The best and most effective face masks (recipes). How to make a face mask at home - step by step recipes for anti-aging, moisturizing and nourishing

We have talked about the benefits of natural face masks on numerous occasions. Today we will tell you about some more recipes that are not difficult to make. They are light, fun and even… delicious! Of course, natural face masks used at home are unrivaled. And if you want to have well-groomed and soft, like a baby's skin, welcome to us!

The main problem of people with oily skin is enlarged pores and oily sheen. If nature has rewarded you with just this type of skin, use natural methods to get rid of excess fat. Masks of honey, yogurt, lemon, grapefruit, apples, bananas are able to perfectly care for the skin, as they contain nutrients and natural acids to remove excess fat and narrow pores.

Take one apple, grate it and mix with 4-6 teaspoons of warm honey. Apply the resulting mixture on your face and hold for 10 minutes. And here is another effective mask. In puree from one large juicy tomato, add 3 tablespoons of lemon juice and a spoonful of oatmeal. Leave this mixture for 15 minutes. Soon you will notice that oily sheen and no matter how it happened!

2. Mask for dry skin

For dry skin are useful: milk, chocolate, olive oil, ripe bananas, honey. It is these products that contain nutrients that eliminate dry skin. It is very useful to use bee propolis, so if you have it, we recommend using it: apply a mixture of propolis with honey on your face and hold for half an hour. Instead of propolis, you can use milk: mix it with honey, add some fruit of your choice. But the absolute leader is, of course, a chocolate mask: take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of cocoa powder, milk cream, oatmeal, cottage cheese and 4 tablespoons of milk. Mix the ingredients, apply the resulting mass on the face and leave for 10-15 minutes. Leftovers can be eaten, and if you are on a diet, apply to elbows and knees. :)

3. Soothing mask for sun damaged skin

Oh no! Did the heat relax you so much that you fell asleep in the sun, and now your face looks like pine bark? This is not scary, because in this case there is an effective soothing mask. You just need to mix chilled yogurt, oatmeal (half yogurt, 1/4 oatmeal) and add a few drops of jasmine, lavender or chamomile oil. Simple and efficient!

4. Mask for normal skin

If you have a normal skin type and you think that you are very lucky, we want to disappoint you, because each skin type needs care and nourishment in its own way, and normal facial skin is no exception. Use these natural face masks - strawberry puree and yogurt scrub to remove dead skin cells and restore natural shine. The procedure is very simple. All you need to do is to mix these two ingredients and gently massage your face with the resulting slurry. Leave the mask on for a few minutes, then wash your face.

5. Rejuvenating face mask

After 30 years, the skin requires additional care, so it is necessary to feed it with sugars, vitamins and lipids, which the body itself is no longer able to produce in the right amount.
So, mix 1 tbsp. spoon of yogurt, honey, olive oil, 1 teaspoon of sugar, 1 egg yolk and grind in a blender. Apply the resulting mass on the face, rinse after 30 minutes.

6. Anti-acne mask

This mask is suitable for all skin types - it removes blackheads as well as those bought in the store, and maybe even better! To do this, simmer one tablespoon of cornstarch until a paste is obtained, then add a little strawberry puree, one egg white and a little rose water (add it slowly to prevent the mixture from washing out). Leave this mixture on your face until it becomes crusty, then gently remove it. Voila!

Homemade masks made from natural ingredients are the most effective in the fight for the beauty, freshness and youthfulness of the skin! Moreover, making such masks is cheaper, more useful, and even more pleasant! You can even experiment with berries, fruits, cereals and fermented milk products, getting frantic pleasure not only from the expectation of the result, but also the process itself!

Beauty masks are essential for quality skin care, as are daily creams and skin cleansers and makeup removers. However, many people neglect masks, not realizing how effective and useful they are. And up to 25 years, such neglect is quite forgivable. But older girls need to remember that inadequate care will manifest itself in early mimic wrinkles and deterioration of the skin condition.

The cosmetic industry offers a huge selection of masks designed for use in professional salons as well as for home use. However, face masks at home continue to enjoy stable popularity. The reason for such love for folk recipes is that a mask made by oneself from high-quality ingredients is obviously more natural and natural than a creamy mass bought at a pharmacy or store stuffed with preservatives. In addition, not everyone can afford professional care in salons.

What are face masks?

Most often, face masks at home are classified according to the effect they have.
There are the following types of masks:

  • designed for constant care and maintenance of the skin in perfect condition - nourishing, moisturizing, toning and cleansing;
  • struggling with obvious skin imperfections - anti-inflammatory, whitening, anti-couperose;
  • anti-aging - rejuvenating, lifting masks.

