Modern New Year scenario in elementary school. New Year's scenarios for younger schoolchildren

Health horoscope for 2017 for Gemini

Try to avoid heavy loads, they may be completely beyond your strength, so take care of your health. Also, take care of your diet and eliminate junk food from your diet.

Find time for your loved ones on any day, even the busiest one. Put your family first.

  • In the year of the Red Rooster, start improving your home. Renovating or buying new furniture is a great option. Another surprise - your significant other’s relatives will provide good financial assistance, free of charge. Don’t be shy and feel free to take money. In order not to spoil family relationships, arrange a dinner for all your relatives, they will really like it, and you will too.
  • In order for your family to give you all their love and care, they also need to receive something in return. Do not think only about yourself, show interest in the lives of children, care for older relatives. This does not require much effort, however, relatives will immediately notice it, spoil them a little. Spend time together, go picking mushrooms or berries, for example. It all depends on your desire, not on money.
  • Geminis can show their artistry and unpredictability, which will please the inhabitants of the house. Especially if you are active in household chores. You will still have to take care of the small chores, so why put it off? Do everything at once and you won't think about it later.

Children's horoscope for 2017 for Gemini

Little Gemini's thirst for knowledge will increase sharply. To answer all their questions you will have to be well prepared, stock up on educational literature.

  • Gemini 1st decade (21.05-30.05) These children do not know how to wait and endure at all; any request they make will need to be fulfilled immediately, without wasting time. If this is not done, the baby will scream so loudly that it will not be easy to calm him down. And to combat this behavior, just try to evoke pity from them. Pretend to be offended, or even cry, this method can calm the child.
  • Gemini 2nd decade (31.05-10.06) Your children's activity will be off the charts. To prevent your child from getting bored, go for walks to the park, zoo or attractions more often. He must be busy with something all day so that at the end of such a hard day he can sleep peacefully. If he is not exhausted enough during the day, you can sit by his crib all night and read fairy tales, and this is unlikely to bring any sense.
  • Gemini 3rd decade (11.06-21.06) In the year of the Rooster, little Geminis will imagine themselves as kings, and will even start a group of friends in the yard, in which they will become leaders. Do not forbid your child to arrange such games, and do not scold him. It is necessary to explain to him that kings also have responsibilities other than ruling others. He will quickly figure it out and understand what needs to be done and how, soon everything will change in his kingdom.

Love horoscope for 2017 for Gemini

Love adventures will await you everywhere, be armed to attract the attention of your chosen one.

  • Gemini 1st decade (21.05-30.05) In your personal life, you can do everything the way you want. The main thing is to be confident in yourself; if you suddenly get tired of all the fans, you can safely refuse and disperse everyone. Or, on the contrary, if you wanted to become a family man, full speed ahead. But think in advance about what you want and with whom. After all, you can soon understand that you haven’t had enough fun to get married.
  • Gemini 2nd decade (31.05-10.06) Try to be mindful of the whims of your significant other and not take everything too seriously. And if you don’t have one yet, then Cockerel is already looking for a suitable candidate. When choosing a partner, do not look only at appearance, get to know the person better, he should be as developed as you are. Otherwise, you will soon become bored.
  • Gemini 3rd decade (11.06-21.06) In 2017, you will not have problems finding your future half. Show off your attractiveness, attend social events, show off your new outfits. And if you also manage to show your intellectual abilities, then no one will have a chance to resist such charm.

Business horoscope for 2017 for Gemini

Don't be afraid of your rivals, this year no one will risk doing anything bad to you. Entrepreneurship skills will help you succeed.

Gemini 1st decade (21.05-30.05) You can try yourself in business, don’t leave your regular job, stability won’t hurt, and an extra stack of money too. Do not be afraid of enemies, act as you see fit. When you achieve success in business, you can quit your job; you will still have enough money.

Gemini 2nd decade (31.05-10.06) Don't be afraid to change jobs, look for exactly what you like the most. The cockerel will still not let you be left without money. From the very beginning of the Cockerel government, small changes will begin. The boss will find a small interesting job for you, with a good extra pay, by the way. So you definitely won’t get lost, there will be enough finances for relaxation.

