not covered with age spots, acne and comedones, then others are much less fortunate. The latter, unfortunately, are the majority… Keeping the skin clean, smooth and healthy is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. That is why, for centuries, pharmacists, chemists and other scientists have developed unique formulas that led to the creation of cosmeceuticals.

What it is?

Cosmeceuticals are cosmetics with medicinal properties and special ingredients that help achieve impressive results and fight various dermatological problems: acne, pigmentation, dryness, flaking, seborrhea, rosacea, couperose, etc. Unlike conventional cosmetics, which have caring, nourishing properties and does not penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin, cosmeceuticals have a targeted effect, eliminate the cause of the appearance of imperfections, improve the structure and characteristics of the skin and penetrate into the deeper layers of the epidermis, affecting the problem from the inside.

The main criterion that distinguishes cosmeceuticals from ordinary cosmetics is its composition and high requirements for production conditions. Components for cosmeceutical preparations are selected so that they are combined with each other and can solve problems together. The composition of all medical cosmetic preparations includes vitamins, herbs, thermal water, retinoids, ceramides, amino acids, peptides, AHA and BHA acids, minerals, bisabolol, allantoin, UV filters, collagen and elastin hydrolyzate. Also, extracts and extracts of fruits, plants, essential oils are often added.

Cosmeceuticals are sold mainly in pharmacies, with rare exceptions, they can be found in the mass market or online stores. Before buying a product, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist or cosmetologist and, if necessary, take tests. The fact is that the same acne appears for various reasons: fungus, bacteria, hormones - therefore, the composition of cosmeceuticals for solving a specific problem should be different.

Medical cosmetics is also good because it does not contain fragrances, parabens, antibiotics and hormones. If the manufacturer uses a preservative, then only natural, so as not to provoke unexpected negative reactions on the skin. Due to the absence of preservatives, the shelf life of cosmeceuticals is an order of magnitude lower than that of conventional cosmetics, so you should not buy a product in large quantities, especially if you are not sure that you will use it in a timely manner.

Cosmeceuticals in most cases are hypoallergenic, have no side effects (with rare exceptions); in addition, due to the absence of flavors and fragrances, it smells almost nothing - this is an additional plus for people with a heightened sense of smell.

Among the minuses can be noted the high cost and addiction. Due to its naturalness and usefulness, cosmeceuticals are not cheap pleasure. The price of funds varies greatly and can reach up to 15 thousand rubles for a 50 ml jar of cream. On the other hand, luxury cosmetics are in the same range, but they are not able to solve dermatological problems at the cellular level, but only create a visible effect of healthy and radiant skin, so the choice is obvious here. This is especially true for people with really problematic skin. Regarding addiction, we can say that the skin has rather high adaptive properties: the receptors that absorb useful components are sooner or later saturated with them, cease to perceive and succumb to their influence. Therefore, problems may reappear, unless, of course, they have been completely resolved during the time during which you use cosmeceuticals.

7 drugstore brands to look out for


Quite a well-known French brand, which can be found not only in pharmacies, but also outside them. The brand appeared even before the introduction of the term "cosmeceuticals", in 1931. The main component that is present in all products is thermal water, on the basis of which chemists prepare vitamin, mineral and healing cocktails. In addition to healing the skin, Vichy products fight imperfections such as wrinkles and cellulite.

87 years have passed since the foundation of the brand, and during this time, manufacturers have significantly expanded its range. Now this brand offers not only therapeutic creams, lotions and serums, but also products for hair, scalp and body, decorative cosmetics, as well as lines of care products for men. The only “BUT!”: there are a lot of rumors around this cosmetics, one of which is the use of hormones for manufacturing. However, manufacturers successfully debunk all the myths and continue to delight with new products!

La Roche Posay

Another brand of medical cosmetics, which we owe to the French. The brand has a rather long history that takes us back to the 14th century, when a healing spring was discovered. Thermal water from this source had amazing properties: for centuries, people have been treated with it not only for skin, but also for serious internal diseases. In the composition of water, chemists have discovered a huge amount of natural trace elements and antioxidants that fight various dermatological problems. The brand's cosmeceuticals are prescribed for people with sensitive skin prone to rashes, dryness and flaking. Thanks to the unique therapeutic composition, the products saturate the skin with moisture, soothe and relieve irritation, restore its healthy and well-groomed appearance, gently cleanse and fight any rashes. What's more, La Roche-Posay products are ideal for problematic teenage skin.