Skin type: how to determine

It must be remembered that the needs of different skin types are different, therefore, a face mask at home should be selected depending on what type of skin you are the owner of. In classical cosmetology, it is customary to distinguish between normal, dry, oily and combination skin types.

Usually, girls who are attentive to their appearance are well aware of the type of their own skin. However, it will not be superfluous to recall how to accurately and simply determine it at home. Wash your face with regular soap and do not apply cream. After about an hour and a half, firmly attach a large, well-absorbing paper towel to your face. Now the napkin should be carefully examined, and at the same time assess the degree of tightness of the skin. If a trace of sebum remains on the entire surface of the napkin, the skin is not tightened at all, then you are the owner of oily skin. If there are no traces left on the napkin and the skin is not tightened and does not peel off, then your skin type is normal. If there are no traces of secretions of the skin sebaceous glands on the napkin and there is a clear feeling of tightness, then your skin is dry. If in the center of the napkin your forehead, nose and chin left a greasy mark, and on the cheeks and temples the skin is normal or dry, then such an uneven distribution of fat content indicates a combined, in other words - mixed, skin type.

How to apply a face mask at home?

There are general rules for the use of home cosmetic masks:

Nourishing face masks at home

Nutritional masks are designed to fill the lack of nutrients, vitamins and trace elements.

For oily skin, you can recommend a mask made from two teaspoons of honey, 20 drops of lemon juice and a tablespoon of fat-free sour cream. Stir until the mixture is smooth and apply on the face. Keep from 20 minutes to half an hour. The mask will give your skin an even complexion and a healthy glow.

Dry skin will be nourished by a homemade face mask consisting of egg yolk, two teaspoons of milk and an incomplete tablespoon of small oatmeal. Pour oatmeal with very warm milk and let it soak a little. Whisk the egg yolk with a fork and stir into the cereal. Keep the mask on your face for 20 minutes. This mixture will give dry skin tenderness and velvety, relieving peeling and feeling of tightness.

Normal facial skin also needs nutrition and saturation with vitamins. For these purposes, a grape mask is suitable. Crush 6-7 white grapes, and then, getting rid of the peel and seeds, combine with a tablespoon of sour cream. The mask applied to the face should be kept for 20-30 minutes.

Moisturizing masks at home

Moisturizing face masks at home allow you to maintain the water balance of the skin. Most often, moisturizing is required in spring and summer, when, under the influence of ambient temperature and ultraviolet radiation, part of the moisture from the surface layers of the skin is lost. This can lead to sagging, reduced skin elasticity.

The following recipe helps in moisturizing oily skin. Take the egg white and, after whisking, mix with 20 ml of liquid honey. Having obtained a homogeneous mass, add a tablespoon with a slide of crushed oatmeal. Wash off the applied mask after 20 minutes in two stages: first - warm water, then - rinsing with cold water.

Dry skin, like no other in need of constant hydration, responds perfectly to a curd mask. Mix about 30 g of normal fat cottage cheese and two tablespoons of milk heated to a comfortable temperature. Apply the resulting mass to the skin and hold for 15 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

A grapefruit mask will help moisturize normal skin. Mix the crushed pulp of two grapefruit slices with egg yolk. The mask must be kept on the skin for 15 minutes. Wash off with warm or slightly cool water.

Toning and cleansing face masks at home

Toning and cleansing masks have a general strengthening effect on the skin, solving two problems: they improve subcutaneous circulation and cleanse the pores of sebaceous secretions.

Oily skin will help a mask of kaolin (or white clay). To prepare a clay mask, mix two tablespoons of white clay with cold boiled water, add egg white, 5 ml of honey and 3-4 drops of lemon juice. The resulting mass should be homogeneous and resemble sour cream in consistency. Apply the mask on the skin and wait for it to dry completely. Rinse off the clay mask as soon as it dries completely.

The condition of dry skin is also noticeably improved under the influence of white clay. To prepare the mask, take a tablespoon of white clay, twice as much milk and 5 ml of honey. Blend until smooth and apply to skin. After 10-15 minutes, wash off the mask and do not forget to use a moisturizer.

Skin of normal type will instantly return the freshness and elasticity of the face mask at home from lemon peel. Mix 20 ml of low-fat sour cream with the yolk and finely grated zest of one lemon. Keep the mask on your face for no more than 30 minutes.

Anti-inflammatory masks at home

Anti-inflammatory masks do a good job with unpleasant rashes and redness on the skin.