Gemini 3rd decade (11.06-21.06) Don’t be afraid to talk to your boss about a salary increase; he won’t argue, because your abilities will still be very useful to him, and such professionals cannot be found. You can also take up your hobby in your free time, and gradually you can turn it into additional income.

Horoscope by year of birth


Don't hide in your hole, there are many surprises waiting for you, I don't think you would want to miss them. There will be no problems with money; there is no need to save it, because this year it will be constantly added. Communicate with your family more than usual, they will definitely appreciate it and show all their care to you.


Cockerel likes your patience and restraint; don’t rush things and all your business will go well, he will certainly help. You can even easily find your soulmate in 2017. This year is good for travel, pack your suitcase, buy a ticket and go. But don’t load it with unnecessary items, so as not to waste energy and get a lot of positive emotions.

Gemini Tiger

Your charm is enviable and will help you achieve success in your career. Show your charm to your business partners, just don’t overdo it, just thank them for a good deal, etc. After this, they will want to cooperate with you for many more years. Therefore, you can safely put away your sharp claws; they certainly won’t be needed.

Gemini-Cat (Rabbit)

There is no doubt who will be the happiest in the Year of the Rooster. He really likes such affectionate cats that know how to control themselves. Such equanimity will play an important role in your relationships with work colleagues. They will be very surprised to see people who, despite all the difficulties, can smile calmly and solve any problems. It’s the same at home, in case of any dispute, for example, about who should be sent to take out the trash, show the initiative. This will both surprise and delight the household.


This year, everything will go well for you in any business, and you won’t even have to breathe fire and have three heads. It’s enough just to look at your interlocutor, stamp your foot a little, and all your desires will be fulfilled. In your relationship with your family, be a little softer; by finding a compromise, you will benefit for yourself. The Fire Rooster will not let you offend anyone and will definitely help you in any situation.


Get ready to work hard this year, but don’t be afraid, you won’t be very tired. You are very calm, and the Red Rooster likes this; you will easily find new sources of income. Many surprises are expected in your personal life, get ready for romantic walks and gifts. You won’t even notice all the fans, but choose only the one who seems closest to your liking.

Gemini Horse

This year will go well for you, as Horses have the gift of managing people. Sometimes you even want to run away from all this, just not to command. But, unfortunately, it won't work. Colleagues will always be nearby, take advantage of this, any of your orders will definitely be executed. But this number won’t work at home. After all, your relatives themselves like to give orders, and sometimes you will have to fulfill their wishes.

Gemini-Goat (Sheep)

Find a new job, many companies can't wait for your visit. You are very lucky in the field of finance, because no one else can sense profitable deals and contracts like that. Risk can also lead to additional income, don’t be afraid and everything will go well, your instinct will not let you down. The Cockerel will always tell you where to go to find good business partners.


Many self-respecting bosses will fight for you; it is very difficult to find a specialist like you, because Monkeys are very educated. Become more confident and forget about embarrassment, any transactions will be easy. And successful businessmen will simply dream of concluding an agreement with you. By the way, on your terms.

Gemini Rooster

There will be many surprises for active Roosters; career growth and financial gain will come true very soon. Forget about laziness and don’t get carried away with gambling, it won’t bring you anything good this year. If you haven't found your soul mate yet, be careful and look around, otherwise you may run into your future partner head-on.


You can easily increase your wealth by acting honestly, without any adventures. Many profitable deals are planned next year, as business partners are unable to resist such charm. Listen to your intuition, it will help in your personal life. She will definitely suggest the right solution in any situation.

Gemini-Pig (Boar)

For those who are ready to work a lot, there is already a comfortable chair in the office. Before you get into it, think about what responsibility will fall on your shoulders. Are you sure you can handle it? Then get started. Sometimes you have to forget about vacation, but it’s worth it, but then you can go on vacation to some island and take a break from everything. But you still have to find time for your family, otherwise they will often be sad.

The coming 2017, and especially its first half, will provide Gemini with wonderful opportunities to gain their place in society, strengthen their financial situation, acquire the necessary acquaintances, and also to conquer the opposite sex. The sociability and self-confidence of representatives of this sign will provide them with the support of their environment and its favor.

Geminis love to make decisions and implement them alone, but the stars recommend that at the beginning of the year they still not neglect the opinions of those around them.

The best strategy would be to organize a group of like-minded people to solve problems together.