A French brand based on thermal water from the healing spring of Saint-Odile, which was located in the village of Aven. Legend has it that in the 18th century, one of the local residents fell ill with his beloved horse. By a lucky chance, the animal drank the magic water from the source, and there was no trace of the disease left. Since then, the waters of Saint-Odile have been used for medicinal purposes ... Avene cosmeceuticals are famous for their ability to treat acne, relieve dryness, irritation and redness, soothe and soften the skin. It is suitable for people even with very thin and sensitive skin, as well as those who are prone to allergic reactions. Interestingly, each Avene product is 55% thermal water, and the rest of the ingredients are herbs, vitamins and antioxidants. Cosmeceuticals of this brand cannot be found in mass markets - only the official website of the manufacturer or pharmacy.


Structured cosmeceuticals dates back to 1978, but at that time it produced only bases for the preparation of drugs. Now BioDerma is a full-fledged brand that produces cosmeceuticals and is aimed at solving various problems. The product has seven multi-level comprehensive treatment and care programs: Sebium is designed for oily and acne-prone skin; Hydrabio fights hypersensitivity and dehydration; Photoderm protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation; WO does an excellent job with pigmentation; Atoderm restores natural fat balance, fills cells with moisture, fights dryness and treats atopic dermatitis; Sensibio is suitable for sensitive skin, treats seborrheic dermatitis and rosacea; Cicabio is aimed at healing the skin, weeping wounds and abrasions. BioDerma cosmeceuticals are hypoallergenic, suitable even for children and adolescents.


Founded in 1958 by cosmetologist Pierre Darfan, the company cares about the quality of its products, so it allocates considerable funds for development and testing. Darphin is considered one of the most expensive cosmeceutical brands today, and with good reason. It contains only the best components - a harmonious combination of extracts of medicinal plants and pure essential oils. This cosmetics not only has a therapeutic effect, but also has a positive effect on the emotional background and mental health of a person. Thanks to essential oils, Darphin products have a pleasant, but unobtrusive aroma, so their use turns into a real beauty ritual!


Professional American cosmetics, distinguished by its healing and restorative properties. Each product of the brand is original and effectively solves any skin problems. No age spots, no couperosis, no rosacea, no wrinkles, no blackheads, no acne, no dryness, no peeling anymore! A whole team of professional chemists, dermatologists, cosmetologists and pharmacists is working on the creation of cosmeceuticals, using only advanced technologies, constantly improving products and experimenting with ingredients. No preservatives, dyes, parabens and fragrances - only medicinal and natural ingredients.

EGIA biocare system

Italian cosmeceuticals, which has its own laboratory in Switzerland. The brand was founded by a whole team of scientists and cosmetologists who wanted to create a medicinal product that was perfect in all respects, capable of dealing with dermatological problems. The company's chemists are constantly looking for new active ingredients for products that will solve problems even faster and more efficiently. All preparations are maximally saturated with useful components, vitamins, minerals, oils, antioxidants and herbal extracts. The products have a pleasant and light texture, which lays down like a silk veil, is well distributed over the skin, is quickly absorbed and does not clog pores.
The brand has several lines, each of which is struggling with a specific problem. Cosmeceuticals are sold only in specialized stores or through distributors. It is not directly accessible.

Thinking again about what kind of cream to buy to get rid of problems with dry skin, age wrinkles, nourish and moisturize the face, one should remember not only colorful jars from cosmetic stores, but also pharmacy products.

It is clear that pharmacy creams are subject to stricter quality control than even the most widely advertised cosmetic preparations.

Yes, and there are many other advantages of pharmacy cosmetics - we will consider this issue in more detail in the article. We will find out which pharmacy creams are suitable for various skin problems, get acquainted with the most popular brands and brands.