A brewer's yeast mask can solve the problems of inflamed skin. Add 10-12 drops of lemon juice to a tablespoon of dry brewer's yeast purchased at the pharmacy and bring the mixture to a thick, mushy consistency with warm water. Apply to the disturbing areas of the skin and wait for it to dry completely. Rinse off the yeast with slightly cool water and use a special cream for problem skin.

Dry problem skin will help honey-herbal mask. The honey taken for the preparation of this mask should be liquid, and the herbs should be fresh and ground into a pulp. Mix equal parts of honey and gruel from dandelion leaf (or mint, sage, chamomile) and apply on face for 10-15 minutes.

Do not miss the video recipe for a very effective anti-inflammatory mask.

Whitening home masks

Whitening face masks at home at home help to lighten the complexion, remove age spots, including age spots.

A cucumber whitening mask has a good effect. Finely grate a medium-sized cucumber on a grater and mix with your nourishing cream or sour cream. You can keep the mask on your face for up to 20 minutes. When rinsing, use warm water.

Another whitening face mask at home, widely used at home, has the following recipe. Mix liquid honey and lemon juice in equal parts. The mask turns out to be quite liquid, gauze napkins are impregnated in it, which then must be placed on the face. After about 15 minutes, remove the wipes and gently rinse your face with water.

Anti-couperose masks

Couperosis - vascular manifestations on the skin. Couperose stars and redness on the face are especially unpleasant. Home treatment for rosacea consists of a light, non-traumatic facial massage, the inclusion of foods rich in vitamins C, P and K in the diet, and, of course, natural face masks at home.

A fairly simple mask will help relieve redness and strengthen the walls of the capillaries. Take a tablespoon of chopped dry chamomile and small oatmeal. Add any quality vegetable oil for a creamy consistency. Keep the resulting mass on the skin for 15 minutes. With obvious signs of rosacea, such a mask can be used daily.

The potato mask also reduces visible spider veins. Take two medium raw potatoes and finely grate. Use oatmeal to thicken the mixture. Leave the mask on for 10-15 minutes. It is recommended to wash off this mask with water with the addition of decoctions of chamomile or calendula.

Anti-aging masks at home

Skin aging is inevitable. But the appearance of the first small wrinkles is not a reason to become discouraged. Regular use of anti-aging masks will allow you to push back the appearance of new age signs of the skin and get rid of existing ones.

To prepare an anti-aging aloe face mask at home, combine a tablespoon of the plant's juice with an equal volume of quality vegetable oil and a nourishing face cream. The mask should be applied slightly warm and kept on the skin for about 10 minutes.

In summer, it is good to make a mask from a fresh plantain leaf. Grind plantain leaves into gruel and mix in equal parts with honey. If the mixture is too thick, it can be slightly thinned with water. Keep the mask on your skin for at least 15 minutes. First, remove the gruel with a damp swab, then rinse your face with cool water.

A chic rejuvenating mask with a WOW effect! Let's watch the video.

Tightening masks (lifting effect) at home

With age, flabbiness of the skin may appear, the fight against which requires constant attention. Despite the abundance of ready-made creams and masks that promise to return the girlish oval of the face, one should not forget about time-tested remedies.

The composition of the vitamin homemade face mask includes pharmaceutical components, which does not make it less natural. Take a heaping tablespoon of pink clay, one ampoule of retinol acetate (vitamin A) and 30 ml of brewed green tea (unflavored). Carefully pour the tea into the dry clay and, stirring constantly, achieve a uniform texture. Add vitamin A and apply to skin. The exposure time of the mask is about 25 minutes. The use of this recipe will help restore skin elasticity.

Egg protein has natural lifting properties. Beat one protein into a strong foam and mix with two teaspoons of soaked oatmeal. The exposure time of the mask on the skin is 15 minutes. Rinse off this mask with plenty of cool water.

It is no secret that regular and thorough care is necessary to maintain the skin in perfect condition, which includes such an important step as cleansing the skin. In addition to the usual washing, various lotions, gels, foams, tonics for daily use, scrubs and gommages for deeper cleansing, as well as masks that can be purchased at the store or easily prepared at home can be used for this purpose.

Cosmetic clay is considered the main component in the manufacture of cleansing masks. In addition, wax and various synthetic products can be used for this purpose. At home, the composition of such skin masks includes natural products: fruits and vegetables, dairy products, herbs, eggs, honey, nuts, etc. Before applying masks, the skin should be prepared, for which it is effective to carry out steam baths or hot compresses, which effectively open the pores of the skin. Home masks, in addition to cleansing the skin, can have an additional nourishing, moisturizing and drying effect, depending on the ingredients included in the composition.