At the beginning of autumn, the fruitful work of Gemini may give way to apathy, and this is natural - a tired body will require rest. Gemini should listen to this need and allow themselves to take a break, the results of which will not take long to arrive - in just a few weeks, the surge of strength in Gemini will find a way out in vigorous activity.

Love horoscope for 2017 Gemini

In 2017, the opposite sex will simply be amazed by the charm of this sign. The horoscope promises Gemini irresistibility and huge success on the love front right up to September. You should definitely take advantage of such circumstances to organize your personal life and fulfill your cherished desires.

The first half of 2017 will provide Gemini with the opportunity to get a taste of life and enjoy its benefits. A comfortable and convenient environment with which Geminis can surround themselves will lead them to a peaceful and benevolent state in which they will make an irresistible impression on others. It is possible that the year of the Rooster will be able to present lonely Geminis with several tempting romantic offers at the same time, which will compete with each other in tempting.

For Gemini, who already loves and is loved, the first half of the year is very favorable for traveling together, setting up a home, getting married, or even conceiving a child. The stars recommend that Gemini organize the implementation of all plans before the onset of autumn, otherwise later fatigue may interfere with the implementation of their plans.

Career 2017 Gemini

The main recommendation for Gemini to achieve success in their work is to take thoughtful actions and follow accepted rules, regardless of the behavior of others. Short-term benefits with this approach may be missed, but in the long term this position will only be beneficial.

The first half of 2017 for Gemini will develop in such a way that their opinion will be taken into account by everyone - both employees and management. This is worth taking advantage of to actively implement your ideas, climb the career ladder and improve your financial situation. And for those Geminis who have long nurtured the idea of ​​opening their own business or running a project, there will be enough chances for the successful implementation of their plans. However, you should not forget about caution when handling money and do not let spending take its course to the detriment of your business. One way to avoid excessive generosity is to strictly comply with the business plan drawn up.

Finances in the Year of the Rooster Gemini

From the first months of 2017, a representative of this zodiac sign may be looking for opportunities to enrich himself through financial fraud and other types of fraud. A crooked path can bring Gemini to court, although this person’s forecast for the financial sector is good. Gemini himself also runs the risk of parting with money by making a mistake when investing money or acquiring a “pig in a poke.” The stars warn about the importance of saving money or investing it in renovating existing housing.

Health in the Year of the Rooster Gemini

The stars advise Gemini in the year of the Rooster to avoid large and noisy libations, where there is a risk of serious alcohol or food poisoning. Botulism will affect even very young Geminis, and therefore you should be extremely attentive to the products you eat. Separately, it is worth mentioning the travel of Gemini, because when visiting an exotic country, these individuals risk becoming infected with an unknown and very dangerous infection, which will threaten not only the health, but also the life of Gemini.

Horoscope 2017 Gemini man

Changes in the lives of men of the Gemini sign with the advent of the new year will begin from the first months. These men may have to leave their home for a while to try their luck abroad. The stars talk about the possibility of creative realization already in the first half of the year, for which Gemini needs to enlist the support of an influential person. But relationships with the fair sex will not work out, since Gemini first of all needs a secure life, and not feelings.

Horoscope 2017 Gemini woman

The indecisiveness of women of the Gemini sign will create many problems for them this year. First of all, you should sort out your personal life and choose a person for whom these women really have reverent feelings, since otherwise these Geminis may be left with nothing. In addition, Gemini also needs clarity and determination in their work, since without these qualities Gemini will not advance up the career ladder. Moreover, in the second half of the year, these women should restrain their anger and not throw words to the wind, since they will soon have to answer for them.

Horoscope for 2017 for zodiac-eastern signs:


For these individuals, the issue of accumulating funds throughout the year is very important, because in the fall this will allow them to find the housing that Gemini dreamed of. It is important to avoid large loans and borrowing funds.

Gemini Ox

Emotional worries about not having the best relationship with your significant other will distract this person from his responsibilities and affect his health. Perhaps it makes sense to go south with your partner and spend time alone.

Gemini Tiger

The plans of these individuals for 2017 will be hindered by poor health. Perhaps Gemini will need surgery, which should be agreed to in early spring. In the second half of the year, you need to think about starting your own business.


This year is very good for Gemini representatives to discover their creative talents, from which it is quite possible to earn good money. However, this person can only receive inspiration if he falls in love with all his soul.