The main value of face creams from the pharmacy is that this cosmetics have passed all possible tests and checks. That is, the quality in this case is on top. Note that the effectiveness of pharmacy cosmetics is confirmed by various certificates, licenses and other documents.

First of all pharmaceutical creams are used to eliminate any skin problems: they are very effective in the treatment of acne, acne, age-related skin changes. Thus, pharmacy cosmetics cope with serious skin problems much more effectively. It often happens that cosmetics from the store can only mask the problem, but cannot eliminate it - pharmacy products do the job.

As a rule, pharmaceutical products have more balanced, thoughtful and safe composition. Often creams contain new developments, formulas, innovative components: this approach helps to eliminate the existing problem in the shortest possible time.

Note that pharmacy creams are aimed at treating, and not masking the problem. It's more of a medicine than a makeup accessory. Drugs from a pharmacy solve a specific skin problem, so the buyer has the opportunity to choose the necessary cream, and a positive result with the right choice is guaranteed. In addition, therapeutic creams simultaneously protect the skin, preventing the appearance of certain problems.

Preparations from the pharmacy do not contain: they do not contain fragrances, allergic components, dyes and similar substances. Pharmaceutical products often have the best balance of price and quality.

As you can see, pharmacy cosmetics have a lot of advantages. If there are serious skin problems, then medical preparations should be preferred - a positive result will be more likely.

Pharmacy brands of face creams

Consider the most popular brands of pharmacy face creams today, and find out what skin problems they solve.


Luxury Pharmacy Cream.

Creams of the French brand Vichy are sold exclusively in pharmacy chains, so how they are more medical products than cosmetic.

Products are developed mainly to solve age-related problems and serious skin defects: acne, pigmentation, etc.


The brand develops creams with hypoallergenic properties and 100% tolerance for any facial skin. Careful control of products allows the brand to create products that are effective and safe at the same time. Bioderma creams fight wrinkles, eliminate skin dryness, and restore epidermal turgor. Some types of drugs are aimed at eliminating skin diseases.

La Roche Posay

The company specializes in the development of products for problem skin. Creams contain water from thermal springs, which increases their positive effect.

Pharmaceutical cosmetics

The German brand launches creams with innovative formulas. The composition of the preparations includes a lot, which increases the effectiveness and safety of products.

In addition to creams, the brand also produces milk, lotions and other facial care products.

Preparations of this brand solve many cosmetic problems with the skin: protect against aging, moisturize, improve metabolic processes in the deep layers of the epidermis.

In addition to these drugs, modern pharmacies can offer other effective skin care products. There is a cream for any wallet size, and for solving any skin problems.

We apply in practice


To cope with dry skin problems, you can use a pharmacy moisturizer such as F99 cream.

The direct purpose of the drug is the treatment of eczema, however, it is also good as a moisturizer.

The cream remarkably eliminates skin flaking, at the same time it fights against minor defects: pimples, blackheads. In addition, after using the cream, the skin will become much more elastic, the pores will be cleansed, and the activity of the sebaceous glands will become less active.

Cream able to cope with the consequences of even severe sunburn of the skin, will be useful when weathering in the winter.

In addition, the price of this drug is much cheaper than advertised creams - only about 150 rubles.


In this segment, the palm has long been won and is held by Vichy. According to marketing research, the company sells 55% of all anti-aging cosmetics in the world. Creams of this brand eliminate, with regular use, age-related changes in the skin of the face: wrinkles, pigmentation, ptosis.

Also pay attention to the Thiogamma.

In general, in traditional medicine, Thiogamma solution is used as for droppers: usually when the body is intoxicated. However, the tool is also the strongest antioxidant owing to which it has found application in cosmetology.

Thanks to the use of Thiogamma, there is a noticeable regeneration of the skin of the face, and at the cellular level. In fact, the composition of the product is the purest alpha lipoic acid: valuable and rare antioxidant.

It is difficult to call this drug a cream: it is very liquid, the consistency is more like water.

Attention: the product should not be used if the skin of the face is dry.

For sensitive and dry skin

Creams in this category brand La Roche-Posay, which in the segment of products for sensitive skin reached 11.3% of all global sales.