The composition for the mask is applied to the skin of the face and left for fifteen to twenty minutes. As it dries, keratinized scales, fat, dirt are attracted to the applied composition, after which all this is removed from the face along with the mask. After cleansing the skin with masks, blood circulation improves significantly, pores are cleansed and narrowed, and the skin becomes smooth and has a fresh look. After removing such a mask, it is recommended to immediately make a nourishing mask, or apply a thick layer of fatty nourishing cream to the skin. When using ready-made masks, it should be remembered that owners of oily skin can use them twice a week, combination, normal or dry skin - once a week, and owners of sensitive skin - only once every fourteen days. A self-cleansing mask can be used two to three times a week.

Women with dry skin should wash off such masks with warm boiled water (using a cotton swab). To save the result, it is allowed to add lemon juice or apple cider vinegar to the water at the rate of one teaspoon per glass of water. For oily skin type, it is recommended to wash off the mask with milk, herbal infusion, rosehip broth, weak tea, cold boiled water with a small amount of salt added.

Purifying face masks.

For any skin type.
Oatmeal is an excellent ingredient for skin cleansing. They are perfect for any skin. Brew a tablespoon of flakes in half a glass of boiling water, boil on fire for five to seven minutes, let cool. In a warm state, apply the resulting slurry to the skin of the face, rinse with warm water after fifteen minutes.

Apply sauerkraut to the skin, excluding the area around the eyes and lips. Keep the mask for twenty minutes, then rinse with cool water. This product perfectly cleanses the skin and tightens pores, nourishes it and restores elasticity.

Grind a mixture of herbs taken in equal proportions (chamomile, sage, St. John's wort, calendula flowers, rose petals). Then brew two tablespoons of the resulting herbal mixture with a glass of boiling water, put on a slow fire and cook for ten minutes. Then remove from heat, cover with a lid and leave for twenty minutes. Then strain the broth, and apply the remaining herbal gruel in an even layer on the skin of the face. Remove the mask after fifteen minutes. For greater convenience, it is recommended to transfer the mass to a gauze napkin, which is already attached to the skin. It is better to do such a mask lying down.

Pour a tablespoon of rye bran with a tablespoon of warm milk. Apply the mixture to the skin with massaging circular movements for fifteen minutes, then rinse.

Peel one small cucumber, grind it on a grater and add one pre-whipped protein. Apply the resulting composition to the skin and leave for ten minutes. Rinse off with cool water. In addition to cleansing, the mask has a tonic effect.

Three teaspoons of fresh cottage cheese are thoroughly rubbed with a teaspoon of liquid honey. Apply the resulting mass in an even thick layer on the face, after twenty minutes, wash off the mask with a cotton pad, pre-dipped in cold milk. This mask is not recommended if you have a tendency to rosacea.

For combination and normal skin.
Pink clay (a mixture of red and white) is effective for cleansing combination and normal skin types. For the mask, it is necessary to dilute a small amount of pink clay powder with clean, cool water until a homogeneous mass is formed, resembling sour cream in consistency. Apply the composition on the face and leave for ten minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

For oily and problem skin.
White clay (black, green and blue clay is also suitable) dries inflammation and pimples well, effectively exfoliates dead cells, cleanses pores, and also normalizes blood circulation. Mix a tablespoon of white clay with the same amount of cucumber juice or parsley juice, adding a few drops of lemon juice. Apply the composition to the skin for ten minutes.

Pour a little powder of white, blue, black or green clay with a small amount of cold water until the consistency of thick sour cream is obtained. Apply the mask on your face and leave for ten minutes.

In a tablespoon of white clay powder (kaolin), add one and a half tablespoons of vodka, half a tablespoon of water and a teaspoon of aloe juice. Apply the composition for ten minutes and rinse with cool water. The product is effective for oily skin with acne.

Combine 20 g of yeast with a teaspoon of lemon or cranberry juice. Apply the composition to the skin of the face for fifteen minutes. After the procedure, redness of the skin may be observed, but you should not be afraid of it, since it is caused by the acceleration of metabolic processes.

Grate one medium sized potato on a fine grater. Combine a tablespoon of potato mass with egg white, add a teaspoon of liquid honey and a pinch of salt. The resulting mass is applied to the face, and after fifteen minutes, rinse with cool water.

Grind a piece of rye bread and pour a small amount of boiling water until gruel forms. With the resulting mass, massage the skin of the face in circular motions. Wash off the composition with cool water.

Brew a tablespoon of hercules flakes with a small amount of boiling water. Apply the swollen warm mass in a generous layer on the face and leave for twenty minutes. You can add a teaspoon of lemon juice or beaten egg white to the mask. The composition is ideal for oily and combination skin.