The stars say that this person will be unusually successful in business from the beginning of the year and will be able to earn money even in gambling. The main thing is not to choose fraudulent ways to enrich yourself, which will lead to legal proceedings.


With the onset of this year, it is necessary to abandon all other matters and focus on starting a family, your wedding, and also having a child, for which the autumn months are most suitable. And Gemini, who are on the verge of divorce, will be able to save their marriage.

Gemini Horse

Such individuals of the Gemini sign will become real centers that will gather around them courageous and decisive people and lead them along the path of development and improvement. By the middle of the year, such individuals will be able to occupy an important management position.


The only thing these individuals will lack to be happy in 2017 is patience. It is impatience that will often become an obstacle to important achievements, and it is precisely this impatience that will not allow you to achieve reciprocity from the person Gemini likes.


The polygamy of these people and the irresistible attraction of these Geminis to the opposite sex risks leading to the fact that already in June everyone will start talking about Gemini’s infidelities and the other half will not give a chance to justify themselves or make amends.

Gemini Rooster

When doing heavy physical labor, these people should think about their health, because already at the end of winter, Geminis risk going to the hospital with overwork or pathologies of the bones and spine. There may well be a reason to think about changing your profession.


The passion with which such Geminis will take on any business in 2017 is worthy of praise. The main thing is not to overdo it and not harm your own health, since the best is the enemy of the good.


You should not treat colleagues with disdain, as well as people who are lower than you in position or rank. In the second half of the year, Gemini's position may change significantly and these people will regret what they have done.

Gemini (21.05 - 21.06)

2017 warns Gemini: this year everything will come to you in double size. Therefore, try to ensure that only good things come.

Moreover, the patron saint of 2017 is the Rooster. It will provide you with an excellent starting point.

Star portrait - Gemini horoscope 2017

Your planet: Mercury. This is the fastest planet in the solar system: it moves around the Sun almost twice as fast as old Earth. It’s no wonder that flighty and impatient Geminis can’t sit still either.
Your strengths: contact, sociability, quickness of thought, quick wits. There is no problem in the world from which you cannot immediately find a way out. There would be a desire.
Your shortcomings: the speech and actions of the “twins” are sometimes tinged with impatience and haste, as if you want to say and do everything at once. Don't waste your thoughts and words. Remember that they are priceless.
Your colors: gray or light purple, lemon yellow, sunny orange.
Your lucky numbers: 2, 5 and all numbers divisible by 5.

Business, career, money - Gemini horoscope 2017

Speaking in the strict language of astrologers, your personal beginning of the year looks like this: from February 19, the Sun moves into the house of career, which has long been ruled by Uranus, the planet of freedom. This means that business affairs will suddenly become the most important thing for you. And at the same time, it will push for global changes.

Do you feel like you have no strength to resist? And it is not necessary. The proposal to change the field of activity, which will be made in the period from February 19 to March 21, will most likely turn out to be extremely profitable and successful. Listen, weigh everything, ask for advice from a person you trust - and go for it!

April-May will bring the opportunity to earn good money (twice as much as usual) and make profitable business contacts (do not refuse business trips, business lunches and parties). However, you should not go on a spree and invest money in unreliable projects: serious financial difficulties are possible at the beginning of May.

In August - the first half of September, your career will slow down a little. This is due to your own behavior: during this period, Gemini can become aggressive, conflictual, prone to quarrels and even fights. Solution: take a vacation. Having let off emotional steam, roll up your sleeves again from October: until the end of 2017, the Rooster, like a train, will pull your career uphill.

Your best business partners: people born under the sign of Aries.

Personal life - Gemini horoscope 2017

The personal life of Gemini in 2017 will develop much more successfully than in the last three years: after all, in 2014 - 2016, the sector responsible for the personal front was occupied by conflicting planets that were not conducive to romance. Since February, truly global prospects have opened up on the love horizon.

Firstly, a lunar eclipse promises to connect the “twins” with some interesting character. At first he will seem like an enemy to you, but soon you will realize that this person can become your true friend and perhaps even your lover. Secondly, in July you will suddenly notice that absolutely everyone is fascinated by you. Try not to lose your head though. And thirdly, autumn will give you a whirlwind office romance. Perhaps not even one...