Means of this brand do not cause allergies, are easy and pleasant to apply, do not clog pores.. The products are based on water from the company's own thermal springs, which allows cosmetics to achieve quick and noticeable results.

You can also mark products companies Avene (Aven). The composition of creams includes thermal water, and is able to carefully care for even ultra-sensitive skin.

Preparations of this brand have simultaneously moisturizing, anti-inflammatory and soothing effect.


Note in this category pharmacy cream brand Lierac (Lierak). As part of the preparations, natural ingredients, extracts from medicinal herbs and flowers. Cosmetics are extremely effective, because for its manufacture, parts of plants with the highest concentration of nutrients are used.

For problem skin

To cope with the problem of acne, pimples and acne, you can use a pharmacy remedy such as Apilak. The product contains natural royal jelly and other valuable components. The price of the cream is inexpensive - about 100-150 rubles, and the effect of the application is amazing.

Pharmacy creams from Galenic They are also great for treating problematic skin. The preparations are created taking into account all the latest innovations, therefore they are considered “smart”: the active components independently find the cause of the inflammatory process and eliminate it.

The best pharmacy face creams

Consider the most popular pharmaceutical skin care products, and find out why they are so in demand.

Lift active from Vichy

As already mentioned in the text more than once, today, perhaps, there is no equal to this company in terms of the quality and effectiveness of cosmetics for the skin.

The Lift Active series is especially popular. aimed at combating wrinkles and toning the skin.

Note that the creams of this series are able to successfully cope with both shallow mimic and noticeable senile wrinkles.

Ideal from Vichy

This cream with a gel consistency contains the rarest kombucha extract, a full complex of vitamins, as well as fruit pilinoic acids. Thanks to the effect of this miracle remedy, it is possible to restore the epidermis, even out the skin, and eliminate even fairly deep wrinkles.

Cream Idealia is designed for a wide age audience - from 30 to 60 years, which partly explains its popularity.

As a result of the use of this drug, it is possible to achieve, indeed, visible rejuvenation and healing of the skin of the face.

Cleansing series of creams from Vichy Purete Thermal

Creams and other products of this series are great for problem skin: prone to inflammation, acne, acne.

Preparations gently and thoroughly remove all impurities from the surface of the skin, with regular use, bringing its surface to perfection.

Note that the composition of the funds in this case includes soft fruit acids removing impurities from pores.


The tool was originally designed to combat acne. But at the same time as improving the skin of the face, the drug still remarkably moisturizes the skin. The gel contains hyaluronic acid which explains its irresistible moisturizing effect.

We note the inexpensive cost of the drug, as well as a wonderful result after application: the skin becomes noticeably younger, wrinkles become smaller, the overall turgor of the epidermis is tightened.

Many compare the impact of the product with the best salon procedures.


If you want to eliminate puffiness, remove bruises under the eyes, small wrinkles appear, you can use such a popular remedy as Enterosgel. Note that in addition to efficiency, the cost of the tool is also quite affordable.


This remedy is used to treat certain eye diseases, but at the same time it can also be used as a lifting cream. Under the influence of the active components of the drug wrinkles are smoothed out and the skin of the face and eyelids is noticeably tightened.

The gel contains hyaluronic acid, which explains the rejuvenating effect.

Useful video

What inexpensive preparations from a pharmacy can be used for face care?

Precautionary measures

When using pharmaceutical preparations for skin beauty, it is necessary to carefully and carefully approach both the choice of the product and the observance of the instructions for use. Before buying, be sure to read the recommendations for using the drug, find out if the product has contraindications.

It should be borne in mind that many anti-aging creams contain components that are not recommended for pregnant and lactating women.

It is recommended that before using this or that pharmacy, visit a dermatologist or cosmetologist to get professional advice on the condition of your skin. The specialist can also competently advise the drug and avoid it for the skin of the face.

So, we have learned what benefits pharmaceutical creams have, and which ones are most effective for skin problems. As you can see, it is best to deal with various skin defects, as well as age-related changes in the epidermis, with the help of pharmaceutical products. A positive result in this case is more likely, long-term, moreover, drugs that have passed all kinds of clinical trials are safer and more environmentally friendly.