Grind a glass of oatmeal with a coffee grinder, add a teaspoon of fine salt and warm water until a creamy mass is obtained. Apply the composition to the skin of the face and neck, massage lightly and rinse with cool water.

Beat one egg, add five drops of lemon juice and a teaspoon of olive oil (you can use any other vegetable oil). Apply the composition to the skin for twenty minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Dilute a tablespoon of wheat flour (or starch, or rice flour) with a small amount of cool water (cucumber juice, kefir, sour milk, yogurt can be used) to a creamy mass, which should be applied to the skin and left for fifteen minutes, then rinse with cool water . You can also add egg white and a few drops of lemon juice to the mask.

Beat the protein with a small amount of wheat flour until foam forms. Apply the composition to the skin, and after fifteen minutes, rinse with cool water. This procedure eliminates oily shine, and also restores skin elasticity.

For cleansing pores.
Crush the pulp of one tomato, add four drops of any vegetable oil and a small amount of starch to it to get a mass of medium density. Apply the composition for fifteen minutes and rinse with cool boiled water. The effect of the mask is noticeable after ten to twelve procedures.

Grind fresh dill greens, add egg yolk and a teaspoon of corn oil to the mixture. Apply the mass on the skin and leave for twenty-five minutes, then rinse with warm water.

To maintain the result, you can use a mixture of essential oils. For example, a mixture of lemon, tangerine, lemon, rosemary and mint oils. After a mask that narrows the pores, lubricate the skin with a mixture of oils.

For dry and sensitive skin.
Pour the powder of red or black clay with a small amount of cool water until a homogeneous sour cream-like mass is obtained, which is applied to the face and left for ten minutes.

Brew oatmeal with boiling milk, let it stand for a while and apply it warm to the skin, after fifteen minutes remove the mask with warm water. To achieve a nutritional effect, you can add egg yolk, a teaspoon of olive oil, a small amount of butter, cream or sour cream, or melon or banana pulp to the composition. Take the proportions at your own discretion. The main thing is that the mass is thick and does not spread when applied.

Soak a glass of beans for several hours, then put on fire and cook until fully cooked. Then rub the finished beans through a sieve while still hot and combine with a tablespoon of olive oil, adding the juice of half a lemon. Apply a warm mass on the skin, and after fifteen minutes, rinse with warm water. The mask, in addition to cleansing, has a smoothing and nourishing effect.

For aging and fading skin.
Dilute a tablespoon of yellow clay powder with cool water until sour cream thickens. Apply the composition to the skin for ten minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Mix three tablespoons of oatmeal with a teaspoon of soda and pour warm water until a homogeneous mass is obtained, resembling sour cream in density. Rub the mass into the skin with light massaging movements for ten minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Mix a teaspoon of rice flour (grind rice in a blender) with a teaspoon of liquid honey and the same amount of lemon juice. Apply the mixture on the skin, gently massage for several minutes and leave for ten minutes, then rinse the mask with warm water.

Face masks are one of the ways to maintain the beauty and health of the skin. Not one, even the most expensive, cream will bring such an effect as a mask. And it seemed - everything is very simple - bought, applied, washed off, got the result. But even in the application of face masks there are some nuances that many of us simply do not think about. In fact, the possible effect depends on many factors: the time of application of the mask, the thickness of the layer, the correct rinsing. I think it’s not worth talking about a careful choice of the composition of the mask - everyone understands that for sensitive and delicate facial skin, you should not use the first one or a set of components. This threatens with irritation, redness of the skin, and even an unpleasant allergic reaction.

How to use masks correctly so that the desired effect is not long in coming. To do this, you need to remember a few important rules:

Be serious about choosing a "shop" mask. Remember that in finished cosmetic products, in addition to useful nutritional components, many preservatives “live”. Think about it: can a natural face mask have a shelf life of more than two years? Of course not. This means that to keep it fresh, substances are used that do not bring any positive effect to the skin, but, on the contrary, can seriously harm it, causing an allergic reaction. Even worse, if the ready-made mask you have chosen will cause your skin to become addictive. Therefore, before you pay for an expensive advertised face mask, carefully study the composition.

Do not neglect the opportunity to prepare a face mask yourself. Natural masks have undeniable advantages over purchased ones. Firstly, you can be 100% sure that there is nothing in it that can harm your skin - after all, you choose the ingredients yourself and monitor the quality of preparation. Secondly, such masks are many times cheaper than "store" ones - all the components are at your fingertips, and if you need to buy some exotic ingredient, you will still get visible savings at the end. However, in order for the natural mask to give results, it must be applied at least twice a week and left for 20-30 minutes.