In general, astrologers assure that the best time for love is the end of 2017: Gemini is in for an amazing romantic fairy tale.

Your best partners on the personal front: thanks to their high emotional sensitivity, Geminis are able to get along with representatives of any of the zodiac signs. But still, until the age of 29.5, their best lovers are Libra and Aquarius. Up to 41.5 years - Aries and Taurus. After - Sagittarius.

Luck - Gemini horoscope 2017

The Rooster has only one piece of advice for you: the easier and more optimistic you are about the events of the coming year, the more generously Fate will give you luck. And the most lucky ones will be those Geminis who decide to spend the year traveling.

Business trips (short and long), excursions, vacations in distant countries - each trip will add bonuses to you both on the business and personal front. Well, in November-December, the Rooster promises to fulfill some long-cherished dream.

Health - Gemini horoscope 2017

The best day to visit the doctor is Wednesday. If you feel unwell, choose something stylish, not homemade. Color doesn't matter.

Geminis are healthy as long as they have life space and freedom of action. Emotional unrest and stress can unsettle them. When overexerted, the stomach and respiratory system suffer the most. Special gymnastics will help protect the latter.

Zodiac twins tend to hide the symptoms of the disease and work hard. Don’t forget to give your tired body a break.

Menu – Horoscope Gemini 2017

The stars are sure that Gemini does not have enough calcium in this life. Therefore, cabbage and dairy products should always be in Twins’ bins.

Another important substance in the life of Gemini is proteins. Their reserves can be replenished with lean meat, fish, eggs, cheese, nuts and soy. In addition, Gemini's work is often nervous. So that they don't end up having to grab their hearts, they need to lean on green peas, asparagus, beets, carrots, cauliflower, corn, celery, apricots, peaches, plums and pineapples.

Making money - Gemini horoscope 2017

Easy-going and cheerful Geminis are the favorites of fortune, so success awaits them in any activity that does not force the “twin” to turn into a beech dissatisfied with life. Geminis manage to realize themselves most fully (and most profitably) in creative professions that require constant creativity, change of impressions and communication with people: politician, artist, journalist, lawyer, teacher, DJs, advertising agent, secretary, public relations specialist...

Geminis also make amazingly successful businessmen, stock market players, casino regulars and all sorts of adventurers. Representatives of this sign are endowed with truly incredible quickness of mind and subtle intuition, which allows them to make decisions with lightning speed and correctly.

The secret of happiness - Gemini horoscope 2017

Geminis are so charming and irresistible that it is sometimes impossible not to fall in love with them. Therefore, representatives of this sign extremely rarely encounter the concept of “unhappy love”, but very often they do not know how to fight off many fans, much less choose their one and only one among them.

True, becoming the “half” of a Gemini is not only a reward, but also hard work: “twins” are quite demanding, flighty and capricious, and cannot live without a constant whirlpool of emotions (including flirting with strangers and quarrels). A restless adventurer can be “domesticated” only by constant demonstration of love and attention.

Attractiveness - Gemini horoscope 2017

These fidgets love to dress lightly, brightly and colorfully in any situation. But astrologers warn: Gemini, like no other sign, is influenced by their outfits. Therefore, if you want to succeed, still choose a wardrobe for a specific situation. Are you hungry for reciprocal love? Dress in a romantic dress, a light white shirt, and jeans. Do you want to make a serious impression on your business partners? Then please wear a formal business suit. However, you don’t have to give up on bright little things like a colored tie or an unusual necklace.

Pet - Gemini horoscope 2017

One can only envy the energy, lightness and enthusiasm of Gemini. Therefore, if your choice falls on such cheerful and gentle four-legged friends as a collie, sheltie or cocker spaniel, you will find a wonderful companion. A playful tabby or spotted cat is also perfect as a pet.

You will be able to read about Other Zodiac Signs on our website in the near future...

Under the auspices of the red-feathered Fire Rooster, 2017 will be very productive for Gemini. Family and relationships with others will come to the fore, where representatives of this sign will direct all their strength. Only after everything is smooth and harmonious in their personal life will they think about professional success. From the first days of this year, Gemini will initially choose their path and direction in which they will move and develop, and they will not go wrong if they choose the family and its well-being. The rooster is distinguished by its thriftiness, hard work, loyalty and cleanliness. It is these qualities that he will reward all people who were born under the zodiac sign Gemini. During this period, single representatives will have a very stormy and eventful personal life, and married Geminis will experience pleasant changes in their relationship with their chosen one, after which life together will take on a new, deeper meaning. As for the professional side of life, there will most likely be a certain calm. This year, Gemini should prepare the ground for future achievements and victories, finish all unfinished business in order to free themselves from everything that may hinder them in the future.

Love horoscope for 2017 Gemini

The owner of 2017 will endow Gemini with special charm and attractiveness, which will attract attention to them from representatives of the opposite sex. Already at the end of January, when the Rooster assumes his powers, Gemini will begin an active and very unpredictable personal life. Gemini's social circle will expand significantly and many fans will appear. Single representatives of this sign will feel a certain freedom and will gradually begin to increase their demands on a potential life partner. But here you need to be objective and soberly evaluate those around you. After all, as you know, anything can hide behind a beautiful shell. In order to make their choice correctly and avoid bitter mistakes, Gemini should wait a while with this matter, take a closer look, analyze, and get to know each other better. And there is no need to force things. Those Geminis who are in a relationship with a lover should be careful and attentive, since this year you will often experience emotional instability. You will become more vulnerable, sensual and touchy, so even an innocent prank or joke can make you angry, and you risk ruining your relationship with your loved one, and maybe even terminating it.

Horoscope for 2017 Gemini (family)

Since family will be a priority for representatives of this sign throughout 2017, no significant and significant problems can arise in this area. Geminis will make every effort to improve relationships with children, parents and their loved one, and will also create the most comfortable and cozy conditions for their living together. Geminis will dedicate all their achievements and victories to their family members, even forgetting about themselves for a while. Such dedication and selflessness will guide representatives of this sign throughout the entire period. Relationships within the family nest will pleasantly please Gemini, fill them with strength and energy, and also inspire them to achieve achievements in other areas of life. Betting on the family and its well-being, Gemini is initially confident of their victory, since only the presence of a reliable and strong rear that will always insure and protect can guarantee success. Gemini will begin to spend more time with children and not just for the sake of it, but with a sincere interest in their success and development. They will also begin to call and visit their parents, brothers and sisters more often, establishing warm family relationships.

Horoscope for 2017 Gemini (business)

In 2017, Geminis will be more concerned about family matters than issues of career and material well-being, so they will devote a minimum of their time and attention to work. But this does not mean at all that they will skip work, behave irresponsibly and ignore all the wishes of their boss. Not at all. Geminis will become more productive in their work, since they almost always come to work in a great mood, which they recharge at home, among their family and loved ones. They are efficient, attentive, responsible and hardworking, so there will be no complaints about their work from their superiors. But after work, Geminis will not work either. They firmly believe that they have done their job, and their time outside of class is entirely theirs. Such a position can provoke a wave of indignation among envious employees who are only dreaming and seeing how they will climb to the very top of the career ladder at the expense of their careless colleagues.

Horoscope for 2017 Gemini (finance)

Although mercantile interests and a thirst for enrichment are not about Gemini, in our world it is difficult to do without money, with which representatives of this sign have had a strained and difficult relationship since the very beginning of 2017. Therefore, Gemini will need to take a little break from their idealism and do something to improve their financial situation. The Rooster loves diligent people, so if you really work hard in this direction, your financial situation will improve and stabilize. We are not talking about a shortage of funds; Gemini will always have money, but there are also items of expenditure that are not planned in advance. For example, buying new equipment, an expensive gift for a loved one, unexpected and unplanned trips, and the like. And sometimes you want to pamper yourself, update your wardrobe, visit a beauty salon or buy a gym membership. All this costs money, and a regular salary may not be enough. Therefore, Gemini needs to be creative and find one or more sources of income. All searches will be crowned with success. Your family and friends will help you with this.