The time when the mask is applied to the face is very important. The fact is that our body has its own regime and at certain intervals during the day the skin can be more or less susceptible to various kinds of influences. For example, the morning hours are most suitable for applying masks. Closer to noon, the sebaceous glands are extremely active, so at this time, procedures that fight oily skin will be very effective. The next peak of active absorption of nutrients from cosmetics occurs in the evening. After 18.00 you can do cleansing procedures, face cleansing. Scrubs will bring visible benefits during these hours. At night, the skin rests and actively breathes. Therefore, before going to bed, it would be nice to use a nourishing night cream, or make a nourishing mask.

Wash off the mask properly. No need to rub the skin with all your might, trying to remove the hardened mixture. Just gently wipe the skin with your palms or a soft sponge. It would be nice to wash first with warm and then cold water. After rinsing, let the skin "breathe" for a while, then apply a cream suitable for your skin type. Nourishing, natural and purifying masks

The name itself cleansing masks- talks about the purpose of applying such masks - to remove impurities and excess waste products of the skin from the skin. Cleansing masks, in addition to their main function, clean off dead cells of the epidermis, improve the blood supply to the skin, which opens up oxygen and, therefore, makes the skin matte, fresh and radiant.

Great if you have the opportunity to make such a mask once a week. Cleansing masks are great for all skin types, so everyone can use them. Just remember that oily skin needs more frequent cleansing than normal and dry skin. Also, with age, the frequency of using masks should be increased.

After a thorough cleansing of the face, it is imperative to saturate the skin cells with useful substances. For this, you can turn to nourishing masks for help.

With nourishing masks, you need to be very careful. Be sure to carefully select the components, you should not make this or that mask simply because it is very fashionable or “a girlfriend advised”. Remember, any component, even if we are talking about natural masks, can harm the skin (especially prone to allergies).

Nourishing masks for dry skin are usually based on vegetable oils or full-fat dairy products. For normal skin, vegetables or fruits, low-fat cottage cheese or sour cream, egg yolk can be used as nourishment. As for oily skin, it is better to replace nourishing masks with moisturizing ones - they will also enrich it with vitamins and minerals, while not oversaturating the skin with fats.

When choosing among ready-made and natural masks, it is better, of course, to give preference to the latter. As already mentioned, the exclusively natural components that are part of such masks will not harm the skin. But natural masks require special attention in preparation and use. For example, such masks should be applied in a thick layer and kept on the face for at least 20 minutes.

Face masks

Nourishing masks:

№ 1. A little known but very effective mask. Pour half a glass of almond seeds with boiling water. After 3 minutes, drain the water, grind the grains and add 1 tsp. sour cream with a few drops of lemon. Wash off with warm water.

№ 2. Mix egg white with honey and a few drops of peach oil, add a little flour to thicken. Wash off with cold water.

№ 3. Mix pear puree with 1 tsp. freshly brewed green tea, apply for 10 minutes. Especially good for aging skin.

natural masks:

№ 1. Grate the sour apple, mix with potato flour. For dry skin, you can add a few drops of oil. Tightens and refreshes the skin.

№ 2. Grate fresh cabbage on a plastic grater. To 1 tsp. gruel, add beaten egg white, 1 tsp. sour cream. Apply for 10 minutes, rinse with cold water.

№ 3. Grind fresh cucumbers, add 1 yolk and 1 tsp. kefir. Whitens, refreshes and transforms the skin!

Purifying masks:

№ 1. Cleans green tea well. Take sleeping leaves, put them on your face - this mask is not so common, but it has a good effect of cleansing the skin, evens out the color.

№ 2. Mix honey and calendula infusion, apply on face, rinse with cool water.

№ 3. Mash strawberries, add a few drops of alcohol and 1 tsp. milk. Your skin will glow with this mask!

When making masks, do not forget to give the skin a rest, as overuse of various products can lead to dehydration of the skin. The ideal option is to alternate masks 1-2 times a week.

Masks for oily, dry, irritated skin

For oily skin

Take ordinary hydrogen peroxide, add a little yeast until foamy, drip a little lemon juice. Apply for 15 minutes. Wash off after complete drying. This mask is great for cases when you need to quickly “tighten” sluggish and porous skin, make blackheads invisible. Cleaning at the beautician can leave the skin red, and with this mask, the face will become unrecognizable in the good sense of the word.

For dry skin

Mix 1 tsp glycerin, add 2-3 drops of olive or almond oil, 1 tsp. honey and 1 tsp. sour cream. Leave for 10 min. The skin will glow!