Horoscope for 2017 Gemini (health)

If Gemini continues to ignore the state of their health, then in 2017 the Rooster will face more serious problems than coughs and colds. Therefore, you should not neglect your health and try to be examined by specialists regularly, at least twice a year. In the daily bustle, Gemini completely forgot about themselves, so their diet began to resemble meager scraps from the master's table. You need to take your nutrition more seriously. Don’t forget to eat, and food should be balanced. In spring, twins may experience slight malaise and drowsiness, which indicates hypovitaminosis. Eat fruits, drink juices, and you can even buy vitamin and mineral complexes and take them regularly. This will normalize and replenish the missing microelements in your body and strengthen the immune system. If you are a victim of sedentary work, you definitely need to take a walk in the fresh air. The more often the better. Walk to work in the morning and back from work in the evening. And don’t have lunch at the office, but go to the nearest cafe. Only an active lifestyle and positive emotions will strengthen your physical and mental health.

Attention, the above horoscope for 2017 for the Red Rooster describes only the general trends inherent in the owners of the zodiac sign Gemini in the new year 2017. Due to your uniqueness, the general horoscope for 2017 for the sign of Gemini may not reflect real events. An accurate astrological prediction can only be obtained by drawing up a personal horoscope for the upcoming 2017. You can get an accurate personal horoscope by clicking on the link below.

Accurate personal horoscope for 2017 for the Rooster sign for Gemini:

The coming 2017, especially the first half, will be very successful for Gemini. A wonderful opportunity will arise to strengthen your financial situation. New necessary and useful acquaintances will appear. This year will also be very favorable for communicating with the opposite sex. Thanks to their sociability and self-confidence, representatives of this zodiac sign will be able to secure the support of others and their favor.

Geminis are used to making decisions on their own and then implementing them, but in the new year it is worth paying attention to the opinions of others. At the beginning of the year, work will be very beneficial, but closer to autumn, all this may give way to apathy, as the body will get tired and will need rest. You need to think about this and rest for a couple of weeks in order to actively start working again with fresh energy.

Career for Gemini 2017

Career for those born under this zodiac sign will take a secondary place. You should not expect any success in the professional field. Also, Gemini will not see career growth in 2017, but this will not be a reason for frustration. It will be very favorable for preparing for a career leap next year. During this year in the professional field, you need to consolidate your position in your career and gain even more experience.

Old contacts and many connections that have already been developed over the entire period of work will come to help. If suddenly during the year a conflict situation arises at work, then sudden help will come from the necessary person, he will be able to solve this problem. It is quite possible that even your relatives will help you with your career problems. These can be not only close people, but also distant relatives who are far from your professional activities.

For those Geminis who are engaged in business, monetary support may come from relatives. Also, loved ones can suggest interesting common projects. The first half of the year will be very successful; both colleagues and superiors will listen to your point of view. This will have a positive effect on your advancement up the professional ladder and improve your financial situation.

This year will also be favorable for those Geminis who wanted, but were afraid to open their own business. The year will be successful for realizing your plans, but you must remember to be careful. You need to strictly adhere to the developed business plan. In the second part of the year, it is not recommended to take on large projects. During this period, it is necessary to strengthen the peaks already achieved.

Gemini and love

For Gemini, love relationships will be very stormy and dynamic. Intimate life will become more interesting and very rich. This year will be emotionally unstable for those born under this zodiac sign. The mood will be changeable, emotional outbursts are very possible, even for those who are on excellent terms with their other half. Such mood swings can lead to very big quarrels or, conversely, to good evenings with your loved one.

For Gemini, 2017 promises a large number of romantic surprises. It is likely that your significant other will spoil you with sudden and sweet gifts, even if she was not inclined to things of this kind. Be more relaxed about attention from a loved one. Accept all gifts from your loved ones with gratitude. This year will bring changes even for those Geminis who have been in family relationships for a long time.

Many people born under this zodiac sign may be drawn to adventures away from home, but think about it, do you need this? It is very possible that after a couple of days you may regret your short-term hobbies. This especially applies to men. For women of this zodiac sign there will also be a great temptation to stay away from their hearth. In this situation, women need to put care of home comfort first. This year in love will be nervous for Gemini. There will be a period of quarrels, which will gradually change to a peaceful lull.

In 2017, Gemini should pay attention to children, although they will not demand your participation in their affairs, but it is worth giving them your attention. There is a very high probability that children will be concerned about various issues, help them with this. Perhaps the child will hide his problems, and this will require intervention from the parents. If you yourself discover any problems, or your child tells you about them, accept this with understanding. Support your child, this will improve your relationship with him.