For irritated skin

Mash a banana, add 2-3 drops of the above oil and apply to the skin. After washing off the mask, lubricate your face with a moisturizer.

Preparing face masks

Preparation of natural masks does not take much time and requires minimal material costs. But the effect of them can surpass the result of using an expensive purchased mask at times. To prepare natural masks, you need to remember a few rules:

Use only fresh produce and clean utensils.

Be careful with your choice of ingredients.

Remember: more is not better. Keep proportions.​

Strawberries, honey and wholemeal flour. What is this? List of ingredients for strawberry cake? No. These are natural components for a cosmetic mask, safe for health and having a high effect.

Homemade face masks are free of harmful chemicals and leave your skin looking fresh and youthful.

We will talk about several of these nutritional formulations. All of them have a wonderful ability - the effect of detoxification, deeply cleanse the skin and give it a well-groomed appearance.

Homemade masks made from natural ingredients are easy to prepare, completely harmless and affordable.

Today you will not surprise anyone with an abundance of health centers and beauty salons. All of them are ready at any moment to pamper their customers with a large selection of special masks. What is not in them! What about names? And where does fantasy come from? Accordingly, the price is also surprising. Sometimes more than the effect of the chosen expensive procedure.

We pay attention to the promoted brand, but very rarely to the ingredients of any product. Yes, obviously there is not enough knowledge to understand all this chemical bacchanalia. Hence the naive notion of most women that the most expensive facial nutrients are harmless and that they do not contain harmful chemicals.

Unfortunately, it's just the opposite. It is the most expensive masks that are most oversaturated with components of a very suspicious property. The composition of expensive products includes hormones, and carcinogenic parabens, and phthalates. All this, of course, to "promote" beauty to the masses. However, the matter does not end there, because masks also widely use aromatic substances, which often cause serious allergic reactions.

Some synthetic fragrances have neurotoxic effects. They can be a serious problem, especially for people who suffer from various forms of allergies and have health problems.

Made for myself - made to last

Cosmetic masks can be easily made by yourself. Inexpensive and at home.

Why are they better? The fact that you choose the ingredients yourself, and the result from them will be no worse than in the most prestigious salon. You save on materials, removing all unnecessary, not useful, dosing a portion, based on the required amount for your skin, and not for the inhabitants of the whole city.

Few people know that masks require only a few ingredients, and all of them are in your kitchen and always at hand. That dozens of components that cosmetologists offer you are useless and even harmful. That they serve only as a screen for cheating the cost of the procedure.

Skin care before mask application

Before applying the face mask, clean the skin area with a high quality medical lotion suitable for all skin types.

Then you have to wash your face with warm water, and then apply a foundation of facial tonic, which contains, for example, aloe. Now you are ready.

Apply the mask carefully.

All homemade mixtures should be on the face for no more than fifteen to twenty minutes, after which they should be washed off with warm water.

After cleaning the face, the mask can be used again.

So that the skin is not dry and not exposed to negative effects, after the procedure, use a quality moisturizer suitable for your skin.

Avocado mask for dry skin

For masks, the simplest but most effective products are used. These are, for example, lettuce leaves or cucumber slices, which are especially good for relieving swelling from the eyes. But for dry skin, experts consider avocados an ideal option. These fruits in a skillfully prepared mask leave the skin soft and supple.

Making puree for the procedure is not difficult. For example, a mixture of ripe avocado and lemon juice (one teaspoon). As you can see, it's quite simple. Put a puree on your face, sit with a fashion magazine for twenty minutes, wash off the stuff, and you won't recognize yourself.

Egg white - a mask for skin with large pores

Preparation method:

Beat the egg white until foamy, after which we add five drops of lemon juice to it. All. The mask is ready. So, is it really worth going to a beauty salon for her?

You can also add small, thinly sliced ​​cucumber slices to the egg mixture to enhance the healing soothing effect.

If some women knew about such a simple medical procedure, they would not go to a plastic surgeon. Look for natural ways to keep your youth!

Tea tree mask for oily and acne prone skin

In an egg mask, you can use not only cucumber, but also tea tree oil. Just one drop of this oil in a mask will help revitalize and dry out your oily skin. The effect is amazing! The face is visibly cleansed, fresh and clean. The mask also has antibacterial properties. Recommended for regular use.

Honey and strawberries for sensitive skin

Mix in fresh strawberries. Add a spoonful of natural honey to it, and you will get a wonderful mask that stimulates metabolic processes in the skin, and even with a wonderful berry smell. Honey has strong antibacterial properties. It perfectly disinfects the skin and activates the healing process of small wounds. Strawberries promote revitalization and refreshment.

Such a mask, along with crushed wholemeal bread, can be used for swelling and redness of the face.

Honey cleanses pores

Honey can also be used as a cleansing mask.

Warm it up a bit and then gently apply it on your face. Honey has the ability to open clogged pores.

The course consists of three masks for three days in a row. After that, honey is applied once a week as a preventive measure.

Egg and olive oil. Mask for skin prone to irritation

To remove or relieve skin irritation and small spots on the skin, mix egg white in a cup with freshly made oatmeal. Then add olive oil (a teaspoon) and a few drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice to the mixture for a healing effect. You will get an excellent nourishing mask that can be kept on your face for up to 30 minutes.

After the procedure, wash the skin with cool water, and you will appreciate the result. But someone is sitting at this time in an expensive beauty salon, inhaling chemical reagents and thinking that he is doing good.

Bentonite mask for skin detoxification

A mineral-rich clay called bentonite is also used for masks. The clay is mixed with saline or sea salt. Bentonite has the ability to bind chemically active and harmful substances, it removes metabolites and toxins from the skin, which are then easily washed off after the procedure.

Clay penetrates deep into the pores and cleans like a vacuum cleaner.

The solution is very easy to make. In a jar with 200 ml of water, put a few tablespoons of ordinary or sea salt (up to four). Stir until the salt dissolves. Then add bentonite to the water with salt. It is necessary to lay and stir the clay until a pasty mass is obtained. This mass is applied to the face.

Coffee is a great scrub for dry skin

If your skin is dry and flaky, don't despair. You always have natural coffee on hand. Use wholemeal flour along with ground grains for homemade peeling. As the main element in your mask, you can use, for example, oatmeal. Add sugar and coffee to it.

Caffeine has a powerful firming and tonic effect. That is why coffee can be used not only for therapeutic face masks, but also as a natural remedy to combat cellulite.

Scrub for oily skin

Slaked soda is also a simple and affordable remedy for treating oily skin. It perfectly cleanses the skin of peeling products.

Hydrated soda removes dead cells, the skin becomes cleaner and brighter, looks younger and more well-groomed. In addition, after such a procedure, the natural production of collagen begins to activate, which means that elasticity appears, and wrinkles become smaller.

It also improves the ability of the skin to absorb nutrients and vital elements.

Carefully such a mask must be applied to people who have fresh, inflamed ulcers on their faces. Baking soda can cause irritation and burning on the affected areas of the skin.

Natural Masks from the Store

If you are too lazy to make a mask with your own hands or do not trust yourself, it would be wise to buy simple and harmless masks with natural ingredients from reputable and reliable manufacturers. In no case do not purchase cosmetic products in the markets or in non-branded stores, from companies that you do not know anything about.

Anti-aging mask

We recommend a mask containing African baobab fibers for the base. It contains twice as many antioxidants as any other. Baobab fibers intensively protect skin cells and are an excellent cosmetic product for people of all ages.

Peeling for mature skin and for skin with spots and pimples

The main enzyme of this peeling is an exfoliating powder for enzymatic deep cleansing of the skin. Such masks use, for example, refined regenerative colostrum, which provides a significant delay in the aging process of cells.

At the same time, cell renewal is accelerated, skin irritation disappears. With regular use, skin texture becomes bright and translucent.

Natural masks at home - a must

The main problem in meeting all the conditions for a full-fledged metabolism in the skin of the face is still the catastrophic ignorance of people in the simplest things. This has been successfully used by many cosmetic companies. Masks using exotic substances with incomprehensible names or, for example, using gold, platinum, silver powders. The list of ingredients is sometimes striking in its nonsense.

To avoid wasting money and not harm your health, we offer you some tips:

  • Knowledge is power. Take learning as a rule. You will be deceived only if you do not trust yourself and believe any scientific information.
  • Remember - masks, the simpler, the more reliable. This applies to chemicals used in cosmetics and all drugs in general.
  • Make your own masks if you want to be sure of their safety for health and the quality of the ingredients.
  • Don't be lazy. Prepare masks regularly. Such procedures, carried out with stubborn constancy, will preserve youth and beauty for a long time.
  • Do not rush to the cosmetic surgeon. None of them has become more skillful than nature itself. Always use what is in the natural treasury.

We try to provide the most relevant and useful information for you and your health. The materials posted on this page are for informational purposes and are intended for educational purposes. Site visitors should not use them as medical advice. Determining the diagnosis and choosing a treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your doctor! We are not responsible for possible negative consequences resulting from the use of information posted on the website.