Many people will want to make repairs or make their home more comfortable in the second half of the year. This time will be favorable for business affairs, and all undertakings will be successful. During this period, you can get down to business without fear, all the results will be good. This year will also be good for home shopping. You will be able to find not only the things you need for your home, but also purchase very good quality goods for a minimal amount.


In 2017, Geminis should attend less noisy parties where there will be a lot of alcohol, as there is a high risk of poisoning. There will also be stomach problems. All Geminis, young and old, need to carefully monitor the foods they eat. It is necessary to exclude unhealthy foods: fast foods, fatty meats, alcohol, flour. Treat your body with fresh fruits and vegetables. Take care of proper nutrition, it will help keep you healthy for many years.

Geminis should also refrain from visiting exotic countries, as there is a high probability of contracting an unknown infectious disease, which may be harmful to health. Also, all representatives of this zodiac sign need to pay attention to all chronic illnesses, they can worsen. The best option is to prevent the disease. If it does not help, you should urgently consult a doctor. This year will also be positive for cleansing the body; healthy diets will be useful. If you are planning any cosmetic procedures, then this year will be successful for them.

Since this year will be very emotional for Gemini, it is worth taking care of your health. Various phytoprocedures are suitable for this. Choose those herbs that will tone your entire body. A hot bath with essential oils will also be beneficial for your health. For example, a bath with lavender oil will help you calm down and relax after a working day.

For Gemini men

For many men of this zodiac sign, changes will begin to occur from the very first months. There will be an opportunity to go to seek happiness abroad, and creative Geminis will be able to realize themselves. But in relationships with the female sex, everything will not go so smoothly, because for Gemini men, their career comes first, and feelings are put off until later.

For Gemini women

For women, 2017 will be a year of decision-making. They need to sort out their feelings and decide who they feel for. Lonely Geminis in 2017 will be able to be alone and find inner harmony in order to enter into a new relationship with a clear consciousness.

Gemini women need to be firm in their work. This will be required to move up the professional ladder. In the second half of the year, it is necessary to restrain anger and watch your words, without throwing them to the wind.

Eastern horoscope

Gemini Rat(born 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008)

Throughout the year, Gemini Rats will accumulate funds, since in the fall there will be an opportunity to purchase living space. It is also worth noting that large loans must be avoided for this eastern sign.

Gemini Ox(1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009)

It is advisable for Oxen to go south with their significant other to spend time alone. Since it is possible that misunderstandings and scandals will arise with your loved one at home, which can affect your health.

Tiger Gemini(1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010)

Geminis born in the year of the Tiger should pay attention to their health. They may need surgery, which should preferably be done in the spring. The second half of the year will be favorable for those who decide to open their own business.

Rabbit Gemini(1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011)

Many Geminis will discover their creative talents in 2017. Moreover, there will be an opportunity to earn good money from this. Creative inspiration will come to such people if they fall in love.

Dragon Gemini(1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012)

This will be the most favorable and unusually lucky year in business. It will be possible to earn money even from gambling, but you should not enrich yourself through fraud - this can lead to legal proceedings.

Snake Gemini (1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)

This year, Snakes need to put everything on the backburner and start starting a family. This time will also be favorable for the birth of a baby. Many Geminis who find themselves facing divorce will be able to save their marriage.

Gemini Horse(1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)

These individuals will be in the very center of attention, they will be able to gather brave and radical people around them and lead them along. In the second half of the year they will be able to take management positions.

Goat Gemini(1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015)

These people will not have enough patience to be happy. Because of impatience, you may not catch luck by the tail, and it will also be an obstacle in your relationship with your lover.

Monkey Gemini(1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004)

Gemini Monkeys will be supportive of the opposite sex, which can subsequently lead to the fact that everyone around them will know about this, including their significant other, who will not leave a single chance for justification.

Rooster-Gemini(1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005)

Roosters should think about their health in 2017. When doing hard work, it is possible to end up in the hospital at the end of the year with overwork or pathology. Such people need to think about their health or change their specialty.

Gemini Dogs(1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006)

These Geminis will be able to handle every task they take on. Everything they do will work out. But there is no need to overwork so as not to harm your health.

Gemini Pig(1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007)

Don't look down on colleagues who are below you on the career ladder. Since in the second half of the year everything can change, and you will very much regret your behavior.
